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STAT101 Worksheet: Confidence Intervals ae OD {dentify the “given” information and determine the appropriate formula for the following situations. Calculate the confidence interval for one item representing each of the formulas. => 5 N a & 1) On day two of a study on body temperatures, 106 temperatures were taken. Suppose that we only have the first 10 temperatures to work with, The mean and standard deviation of these 10 scores were 98.44°F and 0.30°F, respectively. Construct a95% 32. ea eee pg es 2) see iat pon at oe zee /3) Rez auaqt ayy Is ZeL TING ae =) > Quay + tis °F ee se t= 2.262 2 (45.22%, 9655) F 2) In’ time use study 20 randomly selected managers were found to spend a mean time of 24 hours per day on paperwotk. The Standard deviation of the 20 scores was 1.30 hours. Construct a 98% confidence interval for the mean time spent on paperwork by all managers, 77 hla = 242 ee 98h crs R42 TSF by GK F (662 3, 138) bn 3) A’random sample of 19 women results in a mean height of 63.85 inches with a standard deviation of 2.5 inches. Other studies have shown that women’s heights are normally disbuted. Construct a 90% confidence terval forthe mean heieht ofl et ota Ge) 2 ae Ge Goins act VS abn Sena Conses, e7.59s) Khe Ps Tho. Notonl Cor tue Stutvics severed MOM clo eadiaisodad faethe obi wauecdto inter Tccors depres, The mean was 5:5 yats and the standard devntion vas 68 years, Band on te above information, const 9896 confidence intra forthe mean tine required can abuso’ degree by allcollge stents. 798 (2 Gute k= SIS YA 42,0) AE pe > pe] 88a (ea) “ee SS Sir tos pa TaHyO Gehot NF. SaLbtYA hz 207 LIS Sick zs(92s3) (Gon, F209) y” 3) Feat eee cet esa Ta auc et ea meee doing physical exercise witha standard deviation of 75 hours. Find a 95% confidence interval for the population mean u. Gee | stom ae sr a 40126 (2 >ISfer= Yor AG hes ¢ os oa a Beal llr Ae | See e lie) e ) Gx, Lisphrs 6) Arardom samp of 20 marr ‘Shovted thatthe mean time spent on housework by them was 29.8 hours a week with a standard deviation of 6.7 hours. Find a 95% confidence interval for the mean time spent on housework per week by all married women, Fazivke OF hee Z) => aawtest lz) i) ] > 9eBex = aay BM be 3h es os £ (26.66, 32.54) hrs $267 by, 7) Accompany has a fleet of 100 airplanes for which they want fo estimate airtime (time spent flying). A sample of 32 ofthese planes gave a mean ar time of 49 hours (s = 14.9 hours). Construct a 90% confidence interval onthe mean airtime for this : p49) FOLEsz Yar 458 hes ae les 2 = (YU E535) bae 8) Automotive engincers are continually improving their products! Suppose a new type of brake light has been developed by General Motors. As part off'a product safety evaluation program General Motors” engineers wish to estimate the mean driver response time to the new brake light. Fifly drivers are selected at randoin and the response time (in seconds) for each driver is recorded, yielding the following results: x =.72 ands = .022. nS eeegmege age te mom response time, ® Gide fz, 2) pet ast few eS) of oes 2¥) see FC ia, 72) 5 9) Arandom sample of 45 life insurance policy holders showed that the average premiums paid on thei life insurance policies was $8540 per year with a standard deviation of $62. Construct a 90% confidence interval for the population mean, ewe a“ i - [8B \ _ Goes. FBu0tF i520 nts Secies g2Z, (2) 53908 nei > Hg deren ert, f P22) ey? ee 10) A process has been developed tat Can transform ordinary iron into « kind of super iron called metalic glass. Metalic glass three to four times suonger than the toughest see alloys. To estimate the mean temperature, t which a particular type of | retallic glass becomes brit, 25 pices of this metalic glass were randomly sampled from a recent production run. Each piece was subjected to higher and higher temperatures until t became brite. The temperature at which brtdeness fst appeared was | recorded for each piece in the sample. The following results were obtained: x = 480°F and $ = 11°F. Construct a 95% ' confidence interval to estimate, < ye Osher: Hots F Gen ges FAL 4, ala) > oot s tiles) > Wh ae eget. he tay = (75,46, 484,54) °F seu F fuy.6y 11) Health insurers and the federal govemment are both putting pressure on hospitals to shorten the average length of stay (LOS) of their patients, A random sample of 27 hospitals in one state had a mean LOS in 1998 of 3.8 days and a standard deviation of 1.2 oa Construct a 98% confidence interval to estimate the population mean of the LOS for the state’s hospitals in 1998, SS oem er t(@) part Ree = ux t-573 dys z tence t : = 437) dey Ke3vh7s qrpee ty, des Toe (3.22.7, 4373) dogs 12) Arandom saimple of 50, 8 ounce cps of black “Easly Riser” coffee dispensed by a new machine gave a mean of 11.0°mg. of caffeine (67.1 mg). Construct a 90% confidence interval for n, the mean caffeine content for cups dispensed by this machine. Ewe Se Time 2,19 X1Z, ( ries[B la PRL > WEE me § t2y Janson Za ip Gee Sa ala) 2! 56) (0.37, 12.63) my 2z Bee nes 2 4.37, 1263, 13) The U.S Bureau ofthe Census cofducted a survey of $000 people and found that the mean income fora person with a bachelor's ? Bay r a dsen73 ones 972 Soe ee ee, fe part an(s)? F=aFz32 Ye oi Aye t ~ =(Bo0457, 16 Arian mio nove a sod tt te np move $70 wh stm iin can, 225°) RT Se Sy Dea Os Enes settee 52 qa DVL ae t, ( D Wis ae B 7act F or | ne =) = 6.79, a2) 17) Ina Time/CHWN telephone pol $1012 adult Americans, 11% of the respondents said that Ronald Regan was a great president, Give 298% confidence interval forthe proportion ofall adult Americans who think that Regan was a great president eu art ore ae oe |e BSA |BE oy 1 tam (BORD = en oo es) 16 determine the 99% confidence interval for the mean number if ours per week that adults spend doing community service. How large ofa sample should the researcher select so that the estimate willbe within 1 hour of the population mean? Assume that the standard deviation for hours spent per week by adults doing community service is 3. e S Cee Dna ee De t - / a round ag

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