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Project Report On



KOLI BHARAT NAMDEV (2051721191010)

PATIL HARSH SANJAY (2051721191015)
SALUNKHE SUMIT RAMAN (2051721191016)

Department of Civil Engineering

The Shirpur Education Society’s
R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur
Maharashtra State, India
Project Report


In partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering

Civil Engineering
Submitted By

KOLI BHARAT NAMDEV (2051721191010)

PATIL HARSH SANJAY (2051721191015)
SALUNKHE SUMIT RAMAN (2051721191016)
Under the Guidance of

Prof. A. S. PAWAR

Department of Civil Engineering

The Shirpur Education Society’s
R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur
Maharashtra State, India

Department of Civil Engineering

SES’s R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur
Maharashtra State, India
This is to certify that the project entitled “ Flood Modelling On Panzara River By Using HEC-RAS
Software’’ has been carried out by team:
KOLI BHARAT NAMDEV (2051721191010)
PATIL HARSH SANJAY (2051721191015)
SALUNKHE SUMIT RAMAN (2051721191016)
Under the guidance of Prof. A. S. Pawar in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University,
Lonere during the academic year 2021-22.

Place: Shirpur

Prof. A.S. Pawar Prof.R.D.Patil

Guide Project Coordinator

Prof.G.V.Tapkire Prof.Dr.J.B.Patil

HOD Director
1. Acknowledgement

2. Abstract

3. Introduction

4. Objectives, Advantages, & Disadvantages.

5. Data required for flood modelling

6. Methodology

7. References

Page No 4
1. Fig1 - Flood in panzara River.
2. Fig2 - Picture of Panzara River.
3. Fig3 - Locationmap for panzara river.
4. Fig4 - Schematic Diagram of stream channel.
5. Fig5.1 - HEC-RAS main window.
6. Fig5.2 - New project window.
7. Fig5.3 - Geometric data window with example river schematic.
8. Fig5.4 - Cross section data editor with exampe data.
9. Fig5.5 - Cross section plot for river mile 10.0 of fall creek.
10. Fig5.6 - Cross section editor with river mild 0.2 of butte creek.
11. Fig5.7 - Junction data editor with sutter junction data.
12. Fig5.8 - Steady flow data editor with example problem deta.
13. Fig5.9 - Steady flow boundary condition’s.
14. Fig5.10 - Steady flow analysis simulation window.
15. Fig5.11 - Cross section plot for example application.
16. Fig5.12 - Profile plot for example application.
17. Fig5.13 - Computed rating curve for example application.
18. Fig5.14 - (X-Y-Z)Perspective plot of fall Cr.River reach.
19. Fig5.15 - Detailed tabular output at a cross section.
20. Table 1.1 Cross Section adjustments for duplicating section.
21.Table 1.2 Cross Section adjustments for Butte Creek sections

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No volume of words is enough to express my gratitude towards my guide, (Prof.

A. S. Pawar), Assistance Professor in Civil Engineering Department, who has been
very concerned and have aided for all the material essential for the preparation of
this work. He has helped me to explore this vast topic in an organized manner and
provided me with all the ideas on how to work towards a project oriented
venture. We wish to express our sincere gratitude towards Project Coordinator
Prof. R. D. Patil for his timely suggestions and instructions.
We are also thankful to Prof. G. V. Tapkire, Head of Department, Civil
Engineering, for the motivation and inspiration that triggered me for the project
We are thankful to Prof. Dr. J. B. Patil, Principal, R. C. P. I. T., Shirpur for the
support and encouragement.

Koli Bharat N.

Kumavat Bhavesh S.

Patil Harsh S.

Salunkhe Sumit R.

Gujarathi Romarsh M.

Page No 6
The flood and drought condition in our country has been more frequent in the recent past due
to changing climatic conditions of the world. Prediction of river stage during the flood requires
mathematical modeling of the river to take decision related to the flood protection and disaster
management work. In Maharashtra, Pune City, faces problems of floods and damages during
monsoon. Many bridges over Rivers get submerged, resulting failure of communication facility,
inundation of the city and surrounding area during this period. The weather extremes, such as
excessive rainfall, result in debris flow, river overflow and urban flooding, which can pose a
substantial threat to the community. An effective flood model is therefore a crucial tool in flood
disaster control and mitigation. The flood prediction of Mula-Mutha river using HEC-RAS is
discussed in the project. This is helpful in the preparation of Flood Mitigation Plan for Pune city
as a curative measure for the control of flood in the Mula-Mutha river. Thus this present project
describes the setting up of hydraulic model In HEC-RAS 5.0.1 for Mula-Mutha River in Study
reach. HEC-RAS 2D is a hydraulic model which is used to simulate water flowing through rivers
and open channels.
HEC-RAS is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a
multitasking, multi-user network environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user
interface (GUI), separate hydraulic analysis components, data storage and management
capabilities, graphics and reporting facilities. The HEC-RAS system will ultimately contain three
1-dimensional hydraulic analysis components for: (1) Steady flow water surface profile
computations; (2) unsteady flow simulation; (3) Movable boundary sediment transport
Currently steady and unsteady flows are available and sediment transport is under
development. A key element is that all three components will use a common geometric data
representation and common geometric and hydraulic computation routines. In addition to the
three hydraulic analysis components, the system contains several hydraulic design features that
can be invoked once the basic water surface profiles are computed; including bridge scour
computations, uniform flow computations, stable channel design, and sediment transport

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Flooding may occur as an overflow of water from water bodies, such as a river, lake, or ocean,
in which the water overtops or breaks levees, resulting in some of that water escaping its usual
boundaries, or it may occur due to an accumulation of rainwater on saturated ground in an
areal flood. While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in
precipitation, these changes in size are unlikely to be considered significant unless they flood
property or drown peoples and domestic animals. Floods can also occur in rivers when the flow
rate exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders in the
waterway. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are in the natural flood
plains of rivers. While riverine flood damage can be eliminated by moving away from rivers and
other bodies of water, people have traditionally lived and worked by rivers because the land is
usually flat and fertile and because rivers provide easy travel and access to commerce and
industry. Flooding can lead to secondary consequences in addition to damage to property, such
as long-term displacement of residents and creating increased spread of waterborne diseases
and vector-bourse diseases transmitted by mosquitos. There are different types of floods,
including floods caused by prolonged groundwater accumulation in sudden rainfall and storm
conditions. In developed countries, the loss of life is reduced due to the development of flood
detection services, while in less developed countries this problem is larger. While most of the
methods used for flood control and analysis were labor-free methods up to ten years ago, in
recent years, ready to-use package programs have been used like HEC-RAS. The hydraulic
model used for present study is based on Hydraulic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System
(HEC-RAS), version 5.0.1. It is a freely available software developed by US Army Corps of
Engineers and can perform one- and two-dimensional hydraulic calculations for a full network
of natural and constructed channels. The model equations for 1D flow are described by Horritt
and Bates and modified by Brunner (2016) for 2D flow conditions. The HEC-RAS model is one of
the most commonly utilized flood modeling pieces of software in hydrodynamic simulation.

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This model is designed to perform 1D steady flow and 2D unsteady flow simulations for a river
flow analysis, as well as sediment transport and water temperature/quality modeling. The
model uses geometric data representation and geometric and hydraulic computation routines
for a network of natural and constructed river channels. While there are a large number of
capabilities this model can perform, the research shall only focus on HECRAS’s ability to run 1D
river flow and 2D flood inundation and the combined approach, especially the analysis of flood
inundation instigated by a dam or levee breach. HECRAS has the ability to make the calculations
of water surface profiles for steady and gradually varied flow as well as for subcritical, super
critical, and mixed flow regime.

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1. Using HEC-RAS and historical flood data or discharges, compute the various cross-sections.

2. To see if the existing portion can withstand a carry flood of various magnitudes.

3. To suggest steps to ensure safe flood conveyance for the study reach, such as raising the
retaining wall height or proposing new bunds or retaining walls.

4. Identifying crucial sections in the research region for water spread.

5. To make use of the best available data in order to identify the location and potential impacts
that natural hazards as floods can have on people, property and natural environment. to
improve the systems of warning and emergency communications.

1.The management of flood the saving the life of peoples and their living standard.

2. It will be reduced the erosion of structure of cannel and river bed.

3. Just a few days in advance we will know how much flood is going to happen.

4. It will save the farming land and crops.

5. It will convey excess water directly in sea.

6. The results of the model can be applied in floodplain management and flood insurance

7. Improving water quality and reducing erosion.

1. High erosion of soil and bad effect on climate condition.

2. Wastage of crops, food, money. And Risk of peoples life.

3. Impact of flood include loss of human life, damage to property.

4. It impact on human health and increase the various diseases.

5. It is impact on economy of the country. 6. Contaminated drinking water.

Page No 10

Dhule district, formerly known as West Khandesh, belongs to Northern Maharashtra

region; lies between 20.380 to 21.610 North latitude and 73.500 to 75.110 East
longitudes in upper Tapi basin and on the North west side of Maharashtra. The district is
surrounded by Madhya Pradesh on the North, Nandurbar district and Gujarat State on
the West, Nasik district on the South and Jalgaon district toward the East. It occupies an
area of approximately 8063 square kilometers. There are nine important rivers flowing
in the district. The largest river in length is Panzara. It is life line of Dhule district and one
of the tributaries of interstate river Tapi that flows eastwards in to the Arabial sea. The
river Panzara harbors rich fish fauna (Patole and Patil, 2009). Barring the relatively small
area of Narmada drainage of the North part, the rest of the district is comparatively
drained by the Tapi and its tributaries. The river Tapi is Major River flowing through
district while other rivers are Panzara, Burai, Gomai, Amravati, Aner, Bori, Kan and
Jamkhedi etc. Collecting Stations A total seven collecting station was made from where
127 fish sample were collected. Help was obtained from local fisherman. The collecting
stations with river and number of sample collected are shown in parenthesis, these
1. Pimpalner- Panzara and Jamkhedi river
2. Sakri- Kan river
3. Dhule- Panzara-Kan river
4. Kusumba- Panzara river
5. Shirpur- Tapi and Aner river
6. Shindkheda- Tapi and Amaravati river and
7. Nijampur- Burai river

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HEC-RAS SOFTWARE:- Originally designed in 1995, the United States Army Corps of
Engineers HydrologicEngineering Center‟s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) is “software that
allows you to perform one-dimensional steady and unsteady flow river hydraulics calculations,
sediment transport-mobile bed modelling, and water temperature analysis.” The program
solves the mass conservation and momentum conservation equations with an implicit
linearized system of equations using Preissmann‟s second order box finite difference scheme.
In a cross-section, the overbank and channel are assumed to have the same water surface,
though the overbank volume and conveyance are separate from the channel volume and
conveyance in the implementation of the conservation of mass and momentum equations. The
simultaneous systems of equations generated for each time step are solved to develop
specifically for steady or unsteady river hydraulics.Many people or we can say most of people in
slum are going on daily basis wages as they don‟t have any other source of income, and what
has been see in movies seems to be a bitter dramatically truth that 60% of the ladies over there
have the same complaint that their husband or family member does not do anything else than
alcoholic consumption. Therefore, how much income comes into their houses are 40 % only, in
which they run their houses. There are much more Government properties available, railway
tracks and water supply system are the examples of few objects involved. Due to unavailability
of sanitation facilities they answer nature‟s call on rail tracks, since there is no wastage disposal
facility the wastage is thrown in open space.

HEC-RAS INPUT PARAMETER HEC-RAS:- Uses a number of input parameters for

hydraulic analysis of the stream channel geometry and water flow. These parameters are used
to establish a series of cross-sections along the stream. In each cross-section, the locations of
the stream banks are identified and used to divide into segments of left floodway (overbank),
main channel, and right floodway (overbank) as shown in Fig. 6. HEC-RAS subdivides the cross
sections in this manner, because of differences in hydraulic parameters.


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Data Requirements :-The function of the HEC-RAS program is to determine water surface
elevations at all locations of interest. The data needed to perform these computations are
separated into geometric data and steady flow data (boundary conditions).

Geometric Data :- The basic geometric data consists of establishing how the various river
reaches are connected (River System Schematic); cross section data; reach lengths; energy loss
coefficients (friction losses, contraction and expansion losses); and stream junction information.
Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC) has provided the geometric data of the reach for present
study as contour map in Auto CAD (.dwg file) format. The study reach is about 1080m long and
has very mild slope. The effect of meandering has been neglected as there is no reasonable
curvature seen in study reach by providing expansion and contraction coefficient as 0.3 and 0.1
respectively. Total 24 cross-sections at various important locations on the river have been used.
The detailed configuration of study reach was respectivelycollected from Surat Municipal
Corporation (SMC) and Surat Irrigation Circle (SIC), Govt. of Gujarat, India in the hard map

Cross sectional Data:- Boundary geometry for the analysis of flow in natural streams is
specified in terms of ground surface profiles (cross sections) and the measured distances
between them (reach lengths). Cross sections should be perpendicular to the anticipated flow
lines and extend across the entire flood plain. Cross sections are requires at locations where
changes occur in discharge, slope, shape or roughness; at locations where levees begin or end
and at bridges or control structures such as weirs. Each cross section is identified by a Reach
and River Station label. The cross section is described by entering the station and elevations (x-y
data) from left to right, with respect to looking in the downstream direction.

Reach Length:- The reach length (distance between cross sections) should be measured
along the anticipated path of the center of mass of the left and right over bank and the center
of the channel (these distances may be curved).

Historical data:- Historical data is required for hydrological data input and for the calibration
and validation of the flood modelling :

 dated flood maps;

 water level records of rivers;

 gauge station records (for velocity);

 flood marks;

 pictures, paintings and drawings;

 newspaper articles about past flood events, with dated photographs;

 historical reports or books about flood events; and

 aerial and satellite photos.

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 Steps in Developing a Hydraulic Model with HEC-RAS
This chapter provides an example application of how to perform steady flow water surface
profile calculations with HEC-RAS. The user is taken through a step by step procedure of how to
enter data, perform calculations, and view the results. In order to get the most out of this
chapter, you should perform each of the steps on your own computer. Also, before you try the
example application, you should have read the first three chapters in this manual.


 Starting a New Project

 Entering Geometric Data
 Entering Steady Flow Data
 Performing the Hydraulic Calculations
 Viewing Results
 Printing Graphics and Tables
 Exiting the Program

 Starting a New Project:-

To begin this example, let's first start the HEC-RAS program. Double click the HEC-RAS icon in
Windows. The main window should appear as shown in Figure 5.1 (except yours will be blank
the first time you start the program).

Figure 5.1 HEC-RAS Main WindoW

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The first step in developing an HEC-RAS application is to start a new project. Go to the File
menu on the main window and select New Project. The New Project window should appear as
shown in Figure 5.2 (except the title and file name fields will be blank when it first comes up).

Figure 5.2 New Project Window

First set the drive (e.g. C:) and the directory that you would like to work in. Next enter the
project title and filename as shown in Figure 4.2. Once you have entered the information, press
the OK button to have the data accepted.

 Entering Geometric Data

The next step in developing a steady flow model with HEC-RAS is to enter the geometric data.
This is accomplished by selecting Geometric Data from the Edit menu on the HEC-RAS main
window. Once this option is selected the geometric data window will appear (Figure 4.3).

Drawing the Schematic of the River System In this example we are going to develop a three-
reach system as shown in Figure 4.3. Draw in the river system schematic by performing the
following steps:

1. Click the River Reach button on the geometric data window.

2. Move the mouse pointer over to the drawing area and place the pointer at the location in
which you would like to start drawing the first reach.

3. Hold down the left mouse button and draw the reach from upstream to downstream (in the
positive flow direction).

4. The interface will prompt you to enter an identifier for the reach. This identifier is limited to
12 characters.

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5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for each reach. After you enter the identifier for reach three you
will also be prompted to enter an identifier for the junction (location where two or more
streams join or split apart)

Once you have finished drawing in the river system, there are several options available
for editing the schematic. These options include: deleting reaches, changing labels, and moving
any objects (objects are labels, junctions, and the ends of reaches). The editing features are
located under the Edit menu on the Geometric Data window.

Note: when you first draw your schematic there will not be any tic marks representing cross
sections as shown in Figure 5.3. The tic marks only show up after you have entered cross
section data

Figure 5.3 Geometric Data Window with example river schematiC

 Entering Cross Section Data

The next step is to enter the cross section data. This is accomplished by pressing the Cross
Section button on the Geometric Data window (Figure 4.3). Once this button is pressed, the
Cross Section Data editor will appear as shown in Figure 4.4 (except yours should be blank). To
enter cross section data do the following:

I. Select a Reach to work with. For this example start with the Fall Cr. reach.
II. Go to the Options menu and select Add a new Cross Section. An input box will appear
prompting you to enter a river station identifier for the new cross section. The identifier

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does not have to be the actual river station, but it must be a numeric value. The
numeric value describes where this cross section is located in reference to all the other
cross sections within the reach. Cross sections are located from upstream (highest river
station) to downstream (lowest river station). For this cross section enter a value of


Figure 5.4 Cross Section Data Editor with example data

IV. Enter all of the data for this cross section as it is shown in Figure 5.4.

V. Once all the data are entered press the Apply Data button. This button is used to tell
the interface that you want the data to be accepted into memory. This button does not
save the data to your hard disk, that can only be accomplished from the File menu on
the Geometric Data window.

VI. Plot the cross section to visually inspect the data. This is accomplished by pressing the
Plot Cross Section option under the Plot menu on the Cross Section Data Editor. The
cross section should look the same as that shown in Figure 5.5.

In general, the five steps listed would be repeated for every cross section that is
entered. In order to reduce the amount of data entry for this example, the current cross

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section will be copied and adjusted to represent other cross sections within the river

Figure 5.5 Cross Section Plot for river mile 10.0 of Fall Creek

The following steps should be followed to copy the current cross section:

1. Go to the Options menu on the Cross Section Data Editor and select Copy Current Cross
Section. An input box will appear prompting you to select a reach and enter a river station for
the new cross section. For this example, keep the reach as Fall Cr. and enter a new river station
of 9.9. Press the OK button and the new cross section will appear in the editor.

2. Change the description for the cross section to "River Mile 9.9 of Fall Creek."

3. Adjust all the elevations of the cross section by -0.5 feet. This is accomplished by selecting
the Adjust Elevations feature from the Options menu on the Cross Section Data Editor.

4. Adjust the cross section stationing to reduce the overbanks by 10%. This is accomplished by
selecting the Adjust Stations feature from the Options menu on the Cross Section Data Editor,
then select Multiply by a Factor. When the input box appears for this option, 4-6 Chapter 4
Example Application three data entry fields will be available to adjust the stationing of the left
overbank, channel, and the right overbank separately. Enter values of 0.90 for the right and left
overbanks, but leave the main channel field blank. This will reduce the stationing of both
overbanks by 10%, but the main channel will not be changed.

5. Downstream reach lengths remain the same for this cross section.

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6. Press the Apply Data button.

7. Plot the cross section to visually inspect it.

These seven steps should be repeated to enter all the data for Fall Creek and the Yolo River.
The necessary adjustments are listed in Table 4.1. Perform the cross section duplications in the
order that they are listed in the table. Make sure to change the description of each cross
section, and also press the Apply Data button after making the adjustments for each cross

Table 1.1 Cross Section adjustments for duplicating section.

This completes all the cross section data for Fall Creek and the Yolo River. Now let's work on
entering the data for the Butte Creek tributary. To enter the first cross section in the Butte
Creek tributary do the following:

1. Go to the Reach text box on the Cross Section Data Editor and select the Butte Cr. reach.

2. Select Add a new Cross Section from the Options menu. When the popup box appears
prompting you to enter a new river station, enter a value of 0.2.

3. Enter all the data for this cross section as shown in Figure 4.6. 4-7

4. Once ail the data are entered for this section, press the Apply Data button.

5. Plot the cross section to inspect the data.

Page No 20
Figure 5.6 Cross Section Editor with river mile 0.2 of Butte Creek

There are two other cross sections that need to be developed for the Butte Creek tributary.
These two cross sections will be developed by duplicating the cross section that you just
entered, and then adjusting the elevations and stationing. The necessary adjustments are listed
in Table 4.2. Perform the cross section adjustments in the order that they are listed in the table.
Make sure to change the description of each cross section and press the Apply Data button
after editing is complete.

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Table 1.2 Cross Section adjustments for Butte Creek sections

Now that all of the cross section data are entered, save the data to a file before continuing.
Saving the data to a file is accomplished by selecting the "Save Geometry Data As" option from
the File menu on the Geometric Data window. After selecting this option you will be prompted
to enter a description of the geometric data. Enter "Base Geometry Data" for this example,
then press the OK button. A file name is automatically assigned to the geometry data based on
what you entered for the project filename.

Entering Junction Data The next step is to enter the junction data. Junction data consist of a
description, and reach lengths across the junction. In this example there is only one junction,
which is labeled Sutter. Junction data is entered by pressing the Junction button on the
Geometric Data window. Enter the junction data as shown in Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7:- Junction Data Editor, with sutter junction data

Reach lengths across the junction are entered in the junction editor, rather than in the cross
section data. This allows for the lengths across very complicated confluences (i.e. flow splits) to
be accommodated. In the cross section data, the reach lengths for the last cross section of each
reach should be left blank or set to zero.

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In this example the energy equation will be used to compute the water surface profile through
the junction. If the momentum equation is selected, then an angle must be entered for one or
more of the reaches flowing into or out of a junction. The momentum equation is set up to
account for the angle of the flow entering the junction.

Once you have all of the data entered for the junction, apply the data and close the window by
pressing the OK button.

Saving The Geometry Data

At this point in the example, all of the geometric data has been entered. Before we continue
with the example, you should save the geometric data to the hard disk. Since the data have
already been saved once, you simply have to select Save Geometry Data from the File menu on
the Geometric Data window. We can now go on to enter the Steady Flow data. Entering Steady
Flow Data The next step in developing the required data to perform steady flow water surface
profile calculations is to enter the steady flow data. To bring up the steady flow data

 Entering Steady Flow Data

The next step in developing the required data to perform steady flow water surface profile
calculations is to enter the steady flow data. To bring up the steady flow data editor, select
Steady Flow Data from the Edit menu on the HEC-RAS main window. The Steady Flow Data
editor should appear as shown in Figure 5.8. The first piece of data to enter is the number of
profiles to be calculated. For this example enter "3" as shown in Figure 5.8.

The next step is to enter the flow data. Flow data are entered from upstream to downstream
for each reach. At least one flow rate must be entered for every reach in the river system. Once
a flow value is entered at the upstream end of a reach, it is assumed that the flow remains
constant until another flow value is encountered within the reach. Additional flow values can
be entered at any cross section location within a reach

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Figure 5.8 Steady Flow Data Editor, with example problem data

location into the table, first select the Yolo River from the Reach list box. Next select the
location (9.6 in this example) from the River Sta. list box. Finally, press the Add A Flow Change
Location button. In this example, flow data will be entered at the upstream end of each reach.
An additional flow change location will be entered at river mile 9.6 of the Yolo River. To add an
additional flow change desired river station The new flow location should appear in the table.
Now enter all of the flow data into the table as shown in Figure 5.8.

The next step is to enter any boundary conditions that may be required. To enter boundary
condition data, press the Enter Boundary Conditions button at the top of the Steady Flow Data
editor. The boundary conditions editor should appear as shown in Figure 5.9.

Boundary conditions are necessary to establish the starting water surface at the ends of the
river system. A starting water surface is necessary in order for the program to begin the
calculations. In a subcritical flow regime, boundary conditions are only required at the
downstream ends of the river system. If a supercritical flow regime is going to be calculated,
boundary conditions are only necessary at the upstream ends of the river system. If a mixed
flow regime calculation is going to be made, then

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Figure 5.9 Steady Flow Boundary Conditions

The boundary conditions editor contains a table listing every reach. Each reach has an upstream
and a downstream boundary condition. Connections to junctions are considered internal
boundary conditions. Internal boundary conditions are automatically listed in the table, based
on how the river system is connected in the geometric data editor. The user is only required to
enter the necessary external boundary conditions.

In this example, it is assumed that the flow is subcritical throughout the river system.
Therefore, it is only necessary to enter a boundary condition at the downstream end of the Yolo
River. Boundary conditions are entered by first selecting the ceil in which you wish to enter a
boundary condition. Then the type of boundary condition is selected from the four available
types listed above the table. The four types of boundary conditions consist of:

 Known water surface elevations

 Critical depth
 Normal depth
 Rating curve

For this example use the normal depth boundary condition. Once you have selected the cell for
the downstream end of Yolo River, press the Normal Depth button. A popup box will appear
requesting you to enter an average Chapter 4 Example Application energy slope at the
downstream end of the Yolo River. Enter a value of 0.0004 (ft/ft), then press the Enter key. This
completes all of the necessary boundary condition data. Press the OK button on the Boundary
Conditions form to accept the data.

The last step in developing the steady flow data is to save the data to a file. To save the data,
select the Save Flow Data As option from the File menu on the Steady Flow Data Editor. A
popup box will prompt you to enter a description of the flow data. For this example enter "10,2,
and 1 % chance events". Once the data are saved you can close the Steady Flow Data Editor.

Performing The Hydraulic Calculations

Page No 25
Now that all of the data have been entered, we can calculate the steady water surface profiles.
To perform the simulations, go to the HEC-RAS main window and select Steady Flow Analysis
from the Simulate menu. The Steady Flow Analysis window should appear as shown in Figure
5.10. Sted ly i

Figure 5.10 Steady Flow Analysis Simulation Window

The first step is to put together a Plan. The Plan defines which geometry and flow data are to be
used, as well as providing a title and short identifier for the run. To establish a plan, select iNew
Plan from the File menu on the Steady Flow Analysis window. Enter the plan title as "Existing
Conditions Run" and then press the OK button. Enter a short identifier of "Existing" in the Short
ID box. 4-13 Chapter 4 Example Appiicuiinn

The next step is to select the desired flow regime for which the model will perform calculations.
For this example we will be performing Subcritica! flow calculations only. Make sure that
Subcritical is the selected flow regime. Additional job control features are available from the
Options menu bar. but none are required for this example. Once you have defined a plan and
set all the desired job control information, the plan information should be saved. Saving the
plan information is accomplished by selecting Save Plan from the File menu of the Steady Flow
Analysis window.

Now that everything has been set, the steady flow computations can be performed by pressing
the Compute button at the bottom of the Steady FlowSimulation window". Once the compute
button has been pressed, a separate window will appear showing you the progress of the
computations. Once the computations have been completed, the computation window can be
closed by double clicking the upper left corner of the window. At this time the Steady Fiow;
Simulation window can also be closed.

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 Viewing Results
Once the model has finished all of the computations successfully, you can begin viewing the
results. Several output options are available from the View menu bar on the HEC-RAS main
window. These options include:

 Cross section plots

 Profile plots
 Rating curves
 X-Y-Z Perspective Plots –
 Detailed tabular output at a specific cross section (cross section table) o
 Limited tabular output at many cross sections (profile table)

Let's begin by plotting a cross section. Select Cross Sections from the View menu bar on the
HEC-RAS main window. This will automatically bring up a plot of the first cross section in Fall
Creek, as shown in Figure 5.11. Any cross section can be plotted by selecting the appropriate
reach and river station from the list boxes at the top of the cross section plot window. The user
can also step through the plots by using the up and down arrow buttons. Several plotting
features are available from the Options menu bar on the cross section plot window. These
options include: zoom in; zoom out; selecting which plans, profiles and variables to plot: and
control over lines, symbols, labels, scaling, and grid options. control over lines, symbols,

Figure 5.11 Cross Section Plot for Example Application

Select different cross sections to plot and practice using some of the features available under
the Options menu bar.

Next let's plot a water surface profile. Select Water Surface Profiles from the View menu bar on
the HEC-RAS main window. This will automatically bring up a water surface profile plot for the

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first reach, which is Yolo Creek in our example. To plot more than one reach, select Reaches
from the Options menu bar on the profile plot. This option brings up a list of available reaches
from which to choose. Select the Fall Cr. and Yolo River reaches. This should give you a profile
plot as shown in Figure 5.12. Plot the additional profiles that were computed and practice using
the other features available under the Options menu bar on the profile plot.

Figure 5.12:- Profile Plot For Example Application

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Figure 5.13:- Computed Rating Curve For Example Application

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Figure 5.14:- X-Y-Z Perspective Plot Of Fall Cr. River Reach

Figure 5.15:- Detailed Tabular Output At a Cross-section

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 Exiting The Program
Before you exit the HEC-RAS software, make sure you have saved all the data. This can be
accomplished easily by selecting Save Project from the File menu on the HEC-RAS main
window. Any data (geometric, flow, and plan data) that have not been saved will automatically
be saved for you.

To exit the HEC-RAS software, select Exit from the File menu of the HECRAS main window. The
program will prompt you to save the project if the data have not been saved previously.

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Fig.4- Geometric map of Panzara River.

The river Panzara originates from Sahyadri Mountains at altitude of 1058m msl. The total
area of Panzara river basin is an about 2758 km2. The area bounded by latitude 20° 54’ to
21° 13’ N and longitude 74° 07’ to 74° 56’ E in parts of Dhule districts of Maharashtra, India.

The climate of the area is characterized by a hot summer and general dryness throughout
the year except during the monsoon season, i.e., June to September. The minimum
temperature is 16°C in month of December and maximum temperature is 45°C in month of
May. The normal annual rainfall is range from 500 mm to 655 mm.

Geologically, study area belongs to Deccan trap of the Cretaceous to the Lower Eocene age.
The Deccan Traps exhibits horizontal lava flows, development of flat-topped hills and
steplike terraces. The horizontal basaltic lava flows are inferred to be due to fissure
eruptions. The study area is almost covered by Deccan basalts except few patches which are
covered by thick alluvium and Quaternary sediments (GSI, 1984). In the area under study,
two types of lava flows have been reported i.e. aa type flow and Pahoehoe type flow.

The area under study shows variety of landforms such as mountains and hills forming gently
slope topography. Flat plains covered by alluvium are seen along the river courses. Alluvial
zone is confined to elevation below 640m a msl forming low-lying areas. Pediment zone is
restricted to hill slopes.

HEC-RAS is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking,

multi-user network environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface
(GUI), separate hydraulic analysis components, data storage and management capabilities,
graphics and reporting facilities. The HEC-RAS system will ultimately contain three
1dimensional hydraulic analysis components for: (1) Steady flow water surface profile
computations; (2) unsteady flow simulation; (3) Movable boundary sediment transport
computations. Currently steady and unsteady flows are available and sediment transport is
under development. A key element is that all three components will use a common
geometric data representation and common geometric and hydraulic computation routines.
In addition to the three hydraulic analysis components, the system contains several
hydraulic design features that can be invoked once the basic water surface profiles are
computed; including bridge scour computations, uniform flow computations, stable channel
design, and sediment transport capacity.
A descriptive and analytical method was used to investigate the hydraulics of the
Panzara River course, with modern techniques in interpretation and analysis based on Arc GIS
10.8 software after adding the HEC-Geo RAS software extension. Next, the flood simulation
data were exported from Arc GIS 10.8 into HEC-RAS 5.0.3 software, which was designed by
the United States Army Hydrological Engineers for river, port, and other facility management
[26,27]. The hydrological model known as HEC-HMS, which is included in the WMS software,
was used to estimate the magnitude of the torrents as well as their flow rates within the
drainage basin.

Hyfran Plus
Hyfran Plus is one of the statistical analysis programs used to compute the maximum
depth of rainfall for different return periods, including 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years. It is
also used to compute the intensity and intensity curves of rainfall (IDF Curve), providing a
precise calculation of the amount of precipitation that fell on the drainage basin. One of the
most important factors that helps with accurate calculation of the torrents created by those
rains is considered to be the most trustworthy basis for figuring out water statistics and the
likelihood of future torrents [28]. Further employing the Normal Method Equation in
statistical analysis [29]:
• f(x): Number of observations
• σ: Standard deviation
• μ: Mean
Watershed Modelling System (WMS)
This is a sophisticated computer program that offers an advanced graphical interface
for the development and use of a large number of hydrological and hydraulic mathematical
models. It is easier, faster, and more accurate than GIS applications.
HEC-Geo RAS is an expansion of Arc GIS software, which was first developed through a
research and development partnership between the Hydrological Engineering Centre (HEC)
and ESRI and is still being developed utilizing R&D funds [27]. It is a set of GIS tools
developed particularly for analysing geographic data using the Hydrological Engineering
River Analysis System (HEC-RAS). Through this extension, the engineering data of the river’s
course may be constructed and transferred to a program called HEC-RAS that enables the
development of a map showing the flood and the speed of the water current inside the
drainage basin.
Hydrologic Model HEC-HMS
This model was created by the Centre for Hydrological Engineering and the US Army
Corps of Engineers. It has been extensively utilized in numerous hydrological research
projects and is intended to simulate rainfall-runoff processes in a wide range of geographic
regions, including floods, water supplies, local and large river basins, and urban and natural
watershed runoff [31]. There are four main parts of this model that work together to
calculate the volume of runoff: direct runoff, base flow, and channel flow [32]. The working
of this model with WMS software is described in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Flowchart for HEC-HMS methodology.

Hydrodynamic Model HEC-RAS

The HEC-RAS software is the river analysis system of the Centre for Hydrological
Engineers, and it is a hydraulic computer program that creates hydraulic component models.
It is specialized in modelling and simulating water through natural waterways such as rivers
and industrial courses such as canals and drains, and the software can calculate the
movement of sediments and chemical pollutants in a stream. This program computes the
water levels and velocity in rivers and builds one- or two-dimensional models to simulate
the movement of water, in either a steady state or an unsteady state.
Calculation of Hydraulic Parameters
The hydraulic characteristics of the Panzra River were calculated using a steady
onedimensional flow model using Equations (1) and (2). The conventional step approach is
used to calculate the water surface height and the energy degree line for two neighbouring
crosssections [34].
• Z1, Z2: Elevation of the main channel inverts (m)
• Y1, Y2: Depths of water at cross section (m)
• V1, V2: Average velocities (total discharge/total flow area) (m/s)
• a1, a2: Velocity weighting coefficients
• g: Gravitational acceleration (m/s2)

• L: Discharge weighted reach length (m)
• sf¯¯¯¯: Representative friction slope between two adjacent sections
• C: Contraction or expansion loss coefficient
3.2.7. Boundary Conditions
The boundary conditions are needed to determine the depth of the water both
upstream and downstream [35]. Where the value of water discharge in cubic meters and the
value of water depth along the studied section are entered in meters, and the high daily
expenditures of the Panzara River in the study area for the two years 2013 and 2018,
amounted to 372.15 m3/sec and 506.16 m3/sec, respectively, were relied on, because these
values caused flooding that harmed the riverbanks, nearby residential and agricultural
3.2.8. Hydraulic Modelling Application
In order to generate hydrological and hydraulic models of the course of the Panzara
River using the HEC-RAS model, the following three key stages must be followed: Using
the Arc GIS program and the HEC-Geo RAS extension, along with a digital elevation
model and a recent satellite image of the research area, the following riverine hydraulic
coefficients are generated (figure 6) :

The main channel.
The left and right banks.
The left and right flow paths. d.
Cross sections.
Working within the HEC-RAS software, this phase includes the processing stage
(Figure 3), to outline the flood plain and simulate the flow of water in riverbeds after
exporting the data received from the Arc GIS software. Geometric data, including
cross-sections, stable flow data, and their surrounding conditions, are entered using
a one-dimensional Steady Flow Data model, which predicts the water surface and
velocity along the river well [36]. That is after entering Manning’s coefficient of
cross-sectional materials of banks, which was 0.035, as well as the depth of the
water for the cross-sections and the volume of water drainage, and then performing
hydraulic calculations for these data.
This step includes the post-processing stage, which entails exporting the data and results
obtained from the HEC-RAS software to the Arc GIS software as they appear in the
workspace and consist of a polygon connecting the ends of the river’s cross-sections. Using
the water surface generation command, all of the HEC-RAS-created partitions will be
recognized, and the flood zone will border both banks of the river. The user can create a
flood map and determine the depth of the water, its surface area, and its volume inside the
riverbed by using the raster’s floodplain delineation command.

Figure 7. Flowchart for HEC-RAS methodology.

Precipitation analysis is critical for effectively estimating flood risk and forecasting the
likelihood of future flooding in the drainage basin because it provides the most reliable data
on which to base flood predictions. We determined the rainfall depth for different frequency
intervals of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years, as well as for the period 1989–2021, after
obtaining the maximum annual rainfall quantities for each year.

Table 1. The maximum amounts of rainfall in the station of the study area.

Year Maximum Daily Year Maximum Daily Year Maximum Daily

Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm)

1989 43.67 2000 18.30 2011 44.49

1990 21.74 2001 9.42 2012 19.38

1991 19.54 2002 15.19 2013 31.99

1992 19.65 2003 12.24 2014 21.01

1993 25.37 2004 18.52 2015 23.41

1994 18.53 2005 15.39 2016 32.41

1995 10.33 2006 40.42 2017 20.51

1996 17.65 2007 15.09 2018 29.58

1997 14.28 2008 18.58 2019 37.92

Year Maximum Daily Year Maximum Daily Year Maximum Daily

Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm) Rainfall (mm)

1998 17.13 2009 20.08 2020 52.87

1999 14.36 2010 24.25 2021 21.17

Table 2. Precipitation depths (mm) as a function of return periods.

Figure 8. Curve values (intensity, duration, frequency) for the study station .

Table 4. Summary of rainfall for the study area station.

Number of Year 33

Minimum 9.42

Maximum 52.9

Average 23.2

Standard deviation 10.5

Median 19.6
Coefficient of variation (Cv) 0.453

Skewness coefficient (Cs) 1.29

Kurtosis coefficient (Ck) 3.55

IDF curves were generated from daily rainfall data due to the lack of climate data regarding
the intensity of rainfall in the research area. Using Bell’s Ratios, the rainfall value was
calculated for the time intervals of 10, 20, 30 min, 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 h as a percentage of the
previously predicted daily rain value for the various recurring times, as shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Percentage of rainfall value at different periods (Bell’s Ratios).

Time (Min) 10 20 30 60 120 180 360 720 1440

Bell Average 0.2 0.279 0.343 0.435 0.565 0.626 0.75 0.877 1

The following equation can be used to calculate the values of the curves (density, duration,
and frequency) shown in Table 6 and these values can then be graphically represented
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Curve values (intensity, duration, and frequency) for the study station.

Table 6. Curve values (intensity, duration, frequency) for different return periods to the
study station.

Time (Min)
Return Periods

10 20 30 60 120 180 360 720 1440

100 68.701 47.904 39.258 24.894 16.166 11.941 7.153 4.182 2.384

50 61.174 42.656 34.957 22.166 14.395 10.633 6.369 3.724 2.123

20 55.289 38.552 31.594 20.034 13.010 9.610 5.757 3.365 1.919

10 50.088 34.926 28.622 18.149 11.787 8.706 5.215 3.049 1.738

5 43.793 30.536 25.025 15.868 10.305 7.612 4.560 2.666 1.520

2 31.750 22.139 18.143 11.504 7.471 5.518 3.306 1.940 1.102




• I: Rainfall Intensity (mm/hr)

• XT: 1.14 (HYFRAN XT)

• B: Bell Ratio as per Table 6.

• T: Duration (min)

The rain depth values given in Table 7 and shown in Figure 10, can be determined using the
Figure 10. Curve values (depth, duration, and frequency) for the study station.

Table 7. Depth of rainfall for different return periods of the study station.

Time (Min)
Return Periods

10 20 30 60 120 180 360 720 1440

100 11.450 15.968 19.629 24.894 32.332 35.823 42.918 50.184 57.216

50 10.195 14.218 17.478 22.166 28.790 31.899 38.214 44.688 50.952

20 9.214 12.850 15.797 20.034 26.020 28.830 34.542 40.380 46.056

10 8.348 11.642 14.311 18.149 23.574 26.118 31.290 36.588 41.712

5 7.298 10.178 12.512 15.868 20.610 22.836 27.360 31.992 36.480

2 5.291 7.379 9.071 11.504 14.942 16.554 19.836 23.280 26.448

D=I T/60= /60


• D: Rainfall depth (mm)

• I: Rainfall intensity (mm/hr)

• T: Duration (min)

In addition to the aforementioned, it can be argued that rainfall depths and return durations
in the Panzara River drainage basin have an effective hydrological value that is influenced by
land use. Its effectiveness increases when the surface receiving this rainfall is impermeable,
such as in urban and rocky areas, providing a great opportunity for a high runoff response by
converting the majority of the rain precipitation into surface running water and increasing
the likelihood of flooding.

Floodwater Characteristics Analysis of the Panzara River Basin

The WMS software was used to determine the characteristics of the PanzaraRiver drainage
basin, and the HEC-HMS software was used to analyse the torrential waters due to its ability
to calculate the hydrographic curve in multiple ways depending on the area of the drainage
basin, using natural or artificial methods. It is sophisticated computer software that models
and simulates the relationship between precipitation and surface runoff in water drainage
basins. The most important outputs are the computations of groundwater discharge and
seepage, water movement in streams, the number of losses, total leaching, residual rainfall,
and direct runoff. The HEC-HMS software gives reliable data and is recommended above
other programs when it comes to analysing the features of torrents.

We used a design storm with a 24 h duration, the SCS TYPE II distribution type, and the SCS
technique to calculate the concentration-time, delay, and hydrograph curve number Table 8
for the different recurrence periods of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years. The hydrograph of the
torrential waters in the Panzara River drainage basin was analysed, and the results showed
that the volume of the discharge ranged between 29,680 and 2,229,200 m3 during the
various return periods and that the maximum flow of the peak discharge was between 10.4
and 66.4 m3/s during the various return periods. The features of the Panzara River’s
torrential flows are shown in Table 9 and Figure 8 and Figure 9 using the WMS and HEC-HMS
Figure 8. Hydrograph of the flood water of the Panzara River Basin for return periods.
Figure 9. Hydrograph of the flood water of the Panzara River Basin for different return

Table 8. Some hydrological characteristics of the Panzara River drainage basin.

Lag Concentration Curve Hydrologic Soil Groups

Time Time (h) Number

7.16 7.12 84.37 B Sandy soil with average depth and

moderate infiltration after moistening
the soil
D Clay soils having a very slow infiltration
rate (high runoff potential) when
thoroughly wet

Table 9. Characteristics of the flood water of the Panzara River Basin for different return

Periods (Years) 2 5 10 20 50 100

Precipitation volume (mm) 23.2 32.0 36.6 40.4 44.7 50.20

Loss volume (mm) 20.07 26.64 28.10

24.67 29.58 31.26

Excess volume (mm) 3.13 7.33 9.96 12.30 15.12 18.94

Discharge volume (1000 m3) 296.8 1102.9 1392.5

784.4 1745.1 2229.2

Peak discharge (m3/sec) 10.4 24.6 33.8 42.3 52.5 66.4

Simulations of the flood in Panzara basin

Over the two years 2013 and 2018, a flood simulation model for the Panzara River Basin was
developed because the research region was more vulnerable to flooding due to high river
flows at the time Table 10. There was a strong correlation between the amount of
precipitation that fell on the basin and the river discharge during the study period. A
threeday rainstorm was responsible for the flooding in each case, as the confluence of wet
days caused water runoff and flooding. The HEC-RAS software was used to independently
simulate and estimate flood risk for each year. For each discharge, a flood map and a speed
map were created, and it was discovered that as the amount of discharge to the river
increased, so did the flood regions, flood depths, and water velocity Table 11. Additionally,
the degree of flooding along the watercourse varied from one area to another. Residential
areas and agricultural fields near the river’s mouth were more vulnerable to the threat of
flooding than places farther away from the estuary, and the risk of flooding was categorized
in accordance with and based on the flood’s depth

Table 10. Hydrological characteristics of the river during the study period.

Year Day Precipitation (mm) Discharge (m3/s) Level of Water (m)

2013 27 January 2013 12.35 105.74 2.25

28 January 2013 23.12 173.9 2.95

29 January 2013 31.99 372.15 5.5

29 November 2018 0.33 0.47

2018 10.16

30 November 2018 11.95 48.8 1.44

1 December 2018 29.58 5

Table 11. Flood water characteristics of the river during the study period.

Year Mean Total Flood Area of Area of Agricultural Total Flood

Depth Volume (m3) Buildings Land Affected by Area (m2)
(m) Affected by the the Flood (m2)
Flood (m2)

2013 2.7 30,207.97 786 10,402.14 11,188.14

Table 12. Flood risk classification.

Flood No. Depths (m) Area (m2) Area (%) Flood Risk Classification

2013 1 0–1.35 5095.6 45.54 Very low

2 3941.36 Low

1.36–2.79 35.23
3 2.80–4.36 1750.11 15.65 Medium

4 324.956 High

4.37–6.43 2.90

5 6.44–10.80 76.111 0.68 Very high

1 5168.80 Very low

0–1.49 43.77

2 1.50–2.99 4260.80 36.08 Low

2018 3 1937.20 Medium

3.0–4.66 16.40

Flood No. Depths (m) Area (m2) Area (%) Flood Risk Classification

4 4.67–6.81 357.60 3.03 High

5 85.20 Very high

6.82–11.20 0.72
The Panzara River is one of the important rivers that feed the Dhule district, and the course
of this river within its lower basin is occasionally exposed to a rise in water levels due to
heavy rainfall and an increase in discharge rates, resulting in the flow of water towards
neighbouring lands close to the course, particularly those with low topography and little
slope. It was discovered that the depths of rain falling on the river drainage basin and for
different return periods of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 years have an effective hydrological
value that is influenced by the type of land use and that this value increases when the
surfaces receiving these rains are impermeable. This increases the chance of floods by
channelling the majority of precipitation to surface runoff, resulting in a strong runoff
response. Using the hydrological model HEC-HMS, the analysis of the hydrograph of the
torrential waters of the river drainage basin revealed that the volume of the torrents ranged
between 29,680 and 2,229,200 m3 and the maximum flow value of the torrents ranged
between 10.4 and 66.4 m3/s during the different return periods, and 70.60% of the rainfall
that falls on the drainage basin filters into the ground, while 29.40% runs on the surface of
the land through a network of valleys descending from high places towards the river’s path.

Floods were simulated using the HEC-RAS software and Steady Flow Data during the winter
seasons of 2013 and 2018, and the simulation process provided useful information on the
occurrence of floods in the research region, such as the flood’s speed and depth, as well as
the impacted areas. The investigation’s findings revealed a variation in flood danger along
the Panzara River’s course, with flood risk regions ranging from low to very low (80.31%),
medium (16.03%), and high to very high (3.8%), according to categorization. This
discrepancy was influenced by the geography of the land, the amount of water drainage,
and the shape and depth of the river stream. The settlements at the entrance of the basin
were badly impacted by the magnitude of the flood as a result of the rise in the amount of
water entering from the feeding areas and the decrease in ground level. The river’s flow
velocity varied over its course, ranging from 0 to 3.55 m/s, with convex river bends and short
cross sections showing an increase in velocity. The study suggests routine upkeep of the
riverbed by removing sediments carried by the water from the basin’s valleys as well as all
bushes, herbs, and weeds that are widely dispersed at the river’s bottom and along its banks
in order to observe the most amount of running water possible during the river’s increased
flow during the wet seasons. Further, work to build dirt barriers on the riverbanks to stop
water from flowing towards agricultural land and residential structures, while advising
people not to live near the riverbed and to produce lands in high locations distant from the
fear of floods. Additionally, the report recommends utilizing the hydrological model HEC-
HMS in a study on flood risk reduction and the management of infrastructure facilities.

2. https://bhuvan-

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