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Equilibrium Quiz A Name: ________________________________

Communication Problems

1. 0.50 mol of CO(g), 0.50 mol of H2O(g), 0.25 mol of H2(g) and 0.25 mol of CO2(g) are placed in a 1 L
container at 700 K. The following reaction occurs.

CO(g) + H2O(g) ↔ H2(g) + CO2(g) Kc = 8.3

What is the concentration of each gas that is present at equilibrium? ( /4 marks)

2. A chemist is studying the following equilibrium reaction.

N2(g) + O2(g) ↔ 2NO(g) Kc is 4.2 × 10−8

The chemist puts 0.085 mol of N2(g) and 0.038 mol of O2(g) in a 1.0 L rigid cylinder. What is the
concentration of NO(g) in the mixture at equilibrium? ( /4 marks)
3. Some amount of NO2 is placed in a closed reaction vessel and allowed to come to equilibrium.

2 NO2(g) ↔ 2 NO(g) + O (g)

2 Kc = 3.0 x 10-6

If the concentration of O2 is 0.016 mol/L at equilibrium, what was the initial amount of NO 2 added to the
vessel? ( /4 marks)


1. C6H5CH2CH3(g) + 123 kJ ↔ C6H5CHCH2(g) + H2(g)

Predict the effects (if any) on this equilibrium if the following changes are made:

a) increasing the applied pressure (1 mark)

b) removing styrene (C6H5CHCH2) (1 mark)

c) reducing the temperature (1 mark)

d) adding a catalyst (1 mark)

“Yellow” “Red”

Fe3+(aq) + SCN-(aq) ↔ FeSCN2+(aq) + X kJ

This is the iron thiocyanate ion complex that we used in class.

Solids Available
For A – C, Choose a solid from the list on the right that
could be added to the system to cause a - Lithium nitrate
- Iron nitrate
A) shift towards the product (1 mark) - Lead (II) nitrate
- Sodium thiocyanate
- Sodium carbonate
B) shift towards the reactant (1 mark) - Sodium nitrate

C) no effect on the system (1 mark)

D) If a shift towards the “red” is desired, should the system be placed in a (1 mark)

Hot water bath


Ice bath


M = n/V

−b ± √b −4 ac
Transition Metal Ions with Common Charge

Common Ligands

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