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resin Pa Questions 1a You are going to resd the first part fs story, For questions 4 - B, choose the answer (A,B, C or D) wiiict you Think fits Best accerding to the text. Moyl: your answers on the separate acewar sheet, The Court Painter's Pupil The tenkweper nodded ax. che-window-an hepiarest a.miag vies des seul A enudtul evening, wit’ hes, "Ceveainly! ago replied. raking « reouthtutol tie sout ‘wus gpd anal hearty fill of ment atid Wegpetatiles “Hank Fev aciechbon sar aula CATER buhceper asker “Frew Mtrsages Higa vended, apy pase the tine in friendly ‘have born diseicsing x new jaimetng uc the town hall eters” ‘Ther Inntiesper riod eheanghtflly wiping Pts hate ba apr, ‘Sa, vob are an aah Yes, | ee is weartenbuape int Ghent: ‘There wax v abort ailence whiDe Muy relaanil The: pice ‘ema Hope! tn, Eero ahi rer the nem #7 an ernie Hf weak alnndat eeémectod: Threw src nat toyether i a camer deep in emewersation, ptpe make obscuring these Ices front Huga’s falling sight. As the cain ines face had green faster, velvipping ty om she se wero ti fat Bed lie ind sheer eth Rix boa under trae nd Foe tice Ine poticest he fen i en wept ot thd. abt ease futher ning the spel. New that te Was warty ance Rare ahi enjoying = poi! meal ane: comiptariy he tuid ne ittention Feat ill the ne ering Me wan HOL|RpeCted at harne inti) tamoererw worn, Better to stay heer tanght tana seurptpe His ae Magellan lp arrdynag at hinetcime eh owt day. ‘asa wall eid: high ap hg fattest tha wad int svat the plaiis of Mamelers ln efnre he starte! alia, Magu tad sternal tor buurs at mirror tryin his bart Yo 92 ‘ntise soul, Shy ie acess rie hea 14 persic. Me icky want jas a slanpie fiheneds. Pavia! Ir rie tinh atin serbian wife squealing tr Yoo fart (ar, winat Hag ted wie tragedy ve wea ow tt Ha al falitee tha pest td howe thawed; fide! Nore he was legit. lowe down, panting ro mare than tw nus a av Omely ft thie nore ko canetethe Nghe. Ha easence Reading Part 1 ‘Sys reve tirech gunckiy these ryrs, mre thee: cyne be etme he ‘oni atl oll ip the evirroy al laste sta het strane a8 Whe were sll boy of tem fa hi fehor's stustin Muga ali as rote tw best when seme cat Attention. (na wouden shelf meut to bbe toile wan a strat pleco white paper propped aganec the will. Higge leant forward ta focus lis dyes bettet. On the papir-wae a drawinyt, = probity hare nd cll pe thonatt ~ of mottace, eee ao eerie fummes of te Fre aac Se lah tpi Acontidence Ln, ‘ne Uno sie shanting whch mente Tiago tiltut that sede Mant be hin sen vist perhaps same hee spprvactedh wiping his hands 2 ie apron, expecting 40 boter for mace food oF drink. “Rr | cho’ at ha advo th Hine travel of yma. Tel This Seine rata ocr Then wh el” ‘jotunt" Adhwad append rata the dor Cise ta the kitchen Heya brat whers tags expected vee an adult wer He fay of ‘Boy no more Huan ehevers pars dd And yosi drew this portratt of yur father, Jonanny tebe a fie: 3 ‘ihren. Lseppie yo Ihave “Hos a | da ger he cho, But | agp reac sal wrt atti: Mia jn0, § ies seviiatindy frist Hate tanh tall bee ai low ‘hearer in ti ie a "We hay sever Sees pea paepet | could alferdl, Bat rue, ste, be Bas, ‘ewer hada eau thew ie span hone: fb eros praia Tete | 165 Why does the innkeeper nod at the window (n the first sentence’? A> bacausa he can ses Hugo's ard hie reflections In tha wandioive B becme'he intents: Huge to sit at the table pest to the \yinciow c ‘because eis nirig Io Sommenton what it like outside the ieindinw. 7 DB bacnuse he-can see the vegetables uted if the soup thraugh the window, B He has not hadi much opportunity for conversation, (He has-been on horsehank af day. He Nas bees dissussing @ work projinit, Why oid Hiugo:a6 to the inn? A. He has stayed thare before, B He found by chance. s ty pe hy ce D He knew he would find sompany there, In what way is Huge going to surprise hes wile? A by inking hor ta the inn B by giving har some gacd news . dy titinging her-an unexpacted present D by getting home earlier than she thinks he will ‘its portraits Hugo's arn i th © make the person look ss goad as possible, D please his sitters rmintives. What problem das Hugo tiave now that hie te older? A hels becoming short: B Hebas less energy than he usod to have. | © He hay Begun to lose his enthiuslaam for his work, DB Heie tll of regret foc hie lost youth, | What most struck Hugo shout tire portrait of the innkeeper? A. the professions! skill atthe work, B tha fiandsome appearance of the man C the unusual ise of chalk and charcoal the contrast between the face and the countrymde Hehind || Huge was particularly surnrided that Johann A had not been te school, B hed spent So much time pmatiing. © ad taught ise to a, D hadi snet such simple materials tea | Teste Reading Pact 1 You are going to rei a magazine article about science: Seltiances have an wee Pocinnatitiona ter US fchosichikinn. Seven ‘been removed thom the article, Cihose feta series =H disor When ah ‘which you de-nol nead to 1s. Science project competitions for schoolchildren. “Beery pring thenstanch of enscdersrin grestow fd Prepon aniberice tir perrpecty Sot metic had boy sched ates, cern anil btn, THs bl re ral “evhiiticemel tho studies jorge fo aston mie et

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