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Professor: Angela Nogueira

Disciplina: Inglês – Phrasal verbs
Coordenação: SEAN
Sequência Didática 03

Semana 30/03 a 03/04

Extra exercises on phrasal verbs

I. Complete the sentences with a verb from A and a preposition from B. Use
each verb once. Make changes in verb form if necessary.

A take hang pick wipe throw wash put clean

B out away up off

1. At home we all do chores. My father _______________ the trash.

2. My mother cooks and _______________.
3. Yesterday, I dripped my juice and I had to ________________ the floor.
4. My sister and I come back from school and ______________ our coats, and
_______________ our boots and school material.
5. Once a week we tidy our rooms. We change the linen and _______________
toys and clothes from the floor putting them away.
6. This weekend, we are going to do to a spring cleaning. We are going to ______
____________ our closets and take some stuff to a nursing home
7. My father mowns the lawn,I wash the car, my sister walks the dog and my
mother _______________.objects she finds under sofas, beds and the like.

II. Check (√) the best answer.

1. Mary threw away ________________.

( ) her books
( ) the old newspaper
( ) the groceries
( ) her closet

2. Jane picked up _____________ and put them in the closet.

( ) the pizza
( ) her dogs
( ) the mirrors
( ) her shoes

3. Make sure you wipe off the _____________after you finish washing up.
( ) kitchen counter
( ) closet
( ) trash
( ) Keys

4. Let´s put away the ________________ so we won’t lose it.

( ) dishes
(...) trash
( ) front door key
( ) cabinet

5. Bob hangs up his ________________ in the laundry cabinet so they can

be ironed.
( ) belts
( ) shirts
( ) coats
( ) socks

6. How often do you have to wash up ______________?

( ) your coat
( ) the dog
( ) the dishes
( ) your bedroom

7. Please wipe off the ____________ so we can sit down and eat
( ) table
( ) plate
( ) cabinet
( ) refrigerator

8. Don`t throw away that ______________! Recycle it.

( ) hamburger
( ) box
( ) lettuce
( ) toilet paper

9. When winter finishes, I clean out my _____________ and get ready for
the new season.
( ) keys
( ) mirror
( ) closets
( ) book

10. How many times have I asked you to hang up _______________ so

they don’t get wrinkled?
( ) the groceries
( ) the trash
( ) the old newspaper
( ) your pants
III For extra exercises on phrasal verbs visit

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