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Based on the answers below, compile and compact them into 5 reasonable choices:

improve my reading skill

sometimes I watch some video in others language that I dont understand, when it comes with
subtitiles it help me to understand the video
Easy to understand
Easier to understand
Sometimes the vid are from different languages and i needed to understand what the contents is
Its easy to know the situation
to understand the video
Easy to understand
Sometimes I need it to learn more especially when they talk in English
Because sometimes the conversation in the video doesn't not clear at all
Because short video are easy to understand
Senang difahami
Easier to understand
Because it's also the way for me to improve my english
Easier to understand character dialogue
Easy for understanding
avoid misunderstood if misheard
auditory problem neurospicy probs bruuh
slang illegible
because i can understand what the character talking about
Mudah difahami
More understanding
Able to understand the content of the video
so we can more understand if we are watching is not from our language
Easy to understand
Easy to understand about the topik discussions
help in the process of understanding
Because I couldnt listen well to what the character said
To more understand
Better understanding and can read since sometimes don't understand. time
supaya lebih faham
Not missing any information
To understand when not in Malay
More understanding
easy to understand
I prefer reading
To make sure im understand what the video try to deliver
to better understanding
easy to understand what is to be conveyed in the story
I like subtitles
Easy to understand
It allows me to keep track of the video
Sometimes i don't really understand a few words
Differences in word pronounciations or languages
Some short videos' audio can be listened clearly
Unless the person slang is really hard for me to understand then I will turn on subtitles.
Sometimes because of the language+ want to learn the meaning
to learn english in the same time
Personally, as a natural English speaker, I enjoy watching films and television shows with English

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