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Journal Entry

Name: Hilmo Kapic Date: 09/06/2019

Grade: /100

The journals are for you to reflect, to vent, express your feelings, and tell the instructor what
your experience was like that clinical day. Please keep in mind that this is a professional journal
so do not utilize vulgar language to express your feelings. Please do not reiterate all the patient
diagnoses and such, this is a personal place for you to talk about things.

This is an opportunity for you to reflect upon your day and to see your growth. Journaling is a
great way for you to look back upon your clinical experiences at the end of the program and for
you to see your transition into an autonomous practicing nurse.

An entry is considered complete and you will be given full credit for it if it is more than 4
sentences long and has good reflection of the clinical day, your experience, or anything else
about the clinical day you wish to discuss.

The first day of the clinical was awesome. I got the chance to explore the facility and meet my
clinical instructor. We went over the policies for expectations of the student. We also got the
chance to see some of the residents. Also, we were assigned the resident we will be taking the care
of during the clinical days. I think I have very skilled and knowledgeable instructor. I am eager to
learn and do my best to get the experience at Edna Tina Wilson Nursing home.

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