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Part A.

Name: ___________________________(optional)

Grade: ___________________

Age: ____________________

Sex:_ ___________________

Monthly Income of the Family: (Please put a check mark)

____P5,000.00 and below

____P5,001.00 – P10,000

____P10,001.00 – P15,000

____P15,001.00 and above

1. Do you have a place where you can read without disturbance?

____Yes ____ No

2. Where do you get the book you read?

____ Borrowed ____ Bought

3. Does your parents/guardian allow you to read novels at home?

____ Yes ____ No

Part B.

1. What language is the language of the book you are reading?

____ English ____ Filipino

2. Do you read novels at school?

____ Yes ____ No

3. Length of reading novels

____ 3-6 months ____1-2 years

____ 6-12 months ____ 3 years and above

4. Genre of novels being read

____ romance ____ horror

____ comedy ____ action

5. Frequency of reading novels

____ once a week ____5 times a week

____ twice a week ____ everyday

6. Time spent on reading

____ less than 30 minutes ____ 1-2 hours

____ 30-60 minutes ____ 2 hours and above

For Junior High Students:

Grade in English ( First Quarter ):______

Grade in Filipino ( First Quarter ):______

For Senior High Studens:

Grade in 21st Century Literature:_______

Grade in Oral Communication: _______

Grade in Komunikasyon: _______

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