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Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217

Review article

A review on photo-thermal catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide

Ee Teng Kho, Tze Hao Tan, Emma Lovell, Roong Jien Wong, Jason Scott*, Rose Amal*
Particles and Catalysis Research Group, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, New South Wales, Australia
Received 3 April 2017; revised 5 June 2017; accepted 5 June 2017
Available online 9 June 2017


The conversion of carbon dioxide into value-added products is of great industrial and environmental interest. However, as carbon dioxide is
relatively stable, the input energy required for this conversion is a significant limiting factor in the system's performance. By utilising energy
from the sun, through a range of key routes, this limitation can be overcome. In this review, we present a comprehensive and critical overview of
the potential routes to harvest the sun's energy, primarily through solar-thermal technologies and plasmonic resonance effects. Focusing on the
localised heating approach, this review shortlists and compares viable catalysts for the photo-thermal catalytic conversion of carbon dioxide.
Further, the pathways and potential products of different carbon dioxide conversion routes are outlined with the reverse water gas shift,
methanation, and methanol synthesis being of key interest. Finally, the challenges in implementing such systems and the outlook to the future are
© 2017, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communi-
cations Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: Carbon dioxide conversion; Photo-thermal; Plasmonic catalysis; Solar thermal

1. Introduction An appealing solution to the persistent fuel demand and the

inevitable CO2 emissions is to complete the carbon cycle via the
It is undeniable that the global energy demand has an ever- recycling of CO2 into synthetic fuels. This is possible through
growing thirst, driven primarily by our incessant craving for a the reduction of CO2. Nevertheless, one of the main hindrances
better quality of life and the consequent urbanisation and to such a process is its intense energy consumption. Despite the
economic growth. Despite rising environmental awareness and overall exothermicity of reduction reactions, such as methana-
establishment of policies that have facilitated the diversifica- tion and methanol synthesis, the relative stability of a CO2
tion of energy sources to include more renewable alternatives, molecule necessitates energy provision to initiate its conver-
fossil fuels will continue to dominate as a primary source of sion. The conventional industrial practice of deriving process
energy [1]. One of the key consequences in having such a heat from fossil fuel incineration to fulfil the energy demand is
dependence on carbon-based energy sources is increasing not ideal as it further contributes to CO2 release. Therefore, in
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Increasing emissions of this addition to studying effective pathways for CO2-to-fuel con-
greenhouse gas and its subsequent accumulation in the at- versions, it is also crucial that a renewable energy feed source,
mosphere, due to its relative inertness, has led to great con- which is effective and suitable for such purpose, is accessible.
cerns regarding the ensuing irregularities in global weather As the Earth's most abundant energy resource, the uti-
patterns and devastation caused to local ecosystems. lisation of sunlight as an alternative energy supply has become
a popular field of scientific study. Several opportunities exist in
its application to provide for the demand of CO2 reduction
* Corresponding authors. processes. While clean, solar energy-powered chemical pro-
E-mail addresses: (J. Scott), cesses are more commonly associated with photocatalysis, the
(R. Amal).
2468-0257/© 2017, Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co.,
Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217 205

achievable conversion efficiencies at current stages of devel- possible via the traditional concept of solar thermal heating.
opment are often unfeasible for large-scale operations as Solar thermal heating operates based on the principle of utilising
compared to the more industrially established thermal catal- a light-absorbing material or infrastructure to capture heat from
ysis. With solar irradiation comprising primarily both heat and the visible or infrared spectrum of solar radiation. The trapped
light energy, prospects for photo-thermal catalytic CO2 heat will then result in an elevation in temperature, the extent to
reduction thus seem favourable. which depends on the properties of the light-absorbing material
In the ensuing sections, the possibility of harnessing heat and infrastructure design.
and light from solar energy through solar thermal technologies Another pathway from which heat energy can be obtained
and plasmonic resonance effects is outlined. Additionally, the from sunlight is through the plasmon resonance phenomenon.
application of such technologies for effective catalytic recy- Although both these ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ routes essentially
cling of CO2, with particular reference to the strength and rely on vibration at a subatomic scale, the surface plasmon
limitations of the differing routes, is reviewed. In addition to resonance distinguishes itself from the conventional percep-
discussing the potentials of different candidate materials for tion of heating. In addition to the conventional heat energy
simultaneously achieving successful solar absorption and CO2 production upon light absorption, this phenomenon allows the
reduction, the foreseen challenges ahead in the realisation of formation of intense, localised hotspots due to the resonance
such a process are also assessed. of surface plasmons of plasmonic materials upon exposure to
radiation of certain frequencies.
2. Overview on photo-thermal catalysis
2.2. Heat-harvesting for photo-thermal catalysis
2.1. Motivation for photo-thermal catalysis
There exists a range of routes to harvest heat from the sun
Thermal catalysis is one of the most common forms of for photo-thermal catalytic conversions. These routes are
catalysis, with conventional industrial processes such as the examined in this section, specifically in the context of solar
ammonia synthesis and reforming utilising heat input to thermal technologies and the plasmonic resonance effect.
compensate for the endothermicity of these reactions. One of Finally, a critical evaluation of the application of such heat-
the key reasons for industrial dependence on thermally driven harvesting approaches for carbon dioxide is presented.
catalysis is the high efficiency and applicability for large scale
processes. Nevertheless, the large energy demand is often 2.2.1. Solar thermal technologies
provided for via the incineration of fossil fuels [2]. With The sensation of heat felt upon exposure to sunlight crudely
growing concerns regarding the depletion of non-renewable explains the concept of solar thermal heating. From residential
fuel resources and rising awareness regarding environmental rooftop water heating systems to solar furnaces capable of
footprints, harnessing solar energy to drive energetically temperatures beyond 2300 K, records of solar thermal tech-
demanding catalytic processes is desirable. Aside from the nology applications can be traced back to prehistoric times [5].
photovoltaic transformation of sunlight into electricity to In heat exchanging applications for domestic purposes, tem-
facilitate conversion, the direct activation of catalytic materials perature requirements are not as stringent (e.g. water-heating),
through sunlight absorption is also possible. The work by
Honda and Fujishima [3] on the use of a titanium dioxide
semiconductor for water-splitting instigated a rapid expansion
in the field of photocatalytic research. However, despite the
energetically ideal concept of the direct translation of light into
chemical energy, the practical application of photocatalytic
technologies is greatly hindered by the lack of effective con-
versions, especially for industrially-scaled operations [4], with
the difference in efficiencies often several orders of magnitude e-
below the capabilities of thermal catalysis.
This subsequently inspired the concept of light-for-heat in
catalysis as an alternative to conventionally fossil fuel- CO2
powered systems. What distinguishes such photo-thermal
catalysis from traditional thermal- or photo-catalysis is the CxHyOz
utilisation of both the light and heat components of solar ra-
diation, whereby heat is either obtained directly from or
initiated by the light absorption. This thus enables the uti-
lisation of a sustainable energy source (as with photocatalysis) Fig. 1. Sourcing heat from the sun for a photo-thermal catalytic system.
all the while attaining effective catalytic conversions typically Heating of the catalyst bed can be achieved either through directing concen-
obtained for thermal catalysis. trated solar irradiation onto the catalyst material or relying primarily on the
The possible pathways to realising the concept are visualised localised plasmonic heating effects through surface plasmon excitation.
in Fig. 1. The ‘direct’ procurement of heat from solar radiation is
206 E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217

the basic infrastructure comprises a collector upon which solar taken advantage of for thermochemical conversions. These
radiation is ‘gathered’ and reflected to a working fluid (either processes involve a redox cycle in which firstly, high tem-
gaseous, liquid or molten salts) to conduct and/or circulate the perature (> 1500 K) treatment of a metal oxide (e.g. CeO2
absorbed energy. For higher temperature systems, the collector [9e11] and ZnO [12e14]) is performed to obtain its reduced
usually is designed to allow for light-concentrating capabilities form. The ensuing step is then conducted at a slightly lower
for heat intensity amplification (Fig. 2). Depending on the temperature where the reduced metal oxide is exposed to re-
solar concentrating systems utilised, concentration ratios be- actants such as CO2 (or H2O) to promote their reduction.
tween the range of 30e100 (for a parabolic trough system to Solar-aided reforming is another common conversion process
achieve 500e700 K temperatures, Fig. 2a) and up to that has been tested in a solar reactor configuration [4,15e17].
5000e10,000 (in a double-concentration system consisting of A catalyst is usually utilised in order to lower the temperature
a heliostat field, a reflective tower and a ground receiver requirements for conversion ( 1000 K). In this case, the
capable of temperatures in excess of 1500 K, Fig. 2d) are catalyst can either be located in a reactor decoupled from the
attainable [6]. receiver or be included as part of the receiver where it is also
To achieve effective heat trapping, two key qualities are exposed to irradiation (Fig. 3).
required by the absorbing material: high solar absorption and
low thermal emissivity. Materials with high solar absorption 2.2.2. Plasmonic resonance effect
enable more effective heat generation, whereas low thermal As opposed to focusing on infrastructure design, as is the
emissivity is essential to minimise subsequent heat loss case for solar thermal technologies, the plasmonic route places
through radiation. Therefore, in addition to the intuitive choice greater attention on developing the light-absorbing material
of using a dark-coloured heat absorbing material, much effort itself. While both traditional photocatalysis and plasmonic
has been invested in the understanding of optical and thermal catalysis rely on light-source activation, their similarities stop
properties of materials for constructing solar absorber coatings here. Conventional photocatalysis utilises light energy to
such as paints, enamel, carbides, and cermets [7,8]. overcome the bandgap energy difference of a semiconductor,
One of the main appeals of the technique of heat harvesting subsequently generating active electrons and holes that are
is the extremely high temperatures attainable through the capable of a myriad of redox reactions depending on the
concentration of solar energy. As mentioned previously, tem- reducing/oxidising potentials of the resulting charge carriers
peratures beyond 1000 K are possible depending on the solar (i.e. the positions of the conduction/valence bands). Plasmonic
concentrator configuration. Such capability is subsequently catalysis, on the other hand, relies on the resonance of the

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Reflective tower

Concentrator Concentrator
Heliostats Heliostats
R - Receiver

Fig. 2. Main high temperature solar concentrator system categories: (a) parabolic trough, (b) central power tower, (c) parabolic dish, and (d) double concentration.
Adapted from Ref. [6].

(a) (b) (c)

PG PG reactor Catalytically




PG - Product gas FG - Feed gas HX - Heat exchanger

Fig. 3. Different configurations for a solar reactor: (left) reactor decoupled from solar receiver system, (middle) integrated tubular reactor/receiver, and (right)
catalytically active solar absorber. Adapted from Ref. [4].
E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217 207

oscillations of free electrons (i.e. plasmons) upon the absorp- into utilising thermoplasmonics for nanoscale material fabri-
tion of incident electromagnetic radiation. Such resonance cation. Ni pigments have long been used for solar thermal
occurs when the delocalised electrons are supplemented with heating despite not being previously deemed as plasmonic
an energy wave, whose frequency corresponds to the charac- nanoparticles [28,29]. In contrast to conventional heating,
teristic resonant frequency of the metal nanoparticle (Fig. 4). where heat is provided externally, thermoplasmonics enables
The radiation frequency required for such excitation de- rapid and localised heating within the vicinity of the plas-
pends on factors such as composition, shape, and size [19e24] monic nanoparticle [30].
as illustrated in Fig. 5. The dependence of plasmonic response In addition to the thermal energy supplement, reactant
on particle composition and morphology can be explained by molecules in the vicinity of a plasmonic nanoparticle can
Mie theory, which has been readily exploited for theoretical experience an enhanced incident photon rate and/or photo-
analyses of particle optical properties [25]. Mie theory states generated hot electron formation (Fig. 6b and c [31]). Not to
that the total extinction cross-section of a particle depends on be confused with thermoplasmonics, photogenerated hot
its spherical volume, the dielectric constant of its surrounding electrons have an athermal charge carrier distribution which
environment, and the dielectric function of the particle. Fac- cannot be described using a Fermi-Dirac distribution. Instead,
tors such as composition, shape, and size influence the their behaviours are more similar to electron-hole pairs in
dielectric function of the particle. In polyhedral studies semiconductors [32]. The injection of hot electrons may occur
(Fig. 5a), blue plasmonic shifts have been observed for par- directly from catalyst to reactant or through a semiconductor
ticles with increasing number of facets, with spherical parti- support interface, similar to that of a dye-sensitised photo-
cles having the smallest plasmonic peak position [22]. In these catalyst [33]. By acting as both the optical absorption and
studies, it was also noted that polyhedral particles may exhibit catalytic sites, plasmonic photocatalysts have advantages over
multiple surface plasmon resonances, leading to band broad- semiconductors due to their higher electron density and af-
ening and the emergence of new discrete peaks [20]. Similarly, finity to reactants. Consequently, in contrast to conventional
changing the composition of the particles through alloying can photocatalysis, which typically provides yields in the micro-
promote the formation of plasmonic peaks, notably as a mole (per gram catalyst per hour) range, plasmonic catalysts
mixture of the individual plasmonic components (Fig. 5b) are often capable of yields greater by orders of magnitude
[23]. The dependency of plasmonic response on particle [34e36].
composition and morphology permits the flexible tuning of
absorption wavelength based on the intended application. 2.2.3. Evaluating the relative strengths and weaknesses of
In terms of material choices, gold, silver and copper are solar thermal vs. plasmonic technologies for photo-thermal
amongst the most commonly studied metals for plasmonic CO2 conversion
applications due to their strong plasmonic responses [26]. Aside from the capabilities and potential of the respective
Whilst nanosized gold and silver are popular candidates, nickel solar energy-harvesting techniques discussed above, it is
and copper have also garnered significant attention due to their important to acknowledge the relative limitations of the tech-
relatively cheaper costs. These metals also have the advantage nologies for the design of a successful photo-thermal CO2 con-
of having their plasmonic frequencies correspond to electro- version system that is practical for real world applications. While
magnetic radiation residing within the visible-near infrared laboratory-scale experiments often place a primary focus on
region, which is in greater abundance within the solar spectrum aspects such as conversions and yields, industrial considerations
as compared to the ultraviolet light, upon which most effective such as scalability, cost effectiveness, and robustness of the
semiconductor photocatalysts are reliant on. system also have to be taken into account for successfully
For the purpose of photo-thermal catalysis, plasmonic transferring novel technologies to commercial operations.
resonance presents itself as an appealing alternative to con- Solar thermal catalysis has the advantage of technical
ventional heating for reactions that require elevated tempera- maturity with tests carried out in commercial scale-receiver/
tures. While the earlier studies into plasmonic-assisted reactors since the 1980's [2,16,37,38]. While the tests have
reactions were mainly dedicated to their photochemical as- delivered promising results, the robustness of catalyst mate-
pects, it was not until 2007 when Cao et al. [27] first looked rials under the typically high operating temperatures of solar
thermal catalytic reactors is frequently cited to be the short-
coming of such systems with catalyst disintegration via sin-
E-field Metal
sphere tering and/or the encapsulation of active phases being amongst
the most commonly reported issues [16,17,39e41]. These
occurrences largely stem from the fact that the high temper-
ature reaction conditions place severe stress on the lifetime of
a catalyst. Moreover, the need for a thermally resistant reactor
with high levels of technical precision, in addition to the large
e- cloud footprint requirements, leads to exorbitant costs associated
Fig. 4. Schematic of plasmon oscillation for a sphere, showing the displacement with constructing solar thermal infrastructure.
of the conduction electron charge cloud relative to the nuclei. Reprinted with On this basis, plasmonic catalysis appears to offer the
permission from Ref. [18]. Copyright (2003) American Chemical Society. advantage as the intense heating occurs locally, within the
208 E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217

(a) 140 spheres pentagons triangles

120 X188K 50nm

Size (nm)



400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Peak Plasmon Resonance Wavelength (nm)


Abs (1.0 cm)

1.0 1:3


1:0 1:0.5

300 400 500 600
Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 5. Influence of: (a) dimensions of silver nanoparticles over their peak absorption wavelength [23]; and (b) composition of silver-gold alloys over the spectral
absorption profiles of the nanoparticles [24]. Reprinted with permission from Ref. [24]. Copyright (2000) American Chemical Society.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

hv e- hv
e- e-
hv hv
e- e-
Light Light Light Light

h +
h +
h + reactant
metal oxide
Reductor agent Plasmonic

Fig. 6. Possible mechanisms for plasmonic catalysis: (a) thermoplasmonic temperature increase for heat transfer to reactant within vicinity; (b) nearby reactant
experiencing an apparent increase in incident photon rate (i.e. near field optical enhancement); (c) hot electron injection into nearby reactant; (d) plasmonic heat
generation resulting in enhanced electron-hole generation within a semiconductor for reactant molecule activation; (e) near field optical enhancement experienced
by semiconductor, leading to enhanced electron-hole generation; and (f) hot electron injection from a plasmonic nanoparticle into the neighbouring semiconductor,
which is then transferred into a reactant molecule nearby. Reproduced from Ref. [31] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry.
E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217 209

vicinity of the active nanoparticles. As a result, the demand for CO2ðgÞ þ 2Cu0ðsÞ #COðgÞ þ Cu2 OðsÞ ð2Þ
external heat supply to the system and overall thermal stress on
the infrastructure is much less for plasmonic-based catalytic H2ðgÞ þ Cu2 OðsÞ #H2 OðgÞ þ 2Cu0ðsÞ ð3Þ
systems. In the case where heat is sourced from within the
plasmonic material itself, the robustness and stability of the In contrast to the redox mechanism, the hydrogen mole-
material properties affecting plasmonic efficiencies, such as cule does not actively interact with the carbon dioxide
nanoparticle shape and size, over the course of prolonged usage molecule, the formate decomposition pathway suggests that
(and therefore continuous exposure to heat), becomes even the hydrogen molecule first hydrogenates the carbon dioxide
more crucial for maintaining consistent heating capabilities and into a formate intermediate. It is then from this intermediate
conversion performance. As demonstrated by the available that the cleaving of the carbon-oxygen double bond occurs to
thermoplasmonic studies, strict requirements on the nano- release a CO molecule [50]. The formate-mediated route is
particles size (< 5 nm), high incident light intensity, and/or also reported to occur for the methanation pathway (dis-
extreme isolation of nanoparticles are currently the challenges cussed in Section 3.2), but has often been debated regarding
faced for plasmonic catalysis [42]. At such a relative stage of the extent of its contribution toward product formation.
infancy, most investigations remain invested in the development An investigation by Goguet et al. [51] is one such
and understanding of materials and are yet to venture into example. Using a Pt/CeO2 catalyst for their in operando
feasibility studies for industrially scaled catalytic processes. spectrokinetic investigation, they proposed that the Pt metal
maintains the active (i.e. reduced) ceria surface via H2-
3. Overview of common CO2 conversion products and spillover. The resulting vacancies on the ceria surface then
pathways bond with CO2 molecules to form surface carbonates, which
are the main intermediates that facilitate the final formation
Owing to the low CO2 conversion efficiency in CO2 of CO species.
reduction reactions via plasmonic catalysis, understanding
CO2 chemistry is critical for improving the conversion effi- 3.2. Methanation
ciency. CO2 is an apolar molecule due to the linear configu-
ration of its two polar C]O bonds. Due to its relative The production of methane from CO2 (Eq. (4)) is of great
inertness, the resulting highly positive Gibbs free energy interest in certain geographical locations due to the ease in
means that its conversion is often not thermodynamically incorporating its distribution into existing infrastructure and
favourable. Consequently, a catalyst is often required to acti- networks [52]. Furthermore, it serves as an attractive solution
vate the CO2. for renewable energy storage with the added bonus of regu-
Transforming CO2 into synthetic fuels can occur through lating CO2 emissions.
different pathways into a myriad of C-based products. In this
review, the focus will be placed upon its catalytic hydroge- CO2 þ 4H2 #CH4 þ 2H2 O DH ¼ 165 kJ=mol ð4Þ
nation into CO, CH4, and CH3OH, which are often quintes- In terms of the mechanistic pathway involved, claims from
sential building blocks for the downstream production of fuels both experimental and theoretical studies again falls into two
and chemical commodities. main domains: (i) direct hydrogenation of CO2 or (ii) CH4
formation via a CO intermediate [53], with majority of the
3.1. Reverse water-gas shift reaction findings suggesting the latter process is the more probable
methanation route.
The reduction of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide (Eq. First proposed by Bahr, CH4 formation via the CO pathway
(1)) is one of the more popular routes for CO2 conversion was supported by Peebles and Goodman in an investigation,
studies mainly due to its low hydrogen consumption (as which compared the methanation of CO and CO2 over a
compared to methanation) and high equilibrium conversion Ni(100) surface [54]. They found the activation energy and
rates [43]. Furthermore, the formation of CO forms an reaction rate values for CH4 formation from CO2 and CH4
important first step for the subsequent synthesis of carbon- formation from CO were similar under identical reaction
based chemicals and/or fuels [43e45]. conditions. Later studies utilising spectroscopic methods, such
as diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS), and
CO2 þ H2 #CO þ H2 O DH ¼ þ 41 kJ=mol ð1Þ Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) coupled
The mechanisms suggested for reverse water-gas shift with mass spectroscopy, have observed both formate and CO
(RWGS) reaction fall into two main categories: (i) the redox intermediates on the catalyst surface [55e57]. The ensuing
pathway [46,47] and (ii) the formate decomposition mecha- interpretations, however, have led to different conclusions.
nism [48,49]. The redox mechanism is most often described Marwood et al. [55] proposed the formation of formate
over a Cu-based catalyst, the metallic Cu0 atoms are partially through a carbonate species, which was subsequently hydro-
oxidised to form Cu2O and carbon monoxide (Eq. (2)) and the genated into an adsorbed CO species (COads) (illustrated in
oxidised copper is later reduced by the hydrogen present in the Fig. 7), which has been suggested to be the rate determining
system, reforming it to its metallic state accompanied by the step [56]. In contrast, an in situ DRIFTS study (using Rh/g-
formation of a water molecule (Eq. (3)). Al2O3) by Jacquemin et al. [57] reported instead that COads is
210 E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217

a product of the direct dissociation of CO2 without mentioning in the rate determining steps of each route revealed the mech-
the detection (and role) of formate species. anism involving CO without direct participation of the formate
Experimental measurements coupled with computational species being the most energetically plausible.
methods have also been used to probe the role of intermediate
species during CO2 hydrogenation on nickel. While it was 3.3. Methanol synthesis
acknowledged that both formate and CO are present under the
reaction conditions commonly applied in the mechanistic One of the most apparent advantages methanol has over
studies of CO2 methanation, Vesselli et al. [58] demonstrated products such as CO and CH4 is its liquid state at normal at-
that formate was purely a spectator species and that the reaction mospheric temperature and pressure. This is desirable as it
proceeded via the direct hydrogenation of the CeO bond of provides a practical alternative for energy storage and trans-
CO2. This conclusion arose mainly from the findings that port. Furthermore, much like CO, it can also serve as an
formate has high reaction barriers for further hydrogenation for important starting constituent for olefins and aromatics
its transformation into CO. This agrees with the findings by [60e63]. One of the major challenges for the methanol syn-
Marwood et al. [55] who, despite proposing a different thesis process (Eq. (5)) is it is usually less selective than
methanation pathway, also reported the relative stability of the methane and CO under low-pressure conditions. High pres-
formed formate species, and further lends credibility to the sures (50e100 bars) are often required to suppress CO for-
argument of Goguet et al. [51] (discussed above) on the for- mation via the RWGS pathway (Eq. (1)) [64].
mation of CO not being dominated by the formate route. Ren
et al. [59] performed density functional theory (DFT) calcula- CO2 þ 3H2 #CH3 OH þ H2 O DH ¼  49 kJ=mol ð5Þ
tions for the three mechanisms listed in Fig. 8 on the Ni(111)
Similar to the Sabatier case, arguments on the CO2 to
surface with the energy involved in each step of the three paths
methanol reaction pathway are dominated by the formate route
being illustrated in Fig. 9. A conclusion similar to Vesseli et al.'s
and the CO route factions. The pathway suggested for the
was reached that a comparison of the energy barriers involved
latter case proposes that CO2 first undergoes RWGS-like hy-
drogenation before the CO formed is sequentially hydroge-
- 2HM nated into formyl (HCO), formaldehyde (H2CO), methoxy
(H3CO), and finally methanol [65]. The study by Grabow and
Mavrikakis [63] suggested the formate pathway being more
H22OO likely, whereby the hydrogenation of CO2 into methanol oc-
- - curs via the following sequence: CO2* / HCOO* /
(HCOO )I (HCOO )S HCOOH* / CH3O2* / CH2O* / CH3O* / CH3OH*
- where the symbol * indicates an adsorbed species.
(OH )S
A mechanistic study by Studt et al. [66], which compared
CO2 to methanol pathways on different Cu-based catalysts,
shed further light on the debate regarding the importance of
differences in catalyst composition impacting on the resulting
+6HM mechanism experienced by the CO2 molecules. In addition to
the known effects of variation in reaction conditions (e.g. feed
CH4+H2O gas composition, temperature, and pressure), their calculations
demonstrated that the promoting effect of Zn in a CueZnO
Fig. 7. Proposed CO2 methanation mechanism involving the formation of containing catalyst was not only kinetically-based, but also
formate through a carbonate species. S ¼ support, M ¼ metal, I ¼ metal- stemmed from a deviation in the reaction mechanism due to
support interface [55].
the different sites at which the key reactions occur.

(a) (b) (c)

H2+2* 2H* H2+2* 2H* H2+2* 2H*
CO2+* CO2* CO2+* CO2* CO2+* CO2*
CO2*+H * HCOO* CO2*+* CO*+O* CO2*+2H* C(OH)2*+2*
HCOO* CO*+OH* CO*+* C*+O* C(OH)2*+H* CH2O*+OH*
CO*+2H* CH*+OH* +H* +H* +H* +H* CH2O*+H* CH2*+OH*
C* CH* CH2* CH3* CH4+*
+H* +H*
+H* +H* +H* CH2* CH3* CH4+*
CH* CH2* CH3* CH4+* +H* +H*
O* OH* H2O* H2O+*
OH*+H* H2O* H2O+*
OH*+H* H2O* H2O+*

Fig. 8. CO2 methanation mechanism: (a) via CO involving the formate species; (b) via CO without the participation of the formate species; and (c) direct hy-
drogenation of CO2 without the participation of a CO intermediate [59].
E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217 211

Path 1
TS1 292.3
300 Path 2
TS2 264.3
Path 3
TS3 211.2
Relative energy kJ/mol

200 TS2 173.2 TS3 177.0

TS5 160.3
150 TS2 161.8 TS6 140.4
TS4 128.5
TS1 113.1 TS3 119.2 TS5 108.6
TS4 99.1
TS1 93.7 TS6 74.6
C(OH)2 74.5 C+O 50.0
50 TS4 33.3 CH2 37.2 TS5 42.8
CH2+OH 57.1
CH2O+OH 47.5
CH+OH 30.9 CH3 3.0
CH2 22.9
CO2(+H) 0
CH4 -18.4
CH -34.9 CH3 -28.6
-50 HCOO -42.5 CO+OH -44.4 CH4 -38.3
CH3 -62.8
CO+O -75.6
CH4 -104.1

Reaction coordinate

Fig. 9. Potential energy diagram for different CO2 methanation mechanisms. Path 1, 2, and 3 correspond to the pathways listed in Fig. 8aec, respectively [59].
TS ¼ transition state.

4. Available candidates and opportunities in catalyst the absence of metals. Nevertheless, when coupled with metals
materials selection such as copper, nickel, or gold, a significant enhancement in
activity (with varying results in product selectivity) have been
Materials that have been studied for CO2 hydrogenation is observed [109]. Such synergism is often attributed to the inter-
listed in Table 1. One of the most common families of mate- action between the metal catalyst and the oxide or carbide sur-
rials used for general catalysis is the metal family. For CO2 face via occurrences such as creation of active centres at the
conversion, transition metals such as platinum [67,68], copper metal-support interface [43,108,114], promoted CO2 adsorp-
[63,65,66,69,70], cobalt [71,72], ruthenium [56,73,74], tion upon the oxide or carbide surface [106,115] and charge
rhodium [75e79], and nickel [53,79e85] are amongst those redistribution at the metal-support interface.
found to be active for CO2 hydrogenation. Aside from being Aside from the conversion aspects, there is also an opportunity
applied singly, the alloying of different metals to form a to adapt solar energy absorbing functionalities to these active
bimetallic catalyst has also been exploited to manipulate a catalyst materials. For example, amongst the metals active for
catalyst's electronic properties [86e91]. One of the primary CO2 reduction, Cu, Ni, and Au nanoparticles exhibit plasmonic
aims of doing so is to affect product selectivity. For example, absorption that lies within the solar spectrum [30,116e121]. The
on combining platinum and cobalt a greater tendency toward concept of plasmonic CO2 catalysis has, in fact, been demon-
CO production was reported [89] whereas varying the strated in the works of Navarrete et al. [122] and Wang et al. [123];
composition of a cobalt-iron bimetallic catalyst influenced the the former presenting a proof-of-concept Cu/ZnO-impregnated
resulting alkane/alcohol selectivity [91]. More recently, a aerogel-containing microreactor for self-heating CO2 reduction
nickel-gallium catalyst [90] was developed and shown to be and the latter detailing a study on the effectiveness of laser-
capable of higher selectivity toward methanol production. induced heating on Au/ZnO for a similar application.
Due to the effect of particle size on catalyst activity, nano- Aside from the dependence on the metal component, there
scaled metal catalyst size is often obtained and/or maintained also exist prospects for the non-metallic (support) materials to
by its dispersion upon a support material. Rather than acting contribute to the harvesting of solar energy. Transition metal
simply as an inert host, such supports are often capable of oxides, such as those mentioned above, are semiconductors that
exerting significant influence over the resulting surface chem- are capable of light energy absorption due to their unique band
istry of a catalyst. For the purpose of CO2 conversion, one of the structures. Therefore, as described by Baffou and Quidant [31],
most useful traits of a support is its ability to encourage the in addition to thermoplasmonic effects, the combination of an
adsorption and even the activation of the CO2 reactant. Such active, plasmonic metal catalyst with a semiconducting material
observations have been reported for conventionally popular can result in enhanced charge carrier generation (due to ther-
oxide-type supports. While ZnO is one of the most studied oxide moplasmonics or optical near-field enhancement) or hot electron
supports for (thermal) CO2 catalysis, due to its synergistic effects injection into the semiconductor (Fig. 5def). Such interactions
with copper catalysts [51] [92e94], investigations on surface upon light illumination have been evidenced in various works
defect-rich oxides such as TiO2 [43,95e97], CeO2 [86,98,99], on both catalytic and mechanistic studies [124e130].
Ga2O3 [100,101], In2O3 [102e105], and their combinations Additionally, it is not uncommon for metal/metal oxide-type
[65,106e108] have also been gaining momentum. Similar CO2 materials to be used as selective absorber coatings for solar
activation capabilities were found for carbide materials such as thermal collectors. The coupling of aluminium oxide with
titanium carbide [109,110] and molybdenum carbides metals such as cobalt [131,132], silver [133], platinum [134],
[111e113], where CO2 conversions were also obtained despite molybdenum [135,136], and most prevalently, nickel
Table 1

Catalyst materials reported for CO2 hydrogenation reactions and their respective performance.
Catalyst Reaction conditions Products Performance Ref
3 1
1 wt% Pt/TiO2  Fixed bed flow  CO (~50%)  2.03e6.48  10 mol s g1
cat (573 K) [43]
 573e873 K  Remaining composition  TOF ¼ 0.423e2.716 mol s (573 K)
not explicitly mentioned
 Fixed bed flow  CO e major product  TOF ¼ 0.44e2.716 s1 (573 K) [95]
 576e873 K  < 10% CH4 production
 Other products present but not
explicitly mentioned
Pt, Ni, Pd, Co on g-alumina  Batch reactor with FTIR attachment  CO  1.62e4.18  103 min1 g1
cat [86]
Ni/Al2O3  Fixed bed  CH4  0e80% conversion [81]
 473e773 K, atmospheric pressure  CO
 Fixed bed  CH4  0e75% [82]

E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217

 523e773 K  CO
Ni/Ni(Al)Ox  523e773 K  CH4  Approx. 90% CO2 conversion [83]
 5e20 bar  Trace CO
 Trace C2H6
NiO/SBA-15  Fixed bed  CO  0e50% CO2 conversion [147]
 673e1173 K  CH4  TOF ¼ 0e12 min1
 Fixed bed  CH4  80e100% CO2 conversion [148]
 573e723 K  CO
2 wt% Pt/CeO2  Fixed bed  Pure CO products  13.7 ± 0.2% CO2 conversion [51]
 In operando DRIFT-MS system (498 K)
Co/CeO2 (K-promoted)  Packed-bed  CO  13e38% CO2 conversion [98]
 673e873 K  CH4
 Atmospheric pressure
Pt, Ni, Pd, Co on CeO2  Batch reactor with FTIR attachment  CO  2.88e12.51  103 min1 g1
cat [86]
NixCe0.75Zr0.25xO2  673e823 K  CO  0.5e1.1 mmol g1
cat min
(673 K) [44]
1 1
 1 atm  CH4  5.8e20 mmol gcat min (823 K)
Ni/CZb  423e673 K  CH4  70e80% CO2 conversion [84]
 CO  2.16e2.41 mol CO2 g1
Ni s

 Fixed bed  CH4  Best activity at 76% CO2 conversion [149]
 Atmospheric pressure  CO
 673e753 K  C2H6
Ni/Ce0.72Zr0.28O2  Fixed bed  CH4  0.71e2.07 mol CO2 g1
Ni s
 423e673 K  41.1e85.2% CO2 conversion
NieRh/CZb  Fixed bed  CH4  78% CO2 conversion [84]
 423e673 K  CO  2.37 mol CO2 g1
Ni s

In2O3  Packed bed  CO  6e35% CO2 conversion [102]
 473e923 K
Ce2O3-promoted In2O3  Fixed bed  CO  0.39e19.98% CO2 conversion [107]
 523e773 K
CeO2-promoted Ga2O3  Fixed bed  CO  2.58e10.99% CO2 conversion [106]
 523e773 K
BaZrO3 (Y, Zn, Ce-doped)  Fixed bed  CO (97% selectivity)  37.5% (for BaZr0.8Y0.16Zn0.04O3) [150]
 873 K
 Atmospheric pressure
FeO nanoparticles  Fixed bed  CO  30e35% CO2 conversion [151]
 873 K  Other products not mentioned
Pt, Pd, Ni, Fe, or Cu on LaeZrO2  Electric-field assisted thermal reaction  CO ( 96% selectivity)  18.5e40.6% CO2 conversion [152]
 Fixed bed  CH4
 423 K with 3 mA input current
La1xSrxCoO3d  RWGS-CL systema  CO  110.8 mmol min1 g1 average CO generation rate [153]
 1123 K (during CO2 feed)
La0.75Sr0.25Co(1y)FeYO3  RWGS-CL systema  CO  40e80 mmol min1 g1 [154]
 823 K
TiC  Fixed bed reactor  CO  0.59% CO2 conversion [155]
 573 K  TOF ¼ 2.1 min1
 Atmospheric pressure

E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217

ZrC  Fixed bed reactor  CO  0.46% CO2 conversion [155]
 573 K  TOF ¼ 8.9 min1
 Atmospheric pressure
NbC  Fixed bed reactor  CO  2.09% CO2 conversion [155]
 573 K  CH4  TOF ¼ 61.1 min1
 Atmospheric pressure
TaC  Fixed bed reactor  CO  1.73% CO2 conversion [155]
 573 K  TOF ¼ 52.8 min1
 Atmospheric pressure
Mo2C  Fixed bed reactor  CH4  4.67% CO2 [155]
 573 K  CO  TOF ¼ 66.5 min1
 Atmospheric pressure
WC  Fixed bed reactor  CO  3.30% CO2 conversion [155]
 573 K  CH4  TOF ¼ 59.1 min1
 Atmospheric pressure
Cu, Ni, or Co on Mo2C  473e575 K  CO  4e31% conversion [112]
 2 MPa  CH3OH
 C3H8 and others
Au/TiC  Batch reactor attached to UHV chamber  CO (major product)  10e14  1015 produced molecules cm2 s1 [109]
 0.5 atm CO2:4.5 atm H2  CH4
RWGS-CL: reverse water-gas shift chemical looping.
CZ: ceria-zirconia.

214 E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217

[137e141] has been previously reported. The popularity of the reactions to gain better insights into catalyst performance
nickel-alumina composite stems from its solar absorption especially in terms of product selectivity.
properties e it possesses the ideal combination of high absor- Complementary to material design and fabrication, the
bance (for effective energy absorption) and low thermal emis- experimental setup for photo-thermal catalysis requires careful
sivity (to minimise losses through thermal radiation) [138]. The consideration, as conventional systems used for gas-solid het-
possibility of utilising the spectrum-selective characteristics of erogeneous catalysis (e.g. enclosed plug-flow tube reactors) are
such a combination of materials for solar thermal catalysis has often not suited to light-based applications. Existing solar ther-
been revealed to be attainable through the CAESAR (CAtalyt- mal reactors, such as the one designed by Palumbo et al.
ically Enhanced Solar Absorption Receiver) project [142]. (Fig. 10), can be modified for photo-thermal catalyses under
CAESAR was applied to the CO2 reforming of methane using a concentrated solar irradiation [158]. In their study, Meng et al.
catalyst material (in the form of a catalyst foam), which acted as [159] retrofitted a water splitting rig for tandem hydrogen gen-
a receiver upon which the concentrated solar radiation was re- eration and photo-thermal CO2 reduction using a xenon arc lamp
flected to. Carbide materials also exhibit great potential for such (20 mW/cm2) as the illumination source. Nonetheless, the main
an application. Carbides that have been tested for selective solar drawback of these designs is the lack of a secondary heating
absorbance purposes include hafnium, tantalum, and titanium system for deconvoluting photothermal heating and photo-
carbides [143e145]. Although studies specifically on carbides induced charge transfer effects. To achieve this, both Westrich
active for CO2 reduction (e.g. Ti- and Mo-carbides) are less et al. and Tan et al. utilised external heating elements to heat up
common than that of alumina, the carbide family of refractory the catalyst bed from the base while exposing the top to
materials has the distinctive advantage of high thermal resis- continuous illumination [160,161]. Alternatively, Upadhye et al.
tance [146]. This is an important attribute for fabricating a [162] adapted a commercially available reactor (Harrick Sci-
catalyst/absorber foam with greater durability as the loss of entific, HVC-MRA-5), which was originally designed for in-situ
structural integrity is frequently cited as the mode of failure for spectroscopy analyses, to study the impact of visible light illu-
alumina-based catalyst foams [16,17]. mination on CO2 reduction by oxide-supported Au catalysts. In
these studies, the secondary heating systems were capable of
5. Challenges in the execution of catalytic photo-thermal generating temperatures up to 400e600  C, which allows for the
CO2 reduction study of non-illuminated (i.e. dark) thermal catalysis, while
thermal heating from the irradiation sources was minimised
An ideal catalyst possesses the following qualities: high through the use of specific bandwidth sources and/or filters.
activity, selectivity, and stability. To design a photo-thermal While the focus thus far has been placed on the reduction of
catalyst whereby heat generation is supplemented, partially CO2 to fuels, it must be kept in mind that hydrogen plays an
if not completely, from its solar absorption capabilities, equally important role in the reaction. This then brings us to
additional considerations have to be taken into account for the the issue of a suitable hydrogen source. Despite the increasing
material's heat generation efficiencies. abundance of CO2, hydrogen is not as readily available and
For example, the issue of material stability becomes even requires additional steps for its production. In terms of current
more substantial in the case of plasmonic catalysis as plas- approaches, the steam reforming of methane remains as the
monic absorption and the resulting effects are greatly affected primary route for its large-scale production. However, despite
by both the size and shape of the nanoparticles [20,21,156]. It its effectiveness, steam reforming is an energy intensive pro-
is also known that nanoparticles tend to succumb to events cess often powered by fossil fuels. This will then further
such as sintering and loss of nanostructured morphology upon contribute to CO2 emissions and defeat the original intention
extensive exposure to heat. Therefore, the control of such of utilising hydrogen for CO2 recycling.
properties of a material becomes one of the key steps to ensure Aside from natural gas, water is another appealing hydrogen
the practical applicability and robustness of the phenomenon. source. In order to overcome the energy intensive water split-
The design of photo-thermal materials often calls for a ting process for effective mass hydrogen (and oxygen) pro-
composite component to facilitate optimisation of the solar duction, three potential solutions are frequently proposed:
heat generation performance and catalytic conversion capa- photocatalytic water splitting [163,164], photoelectrochemical
bilities. In this case, the effect each component has on the water splitting [165] and solar powered electrocatalytic water
other also must be taken into account. For instance, in the case splitting [166]. Hydrogen can be produced by photocatalysis
of Au/TiO2 both the metal and support are capable of light- via the direct utilisation of solar energy. Reviews detailing the
activation, Tan et al. [157] used in situ spectroscopic studies studies and applications of sustainable photocatalysts to ach-
to illustrate a difference in the preferred pathway (for ethanol ieve cost-effective photocatalytic water splitting are readily
oxidation) upon introducing a light source to a thermal reac- available [164,167]. Recent developments in photocatalysis
tion. In addition, on utilising light sources with different include the introduction of carbon-based nanostructures
wavelength ranges (ultraviolet and visible), variations in the coupled with existing semiconductors or as standalone photo-
origins of the active electrons and their subsequent transfer catalysts [163,164,168e170]. While exhibiting potential, sep-
routes were observed, which consequently altered the reaction aration of the hydrogen and oxygen gas products remains a
outcome. The study highlighted the importance of under- major bottleneck for coupling this technology with photo-
standing the pathways associated with photo-thermal CO2 thermal CO2 recycling.
E.T. Kho et al. / Green Energy & Environment 2 (2017) 204e217 215

(a) 5
(b) (c)

2 1
3 8

Illumination Source
(b) (d) (e)
Infrared Filter

Catalyst Bed

Inlet Outlet
Heat Source

Fig. 10. Potential reactor configurations for coupling and/or decoupling of heat and light in photo-thermal catalytic studies: (a) Palumbo et al. [158]; (b) Meng et al.
[159]; (c) Westrich et al. (Adapted with permission from Ref. [160]. Copyright (2011) American Chemical Society.); (d) Tan et al. (Adapted with permission from Ref.
[161]. Copyright (2016) American Chemical Society.); and (e) Upadhye et al. (Reproduced from Ref. [162] with permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry.).

Another potentially sustainable hydrogen generation tech- severe requirements on the solar reactor infrastructure while
nology is photoelectrochemical water splitting which is essen- reducing the sole dependence on thermoplasmonic heat gen-
tially a short-circuited solar-powered electrochemical cell. eration to achieve a sufficient temperature.
Photoelectrochemical water splitting utilises semiconductor- To accomplish the realisation of photo-thermal CO2 catal-
based electrodes, which are capable of splitting water into ysis, one of the key factors is successful integration of multiple
hydrogen and oxygen upon photoexcitation. Nevertheless, the disciplines of study: solar absorbing infrastructure design;
viability of this solution for large-scale application is often materials development; the sourcing of renewable hydrogen;
challenged by its low solar energy to electricity conversion. To effective CO2 capture; and an understanding of CO2 conver-
date, electrocatalysis coupled with matured photovoltaic tech- sion pathways. Furthermore, surveys on influential factors,
nology is thought to be the most feasible system for mass pro- such as solar irradiation consistency, space availability, and the
ducing hydrogen as a feed for CO2 recycling. The conversion integration of synthetic fuel production with the existing dis-
record is currently held at 40% efficiency with the use of a triple tribution network and infrastructure will also be necessary to
junction solar cell [171]. The feasibility of such solar-powered assess the suitability of photo-thermal CO2 reduction pro-
electrocatalytic water splitting has, in fact, been evidenced by cesses for different geographical locations.
Jia et al. [166], whose work demonstrated a solar-to-hydrogen
conversion capability of more than 30%. Conflict of interest

6. Conclusion and outlook The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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