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Is it fair prisoners get vaccinated before

everyone else?
On August 26th at Colegio Anchieta, in defense of
the incarcerated population, the jury decided it was
fair to vaccinate the prisoners before the rest of us.
The decision was made after two days of
deliberation, where the prosecutors and the
defense attorneys exposed various facts and
brought witnesses to help the jury make a decision.

On the first day, the prosecutors had the time to argue their opinion. Their main argument
revolved around vaccinating everyone, including the prisoners, gradually, saying that not all the
incarcerated population is vulnerable and just the ones who are should be vaccinated first. Their
witness was a 45 years old male teacher who lost his son to covid-19, during his statement he
said “prisoners should be punished”. In an interview afterwards, I asked him if he thought that
his son would still be alive today, if they had vaccinated the free people upfront, the witness
answer was “Nowadays, there are searches that prove vaccines work, so I think there would’ve
been more chance of survival for my son, if he had been vaccinated before.”.

The defense attorneys got their time on the second day and
began their argument stating that in prisons due to the
overcrowding population, social distance is impossible. The
defense made a point that prisoners are the government's
responsibility, and said that if they’re not vaccinated, how will
they be reintroduced in society? Besides that, their witness, a
virologist, stated that virus spread very fast inside prisons and
infect the ones who work there.

At the end of the second day the final statements from

the prosecutors were that the vaccine doesn't stop the
contamination of covid-19, and that vaccination should
prioritize the eldery and sick people inside and out of the
prisons. In response to that the defense said that it’s the
government’s duty to protect the incarcerated population
since they no longer have control over several things in
their lives. The jury, as I already said, voted on
vaccinating the incarcerated population first as fair. Now,
it is only for you to think if the government shouldn’t
protect you as well.

written by Bibiana Ahlert Schneider

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