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Grade Level Number of Teacher - (Q4)

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 7, Fourth Quarter MAPEH DBOW


Grade 7 Description


MUSIC Day 1: identify different musical characteristics of

DBOWs 1 selected Philippine Festival and theatrical forms through Video
or live performances (Atiatihan, Kadayawan, and Moriones

MUSIC Day 2: identify different musical characteristics of
selected Philippine Festival (Sinulog, Ibalong at Sublian Festival)

DBOWs 3 MUSIC Day 3: describes the origins and cultural background of

the following Philippine festival/s (Ati-atihan, Kadayawan, and
Moriones Festival)

DBOWs 4 MUSIC Day 4:describes the origins and cultural background of

the following Philippine festival/s (Sinulog, Ibalong at Sublian

DBOWs 5 MUSIC Day 5: describes how the music contributes to the

performance of the musical production. (MU7FT-IVeh-4)
DBOWs 6 MUSIC Day 6: describes how a specific idea or story is
communicated through music in a particular Philippine musical
theater (MU7FT-IVeh-6)

DBOWs 7 MUSIC Day 7: Create an improvise music accompaniment in

relation to a selected Philippine Festival.

MUSIC Day 8: create improvise costumes in relation to a selected
Philippine festival to be performed

DBOWs 9 MUSIC Day 9: create improvise visual props to be used in

selected Philippine festival to be performed

DBOWs 10 MUSIC Day 10: Perform a selected Philippine Festival using

improvised costume and visual props.

DBOWs 11 ARTS Day 1: Identifies the festivals and theatrical forms

celebrated all over the country throughout the year

ARTS Day 2: Research on the history of the festival and theatrical

DBOWs 12 composition and its evolution, and describe how the
townspeople participate and contribute to the event

DBOWs 13 ARTS Day 3: Discusses the elements and principles of arts as

seen in Philippine Festivals

DBOWs 14 ARTS Day 4: Explains what makes each of the Philippine festivals
unique through a visual presentation A7PL-Ivh-1

DBOWs 15 ARTS Day 5: Designs the visual elements and components of the
selected festival or theatrical form through costumes, props, etc.

DBOWs 16 ARTS Day 6: Analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s

performance of their selected festival or theatrical form

DBOWs 17 ARTS Day 7: Choreographs the movements and gestures

reflecting the mood of the selected Philippine festival/theatrical
form A7PR-Ive-f-3
DBOWs 18 ARTS Day 8:Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the
Philippine festival/theatrical form

DBOWs 19 ARTS Day 9:Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the

Philippine festival/theatrical form

DBOWs 20 ARTS Day 10: Performs in a group showcase of the selected

Philippine festival/theatrical form

PE Day 1: Conduct the getting of the present BMI and compare it

DBOWs 21 to the previous BMI to look if there is any significant difference
based on the sample physical/exercise activity

DBOWs 22 PE Day 2: Study and modify (if necessary) the sample

physical/exercise activity program based on the Physical Fitness

DBOWs 23 PE Day 3: Discuss and describe the origin of the different

Religious festival dances

DBOWs 24 PE Day 4: Discuss and describe the origin of the different non-
Religious festival dances.

DBOWs 25 PE Day 5: Execute the skills involved in the festival dance

(Religious/Non-Religious festival dance) (Note: Dance/s can be
selected by the teacher)

DBOWs 26 PE Day 6: Execute the skills involved in the festival dance

(Religious/Non-Religious festival dance) (Note: Dance/s can be
selected by the teacher)

DBOWs 27 PE Day 7: Execute the skills involved in the festival dance

(Religious/Non-Religious festival dance) (Note: Dance/s can be
selected by the teacher)

DBOWs 28 PE Day 8: Execute the skills involved in the festival dance

(Religious/Non-Religious festival dance) (Note: Dance/s can be
selected by the teacher)
DBOWs 29 PE Day 9: Execute the skills involved in the festival dance
(Religious/Non-Religious festival dance) (Note: Dance/s can be
selected by the teacher)

DBOWs 30 PE Day 10: Perform a sample festival dance (Religious/ Non-

religious festival dance) (Note: Dance/s can be selected by the

DBOWs 31 HEALTH Day 1: Day 1-3: Explains non- communicable diseases

based on cause and effect, signs and symptoms, risk factors and
protective factors and possible complications H7DD-IVb-d-25

DBOWs 32 HEALTH Day 2: Day 1-3: Explains non- communicable diseases

based on cause and effect, signs and symptoms, risk factors and
protective factors and possible complications H7DD-IVb-d-25

DBOWs 33 HEALTH Day 3: Day 1-3: Explains non- communicable diseases

based on cause and effect, signs and symptoms, risk factors and
protective factors and possible complications H7DD-IVb-d-25

DBOWs 34 HEALTH Day 4: Corrects myth and fallacies about non-

communicable diseases H7DD-IVb-d-26

DBOWs 35 HEALTH Day 5: Practices ways to prevent and control non-

communicable diseases H7DD-IVb-d-27

DBOWs 36 HEALTH Day 6: Demonstrates self- monitoring to prevent non-

communicable diseases H7DD-IVb-d-28

DBOWs 37 HEALTH Day 7: Demonstrates self- monitoring to prevent non-

communicable diseases H7DD-IVb-d-28

DBOWs 38
HEALTH Day 8: Promotes programs and policies to prevent and
control non-communicable and lifestyle diseases H7DD-IVb-d-29

DBOWs 39
HEALTH Day 9: Promotes programs and policies to prevent and
control non-communicable and lifestyle diseases H7DD-IVb-d-29
DBOWs 40 HEALTH Day 10: Identifies agencies responsible for non-
communicable disease prevention and control H7DD-IVb-d-30


Grade 8 Description


DBOWs 1 MUSIC Day 1: identify different musical characteristics of

selected Asian Musical theater (Kabuki, Wayang Kulit
and Peking Opera)

DBOWs 2 MUSIC Day 2: describes the origins and cultural background

of selected Asian Musical theater (Kabuki, Wayang
Kulit and Peking Opera)

DBOWs 3 MUSIC Day 3: identify and describe the following musical

instrument used in selected Asian Musical theater
(Kabuki, Wayang kulit and Peking Opera)

DBOWs 4 MUSIC Day 4:describes how a specific idea or story is

communicated through music in a particular Asian musical
theater; (MU8THIVb-h-3)

improvises appropriate sound, music, gesture, movements,

DBOWs 5 props, and costume for performance of a chosen Asian
traditional musical and theatrical form; (MU8THIVb-h-7).
MUSIC Day 5: Create an improvise sound, music, gesture, and
movement for performance of a chosen Asian traditional musical
and theatrical form.

DBOWs 6 MUSIC Day 6: Create an improvise costume for performance of a

chosen Asian traditional musical and theatrical form.

DBOWs 7 MUSIC Day 7: Create an improvise props for performance of a

chosen Asian traditional musical and theatrical form.
DBOWs 8 MUSIC Day 8: Perform a chosen Asian Musical theater using
improvise sound, music, gesture, movements,
costume, and props (Group 1 presentation)

DBOWs 9 MUSIC Day 9: Perform a chosen Asian Musical theater using

improvise sound, music, gesture, movements,
costume, and props (Group 2 presentation)

DBOWs 10 MUSIC day 10: evaluates music and music performances using
guided rubrics (MU8THIVc-h-8)

DBOWs 11 ARTS Day 1: Identifies selected festivals and theatrical forms

celebrated all over the Asian region

ARTS Day 2: Researches on the history of the festival and

DBOWs 12 theatrical forms and its evolution, and describe how the
community participates and contributes to the event

DBOWs 13 ARTS Day 3: Identifies the elements and principles of arts as

manifested in Asian festivals and theatrical forms

DBOWs 14 ARTS Day 4: Through a visual presentation, explains what make

each of the Asian Festivals and Theatrical forms unique A8PL-IVh-

DBOWs 15 ARTS Day 5: Designs the visual elements and components of the
selected festival or theatrical form through costumes, props, etc.

DBOWs 16 ARTS Day 6: Analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s

performance of their selected festival or theatrical form A8PR-

ARTS Day 7: Shows the relationship of the selected Asian festival

DBOWs 17 and the festival in the Philippines in terms of form and reason for
holding the celebration
DBOWs 18 ARTS Day 8: Choreographs the movements and gestures
reflecting the mood of the selected festival/theatrical form of
Asia A8PR-IVe-f-4

DBOWs 19 ARTS Day 9: Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm of the

selected festival/theatrical form of Asia

DBOWs 20 ARTS Day 10: Performs in a group showcase of the selected

festival/theatrical form
Review goals based on assessment results (PE8PF-IVa-34)
DBOWs 21 PE Day 1: Study and
review the sample physical activity program based on the
Physical Fitness Components

DBOWs 22 PE Day 2: a. Discuss the origin and location of folk dance through
its costume and music
b. identify the meaning of the gestures and hand movements
of the dance selected.
● Binislakan  Sua ku sua
● Pangalay  Sakuting

PE Day 3: Demonstrate the basic steps in Folk dancing

DBOWs 23 a. Slide e. Mincing i. Waltz step
b. Skip f. Touch step j. Stamping
c. Bleking g. Change step k. Pivot turn
d. Gallop h. Waltz turn l. Parallel Tortiller

DBOWs 24 PE Day 4: Execute the dance steps of selected regional and

national dances with Asian influences such as the: Binislakan,
Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay (Note: Dances available in
the area can be selected)

PE Day 5: Execute the dance steps of selected regional and

DBOWs 25 national dances with Asian influences such as the: Binislakan,
Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay (Note: Dances available in
the area can be selected)
PE Day 6: Execute the dance steps of selected regional and
DBOWs 26 national dances with Asian influences such as the: Binislakan,
Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay (Note: Dances available in
the area can be selected)

PE Day 7: Execute the dance steps of selected regional and

DBOWs 27 national dances with Asian influences such as the: Binislakan,
Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay (Note: Dances available in
the area can be selected)

PE Day 8: Execute the dance steps of selected regional and

DBOWs 28 national dances with Asian influences such as the: Binislakan,
Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay (Note: Dances available in
the area can be selected)

PE Day 9: Execute the dance steps of selected regional and

DBOWs 29 national dances with Asian influences such as the: Binislakan,
Sakuting, Sua-ko-Sua and Pangalay (Note: Dances available in
the area can be selected)

PE Day 10: Perform selected regional and national dances with

DBOWs 30 Asian influences such as the: Binislakan, Sakuting, Sua ku sua
and Pangalay (Note: Dances available in the area can be

DBOWs 31 HEALTH Day 1: Discusses gateway drugs. H8S-IVa-27 Analyzes

the negative health impact of cigarette smoking. H8S-IVb-c-29

HEALTH Day 2: Describes the harmful short and long-term

DBOWs 32 effects of cigarette smoking on the different parts of the body.
H8S-IVb-c-29 Discusses the dangers of mainstream, second hand
and third hand smoke; H8S-IVb-c-29

DBOWs 33 HEALTH Day 3: Explain the impact of cigarette smoking on the

family, environment, and community. H8S-IVb-c-29 Analyses the
negative health impact of drinking alcohol. H8S-IVe-f-31

DBOWs 34 HEALTH Day 4:Describes the harmful short and long-term effects
of drinking alcohol. H8S-IVe-f-31

DBOWs 35 HEALTH Day 5: Interprets blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in

terms of physiological changes in the body. H8S-IVe-f-31

DBOWs 36 HEALTH Day 6: Explains the impact of drinking alcohol on the

family, and community. H8S-IVg-h-32
DBOWs 37 HEALTH Day 7: Discusses strategies in the prevention and
control of cigarette smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

DBOWs 38 HEALTH Day 8: Apply resistance skills in situations related to

cigarette and alcohol use. H8S-IVg-h-33

HEALTH Day 9: Follows policies and laws in the family, school,

DBOWs 39 and community related to cigarette and alcohol use. H8S-IVg-h-
33 Suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol to
promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community) H8S-IVg-h-34

HEALTH Day 10: Follows policies and laws in the family, school,
DBOWs 40 and community related to cigarette and alcohol use. H8S-IVg-h-
33 Suggests healthy alternatives to cigarettes and alcohol to
promote healthy lifestyle (self, family, community) H8S-IVg-h-34

Grade 9, Fourth Quarter MAPEH DBOW


Grade 9 Description


DBOWs 1 Explains the plot, musical and theatrical elements of an opera

after watching video samples; MU9OP-IVa-g-1 MUSIC
Day 1: Describe an Opera and components of an opera

Explains the plot, musical and theatrical elements of an opera

DBOWs 2 after watching video samples; MU9OP-IVa-g-1
MUSIC Day 2: Explain the plot, musical and theatrical element of
La Traviata
Explains the plot, musical and theatrical elements of an opera
DBOWs 3 after watching video samples; MU9OP-IVa-g-1
MUSIC Day 3: Explain the plot, musical and theatrical element of
Madame Butterfly

DBOWs 4 Performs themes or melodic fragments of given selected songs;

Day 4: Describe the different types of voices of singers

DBOWs 5 Performs themes or melodic fragments of given selected songs;

Day 5: Describe the dynamics and vocal embellishments

Performs themes or melodic fragments of given selected songs;

Day 6: Sings themes or melodic fragments of given selected

Improvises appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements,

DBOWs 7 and costumes for a chosen opera MU9OP-IVb-h-5
MUSIC Day 7:Describe the styles of music of Romantic Vocal
music composers

Improvises appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements,

and costumes for a chosen opera MU9OP-IVb-h-5
DBOWs 8 MUSIC Day 8: Guide the students in choosing any song that is
appropriate in their vocal range. Follow the gesture or
movements of the given example of opera and they can use
improvised costume.

DBOWs 9 Evaluates music performances using guided rubrics MUSIC

Day 9: Practice for an opera performance

DBOWs 10
Evaluates music performances using guided rubrics MUSIC
day 10: Evaluate the music performance using guided rubrics

DBOWs 11 ARTS Day 1: Identifies selected theatrical forms from different

art periods. ( A9EL-lva-1)

DBOWs 12
ARTS Day 2: Researches on the history of the theatrical forms
and their evolution ( A9EL-lVb-2)
DBOWs 13 ARTS Day 3: Identifies the elements and principles of arts as
manifested in Western Classical plays and opera A9EL-IVc-3
( A9EL-lVb-2)

DBOWs 14
ARTS Day 4: Defines what makes selected western classical plays
and operas unique through visual representation. A9PL-IVc-1

DBOWs 15 ARTS Day 5: Designs the visual elements and components of the
selected Western classical theater play and opera through
costumes, props, etc ( A9PR-lvd-1)

DBOWs 16 ARTS Day 6: Analyzes the uniqueness of each group’s

performance of its selected Western classical theater play and
opera. (A9PR-Ivh-2)

DBOWs 17 ARTS Day 7: Shows the influences of the selected Western

Classical play or opera on Philippine theatrical performance in
terms of form and content of story. (A9PR-IVh-6)

DBOWs 18 ARTS Day 8: Choreographs the movements and gestures needed

in the effective delivery of a selected piece from Western
Classical plays and opera ( A9PR-lVe-f-3)

DBOWs 19 ARTS Day 9: Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm needed

in the effective delivery of a selected piece from Western
Classical plays and operas ( A9PR-lVe-f-3)

DBOWs 20 ARTS Day 10: Performs in a group showcase of the selected piece
from Western Classical plays and operas A9PR-IVg-5

Discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor

DBOWs 21 recreational activities PE9GS-IVa- PE
Day 1: Distinguishes the difference between indoor and outdoor
recreational activities

Discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor

DBOWs 22 recreational activities PE9GS-IVa-6 PE
Day 2: Briefly discuss the nature and background of indoor and
outdoor recreational activities
DBOWs 23 PE Day 3: Give the different indoor recreational activities and
describe how participation in active recreation contributes to the
achievement of a healthy life.

DBOWs 24 PE Day 4: Give the different outdoor recreational activities and

describe how participation in active recreation contributes to the
achievement of a healthy life.

DBOWs 25 Advocates community efforts to increase participation in physical

activities and improve nutrition practices PE9PF-IVb-h-43PE Day
5: Perform different indoor recreational activities
DBOWs 26 PE Day 6: Perform different outdoor recreational activities

DBOWs 27 Advocates community efforts to increase participation in physical

activities and improve nutrition practices PE9PF-IVb-h-43
PE Day 7. Explain the benefits of recreational activity and Analyze
the importance of recreational activity in promoting a healthy
lifestyle and the ideas on how to manage free time.

DBOWs 28 PE Day 8: Make a sample plan on how to increase participation in

physical activities and improve nutrition practices

Practices environmental ethics (e.g., Leave No Trace) during

DBOWs 29 participation in recreational activities of the community PE9PF-
PE Day 9: Identify the environmental ethics

DBOWs 30 Practices environmental ethics (e.g., Leave No Trace) during

participation in recreational activities of the community PE9PF-
IVb-h-44 PE
Day 10: Explain the importance of environmental ethics during
participation in recreational activities of the community.

DBOWs 31 Differentiate intentional injuries from unintentional injuries

HEALTH Day 1: Define and give examples of intentional injuries
and unintentional injuries
DBOWs 32 Differentiate intentional injuries from unintentional injuries
HEALTH Day 2: Give the characteristics of unintentional injuries
and intentional injuries.

Describe the types of intentional injuries (H9IS-IVa-d-32)

DBOWs 33 HEALTH Day 3: Enumerate the types of intentional injuries and
their characteristic.

DBOWs 34 Describe the types of intentional injuries (H9IS-IVa-d-32)

HEALTH Day 4: Compare the characteristics of intentional
injuries to unintentional injuries

DBOWs 35 Describe the types of intentional injuries (H9IS-IVa-d-32)HEALTH

Day 5: Day 5: Analyze the risk factors related to intentional
injuries (H9IS-IVe-h-33)

DBOWs 36 Describe the types of intentional injuries (H9IS-IVa-d-32)HEALTH

Day 6: Identify protective factors related to intentional injuries

DBOWs 37 Demonstrate ways to prevent and control intentional injuries.

HEALTH Day 7: Give ways for the prevention and control of
intentional injuries.

DBOWs 38 Demonstrate ways to prevent and control intentional injuries.

HEALTH Day 8: Demonstrate and make a short video on how to
prevent and control intentional injuries

Grade 10, Fourth Quarter MAPEH DBOW


Grade 10 Description


Describes how an idea or story in a musical play is presented by
watching a live performance or video excerpt; MU10MM-IIIa-h-1
MUSIC Day 1: Describe a Philippine opera, musical play, ballet
and other multimedia forms

DBOWs 2 Describes how an idea or story in a musical play is presented by

watching a live performance or video excerpt; MU10MM-IIIa-h-1
MUSIC Day 2: Explain the plot, musical and theatrical element of
Philippine opera, musical play, and ballet

DBOWs 3 Describes how an idea or story in a musical play is presented by

watching a live performance or video excerpt; MU10MM-IIIa-h-1
MUSIC Day 3: Describes how an idea or story in a musical play is
presented by watching a live performance or video excerpt

Explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a musical

DBOWs 4 play is combined with music
and media to achieve certain effects MU10MM-IIIa-h-2
MUSIC Day 4: Describe the elements of a musical play

Explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a musical

DBOWs 5 play is combined with music
and media to achieve certain effects MU10MM-IIIa-h-2. MUSIC
Day 5: Describe the persons working behind a musical play
Explains how theatrical elements in a selected part of a musical
DBOWs 6 play is combined with music
and media to achieve certain effects MU10MM-IIIa-h-2
MUSIC Day 6: Explain how theatrical elements in a selected part
of a musical play is combined with music and media to achieve
certain effects

Creates appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements, and

DBOWs 7 costume using
media and technology for a selected part of a musical play;
MUSIC Day 7: Creates appropriate sounds, music, gestures,
movements, and costume using
media and technology for a selected part of a musical play

Creates appropriate sounds, music, gestures, movements, and

DBOWs 8 costume using media and technology for a selected part of a
musical play; MU10MM-IIIc-h-4
MUSIC Day 8: Guide the students in choosing any songs
and scenes from a musical play that is appropriate in their vocal

Performs an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century Philippine

DBOWs 9 musical and highlight its similarities and differences to other
western musical play MU10MM-IIIg-h-5
MUSIC Day 9: Practice for an excerpt of Philippine musical play

MUSIC day 10: Performs an excerpt from a 20th or 21st century

DBOWs 10 Philippine musical and highlight its
similarities and differences to other western musical play
MUSIC Day 10: Evaluate the music performance using guided

DBOWs 11 ARTS Day 1: shows the influences of Modern Art movements on

Philippine art forms

DBOWs 12 ARTS Day 2: Analyzes examples of plays based on theatrical

forms, and elements of art as applied to performance. A10EL-
DBOWs 13 ARTS Day 3: Illustrates how the different elements are used to
communicate the meaning. A10EL-IVc-3

DBOWs 14 ARTS Day 4: Explains the uniqueness of each original

performance. A10PL-IVh-1

DBOWs 15 ARTS Day 5: Designs with a group the visual components of a

school play (stage design, costume, props, etc.).

DBOWs 16 ARTS Day 6: Assumes the role of a character as an actor/

performance, or production staff (director, choreography, light
designer, stage manager). A10PR-IVh-2

DBOWs 17 ARTS Day 7: Analyzes the uniqueness of the group that was given
recognition for its performance and explain what component
contributed to its selection. A10PR-IVh-3

DBOWs 18 ARTS Day 8: Contributes to the conceptualization of an original

performance. A10PR-IVd-4

DBOWs 19 ARTS Day 9: Choreographs the movements and gestures needed

in the effective delivery of an original performance with the use
of media. A10PR-IVf-g-5

DBOWs 20 ARTS Day 10: Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm

needed in the effective delivery of an original performance with
the use of different media

Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habits PE10PF-IVa-

DBOWs 21 h-39
PE Day 1. Give inputs and feedback on the last quarter BMI.

Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habits PE10PF-IVa-

DBOWs 22 h-39
PE Day2. Understand the results of developed physical activities
guided by FITT principles.

Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for at least 60

DBOWs 23 minutes a day in and out of school PE10PF-IVc-h-45
PE Day 3. Give the origin and Local development settings of
cheer dance and contemporary dance.
DBOWs 24 PE Day 4: Discuss the basic positions of arms and legs in cheer

DBOWs 25 PE Day 5: Explain the safety measures and proper executions of

jumps and simple stunts in cheer dance.

DBOWs 26 PE Day 6: Execute the basic positions of arms and legs in cheer
dance with accuracy.

DBOWs 27 PE Day 7: Execute the skills involved in jumps and simple stunts
in cheer dance with precautions

DBOWs 28 PE Day 8: Create cheer chant and Practice cheer dance with the
cheer chant

DBOWs 29 PE Day 9: Participate in a group performance executing the skills

involved cheer dance

DBOWs 30 PE Day 10: Understand the purpose and belongingness by

participating in physical activity-related community services
and programs.

Discuss the components and steps in making a personal health

DBOWs 31 career plan (H10PC-Iva-b-1)
HEALTH Day 1: Give the components and steps in making a
personal career plan

DBOWs 32
Discuss the components and steps in making a personal health
career plan (H10PC-Iva-b-1)
HEALTH Day 2: Decide on what possible career plan one may
have in the future

DBOWs 33 Prepare a personal health career following the prescribed

components and steps (H10PC-Iva-b-2)
HEALTH Day 3: Choose a health career plan which is suitable to
the ability and decision made

DBOWs 34 Prepare a personal health career following the prescribed

components and steps (H10PC-Iva-b-2)
HEALTH Day 4: Plot on the components and steps of the chosen
health career.
Explore the various health career paths, selects a particular
DBOWs 35 health career pathway based on personal competence and
interest; participates in a health career orientation program
HEALTH Day 5: Watch/ attend some career orientation program

Explore the various health career paths, selects a particular

health career pathway based on personal competence and
DBOWs 36 interest; participates in a health career orientation program
HEALTH Day 6: Research on possible health career paths,
considering the pros and cons of each, also checking on ones’
abilities and competence.

Decide on an appropriate health career path (H10PC-IVc-d-4)

DBOWs 37 HEALTH Day 7: Get the best options among the professions/
careers of health – related jobs.

DBOWs 38 Decide on an appropriate health career path (H10PC-IVc-d-4)

HEALTH Day 8: Prepare a health career plan based on the
chosen profession or job.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan

Q4 Q4 (%)


Not Taught Taught (%) Not Taught (%)

Q4 Q4 (%)


Not Taught Taught (%) Not Taught (%)


Q4 Q4 (%)


Not Taught Taught (%) Not Taught (%)

Q4 Q4 (%)


Not Taught Taught (%) Not Taught (%)

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