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Properties of Math

Name_____isa andino and andres acevedo_____________


Write notes describing the concepts and information presented in this session.
An expression is a term for any logical combination of mathematical

A statement such as (2 + 3) - 4 is an expression, while )2 + 3) - 4 is not an

expression because the parentheses are not balanced.

That is, the opening parenthesis does not complement the closing
Integers can be viewed as points on an infinitely long number line.
There are four rules that you must know about adding integers.
Rule 1 is that adding, or taking the sum of, a positive integer and another positive
integer always gives you a positive integer.

For example, (+2) + (+1) = (+3).

Rule 2 says that if the numerical value of a positive integer is greater than the
numerical value of a negative integer, then we'll have a positive solution.

The numerical value of +2 = 2.

The numerical value of -1 = 1.

Thus, we have (+2) + (-1) = (+1).

Rule 3 says that if the numerical value of a positive integer is less than the numerical
value of a negative integer, then we'll have a negative solution.

For example, the numerical value of +1 = 1.

The numerical value of -2 = 2.

Thus, we have (+1) + (-2) = (-1).

Rule 4 is that adding a negative integer to a negative integer always gives you a
negative integer.

For example, (-2) + (-1) = (-3).

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