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Words Beginning with a Given Letter

Level: Medium to Difficult

The teacher chooses a letter from the alphabet. Then each student must say a word
that begins with that letter. If a student repeats a word that has already been said,
then he/she is out of the game. The game ends when only one student remains.
That student is the winner. In high level classes students lose if they say a past
form of the verb. Example:see-saw. You can increase the difficulty by adding a
timer. Only allow each student 5 seconds to think of a word.

Pictionary (Game 1) - revamp - Charades (Game 2)

Level: Any Level

Write out series of categories like professions (doctor, bus driver, etc.), animals,
foods, actions (fishing, haircut, etc.) then divide the class into groups of 2. One
student draws and the other guesses. Next turn, the guesser draws and drawer
guesses. This game works best with the arbitrary stop watch (30 seconds). This is
designed for one lesson.

Then for another day take the same categories (or create new ones) and play the
same game except students, this time, act it out (no speaking or noises). 

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