Soal PTS Kelas 3

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama :

Hari/Tanggal : Selasa, 27 September 2022 Nomor :
Waktu : 09.14 – 10.45 Kelas : 3

1. Tulislah Nama dan Nomor pada sudut kanan atas kertas!
2. Bacalah tiap-tiap soal dengan sebaik-baiknya!
3. Kerjakan lebih dahulu soal yang paling mudah!
4. Periksa Kembali pekerjaan sebelum diserahkan pada Bapak/Ibu Guru!

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf a, b atau c pada jawaban yang paling benar di lembar

Our Body
Our body is divided into 3 parts. There are parts of the head, body and legs. On the head
we have hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and etc. We use our eyes for seeing, we use ears for
hearing, we use nose for smelling and we use mouth for eating. On the body, we have
shoulders, chest, stomach and hands. We have two hands and ten fingers. We use our hands
to hold something. Last, We have two legs for walking

1. What is the title of the text?

The title of the text is …
a. Parts of body b. Our Body c. My body

2. How many parts are there on our body? There are …

a. two parts b. three parts c. four parts

3. On the head, we have hair, eyes, nose and …

a. mouth b. fingers c. hands

4. What do we use to speak?

a. eyes b. nose c. mouth

5. This is my … I use it for hearing

a. ears b. legs c. hands

6. She … white teeth

a. has b. have c. hasn’t

7. Jess : Do you … short hair?

Jim : Yes, I do
a. has b. have c. hasn’t

8. Sisca has two … for watching

a. eyes b. nose c. lips

9. I … two legs
a. has b. have c. hasn’t

10. Do we use our nose for smelling?

a. Yes, we do b. No, we don’t c. Yes, we don’t

11. What is this? It is a bottle of …

a. milk b. water c. tea

12. Nisha is thirsty. She wants to …

a. eat b. sleep c. drink

13. Asha : Do you want … ?

Nina : Yes, I do
a. pizza b. cake c. bread

14. What is your favorite drink?

a. coffee b. orange juice c. ice tea

15. I want to eat…

a. fried rice b. milk c. lemon tea

16. Andre : Are you …. ?

Lia : Yes, I want to drink a glass of water
a. thirsty b. hungry c. sleepy

17. Rearrange into a good word! S - I - N - D - W - A - H - C

a. sindwach b. sandwchi c. sandwich

18. Dimas : Are you hungry?

Elisa : …
Dimas : Ok. Let’s go to canteen
a. Yes, I am b. No, I am not c. Yes, I am not

19. When I feel hungry, I … a plate of nasi campur

a. eat b. drink c. cut

20. fried chicken - wants to - Nana - eat. The best arrangement is …

a. Nana wants to eat fried chicken
b. Nana eat wants to fried chicken
c. Nana wants to fried chicken eat

II. Answer the questions below!

1. Mention 1 food and 1 drink that you like!

2. Rearrange into a good word! J - I - U - C - E


3. What do you use to walk?


4. Jay : I’m Thirsty

Neo : ____ __ ____ ____?
Jay : I want a glass of water

5. Translate into English! Kita punya dua mata


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