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ZDM – Mathematics Education (2021) 53:695–707


Multivariable calculus results in different countries

Rafael Martínez‑Planell1   · Maria Trigueros2

Accepted: 27 January 2021 / Published online: 7 February 2021

© FIZ Karlsruhe 2021

In this paper we present the results of a survey of research studies on the learning of multivariable calculus in a wide geo-
graphic spectrum. The goal of this study is to describe what research results tell us about students’ learning of calculus of
two-variable functions, and how they inform its teaching. In spite of the diversity of cultures and theoretical approaches,
results obtained are coherent and similar in terms of students’ learning, and of teaching strategies designed to help students
understand two-variable calculus deeply. Results show the need to introduce students to the geometry of three-dimensional
space and vectors, the importance of the use of graphics and geometrical representations, and of thorough work on func-
tions before introducing other calculus topics. The reviewed research deals in different ways with the idea of generalization
concerning how students’ knowledge of one-variable calculus influences their understanding of multivariable calculus. Some
research-based teaching strategies that have been experimentally tested with good results are included. Results discussed
include the following: basic aspects of functions of two variables, limits, differential calculus, and integral calculus. The
survey shows that there is still a need for research using different theoretical perspectives, on the transition from one-variable
calculus to two-variable and multivariable calculus.

Keywords  Multivariable calculus · Functions of two variables · Differential calculus · Integral calculus

1 Introduction itself. He insisted on the importance of a geometric interpre-

tation of planes in three-dimensional (3D) space for students
Research on the teaching and learning of one-variable cal- to understand the differential calculus of functions in space.
culus has received much attention in mathematics education Yerushalmy (1997) described the generalization of the
research. Multivariable and other types of functions have notion of real variable function to a two-variable function
received less attention although they prevail in real word by seventh grade students who worked on a modelling situ-
phenomena and are needed in a wide range of engineering ation requiring these functions and their rate of change. Her
and social sciences applications. As multivariable calculus results addressed issues such as how to establish depend-
offers tools to understand such phenomena, it is indispensa- ency relations in problem situations involving three chang-
ble in the study of many disciplines. What is known about ing quantities, how to produce graphical representations of
this topic? functions of two variables and how to generalize tabular
The earliest papers we found that deal directly with mul- representations. She concluded that relations between geo-
tivariable functions were by Tall (1992a) and Yerushalmy metrical and algebraic representations of two-variable func-
(1997). Tall discussed the benefits of introducing a geomet- tions play a central role in generalization. These two early
ric interpretation of the total differential of two-variable papers influenced later developments.
functions without problematizing the notion of function These studies and others related indirectly to multivari-
able functions, have stressed the need to include spatial
geometry and spatial reasoning through school curricula,
* Rafael Martínez‑Planell and a more comprehensive study of vectors in high school,
in order to ease the transition to university calculus. How-
University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, ever, although the understanding of space geometry and
Puerto Rico spatial reasoning is important for development and action
Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México, Mexico City, in the world, as of 2006 they had received little attention


696 R. Martínez‑Planell, M. Trigueros

in high school curricula and in research (NRC 2006). The The authors of this paper read and summarized all the
importance of these topics has since begun to be recog- collected materials described above. Summaries were first
nized by researchers. Results have shown that high school discussed in terms of the papers’ contribution to mathemat-
and university students evidence difficulties in constructing ics education research. This led to the exclusion of some
justifications and arguments when 3D figures and their prop- papers whose contribution was not considered to be suffi-
erties are involved, and that they frequently show confusion cient in this regard, or that were judged not to address didac-
between surface area and volume and struggle with partition tical research. We decided not to include references to arti-
and iteration of 3D objects (e.g., Newcombe, 2010; Sandoval cles published in conference proceedings, in order to make
& Possani 2016). Studies including the use of technology sure that the results reported had been rigorously reviewed,
report that digital simulations of 3D environments can help and that conclusions obtained throughout the entire review
students to identify and differentiate between 3D objects, were reliable. We also excluded papers describing teach-
their properties, and their representations, but are insuffi- ing experiences or the use of specific software or other
cient in helping them to reason about them (e.g., Pittalis and technology that may be interesting, but in which results
Christou 2010). obtained were not analyzed in depth, and PhD theses that
In the last fifteen years research on students’ learning of had already been published in papers that complied with the
two-variable functions has received the attention of several selection criteria. The literature found was then organized
researchers around the globe. Presenting a critical survey on and classified according to the calculus topic studied. The
the results obtained from research on two-variable functions categories that emerged coincide with the sections of this
and multivariable calculus can be helpful to high school and paper, namely, basic aspects of functions of two variables,
university calculus teachers and also to mathematics educa- multivariable limits, multivariable differential calculus,
tion researchers, not only to promote the consideration of and multivariable integral calculus. Further subdivision of
fundamental geometrical and algebraic aspects that should these categories was done by topic when it helped clarify the
be discussed earlier in students’ education, but also to make exposition. We then excluded a few papers that dealt with
teachers aware of students’ needs when they study more topics for which there were only one or two publications.
advanced calculus courses. We ended up with 51 papers that complied with the crite-
In this paper we analyze results obtained so far and offer ria. All these papers are included in the reference section.
readers a state of the art account of literature about teaching For each paper selected within a topic, main characteristics
and learning of multivariable calculus. Researchers can find such as theoretical framework and methodological approach,
in this paper a useful guide to select topics needing attention main results and contributions, were discussed and negoti-
or that can be studied from other perspectives. Results may ated by the authors of this paper based on their importance
also be of interest to teachers who can reflect on didactic and pertinence. Then papers were organized and compared
strategies suggested or design their own. in terms of their findings related to the teaching and learn-
ing of different two-variable calculus topics at university
level. Findings obtained were finally organized in the results
section by topic, considering our interest to give readers a
2 Method useful perspective on knowledge on the teaching and learn-
ing of two-variable functions, and according to our inter-
We conducted a rigorous and actualized literature review on est in responding to the following two questions: what does
the learning and teaching of multivariable calculus, particu- research say about students’ learning of two or more variable
larly of two-variable functions. To do so we systematically functions and their calculus? Based on their results, what are
consulted the databases Mathematics Education Database, researchers’ suggestions about teaching multivariable func-
Science Direct, SCOPUS, OJS, JSTOR; we focused on all tions and their calculus with meaning? We aim to present a
results published in the main international mathematics edu- panorama of what is known so far about students’ learning
cation research journals, in research books, and doctoral the- of multivariable calculus and what teachers can do to make
ses published in English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese their experience richer.
from 1980 to 2020, while also considering the references
cited in each of these works. We are aware that there can
be research studies in other languages such as German or 3 Research on basic aspects of functions
Italian, among others, that we do not understand; however, of two variables
we did search for references in different languages in those
papers we reviewed and did not find any other studies rel- Knowledge about two-variable functions is constructed
evant to multivariable calculus. At the end of this process, on previous notions of one-variable functions. Generally,
we had identified 135 papers. research results about the learning of two-variable functions

Multivariable calculus results in different countries 697

are contrary to the common teachers’ belief that it is a seam- substitution of values, for example x = c , as resulting in
less generalization of previously learned calculus concepts. curves placed at the successive appropriate locations.
Evidence shows instead the many complexities involved Fundamental planes may also be used to graph cylinders
when introducing students to this new type of functions. (surfaces in 3D space described by an equation involving
only two variables), leading to coherence of a surface graph-
3.1 Students understanding of three‑dimensional ing schema and to further understanding of fundamental
space and two‑variable functions planes, as this idea is used throughout multivariable calcu-
lus, beyond the graphing of functions. Indeed, in a second
Research shows different ways to proceed when using knowl- cycle of research, Martínez-Planell and Trigueros (2013)
edge on one-variable functions to introduce two-variable found that students tended to draw the intersection of the
functions. One approach considers that in order to examine cylinder z = x2 with the fundamental plane y = 1 on the XZ
the global behavior of a given two-variable function, one plane rather than on the plane y = 1 . However, as shown by
may keep one of the variables fixed, examine the resulting Martínez-Planell and Trigueros (2019) in a third research
one-variable function, and then repeat this procedure let- cycle, after using specifically designed activity sets, students
ting the previously fixed variable change. Geometrically, this were able to think of fundamental planes as 2D geometric
is equivalent to looking at the intersection of fundamental contexts within 3D space, which helped them in drawing
planes (these are planes of the form x = c, y = c, or z = c) graphs of surfaces.
with a surface and then, while changing the constant c, con- Results discussed so far suggest the need to help students
sidering the intersection of parallel planes with the surface construct an ­R3 schema with fundamental planes as objects,
representing the function. In this approach, fundamental and processes enabling them to decide on the appropriate
planes enable the generalization from one-variable to two- geometric context (1D, 2D, or 3D, including 1D or 2D con-
variable functions. Trigueros and Martínez-Planell (2010) texts within 3D—as in the case of lines and fundamental
underscored fundamental planes in a study conducted in planes in space) to interpret an open statement (equation in
México and Puerto Rico. When analyzing conceptions about several variables).
two-variable functions manifested by 13 students who had Trigueros and Martínez-Planell (2010) also highlighted
finished a multivariable course in Mexico or Puerto Rico, the need to help students make conversions between ver-
they found that some of them had not conceptualized their bal and geometric representation (Duval 2006), since some
experiential 3D space, where they live and move, as a 3D commonly used expressions related to movement, such as
coordinate system, and, consequently, had difficulties with ‘cut the surface with a plane’ and ‘lift the curve’, may elicit
locating curves in their corresponding fundamental planes in students a different meaning than that intended by the
in 3D space. When presented with expressions such as x = 4 instructor. Şefik and Dost (2020) found the same result in
in a 3D context, some students considered it as a number a replication of the Trigueros and Martínez-Planell (2010)
to be used in a procedure or as a point, but not as a plane study in Turkey. These results can be related to spatial rea-
where variables y and z are free to vary. That is, they did soning abilities, communication and mathematical represen-
not think of y and z as unnamed variables in a presumed 3D tation skills in 3D space. Teachers expect students to have
context. Indeed, some of them did not show awareness of constructed these skills through their everyday experience,
what a fundamental plane could mean in the experiential but research results show this is not always the case. It is
world and could not represent them using a physical manipu- thus desirable to help students to imagine surfaces and inter-
lative for 3D coordinate space, as described by McGee et al. sections while explicitly constructing the meaning of com-
(2012). Trigueros and Martínez-Planell (2010) also observed mon language related to transformations of objects in space.
students’ tendency to consider that substitution of a value Other researchers considered different strategies based on
for a variable in z = f (x, y) (for example, substituting c for generalization of one-variable function ideas. Kabael (2011),
x) results in a curve located on the coordinate plane cor- in Turkey, used the ‘function machine’ as a cognitive root,
responding to the two variables that are left (in this case, y together with attention to conversions between represen-
and z), instead of a curve that by necessity must lie on the tations, to help students generalize their understanding of
corresponding fundamental plane (as soon as one substi- one-variable functions to the 3D context. Her observations
tutes c for x, the context reduces to that of the fundamental suggest that this approach helped students think of two-var-
plane x = c , so the curve is located there). In other words, iable functions as a generalized input–output process, which
students tend to confuse a transversal section with its pro- is independent of representation. As observed by Oehrt-
jection on the corresponding coordinate plane. This has an man, Carlson and Thompson (2008) in the USA, these are
effect when students are to graph a function of two-variables some characteristic of a process conception of two-variable
z = f (x, y) , since they must be able to imagine the successive functions, together with dynamic imagery resulting from


698 R. Martínez‑Planell, M. Trigueros

covariational thinking. Oehrtman et al. went on to suggest notation to successfully generalize univalence and the verti-
how students may consider graphs of two-variable functions. cal line test. She found that students experience confusion
Expanding on these ideas, Weber and Thompson (2014) as to the role of y in f (x, y) , which was also observed by
in the USA studied how students’ understandings of graphs Martínez-Planell and Trigueros (2012), resulting in difficul-
of one-variable functions influenced their generalization to ties, for example in identifying whether a multivariable situ-
graphs of two-variable functions, and the role that covari- ation represents a function and finding its domain and range.
ational reasoning may play in this generalization. Consid- In all these research studies and others conducted in
ering two-variable functions, Weber and Thompson pro- Malaysia and Iran (Kashefi et al. 2010, 2012, 2013) and
posed a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) based on in Ethiopia (Gemechu et al. 2018), authors found that the
covariational reasoning, to help students imagine the graph learning of two-variable functions was characterized by new
as the result of thinking of different variables (x, y, z) as challenges that included the following: an expanded range
parameters that may be used to sweep out a curve along the of possible contexts in which to interpret algebraic equa-
axis perpendicular to the corresponding coordinate plane. tions, visualization of mathematical objects in 3D, relating
Although using a different theoretical framework, their students’ 3D schemas to their experiential reality, and the
strategy is related to the work by Trigueros and Martínez- reinterpretation of one-variable function ideas in the two-
Planell (2010) as it requires dynamic imagery of how curves variable case. It is noticeable that although different theoreti-
in space, obtained by setting a variable equal to a constant, cal frameworks were used in these studies, similar results
change as the constant changes, or equivalently, the intersec- and challenges involved in the learning of functions of two
tion curves change as the fundamental plane in which they variables were found.
live moves.
Several authors analyzed students’ generalization of the 3.2 Teaching suggestions
notions of domain and range from the one-variable to the
two-variable function context. Kabael (2011) found that Most of the papers reviewed included suggestions for teach-
some students considered that the domain of a two-variable ing two-variable functions, mostly at university level, but
function consisted of ordered triples, which suggests that the they can also be taken into account when teaching functions
domain of a two-variable function and its representation in in high school. Examples of suggestions include the value
­R3 needs specific attention. Martínez-Planell and Trigueros of using the function machine (Kabael 2011) and the need
(2012) found similar results when studying students’ general to clarify the meaning of variables in y = f (x) and z = f (x, y)
notion of function. They also found that even successful stu- (Martínez-Planell et al 2015; Dorko 2017) instead of assum-
dents sometimes were not aware of uniqueness of functional ing that students recognize the different use of the term ‘ver-
value and the arbitrary nature of a functional assignment for tical’ and ‘horizontal’ in 2D and 3D. The consistent use
two-variable functions. Also, when facing functions with of an embodied language (move to the front-back instead
domain defined symbolically as restricted to a specific sub- of x increases-decreases, right-left instead of y increases-
set of the XY plane, some students needed help to graphi- decreases, up-down, instead of z increases-decreases) helped
cally represent the domain, or in deciding how to consider with language related issues.
the restriction when finding the range. However, students Weber and Thompson’s (2014) HLT is a teaching sug-
in Şefik and Dost’s (2020) study did not show the same dif- gestion aiming to promote the dynamic imagery needed
ficulty with restricted domains. by students to construct a process conception of graphs of
Dorko and Weber (2014) studied students’ meaning for two-variable functions. Together with Kabael (2011) and
domain and range of one-variable functions and how they Şefik and Dost (2020), they noted the importance of teach-
generalized it to two-variable functions. They found that ing the reversibility of processes, going from a graph to a
students’ thinking about domain and range of both types possible equation and vice versa, to help students develop
of functions could be classified as input/output, independ- a process conception of two-variable function, while Dorko
ence/dependence, and/or as attached to specific variables and Weber (2014) suggested complementing explicit atten-
(x is domain, y is range). Also, for the most part, the clas- tion to domain and range with a focus on covariation for one
sification of students’ meanings for domain and range did and two-variable functions.
not change from the one-variable to the two-variable func- The studies by Trigueros and Martínez-Planell (2010)
tion situation. They concluded that as domain and range are and Martínez-Planell and Trigueros (2012), were followed
neglected in many textbooks, they require explicit attention by a second research cycle (Martínez-Planell and Trigueros
during instruction. 2013), which unveiled further specific constructions where
Dorko (2017) studied uniqueness of functional value and students needed help. An example of this aspect is the need
the generalization of the vertical line test. She observed that for explicit discussion of free variables in the different con-
some students can leverage their understanding of function texts in which they appear, in particular, in construction of

Multivariable calculus results in different countries 699

a process for intersecting fundamental planes with surfaces. to ease geometric interpretation (e.g., McGee et al. 2012;
Authors found that students’ actions were different when Wangberg and Johnson 2013).
the free variable was explicit in the given algebraic state-
ment, as for instance, when substituting x = 0 in z = xsiny
(for any y value, z = 0 ) than when they were not explicit 4 Multivariable limits
(as in z = x2 ). It was found that when graphing cylinders in
3D (as in z = x2 ), students tended to use memorized proce- 4.1 Research on limits of functions of two variables
dures different from those used to graph functions of two
variables, and did not relate their procedures to the intersec- Research on the learning of limits of multivariable functions
tion of fundamental planes (for any y value, or as you move is scarce. Fisher (2008), in the USA, analyzed how students
right-left, z = x2 holds true). Other observations included who held a dynamic mental image of limit of one-variable
the following: the fact that the construction of a process for function generalized it to limits of two-variable functions
graphing functions of two variables requires the recognition and the different conceptualizations of multivariable limits
of transformations of a one-variable function or families of they showed. Inspired by the study of Williams (1991) on
plane curves needed for sweeping out a transversal section one-variable function limits, he found that most students
along a perpendicular axis, as in Weber and Thompson’s developed dynamic (based on motion along paths and chang-
HLT (2014); the fact that familiar algebraic expressions can ing function values) and topographical (based on the shape
act as obstacles when graphing functions of two variables of a two-variable function graph) personal models for limit,
(e.g., considering z = x2 to be a parabola, regardless of the and that there was little evidence of the use of the neigh-
context); students’ tendency to try to graph the entire surface borhood model (based on closeness; consistent with the
in order to obtain specifically requested transversal sections, ɛ-δ definition of limit) necessary to understand the formal
where knowing the graph of the surface is not necessary and definition.
only its equation is needed to graph its intersection with a Alves (2011), made use of a computer algebra system
fundamental plane; and the potential usefulness, for some (CAS) to consider limits and continuity as part of a more
students and during instruction, of performing point by point encompassing study in Brazil. He explored the role of graph-
evaluations, particularly in situations involving free vari- ical imagery in students’ understanding of limits and conti-
ables. All the above observations imply suggestions for the nuity and found that visualization opportunities afforded by
design of activities and for teaching, particularly regarding the CAS fostered student argumentation, promoting mani-
free variables. festations of intuitive reasoning.
A third research cycle (Martínez-Planell and Trigueros While Fisher and Alves explored students’ mental images
2019) showed that most students who used a set of spe- of limits, Mamona-Downs and Megalou (2013) in Greece,
cially designed activities with the pedagogical strategy of studied their formal understanding. They analyzed math-
collaborative group work on activities, class discussion, and ematics students’ understanding of four possible formal
exercises (also used in the previous research cycles), dem- statements for limit of a two-variable function: the standard
onstrated the construction of a process conception of two- ɛ-δ definition in terms of disk and square neighborhoods,
variable functions, while those in sections where teaching and non-equivalent conditions based on radial limits and
was lecture-based responded in ways similar to those found limits along lines. Their results showed that most of the four
in the studies described above. Reference to the specific interviewed students did not relate the neighborhood with
activity sets is given in that publication. the directional approach definitions, tended to use proce-
The different studies on multivariable functions show the dural strategies, and manifested some of the misconceptions
importance of helping students distinguish between an open described in the literature on one-variable function limits.
statement (an equation in several variables) and the context They also observed that, when working with limits, students
of the statement (1D, 2D, 3D, or even 1D or 2D within 3D). did not attempt to use graphical imagery involving surfaces.
A solution set for an equation depends on what is presumed This led them to suggest that students’ graphical interpre-
to be the context. While the open statement is there for any- tations of limits, as in the topographical model of Fisher
one to see, the context depends on the problem situation and (2008), or Alves (2011), should be explored. Continuing
must be decided by the student.1 with the same research approach, Megalou (2018), unlike
The increased interest in the teaching of two-variable has Fisher (2008), found that students’ use of contour curves
spurred the development of different manipulatives designed did not seem to help them reason about the neighborhoods
approach to limits in the usual ɛ-δ definition. It seems to
us Fisher’s use of computer-generated color-coded contour
  The authors thank a referee for suggesting notions of ‘open state- diagrams motivated students to think of functions’ behavior
ment’ and ‘presumed context’. in neighborhoods of a given point, while Megalou’s proposal


700 R. Martínez‑Planell, M. Trigueros

of drawing contour curves by hand focused students’ atten-

tion on individual curves and values.

4.2 Teaching suggestions

One suggestion shared in all the above studies is the use of

graphing technology to help students explore limits and con-
tinuity of two-variable functions. Fisher (2008) suggested
that contour diagrams can help students think in terms of
a function having close values in neighborhoods of a given
point, an idea which can lead to a formal ɛ-δ definition of
limit. Mamona-Downs and Megalou (2013) offered their
method of having students compare different formal state-
ments about limits as a way of fostering student reflection
and discussion, while Alves (2011) proposed the graphical Fig. 1  Tall’s model
exploration of functions to help students construct conjec-
tures about limits and continuity.

5 Research on multivariable differential


Much of the research we found on this topic is based on

the ‘locally straight’ approach of Tall (1992a), while some
is based on finding ways to generalize student understand-
ings of the one-variable function case, as in studies by
Yerushalmy (1997). Research studies performed by the
physics education community and others focusing on opti-
mization, were also included in this discussion.
Fig. 2  Vertical change on a plane Δz = mx Δx + my Δy
5.1 A foundational idea: local straightness

The idea of ‘local straightness’ was proposed as a founda- as dz = (dzx/dx)dx + (dz y/dy)dy, where dz x is the vertical
tion upon which to build an approach to one-variable cal- change on the tangent plane corresponding to a horizontal
culus (Tall, 1992b) that exploits the capability of computer change dx (leaving y fixed) and similarly for dzy. He con-
technology to zoom in for the purpose of magnifying the sidered that as the partials appear as quotients of lengths,
region around any given point of a curve to uncover its local which may be cancelled, the second expression would be
straightness, and which provides an embodied approach more meaningful than the first, where the use of the sym-
where the ambiguities of the Leibniz notation may be elim- bol ∂z in the terms (∂z/∂x) and (∂z/∂y) mean two different
inated by interpreting dy and dx as quantities that may be things.
cancelled. Local straightness may also be used to introduce Based on Tall’s (1992a) idea, Martínez-Planell et  al.
the derivative function, while stressing rate of change as a (2015) used the idea of vertical change on a plane to pro-
conceptual support (Weber et al. 2012). These approaches pose a coherent model of mental constructions students may
to the teaching of one-variable calculus are based on the fact use to understand main notions of the differential calculus
that differentiable one-variable functions are approximated of two-variable functions. Changing notation, the vertical
locally by straight lines. Since differentiable two-variable change Δz on a plane from an initial base point (a, b, c) to a
functions are approximated locally by planes, it is not sur- final generic point (x, y, z) is the sum of the vertical changes
prising that local straightness can play a role as a cognitive in the x and y directions, Δzx + Δzy as one moves from the
approach to two-variable functions. initial to the final point (Fig. 2). But each one of these verti-
Tall (1992a) extended the idea of local straightness to cal changes can be expressed in terms of slope: Δzx is the
multivariable differential calculus. He proposed a geomet- slope in the x direction times the horizontal change in the
ric model (Fig. 1) to visualize and write the total differen- x direction, Δzx = mx Δx and similarly Δzy = my Δy . So that
tial of a two-variable function dz = (∂z/∂x)dx + (∂z/∂y)dy Δz = mx Δx + my Δy.

Multivariable calculus results in different countries 701

the x and y directions, to give meaning to important concepts

in the differential calculus. They found that some students
needed help to recognize that in a plane the slopes in the x
and y directions are independent of base point, and to coor-
dinate processes of vertical change in the x and y directions,
Δzx and Δzy to construct a process of vertical change on a
plane Δz = Δzx + Δzy.

5.3 Partial and directional derivatives

fx (a,b)u+fy (a,b)v The notion of slope of a line in 3D space was explored with
Fig. 3  D⟨u,v⟩ f (a, b) = ‖⟨u,v⟩‖ secondary mathematics education graduate students in the
USA by Moore-Russo et al. (2011). They found that students
showed difficulties arguing that slope could be negative and
did not recognize that it should be directed. In another exper-
imental study, McGee and Moore-Russo (2015) reported
that students who explicitly considered slopes in 3D before
discussing derivatives of two-variable functions evidenced
a better understanding of ideas of the differential multivari-
able calculus than students who did not explicitly consider
such slopes.
In another study, Weber (2012, 2015) in the USA, used
the results obtained from a teaching experiment to propose
a framework, based on the importance of quantitative and
covariational thinking, to characterize students’ thinking
Fig. 4  Vertical change on the tangent plane and the total differential
about rate of change in space. He considered how students
may generalize their understanding of rate of change of func-
From this model, Martínez-Planell et al. (2015) conjec- tions of one variable to develop a notion of ‘rate of change’
tured mental constructions that students may undertake to for two-variable functions (directional derivative). His find-
understand the point-slopes equation of a plane: ings showed that students realized that in the case of two-
z − c = mx (x − a) + my (y − b)   , t h e t a n ge n t p l a n e : 2 variable functions there are rates of change both in the x
z − f (a, b) = fx (a, b)(x − a) + fy (a, b)(y − b) , the directional and y directions, but expected that there should be a single
d e r i va t i ve i n d i r e c t i o n o f a ve c t o r ⟨u, v⟩  : ‘rate of change’ for these functions at a given point, the ‘two
f (a,b)u+fy (a,b)v
D⟨u,v⟩ f (a, b) = x ‖⟨u,v⟩‖ (Fig. 3), and the total differential: change problem’, and that this problem would arise regard-
df (a, b) = fx (a, b)dx + fy (a, b)dy (Fig. 4). less of students’ meanings for rate of change of a one-var-
iable function. He also found that, with guidance, students
5.2 Planes could discover the importance of the direction of change,
although they showed a tendency to look for an algebraic
Despite the potentially unifying role that local straightness solution to this problem. Results concerning the ‘two change
and the resulting point-slopes equation of a plane can play, problem’ were anticipated by Yerushalmy (1997).
this is not pedagogically exploited by many widely used cal- While Weber (2015) found that students tended to look
culus textbooks (e.g., Stewart 2006) that choose instead to for an algebraic solution to the ‘two change problem’, Mar-
build upon the point-normal equation, perhaps due to the tínez-Planell et al. (2015) stressed that they need help to
formal convenience of its wider applicability to surfaces that interpret the problem geometrically. They found that an
need not be graphs of two-variable functions, and its relation important prerequisite for students to interpret partial deriva-
to the gradient vector. tives geometrically is the ability to imagine the intersection
Martínez-Planell et al. (2015) used the above idea based of fundamental planes and the surface representing a two-
on the generalization of slope to the 3D context to help stu- variable function, so that they can use derivatives of one-
dents construct the notions of vertical change on a plane in variable functions in the context of the resulting curve. The
previously mentioned model based on Tall’s (1992a) con-
struction of the tangent plane to a surface included the con-
struction of the directional derivative in direction of a vector
f (a,b)u+fy (a,b)v
  fx denotes 𝜕x
. ⟨u, v⟩ : D⟨u,v⟩ f (a, b) = x ‖⟨u,v⟩‖ (Fig.  3). Results of the


702 R. Martínez‑Planell, M. Trigueros

Martínez-Planell et al. (2015, 2017) studies showed that this notion while the few who did based arguments on the
most interviewed students from sections that used the tan- notion of vertical change on a plane (Fig. 4). It was observed
gent plane idea could perform actions to find a directional that students needed help to think of the total differential
derivative at a point and/or to determine its sign from a given df (a, b) = fx (a, b)dx + fy (a, b)dy as a function of two inde-
surface, while most other students could not. Many students pendent variables dx and dy, while they evidenced the ability
did not realize that the direction vector ⟨u, v⟩ is a two-dimen- to do computations only where dx and dy are small numbers
sional vector on the domain of the function, represented in without relating them with their geometrical interpretations.
space by the vector ⟨u, v, 0⟩ , so they had difficulties when
trying to interpret directional derivative graphically. Another 5.5 Optimization
result was that students who showed an action conception of
vertical change on a plane (Fig. 2) were constrained when Only a few studies deal with the optimization of multivari-
giving geometric meaning to the dot product of vectors: able functions. Most of them use technology to support visu-
D⟨u,v⟩ f (a, b) = fx (a, b)u + fy (a, b)v where ⟨u, v⟩ is a unit vec- alization of definitions and key ideas.
tor, or to the directional derivative formula in Fig. 3. Alves (2011) considered the optimization of a two-vari-
Since 2006, several studies were conducted in the USA able functions on a closed and bounded subset of the plane.
concerning physics students’ use and understanding of par- He found that computer generated graphs of functions and
tial derivatives while solving thermodynamics problems contour diagrams helped students pose conjectures about
(e.g., Kustusch et al. 2014). In the first such study, Thomp- extreme points, extrema on the boundary set of the func-
son et al. (2006) found that some students had difficulty tion’s domain, and also fostered conversions between repre-
interpreting a partial derivative in a thermal physics con- sentations needed to verify the conjectures.
text, while many had difficulty writing a partial derivative to While the ‘locally linear’ character of functions of two
describe such physical processes. More recently Bajracharya variables plays a key role in the discussion of tangent planes
et al. (2019) found that students were able to interpret par- and total differential, Alves (2014) considered ‘locally
tial derivatives and how they could be calculated, but they quadratic’ approximation of a surface to classify its criti-
struggled when needing to relate their multiple representa- cal points. He used the support of Maple and GeoGebra to
tions and to consolidate those representations into a single analyze the benefits of the geometrical exploration of critical
representation in thermodynamic equations. points of two-variable functions using quadratic polynomi-
als in two variables obtained from a second order Taylor
5.4 Tangent plane and total differential approximation and comparing the function’s graph with the
approximating quadratic surface.
Martínez-Planell et  al. (2015) proposed that under- Like Alves (2011), Vigo (2014) in Brazil studied the role
standing tangent plane as a process assumes students of a CAS in helping students give meaning to the definition
are able to relate the algebraic form and geometric and theorems about extrema of two-variable functions. She
ideas involved in the point-slopes equation of a plane: designed contextual modeling situations for engineering stu-
z − c = mx (x − a) + my (y − b) and the tangent plane at a dents that required finding a model, graphing two-variable
point: z − f (a, b) = fx (a, b)(x − a) + fy (a, b)(y − b) . However, functions with the aid of a CAS, conjecturing the nature of
they observed that some students seem to lose track of the local extrema, and relating these points to the notions of
function once the tangent plane is given. For instance, given tangent plane and partial derivatives, in order to conjecture
a graphical representation of the tangent plane, these stu- necessary conditions before they were introduced in class,
dents needed help to tell the sign of a directional derivative, and finding the extrema. She reported that the use of a CAS
to find the partial derivatives, draw the direction vector, or helped students overcome initial difficulties establishing
argue about the total differential if the graph of the function necessary conditions for the existence of local extrema. In
was not also given. This result suggests that awareness of the a situation involving saddle points, she found that students
relation between the tangent plane and the function needs the needed help to anticipate the use of second derivatives to
coordination of processes of plane, partial derivative, and classify critical points.
function to be able to deduce local properties of the function Unlike Alves and Vigo, Xhonneux (2011) in Belgium
based on those of the tangent plane. considered equality constrained optimization. He studied
These observations led to the refinement of the model how the topic of Lagrange multipliers is taught, the role of
developed by Martínez-Planell et al. (2015, 2017) to include proof in teaching and learning the topic, and students’ dif-
more details of the constructions of tangent plane and total ficulties. He found that there were essentially two types of
differential of functions of two variables (Trigueros et al. textbooks, namely, deductive, where theory is given prec-
2018). Results dealing with total differential show that edence and tasks tend to be formal, and inductive, admitting
most students showed no knowledge or recollection of less developed theoretical justifications and placing more

Multivariable calculus results in different countries 703

emphasis on the development and application of techniques. The use of ‘vertical change on a plane’ to encourage geo-
These determine the type of techniques favored—generic metric interpretation and relate the notions of point-slope
or tied to a context; the learning goals—theorem proving or equation of plane, tangent plane, directional derivative, and
problem solving; and the types of proofs presented—verifi- total differential was a key suggestion of Martínez-Planell
cation, or explanation. He found that the textbook type cor- et al. (2015, 2017) and Trigueros et al. (2018). These aspects
responded to the two examined students’ samples: enrolled can also be related to the normal equation of a plane and
in mathematics, or in economics or engineering manage- gradient vector of a three-variable function, topics about
ment. The author reports several recurring difficulties linked which there is almost no research (see Moreno-Arotzena
to solutions’ identification among the extrema candidates, et al. 2020).
the Implicit Function Theorem (IFT), Lagrange multipliers Bajracharya et al. (2019) developed several didactic activ-
as objects, and prerequisites such as sufficient and neces- ities and approaches to improve the teaching and learning
sary conditions, and solving systems of linear equations. It of partial derivatives in thermodynamics as a result of their
is interesting to note that typical calculus textbooks used in studies (e.g., Roundy et al. 2014). They also developed a
many countries (e.g., Stewart 2006) can be considered as manipulative, the partial derivative machine, which was
inductive, thus difficulties with formal concepts observed in found to be useful in helping students make sense of partial
Belgium would not be identified in other countries. derivatives (Roundy et al. 2014). The manipulatives devel-
oped by McGee et al. (2012) and Wangberg et al. (2013)
5.6 Teaching suggestions may also be used for the differential calculus.
Alves (2011) and Vigo (2014) suggested the use of a CAS
Results from Moore-Russo el al. (2011) and McGee et al. to help students make conjectures and interpret the main
(2015) suggest explicitly discussing slope in 3D, including ideas of optimization, including the interpretation of extrema
the need of determining direction, before discussing two- in the boundary of regions of the plane. At the same time,
variable function derivatives. This would be useful to com- Xhonneux (2011) advised the use of contour diagrams in the
plement students’ reliance on algebraic solutions (Weber introduction of explicative proofs for Lagrange multipliers
2015) in solving the ‘two change problem’, and in helping method.
students attain the synergy of representations needed in
learning (McGee et al. 2015). Alves (2011) suggested the
use of technology to help students visualize partial deriva- 6 Research on multivariable integral
tives and other notions that may be represented in 3D, pose calculus
conjectures, and interpret their meaning. Martínez-Planell
et al. (2015, 2017) observed that to construct partial deriva- 6.1 Integrals of functions of two and three variables
tives, the coordination of fundamental planes and derivatives
of one-variable functions is needed. This requirement sug- Although multivariable integral calculus has received less
gests the benefits of explicit consideration of fundamental attention, results obtained so far are interesting and give a
planes and the use of the context of two-variable functions rich panorama of findings and research directions.
to review the derivatives of one-variable functions, through In 2015, Jones and Dorko analyzed and documented stu-
the use of conversions between different representations, dents’ understandings of definite integral of multivariable
including the verbal representation as a rate of change functions and discussed how they related to understandings
(Weber 2015). They also suggest carefully introducing the about integrals of one-variable functions obtained in a pre-
geometric interpretation of directional derivatives and giv- vious study (Jones 2013). They concluded that difficulties
ing explicit consideration to the representation of a direc- concerning multivariable integrals come from the need to
tion vector in space, together with the relation of partial reconstruct previous single-variable ideas. They observed
and directional derivatives with the tangent plane at a point. that students’ ideas on multiple integrals mostly derive from
Further, Trigueros et al. (2018) stressed the value of helping an ‘area under the curve’ understanding of one-variable inte-
students to view the tangent plane as a local approximation grals and that no student in their study showed an under-
of the function and suggested that technology may be used standing based on Riemann sums. Given that applications
to help students understand the graphical implication of this of integration to other disciplines frequently require imag-
relation. In terms of the total differential, these authors also ining the contextual meaning in terms of a Riemann sum
suggested making explicit the relations of the point-slopes (e.g., Nguyen and Rebello 2011), their work suggested that
equation of a plane, the tangent plane, and the total differen- conceptual aspects related to Riemann sums and Riemann
tial using different representations. This emphasis includes integral should be carefully considered by instructors.
helping students to think of dx and dy as independent vari- McGee and Martínez-Planell (2014) studied how students
ables in the total differential of a two-variable function. may construct a conception of double and triple integrals


704 R. Martínez‑Planell, M. Trigueros

based on Riemann sums. They designed a chain of represen- to produce screen images of volumes to be computed and
tations and developed activities to be used in experimental relating these parametrizations in order to obtain limits of
class sections throughout a semester in a university in Puerto integration.
Rico. The chain started with the presentation of a problem Jones (2020) extended his previous research (Jones and
in a verbal or analytical register then successive conversions Dorko, 2015) to student understanding of line integrals. He
of a Riemann sum with a small number of terms to geo- classified different understandings of the individual com-
metric, numeric, and symbolic representations (as expanded ponents and the entire line integral expressions. He found
sum and in sigma notation), followed by taking limits and that students’ meanings for the individual components were
expressing the result as an iterated integral to be computed. not related to the meaning of the whole integral expression.
Results obtained were compared with those in a control sec- As reported by other researchers cited above, Jones found
tion. Findings showed that students in experimental sections that students’ conceptions were not based on Riemann sums
achieved synergy in using different representations, which needed in applications to other disciplines, but on ‘space
helped them develop a deeper understanding of integrals of under the graph’ conceptions.
two and three-variable functions.
The results of this experience led to a follow up study 6.2 Teaching suggestions
by Martínez-Planell and Trigueros (2020), who proposed
using the representations chain (McGee et al. 2014) with the Results concerning multivariable integral calculus indicate
purpose of exploring students’ understanding of the relation that its learning is complex, but also suggest strategies to
between Riemann sums and double integrals. The study gave support students’ learning. Jones and Dorko (2015) advised
special attention to the case of an integral of a continuous that being aware of students’ bias towards an understand-
function over a rectangle, and the simplest partition possible ing rooted in ‘area under a curve’, and that multivariable
consisting only of the rectangle itself. Students’ geometri- integrals need a reconstruction of students’ previous ideas
cal understanding of the relation between the corresponding on one-variable integrals, can help instructors in devising
single term f (a, b)ΔxΔy , where (a, b) is a point in the rec- methodologies to foster students’ understanding of Rie-
tangle, and the double integral over the rectangle was then mann sums and their role in applications to other disci-
considered. The findings underlined the importance of the plines. McGee et al. (2014) suggested a possible strategy
following constructions: recognizing rectangle and function; for understanding double integrals in rectangular and polar
constructing a product of the form f (a, b)ΔxΔy as one term coordinates and triple integrals in rectangular, cylindric and
of a Riemann sum; recognizing the existence of points where spherical coordinates, namely, the consistent use of the rep-
underestimate, overestimate, and exact value of the volume resentations chain they developed, throughout a semester.
under the surface are attained; and forming a partition and Martínez-Planell et al. (2020) added that students need to
the corresponding Riemann sum. Data supported the need imagine the graphical representations of functions and rec-
to introduce students explicitly to the individual meaning of tangular domains, and to explicitly consider the meaning of
the Riemann sum components f (xi , yj ) , Δx , Δy , and ΔxΔy f (xi , yj ) , Δx , Δy , ΔxΔy , and f (xi , yj )ΔxΔy , before forming
as well as of their product f (xi , yj )ΔxΔy before considering a partition and the corresponding Riemann sum, and that
∑n ∑m
the meaning of sums of the form i=1 j=1 f (xi , yj )ΔxΔy . instructors need to add verbal representations in the case
This result is similar to that found by Sealey (2014) when of contextual situations. Henriquez (2006) suggested using
working with integrals of one-variable functions. Martínez- graphing technology to visualize regions in space formed by
Planell et al. (2020) also found that several students con- the intersection of different surfaces and to explicitly discuss
sidered that a term of a Riemann sum, or a double integral, parametrizations and limits of integration.
gave the surface area instead of a volume, a confusion that Like Sealy (2014) and Martínez-Planell et al. (2020),
had been reported by Dorko and Speer (2013). Jones (2020) posited that each component of a line integral
Going beyond the basic constructions, Henriques (2006) needs to be discussed with students, before discussing the
studied the teaching and learning of multivariable integrals meaning of the entire integral.
and their use for the computation of volumes in Brazilian
and French universities. He concentrated on the volume of
complex solids to study students’ graphical and analytical 7 Discussion
strategies and the role of the use of technology in overcom-
ing students’ difficulties. Results showed that instructors and In this paper we examined the existing literature looking
teaching materials tended to support volume calculations at what we know today about student learning of two-
with geometric representations, but that even when tech- variable functions, and research-based suggestions about
nology was used students struggled to produce and inter- its teaching. It contributes to literature in presenting an
pret them. Students needed support parametrizing surfaces overview of what has been done and what needs to be

Multivariable calculus results in different countries 705

done, together with a reflection on what the study of this 8 Conclusion

subject entails in terms of conceptual demands and teach-
ing strategies. The study also shows the need to better This research contributes to the literature in providing
understand what the transition from one-variable calculus useful information about the discontinuity between the
to multivariable calculus entails for students. learning of one-variable calculus and multivariable cal-
Seen as a whole, results show that students’ under- culus. Independently of the theoretical framework used,
standing of the different concepts studied is similar in most of the published literature suggested that teachers
a wide cultural spectrum, through a diversity of studies need to consider that although–conceptually–multivariable
and theoretical perspectives. Studies surveyed stress that calculus is close to one variable calculus, this is not nec-
students’ understandings of one-variable calculus remain essarily true in terms of students’ learning. An important
and influence the way students conceive calculus of two- conclusion stemming from this review is that multivariable
variable functions, thus the importance that teachers take calculus cannot be considered as a direct generalization
into account that when introducing two-variable functions of one-variable calculus. Research clearly shows the need
it is necessary to underline the differences between one to take into account the existence of important nuances,
and two-variable functions and contrast them in addition mostly related to the transition from two to three-dimen-
to noting their similarities. sional space, to allow students to do reconstructive and
The advantage of the use of geometric representations, expansive generalizations of notions (Harel and Tall 1989)
the need to emphasize conversions among representations from one- to two-variable function calculus.
and to underline the role of local approximation, are under- More research is needed to get a thorough view of the
scored in many studies. The use of vectors and 3D geometry complexities involved in the learning and teaching of two-
is recognized as playing a crucial role in students’ possibili- variable calculus. An in-depth view of what we know as of
ties of grasping the main differences between one- and two- today about its teaching and learning allows us to present
variable calculus. Most of the studies reported in this review two main conclusions that can be deduced from this study:
suggested the need of an early introduction to vectors in 3D on the one hand, in order for students to learn this disci-
space and some topics of 3D geometry such as lines, planes pline deeply, a systematic introduction to 3D geometry
and vector projections, so that students can make sense of and to vector algebra in general before the main concepts
the objects involved in the study of two-variable calculus. of two-variable calculus are introduced would give stu-
Although there is almost no research on the teaching of dents the necessary prerequisites to be able to fully appre-
multivariable calculus, most studies reported above sug- hend the richness of two-variable calculus as a whole. On
gested interesting strategies to use in their teaching, and the other hand, without the detailed and comprehensive
gave examples of effective research-based activities. We also approach of mathematics education research, students’
found that there is evidence of the role of manipulatives, necessities would remain hidden. The importance of pre-
such as the 3D Kit (McGee et al. 2012), the Raising Cal- senting research results as a whole, lies in the possibility
culus to the Surface project (Wangberg et al. 2013), or the of inducing new designs of research-based teaching strate-
Partial Derivative Machine (Roundy et al. 2014), in helping gies with the potential to help students learn this subject
students visualize abstract two variable calculus concepts. with meaning.
Studies also showed examples of how computer applications
can foster students’ discussion of important calculus ideas Acknowledgements  This project was partially funded by Asociación
and may foster understanding. More research on the use of Mexicana de Cultura A.C.
technology in the learning and teaching of two-variable cal-
culus is desirable, particularly studies taking into account
technological advances, such as virtual reality software.
This study is limited in terms of the topics reviewed. References
Space constraints restricted our focus to topics that have
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future studies in mathematics education, in order to find problem in thermodynamics. Physical Review Physics Educa-
tion Research, 15(2), 020124.
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