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A project work based on the

To study the presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at
different stages of ripening
For the year 2023 – 2024

Submitted to:
St. Paul H.S. School, Indore (M.P.)
In partial fulfilment of the requirement as per C.B.S.E. curriculum for the
class 12th Chemistry

Submitted By
XII Chemistry
Under the supervision of
St. Paul Higher Secondary School Indore (M.P.)

I hereby certify that this project work based on Chemistry Project
is a bona fide piece of work done by Sherin Johnson, XII ‘D’
under the supervision and guidance of Mr. Atul Sharma in
partial fulfilment of the requirement as per C.B.S.E. curriculum
for the class 12th Chemistry.

Mrs. Atul Sharma

(Internal Examiner) (External examiner)

St. Paul H.S. School, Indore :

Indore (M.P) Date:


I here by declare that this project work based on (name of the project)
is a bonafide piece of work done by me, under the supervision and
guidance of (Name of the teacher in charge) & no part of this work
has been presented earlier or similar to any other institutional work

Indore: Sherin Johnson


I would like to avail this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to

all those people who helped me in making the project a success.

My first thank goes to Mrs. Atul Sharma project guide for assisting
& providing me liberal encouragement & moral support not only
during this project but throughout our studies at school.

1. Aim of the project

2. Introduction
3. Theory
4. Requirements
5. Chemical Equations
6. Procedure
7. Precautions
8. Observations
9. Calculations
10. Conclusions
11. Bibliography
 AIM - To study the presence of oxalate ions in guava fruit at
different stages of ripening.


Guava is a common sweet fruit found in India and many other

places around the world. Guavas are plants in the Myrtle family
(Myrtaceae) genus Psidium (meaning "pomegranate" in Latin),
which contains about 100 species of tropical shrub. On ripening
it turns yellow in color. Rich in vitamin C, this fruit is a rich
source of oxalate ions whose content varies during the different
stages of ripening. Guavas have a pronounced and typical
fragrance, similar to lemon rind but less in strength. One of the
striking features of guavas is their transformation during the
ripening process. As the fruit matures, its vibrant green skin
gradually gives way to a luscious yellow hue, indicating its
readiness to be savored. This color change is not only visually
appealing but also signifies a change in the fruit's taste and

Besides being a treat for the senses, guavas are also a nutritional
powerhouse. They are renowned for their high vitamin C
content, with a single guava containing about four times the
amount of vitamin C found in an orange. This makes guavas an
excellent fruit choice for boosting the immune system and
fighting off infections.

Another noteworthy aspect of guavas is their oxalate content,

which varies throughout the different stages of ripening.
Oxalates are naturally occurring compounds found in many
fruits and vegetables, and guavas are no exception. While
oxalates can form crystals in the body and contribute to the
formation of kidney stones in some individuals, the overall
health benefits of guavas far outweigh this potential concern.

The distinct aroma of guavas is yet another reason for their

popularity. When you slice open a guava, you are immediately
greeted by a delightful fragrance that resembles the scent of
lemon rind. However, unlike the intense citrusy aroma o
f lemons, guava's fragrance is more subtle, adding to the fruit's

In addition to their delicious taste and fragrance, guavas offer

various culinary possibilities. They can be enjoyed in their
natural form, eaten raw or turned into mouthwatering jams,
jellies, and preserves. Guava juice and guava-based desserts,
such as pies and tarts, are also popular choices for those seeking
to indulge their sweet tooth.

Beyond their culinary appeal, guavas have gained recognition

for their potential health benefits. Research suggests that guavas
may help regulate blood sugar levels, improve digestion,
promote heart health, and even have anticancer properties.
These findings have contributed to the growing interest in
guavas as a functional food and have encouraged further
exploration of their medicinal properties.

In conclusion, guavas are not only a common fruit found in

India and other tropical regions but also a delightful and
nutritious addition to our diet. With their ripening process,
vibrant color, rich vitamin C content, unique fragrance, and
diverse culinary applications, guavas have rightfully earned their
place as a beloved fruit worldwide. So, the next time you come
across a ripe guava, savor its irresistible flavor, and enjoy the
multitude of benefits it brings to your health and well-being.

It is a carboxylic acid,
primarily found in
plants and animals.
It is not an essential
molecule and is excreted
from our body,
unchanged. Our body
either produces oxalate
on its own or
converts other
molecules like Vitamin
C to oxalate. External
sources like food also
contribute to the
accumulation of
oxalate in our body.
The oxalate present in
the body is
excreted in the form of
urine as waste. Too
much of oxalate
in our urine results in
a medical condition
commonly referred to
as kidney stones. Diet
is looked upon as a
preventive measure in
addition to medication
to treat kidney stones.
It is a carboxylic acid,
primarily found in
plants and animals.
It is not an essential
molecule and is excreted
from our body,
unchanged. Our body
either produces oxalate
on its own or
converts other
molecules like Vitamin
C to oxalate. External
sources like food also
contribute to the
accumulation of
oxalate in our body.
The oxalate present in
the body is
excreted in the form of
urine as waste. Too
much of oxalate
in our urine results in
a medical condition
commonly referred to
as kidney stones. Diet
is looked upon as a
preventive measure in
addition to medication
to treat kidney stones.
It is a carboxylic acid,
primarily found in
plants and animals.
It is not an essential
molecule and is excreted
from our body,
unchanged. Our body
either produces oxalate
on its own or
converts other
molecules like Vitamin
C to oxalate. External
sources like food also
contribute to the
accumulation of
oxalate in our body.
The oxalate present in
the body is
excreted in the form of
urine as waste. Too
much of oxalate
in our urine results in
a medical condition
commonly referred to
as kidney stones. Diet
is looked upon as a
preventive measure in
addition to medication
to treat kidney stones.
It is a carboxylic acid,
primarily found in
plants and animals.
It is not an essential
molecule and is excreted
from our body,
unchanged. Our body
either produces oxalate
on its own or
converts other
molecules like Vitamin
C to oxalate. External
sources like food also
contribute to the
accumulation of
oxalate in our body.
The oxalate present in
the body is
excreted in the form of
urine as waste. Too
much of oxalate
in our urine results in
a medical condition
commonly referred to
as kidney stones. Diet
is looked upon as a
preventive measure in
addition to medication
to treat kidney stones.
It is a carboxylic acid, primarily found in plants and animals. It
is not an essential molecule and is excreted from our body,
unchanged. Our body either produces oxalate on its own or
converts other molecules like Vitamin C to oxalate. External
sources like food also contribute to the accumulation of
oxalate in our body. The oxalate present in the body is
excreted in the form of urine as waste. Too much of oxalate in
our urine results in a medical condition called
hyperoxaluria, commonly referred to as kidney stones. Diet
is looked upon as a preventive measure in addition to
medication to treat kidney stones.


Oxalate ions are extracted from the fruit by boiling pulp with
dilute H2SO4. The oxalate ions are estimated volumetrically, by
titrating the solution with KMnO4 solution. A reagent, called the
titrant, of a known concentration (a standard solution) and
volume is used to react with a solution of the analyte or titrand,
whose concentration is not known. Using a calibrated burette or
chemistry pipetting syringe to add the titrant, it is possible to
determine the exact amount that has been consumed when the
endpoint is reached. The endpoint is the point at which the
titration is complete, as determined by an indicator. This is
ideally the same volume as the equivalence point. The volume
of added titrant at which the number of moles of titrant is equal
to the number of moles of analyte, or some multiple thereof (as
in polyprotic acids). In the classic strong acid-strong base
titration, the endpoint of a titration is the point at which the pH
of the reactant is just about equal to 7, and often when the
solution takes on a persisting solid colour as in the pink of
phenolphthalein indicator.




2KMnO4+ 3H2SO4 → K2SO4+2MnSO4+2H2O + 4[O]

HOOC-COOH.2H2O + [O] 2CO2+ 2H2O x 5
3KMnO4+ 3H2SO4+5 HOOC-COOH.2H2O → K2SO4+ 2MnSO4+
18H2O + 10CO2


MnO(4-)+16H(+)+ 5e- → Mn(2+)+ 4H2O x 2


1. Weighed 50 g of fresh guava and crushed it to a fine pulp using

pestle and mortar
2. Transferred the crushed pulp to a beaker and added about 50 ml
dilute H2SO4 to it.

3. Boiled the content for about 10 minutes. Cooled and filtered the
contents in a 100 ml measuring flask.
4. Made up the volume 100 ml by adding ample amount of distilled
5. Took 20 ml of the solution from the flask and added 20 ml of dilute
sulphuric acid to it.
Heated the mixture to about 600 C and titrated it against (n/10)
KMnO4 solution taken in a burette till the end point had an
appearance of pink colour.
6. Repeated the above experiment with 50 g of 1day, 2 day and 3 day
old guava fruits.

1. There should be no parallax while taking measurements.
2. Spillage of chemicals should be checked.
3. Avoid the use of burette having a rubber tap as KMnO4attacks
4. In order to get some idea about the temperature of the solution
touch the flask with the back side of your hand. When it becomes
unbearable to touch, the required temperature is reached.
5. Add about an equal volume of dil. H2SO4 to the guava extract to
be titrated (say a full test tube) before adding KMnO4.
6. Read the upper meniscus while taking burette reading with
KMnO4 solution.
7. In case, on addition of KMnO4 a brown ppt. appears, this shows
that either H2SO4 has not been added or has been added in
insufficient amount. In such a case, throw away the solution and
titrate again.


1. Weight of the guava fruit for each time was 50 g.

2. Volume of guava extract taken for each was 20 ml
3. Normality of KMnO4 solution was (1/10).
4. END POINT: Colour Changes to pink


1. For Raw Guava

N1V1 = N2V2
 N1X10 = (1/10) X 132
 1/10 X Normality of Oxalate = (x/100) = strength of]\ oxalate in
fresh guava extract = normality x Eq. mass of oxalate ion
= 1.32/100 x 44g/litre of diluted extract
= 0.581g L-1

2. For semi ripened guava ( 1 day old )

Strength of oxalte in one day old guava extract
= (1.37/100) x 44g/litre of diluted extract
= 0.603g L-1

3. For Ripened Guava

Strength of oxalate in fresh guava extract
= (1.39/100) x 44g/litre of diluted extract
= 0.612g L-1


(a) The normality of oxalate ions of-

 Fresh guava solution is = 1.32 ml
 Semi-ripen guava solution is = 1.37 ml
 Ripened guava solution is = 1.39 ml

(b) The strength of oxalate ions of-

 Fresh guava solution is = 0.58 ml
 Semi-ripened guava is = 0.60 ml
 Ripened guava is = 0.61 ml
The content of oxalate ions in guava was found to be 59.6X 7
per cent, which is close to the literature value of 60 percent.
It was also noticed that the content of oxalic ions grows with
ripening of guava.

1. Comprehensive Practical Manual

2. Pradeep’s New Course Chemistry

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