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Injury, Int. J.

Care Injured 41 (2010) 1172–1177

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Treatment of chondral defects of the knee with one step matrix-assisted

technique enhanced by autologous concentrated bone marrow: In vitro
characterisation of mesenchymal stem cells from iliac crest and subchondral bone
Laura de Girolamo a, Giulia Bertolini b, Matteo Cervellin c, Gabriella Sozzi b, Piero Volpi c,*
Orthopaedic Biotechnologies Lab, IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milan, Italy
Molecular-Cytogenetics Unit, Dept of Experimental Oncology, Istituto Nazionale Tumori, Milan, Italy
Sports Traumatology and Arthroscopic Unit, IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopaedic Institute, Milan, Italy


Keywords: Cartilage repair is still an unsolved problem. In the last years many cell-based treatments have been
Chondral lesion proposed, in order to obtain good regeneration of cartilage defects. The Autologous Matrix-Induced
Matrix-assisted technique Chondrogenesis technique (AMIC1) combines the micro-fracture procedure with the use of a specific
Bone marrow biological membrane.
Mesenchymal stem cells
The phenotypic feature of bone marrow cell population, harvested from iliac crest and knee
Chondrogenic potential
subchondral bone of patients treated with the AMIC1 technique, enhanced by autologous concentrated
bone marrow, was analysed to evaluate potential variations of the cell population. Samples of eleven
patients, with isolated chondral lesions grade III or IV were treated with the AMIC1 technique, enhanced
by the use of autologous concentrated bone marrow. A small fraction of bone marrow samples, both from
iliac crest and from the created micro-fractures, was analysed by FACS analysis and then cultured to
verify their proliferative and differentiation potential.
An average of 0.04% of concentrated bone marrow cells harvested from the iliac crest, presented
mesenchymal stem cell phenotype (CD34 /CD45low/CD271high), whereas just 0.02% of these cells were
identified from the samples harvested during the creation of micro-fractures at the knee. After two
passages in culture, cells expressed a peculiar profile for MSC. Only MSC from bone marrow could be
long-term propagated and were able to efficiently differentiate in the cultures. Although the AMIC1
approach has many advantages, the surgical technique in the application of the microfracture technique
remains essential and affects the final result.
ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction (scaffolds) seeded with terminally differentiated cells or

progenitor cells. Although these new approaches have produced
Articular cartilage has a limited self-reparative capacity, encouraging in vitro data, none of these has yet proved to be able
principally due to the absence of vasculature, which would allow to fully regenerate the articular cartilage tissue of the knee in
the progenitor cells to colonise the possible chondral lesion.20 In long-term clinical trials. Moreover, this kind of technique
the contemporary developed countries, the incidence of the involves two surgical stages, increasing patients’ discomfort,
diagnosis of articular cartilage pathology is increasing, and as a risks, and costs.5,21
result, more cartilage repair procedures are being performed each A very simple but efficient way of treating cartilage defects is
year. During the present decade, from 2000 to 2010, the attention the ‘‘microfracture’’ technique.17 This approach, although leading
has been particularly directed to the research in order to obtain to good results,22 has known limitations as to the size of repairable
better results in terms of prevention, diagnosis and/or treatment of chondral lesions (up to 2 cm2). For larger defects, a matrix-based
knee joint related problems.6,8 bone marrow stimulating technique, called Autologous Matrix-
Promising results have been obtained with cell-based Induced Chondrogenesis (AMIC1) has been recently proposed. It
therapies.10,19 These techniques involve the use of biomaterials combines the ‘‘microfracture’’ technique with the use of a type I/III
porcine collagen matrix (Chondro-Gide1, Geistlich Pharma),
which is able to stabilise and protect the blood clot coming from
* Corresponding author. the subchondral bone. Although recently introduced, satisfactory
E-mail address: (P. Volpi). results have been already been reported.18,23

0020–1383/$ – see front matter ß 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. de Girolamo et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 41 (2010) 1172–1177 1173

An important aspect of bone marrow stimulating techniques is lesion was debrided in order to remove the soften cartilage and to
the real amount of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) that derive from create a regular-shaped lesion. Using a template, the membrane was
the microfractured areas of the subchondral bone. A wide then cut according to the dimensions and the size of the defect.
variability between individual patients or surgeons, in terms of Following the Steadman’s technique,17 microfractures were then
presence of MSC has been reported. This variability affects created using specific awls (ChondropicTM, Arthrex1). According to
radically the clinical outcome. the locally developed technique, the membrane was then dipped
Based on this observation, a prospective randomised clinical into the obtained concentrated bone marrow, and then glued as
study was performed to compare the results in patients treated usually (Fig. 1). The blood clot resulting from the microfractures was
either with the standard AMIC1 technique, or with the AMIC1 stabilised and maintained placing the wet membrane on the defect
technique combined with the use of autologous concentrated bone and fixing it with synthetic fibrin glue (Tissucol1, Baxter).
marrow harvested from the iliac crest. The aim was to evaluate the The rehabilitation program was different for the treated condylar
potential positive effect of increasing the number of progenitor cells or patellar defects. For the condylar defect cases immediate full
in repairing chondral lesions of the knee. The study is still in range of motion was allowed without any weight bearing for 3
progress, because some patients have not reached the time endpoint weeks. Full bearing was allowed after the sixth week. In the case of
of final follow up. The preliminary data on the first 15 patients of this patellar defects, patients were allowed to progressively restore the
study are presented at minimum follow up of 6 months. At the same full range of motion and bearing starting from the early post-
time, an in vitro study has been performed, analysing the features of operative days. All cases were advised to return to sports after 4–6
the cell populations isolated from bone marrow both from the knee’s months from surgery, depending of the type of sport.
subchondral bone and from the iliac crest, in order to reveal possible
quality and quantitative differences. Isolation, in vitro growth and characterisation of hMSCs

Material and methods A small fraction of bone marrow samples retrieved both from
the iliac crest and from the microfracture sites, has been processed
Surgical technique in order to isolate, characterise and culture the mesenchymal stem
cells population.
Eleven patients, following their written informed consent, were The samples were washed with PBS and centrifuged twice at
treated with the AMIC1 technique combined with use of 900  g for 5 min. Cells were counted and plated at 2  105 cells/
autologous concentrated bone marrow. Inclusion criteria were cm2 in human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Growth Medium (MSCGM
age between 18 and 55 years, presence of one or two chondral – Lonza, Verviers, Belgium, control medium) in 75 cm2 flasks
lesions type of III o IV according to the Outerbridge system,1 lesion (Corning Inc., NY, USA). After 72 h, non-adherent cells were
size between 2 and 8 cm2 with surrounding cartilage with lesions discarded and fresh medium was added to adherent cells. MSCGM
less than type II per Outerbridge. Exclusion criteria were the was replaced every 4 days. When reached the confluence, hMSCs
presence of more than two chondral defects, immuno-mediated were detached by Trypsin/EDTA solution (Lonza) and then re-
pathologies or knee infection including osteoarthritis, knee seeded at 5–6  103 cells/cm2.
instability, meniscus tears, malignancies, serious cardiologic To determine the percentage of hMSCs in the bone marrow
pathologies or problematic general conditions. aspirates, cell samples were assessed for the expression of specific
After arthroscopically confirming the indications to the treat- stem cell markers by cytofluorimetric analyses. Cells were stained
ment, a small amount (24 ml) of bone marrow was harvested from with conjugated antibodies CD271-PE (Miltenyi Biotech, Bergisch
the iliac crest using a particular large bore needle. The sample was Gladbach, Germany), CD45-FITC and with the vital dye 7-AAD (all
then centrifuged for 15 min to obtain a concentrated phase from Becton Dickinson, Heidelberg, Germany). Cells were re-
containing mononuclear cells, using the device MarrowStimTM suspended in staining solution containing 1% BSA, 2 mM EDTA and
(Biomet Biotechnologies1). Meanwhile, a small incision was made incubated for 30 min at 40 8C with specific antibodies at the
in correspondence to the localisation of the cartilage defect. The appropriate dilution and with 10 ml of vital dye 7-AAD.

Fig. 1. Concentrated bone marrow from the iliac crest after centrifugation (a) in which the cut membrane is dipped before be placed on the chondral defect (b).
1174 L. de Girolamo et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 41 (2010) 1172–1177

To characterise the phenotype of cultured hMSCs, cells grown for After 3 complete cycles of induction/maintenance, hMSCs were
two passages in control medium were stained with the following maintained for 7 more days in Adipogenic Maintenance Medium,
conjugated antibodies: anti human CD45-PE, CD34-PE, CD31-PE, replacing the medium every 2–3 days. Cells were then washed in
CD90-PE, CD73-PE, CD166-PE, CD44-PE (all from Becton Dickinson) PBS, fixed with 10% formalin and stained with fresh Oil Red-O
and CD105-FITC (R&D System Minneapolis, MN, USA). Cells were solution for 10 min.
incubated with saturating concentrations of the appropriate For osteogenic differentiation 3  103/cm2, hMSCs were plated in
antibodies for 30 min at 40 8C and analysed by FACSCaliburTM control medium. After 24 h Osteogenesis Induction Medium
(Becton-Dickinson) and CellQuestTM analysis software. (supplemented with Ascorbate, L-glutamine, b-Glycerophosphate,
Dexamethasone – Lonza) was added to the plate, changing medium
In vitro differentiation assays twice a week for 21 days. To assay calcium deposition cells were
washed in PBS, fixed in a solution of ice-cold 70% ethanol and stained
The differentiation potential of hMSCs was induced using with 1 ml of 2% Alizarin red S solution, pH 4.1 for 10 min.
specific commercially available differentiation medium, all pur-
chased from Lonza. To obtain the chondrogenic differentiation, Results
5  105 hMSCs were re-suspended in Complete Chondrogenic
medium (supplemented with Dexamethasone, Ascorbate, ITS + - The mean age of the 11 patients (9 male, 2 female) was
Supplement, Sodium Pyruvate, Proline and 10 ng/ml TGFb3 – 30.3  10.5 (range 17–43). There were just one patient that had a
Lonza), centrifuged at 150  g for 5 min. The resulting pellet was patellar chondral defect repair, the other were all treated for femoral
left at the bottom of the tube in order to obtain a micromass made condyle defects. Since most of the enrolled patients have reached a
of cells, and incubated at 37 8C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% follow-up of just 6 months, the short term results could only be
CO2, loosing the cap of the tube half-open to allow gas exchange. reported.
Medium was replaced every 2–3 days for 3 weeks. The resulting No adverse events have been observed in these patients on both
pellet was then formalin-fixed and paraffin embedded for groups for this period of time. No acute or long-lasting pain was
histological processing. Sections of 3 mm were slide-mounted, reported for any patients undergone the harvest of bone marrow
stained with 1% Alcian blue solution, specific for sulphated from iliac crest. The modified technique was reproducible and
glycosaminoglycans, dissolved in 3% acetic acid pH 2, 5 for quite simple, and allowed maintaining the same duration of
30 min and counterstained with nuclear red solution. intervention with the classic AMIC1 technique.
For adipogenic differentiation, hMSCs were plated at a concen- An average of 0.04% of concentrated bone marrow cells
tration of 2  104 cells/cm2 in control medium. After 5 days harvested from iliac crest presented mesenchymal stem cells
Adipogenesis Induction Medium (supplemented with Insulin, L- phenotype: CD34 /CD45low/CD271high. Just 0.02% of cells pre-
glutamine, Dexamethasone, Indomethacin, 3-isobuty-l-methyl- sented this expression pattern in the samples from the micro-
xanthine – Lonza) was added for 3 days, followed by 3 days of fractures blood samples (Fig. 2). After two passages in culture, cells
culture in supplemented Adipogenic Maintenance Medium (Lonza). were analysed by FACS for the expression of mesenchymal cell

Fig. 2. Cytogram distribution of bone marrow cell populations in iliac crest (left) and knee microfractures (right) of the same patients. A higher percentage of lymphoid and
myeloid progenitor cells (blast cells) have been observed in the sample harvested from iliac crest.
[()TD$FIG] L. de Girolamo et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 41 (2010) 1172–1177 1175

Fig. 3. Phenotypic profile of concentrated bone marrow MSC from iliac crest is after two passages in culture by cytofluorimetric analysis.
markers. The expression profile was peculiar for MSC: almost 100%
of the cells were positive for CD105, CD73, CD166 and CD90,
whereas no CD34 and CD45 positive cells were detected, excluding
a possible contamination of haematopoietic cells. In Fig. 3, a
representative cytofluorimetric analysis of passage II concentrated
bone marrow MSC from iliac crest is shown. Moreover, FSC analysis
revealed a significant difference in cytogram distribution between
knee microfracture blood and iliac crest samples: in particular the
percentage of lymphoid and myeloid progenitor cells (blast cells)
was 0.14 and 2.58, respectively.
To verify the multipotent differentiation of the isolated cells,
they were induced to differentiate into adipogenic, osteogenic and
chondrogenic lineage. Only MSC from bone marrow could be long-
term propagated and were able to efficiently differentiate, whereas
culture derived from microfracture can be propagated in vitro only
for few passages, indicating a limited self renewal potential. Cells
cultured in adipogenic medium for 28 days produced high level of Fig. 4. Adipogenic potential of MSC from concentrated bone marrow from iliac crest.
intracellular lipid drops, absent in undifferentiated cells, which Cells, after 28 days, in adipogenic medium, formed lipid droplets, which are stained
have been stained by Oil Red O (Fig. 4). by Oil Red O.
1176 [()TD$FIG]
L. de Girolamo et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 41 (2010) 1172–1177

To assess osteogenic differentiation, calcified matrix production

has been evaluated using Alizarin Red S. In undifferentiated cells
the staining was undetectable (Fig. 5a), whereas cells cultured for
21 days in osteogenic medium produced Alizarin Red-positive
calcified matrix on top of the cell monolayer, suggesting a
significant differentiation process (Fig. 5b).
Sections of MSC micromasses were evaluated to reveal the
presence of sulphated glycosaminoglycans. Only the micromasses
cultured for 21 days in chondrogenic medium were positive for
Alcian Blue staining, as shown in Fig. 6b, indicating an initial
chondrogenic differentiation process. Moreover, micromasses
maintained in non-inductive medium were smaller and less solid
than the ones cultured in chondrogenic medium, suggesting a poor
and not specific formation of extracellular matrix (Fig. 6a).


Bone marrow stimulation techniques, besides enhancing

cytokines that promote cartilage repair, they also induce the
chondroprogenitors to migrate into the cartilage lesion.12
Currently, these techniques are very commonly used by the
majority of orthopaedic surgeons, as they are easy to perform,
need no particular surgical instruments and are less expensive
than others.4,9,16 However, as already reported,13 these methods
of repair are able to produce fibrocartilage tissue to the defects,
probably because the number of progenitors cells coming from
the bone marrow is too small to induce hyaline cartilage
The AMIC1 technique can be included to the family of the
‘‘matrix-assisted techniques’’, which combine the regenerative
potential provided by a cell source (either undifferentiated or
terminally differentiated cells), with the effect of a specific matrix,
Fig. 6. Chondrogenic potential of MSC from concentrated bone marrow from iliac
able to induce the differentiation process. Differently from many crest. Sections of MSC micromasses (3 mm) cultured for 21 days in chondrogenic
others ‘‘matrix-assisted techniques’’, AMIC1 is performed in one
medium were positive for Alcian Blue staining (b), whereas not specific cartilaginous
matrix have been produced by cells maintained in non-inductive medium (a).

surgical step, thus reducing costs and discomfort for the patients.
The particular biochemical structure of the membrane (type I/III
porcine collagen) is able to create a suitable microenvironment to
induce progenitor cells, contained in the microfractures blood, and
acquire chondrocyte-like properties easier.
Since most of the patients in this series have just reached a follow
up of 6 months, and as this time point could be not indicative for the
regeneration chondral process, the evaluation of the clinical
outcome is still inconclusive. Similarly, other authors11,14 have
demonstrated that bone marrow stimulation techniques give very
good result in the short period, but then, at longer follow up, the
new-formed tissue start a degeneration process. However, recently
Gille et al.23 showed very good clinical results and significant
improvements respect to pre-operative values in term of Lysholm
Score, Tegner Activity Scale and ICRS score in patients treated with
the AMIC1technique at an average follow up of 24 and 36.
Additionally, at this short follow-up it is not possible to identify
potential differences between the two groups of patients included in
this study. Clinical evaluation is based on the calculation of the
Lysholm Knee Score, the IKDC score and the VAS pain scale, as
recorded preoperatively and at 6, 12 and 24 months from surgery. At
the same time point each patient will have an MRI of the treated
knee, in order to evaluate the filling of the cartilage defect.
Our preliminary data suggest that both types of treatment give
very good results after 6 months from surgery, with no significant
differences in term of patients’ satisfaction and clinical evaluation.
Fig. 5. Osteogenic potential of MSC from concentrated bone marrow from iliac crest.
The modified technique does not increase the duration of the
Cells cultured for 21 days in osteogenic medium were able to differentiate
producing extracellular calcified matrix, positively stained by Alizarin Red S (b),
intervention, because the centrifugation is performed during the
whereas cells maintained for the same time in non-inductive medium were not able preparation of the chondral defects. Of course, the centrifugation,
to produce it (a). used as a very simple way of bone marrow concentration, cannot
L. de Girolamo et al. / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 41 (2010) 1172–1177 1177

produce a mass of purified MSC population, but, on the other hand, it manuscript; in the decision to submit the manuscript for
allows the completion of the procedure in one stage. No patients publication.
reported long-lasting pain or subsequent complications related to
the harvest of bone marrow from iliac crest. The autologous use of
Conflict of interest statement
bone marrow avoids any potential risks from of disease transmission
or of reactions that allogenic grafts may cause.
No author of this paper has potential or actual conflict of
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