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[10 marks]

[Time suggested: 15 minutes]

Write five sentences about the situation in the picture below. You may use the
words in the boxes to help you.

boat men soaking muddy eye-opening reached

National Park stream exhilarating ride journey

1 ______________________________________________________________


2 ______________________________________________________________

3 ______________________________________________________________


4 ______________________________________________________________


5 ______________________________________________________________


Suggested Answers

1 Last weekend, a group of students went to the National Park in Pahang.

2 They took a boat to cruise along the river accompanied by two boatmen.

3 Along the journey, they saw buffaloes soaking in the muddy water at the river
4 They also saw two huge monitor lizards crossing the stream to the other side.

5 They enjoyed the exhilarating and eye-opening ride very much and reached
their destination safely.

Marking Scheme

General Guidelines For Teachers

 Read the answer script as a whole

 Place in a band

 Reread and identify the errors

 Use symbols for errors or new words or interesting expressions

 Decide and reconfirm the band

 Award marks accordingly

 Do not correct the sentences

BAND (Marks)

Aspect A B C D

(9 – 10) (7 – 8) (5 – 6) (1 – 4)

Completion Task is very Task is fulfilled Task is almost Task is partially

well-fulfilled fulfilled fulfilled
of Task

Grammar All sentences Most sentences Some single Poor use of

constructed constructed word errors language
correctly. correctly; a few found
single word
errors found

Vocabulary Words used Words used Most words Some correct

correctly correctly used correctly use of words

Spelling / No spelling or A few spelling or Some spelling Many spelling or

Punctuation punctuation punctuation or punctuation punctuation
error errors errors errors found

Sentence Variety of Variety of Simple Disorganised

Structure sentence sentence sentences with sentence
structures structures minor errors structures
errors may

Presentation Ideas well- Satisfactory Meaning is still Chunk of words

presented and presentation of clear but meaning is
of Ideas relevant to the ideas and still clear
stimulus relevant to the

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