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City Central National High School

The Impact of Extracurricular Activities on the Overall Development

Of City Central National High School Students

Humanities and Social Sciences

Hans Christopher E. Gintacutan
Kayle James C. Tancio
Vann Rhez James M. Regacho
John Carlo Duran

Gina Gonzales - Fisalbon

I.I.I Research Professor

MAY 2023


Extracurricular activities have long been recognized as an integral part of the

high school experience. These activities, which include sports, music, theater,
clubs, and volunteer work, provide opportunities for students to develop skills,
talents, and interests outside the classroom. Participating in extracurricular
activities has been shown to have a positive impact on the overall development of
senior high school students.

While academic success is often the main focus of high school, students who
participate in extracurricular activities tend to have a more well-rounded education.
These activities can help students develop social skills, leadership abilities, and a
sense of community involvement. Additionally, participation in extracurricular
activities can promote positive mental health outcomes and reduce the likelihood
of engaging in risky behaviors.

Given the numerous benefits of extracurricular activities, it is important to

understand their impact on the overall development of senior high school students.
This literature review aims to examine the existing research on the impact of
extracurricular activities on academic achievement, social skills, and mental health
outcomes among senior high school students. The findings of this review can help
inform educators, parents and students on the importance of extracurricular
activities as part of a holistic education.
Background of the Study
Extracurricular activities have become an integral part of the high school
experience for many students. These activities provide opportunities for students to
explore their interests, develop skills, and build relationships with peers and adults
outside of the classroom setting. The importance of extracurricular activities in the
personal and academic growth of high school students has been widely recognized
by educators, researchers, and policymakers.
Research has shown that participation in extracurricular activities can have a
positive impact on students' academic achievement, self-esteem, and mental health.
Students who participate in extracurricular activities are more likely to have higher
GPAs, standardized test scores, and graduation rates compared to their peers who
do not participate. Furthermore, students who engage in extracurricular activities
often develop leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills, which are
essential for success in college and the workforce.
Despite the benefits of extracurricular activities, many high school students
do not participate in them. A study by the National Center for Education Statistics
found that only 57% of high school students participated in extracurricular
activities. The reasons for non-participation vary and may include lack of interest,
time constraints, financial barriers, or limited access to activities.
Moreover, there is a need for more research on the impact of extracurricular
activities on the personal and academic growth of high school students. While
some studies have shown positive effects, others have found no significant impact
or even negative effects. Thus, there is a need for a comprehensive study that
examines the impact of different types of extracurricular activities on the personal
and academic growth of high school students and identifies the factors that
influence participation in these activities.
This study aims to contribute to the existing literature by providing a
comprehensive analysis of the impact of extracurricular activities on the overall
development of senior high school students. The study will examine the different
types of extracurricular activities and their impact on personal and academic
growth, as well as the factors that influence participation in these activities. The
findings of this study can inform educators, policymakers, and parents on how to
promote and support extracurricular activities to enhance the personal and
academic growth of high school students.
Statement of the Problem

Despite the benefits of extracurricular activities, there is limited research on

the impact of these activities on the overall development of senior high school
students. The lack of research in this area makes it difficult for educators, parents,
and policymakers to fully understand the role that extracurricular activities play in
the personal and academic growth of high school students.
The purpose of this research study is to investigate the impact of extracurricular
activities on the overall development of senior high school students. Specifically,
this study aims to:

1. Determine the types of extracurricular activities that senior high school students
participate in.

2. Examine the relationship between participation in extracurricular activities and

students' academic achievement, physical health, social skills, emotional well-
being, and civic engagement.

3. Identify the factors that facilitate or hinder students' participation in

extracurricular activities, such as personal, family, school, and community factors.

4. Provide recommendations for schools, parents, and policymakers on how to

promote and support students' participation in extracurricular activities for their
overall development.

Overall, this research study seeks to contribute to the understanding of how

extracurricular activities can enhance the holistic development of senior high
school students and promote their success in college and beyond.
Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this research study is to examine the impact of extracurricular

activities on the overall development of senior high school students. The study will
focus on the different types of extracurricular activities such as sports, music, arts,
clubs, and volunteering and how they contribute to personal and academic growth.
The study will also explore the factors that influence students' participation in
extracurricular activities.
The scope of this research study is to examine the impact of extracurricular
activities on the overall development of senior high school students. The study will
focus on the different types of extracurricular activities such as sports, music, arts,
clubs, and volunteering and how they contribute to personal and academic growth.
The study will also explore the factors that influence students' participation in
extracurricular activities.
Furthermore, the study will not cover the long-term effects of extracurricular
activities on students' post-secondary education and career choices. Finally, the
study will not provide a comparative analysis of the impact of extracurricular
activities across different school types, such as public and private schools.
The beneficiaries of this scope and delimitation are those who are interested in the
impact of extracurricular activities on the overall development of senior high
school students. Specifically, this research can benefit the following:
1. Educators: The findings of this study can help educators understand the benefits
of extracurricular activities and how to promote and support these activities to
enhance the personal and academic growth of their students.

2. Policymakers: The results of this study can inform policymakers on how to

allocate resources and develop policies that support the availability and
accessibility of extracurricular activities for high school students.

3. Parents: This study can help parents understand the importance of

extracurricular activities and how they can encourage their children to participate
in these activities to enhance their personal and academic growth.

4. Students: The results of this study can provide students with insights on the
benefits of extracurricular activities and how they can contribute to their personal
and academic growth. This can motivate students to participate in extracurricular
activities and make informed choices about the activities they want to engage in.
Significance of the Study

The findings of this research study can have significant implications for
various stakeholders, including educators, policymakers, parents, and students.
Firstly, this study can provide educators with insights into how
extracurricular activities can contribute to the overall development of senior high
school students. The study can help educators understand the benefits of different
types of extracurricular activities and how they can incorporate these activities into
their teaching practices. By providing opportunities for students to engage in
extracurricular activities, educators can help students develop essential skills and
competencies beyond the academic realm.
Secondly, the findings of this study can inform policymakers on how to
develop policies that support the availability and accessibility of extracurricular
activities for high school students. Policymakers can use the study's findings to
allocate resources to support extracurricular activities and develop initiatives that
encourage students to participate in these activities. By promoting extracurricular
activities, policymakers can help students develop important skills and
competencies that can contribute to their personal and academic growth.
Thirdly, this study can help parents understand the importance of
extracurricular activities and how they can support their children's participation in
these activities. Parents can use the study's findings to make informed decisions
about the activities that their children participate in and how they can encourage
their children to engage in activities that align with their interests and aspirations.
Lastly, the findings of this study can benefit students by providing them with
insights on how extracurricular activities can contribute to their personal and
academic growth. The study can motivate students to participate in activities that
interest them and provide them with opportunities to develop essential skills and
competencies beyond the academic realm. This can help students build self-
confidence, enhance their social skills, and develop leadership and teamwork
In summary, the findings of this study can inform educational practice,
policymaking, parental guidance, and student decision-making, and contribute to
the development of well-rounded senior high school students
Literature Review
1.1. The Relationship between Extracurricular Activities, Academic Achievement
and Skills Development
Scientific literature [1] (in our standards, we quote authors name and the
year; (A.Sobirov, 2018) for the in-text referencing) describes the positive impact of
extracurricular activities on academic performance, leadership development and a
healthy lifestyle. Participation of students in extracurricular activities is an
indicator of competence of career development in business. Students involved in
extracurricular activities demonstrate academic and social achievements, self-
esteem and satisfaction with life [2]. Extracurricular activities develop leadership,
communication skills and influence further career growth [3], student self-
efficiency, and internal motivation [4].
1.2. The Role of Parents in Shaping the Interest in Extracurricular Activities
Charlie S. Shannon [5] in the article: "Parents' reports about the role of
extracurricular activities and unstructured leisure: the perception of adolescents",
writes that parents are one of the most significant agents of socialization and are
responsible for the interests and values developed by their children. Although the
relationship between parent and child related to leisure is important, the influence
of parents on the behavior of children at leisure is not widely studied. Expanding
knowledge in this area is important, because values and attitudes motivate
behavior, including choice and behavior in the field of leisure. Participation of
parents has a positive impact on the performance and achievement of students,
success in the productivity of reading, testing and assessment. Participation of
parents affects the reduction in the number of problems associated with behavior in
school, better attendance and preparation for classes, improving academic
performance and lowering deductions.
1.3. The Importance of Unstructured Extracurricular Activities in Personal
Not all young people participate in organized (structured) extra-curricular
activities. However, even those who participate in such events, spend up to 40
percent of free time to unstructured leisure [6]. [7]. Structured and unstructured
extracurricular activities, differently affect the development of the individual.
Structured classes develop the initiative more than unstructured. Important in
unstructured activities (leisure) is that the youth, being alone, develops self-control
and self-discipline. "Leisure is not just "good", it is fundamentally important" [8],
adolescents become "agents in their own development" [9].

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