Quiz8 Sol

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Quiz 8 Solution

May 8, 2023

To find the rate of change of temperature at point P = (2, −1, 2) in the direction toward point (3, −3, 3), we
need to calculate the directional derivative of the temperature function T (x, y, z) at point P in that direction. The
formula for the directional derivative is Du f (P ) = ∇f (P ) · u, where ∇f (P ) is the gradient of f at point P and u
is a unit vector in the direction of interest.First, we need to calculate the gradient of T (x, y, z) at point P .
2 2 2
The temperature function is given by T (x, y, z) = 200e−x −3y −9z , so its partial derivatives are:
−3y 2 −9z 2
Tx (x, y, z) = −400xe−x
−3y 2 −9z 2
Ty (x, y, z) = −1200ye−x
−3y 2 −9z 2
Tz (x, y, z) = −3600ze−x

Evaluating these partial derivatives at point P = (2, −1, 2), we get:

Tx (2, −1, 2) = −400 · 2 · e−43

Ty (2, −1, 2) = −1200 · (−1) · e−43
Tz (2, −1, 2) = −3600 · 2 · e−43

So the gradient of T (x, y, z) at point P is ∇T (2, −1, 2) = (−800 · e−43 , 1200 · e−43 , −7200 · e−43 ).
Next, we need to find a unit vector in the direction from point P to point (3, −3, 3). The vector pointing from
P to (3, −3,√3) is (3, −3, 3) − (2, −1, 2) = (1, −2, 1). Dividing this vector by its magnitude gives us the unit vector
u = ( √16 , − 36 , √16 ).
Finally, we can calculate the directional derivative of T (x, y, z) at point P in the direction toward point (3, −3, 3)
using the formula Du f (P ) = ∇f (P ) · u.√ Plugging in the values we have calculated gives us Du f (P ) = (−800 ·
e−43 , 1200 · e−43 , −7200 · e−43 ) · ( √16 , − 36 , √16 ) = −10400·e

. So the rate of change of temperature at point
P = (2, −1, 2) in the direction toward point (3, −3, 3) is approximately 8.98 × 10−16 ◦ C/m.

The gradient vector is a vector that points in the direction of the greatest rate of increase of the function;
therefore, the direction (−8, 12, −72) increases most rapidly at P .

The maximum rate of change is the magnitude of the gradient:
√ √
|∇T (2, −1, 2)| = | − 400e−43 (2, −3, 18)| = 400e−43 4 + 9 + 324 = 400e−43 337 ◦ C/m

Let F (x, y, z) = xy + yz + zx − 11, then we have:

Fx = y + z
Fy = x + z
Fz = y + x
(x−1) (y−2) (z−3)
Thus, the tangent plane is 5(x − 1) + 4(y − 2) + 3(z − 3) = 0 ,and normal line is 5 = 4 = 3 .

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