New Pre-Prep Announcement - All Parents - 28 April 23

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Friday 28 April

Dear Parents,


Many of you will by now be aware that in August BEK will open a new Pre-Prep Campus in
Gangnam - our 4th Pre-Prep and 6th site in total. The location is 10-15 minutes walk from
the Prep Campus - (or a 5 minute drive). Updates on the development of this excellent new
site will be shared on our instagram and Facebook pages - do feel free to follow them, if you
don’t already. For now, I just wanted to let the broader BEK community know about this
further group development, and to give you a brief introduction to our plans that will further
enhance the learning available to students at Pre-Prep and Prep age groups. This further
growth of course also enables us to continue to develop our teaching and learning across all
our schools and develop our plans for further expansion in the future.

This new building has space for light and airy classrooms which will accommodate children
from Pre-Nursery to Year 2. In addition there is a very large indoor space for sports and
music. As well as being centrally located there will be sufficient space for additional
activities in due course.

In acquiring this excellent, newly developed, site we will be able to:

● Expand and improve the quality and spaces available for Early Years and Key Stage
1 (Years 1 and 2) classes in central Gangnam
● Free-up some classroom space in our current Prep Building to grow the number of
Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6) classes. By growing our Key Stage 2 student body we will
in turn be able to develop our capabilities for these ages further
● Maintaining the Prep student body up to Year 6 (the end of Key Stage 2) makes
perfect sense and will also allow our BEK Secondary school to further expand and
make better use of its own facilities

BEK Prep will no longer accept any new students for Reception and Year 1 to join its
campus this August - they will be directed to the new Pre-Prep site. New students for Year 2
will be accepted subject to space being available, otherwise they will also be directed to our
new campus.

Our curriculum, our philosophy and our methodology remains the same as in all our other
campuses; in other words apart from the change of location everything else will be the same
as in all BEK Campuses. Growing allows us to do more, and share better, across all our
schools that all contribute to our united Vision and Values. I am pleased that we have
already appointed an experienced international Head for the new site, a Deputy Head (from
within the BEK group), a specialist in the early years to look after the youngest students, and

BEK Chairman | Nigel Venning
a Head of Administration. We are now busy finalising the staffing and core teaching group
for the new campus.

As I write 280 families have expressed interest in our new school, but if you do have friends
in the area who may be interested please do ask them to get in touch with us to learn more
via email to: or phone: 02-6334-0505

Rest assured we remain committed to providing the very best support to every student and
ongoing improvement in all that we do across our schools. Having the very best possible
qualified teachers, and leaders, is of course key to that.

Before I close I am sure you will all join me in wishing our Secondary IGCSE students the
best of luck as they start their important public exams in earnest next week. I am sure their
hard work of the past two years, ably supported and guided by our excellent Secondary
teaching team, will pay off. We wish them all the best of success.

With my very best wishes,

Nigel Venning

BEK Chairman | Nigel Venning

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