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1. Our first tour destination in Asia is ... our next destination.

a. farther than
b. the farther than
c. farthest than
d. the farthest than
Jawaban : a
Comparative : be + -er/more + than
2. The little girl is taking care of the puppy with ... affection, and kindness.
a. Patient
b. Patience
c. Patiently
d. Patients
Jawaban : b
Parallel Adverb : adv + adv + … + and + adv
3. Promoting ... goods and services, the company salesmen also bid an opportunity to earn
some profit.
a. They
b. Their
c. Its
d. It
Jawaban : b
Perhatikan subjeknya : The company salesmen (plural)
4. The recent progress report ... to the Branch Manager.
a. Submits
b. will submit
c. will be submited
d. will be submitting
Jawaban : c
Passive Voice : will be + V3
5. Many people in that hotel were frightened ... the bombing threat issued by the terrorists.
a. Off
b. By
c. At
d. With
Jawaban : b
Cukup Jelas (kalimat pasif)
6. Susan decides ... that she has committed a crime.
a. Confess
b. Confessing
c. Confessed
d. to confess
Jawaban : b
V1 + gerund → confessing berfungsi sebagai objek dari verb decides
7. You ... the job if you were not late to the interview.
a. would get
b. would be gotten
c. would have gotten
d. would have been gotten
Jawaban : a
Conditional Sentence Type 2 : if + V2/were, S + would + V1/be
8. Hardly ever ... the same word twice alike.
a. the little boy spelled
b. did spell the little boy
c. did the little boy spell
d. spelled the little boy
Jawaban : c
9. The family ..... wit the neighborh since the tragedy.
a. had rarely engaging
b. had rarely engaged
c. has rarely engaging
d. has rarely engaged
Jawaban : d
- Signal -> since
- Tenses -> perfect tense
- Tidak ada yang menunjukkan kalau kalimat itu lampau -> present
10. Joe ... a temble role model for his younger brother all day yesterday.
a. was
b. being
c. has been
d. was being
Jawaban : a
- Time signal -> yesterday
- Tenses -> past tense
- Tidak ada petunjuk waktu continuous
11. It necessary that Departement of Mlitary ... the 20th annual State Veterans Homes Week.
a. celebrated
b. celebrace
c. celebraces
d. to celebrate
Jawaban : c
- Kalimat pertama menunjkkan bahwa kalimat itu present.
- Subject : The departement of military (singular) -> verb : tanpa s/es
12. Not all people can afford ... in a big city like New York.
a. live
b. to live
c. living
d. for living
Jawaban : b
to live (afford + to infinitive)
13. When entering a Japanese home or restaurant , it is ... to remove shoes.
a. Customary
b. Customs
c. Customer
d. Customy
Jawaban : d
biasa (adv)
14. ..... the family were satisfied with the holiday.
a. Beside the hotel
b. Among the hotel
c. Between the hotel
d. Besides the hotel
Jawaban : b
15. It was very kind of my friend to help me ... cash money.
a. to count
b. counted
c. counts
d. count
Jawaban : d
16. The most difficult thing to do after a hot fight of argument is to ...
a. make up
b. make out
c. make for
d. make over
Jawaban : a
17. X : I really need ajob right now. <br>Y : Well, you ... look for job vacancies in the
a. should
b. must
c. might
d. need
Jawaban : a
should (suggestion)
18. I should ..... because his grades are poor.
a. force my second so study
b. insist on my second study
c. make my second study
d. tell my second son study
Jawaban : a
force : memaksa
insist : meminta
make : menyuruh
tell : mengatakan
19. Pranadjaja contributed a great deal, to Indonesian music by ...
a. singing, teaching, and lecturing
b. singing, as a teacher, and lecturer
c. singing, a teacher, and lecturing
d. singing, teaching, and as a lecturer
Jawaban : a
by diikuti gerund; paralellism
20. Not until a monkey is several years old ..... to exhibit signs of independence from its
a. it begins
b. does it begin
c. and begins
d. beginning
Jawaban : a
menjelaskan monkey pada klausa sebelumnya

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