Art General

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the making of objects, images, music, etc. that are beautiful or that express feelings:
Can television and pop music really be considered art?
I enjoyed the ballet, but it wasn't really great art.

the activity of painting, drawing and making sculpture:
Art and English were my best subjects at school.
an art teacher

paintings, drawings and sculptures:
The gallery has an excellent collection of modern art.
an exhibition of Native American art
Peggy Guggenheim was one of the twentieth century's great art collectors.
The Frick is an art gallery in New York.

an activity through which people express particular ideas:
Drama is an art that is traditionally performed in a theatre.
Do you regard film as entertainment or as an art?
She is doing a course in the performing arts.

someone who paints, draws or makes sculptures:
Monet is one of my favourite artists.

relating to art:
the artistic director of the theatre
artistic endeavours
a work of artistic merit

able to create or enjoy art:
His friends are all artistic - they're painters, musicians and writers.


fine art
drawings, paintings and sculptures that are admired for their beauty and have no practical use

fine arts plural noun

painting and sculpture:
a fine arts degree
The fine arts have suffered from a lack of government funding.

folk art (TRADITIONAL)

describes art that expresses something about the lives and feelings of ordinary people in a particular
group or country, especially those living in the countryside:
folk art
graphic (adjective)
related to drawing or printing:
a graphic artist

graphic design
the art of designing pictures and text for books, magazines, advertising, etc.

opus (plural: opuses or SPECIALIZED opera)

FORMAL any work of art:
He showed us his latest opus, a rather awful painting of a vase of flowers.

a piece of work by a famous artist or designer and not a copy by someone else:
If the painting is an original, it will be very valuable.

shown in the form of a picture or photograph:
The exhibition is a pictorial history/record of the town in the 19th century.


piece (ITEM)
something which has been created by an artist, musician or writer:
an orchestral/piano/instrumental piece
a skilful piece of work/research
Did you read that piece (= article) in the newspaper?

the visual arts

the arts of painting and sculpture, rather than literature and music

something created as a result of effort, especially a painting, book or piece of music:
The museum has many works by Picasso as well as other modern painters.
the poetic works of Tagore

work of art
an object made by an artist of great skill, especially a painting, drawing or statue:
The thieves stole several valuable works of art.

have an ear for sth

If someone has an ear for music or languages, they are good at hearing, repeating or understanding
these sounds:
She's never had much of an ear for languages.

have a genius for sth

to be especially skilled at a particular activity:
She has a genius for raising money.

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