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Philosophy in Education

On the latest State Of the Nation Address of President Rodrigo R. Duterte, he clearly
emphasized that he will not allow face-to-face classes as long as the vaccine against COVID-19
is still not available.
I do agree with him on that note. It is still not safe for the students to go to school while the
pandemic is still going on. We should not compromise the life of the students. Their welfare and
safety should be the main priority of the DepEd. That is why I am thankful for the DepEd
countermeasure which is implementing the Blended Learning Modalities for the benefit of the
Since the implementation of the new curriculum, everyone in the DepEd including the
Secretary down to the teachers are still making adjustments until now to improve the quality of
the education in the new normal setting. We cannot avoid that there are still loopholes in the
implementation of the Blended Learning Modalities.
One of the problem I experience is that the insufficiency of the material needed in
making the Modules or the Learning Activity Sheets. It is very hard to produce a copy if you
have no materials.
Second one is that there are some in the higher authorities who instead find ways in
making the work of the teacher easy, they rather make it difficult for us teachers in doing our
task. Which leads to overlapping of workloads. At this point which everybody is experiencing
mental breakdown, they should think about the welfare not only of the students but as well as the
teachers who are the front liners in education which causes unsatisfactory performance and
unsatisfactory job among the teachers which leads to poor teaching. I think that in this point we
should empower the teacher. Motivation is one of the key in making teacher more effective and
efficient in teaching.
The third problem that I saw is that the study habit of the learner is getting poorer and
poorer. In making their modules or LAS, instead of answering it on their own, the
parents/company in the household is the one who is answering the modules or LAS. How will
the learners be able to learn if they will not answer them on their own. Every move that the
DepEd makes will all be useless if these thing keeps happening. If the DepEd will not address
these problems, in the long run the educational system of the Philippines will suffer. Even
without the pandemic, we cannot deny the fact that there are already cracks in the system what
more in these time? I just hope and pray that the DepEd has plans already, long-term plans for
The government are making extreme measures for the benefit of everybody. But as a
citizen of the Philippines and as a teacher I think they should increase their efforts more for
everybody’s sake because as of now, in the context of education, there are still a lot of room to
be improve.

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