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(Sebelum Acara)

 Acara wisuda Madrasah Ulya Bukhoriyyah yang dipandu oleh Anggun Aulia Sari dari kelas 11 dan
Annisa Varra dari kelas 10 akan segera dimulai.


 (Varra)
The Honorable Dr. K.H Ahsin Wijaya Alhafidz.
The honorable head of the Bukhoriyyah foundation Abah K. Khanafi Maula Abbas, S. Ag.
The respectable the Principal of Ulya Bukhoriyyah Madrasah, Gus Fatih Nuzulul Hakim
Which we respect all asatidz council of Madrasah Ulya Bukhoriyyah.
As well as invited guests and happy graduates.

 (Varra)
There is no more beautiful expression, but thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, who has given His
Grace, Hidayat, and Inayah to all of us so that today, Monday 28 May, we can jointly attend the
"Graduation Ceremony of Madrasah Ulya Bukhoriyyah Batch 3" in good health.
 (Varra)
Ladies and gentlemen, the graduation ceremony for Madrasah Ulya Bukhoriyyah today is structured as

(Varra) The first agenda is the opening.

(Varra) The second agenda is recitation of holy Alquran.

(Varra) The third agenda is tahlil.

(Varra) The fourth agenda, mahalul qiyam, was continued by singing the Indonesia Raya anthem and
the Bukhoriyyah march.

(Varra) The fifth agenda is the graduation procession.

(Varra) The sixth agenda is presented by class 12.

(Varra) The seventh agenda is speeches.

 (Anggun) Acara yang kedelapan mauidoh hasanah.

(Varra) The eighth agenda is mauidoh hasanah.

 (Anggun)Acara kesembilan penutup.

(Varra) The ninth agenda is closing.

 (Varra)
Ladies and gentlemen, for the success of this morning's agenda, let us start this agenda by reading the
Ummul Qur'an Suratul Fatihah. 'Ala hadiniyyah al fatihah.

 (Varra)
Ladies and gentlemen, the next agenda is the reading of the holy Alqur'an which will be read by
Qiyandra. To him please.
 (Varra)
We just listened to the chanting of the holy Alquran by Ananda Qiyandra from class 7A of the Wustho
Bukhoriyyah Madrasah. Hopefully with the recitation of the holy Alquran we can intercede in the
hereafter. Good for those who read as well as those who listen. Amen!

 (Varra)
The next agenda is tahlil which will be led by.... We invite him.
 (Varra) Thank you to those who have led the tahlil today.
 (Varra)
Ladies and gentlemen, the next agenda is mahalul qiyam followed by singing the national anthem
Indonesia Raya and the Bukhoriyyah march which will be hosted by .... Audience please stand up.

 (Varra) Audience please sit back.

 (Varra)
Ladies and gentlemen, the next agenda is the graduation procession. Graduates are asked to prepare
 (Varra) The samir hanging process will be carried out by ... and guided by ...

 (Varra)
The graduation ceremony is over. Furthermore, we proudly present the performances of the best sons
and daughters of class 12 batch 3. Please Enjoy.
 (Varra)
Thanks for the great performance. Next, let's listen together to the remarks from the guardians of the
students. To Mr. Kiyai Tahrir, we welcome you.

 (Varra)
Thanks to Kiyai Tahrir. Next, let's listen together to the remarks from the head of the Ulya Bukhoriyyah
madrasa, Gus Fatih Nuzulil Hakim.

 (Varra) Thanks to Gus Fatih Nuzulil Hakim.

 (Varra)
Towards the next agenda, namely mauidoh hasanah. Let's listen to Mauidoh Hasanah from Dr. K.H
Ahsin Wijaya Alhafidz. He is .... To him, we welcome.

 (Varra)
We just listened to Mauidoh Hasanah from Dr. K.H Ahsin Wijaya. Hopefully what he said can make us
a better person. Amen.

 (Varra)
Come to us at the end of the agenda. Let's close today's agenda by reading hamdalah together.

 (Varra)
Agenda after agenda we have been through together. Of course, there were misbehavior and words
from us as the presenter. Therefore, we sincerely apologize.
 (Bersama) Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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