Mary's Party Game 9 23 18

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1. Tell us how you met our hostess.

2. Hum a song and see if others can guess the tune. Your song is _____________________________.

3. Tell us three truths and a lie about yourself. Let us guess which one is the lie.

4. Name some books by your favorite author without saying his or her name until we can guess who he
or she is.

5. Would you rather _______________________________________________ or


Please explain why.

6. Your secret word is _______________________________

Give the group one-word hints until we guess the word. Allow each person in the group to guess
and if no one can guess your word give us a second hint and allow each person one guess again –
repeat until someone guesses your word.

7. If you could have a fictional dinner party and invite 5 guests (alive or not) who would they be?

8. What do you consider the best day of your life so far?

9. Name the three best classes you took in school (High School, College or Grad School)

10. Who was one of your first Mentors. What did he or she look like? How did you meet him or her?
What did you most admire about him or her?

11. All these things happen at once:

- Your baby is crying and needs you

- The phone rings and you are expecting an important call, there is no voicemail
- Someone knocks at the front door
- The tap water is running in the kitchen sink
- Laundry is drying and it starts to rain

In what order do you deal with these things?

12. What’s your Zodiac sign? Do you identify with any of the traits normally associated with that sign?

13. Write down your three favorite animals (quickly!) Now write three adjectives for each animal.

14. If you could have a dream about anything tonight, what would that dream be?

Question 11

Baby = Family
Phone = Business, Job, Career
Door = Friends
Faucet = Money
Laundry = Your sex life

Question 13

First Animal = How people see you

Second Animal = How you think people see you
Third Animal = How and what you really are


SEPTEMBER 22, 2018

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