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Patricio Galaz

Tuesday, March 2nd

I need to improve my English (ÍNGLISH).

Stress mark = tilde

Without stress mark

My middle name is Alejandro.

I’m from Santiago in Chile.

I live in Maipú with my family and my dog Chad. He is a little dog.

What do you do?

-I’m an English teacher (TÍCHER)

SH (long and soft)

Shower, shoes (SHUS), show

CH (short and strong)

Teacher, choose (CHUS), China (CHÁINA)

What do you do?

-I’m a pharmacist

Where do you work?

-I work at Medtronic, a company that makes medical devices like insulin
pumps and pacemakers (PÉISMEIKERS).

I have been working at Medtronic since (SINS) January 2019 /

I have been working at Medtronic for two years.

At = en
In = en
On = en

Specific Buildings + AT (en)

At Medtronic, at Banco de Chile, at CCU, at Copec
At the supermarket
At the mall
At the hospital
At the clinic
At a (ARA) restaurant
At a school
At a stadium
At a cinema
At a bar

I had a teacher for two months, but he left the country (CANTRI)

I also had another teacher for one month, but I didn’t like her too much.
She was good but made me feel stupid when she corrected (CORÉKTET)
me. She was British, but my first teacher was American.

Accept (AXÉPT)

Corréct-corrécted (CORÉKTET)
The basics (BÉISIX) = lo básico

Out loud (AUT LAUD) = en voz alta

Loud (LAUD) = fuerte de volúmen

Read (RID)-read (RED) = leer

I read (RED) a lot of papers in university / in college (CÓLECH).

I usually read (RID) books in English (ÍNGLISH), too.

I have read (RED) Harry Potter.

Listen (LÍSEN) to = escuchar

Connect the verbs!!!!

I like to listen to audiobooks (ÓDIOBUKS)
I like listening to audiobooks.

Listen to music
Listen to rock
Listen to audiobooks
Listen to the radio (RÉIDIO)
Listen to me
Listen to the birds

Au (O)
Paul McCartney
Laura (LORA), Laura Kroft
August (ÓGOST)
Automatic (OROMÁTIC)
Mb (M)
Tomb (TUM) = tumba
Climb (CLÁIM), climbing (CLÁIMING) = escalar
Thumb (ZAM) = pulgar

I like climbing trees / I like to climb trees.

I like working at Medtronic because I feel very comfortable


“Work from home” = hacer teletrabajo

I like working from home (HOUM)

I like to work from home.

I prefer to work from home.

I go to work twice a month, only when it’s absolutely necessary.

Kind of (KÁINDOF) = más o menos

Vacuum = aspiradora, aspirar

Get váccinated (VÁXINEIRET) = vacunarse

Until everybody gets vaccinated...

Everyone / Everybody (he, she, it) = cada persona

There are four people in my family. My father’s name is Patricio, and he is

How (HAU)
How old is he?
-He is about 59 years old. He’s 59.

About = appróximately (APRÓXIMATLI)

I’m (AIM) 30 (ZÉRTI)

Thirty (ZÉRTI)

My mother’s name is Guadalupe, and she’s 54.

She’s a housewife.

My sister’s name is Fabiana, and she’s 25.

What does (DAS) she do?

-She’s a búsinesswoman

Ice cream

A businessman = un ingeniero comercial

She studied business at Universidad de Chile.

She works at Isadora, a company that sells jewelry (LLÚELRI).


-Practice this class out loud.

-Write 8 sentences using new vocabulary from this class.
Thursday, March 4th

1. Automatic systems are becoming more common (CÓMON) in

different jobs and are replacing humans.

Replace = reemplazar a
Become = volverse, ponerse

2. When we want to say without (UIDÁUT) words that something is

good, we give thumbs up.

3. My sister's jewelry (YÚELRI) is more expensive than my house.

4. When we turn on (TERNÓN) the vacuum (VÁKIUM) to clean my

house, my dog gets scared (GET SKERT)of the sound.

Get scared (GET SKERT)-got scared (GAT SKERT) = asustarse

5. To me, working from home (HOUM) has been very positive because I
can sleep more, and I have more time to do other (ODER) things / for
other (ODER) things.

Mándatory Commas:
, but
, so
, and

Because (no comma)

/ slash = or

Other (ODER)
They (DEI)
That (DAT)

Think (ZINK)
Thumb (ZAM)

I love cooking / I love to cook

Living in Stgo is great.

Playing tennis is fun.
Working at Medtronic is ínteresting (ÍN-TRES-TING)

6. At school, we learn when we have to put stress marks on words.

7. I accepted (AXÉPTET) a new position at my company that offers a

better (BERER, r con golpe paladar) salary.

8. Reading out loud (AUT LAUD) is useful (IUSFOL) to learn (LERN) a

new language (LENWITCH).

Idioms = expresiones idiomáticas

SH (long and soft)

Shower, shoes (SHUS), show

CH (short and strong)

Teacher, choose (CHUS), China (CHÁINA)

country (CANTRI)
Accept (AXÉPT)

Corréct-corrécted (CORÉKTET)

I usually read (RID) books in English (ÍNGLISH), too.

Listen (LÍSEN) to the radio (RÉIDIO)

I listen to reggaeton and pop.

Birds (BERTS) = pájaros

Climb (CLÁIM), climbing (CLÁIMING) = escalar, trepar

I like climbing trees / I like to climb trees.

comfortable (CÓMFORTABOL)

I like working at Medtronic because I feel very comfortable


I prefér to work from home / I prefer working from home.

Kind of (KÁINDOF)= más o menos / un poco

I’m (AIM) kind of tired (TÁIERT)

How (HAU)

How old is he?

-He’s about 59 years old (IERSÓULD)
I’m (AIM) 30 (ZÉRTI)

What does (DAS) she do?

-She’s a búsinesswoman.

A woman (UÓMAN) = una mujer

Two women (UÍMEN) = dos mujeres

Íce cream

IN + boroughs (BOROS), cities, regions, countries, and continents:

In Maipú, in Ñuñoa
In Stgo, in Temuco
In the 5th region, in the eighth region (RÍLLON)
In Mexico, in Japán, in China
In Europe, in Africa, in Antarctica

IN + rooms and parts of a house:

In the kitchen
In the bathroom (BAZRUM)
In the classroom
In the bedroom (BETRUM)
In the office
In the dining (DÁINING) room
In the living room
In the garden
In the backyard
In the front yard (IARD)
Yard = an open (ÓUPEN) space with grass
Garden = jardín de plantas o flores

Patio (PÁRIO) = patio cementado

-Practice this class out loud.
-Write 8 sentences using new vocabulary from this class.

Monday, March 8th

Re (RI):
Reschedule (RISKÉLLOL)

1. I would (WUT) like to have a big garden at my house, but its

maintenance (MÉINTENANS) is expensive, so we prefér to have a

I- my
You- your (IOR)
He- his
She- her
It- its
we- our (AUER)
They- their (DER)

2. Climbing mountains (MÁUNTENS) is a very dangerous sport that

(DAT) needs a lot of (ALÓROF) strength (STRENZ) and endurance

A lot of (ALÓROF)
Empezar oraciones con verbo se parte con -ing.

3. There are a lot of (ALÓROF) different species (SPÍSIS) of

birds(BERTS). Some are very colorful, and others are big.

4. Yesterday, there were two flavours of ice cream. I had to choose

between chocolate (CHÓCLET) or Vanilla.

There is - there was

There are - there were

Capital = mayúscula

5. Newspapers are currently read (RED) more digitally (DÍLLITLI) than

physically (FÍSIKLI)

Read (RID)-read (RED) = leer

6. Currently (KÉRENTLI), listening (LÍSENING) to the radio isn't very
common. Spotify (SPÓRIFAI) is the new radio.
7. In the Metropolitan Region (RÍLLON), there are a lot of boroughs.

8. Because of COVID (COUVID), children in classrooms must have

social distancing.

Due to / because of = debido a

Eighth / 8th

Air (ER) = aire

I live very close to an airport (ERPORT)

An airline (ERLAIN)
American Airlines is a big airline.

Fair (FER) = feria

I’m going to a pharmaceutical fair in Berlin, Germany, next year.

Fear (FÍER) = miedo

Fear can be your (IOR) worst enemy!
Don’t be afraid!

I’m sleepy = Tengo sueño

I’m sleepy and tired (TÁIERT) because tomorrow I have an audit (ÓDIT)
Au (O):
An audit
Automatic (OROMÁTIC)
Automation (OROMÉISHON) = automatización

Tion (SHON):

Last-lasted (v)= durar

The movie lasted three hours.

How long is your audit?

-It will last three days / It will last for three days.

For + periods of time.

I will be very busy for three days.

Schedule (SKÉYOL) = horario

I have a busy schedule (SKÉYOL) this week.

Chocolate (CHÓCLET)

Y (I)
Yes (IES)
Yesterday (IÉSTERDEI)
Young (IÁNG)
Yogurt (IÓGORT)


General manager

without (UIDÁUT) = sin

useful (IUSFOL)
Beautiful (BIÚRIFOL)

Listen (LÍSEN) to the radio (RÉIDIO)

I listen to reggaeton and pop.

A woman (UÓMAN) = una mujer

Two women (UÍMEN) = dos mujeres

open (ÓUPEN)

HW: Practice today’s class out loud.

Friday, March 12th

My neighbor is removing (RIMÚVING) the ceiling. He is installing

(INSTÓLING) a new ceiling. That’s why he is hámmering = martillando

That’s why = Por eso

Hammer = martillo / martillar

I don’t have any plans for this weekend because we are going back to
Phase 2, which means that we will be in lockdown on weekends from
now on.

From now on = desde ahora

Which means = lo que significa

In lockdown = en cuarentena de una comuna, región o ciudad.

In quarantine (KUÁRENTIN) = en cuarentena personal.

We think that my father had COVID (CÓUVID) because he had a fever

(FIVER) for two days, and he lost his sense (SENS) of smell.

Get a (GERA) PCR test

But he didn’t get a PCR test because he didn’t have major (MEILLOR)
symptoms (SIMTOMS). He only had mild (MAILD) symptoms.
Mild = suave, ligero

Mild symptoms
Mild weather

A cold = un resfrío

Maybe we had COVID too, but we didn’t have symptoms.

This weekend, I’m going to stay at home watching TV shows. I want to

watch WandaVision (VISHON). It’s about a superhero from the Avengers
movies. Her name is Scarlett Witch, and she has mind powers (PAUERS)
For example, she can create an altérantive reality (RIÁLITI) or move
objects with the power (PAUER) of her mind.

TV shows = series de TV

A TV show
Wash = lavar

Watch = mirar
Choose (CHUS) = escoger
Chocolate (CHÓCOLET)

Reschedule (RISKÉLLOL)

I would (WUT) like = Me gustaría

In prison / in jail (LLEIL)= encarcelado
In the hospital = hospitalizado

Rug (RAG) = alfombra de área

Carpet = alfombra muro a muro

At the bookstore = en la librería

At the library (LÁIBRARI) = en la biblioteca

She is in the hospital again for more surgery (SÉRLLERI)

In class = en clase
I was in class all day yesterday.

In Korea (KORÍA)
In Spain (SPÉIN)

A fire extinguisher (EXTÍNGUISHER) = extintor de

In the hall (HOL) = en el pasillo

There is a fire extinguisher in the hall.

At home = en casa

At work = en el trabajo

At school = en el colegio
Here (HÍER) = aquí

Meet = juntarse con / conocer por primera vez

Forget-forgot = olvidar

In our classroom = en nuestra sala de clase.

Eat (IT)-ate (EIT) = comer

Thief (ZIF) = ladrón

Jewelry (LLÚELRI) = joyas

Catch-caught (COT) = atrapar, agarrar, pescar

Buy-bought (BOT) = comprar
Think-thought (ZOT) = pensar
Bring-brought (BROT) = traer
Teach-taught (TOT) = enseñar

1)Pronunciation (PRO-NAN-SIÉI-SHON)
2)Finish file 2 about prepositions.
3)Do File 3 (optional)

Tuesday, March 16th

How was (UOS) your weekend?
-It was (UOS) boring since I didn’t do much because of the lockdown.

Because / since (SINS) = porque, ya que

Since = desde una fecha / ya que

I like to play (PLEI) tennis / I like playing (PLEING) tennis

I finished (FÉNESHT) reading a Manga comic book called (COLT)

Daemons (DIMONS) Slayer (SLEIER).

A comic book = un comic

A slayer (SLÉIER) / a killer = un asesino

A hunter = un cazador

How (HAU) was (UOS) it?

-It was good. It had two hundred five chapters.

I started (STÁRTET) reading a book called (COLT) Sleeping in a Sea of

Stars by Christopher Paollini about a spaceship crew (KRU) that discovers
a kind of life on a planet, and a war begins.

In space
On a planet, on Mars, on Earth (ERZ), on Jupiter, on Venus (VINAS), on
Pluto, on Saturn (SÁRERN), on Mercury (MÉRKIURI).

Crew, family = it (ET)

So far = hasta ahora


Author (OZOR) / writer (RAIRER) = escritor

I prefer reading from a paper book to reading on a kindle because I like the
smell of books.

I prefer science fiction to thrillers (ZRILERS) = de suspenso
I prefer reading science fiction to thrillers.

Odor (OUDOR) = hedor

Smell = olor

I did my English homework.

Demanding = exigente
I’m a (AIMA) very demanding teacher.

I like coffee, but I don’t like tea

And I (ANAI)
I like swimming, and I like tennis.

A lot of (ALÓROF)

In the hall (HOL) = en el pasillo

In class = en clase
I was in class this morning.

Y (I)
Year (ÍER), yes (IÉS), yesterday, young (IANG)

30 / thirty (ZÉRTI)
13 / thirteen (ZERTÍN)

At a (ARA)
We ate at a good restaurant last night

The police (POLÍS)

Valuable (VÁLIUABOL)

Asia (ÉISHA)

Z (like a bee)
At the zoo
Lazy = flojo

Tomatoes (TOMEIROS)
Potatoes (POTEIROS)
Ms (MES) = señorita soltera
Mrs (MÉSES) (señora casada)
Mr (MESTER) = señor
+ Last names

I’m Mr. Galaz, and you (IU) are Mr. Rivera.

609 = six oh nine, six zero (ZZZÍROU) nine

Hotel (HOUTÉL)
The Sheraton Hotél

Up = despierto

Is Mike up?
-No, he isn’t. He’s still sleeping.

I was (WOS) in Concepción yesterday.

I was at work yesterday

I was in room 206

I was at a hotel yesterday.

Was (WOS)
I was in my friend's living room yesterday

I was at the bank yesterday

1) Pronunciation
2) Preposition file 3

Thursday, March 18th (EITÍNZ)

8 = Eight (EIT)
18 = eighteen (EITÍN)

Tuesday (TUSDEI)
Wednesday (UÉNSDEI)
Thursday (ZERSDEI)
Saturday (SARERDEI)

They, that, the (DE) (d blanda)

Day, Friday, Tuesday, Monday, Doctor (d dura)

Neighbor (NEIBOR) = vecino

Bored (BORT) = aburrido, lateado

I have been very busy (BISI) with work.

A total (TOURAL) lockdown = cuarentena total
My borough (BORO) isn’t in total lockdown.

Neither / either = tampoco

Too = tambien

I like coffee.
-I like coffee too

I don’t like coffee

-I don’t like coffee either (no con neither, porque neither ya involucra una
-Me neither.

Cross out = tachar

I don’t like coffee neither

I have been reading Sleeping in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini.

So far = hasta ahora

It’s good so far / So far, it’s good.

Chapters of a book
Episodes and seasons of a TV show.

Do you know Vikings?

-I know it, but I (BARAI) haven’t watched it (UÁCHTET) yet.

Yet + negatives
I haven’t watched (UACHT) the whole (HOUL) season yet.

Whole (HOUL) = completa, entera

Friends (FRENS)

My friends live in other boroughs with different restrictions, so It’s difficult to

make plans with them.

Make / do = hacer

Make plans
Make food = cook

Pizza (PITSA)

I want to make pizza (PITSA)

I want to make lasagna (LASAÑA)
I want to make a salad
I want to make lunch

Make a mistake = cometer un error

I made a mistake when I called my ex when I was drunk (DRONK)

Make a decision = tomar una decision

I made a big decision yesterday.

Do exercise
I need to do more exercise.
Do homework
I’m going to do my English homework tonight.

Related to (RILÉITET) = relacionado con

Repeat (RIPÍT)
Redo = rehacer
Reschedule (RISKÉYOL)
Reaction (RIÁKSHON)

I’m going to take a class related to my profession, but not related to my

work at Medtronic.

The class is on Friday at 6:00 pm (PIÉM) and on Saturday (SÁRERDEI) at

9:00 am (EIÉM).

am (EIÉM)
pm (PIÉM)

What is the class about?

-It’s about importation and registration (RELLISTRÉISHON) of cosmetics
(COSMÉRIX) and food supplements (SÁPLEMENTS)
-The class is about

Import / importation = importación

I would like to have my own start-up one day.

start-up= emprendimiento.

I like to play (PLEI) tennis / I like playing (PLEING) tennis

I finished (FÉNESHT) reading a Manga comic book called (COLT)

Daemons (DIMONS) Slayer (SLEIER).

How (HAU) was it (UÓSET)?

-It was good. It had two hundred five chapters.

a spaceship crew (KRU - tripulacion)

Mercury (MÉRKIURI)

Eat (IT) = comer

It (ET) = eso

Odor (OUDOR) = hedor

Y (I)
Year (ÍER), yes (IÉS), yesterday, young (IANG)

0 = zero (ZZZÍROU) / oh (OU)

No (NOU)
Is Jorge up?
-No, he ísn’t. He is still in bed, that lazy bastard.

At war (UOR) = en guerra

At work (UORK) = en el trabajo

It (ET) = eso
Eat (IT) = comer

I read it (REDET)

1) Pronunciation of today’s class.
2) Invent ten sentences with the examples in file 3 of prepositions and
also get ideas from today’s class.

1. I have English classes on Thursdays and Tuesdays from 5:30 pm to

6:30 pm. I started in March.

2. My last vacations were in January, 2019.

At + specific times (at 3:00 pm)

On + specific days (on Friday, on January 1st, 2019)
In + months, seasons, years

3. In the summer, the odor on the Metro is very common, especially in

the afternoon.

Transportation + ON:
On the bus
On the train
On the subway / on the metro
On a plane
On a ship
On a bike
On a horse

Parts of the day:

In the morning
In the afternoon
In the evening
At night

Times (horas) + AT
At midnight / at 12:00 am
At noon / at 12:00 pm

4. In the morning, I take food supplements because I have a vitamin


5. On September 21st, 2021, COVID (CÓUVIT) will disappear from


From = de
Of = de

6. I’m going to travel to New York in the summer. The flight (FLAIT) is in
the morning on Monday, April 3rd, 2021.
3rd = third (ZERT)

flight (n)(FLAIT) = vuelo

Fly- flew (v)(FLU) = volar

7. There are people who prefer to make food on Sunday for the whole
(HOUL) week.

8. On Friday, I like to eat French fries, but on Saturday, I wake up in the

morning at 8:00 am to do exercise and burn the calories I ate the day

Eat-ate = comer

French fries (FRAIS) = papas fritas hechas en casa

Chips = papas fritas Lays

9. At Christmas, my friends and I have a tradition. We watch Home

Alone eating pizza at night.

10. I like April because at Easter (ÍSTER) we eat a lot of chocolate

eggs and we don’t feel guilty about it.
Tuesday, March 23rd

1st = first
2nd = second
3rd = third (ZERT)
4th = forth (FORZ)
5th = Fifth (FIFZ)

At home = en casa

House (HAUS)

How was your weekend?

-It was relaxing.

Relaxing = relajante

I watched some TV shows and I read.

Police (POLÍS) = policía

I watched Brooklyn 99 on Netflix. It’s a funny show about a police station in

Brooklyn. There are six seasons in total (TOURAL).

So far = hasta ahora

I have watched (UACH-T) three seasons so far

Watch-watched (UACH-T)

Technology + ON (hardware and software)

On the computer
On my tablet
On the laptop
On the Pláystation
On the phone
On the radio
On the internet
On Netflix
On Amazon
On Photoshop

The book that I’m reading has been good so far.

I have read (RED) half (HAF) of the book so far.

Has been = ha sido / ha estado

Was = estuvo, fue

I started (STARTED) to read (RID) a new comic book called “The Boys”
about a world with a lot of súperheroes who live in society, but they are a
big problem to regular (RÉGIULAR) people because they live without
rules. There is an evil (ÍVOL) súperhero who wants to kill some of the other
superheroes, and that’s all (OL) I know so far because I have only read
(RED) the first (FERST) chapter.

A summary = un resúmen

Evil (adj)(ÍVOL) = malvado

Regular (RÉGIULAR) = normal

Diet Coke
Regular Coke

A person who
A thing that

Nothing else.

I have been very busy (BISI) with work.

A total (TOURAL) lockdown (LOKDAUN) = cuarentena total

I want to make pizza (PITSA)

I want to make lasagna (LASAÑA)
I want to make a salad
I want to make lunch

Re (RI):
Related to (RILÉITET) = relacionado con

Repeat (RIPÍT)
Redo = rehacer
Reschedule (RISKÉYOL)
Reaction (RIÁKSHON)

am (EIÉM)
pm (PIÉM)
How (HAU) was it (UÓSET)?
-It was good.

Crew = tripulación

Mercury (MÉRKIURI)

The Mandalórian

Is Jorge up?
-No, he ísn’t. He is still in bed, that lazy bastard.

It (ET) = eso
Eat (IT) = comer

I read it (REDET) yesterday.

1) Pronunciation
2) Five sentences

Thursday, March 25th

1. I installed (INSTÓLT) Photoshop (FÓROSHOP) on my PC because I
like editing photographs (FÓROGRAFS). My PC is on my desk in my
bedroom at my house in Maipú.

Cápital = mayúscula
Install (INSTÓL)-installed (INSTÓLT)

2. If an airplane (ERPLEIN) crashes on an island (AILANT), everyone

who is on the airplane will die unless they have watched a TV show
on Amazon Prime related to how to survive in extreme conditions.

Conditions + IN
In bad conditions
In good weather conditions
In difficult conditions

Crash = estrellarse

3. I wanted to buy vegetables (VÉCHTABOLS) to make a barbecue on

Sunday, but we will be in a total lockdown, so I will probably not do it

Mándatory commas:
, so
, but
, and

I wanted to buy (con want es mejor to verb)

4. I have a lot of books in my bedroom. They are in the bookcase on the

wall. I have other books that are in my drawers (DRORS), but those
are my secret books that nobody has the right to read excépt
(EXÉPT) me.

Store-stored = guardar

Shelf (SHELF) = repisa

Shelves (SHELVS) = repisas

The books are on the shelfs in my bookcase.

Bookcase = librero

5. I study English (INGLISH) on my tablet everyday after work to

improve my skills.

no one / nobody = nadie

So far = hasta ahora

What’s new? / What’s up?

-Nothing much.

a políce station

Stress the first (FERST) syllable in compound nouns:

íce cream

A total (TÓURAL) lockdown (LÓKDAUN) = cuarentena total

Early (ERLI)
I don’t like getting up early.

I’m finished (FINISHT) with the first one /

I’m done (DON) with the first one.

Instead of = en vez de

I love to édit photographs /

I love éditing photographs.

I hate... = Me carga...
I love... = Me encanta…

She usually forgets to study English /

She usually forgets studying English.

A house
An elephant

He started to build a house last month /

He started building a house last month.
Home (HOUM)
“Work from home” = hacer teletrabajo

Continue (CONTÍNIU) = continuar

Bungee jumping (BÁNLLI-LLAMPING)

I will try bungee jumping when the pandemic is over (ISÓUVER).

Michael (MÁIKOL) Jackson

By + composers (COMPÓUSERS), creators, artis-ts, and writers.

A painting by Picasso
A song by Queen
An album by Michael Jackson
A book by Christopher Paolini

“Listen (LISEN) to”

Listen to music
Listen to rock
Listen to the radio
Listen to jazz
Listen to your mother
Listen to me

I prefer to watch movies /

I prefer watching movies

Cut-cut (KAT) = cortar

Urban (ERBAN)
1) Pronunciation
2) Finish the worksheet (guía) about connecting the verbs.

Tuesday, March 30th (ZÉRTIEZ)

30th (ZERTIEZ)
40th (FORTIEZ)
50th (FIFTIEZ)

I stayed at home all weekend again. I had classes on Friday from 6:30
(ZERTI) pm to 9:00 pm and on Saturday from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. It was
the class that I told you about related to Importation and Registration of

On the weekend, I continued (CONTÍNIUT) reading “Sleeping in a Sea of

Stars” and now I am on page 673 of 871, and I finished season 3 of the TV
show Brooklyn Nine Nine.

Season 3 / The third (3rd) season

673 = six hundred seventy-three / six seventy-three

871 = eight hundred seventy-one / eight seventy-one

I also finished my homework for this class and played a game on my PC.
I started reading a book about photógraphy (FOTÓGRAFI).

photógraphy (FOTÓGRAFI) = el arte de la fotografía

A photógrapher (FOTÓGRAFER) = un fotógrafo

A photograph (FÓROGRAF) / a photo (FÓRO) = una foto

Related to / about = sobre

My weekend was (UOS) busy because I had classes on Friday and

Saturday. The course (CORS) was two days long. I thought it was (UOS)
very good because the teacher was (UOS) great and fun, and I learned
(LERNT) a lot from her. She taught us (TÓRAS) many good real-life
examples and not only theory (ZÍORI).

Teach-taught (TOT) = enseñar

Fun = entretenido
Funny = chistoso

How did you like it? = Que te pareció?

-I thought it was great = Lo encontré genial.

How do you like it so far? = Qué te parece hasta ahora?

-I think it’s (ETS) very interesting (ÍN-TRES-TING) since it has a twist
(TWEST) in the middle.

Plot = trama
A twist / a plot twist = un giro en la trama

Since = ya que
Wear + clothes (CLOUTS), jewelry, accésories, make-up, and perfume
Wear perfume
Wear a jacket
Wear make-up
Wear a necklace (NÉKLES) = usar un collar
Wear a bracelet (BRÉISLET)

Clothes (CLOU-TS) = ropa, ropas

Search for = buscar

Look for = buscar

I began to search for a job.

I began looking for a job.


Go on vacation = salir de vacaciones.

I will go on vacation next week.

Next week, I will begin to study for my exám /

Next week, I will begin studying for my exám.

Do they call (COL) their friends?

-Yes, they do / No, they don’t (DÓUNT)

Your (IOR)

Does your teacher check your homework?

-Yes, he does / No (NOU), he doesn’t (DÁSENT)
Old (OULT)
The old house

Yes (IES)

Your (IOR) parents

7:30 = Half (HAF) past seven / seven thirty

Why do you wear jeans?

-Because I like them

Be = is, are, am (Don’t use Do or Does with Be!)

How (HAU) old (OULT)

How old are they?
How old do they be?

They clean it (CLÍNET) on Saturdays.

Live (LEV) = vivir

Where do they live?

-They live in the center of the city.

Do homework

Where does she do her homework?

-She does it (DÁSET) in her bedroom

What does the dog eat?

-It eats (ER ITS) meat (MIT)
It is
It is good
It is bad
It is Ok
It is great
It is wonderful
It is delicious

What time does she finish?

-She finishes at seven forty-five.

When does she practice the guitár?

-She practices (PRÁKTISES) the guitár in the evenings (ÍVNINGS).

Practice + musical ínstruments

Practice the piano
Practice the flute
Practice the guitar
Practice the drums (DRAMS) = la batería

Where does the plane fly?

-It flies to New York.

How does she go to school?

-By car, by subway, by bus, by bike, by train, by scooter.
He drinks Coke every day / He has Coke every day.

Have = tener / comer / beber.

I will have a sandwich and a (ANA) glass of water, please.

HW: Pronunciation and finish the questions. Optional: Write some

sentences with new vocabulary.

Thursday, April 1st (here)

In good condition = en buenas condiciones

detérmine (DETÉRMIN)-detérmined (DETÉRMINT) = Determinar

Check = revisar
Próductos (PRÓDOX)

Today I went to work to check some products to detérmine (DETÉRMIN) if

they are in good condition to be released (RILÍST).

To + verb (ex. to detérmine, to study, to learn, to buy)
For + noun (NAUN)(ex. for me, for my job, for my family, for my future)

I’m happy because tomorrow is a holiday.

Yesterday, we took TUK my dog to the vet to get vaccinated

Get vaccinated-got (GAT) vaccinated = ser vacunado

Today, my mom went to get vaccinated (VÁXINEIRET), so now (NAU) all

my family are vaccinated against COVID (COUVID).

My whole family / all my family = toda mi familia.

I don’t have any plans for the long weekend.

Maybe I will...
Maybe I will watch a TV show.
Maybe I will do exercise.
Maybe I will continue reading my book.
Maybe I will listen to some podcasts in English.
Maybe I will watch some videos in English.

Listen (LISEN) to
Listening (LÍSENING) to

A holiday = un feriado
A vacation

April (ÉIPREL) 2nd is a holiday in Chile.

September 18th, December (DISEMBER), 25th, January 1st (FERST), May
(MEI) 1st, and December 8th are public (PABLIC) holidays in Chile.
I will go on vacation next summer.

Easter (ÍSTER) = Pascua

Easter is on April 2nd.

Easter Island (AILAND)

I will have an extra day to reláx.

Rest-rested = descansar por un rato corto

Relax (RILÁX)-relaxed (RILÁXT) = descansar todo el fin de semana

I relaxed all weekend = Descansé todo el fin de semana.

Six (SEX)

Eight (EIT)

Thirteen (ZERTÍN)
Fourtéen (FORTÍN)

Thirty (ZÉRTI)

1,000 = One thousand (ZAUSEND)

1550 = fifteen fifty / one thousand five hundred fifty

1330 =
1440 =
1660 =
1770 =
1880 =
1990 =

I (E)

5th = Fifth (FEFZ)

6th = Sixth (SEXZ)

15th = fifteenth (FEFTÍNZ)

30th (ZÉRTIEZ)

Birthday = cumpleaños
My birthday is on February 12th.

My birth date (DEIT) = fecha de nacimiento

I was born on February 12th, 1991.

I was (WÓS) born = Yo nací

Continue (CONTÍNIU)-continued (CONTÍNIUT)

clothes (CLOUTS), jewelry, accésories, make-up, and perfume +

Wear (WER)-wore (WOR)

Search for / look for = buscar

I’m searching for a job /
I’m looking for a job

How often (HAUÓFEN) = Qué tan a menudo…?

How often do you see your (IOR) brother (BRADER)?

-I see him every day.

Where do you (IU) work?

-I work at Medtronic, a medical device company located (LOKEIRET) in

lócated (LÓKEIRET) = ubicada

Where is he from?
-He’s from Hamburg in Germany.

As = como (para decir el rol o trabajo de alguien)

He works as a lawyer (LOIER) in Stgo.

Where does he work?

-He works at Jumbo as a cashier (CASHÍER)

Cashier (CASHÍER) = cajero

Like = como (para dar ejemplos)

I like Italian food like lasagna and ravioli.

-Pronunciation and practice numbers.
-Invent answers for the last ten questions.
Tuesday, April 6th

I stayed (STEIT) at home again all weekend, and I finished reading my

book, and I also read (RED) another book called (COLT) There are
monsters outside (AUTSÁID) by a Bolivian author (OZOR) named (NEIMT)
Edmundo Paz Soldán. It is a short novel about a city affected (AFÉKTET)
by a pandemic like COVID (CÓUVID) and the difficulties (DÍFICOLTIES) of
a little girl, her mother, and her brother.

I liked it (LÁIK-TET) because it was (UOS) realistic (RIALÍSTIC) and


I think so = Creo que sí

I don’t think so = Creo que no.

The book was written (RÍTEN) in 2020.

Write (RAIT)-wrote (ROUT)-written (RITEN)

Summary (SÁMARI) = resúmen

Outside (AUTSÁID)
Inside (INSÁID)

Author (OZOR)

Read (RID)-read (RED) = leer

Another (ANODER) = otro (singular)
Another book, another car, another teacher, another day, another laptop.

Other (ODER) = otros (plural)

Other books, other cars, other teachers, other days, other laptops.

Stay-stayed (STEIT) = quedarse

Continue (CONTÍNIU)-continued (CONTÍNIUT)

I continued (CONTÍNIUT) watching Brooklyn 99, and I started to watch a

new Japanése Animated show called “Shaman King.”

There is only (ÓUNLI) one episode available (AVÉILABOL) so far.

available (AVÉILABOL) = disponible

Release (RILIS) = lanzar

Plot = trama
Some = unos

The plot is about some twins. One of them is good and the other is bad.
Both (BOUZ) of them have a special power. They can absorb the soul of
dead people and obtain the skills that the dead person had. But they want
to kill each other (ICHÓDER) because the bad twin is posséssed
(POSÉST) by a bad spirit who kidnapped (KÍDNAPT) him when he was

Was (WOS) born / were (WOR) born = nacer

My teacher was born in Concepción in 1974.

I was born in Stgo in 1991.

Dictatorship (DIKTÉIRORSHEP) = dictadura

A dictator (DIKTÉIROR) = un dictador.

Kidnap (KÉDNAP)-kidnapped (KÉDNAPT) = secuestrar a

The boy was kidnapped when he was 8.

Each other (ICHÓDER) = mutuamente / el uno al otro

Both (BOUZ) / both of them = ambos

Another = otro
Other = otros

The other = el otro /

The other one = el otro

Easter Island (AILAND) = Isla de Pascua

Australia (OSTRÉILIA) is an island.,

The Falkland (FOLKLAND) islands = Las islas Malvinas

During the week, it takes me…

On weekends = los fines de semana

On the weekend = el fin de semana
How much? (HAU MACH) = cuánto?

The digital version (VERSHON) cos-ts $5,000 (five thousand pesos)

And the physical version cos-ts 10,000 pesos,..

Smoke (SMOUK) = fumar

Anxiety (ANXÁIETI) = ansiedad

I smoke too much because I have anxiety.

All the Metropólitan Region (RÍLLON) is in lockdown /

The whole Metropólitan Region (RÍLLON) is in lockdown.

All day
All week
All year

I ate all the cake = Me comí toda la torta.

A Birthday cake = una torta de cumpleaños

Read chapters 1 and 2 of The Elephant Man and answer the questions on
pages 44 and 45.
Thursday, April 8th

I finished reading a manga comic book called (COLT) The Attack of the

A comic book = un comic

I didn’t like it too much because the main character (KÁRAKTER) dies in
the end.

Fiction + present
Facts / history + past

I think that the main character should have lived (LIVT) = debería haber

What’s new? / What’s up?

-Nothing much, not much = no mucho

I started to read a new book called Shadow (SHADOU) Hunters by an

author that I can’t remember right now.

Her name is Cassandra Clare, an American author (OZOR).

I have read three chapters so far.

The plot is about a girl who sees a crime (CRAIM), and then she discovers
that the murderers (MÉR-DE-RERS) have powers, and they kill (KEL) a
demon (DIMON). After that, she finds out (FAINSÁUT) that only she can
see the murderers since she also has powers.
There are twelve books in this saga, and I’m reading (RIDING) the first
(FERST) one.

Find-found (FAUND) = encontrar

Find out (FAINDÁUT) -found out (FAUNDÁUT) = descubrir, enterarse

A murder (MERDER) = un asesinato

A murderer (MÉRDERER) = un asesino

Two murderers (MÉR-DE-RERS) = dos asesinos

Watch TV
See a crime

Spelling = ortografía, como se escribe

I found out (FAUN-DÁUT) about these books because I usually

(IÚSHUALI) watch Youtubers who recomménd books, and all of them
recomménd this writer.

Recomménd (RECOMÉND)-recomménded (RECOMÉNDET)

I like it (LAIKET) so far, and my mom (MAM) already (OLREDI) read it

(REDET), and she liked it (LAIKTET) too.
I read it and I liked it = lo leí y me gustó

Stay-stayed (STEIT) = quedarse

Continue (CONTÍNIU)-continued (CONTÍNIUT)

They want to kill each other (ICHÓDER) because the bad twin is
posséssed (POSÉST) by a bad spirit who kidnapped (KÍDNAPT) him
when he was born.

Is, am - was (WOS)

Are - were (WOR)

Where (WER) = donde

Where were you last night?

-I was at home

At home
At school
At work

Kidnap (KÉDNAP)-kidnapped (KÉDNAPT) = secuestrar a

The boy was kidnapped when he was 8.

version (VERSHON) = versión

Smoke (SMOUK) = fumar / humo

Anxiety (ANXÁIETI)

Laugh (LAF) at = reírse de

People laugh at him because he is different.

Joseph (YÓUSEF) / Joe (YOU)

Joe Vasconcellos

Man (MAN) = hombre

Men (MEN) = hombres

Perháps / maybe

Make friends = hacer amigos

He made a lot of friends last summer.

Doctor Treves (TRIVS) saw a horrible picture of a creature (KRÍCHER) in

the window of the shop.

Ture (CHER):
Picture (PIKCHER)
Creature (KRICHER)
Future (FIÚCHER)
Culture (KOLCHER)

Walk (WOK)
Talk (TOK)

He couldn’t walk well because he had a bad leg.

Get to / arrive (ARÁIV) at = llegar a

Take = llevar

They got (GAT) to the hospital by cab.

A cab / a taxi = un taxi

He gave him his card.

Can’t (KENT)
Cannot = can not

Ous (OS)
Famous (FÉIMOS)
Enormous (ENÓRMOS)

Tooth (TUZ) = diente / muela

Nose (NOUS) = naríz

Mouth (MAUZ) = boca

2)Read and answer the questions about chapters 3 and 4 of the Elephant

Do we have any answers to some questions about The Elephant Man?

-Yes, we do
Tuesday, April 13th

My weekend was relaxing.

A comic book = un comic

I’m reading a new comic book about superheroes.

How do you like it so far?

-I like it a lot so far

Dumbo (DAMBO)

I didn’t do anything else on the weekend.

I continued watching Brooklyn 99 on Netflix.

I started to watch a movie, but I didn’t finish it because I don’t like watching
movies since they are too long. This movie was one and a half (HAF)
hours (ÁUERS) long, which is normal for a movie but too long for me.

That’s why = por eso

Therefore / so = por lo tanto

That’s why I prefer watching TV shows to movies.
I prefer lasagna to steak (STEIK) = bistec de vacuno
I prefer coffee to tea.
I prefer action movies to romantic comedies.

Go trekking

I prefer playing video games to going trekking.

I prefer eating to cooking.
I prefer reading to watching movies.

Bad at = malo para (una actividad)

Good at = bueno para

Prepositions: at, in, on, for, with, without (WIDÁUT), since, after, before,
about +ING VERB

E-mail (E)
I-phone (I)
A, b, c (A)

I’m bad at singing

I’m good at playing video games.
I’m bad at speaking English.
I’m good at using technology.

Think about

I’m thinking about buying a new laptop.

I’m thinking about cooking a lemon pie for my English teacher.

I’m thinking about giving up cheese because I want to become a vegan.

A vegan (VÍGAN)
A vegetarian (VELLETÉRIAN)

Give up = dejar malos hábitos

Give up smoking
Give up drinking

I want to, but it’s hard = Quiero pero es difícil.

I didn’t like it too much because the main character (KÁRAKTER) dies in
the end.

Shadow (SHADOU)

After that, she finds out (FAINSÁUT) that only she can see the murderers
since she also has powers.

I like it (LAIKET) so far, and my mom (MAM) already (OLREDI) read it

(REDET), and she liked it (LAIKTET) too.

Where were you last night?

-I was at home

At home
At school
At work

Laugh (LAF) at = reírse de

People laugh at him because he is different.
Ture (CHER):
Picture (PIKCHER)
Creature (KRICHER)
Future (FIÚCHER)
Culture (KOLCHER)

Get to (GETU) / arrive (ARÁIV) at = llegar a

Bring-brought (BROT) = traer

The police brought (BROT) Merrick to the hospital because he had Doctor
Treves’s (TRIVS) card.

He wrote (ROUT) to the newspaper because Joseph Merrick was living in

the hospital, and he didn’t have money (MANI) to pay. He wanted to colléct
money (MANI) for Joseph (LLÓUSEF).

Colléct-collécted = recolectar
Write (RAIT)-wrote (ROUT)

Picture (PIKCHER)

They gave a lot of money to Merrick.

He had a picture of his mother.

Drop-dropped (DROPT) = botar, dejar caer

Get scared (SKERT)-got (GAT SKERT) = asustarse

Run (RAN)-ran (RAN) = correr

She got scared, dropped the food on the floor, and then ran away.

A lighthouse = un faro

He wanted to live in a lighthouse so that nobody would see him and get
scared of him.

So = por lo tanto / así que

So that = para que

I live on the street / I don’t have a place to live.

Steal-stole = robarse algo

He stole my money / They stole my wallet / She stole my watch.
He stole me

Dr. Treves (TRIVS)

I know Dr. Treves.

Questions about the book
Thursday, April 15th

1. Merrick to the Doctor

2. The Doctor to Merrick
3. The Queen to Merrick
4. Merrick to The Queen
5. The Queen to Merrick
6. Merrick to The Queen

1. Merrick couldn’t (KÚDNT) go out of the hospital (HÓSPITAL) by

2. Merrick thought (ZOT) and played like a child.
3. Merrick was very angry with the bad man in the play.
4. Merrick liked (LAIKT) staying in the country (CANTRI).
5. Merrick didn’t usually sleep on his back.
6. A lot of people were sorry when the Elephant Man died (DAIT).

Play = obra de teatro

I usually sleep on my side

I never sleep on my stomach

Country (CANTRI) = país / campo

Health (HELZ) = salud

I have good health.

Healthy (HELZY) = saludable

I’m healthy.
Get-got (GAT) = recibir / obtener

I got (GAT) the second dose of the COVID vaccine, today.

People say that the Pfzer vaccine is better than the Sinovac vaccine.

Strains (STREINS) = cepas (de virus)

We don’t really know the details about the different vaccines.

I didn’t read (RID) = No leí

I haven’t read (RED) = No he leído

My cousin (CASIN) doesn’t want to get vaccinated because she says

(SES) that COVID is unreal.

I prefer to argue.
I prefer not to argue with her about that.

She’s very closed-minded (CLOUST-MAINDET) = cerrada de mente.

Maybe she will change her mind in the future (FIUCHER).

Change (CHEINSH) your mind = cambiar de idea

Change my mind

Today I was notified (NOUTIFAIT) that I got (GAT) a 7.0 on the course that
I took (TUK) about importation and registration of cosmetics.
“tion” (SHON):
Information, sensation, precaution (PRICÓSHON), temptation, registrátion,
importation, validation, etc.

Take-took (TUK) = tomar / llevar

I took that course (CORS) two weeks ago = tomar el curso dos semanas
Yesterday, I took my dog to the vet = llevar

Course (CORS)

Congratulations on…! = Felicitaciones por...!

Congratulations on your 7.0!
Congratulations on your birthday (BERZDEI)
Congratulations on your wedding!
Congratulations on your promotion!

Promotion = ascenso en el trabajo

Most (MOUST) = la mayoría

Nurses (NÉRSES) = enfermeras

A nurse (NERS)

Talk (TOK) - talked (TOKT) = hablar

He talked to birds and a dog when he stayed (STEIT) in the country

Say (SEI) - said (SED) = decir

Most of the nurses liked (LAIKT) him.

A fish (singular)
Two fish, many fish, a lot of fish (plural)

Tooth (TUZ) = diente

Mouth (MAUZ) = boca

It’s got (UK) = It has (US)

Afraid (AFRÉID) / scared (SKERT) = asustado

He ísn’t horrible

nice = agradable
kind (adj) = amable

He is a nice, kind man.

Walk (WOK)-walked (WÓKT)

Talk (TOK)-talked (TOKT)

Go back to his room and talk to him.

Finish the activities of the Elephant Man.
Tuesday, April 20th (TUÉNTIEZ)

The picture (PIKCHER) goes on page 15.

He is going back to England from Belgium.
Before this, he was in Belgium.
When he arrived in London, he was arrested by the police.

Arrive to
a)Arrive in (a city, a country or a continent)
Arrive in Stgo.
Arrive in Germany
Arrive in Europe

b)Arrive at (a building)
Arrive at the bank
Arrive at the hospital

The people on the ship were (UOR) scared of the Elephant Man.

Scared of / afraid (AFRÉID) of = asustados de alguien o algo

1. D, because finally he lived a good life
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. D

My weekend was relaxing = relajante

I was relaxed during the exám.

I finished reading the first Shadow Hunters book.

There are six books in this series = en esta serie.

A series (SÍRIES) = una serie

A TV show has seasons, and each season has several episodes.

A lot of = muchos / mucho

Several = varios
A few = unos pocos

I already started to read (RID) the second book of the series, and it’s better
than the first so far.

So far = hasta ahora

Deep = profundo

Used to = solía (pero ya no)

In the past, I used to finish all the books that I (DARAI) started, but now, if I
don’t like a book, I prefer to switch (SUITCH) to another one.

Stubborn (STÁBORN) = terco, cabeza dura

Donald Trump is very stubborn. He never récognizes when he is wrong.

Wrong (RONC) = equivocado

Right = en lo correcto

And I (ANÁI)
And I’m (ANÁIM)

You’re (IOR) wrong (RONC) and I’m (ANÁIM) right!

Play = obra de teatro

Maybe she will change (CHEINSH) her mind in the future (FIUCHER).

Change (CHEINSH) your mind = cambiar de idea

I will not change my mind about that!

Registrátion = inscripción, registro

Moust (MOUST) = la mayoría

Most (MOUST) of the nurses liked (LAIKT) him.

Joseph (LLOUSEF) / Joe (LLOU)

Give (GIV)-gave (GEIV) = dar

Town (TAUN) = ciudad / pueblo

Say (SEI)-said (SED) = decir

I agree with that

I disagree with that

Agree = estar de acuerdo

In the end = al final

At first / at the beginning = al comienzo

Finally = Al fin!

A woman (WÓMAN) = mujer

Women (WÍMEN) = mujeres

I disagree because even this book shows that there will always be people
who will be with you regardless of your physical appearance (APÍRANS).

Regardless (RIGÁRDLES) of = sin importar

There will always be = Siempre habrá

Even = incluso

A life = una vida

Lives (n)(LAIVS) = vidas

My life
Our lives = nuestras vida

People need money to get medical help, especially surgeries (SERYERIS).

Print Unit one of the new Listening book and do that unit.

Thursday, April 22nd

“Nothing (NAZIN) much, same old” = no mucho, lo de siempre

Right away = al tiro

Scared of / afraid (AFRÉID) of = asustado de alguien o algo

And I (ANÁI)
And I’m (ANÁIM)

You’re (IOR) wrong (RONC) and I’m (ANÁIM) right!

Maybe she will change (CHEINSH) her mind.

Moust (MOUST) = la mayoría

Most (MOUST) of the nurses liked (LAIKT) him.

A woman (WÓMAN) = una mujer

Women (WÍMEN) = mujeres
Regardless (RIGÁRDLES) of = sin importar

Our (ÁUER) = nuestro

Our lives are in danger because of COVID.

By / beside / next to = al lado de

I live next to the mall.
I live by the mall.
I live beside the mall.

Throw (ZROU)-threw (ZRU) = lanzar, tirar

Litter (LIRER)(n) = basura tirada donde no corresponde

Litter-littered (v) = tirar basura donde no corresponde

Garbage (GARBACH) / trash (TRASH)= basura

Let’s go = vamos.
Let’s eat = comamos.
Let’s start = empecemos.
Let’s go to the cinema.

And a (ANA)

Burgers (BERGERS) / hamburgers (HÁMBERGERS)

Veggie (VELLI) burgers / veggie hamburgers (HÁMBERGERS) =

hamburguesas vegetarianas.

Shirt (SHERT) = camisa

T-shirt (TÍSHERT) = polera

Shall (SHOL) / Should (SHUD) = Deberíamos (para sugerir algo)

What is (WARÍS)...? / What’s (WATS)...?

Nearby (NIERBÁI) = cerca.
I live in Providencia, and there are many restaurants and cafés (CAFÉS)

Near = cerca de…(algo)

Near the mall
Near a supermarket
Near me
Near Christmas
Near the bank
Near Stgo
Near the beach.

There are no trees nearby / There aren’t any trees nearby.

Get-got (GAT)

Forget-forgot (FORGÁT)

Throw (ZROU)-threw (ZRÚ) = lanzar / tirar

Throw away-threw away = botar a la basura.

On purpose (PERPOS) = a propósito.

Some people throw litter on purpose /

Some people litter on purpose.
The woman notices (NÓURISES) that there is litter everywhere.

Notice (NOURIS) = notar, darse cuenta de

Paper bags = bolsas de papel

Cans (KANS) = latas
A can of soda (SOUDA) = una lata de bebida

Glass bottles = botellas de vidrio

Clean up (CLINÁP) / clean = limpiar

Take it (TÉIKET)
Take it out (TEIKERÁUT)

I don’t have any plans for this weekend.

Maybe I will continue reading the second book of the Shadow Hunters

Maybe I will exercise at home on the weekend.

Exercise (v) = hacer ejercicio

R (AR)
TRX means Total (TÓURAL) Resistance (RESÍSTANS) Exercise.

A static bicycle (BÁISIKOL)

mug(MAG)-mugged (MAGT) = cogotear

You can get mugged if you go out (GOUÁUT) at 5:00 in some burroughs
get mugged = ser cogoteado

HW: pronunciation + Unit 2

Tuesday, April (EIPREL) 27th

I stopped liking Shaman King after watching three episodes because I think
it’s too childish and innocent.

Too = demasiado (solo para cosas malas)

Too bad, too childish, too boring, too long, to expensive, too little

Very = muy (para cosas buenas o malas)

Very childish, very interesting

Childish (CHÁILDISH) = infantil

Instead of that show, I will continue watching Brooklyn 99 or another show.

Another show
Other shows

Another (singular)
Other (plural)
Too = también (poner solo al final)
Nice to meet you (MÍTIU) toó.

Also (ÓLSO) = también

I continued reading Shadow Hunters, but I (BARAI) also stopped liking it

because the plot was too childish for me tóo.

So I won’t (WOUNT) finish reading the saga.

I’ll start reading Le Miserábles (MISERÁB) by Victor Hugo (HIUGO).

I don’t know anything about it. I just know that it’s set in France (FRANS)
during the French (FRENCH) revolution, and I know the author (ÓZOR)
since I read (RED) another book by him called “The Hunchback of Notre

Hunchback (HÁNCHBAK) = jorobado / joroba

Set in = ambientado en…

Structure (STRÓKCHER)

Victor Hugo is sometimes (SAMTAIMS) too descriptive (DISCRÍPTIV) for


Get-got = conseguir, comprar, recibir

I got the book as a Christmas gift from my sister.

I also watched Mortal Kombat, an action movie based on (BÉIST ON) the
famous (FEIMOS) vídeo (VÍDEO) game about martial (MARSHAL) arts.

My favorite video game is Assassin’s Creed

Creed = credo

An assássin = un asesino que mata a políticos o gente famosa por


A murderer (MÉRDERER) = asesino que mata a piojentos como uno.

Assassination = asesinato por razones políticas

The Kennedy assassination (ASASINÉISHON) happened (HÁPENT) in the

A murder (MERDER) = un asesinato cualquiera

I live next to the mall /

I live by the mall /
I live beside the mall.

Throw (ZROU)-threw (ZRU) = lanzar, tirar

Veggie (VELLI) burgers / veggie hamburgers (HÁMBERGERS) =

hamburguesas vegetarianas.

Garbage (GARBACH) / trash (TRASH)= basura

What is (WARÍS)...? / What’s (WATS)...?

The woman notices (NÓURISES) that there is litter everywhere.

R (AR)
TRX means Total (TÓURAL) Resistance (RESÍSTANS) Exercise.

Bicycle (BÁISIKOL)
You can get mugged if you go out (GOUÁUT) at 5:00 am in some
burroughs (BOROS).

Children should be taught (TOT) to keep the environment clean.

Teach (TICH) - taught (TOT) = enseñar

Slippers (SLÉPERS) = pantuflas

I don’t like wearing slippers. I prefer to wear sandals.

Socks = calcetines

Recycle (RISÁIKOL) = reciclar

Cut (KAT)-cut (KAT) =cortar

Would (WUD)
Should (SHUD)
Could (KUD)

Return (RITÉRN)-returned (RITÉRNT)


Mention (MÉNSHON)-mentioned (MÉNSHONT) = mencionar

Throw away-threw away-thrown away = botar a la basura

Environment (ENVÁIRONMENT)

By recycling
This (DES) = esta, este
These (DIIIIS) = estas, estos

This thing = esta cosa

Awful (ÓFOL) = horrible

COVID19 is an awful pandemic.

These things

We all need to recycle (RISÁIKOL)

On the news = en las noticias (de la tele)

HW: Invent 8 sentences with vocabulary from the last two classes.

Thursday, April (ÉIPREL) 29th

1. A políceman arrested a woman because she threw litter on the

ground, and that’s illegal.

The police = la policía

A police officer / a policeman / a policewoman

2. My cousin (CASIN) has a T-shirt with a logo that says (SES)

“Recycle. Protect the environment.”

3. The Hunchback of Notre Dame, is a film by Disney. It is based on the

book by Victor Hugo. The movie is more childish than the book.

4. I bought a static bicycle to do exercise since I got mugged and they

stole my mountain (MÁUNTEN) bike.

A thief (ZIF) mugged me last year.

Mug-mugged = cogotear a
Get mugged (MAGT) - got mugged (MAGT) = ser cogoteado

5. Near my house, there is a “green point” to recycle paper, glass and


6. I watched on the news that Donald Trump was assásinated by


7. In Japan, it is very common not to wear shoes inside the house. They
wear slippers.

8. At Lush, if you return three empty plastic jars, you get a ten percent
dÍscount (DÍSCAUNT) on your next order.

Jar = pote, frasco

I’m going to continue watching Brooklyn 99.

Maybe I will continue reading Shadow Hunters.

I’m going to exercise indoors.

Indoor sports are great!

Maybe I will paint my lamps silver. I have three lamps that I need to paint.

Shine = brillo.

A hardware store = ferretería

I don’t need to go to a hardware store to buy the paint since I already

(OLREDI) bought it (BORET).

I’m going to keep reading The Boys, an American comic book about
superheroes until I grow up one day.

Keep = continuar

Nothing else = nada más

The Kennedy assassination (ASASINÉISHON) happened (HÁPENT) in the


TRX means Total (TÓURAL) Resistance (RESÍSTANS) Exercise.

Awful (ÓFOL) = horrible

COVID19 is an (ISAN) awful pandemic.

Touch (TACH) = tocar

A thief (ZIF) mugged me last year.

Mug-mugged = cogotear a
Get mugged (MAGT) - got mugged (MAGT) = ser cogoteado

Mountain (MÁUNTEN)
The Andes mountains
A mountain bike

Words with “ou” are pronounced (PRONÁUNST) [AU]:

out (AUT)
clouds (CLAUTS)
mouth (MAUZ)
loud (LAUD) = fuerte de volúmen
about (ABÁUT)
account (ACÁUNT) = cuenta
doubt (DAUT) = duda
pronounce (PRONÁUNS)
Au (O)
Paul, Laura, August, etc.

1) Pronunciation (PRONANSIAEISHON)
2) Listening (LÍSENING)
I started reading a new book called Caraval. The plot of this book is about
two sisters that escape from her father. They are invited to participate in a
competition on an island to win a wish. This competition is a “treasure
(TRÉSHER) hunt”. The problem is that one of the sisters disappears and
discovers that “the treasure” is one of them.

I also decided that I will not continue watching Shaman King because it is
définitely (DÉFINITLI) too childish since all villains (VÍLANS) are killed by
the power of friendship.

I also watched “The Mitchells vs. The Machines” (MÁSHINS), a movie on


Machines (MÁSHINS)
Chef (SHEF)

A hunt = cacería

Tuesday, May 4th (FORZ) (here)

Throat (ZROUT) = garganta

Sore (SOR) = adolorida

I have a sore throat = Me duele la garganta

And I feel a little sick, so maybe it’s a mild case of COVID.

Mild = suave
Severe (SEVÍR) = grave

Or maybe it’s because I got vaccinated for influenza yesterday.

Reality is stranger than fiction.

A políceman

A T-shirt (TÍSHRT)

mountain (MÁUNTEN)

discount (DÍSCAUNT)

Bargain (BÁRGUEN) = regatear.

In India people bargain for everything.

Balance (BÁLANS) = equilibrio

COVID19 is an (ISAN) awful pandemic.

Grow = crecer / cultivar

My mom (MAM) grows tomatoes (TOMÉIROS) in her garden = cultivar

tomatoes (TOMÉIROS)
potatoes (POTÉIROS)

Produce (PRODIÚS)-produced (PRODIÚST) = producir

Fertilizer (FÉRTILAISER) = fertilizante

Talk (TOK) about it (ABÁURET) with a friend

Bush (BUSH) = arbusto

Turn (TERN)-turned (TERNT) = ponerse, tornarse

It takes two weeks to work.

Worried (WÓRIT) = preocupado.

I’m worried (WÓRIT) about you.

He takes the bus / He catches the bus

Minutes (MÉNATS)

Until (ANTÍL) = hasta

Get to = llegar a

30 thirty (ZERTI)

He goes to work by bus.

He gets to work at 5:55.

Leave-left = irse de / dejar

Leave for = partir para (go to)
I leave for work every morning at 8:00 am / I go to work every morning at
8:00 am.

Early (ERLI)

Pronunciation (PRONANSIÉISHON)
Finish listening (LISENING) 3, Dictation
Present Simple Workbook

Thursday, May 6th

I’m excited because next week I’m going to be on vacation for one week.

I’m going to stay at home and relax.

I need a vacation
I need to take a vacation


My mom (MAM) grows tomatoes (TOMÉIROS) in her garden = cultivar

tomatoes (TOMÉIROS)
potatoes (POTÉIROS)
I listen (LISEN) to Gorillaz, a British virtual band.

I listen to Linkin Park, an American rock band.

I also listen to Daddy Yankee, a reggaeton artist from Puerto Rico.

Excuse me, sir (SER)

Excuse me, ma’am (MEM)

At all (ARÓL) = para nada, en absoluto

A leaf (LIF) = una hoja de planta

Leaves = hojas de planta

“Rose leaves” = hojas de rosa

Quite (KUÁIT) = bastante

Quiet (KUÁIET) = tranquilo, callado, silencioso

Soon = pronto

Pretty / quite (KUAIT) = bastante

I’m pretty happy /
I’m quite happy

Very = muy
Pretty / quite = bastante
A little = un poco

Quite soon = bastante pronto

How long? = Cuánto tiempo?
How long will it take for my rose bush to recover?

I’ll take it (TÉIKET)

Take = tomar / llevar

Sort / kind / type = tipo

It cos-”ts”

Most (MOUST) = la mayoría

Joan (YOUN) Jara is Victor Jara’s wife.

Joan (YOUN) of Arc was a French warrior.

Breakfast (BRÉKFAST)

Thirty (ZERTI)

She goes to school at 8:00 am / She leaves for school at 8:00 am.

Go to bed = acostarse
Fall asleep (FOLASLÍP) = quedarse dormido

Each other (ICHÓDER) = mutuamente, el uno al otro

A Life = una vida

Lives (LAIVS) = vidas
Early (ERLI) = temprano

Evening (ÍVNING) = tarde noche

Always = siempre
Usually = usualmente
Often (OFEN) = a menudo
Sometimes (SÁMTAIMS) = a veces
Seldom = casi nunca
Rarely (RÉRLI) = rara vez
Never = nunca

The students (STUDENTS) are people who study (STADI).

Husband (HASBAND) = esposo

Désert (DÉSERT) = desierto

The Atacama desert

Dessért (DISÉRT) = postre

What is your favorite dessert?
-My favorite dessert is Manjarate.

What is (WARÍS) / What’s (WATS)

Beth (BEZ)
Elizabeth (ELÍSABEZ)

Go to the movies / go to the cínema

75% percént (PERSÉNT) of the time

100 = one hundred

Papers = trabajos académicos

-Do one more listening
-Invent six sentences with class vocabulary

Tuesday, May 11th

1. On Saturday night, my family and I went to bed at 4:00 am because

we stayed (STEIT) in the living room talking about life.

2. To celebrate Mother’s (MADERS) day, we made “Chorillana” with my

sister and bought ice cream for dessert. We started cooking very
early (ÉRLI)

3. It’s very important to have a balance between work and free time.

4. In the game “Secret Santa”, a group of people give gifts (GIF-TS) to

each other.

Secret (SÍCRET) Santa = Amigo secreto

Make-made / cook-cooked = cocinar

5. The library (LAIBRARI) is a place to study, therefore it’s very
important to be quiet to respect other people.

Be = estar
Stay = quedarse

Therefore / so = por lo tanto, así que

6. While I was studying at the University, I used to read (RID) a lot of


Used to = solía

Read (RID)-read (RED) = leer

To + verb (I am learning English to study in a different country)
For + noun (I’m making a delicious (DELÍSHOS) dessért for lunch)

On Saturday
At night
On Saturday night
On Friday morning
On Monday afternoon
On Sunday evening

In the afternoon = tarde (entre 1pm y 5pm)

In the evening = tade (entre 6 y 8pm)
I’m on vacation until next Monday.

On the weekend, I finished reading Caraval, the book about two sisters
who escape home and go to an island to participate in a game. I liked it
(LÁIKTET) a lot.

Participate in

Think about

I’m thinking about starting to read a new book or the second part of

It’s available (A-VÉI-LA-BOL) in Spanish on Kindle.


My family and I celebrated Mother’s day at home, and yesterday we

visited my grandmother who lives about 30 minutes (MENATS) from here.

She’s about 95 years old, and she lives with my uncle who takes care of

In return = a cambio

She’s healthy but very old. Fortunately (FÓRTUNATLI), she is mentally

very healthy, too. She doesn’t have dementia (DIMÉNSHA).

Dementia (DIMÉNSHA) = demencia senil

Joan (YOUN) of Arc was a French warrior.

Nearly (NIÉRLI) / almost (ÓLMOUST) = casi

Fall asleep (ASLÍP) -fell asleep = quedarse dormido

Area (ÉREA)

Keep-kept (KEPT) = mantener

Sleep-slept = dormir

Tomorrow afternoon
Tomorrow morning
Tomorrow night

Clear (KLÍER) = claro

Clearly (KLÍERLI) = claramente

Binoculars (BINÓKIULARS)

Mention (MENSHON)-mentioned (MÉNSHONT)

Winter (UÍNTER) = invierno

South (SAUZ) = sur

Would you like..? / Do you want…?

Colorful (CÓLORFOL)
Beautiful (BIÚRIFOL)

Nests (NES-TS) = nido

Lay eggs = poner huevos

It’s probable that… = es probable que...

“Probably” = Probablemente.

There are = hay

They are = están / son

As if = como si

Go + sports and recreational activities with ING

Go swimming
Go running
Go bird-watching
Go dancing
Go fishing
Go skiing (SKÍ-ing)
Go trekking
Go snowboarding
Go cycling
Go walking
Go jogging = ir a trotar
Go shopping

I went trekking yesterday.

I went skiing last winter.

Play + sports with balls

Play tennis
Play soccer
Play baseball
Play basketball
Play volleyball
Do + individual sports and martial (MARSHAL) arts
Do karate (KARÁTI)
Do pilates
Do yoga (IÓGA)
Do crossfit
Do martial (MARSHAL) arts

Invent 6 sentences with new vocabulary
Do another listening.

Thursday, May 13th

1. There was a Chinese rocket that no one knew where it was going to
fall. Fortunately (FÓRTUNATLI), it fell in the ocean.

Into (ÍNTU) / in = dentro de, en

Knew (NIU)
new (NIU)
2. I couldn’t live in the South (SAUZ) since I hate (HEIT) winter because
I have to wear a lot of clothes (CLOUTS), but it’s (BARETS) never
enough for me.

, so
, but
, and

3. Rainbows are optical phenomena of nature. They are very colorful,

and almost all people think that they are very beautiful.

A phenómenon = un fenómeno
Phenómena = fenómenos

4. Yesterday I went running. When I was resting, I saw a nest on the

ground. I took it (TUKET) and put it (PÚRET) on a tree.

5. I've been thinking a lot about dementia (DIMÉNSHA) after watching

the movie “The Mole (MOUL) Agent (ÉILLENT)”.

Mole (MOUL) = topo

6. My sister offered me help learning chemistry (KÉMISTRI) because it

is her speciality (SPÉSHALTI) in return for keeping a secret. / My
sister offered to help me learn chemistry because it is her specialty in
return for keeping a secret.
I won 600 pesos in the Kino today, so I’m very happy. In addition, Maipú
moved to Phase 2, which means that my borough isn’t in lockdown

One hundred = 100

Two hundred = 200
Five hundred = 500

One thousand = 1,000

Two thousand = 2,000

“Probably” = probablemente

Maybe she will win

She will probably win.

I decided to start reading “Le Miseráb” by Victor Hugo.

Make-made / cook-cooked = cocinar

To + verb (I’m learning English to study in a different country)
For + noun (I’m making a delicious (DELÍSHOS) dessért for lunch)

available (A-VÉI-LA-BOL)

Fall asleep (ASLÍP)-fell asleep = quedarse dormido

Tomorrow (TUMÓROU)
A laptop = un notebook
A desktop computer = PC antiguo grande con torre

Go skiing (SKÍ-ing)

Umbrella (AMBRÉLA) = paraguas

Museum (MIUSÍUM)

Charge (CHARCH) = cargar (el celular) / cobrar

Éntrance (ÉNTRANS) = entrada física a un lugar

Fee (FÍ) = tarifa

Entrance fee = ticket de entrada

This museum does not charge (CHARCH) an entrance fee.

Passage (PÁSACH) = párrafo, pasaje

Among = entre tres o más cosas

Between = entre dos cosas

These (DIIIIS) fores-ts = estos bosques.

This forest = este bosque.

Must = tener que

Have to = tener que

I have to work every day / I must work every day.

Now (NAU) = ahora

Reserves (RISÉRVS) = reservas

Forest reserves = reservas forestales

Mountains (MÁUNTENS)
South (SAUZ)

Wood (WUT) = madera

Six sentences
A listening

Tuesday, May 18th

1. My sister had a very slow laptop. She couldn't work or watch TV

shows, so she wanted to get a new one. She was trying to decide
between a laptop or a desktop, but in the end she decided to buy a
new laptop because it is portable (PÓRTABOL).

A new one = Uno nuevo

That’s why = por eso
2. My cousin is close to graduating and needs to choose among 3
universities, but he will probably take a year off to decide.

I will probably
He will probably

Take a day off = tomarse un día libre

Take a year off = tomarse el año libre

3. Currently (KERENTLI), Iphones don’t come with a charger

(CHÁRLLER) since Apple (ÁPOL) says (SES) that it wants to take
care of the environment.

take care of = cuidar de / cuidar a

4. There are a few tickets available (AVÉILABOL) to visit forest


5. The handle of my umbrella is made of wood. When I arrived at my

house yesterday evening, I left it at the entrance.

Arrive to = WRONG
Arrive at + buildings
Arrive in + cities, boroughs, and countries

6. I’m very happy because Kathy Barriga will leave the municipality
(MIUNISIPÁLITI) of Maipú. She must be crying at her house.
Must = deber
Should = debería

There are probably children playing at the park.

I voted (VOUTET) for Tomás Vodanovic for mayor (MÉIOR) of Maipú.

mayor (MÉIOR) = alcalde

I voted for Tomás Vodanovic for mayor (MÉIOR).

major (MEILLOR) = mayor

We have a major problem at work.

I voted on Sunday at about 11:00 am.

Although (ÓLDOU) = aunque

Although not too many people voted, the results (RISÓLTS) were good for

I started to read a new novel called “The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig.

% percent (PERSÉNT)

I have read (RED) about 40% of the book so far.

The plot is about a woman who kills herself because she is depressed
(DEPRÉST). She enters a type of limbo called The Midnight Library where
there are a lot of books that show her other lives (LAIVS) that she could
have had = que ella podría haber tenido

My life (LAIF)
Our lives (LAIVS) = nuestras vidas

Enter = entrar a

Yet (IET) = todavía (for negatives and questions)

I don’t know yet.
I haven’t bought (BOT) bread yet.
I haven’t gone to the bank yet.
Have you seen that movie yet?
I haven’t seen that movie yet.

Buy-bought (BOT)

I bought it (BORET) on Amazon because I didn’t find it for free on the


I couldn’t live (LIV) in the South (SAUZ) since I hate (HEIT) winter because
I have to wear a lot of clothes (CLOUTS), but it’s (BÁRETS) never enough
for me.

This museum does not charge (CHARCH) an entrance fee.

Mountains (MÁUNTENS)
South (SAUZ)

I watched a horror and mystery movie called “Things heard and seen”,
which means “Cosas oídas y vistas”, but I (BARAI) didn’t like the ending
since it was stupid.

Sentences and listening
Thursday, May 20th

1. I started reading a new book called WildCard by Marie (MARÍ) Lu. It’s
the second and last book of the series. The plot is about a world
where technology is advanced, and virtual reality is common. The
owner of the main company creates a game and falls in love with a
competitor, but she discovers that he invented a new technology to
contról all the people to get rid of crime. Now, she must choose
between love or saving the world.

Get rid of (RÍDOF) = deshacerse de

Crime = delito

Main (MEIN) = principal

A series = una series de libro

Mary (MÉRI) Poppins

Marie (MARÍ) Curie

2. Yesterday my mom went to get a blood (BLOD) test to determine

(DETÉRMIN) if she has diabetes (DAIABÍTIS). Fortunately
(FÓRTUNATLI), the results (RISÓLTS) showed that she is healthy.

Get + servicios
Get a blood test = obtener
Get a haircut = obtener
Get a manicure (MÁNIKIER)
Get a massage (MÁSASH)
Blood (BLOD) = sangre

3. To enter the university it’s necessary to take the PTU, although there
are universities that don’t require it.

Require (RIKUÁIER) = requerir

Academic exáms and tests:

Take an exám / take a test = dar un exámen, dar una prueba

4. At my house, there are some workers making repairs, so there is

noise (NOIS) all day.

Noise (n) (NOIS) = ruido

Noisey (adj) (NÓISI) = ruidoso

workers = trabajadores

5. If she could have saved money (MANI) for 3 years, she could have
had a new car.

6. I will not go to the party next week because I will have to take care of
my sister.

Tomorrow is a holiday. It’s Navy Day.

The weather forecast (FÓRCAST) = el pronóstico del tiempo

Forecast = pronóstico
I will probably spend the long weekend reading, watching TV shows, doing
exercise, and relaxing.

Relax = descansar

In the country = en el campo

Vacuum (VÁKIUM) = aspiradora, pasar la aspiradora

Carpet = alfombra muro a muro

A rug = alfombra movible

Laminate (LÁMINET) floor = piso flotante

Wood = madera

Tiles (TAILS) = azulejos, baldosas, cerámicas

I have a tile floor at home.

How old is your house?

-It’s about 25 years old (IÉRSOULT)

available (AVÉILABOL)

Yesterday my mom went to get a blood (BLOD) test to detérmine

(DETÉRMIN) if she has diabetes (DAIABÍTIS). Fortunately (FÓRTUNATLI),
the results (RISÓLTS) showed that she is healthy.

4 sentences

Tuesday, May 25th

A workout (WÓRKAUT) = un entrenamiento

Work óut (WORKÁUT)-worked óut (WORKTÁUT)= entrenar

1. I woke up (WOUKÁP) at 5:30 am (EIÉM), and I started working out.

I’m doing a full body (BÁDI) routine (RUTÍN) to get a muscular
(MÁSKIULAR) body and look like my English teacher.

2. I got the green pass to move between boroughs in lockdown.

3. She’s trying to change her lifestyle, and she wants to become a


Become-became = convertirse en / hacerse

I became a vegetarian (VELLETÉRIAN) three years ago.

4. Sunday's earthquake (ÉRZKUEIK) was very soft, but my dog got

scared and ran close to me.

The earthquake (ÉRZKUEIK) on Sunday / Sunday’s earthquake

Si no pongo sujeto no es necesario poner la “,” después de and y but pero

por lo general si lleva.
I bought some chocolates, but I didn’t buy wine.
I bought coffee but not wine.

Go to bed-went to bed = acostarse

Get scared = asustarse

Is/are/am scared = estar asustado

Earthquake = sismo, terremoto

There was a big earthquake in 2010

There is an earthquake right now! But it’s only a little earthquake.

I finished reading Wildcard, a book that I started reading last week.

I read (RED) it very fast. The plot is about a world where technology is very
advanced, and the owner of the biggest company makes a device to
control people’s minds and to try to find his brother’s kidnappers. He also
falls in love with a hacker who wants to destroy this device to save the

It was a fun reading = Fue una lectura entretenida

A reading = una lectura

I stopped reading Le Miseráb, but I want to resume (RISIÚM) it (ET)

resume (RISIÚM) = retomar

Summarize (SÁMARAIS) = resumir

Please summarize your story.

A summary (SÁMARI) = un resúmen

Mary (MÉRI) Poppins

Marie (MARÍ) Curie was a Polish (PÓULISH) physicist (FÍ-SI-SIST) who

discovered radiation (RA-DI-ÉI-SHON).

She was from Poland (POULAND) / She was Polish (PÓULISH).

Noise (n) (NOIS) = ruido

Noisey (adj) (NÓISI) = ruidoso

How old is your house?

-It’s about 25 years old (IÉRSOULT)

Find (FAIND)-found (FAUND) = encontrar

I need to find a new job!

Find out (FAINDÁUT)-found out (FAUNDÁUT) = descubrir, enterarse de

I found out that Jorge is getting married (MERIT), and he didn't invite us to
his wedding.

Pronunciation exceptions:
Machine (MASHÍN)
Chef (SHÉF)

Master Chef is a popular (PÓPIULAR) TV show.

Item (ÁITEM)

At an (ÁRAN)
At a (ÁRA)

Electrónics = electrónica

Casa Royal is an electronics store.

Electronic = electrónico
He’s an electronic engineer (ENYINÍER)

Payment Methods (MÉZOTS):

Pay cash = pagar en efectivo
Pay by credit card
Pay by debit card
Pay by check
Pay by wire-transfer (UÁIER)

Wire (UÁIER) = cable

Wireless (UÁIERLES) = sin cable

Does (DAS)

That seems easy = Eso parece fácil

That does seem easy = Eso SÍ parece fácil.

Get it (GÉRET) sent faster = que te lo manden más rápido

Pay for = pagar por (algo)

Invent 7 sentences

Thursday, May 27th

1. My mom hates credit cards, so when she goes shopping, she prefers
to pay cash.

(Cuando uso buy debo poner especificamente lo que se compra)

Buy food
Buy cigarettes
Buy a car
Buy a plane ticket
Buy a TV

Go shopping = ir de compras (cuando no menciono específico lo que


2. I like wireless technólogy because it allows (ALÁUS) everything to

be more orderly. The problem is that we need to have a plug (PLAG)
close to us / near us / nearby.

Near / close to = ceca de (algo)

Nearby (NIERBÁI) = cerca.

3. I don’t know what’s the point of people who save all their money and
don’t spend it. In the end, they die without (WIDÁUT) enjoying life.

In the end = al final

Greed (n)(GRID) = avaricia

Greedy (adj)(GRIDI) = avaro

(Trata de usar who con personas y that con cosas)

4. My guess was accurate (ÁKIURET). There is no evidence that the

government held meetings to discuss COVID.

Guess = suposición / suponer

5. Today it’s very common not to peel potatoes when you make French
fries and call them “rustic”.

6. Somebody has to carry on with the project now that the leader has
died (DAIT) = ha muerto

Carry on with / go on with = continuar con

7. We need to put off (PURÓF) the meeting because I need to go to the


Put off (PURÓF) = posponer

Cáncel = cancelar
Today I worked until (ANTÍL) 5:30 pm, as usual.

Today, I tried to wake up (WEIKÁP) at 5:30 am to work out (WORKÁUT),

but I (BARAI) couldn’t.

I got up at 7:30, so I didn’t work out.

My dog always eats at 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Are you going to wake up tomorrow at 5:30 to work out?

-I want to, so I’m going to do it! / Yes, I am.

Summer schedule

Winter schedule

A workout (n)(WÓRKAUT) = un entrenamiento

Work óut (WORKÁUT)-worked óut (WORKTÁUT)= entrenar

5. I woke up (WOUKÁP) at 5:30 am (EIÉM), and I started working out.

I’m doing a full body (BÁDI) routine (RUTÍN) to get a muscular
(MÁSKIULAR) body and look like my English teacher.

The earthquake (ÉRZKUEIK) on Sunday / Sunday’s earthquake

Go to bed-went to bed = acostarse

Get scared-got scared = asustarse

I stopped reading Le Miseráb, but I want to resume it (RISIÚMET).

Marie (MARÍ) Curie was a Polish (PÓULISH) physicist (FÍ-SI-SIST) who

discovered (DISCÓVERT) radiation (RA-DI-ÉI-SHON).

She was from Poland (POULAND) / She was Polish (PÓULISH).

Electrónics = electrónica

Casa Royal is an electronics store.

I always have breakfast and then take a (TEIKA) shower

I never wake up late

I sometimes work out at 5:30 am.

I often read a book at night.

I seldom watch movies

I rarely listen to metal music.

5 sentences
1 listening
Tuesday, June 1st (here)

1. Yesterday, I went to bed very early (ÉRLI) since I woke up

(WOUKÁP) at 5:30 am to go to work.

2. My whole body hurts because I worked out (WORKTÁUT) on Friday,

Saturday, and Sunday.

3. Hope is the last thing that we lose. This pandemic is not the end of
the world.

4. My sister has been looking for good díscounts on Cyberday, but she
says that the díscounts are not real, they are fake.

Hard drive = disco duro.

I wanted to get an external hard drive, but the discounts that I found on
Cyberday were not so great.

5. I’m uncértain (ANSÉRTEN) about who will be the next president of


Uncertainty (ANSÉRTENTI) = inseguridad

There is a lot of uncertainty about who will be the next president of Chile.

Mountain (MAUNTEN)

I was finishing something for work.

My weekend was good.

I worked out (WORK-TÁUT) on Friday evening after work, and also on

Saturday and Sunday mornings.

I watched Cruella. I downloaded it (DÁUNLOUDEDIT) from the internet.

I downloaded it (DÁUNLOUDEDIT) from

Who is in that movie? = ¿Quién trabaja en esa película?

-Emma Stone (STOUN) is in this movie.


Down (DAUN) = abajo

Load (LOUD) = cargar

Download (DÁUNLOUD)-downloaded (DÁUNLOUDET) = descargar

People usually download movies, music, and programs.

Upload (ÁPLOUD)-uploaded (ÁPLOUDET) = subir

People usually upload documents, videos, pictures, etc.

I also watched Wrath of Man. Jason Statham is in that movie.

It’s about a mobster whose son is killed by other mobsters, and he looks for
revenge. I liked it (LAIKTET).

Whose (HUS) = cuyo

The mob / the mafia = la mafia

A mobster = un mafioso

Wrath (RAZ) = ira

Anger (n)(ÉNGER) = rabia

Angry (adj)(ÉNGRI) = enojado, enrabiado

Put off (PURÓF) = posponer

until (ANTÍL)

Today, I tried to wake up (WEIKÁP) at 5:30 am to work out (WORKÁUT),

but I (BARAI) couldn’t.

I always (AIÓLWEIS) have breakfast and then take a (TEIKA) shower.

A message (MÉSACH) = un mensaje

Messages (MÉSALLES) = mensajes

Get off-got off = bajarse de

Get on-got on = subirse a

I got on the bus at 7:30 am, and I got off at 8:00.

Away = lejos
Far = lejos

Far away = muy lejos

Away from / far from = lejos de

Far away from = muy lejos de

A thing

Doughnut (DÓUNAT)

Dunkin (DANKIN) doughnuts (DÓUNATS)

Jam = mermelada

Strawberry = frutilla

I love strawberry jam.

A short text message (MÉSACH)

It costs (COS-TS) more than a phone call.

a text message.
an audio (ODIO) message.

Type-typed (TÁIPT)= tipear

Highway (HÁIWEI) / freeway = carretera

Explain (EXPLÉIN)

Talk to / Talk with = hablar con

4 sentences

I watched Cruella. I downloaded it (DÁUNLOUDEDIT) from the internet.

Thursday, June 3rd (ZERT)

3rd / third (ZERT) = tercero

Thirst (ZERST) = sed

Thirsty = sediento
I’m thirsty

30 = Thirty (ZERTI)

1. He put off his wedding (WEDING) because he suspected

(SASPÉKTET) that his future wife was cheating on him. In the end,
he cancelled the wedding because he confirmed (CONFÉRMT) his
suspicions (SASPÍSHONS).

Wedding = boda, casamiento

Marriage = relación de matrimonio

My first marriage lasted (LÁSTET) only one year.

Last-lasted = durar

2. I travelled far away to talk to / talk with my uncle since his wife is in
the hospital dying from COVID.
3. Today there are a lot of apps to send messages. They allow (ALÁU)
us to communicate with people who live in other countries.

4. Tomorrow I have to go to work because I need to check some

products and determine if they are in good condition to be released.

Check = revisar

Yesterday I worked out for one hour and a (ANA) half (HAF).

Muscles (MASELS) = músculos

Gain muscle = subir la musculatura

Gain weight = subir de peso

In order to / to = Para

In order to gain muscle, you need to eat protein (PRÓUTIN).

I eat a lot of legumes (LEGIÚMS) and take protein supplements


Powder (PAUDER) = polvo

Powdered (PÁUDERT) = en polvo

Powdered milk
Powdered vitamin C
Powdered sugar = azúcar flor
Powdered supplements.

Beans (BINS) = porotos
Lentils (LÉNTELS) = lentejas
Chickpeas (CHIKPIS) = garbanzos

Picky = mañoso

Regular (RÉGIULAR) = normal

I don’t like black beans. I prefer regular beans.

Peas (PIS) = arvejas

I take protein supplements.

Hold = sostener.
Long books are hard to hold in your hands, and that’s why they are
sometimes divided into (INTU) two books.

That’s why = por eso

I got on the bus at 7:30 am, and I got off at 8:00.

Cárbon Dioxide (DAIÓXAID)

Bathtub (BAZTAB) / tub (TAB) = tina de baño

Dough (DOU) = masa

Into (INTU)

Coloring = colorante

Kettle (KÉTEL) = tetera

An electric kettle = hervidor eléctrico

Heat (HIT) - (HÍTET) = calentar

I heated the food in the microwave (MÁICROWEIV) last night.

Turn = transformar

Get hot = calentarse

Heavier = más pesado

Lighter = más liviano

Where do the bubbles come from?

Water (WORER) vapor (VEIPOR)

Around it

Rise (RAIS) = ascender, subir

It rises (RAISES) to the top.

Hot (HOT) = caliente

Hotter (HORER) = más caliente

It starts turning into gas very quickly.

At once (WANS) = de una vez

Try it and see = Pruébalo y ve.

Try = tratar / probar algo nuevo

I want to try CrossFit (probar)
I have never tried Indian food (probar)
You need to try to work harder! (tratar)

I exercise once a day.

I pay my phone bill once a month.

She checks her email three times a day.

They take a long vacation once a year.

Vegetables (VÉCHTABOLS) = verduras

HW: Pronunciation, 5 sentences and one listening.

Tuesday, June 8th

Work óut-worked out (WORK-TAUT) = entrenar
A wórkout = un entrenamiento

- On Sunday I completed 3 weeks of working out. I hope to continue

like this.

- Tomorrow I’m going to meet my friend at a bar in Providencia. We

reserved a table at 5:30 pm, so I’m going to finish my workday at 4:30

, and
, so
, but

Meet = juntarse con / conocer por primera vez

- If someone wants to invite a vegetarian (VELLETÉRIAN) to eat,

hummus (HÁMAS) is a good option.

- To make good coffee, you need to heat the water up to 95°C and add
it to the coffee slowly. Then you have to wait about 4 minutes
(MENATS) before having the coffee.

Up to = hasta (para todo lo que no es tiempo)

-I want to travel to the north of Chile up to Arica.

-This restaurant can have up to 50 people because of the COVID

restrictions, and it is open until 8 pm.
-This elevator can carry up to 5 people.

Carry = acarrear

- One day I tried to save money, and I went to a second-hand clothes

store, but I didn’t buy anything because I’m skinny and those (DOUS)
clothes were too big for me.

Clothes (CLOUTS) = ropas

My clothes are new

I’m very worried (WORIT) about my cousin (CASIN). He has COVID, and
maybe he infected his girlfriend who is pregnant too.

cousin (CASIN) = primo/prima

Ache (EIK) = pain

I have a../an...
Headache (HÉDEIK)
Backache (BÁKEIK)
Earache (ÍEREICH)
Stomachache (STOMAKEIK)
Sore throat (SOR ZROUT)

Sore = adolorida
Throat = garganta

Ear (ÍER) = oído / oreja

Care (KER) = importar
I don’t care! = No me importa
I don’t care about that = No me importa eso

Take care of = cuidar / cuidar a

The idea (AIDÍA) is to continue to take care of each other (ICHÓDER)

each other (ICHÓDER) = mutuamente, el uno al otro

He played football with his friends without a face mask, so he thinks that's
where he got infected with COVID.

Get infected = infectarse / contagiarse

Cheer up! (CHIERÁP) = arriba el ánimo

General Practitioner (PRAKTÍSHONER) = médico general

Make an appointment = pedir una hora

I heated the food in the microwave (MÁICROWEIV) yesterday.

I don’t understand (ANDERSTÉND)

Towels (TÁUELS)

Molecules (MÓLEKIOLS)

Above (ABÓV) = arriba

Scatter (SKARER) = esparcir/se

This (DES) blue light (singular)

These (DIS) blue lights (plural)

I usually get up early

She never eats meat
They often go to the beach

Except (EXÉPT) Be: am, is, are

I am usually at home on weekends.

She is never happy
They are always in Santiago.
The classroom is always clean.

Joan (YOUN) of Arc

It is rarely cold in the summer.

Up = levantado
I am always up early

Beautiful (BIÚRIFOL)
Helpful (HÉLPFOL) = útil / de gran ayuda

Five sentences
One listening

Thursday, June 10th

- The results (RISÓLTS) of the presidential election in Peru are very

close. However, Keiko Fujimori is losing, and she is asking to recount
(RICÁUNT) a lot of votes because she thinks that there was fraud
- Yesterday the TV show “Loki” premiered on Disney (DISNI) Plus. I
have been waiting to watch “Wanda Vision (VÍSHON)” and “Captain
(CAPTEN) America”, but before watching these two shows, I’ll watch

- El Salvador is the first country to accept BitCoins as an official

currency. A lot of people say that virtual currencies are the money of
the future.

Currency (KERENCI) = moneda

Did you watch the game of Chile against (AGÉNST) Bolivia?

-No, I don’t care about football. I prefer to play videogames.

I bought (BOT) an intelligent digital scale that calculates not only your
weight, but also your body water, fat, and muscle mass percéntage. In
addition, it can be connected to an app on a cell phone to keep a record.

Lift weights = levantar pesas

Scale (SKEL) = pesa para pesar

Weight = pesa para levantar

I went to a bar with a friend yesterday evening. Her name is Ana, and she’s
a friend from college (CÓLECH).

We went to Casa Gabriela, a bar located on Cirujano Guzmán St. in

It was (WOS) our first time there. It was kind of empty.

Crowded (CRAUDED) = full of people

Empty = vacío
Full = lleno

Kind of = más o menos

I had French fries and a cocktail called Elena with vodka and lemon juice.

Ana had a hámburger with French fries and a mojito.

I had a good time with her.

The N95 is a good face mask that fits your face better than a regular mask.
It’s also thicker than a regular mask.

Thin = delgada
Thick = gruesa

Work óut-worked óut (WORK-TÁUT) = entrenar

A wórkout (n) = un entrenamiento

a vegetarian (VELLETÉRIAN)

Degrees (DIGRÍS) = grados

I don’t understand (ANDERSTÉND)

Except (EXÉPT)

He eats
He calls
He talks
He sleeps
He listens to

She catches
She fixes
She wishes
She finishes
She kisses

He mixes the salad

Early (ERLI)

He tries
He worries
He flies
He cries
He studies

She pays
She plays
She says (SES)
She buys
She enjoys
Sara brushes her teeth twice a day

South (SAUZ)

A plane (PLEIN) = un avión

On the phone (FOUN) = por teléfono

Hardwórking (adj) = esforzado

A hardworking student
A hardworking employée

Emplóyer = empleador
Employée = empleado

He does homework at 10:00 am.

He goes (GOUS) to work at 11:00.

She does homework at 11:00.

She goes to work at 2:00.

They are brother and sister, and that’s why they do everything together /

They are brother and sister, so they do everything together.

So = así que, por lo tanto

That’s why = por eso
One listening
Five sentences.

Tuesday, June 15th (FIFTÍNZ)

- A lot of people are saying that Karina Oliva lost the election for
góvernor in the Metropólitan Region (RÍLLON) because she said
(SED) that her daughter is a Naya Fácil fan, and she accépts it
- I don’t understand the motivation or the objective of some people to
go voting in a costume (CÓSTIUM).

in disguise (DISGÁIS) = caracterizado para no ser reconocido

In a costume (CÓSTIUM) = disfrazado

- My sister had a job interview. She is working but is applying for

other jobs in other areas where she thinks she will be happier.

Apply to + a company / an institution

I’m applying to Universidad de Chile.

Apply for + a position / a job / a space

I’m applying for a job at a hospital.

- Fórtunately (FÓRTUNATLI), my cousin and his girlfriend recovered

from COVID. My cousin was sicker than his girlfriend. He lost his
sense of smell and taste, and still hasn't recovered them despite
being vaccinated.

Despite + ING VERB = a pesar de

Recover-recovered = recuperarse
- I want to paint my bedroom. Now it is white and green, but I want it to
be all white. I also want to enlarge (ENLÁRCH) my bookcase to add
more books.
















100 = one hundred / a hundred



1,000 = one thousand / a thousand











1992 = nineteen ninety-two


2001 = two thousand one


2010 = two thousand ten / twenty ten



My weekend was boring. I just worked out and watched a TV show on

Netflix called The Bold Type about three friends who work for a girls
magazine in New York. They experience the typical things of living and
working in Manhattan like meeting guys at bars, breaking up with their
boyfriends, problems at work, etc. However, in the end, all their problems
are solved easily, and the show has a happy ending.

Solve-solved = resolver

Bold = valiente, atrevido, audaz

Work at = trabajar en (para empresas)

Work for = trabajar para


There are four seasons, and now they are showing the 5th and last

I voted (VOUTED) on Sunday morning in Maipú

Were there a lot of people voting?

-No, there weren’t. When I voted, there were only three people voting
including me.

on Disney (DISNI) Plus

Percéntage (PERSÉNTACH) = porcentaje

10% = ten percént.

a hámburger (HÁMBERGER)



Delete (DELÍT)-deleted (DELÍTET) = borrar

A report (RIPÓRT)
Take = llevar / tomar

Have = tener / comer / beber

On an external hard drive = en un disco duro externo.

A pendrive = disco duro estilo lápiz.

Might (MAIT) = puede que

Run out of (RANÁUROF) = quedarse sin

You might run out of (RANÁUROF) space if you keep too many pictures
and videos on your phone (FOUN).

Run of out of money = quedarse sin plata

Run out of ideas
Run out of food
Run out of gas

You need to go to a gas station if you run out of gas = gasoline.

How do you store pictures?

Store-stored = guardar

5 sentences
Listening (optional)

Saturday, June 19th

1. My dog had a stomach ache because he ate little rocks in the park.
We must always be careful because he eats everything on the

We must always be careful / We always have to be careful

Sick (adj) = enfermo

Have a stomach ache = enfermarse del estómago

2. Tomorrow is Father's day, and until yesterday we thought (ZOT) that

the gift wouldn’t arrive in time, so we were nervous (NÉRVOS) and
didn’t know what to do. Fortunately (FÓRTUNATLI), it arrived last

3. Although (ÓLDOU) I can't do anything interesting because we are in

lockdown, I’m happy because the next two Mondays are holidays.
4. My father has had a lot of work during the COVID pandemic. He
works for CCU and delivers alcohólic drinks and cárbonated drinks.
Appárently, people always have money for alcohol (ÁL-CO-HOL).

5. My mom takes a nap between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm every day, and
my dog always wakes her up at the same time. It seems that he has
an internal clock.

From 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm

between 3:00 pm and 5:00

Time = hora
Hour = 60 minutes

I woke up at 8:00 because I’m old, and that’s what old people do. They
wake up early even when they don’t have anything to do at that time.

I want to watch Lucas, an animated movie about two friends who are
mermaids and when they go to land, they become human.

Mermaid = sirena / sireno

Plot = trama

I never saw = Nunca ví

I have never seen the original Little Mermaid movie = Nunca he visto…
Down (DAUN)

Load (LOUD) = cargar


I dównloaded it today.

I also want to watch season 4 of Elite, a Spanish TV show about some rich
kids at a rich school in Spain. Every season starts with a new crime that
happens at that school.

Chilean, Spanish, Italian, Japanése = languages and nationalities

(NASHONÁLITIS) are always cápitalized (CÁPITALAIST).

I’m still reading Le Miseráb. It’s challenging because it’s long, and the
story is complicated since it has many characters (KÁRAKTERS).

Since = ya que

Challenging = difficult / hard

I’m going to give my father a present this Sunday.

I’m going to give a present to my father this Sunday.

I’m going to give him a poncho that I bought him online.

Buy-bought (BOT)
Fórtunately (FÓRTUNATLI)

enlarge (ENLÁRCH) = agrandar

Break úp (BREIKÁP) = terminar con (la pareja)

Copper (COPER) = cobre

Necklace (NÉKLES) = collar

Rare = difficult to find in the world

Diamonds are rare
Gold is rare
Finding real love is rare

Weird / strange = extraño

Maryiln Manson is weird.

Beauty (n) = belleza

A woman
Women (WÍMEN)

Precious (PRÉSHOS)
Gold is a precious metal.

Cultures (CÓLCHERS) = culturas

Sheet = hoja
A sheet of paper = hoja de papel

Wire = cable
Wireless = sin cable

Hundreds of years = cientos de años

It is (IRÍS) still valued for its beauty (BIURI).

A bar of gold / a gold bar = un lingote de oro

Ounce (AUNS) = onza

Ounces (AUNSES) = onzas

Ever (EVER)

Even (IVEN) = incluso

Invent 5 sentences
One listening
Tuesday, Jun 22th (here)

1. I watched “Luca” by Disney and Pixar. I downloaded it from I

had big expectations from the trailer (TRÉILER), but in the end, I
didn’t like it. I think that the problem is that the movie doesn’t have
any real villains (VÍLANS), and the conflicts are too light.

2. I finished watching season 4 of Elite on Netflix. It was fun, and the

new characters became interesting. Nevertheless (NEVERDELÉS), I
missed some characters from the original cast.

3. Some boroughs like San Miguel, finally moved to Phase 2 after

approximately (APRÓXIMATLI) 3 months of being in lockdown.

4. My sister changed her brand of birth (BERZ) contról pills (PELS)

because her gynecologist (GAINECÓLOLLIST) recommended it. The
new brand is more expensive than the old one, but fortunately, my
friend works for that láboratory, and she gave 12 boxes to my sister
for free.

Fórtunately (ATLI)
Unfórtunately (ATLI)
Appróximately (ATLI)

5. My family and I were having breakfast, and suddenly we heard

mariachis. We looked out the window, and we realized that my
neighbour (NEIBOR) had hired (HAIERT) mariachis for his girlfriend
because it was her birthday.

It’s my birthday today.

I’m on birthday
It was fun, and the new characters became interesting.

Become-became = tornarse, ponerse

The rest of the weekend was good. I watched Lukas, as I told you, but I
didn’t like it because I felt (FELT) that the movie was too childish for me.
But I finished it (TET).

Too = demasiado
Very = muy
Pretty = bastante
A little = un poco

We celebrated Father’s Day here at home on Sunday. I gave him a

present. I gave him a poncho that he liked a lot / He liked it a lot.

I don’t think so

In Ísrael, children at school stopped wearing face masks, but now the
infection cases are going up again because there is a new strain (STREIN).

A strain (STREIN) = cepas de virus

Nothing else = nada más

Nothing much = no mucho
We must always be careful / We always have to be careful.


Sleeping late is the ópposite of getting up early.

My teacher sleeps late every day. He gets up at about 11:00 am.

Howéver, I usually get up early between 5:30 and 7:30 am.

Sleep late = dormir hasta tarde

Go to bed late = acostarse tarde

My teacher goes to bed late, at about 1:00 am every night. Howéver, I go

to bed early, at about 11:00 pm every night.

Chilean, Spanish, Italian, Japanése.

Languages and nationalities (NASHONÁLITIS) are always cápitalized

Agree = estar de acuerdo

I agree with that.

I don’t agree with you / I disagree with you.

I stayed up (STEIDÁP) overnight (OUVERNÁIT) to study for a test.

Line úp (LAINÁP) / Wait in line / stand in line = hacer fila

Online = on the internet

I won’t want to miss it

Ticket = entrada / boleto / parte policial / pasaje.

True or false (FOLS)

Will be held / will take place = se llevará a cabo

$100 = one hundred dollars

Hear (HÍER)-heard (HERD)

I did hear = Yo sí escuché

I heard that your borough will go back to phase 2.

Good luck (LÁK)

Read (RID)- read (RED)

Plan on = planear

I’m planning on buying a car.

I’m planning on jumping out the window.

I’m planning on watching a TV show.

I’m planning on reading Frankenstein.


5 sentences


Start reading Frankenstein

Thursday, Jun 24th

1. Today we received a talk about mental health from a doctor. I think it

is important to talk about this, but the problem is that specialists talk
about the ideal (AIDÍAL) way (WEI) to deal with the pandemic, but
reality (RIÁLITI) is very different. They say that it’s necessary to
spend time with our families, work out, relax, etc, but the truth
(TRUZ) is that almost everybody works too much, even after regular
working hours.
Everybody = todo el mundo

True = verdadero

The truth (TRUZ) = la verdad

Way = manera, forma

Deal (DÍAL) with = lidar con

2. I like energy drinks and coffee, but I should stop drinking them
because when I drink them, my heart (HART) accelerates
(AXÉLEREITS) too much, and I feel very uncomfortable. I have tried
drinking decaf coffee instead, but I don’t like the taste.

Instead = en su lugar, en vez

3. I don’t have a good imaginátion to invent sentences, but I try thinking

about things or stories that have happened to me and other people.

Hístory = historia de los libros de historia

4. Tomorrow I’m going to go to the warehouse to check if it is organized

(ÓRGANAIST) and in compliance with the procedure (PROSÍLLER).
If I detect (DITÉCT) anything not according to the procedure, I
must file a non-conformity.

File = presentar una acción formal

Must / have to = tener que

organized (ÓRGANAIST) = ordenado, organizado

5. I hate winter because it’s very cold (COULT). To stay warm, I need to
wear three layers (LÉIERS) of clothes (CLOUTS). Before I go to bed,
I always turn on (TERNÓN) my electric blanket so that the bed
doesn’t freeze.

So = asi que

So that = para que

Stay warm = mantenerse abrigado

Blanket = frazada

Sorry I’m late

I got a call at the last minute

I have some problems at work, but nothing too serious (SÍRIOS)

serious (SÍRIOS) = serio

Too = demasiado

Very = muy
Today, I tried to get up early to work out, but I couldn’t. It’s too cold to get
up early. However, yesterday I did it.

Wake up = despertarse

Get up = levantarse

Coconut (CÓUCONAT) oil = aceite de coco

Mashed (MASHT) potatoes = pure de papas

Mashed avocado = palta molida

Wheat (WIT) = trigo

Whole wheat = de trigo integral

Whole wheat bread

Whole wheat cookies

Whole wheat cereal

Whole wheat pasta

Scrambled (SCRÁMBOLT) eggs = huevos revueltos

A medium (MÍDIUM) shirt (SHERT)

The length (LENGZ) = el largo

The waist (WEIST) = cintura


Exchange / change = cambiar

Faith (FEIZ) = fé

Read (RID)-read (RED) = leer

Today I read that the new strain of COVID called the Delta strain has
arrived in Chile, and the Chinese vaccine doesn't work well against it.

Arrive in + a city / a country

I arrived in Stgo yesterday.

He arrived in Chile yesterday.

Arrive at + a building

I arrived at the supermarket five minutes ago.

He arrived at work very late this morning.

Arrive to is WRONG

Get to + cities / countries / buildings

I got to Stgo. yesterday evening.

He got to work late this morning.

birth (BERZ) contról pills (PELS)

I finished it (TET).

Strain (STREIN) = cepa de virus

Variant (VÉRIANT) = variante

The Delta variant / The Delta strain

I heard that your borough will go back to phase 2.

One listening
5 sentences
Tuesday, Jun 28th

1. I have a video card on my PC that is too old to play current video

games. I want to buy a new video card, but they are very expensive
now because of two reasons. First, there is a lack of raw (RÓ)
materials (MATÍRIALS) to build them because of COVID, and
second, the people who mine virtual coins have to have good video
cards, so they have been buying all the units.

I have installed = Yo he instalado

Actual (ÁKSHUAL) = verdadero, real

Current (KERENT) = actual

2. I resumed reading Le Miserables (LEMISERÁB). Although (ÓLDOU)

it’s very sad, it’s very good so far. It’s interesting to read and notice
(NÓURES) that the problems that poor people suffered in the past
continue to exist today.

3. A famous actor from the TV show Elite is in the south of Chile

working on a new film. The fans who live near where he’s staying
found him, and tried to get a picture with him. There is a video online
that shows an adult woman stalking (STOKING) him so that she
could take a picture of him with her and the other fans, but he was
very angry about that.

Work on = trabajar en proyectos específicos

Near = cerca de...

4. I’m not a big fan of parties, but now, after being without concerts,
parties, or any social (SOUSHAL) interactions, I miss spending time
with my friends. I watch the news, and I don’t know when life will go
back to normal.

After = después de

5. One of my dreams is to study English abroad (ABRÓD). The only

problem is that another of my objectives is to buy a house or
apartment, so at this moment I need to decide what goal I want to
achieve first because both of them are very expensive.

abroad (ABRÓD) = en el extranjero

6. My friend invited (INVÁITET) me to go trekking, but I said no

because the weather is very cold. Also, I don’t like going trekking too

7. My mom’s friend’s mom is hospitalized (HÓSPITALAIST) because

she is very sick, and she will probably die. Although it sounds sad, I
think that it’s for the best because she is very old, her husband died
recently (RÍSENTLI), and she is very sick.

It’s for the best = es para mejor

It’s for the worst = es para peor

8. One day, my sister and I tried to cut my dog's hair, but we decided
not to do it again because our clothes were full of dog hair after that,
and it was very difficult to clean them.

9. On Jun 30th (ZÉRTIEZ), the last episode of The Bold Type will be
released. This last season only has 8 episodes, and things have
happened very quickly, so I don’t know if I’m going to be happy with
the end of the story, which lacks development.
raw (RÓ) = crudo
Ceviche is made with raw fish

Raw materials = materias primas

A friend was just telling me a funny story about her relationship

(RILESHONSHIP) problems. She’s one of my best friends. I have about
three best friends. Two girls and a guy. He is a friend from high-school and
the two girls are friends from college.

Just = recién

Nose (NOUS) = naríz

Nosey (NOUSI) = entrometido

Noise (NOIS) = ruido

Noisey (NOISI) = ruidoso

My teacher is a little nosey. He asks me about my best friends.

This weekend I resumed reading Le Miserables, and I worked out on

Saturday and Sunday morning.

I only read a lot, nothing else.

turn on (TERNÓN) / turn off (TERNÓF)

I got a call (GARACÓL) at the last minute.

A medium (MÍDIUM) shirt (SHERT)

Thursday, July 1st

1. This week was Kathy Barriga’s last week as mayor (MEIOR) of

Maipú. She didn’t go to the change of leadership ceremony, but she
sent a message on Instagram saying, “I hope that the new mayor
does the right thing and not only populist things”.

The right thing = lo correcto

mayor (MEIOR) = alcalde

Populist (PÓPIULIST) things = cosas populistas

How = como para preguntar

How do you spell your last name? -G A L A Z.

Like = como para dar ejemplos

I like authors (OZORS) like J.K. Rowling and Stephen Kings

As = como para decir el rol de algo

She works as a nurse at a hospital.

2. Carmen Tuitera, a very popular Chilean ínstagrammer and writer is

hospitalized with COVID. She has received both doses of the
SINOVAC vaccine, but her family thinks that she is bad because she
has an immunosuppréssive (IMIUNOSUPRÉSIV) disease, so they
think that if she wasn’t vaccinated, she could be worse.
3. This week, Britney Spears was a trending topic because of her
statement against her father and her family. It’s strange to think that
while she can’t contról her life, people like Kanye West, who is a full
blown bipólar (BAIPÓULAR), ran for President of the US.

Apply = postular
Apply for a job / apply to a university, apply to a company

Run for president = postular a presidente

Full blown (BLOUN) = declarado (para enfermedades)

He waited too long, and when he finally went to the emergency room,
he had full blown COVID.

Statement = declaración, dicho

4. July starts today, and all the social (SOUSHAL) networks are full of
memes about Julio Iglesias. These jokes are mostly very boring and
are shared every year. I read an interview where Julio Iglesias was
asked about this and said (SED) that it’s OK as long as the memes
aren’t offensive.

as long as = siempre y cuando

All day = todo el día

Every day = todos los días / cada día

5. A boy stole a dog from his neighbour because it was in very bad
condition. He said that he would prefer to go to jail than ignore the
In bad condition (without S)
In good condition (without S)

Take + drugs, pills, medicines, vitamins, etc.

I don’t like taking pills (PELS).

Most people take Tylenol (TÁILENOL) for headaches (HÉDEIKS)

Tylenol (TÁILENOL) is a brand of acetaminophen (ASITAMÍNOFEN),

which in Spanish means paracetamol.

Other people take aspirin or ibuprofen (AIBUPRÓFIN) instead of

acetaminophen (ASITAMÍNOFEN)

This week has been very busy so far because I have had a lot of meetings.

Busy = ajetreada, movida

I got up at 5:30 to work out. I worked out for one hour and a half.
First I started jumping rope, then I worked out my arms with dumbbells, so
my arms are a little sore / my arms hurt a little.

Sore = adolorido/a

I have a sore throat = Me duele la garganta

Dumbbells = mancuernas.

My borough moved to Phase 2, so I’m very happy. I hope that it is for more
than one week this time.
Maybe I will visit my friends.
Maybe I will go to the mall.
Maybe I will go to a restaurant with friends.

Exchange = cambiar

Crowded (CRÁUDED) = lleno de gente

Receipt (RISÍT) = boleta

If you want to exchange clothes at a store you need to have the

Recipe (RÉSIPI) = receta de cocina

Can I have the recipe for this delicious cake, please?

Prescription = receta médica

If you want to buy Ravotril, you need a prescription.

social (SOUSHAL) interactions

raw (RÓ) = crudo

Ceviche is made with raw fish.

Raw vegetables = verduras crudas

Raw fruit = frutas crudas

Raw materials = materias primas


relationship (RILÉISHONSHIP)
Fix = reparar / preparar
He fixes cars because he is a mechanic = reparar
My mom is fixing diner right now = preparando

Jack writes (RAITS) emails every day

Sarah never laughs (LAFS).

Sue coughs (COFS) when she is nervous (NERVOS)

Drive = conducir
Ride = andar en

Tuesday, July 6th

1. Victor Frankenstein (STAIN) was born in Geneva (LLENÍVA),

Switzerland, in 1870.

2. He was twelve years old when his brother was born.

They had a big age gap.

Age gap = diferencia de edad

3. Elizabeth is the daughter of Victor’s father’s best friend.

4. He wanted to learn more about human life to help people.

5. She hoped that Frankestein and Elizabeth would get married.

6. He is happy because his work has brought death and sadness to the

Glad = happy

7. Henry Clerval (CLÍERVAL) is Victor's best friend.

8. Frankestien went to study at the German University of Heidelburg.

1. He wanted to learn the secret of life.

2. People were frightened of Victor because he paid people to steal

(STÍEL) dead bodies from cemeteries (SÉMETERIS).

Steel (STÍEL) = acero

Steal-stole = robar
Frightened (FRÁITENT) / afraid (AFREID) / scared (SKERT) = asustado

3. The lightning gave him an idea.

4. He wanted to make a huge man, the biggest, strongest man who had
ever lived.

5. These wires went up to the roof of his house.

Join-joined = unir

6. The sparks of light came down the wires. The silver light reached the
hands, the feet, and the head.

7. He had made a monster = El había hecho un monstruo.


1. A few days ago, international news reported (RIPÓRTED) a

particular story that happened in the US. A young man traveled
around the world with his dissected dog that had died 8 years
before. He decided to travel with the dissected body of his dead

Creepy = espeluznante
A creepy story
2. After one year of being announced, this week Black Widow will be
released in Chile. The premiere will be in parallel on Disney Plus and
also in some cinemas along the country. The debut (DEBIÚ) of the
film starring (STARING) Scarlett Johansson coincides (COINSÁIDS)
with the reopening of some cinemas that are located in boroughs that
are currently at least in Phase 3.

Coincide (COINSÁID) with

At least = al menos

3. Some people like Carmen Gloria Arroyo, the judge (LLACH), but
other people don’t because they think that she doesn’t treat her
guests well. I have watched her TV show, and it’s true that she talks
very badly to her guests, but it’s necessary to understand that it’s a
TV show that needs drama and rating.

4. Chile lost to Brazil, and a big part of Chile was very sad. In my case,
it doesn’t matter. I feel that I’m not a nátionalist. Although I don't
watch soccer, I always know the results (RISÓLTS) or comments
about matches because my friends talk about them on Whatsapp.

5. I felt very tired yesterday because I had to go to the warehouse to

check some products, and then I had meetings all day, so I had work
even after working hours.

Lose to-lost to = perder ante

Beat-beat = derrotar a

How was your weekend?

-It was very relaxing. I read (RED) a lot, and I finished watching The Bold
Type, but I didn’t like the ending since it was too unbelievable.

Too = “demasiado” para cosas negativas

Very = “muy” para cosas positivas o negativas

I want to finish reading Le Miserables before I start watching a new TV


I worked out on Saturday and Sunday morning, and I gave my dog a bath
in the bathroom where it wasn’t cold, it was warm.

Hot = caluroso :(
Warm = calientito :)
Cool = fresco :)
Cold = frío :(
freezing = muy frío :(

Give someone a bath-gave someone a bath

My dog hates baths (he)

Most dogs hate baths (they)

A headache (HÉDEIK)
I have a terrible headache!

one hour and a half.

Raw vegetables = verduras crudas

Raw fruit = frutas crudas
Cooked vegetables
Cooked fruit

Thursday, July 8th

1. One of the industries (ÍNDOSTRIS) most affected by the pandemic of

Coronavirus in Chile is cinemas. However, today, a lot of them will
reopen (RIÓUPEN). They may open from Monday to Sunday with two
shows in each theater (ZIATER). They will privilege the online sale
system for tickets, and they will automatically block the seats in front,
behind, and next to the seat chosen by customers.

By = por

2. My sister began to do yoga to relax. After her first class, she finished
very tired, but she thought that yoga (IOGA) was relaxing.

3. In November of this year, Harry Potter will celebrate 20 years since
its release. The Harry Potter books and movies were a big part of my
childhood (CHÁILDHUD), and even today it’s my favorite saga. I had
the opportunity to get to know Universal Studios and visited
(VISITET) the Harry Potter Theme Park two years ago.

Release (RILÍS) = lanzamiento

4. I’m very glad because the sanitary rules have changed, and now
there are fewer restrictions, and I finally may live life again. I hope
that this change continues over time for me to be happy.

Fewer = “menos” para plurales

Fewer people
Fewer rules
Fewer books
Fewer vegetables
Fewer restrictions

Less = “menos” para no contables

Less money
Less time
Less furniture (FÉRNICHER) = menos muebles
Less energy
Less water
Less chocolate

5. My family and I want to go to the beach this weekend. I’m not a big
fan of the beach, but I need to get some fresh air and enjoy other
places apart from my room / besides my room.

Apart from / besides = aparte de

6. Tomorrow, I’m going to go to a bar with my friend. She is a friend
that I met in my first year of college. We don't see each other often
because of the pandemic, but we are still friends.

7. My dog had a bad stomach ache yesterday, and my sister got

scared, so she made an appointment with the vet. I think it's nothing
serious (SIRIOS) because he woke up fine today, but better safe
than sorry.

8. It exhausts me mentally to have so many meetings. Also, people

send messages by internal chat, whatsapp and email as if everything
was urgent (ÉRLLENT). They should be trained in good
communication practices.

It has been an inténse week (so far).

My family and I want to go to the beach for the weekend.

We haven’t decided where to go yet.

Maybe we will go to El Quisco

Maybe we will go to Isla Negra
Maybe we will go to Viña del Mar

Now, restaurants can open and receive people inside and outside.
Starting next week, gyms won’t have restrictions about the number of

Won’t = will not

Lift = levantar
I think that we need to learn to live with the virus, so lifting the restrictions is
a good idea.

Either = ya sea

I think we will need either more Synovac vaccines or new ones.

Forecast = pronóstico.

Cluster = serie de contagios

I hope that I’m wrong, but only time will tell.

Up-scale = cuico, caro, pudiente

Las Condes is an up-scale borough.

While = mientras

Need to
You need to watch

Want to
I want to go

Debt (DET) = deuda

Debts (DETS) = deudas

I cancelled my subscription (SAPSKRÍPSHON) to Amazon Prime Video

because I always ended up watching Netflix instead.
I couldn’t find any interesting TV shows to watch on Amazon Prime Video.

Unless = a menos que

I like different kinds of TV shows.

He’s an IT risk analyst.

in the US.

Premier (PREMÍER)

I’m not a nátionalist.

On WhatsApp

Tuesday, July 13th (ZERTÍNZ)

1. Last week, my parents asked my sister and me if we wanted to go to

the beach on the weekend. We obviously said yes, so we started
thinking about where to go. Our main problem was that we wanted to
travel with my dog, but not all the houses for rent accepted pets. We
looked at many houses and hotels, but none (NON) accepted pets.

Look at = mirar
Main = principal

2. We hadn’t found anything, so we had decided to go to Viña del Mar

only on Saturday, but at the last minute, my mom called her friend
who has a house in Con-Con, and she offered her house to us. She
also said that we could take our dog.

Take = llevar / tomar

Bring = traer

3. Fortunately, during the entire trip to Con-Con there wasn’t too much
traffic, so we arrived very quickly, and the weather was very pleasant
(PLÉSANT). The place was actually an apartment on the first floor,
and it had a nice garden, which was a good thing for my dog.

, which was = lo cual

Actually (ÁKSHUALI) = en realidad

Currently (KÉRENTLI) = actualmente
4. We did a superficial cleaning to the house, and then we went for a
walk along the coast. The house was close to the beach, and we
walked around for two hours. We had empanadas and fresh fruit
juice, and at night, we played cards and board games.

Go for a walk = salir a caminar

A cleaning = una limpieza

5. On Sunday, we went to the dunes of Con-Con, and it was very fun.

My dog ran a lot, and my sister felt very tired in the end. At the top of
the dunes she rested and enjoyed the sound of the sea. On the way
back to our house, there was a COVID checkpoint, but fórtunately it
was random and they didn’t stop us.

My job is very stressful, so I’m a little stressed right now.

This Friday is a holiday, however, we still must do the work of one week in
only four days. We have to do the same amount of work in less time.

Still = de todas maneras

We still must do / We still have to do.

Amount (AMÁUNT) = cantidad

My weekend was very relaxing and fun.

My family and I went to Con Con, and we stayed at a house that my
friend’s mom lent us, so we didn’t have to spend money renting a house.
Lend-lent = prestar

She’s a close friend from elementary (ELEMÉNTRI) school.

Elementary (ELEMÉNTRI) school = básica

High school = media
College = universidad

We walked along the coast, we played cards and board games, and we
went to the dunes to walk.

Board (BORD) = tablero

Rude (RUD) = maleducado

Decay (DIKÉI) = decadencia, deterioro

On Friday afternoon, I went to the mall with my friend Camila to buy a

birthday gift for my sister. I bought her some skincare products at The Body
Shop and makeup at Urban (ÉRBAN) Decay (DIKÉI).

Her birthday is on August 12th, but I always like to do things in advance, so

that’s why I went one month before her birthday.

“In advance” = por adelantado

So = así que
That’s why = por eso
So that = para que

I also bought a book at Antartica bookstore. I bought Heist (HAIST) by

Adriana Godoy, a Venezuelan author (ÓZOR). I haven’t started reading it
yet. It's about a girl who lives in a quiet small (SMOL) town, and one day, a
family arrives in the town and people start to die. It’s a crime novel.

Heist (HÁIST) = robo, asalto, atraco

Less furniture (FÉRNICHER) = menos muebles

urgent (ÉRLLENT)

Communication (COMIUNIKÉISHON)

Insíde and outsíde

End up + ing verb = terminar haciendo algo:

I ended up watching Netflix instead.
Thursday, July 15th (FIFTÍNZ)

6. Yesterday, I started watching La Casa de la Flores on Netflix. I had

heard about this TV Show, and it’s very funny. The good thing is that
this TV show has already ended, so I don’t have to wait to watch all
the seasons. I can watch them all at once = de una vez

7. I bought the book “Queer Gender” by Maia Kobabe on “The Book

Depository”. It’s not the best book in the world, but it’s good to
understand and empathize (ÉMPAZAIS) with non-binary (BÁINARI)
people. It’s hard reading about all the difficulties (DÍFICOLTIS) that
they have to go through.

Go through-went through = atravesar

I bought a hardcover edition of the book

I didn’t buy a soft cover / paperback edition.

I waited approximately two months for the book to arrive. sells used books and ships them all over (OLÓUVER)
the world.
8. I have always wanted to read Percy Jackson. This weekend I found a
good deal for the entire saga in English, so I bought it. I don’t know
how long it will take me to read it, but this is a good opportunity for
me to read the saga and at the same time practice my English.

A good deal / a good offer

I’m not going to do anything special tomorrow or this weekend.

I’m waiting for my borough to move to phase 3.

Wait for

I want the pandemic to end.

I need you to help me.

I need you to explain this to me.

I need you to do your homework.

I want him to come to my birthday party.

I want my mom (MAM) to listen to me.

I want you to pay me back what you owe me.

what = lo que

She wants him to kiss her.

They want us to help them.

Owe (OU) = deber $

I owe him a lot of money.
13th (ZERTÍNZ)

A play = una obra de teatro

A game / a match = un partido

Go on holiday / go on vacation

The young (IANG) woman will have a baby.

Theater (ZÍARER) (el edificio)


club (CLAB)
Drama = teatro (la carrera)

If you want to be an actor you have to study drama.

Put on = ponerse una prenda

I will put on a sweater because it’s cold.

Put on = montar (una obra)

The drama club will put on Rómeo and Juliet.

She told us (TÓULDAS) all about it.

The boy says (SES) = él dice…

She likes it.

Early (ÉRLI) = temprano


So that = para que

So = así que

That would be great = Eso sería genial

His laboratory had burned down.

He was going to study literature (LÍRERCHER) = Él iba a estudiar


He decided to study literature (LÍRERCHER) with Henry at the same


He received the news that his brother had been killed.

Kilometer (KILÓMETER)

The monster that Frankenstein had created had killed William.

Victor’s secret was that he had created the monster that had killed William.
Tuesday, July 20th (TUENTIEZ)


1.a) People thought that the young woman had murdered (MERDERT)
William because she had the picture of William’s mother in her hand.

1.b) She was in prison.

What was going to happen to her? = Qué le iba a ocurrir a ella?

1.c) She was going to be hanged (HENGT) at ten o'clock.

Hang (HENG)-hanged (HENGT) = ahorcar

The US hanged Saddam Hussein about 15 years ago.

Hang (HENG)-hung (HANG) = colgar

I hung my jacket in the closet 5 minutes ago

2. Frankenstein thought that he was a murderer because he had created

the monster who had killed his brother.

3. He went to the mountains (MAUNTENS) to look for the monster and kill

4. What did the monster ask Frankenstein to do? = ¿Qué le pidió el

monstruo de Frankenstein que hiciera?
-The monster asked Victor to listen to his story.
Ask = preguntar / pedir


1. I’m happy because Gabriel Boric won the primary (PRÁIMARI). I was
very confident that he would win, but my family thought that Jadue
would win. I’m very happy, too, because Joaquín Lavín lost with a big
difference in votes. Now, I’m excited about the candidates that will
compete to become the next Chilean president.

Become-became = convertirse en
Confident (adj) = confiado, con confianza

2. I watched the entire season of Wanda Vision. But I wanted to watch

this TV show quickly, so I watched it (WACHTET) twice as fast. It’s a
good and fun TV show, and each episode is only 20 minutes long.

3. My family and I are planning a trip to La Serena, but it depends on

me if we go because I have a lot of work scheduled (SKÉLLOLT). I’m
trying to find an empty week so that we can go.

A family trip
A family vacation
A family get-together

You look very familiar to me, but I don’t remember who you are.

4. Before, all the news said that Sinovac wasn’t a good vaccine, but now
there is new information that says it is working very well. I hope that
the Sinovac vaccine is accepted in all countries so that we are able to
My weekend was quiet. I spent my weekend mostly at home, but on
Saturday, I went to my uncle’s house for my grandmother’s birthday party.

Mostly = mayormente

My grandmother is 94.
She turned 94 on Saturday.

Turn-turned = cumplir

She’s healthy, but she has the typical health problems of old people like
eyesight (AISAIT) problems and hearing loss.

Eyesight (ÁISAIT) = vista

hearing loss = pérdida auditiva

I have mild eyesight prob lems. I wear glasses only to rest my eyes after a
long time on the computer or after a long time reading.

Mild = suave
Severe (SEVÍER) = severo

Vote-voted (VÓUTET)

On Sunday morning, I voted, and then I watched Wandavision on Disney

Plus. I watched nine episodes in one day, but they are short.

I read a lot of pages (PÉILLES) of Heist (HAIST). I like it a lot.

Past = pasado
Already = ya
Get to-got to = llegar a
I am already past the middle of the book /
I got to the middle of the book already, and now I’m past the middle.

at once = de una vez

Difficult (DÍFICOLT) = difícil

difficulties (DÍFICOLTIS) = dificultades

One month (MONZ)

Months (MONS)

My mom (MAM)

Murder (MERDER)-murdered(MÉRDERT) = asesinar

A murderer (MÉRDERER) = un asesino

Ride = andar en
Ride the bus
Ride a horse
Ride a bike
Ride the subway

Take / catch = tomar, agarrar un bus

Fall (FOL) = caer

Rain falls.
Wet = húmedo

Stand = estar parado

The dorm = residencia estudiantil dentro de la U.

Bedroom = dormitorio

Bitter = amargado / amargo

Rain (REIN) = lluvia

It rains (REINS) a lot in the south of Chile.

He brushes his teeth twice a day.

He hates to work out / He hates working out.
He leaves his house very early in the morning.
He misses his grandmother a lot.
He fixes his friends’ problems and gives them good advice.
He kisses everybody because he is very friendly.
He loves animals.
He catches the bus in front of his house.
He stays at home on weekends.
He invites his sister to McDonalds every weekend to eat dead animals.
He teaches English every day.
He takes dance classes every Monday evening.

Thursday, July 22nd
1. Yesterday, my family and I went to a vegan (VÍGAN) restaurant
because my sister invited us (INVÁITETAS). The food was very good,
but the service was too slow. We don’t understand why because
meat is generally slow to cook, but our dishes were only vegetables.

Dish = plato

2. Tomorrow I must go to the warehouse to check a procedure

(PROSÍLLER) and determine if we are in compliance with the
regulations. I feel lazy, and I don’t want to get up early because today
I got up early too to work out.

3. I’m having problems deciding on a date to travel because my

calendar is very busy all month. I need to organize a week to travel

Travel = vajar
Trip = viaje

To travel = para viajar

For my trip = para mi viaje
4. Our traditional candy bar “Negrita” will change its name to avoid
being racist. This decisión generated a lot of memes and jokes. Some
are in favor, and other people think that this is stupid.

5. There is a dog on the news who is waiting for its owner outside a
hospital. The sad part of this story is that its owner died.

6. On Saturday, I’m going to buy a gift for my cousin’s baby. She will be
his first daughter, and he is very excited about it. My cousin is very
close to me, so I’m very happy for him.

7. My sister began to do yoga (IOGA), and my dad started to use an

elliptical machine (MASHIN). They are both feeling very well now,
and I hope that they are constant because they were very sedentary,
and they don’t eat healthy either.

Either / neither = tampoco

Me neither = Yo tampoco
I don’t like exercising either.


a. He found out (FAUN-DAUT) that he was ugly when he bent down to

drink in a small pool (PUL) of water, and he saw his face.

b. He had found a book with the name of Victor Frankenstein in the

pocket of Victor’s cloak.

He had found = Él había encontrado

c. He had promised (PRÓMEST) himself that everyone with the last
name Frankenstein would die.

d. The old man wasn’t afraid (AFREID) of the monster because he was

e. When the young people saw the Monster she screamed loudly and
fell to the ground. The boy shot the monster but didn’t kill him.

Shoot (SHUT)-shot (SHOT) = disparar a

f. He went to the child because there was no one near, and he wanted
to make this child his friend.

g. He killed the child because his father’s last name was Frankenstein.

h. He put the picture in the young woman’s hand because she was
asleep, and this way people would think she had killed the child.

I’m very tired of working. I had a lot of meetings today.

Tomorrow, I’m going to a bar with a friend from college. Her name is
Jocelyn. We are going to Graciela Bar on Manuel Montt in Providencia.
And on Saturday, I’m going to a barbecue at my cousin’s house. His name
is Luis and he lives in Maipú very close to us.

Just because = Solo porque sí.

Stepsister = hermanastra

Take advantage of = aprovechar de

We need to take advantage of this time when COVID numbers are low
and restaurants and bars are open.

Cautious (KÓSHOS) = cauteloso, precavido

Bored (BORT) = aburrido

Boring = algo que aburre

I’m very bored because my job is boring.

I’m boring = Yo soy un latero que aburre al resto.

I’m bored of talking to this boring guy.

I want to buy a gift for my cousin’s baby who will be born in September, so
maybe I will go to the mall on Saturday before the barbecue.

At night = en la noche
The barbecue is at night during the curfew.

The curfew (KÉRFIU) = toque de queda.

Delete (DELÍT) / erase (IRÉIS) = borrar

Block = bloquear

I prefer to stop following these kinds of people on Facebook.


30th (ZÉRTIEZ)

Donna sleeps late = Donna duerme hasta tarde.

Donna goes to bed late = Donna se acuesta tarde.

My mother writes (RAITS) stories

Diaper (DÁIPERS) = pañales

It isn’t (IRÍSENT)

The phone (FOUN) doesn’t work

Gray hair = pelo canoso

Glass = vidrio

Glass breaks = El vidrio se rompe

Apples don’t grow on grass. They grow on trees.

Toes (TÓUS) = dedos de los pies

Tuesday, July 27th

1. The Monster asked (ASKT) Frankenstein to create a girlfriend for

2. The Monster had brought unhappiness to the world because he was
3. If Frankenstein agreed to the request, the monster had to live far
from towns and people.
4. Frankenstein’s father wanted him to stay there with his friends.
5. She replied that she would wait forever for Victor.
6. Frankenstein decided to go to Strasbourg because he received a
letter from Henry Clerval.
7. When Frankenstein got to Strasbourg he planned to find a lonely
house and build a laboratory.


1. Yesterday I went to the dentist for my monthly checkup. He changed

the elastics of my braces and put new ones that are very
uncomfortable, and my teeth hurt a lot. I hope to finish my treatment

A tooth (TUZ) = un diente

Teeth (TIZ) = dientes

Hurt-hurt = doler

Braces (BRÉISES) = frenillos en general

2. On Friday, I went to a bar with my friend Jocelyn from college.
Another friend from college arrived later, however, we had to leave at
8 o’clock to catch the metro.

3. The TV show Dexter ended in 2013. It is one of my favorite TV

shows, but the final season wasn’t too good. The good news is that
Showtime will release a new season this year, so I hope they fix the

Finish = cuando alguien termina de hacer algo

End = cuando algo termina

4. The German gymnasts participated in the Olympics of Tokio 2020

last Sunday. However, they wore very different clothes from the other
teams. They changed their small (SMOL) outfits for a complete new
outfit that covered their legs to feel more comfortable.

Mini skirt (SKERT) = minifalda

Qualifying round = ronda clasificatoria

Gymnastics = gimnasia

A gymnast (LLÍMNAST) = gimnasta

Hello, Juan Pablo.

I have a runny nose = Me corre la naríz

I have a sore throat, and my teeth hurt.

Pain = dolor
Hurt-hurt (v) = doler

I’m stronger than this pain.

On Friday evening, I went to a bar with a friend from college. We went to

Graciela Bar, which is located on a street off Manuel Montt.
I had a drink called Dr. Chapatín, which had Vodka, lemon (LÉMON) juice,
and pineapple juice. My friend had a drink called Rosalía, which is very
similar to sangría.

“off” = cerca de (una calle)

Afternoon = después de almuerzo

Evening = tarde noche

Strong = fuerte
Weak = débil, suave para tragos

On Saturday, I went to the mall to buy some things that I needed like a gift
for my cousin’s baby. I bought her a referee (REFERÍ) set since her father
is a referée. This referee set has a red and a yellow card, a whistle
(WÍSEL), and a football.

A football = una pelota de fútbol.

I also bought colorful clothes for the baby because her mother is a painter
(PÉINTER) and likes bright colors. She’s an art teacher
The baby’s father is a referée and a physical education (EDIUKÉISHON)
teacher at a school.

I went to the mall at about 12:00, and I got home at about 7:00.

I also bought three books at Antarctica bookstore and Feria Chilena del

I bought a book called Beloved by Toni Morrison, an American black writer.

It’s about a slave who escapes and sells her body to have money to add
the name of her dead daughter to her tombstone (TÚMSTOUN).
However, later, a woman who is the same age as her daughter would be,
appears and tells her certain (SERTEN) things that suggest (SALLÉST)
that she might (MAIT) be her daughter, who wasn’t really dead.

Might (MAIT) = puede que / podría

May (MEI) = puede que / podría

Tomb (TUM) = tumba

Tomb Raider = saqueador de tumbas

tombstone (TÚMSTOUN) = lápida.

I also bought two books in English. One of them is Animal Farm by George
Orwell, and the other one is Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Anderson.

Tale (TEIL) = cuento

Tail (TEIL) = cola

Dogs and cats have tails.
My sister invited us (INVÁITETAS)


Understánd (ANDERTSTÉND)

Outside (AUTSÁID)
Inside (INSÁID)

a small pool (PUL) of water

He had promised (PRÓMEST) himself that everyone with the last name
Frankenstein would die.

Loud (LAUD) = fuerte (de volúmen)

I head (HERD) a loud noise last night.

Loudly (LÁUDLI) = fuertemente (de volúmen)

He always speaks very loudly.

Donna always goes to bed late.

Tuesday, August 3rd

Video Review

1. I watched the video, but I’m not a big fan of this kind of
documentaries because they are too catastrophic and pessimistic.
Another problem that I have with this documentary is that it only
shows the problems, but it doesn't offer any solutions. In addition, it
doesn’t focus (FOUCOS) on the real problem, which is the índustries
(ÍNDOSTRIS) and not the people. I have watched these kinds of
documentaries since I was born, and I feel that all the problems are
still the same, so I don’t know what the real impact of these videos is.

In order to / to = para
In order to learn English, you need to study a lot.


1. I stayed at home all weekend because I didn’t feel very well, so I

prefered to relax and do things at home. My parents offered me to go
with them to the mall, but I said no. Fortunately, I didn’t go because
the lines to enter the stores were too long.

Row = hilera, fila horizontal (teatro / sala de clase)

Line = fila en el banco, en el supermercado, etc.

Large / big = grande

Long = largo
2. At the Olympic Games, a runner fell in the last round but finished the
race in first place.

At + events (IVÉNTS):
At a party
At a concert
At the olympic games
At a funeral

3. Like in Chile, a lot of countries in Europe and North America are

asking people for proof of vaccination to enter indoor places like
restaurants, cinemas, and theaters. Taking advantage of this, a man
in Spain is selling T-shirts with QR codes on them that are directed to
a page that shows their vaccination status.

4. My friend, Hector, and his partner, Pablo, adopted a dog. In the

beginning, Pablo didn’t want a pet because they both (BOUZ)
worked out of the house all day, but because of the pandemic, they
now work from home, so Hector was able to convince him, and Pablo
is now in love with the puppy.

So = por lo tanto, así que

5. I hate people with double standards. For example, today I watched a

publication on Instagram where the actor Adam Driver was promoting
the brand Burberry. He appeared without a T-shirt and showed his
toned body. However, instead of getting positive comments, all the
comments were negative, and when I entered the profiles that made
these comments, all of them were from women who didn’t really look
like Angelina Jolie. They should look in the mirror before commenting
on other peoples’ looks.
Toned (TÓUNT) = tonificado

6. I finished reading a book called The Song of Achilles by Madeline

Miller. This book is a reinterpretation of the story that we all know of
Aquiles. I liked the plot a lot, and also because it has one of the most
beautiful covers that I have in my library.

7. On Sunday, I tried yoga, and I liked it a lot, so I will begin to do yoga

regularly (RÉGULARLI). I hope that it will help me with my back pain
and decrease the stress that I’m feeling.

Try-tried = probar algo nuevo

Stressful = estresante

8. I began reading a book in English. This book is “Fairy (FERI) Tales”

by Hans Christian Andersen. The first tale is The Little Mermaid about
a mermaid who falls (FOLS) in love with a prince.

I finished reading a book that I liked a lot. It’s called The Song of Achilles by
Madeline Miller.

I also watched “The Fast and The Furious 9”.

Mini skirt (SKERT) = minifalda

Thursday, August 5th

Breach (BRICH) = incumplir

1. Scarlet Johansen sued (SUT) Disney because they breached

(BRICHT) the agreement about the film Black Widow and where it
would be released. The film would be released only in cinemas, but
Disney also released it (RILÍSTET) on its online platform. This
generated a decrease in the prófits that she obtained. Disney
answered that they didn’t breach (BRICH) the cóntract, and that
Scarlet will never participate in Marvel films anymore.

2. I prefer heat (HIT) to cold, but the high temperatures

(TÉMPERCHERS) that are forecasted for August are disturbing. I
watch a lot of publications (PABLIKÉISHONS) on Instagram about
this topic, especially from people who I know personally, and I know
that they don’t do much to prevent this. For example, we could all try
not to use plastic and also try to reuse bottles and containers in

Forecast-fórecasted = pronosticar
The forecast = el pronóstico

Prefer _____________ to_____________.

I prefer swimming to trekking.
I prefer Italian food to Chinése food.
3. An article appeared in the newspaper yesterday about how much you
should earn (ERN) in order to buy an apartment. It was sad to read it
and notice (NÓURES) that it is incredibly hard or even impossible for
almost all people to reach the dream of owning a house.

4. I started reading Beloved (BILÓVET) by Tony Morrison. Before I

continue reading it, I want to look at a version in English because I
feel that the format, translation, and page makeup in Spanish are
weird. The story has flashbacks, but it has been difficult for me to
notice when they occur.

5. I haven’t continued Le Miserables because the story is too sad.

When someone is having a good time, bad things immediately
(IMÍDIATLI) occur (OKIÉR). So, I have preferred reading other books
that I hadn’t read (RED) yet.

6. A friend had planned a trip to Ireland to study English. However,

because of COVID, the trip was canceled, and so far, he doesn’t
have a new or a tentative date to travel. The problem with all of this
is that he quit his job, so now he is unemployed (ANEMPLÓIT)

Quit-quit = renunciar a

7. I bought a deer antler for my dog to bite (BAIT) because I read (RED)
that it is useful to clean his teeth. At first, he didn’t like it, but now he
plays a lot with it. I hope that it works because the vet said that if this
doesn’t work, he will need surgery to clean his teeth, and this would
imply (IMPLÁI) total (TOURAL) anesthesia (ANESTÍSHA), which can
be dangerous.
I have been working late recently, and I’m stressed.

I have been doing some yoga.

Last night I did yoga.

I’m working too much.

My boss is working even more than me = incluso más que yo.

He is working on weekends.

He sends us emails at midnight with things we have to do.

focus (FÓUCOS) on = concentrarse en

índustries (ÍNDOSTRIS)

events (IVÉNTS)

Publication (PABLIKÉISHON)

Profile (PRÓFAIL) = perfil

Profiles (PRÓFAILS)

She falls (FOLS) in love with a prince.

Chart = cuadro, gráfico, tabla

Mark watches TV every night.

Tom walks to school each morning.

He doesn’t want a sandwich.

I don’t have a lot of money.

I read the newspaper. = Yo leo el diario.

I don’t watch TV news.

Great = genial
Good = bueno
OK = decente
Bad = malo
Awful (ÓFOL) = pésimo

My English is OK; not great yet.

My Italian is awful.
My computer skills are great.

She’s OK at using a computer.

I’m awful at math.
He’s great at tennis.
I’m not good at speaking in public.

Tuesday, August 10th

Chapter 7

1. Frankenstein started creating a female monster.

2. Henry came into the room and discovered Frankenstein’s work.
3. Henry Clerval thought that if the Monsters had children, one day
these terrible creatures (KRÍCHERS) may rule the world.
4. Henry ran to the table and began to pull the wires from the body.
Then he began to pull the body apart.
5. The Monster strangled Henry.
6. The Monster took him in his arms, and they left together.

Strangle-strangled = estrangular
Leave-left = irse

Chapter 8

1. When he was ill, he said that he was the murderer of his brother,
William, and his friend Henry Clerval.

2. It wasn’t possible because Frankenstein was many miles away when

that happened.

That = eso
This = esto

An inn / a hotel
3. He wanted to be prepared against the Monster.
4. They stayed at a small inn for their wedding.
5. He left Elizabeth alone in the room to look through the inn.
6. He killed Elizabeth.

Chapter 9

1. The place where the journey ends is very cold.

2. Frankenstein thinks that he will be able to kill the Monster because he
has his gun.
3. The Monster thinks that Frankenstein is guilty because he made him.
4. Frankestein’s reply to these words is “What you say is true. I was the
murderer of those I loved!”.
5. The Monster will go far away, find wood, set light to it, and finally
throw (ZROU) himself on the flames.
6. He decides to die and kill himself.

throw (ZROU)-threw (ZRÚ) = lanzar

I’m trying not to do it.

I’m trying not to work late.

I decided that I will not work so late anymore!

On Sunday, I went to a birthday party.

Her name is Carolina, and she’s my cousin. She is 22.

She turned 22 on Saturday.

Turn-turned = cumplir (años)
I gave her some clothes; a T-shirt from Zara.

Choose-chose (CHOUS) = elegir

My mother knows my cousin’s size and taste in clothes, so she bought it for
me and I gave her the money

For me = por mi

I watched Suicide (SÚ-ISAID) Squad, an action movie that I (DARAI)

downloaded illegally (ILÍGALI) from the internet.

Illegal (ILÍGAL)
Illegally (ILÍGALI)

The plot is about a group of anti-heroes who are sent on a mission to find a
secret laboratory where some evil scientists (SÁIENTISTS) experiment with
humans to develop a way to contról people’s minds.

A scientist (SÁIENTIST)
scientists (SÁIENTIS-TS)

I liked it because it was fun and funny.

Funny = chistoso
Fun = entretenido

incrédibly hard = increíblemente difícil

It’s incredibly easy

It’s incredibly expensive
I was incredibly sad

Quit-quit = renunciar a
I want to quit my job.
She quit her job last week.

imply (IMPLÁI) = implicar

focus (FÓUCOS) on = concentrarse en

Forget-forgot (FORGAT) = olvidar

Lock-locked (LOKT) = cerrar con llave

creature (KRÍCHER)

Put apart = desarmar

Put together = armar

She is a ballet (BALÉ) dancer,

Rush hour (RÁSHAUER) = hora punta

On this street

Dance = baile
Dances (DANSES) = bailes

Graceful = con gracia

In order to / to = para + verbo

Good at = bueno para

Cindy is good at ballet, but her sister is only OK at ballet. She prefers

Down the street = al final de la calle

White (UÁIT)

Used to = solía

Of course = por supuesto

Grow = cultivar
My mother grows tomatoes on her farm.

Outside (AUTSÁID)

Allow (ALÁU) = permitir

Outdoors (AUTDÓRS) = al aire libre

Claude (CLOD) Monét (MONÉ)

A village = una aldea o pueblito

Change (CHÉINSH)
Light = It

Light changes (CHÉINLLES) the way things look = La luz cambia la forma
en que se ven las cosas.

Shape (SHÉIP) = forma

Shapes = formas

Each year / every year = cada año

Patricio dances reggaeton very gracefully.

Thursday, August 12th

Today is my sister’s birthday, and we’re going to have a family party on

Sunday. She invited my cousins, my uncles and ants, and my grandmother.

Relatives = parientes

A family lunch = un almuerzo familiar

A family get-together = una junta familiar

A get-together = una junta con amigos o familia

A family reunion (RIYÚNION) = Reunión después de mucho tiempo sin


José had a family reunion after he moved back to Chile.

My classmates and I had a high school reunion after 15 years.

A meeting = reunión de trabajo

I wanted to go to a bar tomorrow, but two of my friends are out of town, so I

will probably stay at home.

Out of town = fuera de la ciudad.

A café / a coffee shop = un café donde tomar café

Coffee = la bebida del café

A cafetería (CAFETÍRIA) = un casino para almorzar

Starbucks is a chain (CHEIN) of cafés, but their coffee isn’t very good.

I have been reading The Cruel Prince by Holly Black.

It’s a fantasy plot about a bad fairy who kills a family of humans but lets the
daughter live and adópts her. Then they go to the land of fairies, but the
other fairies don’t accept the human girl, and they make her life hard.
The fairy prince is very cruel to this human girl, but she tries to win the
Prince’s trust, and she gets involved in conspiracies and murders.

Conspiracy (CONSPÍRACI) = conspiración

Conspiracy theories (ZÍORIS) = teorías conspirativas.

Win someone’s trust.

He is bad to her = Él es malo con ella

They are good to me = Ellos son buenos conmigo

Let = dejar, permitir

Z library


throw (ZROU)-threw (ZRÚ) = lanzar

Choose-chose (CHOUS) = elegir
I watched Suicide (SÚ-ISAID) Squad, an action movie that I (DARAI)
dównloaded illegally (ILÍGALI) from the internet.

focus (FÓUCOS) on = concentrarse en

Rush hour (RÁSHAUER) = hora punta

A scientist (SÁIENTIST) = un científico

scientists (SÁIENTIS-TS) = científicos

Haunted (HONTET) = embrujado

A haunted house.


Dress up-dressed up (DRESTÁP)


That I (DARAI)

Furniture (FÉRNICHER) = muebles

A lot of / lots of

It’s called.. = Se llama…

Whew = suspiro de alivio

Hear (HÍER) = escuchar

I’m glad to hear that.

Glad / happy = feliz

Sure (SHOR) = seguro

What is it like? / How is it? = Cómo es?

What is your job like? / How is your job?

-It’s a little stressful, but it’s challenging (CHÁLENLLING).

What is Stgo like?

-It’s a big city.

Urban (ÉRBAN)

What is your English teacher like?

-He is goodlooking and smart.

Chart = recuadro, gráfica, tabla

Lift weights = levantar pesas

John lifts weights three times a week.

Go out to lunch = salir a almorzar

Go out to dinner = salir a cenar
Tuesday, August 17th

1. After the death (DEZ) of his parents in an accident, Lewis Barnavelt,

at the age of ten, must go to live at his uncle’s mansion. Very soon
Lewis (LÚ-IS) discovers that his uncle and his neighbor (NÉIBOR),
Miss Florence Zimmermann, are not only weird, but also wizards!
But, what is that tic-tac sound in the walls of the house? Can it be the
spell of a dark magician (MALLÍSHAN)? And, what is the worst thing
that can occur (OKIÉR) if Lewis tries to revive (RIVÁIV) a dead
person to impress his friend?

Not only...but also

When he was ten years old / at the age of ten

Shop (v) for = buscar con intención de comprar

2. Almost every day, I shop for books online, but I never finish the
purchase (PÉRCHES) because I want to save money and space.

3. On Sunday, a new promo image (ÍMACH) of the 5th season of the TV

show My Hero Academia was posted online. The show was written
(RÍTEN) and illustrated by Kohei Horikoshi. The image references
(RÉFRENSES) the story arc “My Villain (VÍLAN) Acádemy'' which
will begin in the next episode of the TV show. Along with the succéss
(SAXÉS) of the anime, a new film of the franchise (FRÁNCHAIS) is
currently in Japanese cinemas and it has been a total succéss.

4. Last Friday, Emma Stone signed (SAINT) a contract to star in

Cruella’s sequel. This is a good sign (SAIN) for Disney (DISNI) to
assure (ASHÓR) an internationally famous actress after a lot of
criticism (CRÍTISISEM) to its release model in cinemas and Disney
Plus. Cruella 2 is still far from its release, and at this moment, no one
knows if the movie will be released only in cinemas or if it will be
released simultaneously (SAI-MOL-TÉI-NIOS-LI) on Disney Plus.

A critic = un crítico
Criticism (CRÍTISISEM) = crítica

5. Next September, we will be able to watch the first part of the final
season of the Spanish TV show “La casa de papel”, which has had a
big audience and recognition since it was released in 2017. The
second part of the last season will be released in December of this
year. Each part will have five episodes.

Since = desde (que) / ya que

The ending = el final

I didn't like the ending of this novel.

The final = la final

I watched the final of Copa América between Argentina and Brazil.

Final (adj) = final

The final season
The final episode

What’s up?
-Nothing much

My sister found a new job in the human resources department at

Universidad de las Americas, and she’s happy about it.

She is a businesswoman. She went to U. de Chile.

On Friday evening, I went to my friend’s house. His name is Sebastián, and
I know him from college. He is also a pharmaceutical chemist (KEMIST).

On Saturday, I did nothing. I just relaxed at home and finished reading a

book. I finished reading The Cruel Prince, and I liked it a lot. I started
reading the second book of the same series immediately, which is called
The Queen of Nothing.

We celebrated my sister’s birthday on Sunday. She turned 25.

Cannot / can’t (KENT)


Affórd = poder costear / poder pagar

I can’t affórd a BMW, but I can affórd a Suzuki.

I can’t affórd a vacation in Cancún. I can only afford a vacation in


Come over (COMÓUVER) = visitar a alguien

Do you want to come over on Saturday? We will have a little party.

Can I come over on Friday?

Field (FÍELD) = cancha

He can’t afford a TV now.

He needs to save money first / He has to save money first.

Tuesday, August 24th

1. I finished the second book of the The Cruel Prince series. The
story is very addictive and has lots of (LOTSOF) plot twists,
deaths, and betrayals (BITRÉALS), which made me read it very
fast. I hope the ending is good and doesn't disappoint me.

2. On Friday, I met up with my friends from high school whom I

hadn't seen in a while. Fortunately, they were all fine. Due to
the curfew, I missed the last subway, so I had to take a bus to
The Maipu Square, but there weren’t any buses, and I tried to
take an Uber, but they didn't come, so I finally had to ask my
dad to pick me up.

Run out of = quedarse sin (plata, bencina, ideas)

Miss-missed = perderse algo (el tren, una fiesta, una clase, un


Lose-lost = perder algo (las llaves, plata en el casino, perderse

uno mismo)

3. Today, the trailer (TREILER) of the new Spiderman movie was

released, and it has been a trending topic all over social media.
Some people were happy and others were disappointed
because many thought that the old Spiderman actors like Toby
McGuire and Andrew Garfield would appear in this film (FELM),
but this didn’t happen.

4. After suing Disney, Scarlet Johansen is now in the news

because DC is reportedly offering her the role of a villain. This
has also been a trending topic since DC is the direct
compétitor of MARVEL.

5. Yesterday, my dentist put braces behind my teeth so that I

could put elastics on, but it has been quite uncomfortable. He
had put them on last month, but they came off on the third day.
I hope the same thing doesn't happen now so that the process
doesn't get delayed.

6. Last week, I received the five Percy Jackson books in English

that I bought in July. I have to make time to read (RID) in
Spanish, study English, read in English, and go to the gym.

7. I joined a gym on Monday, and yesterday, I registered at the

gym. Now I'm waiting for a personal trainer to give me a routine
to start working out. I hope I have the mental strength to go in
the mornings so that I can get a six pack.

Work out = entrenar en el gym

Régister-régistered = inscribirse

I’m going to look at my schedule and I will tell you.

look at = mirar (por un momento)

Watch = observar (por mucho rato)

My weekend was fun. On Friday evening I went to a bar with some friends
from high school. We went to Titania Bar, which is located in the República
neighborhood (NÉIBORHUD).

Neighbor (NEIBOR) = vecino/a

neighborhood (NÉIBORHUD) = barrio
I had fun. I drank only beer (BÍER), and we ate a chorrillana together / we
shared a chorrillana. It seemed like there wasn’t any COVID or curfew
because the Republica square was very crowded even after 10:00 pm.
People were dancing and drinking without face masks.

Drink-drank / have-had = beber


Seem-seemed (SIMT) = parecer

Like = como

Verbo Haber:
There is
There are
There was
There were

On Saturday, I watched a musical on Netflix called “In the Heights (HAITS)”

about some immigrants (ÍMIGRANTS) from Puerto Rico living in the US
who have different dreams. For example, one of them wants to be a
clothing (CLOUDING) designer, another one wants to go back to Puerto
Rico, and the other one, who is the first member of her family to be able to
go to college, has to drop out and get a job to help her family.

Drop out of college = dejar la universidad

I liked it a lot.

Heights (HAITS) = alturas

I’m afraid of heights.
I finished reading the second book of the Cruel Prince series (SIRIES).

Series (SIRIES) = serie

The plot has several twists

Many = muchos
Several = varios

Success (SAXÉS) = éxito

franchise (FRÁNCHAIS) = franquicia


Working out helps you to combat stress, get a better body, avoid muscular
(MÁSKIULAR) pain, and be healthier.
Thursday, August 26th

September 20th / the 20th of September

1. My family and I are planning a trip to Torres del Paine. We want to go

from September 20th to the 25th. I asked my boss about this, and he
said yes. I hope that this trip works out because I need time to relax.

Work óut = resultar, funcionar

2. After four years, Lorde released a new album. I had liked her first
two albums, but I didn’t like this one, which was very disappointing
because I had been waiting for this new album to come out.

I had liked = Me había(n) gustado

3. The TV show Brooklyn Nine-Nine will release its 8th and last season.
I have been waiting to watch season 7 and then season 8. This is a
fun TV show although I feel that when one of the main actresses quit,
the show lost a lot of its charm.

The 1st season / season 1.

The 2nd season / season 2.
The 3rd season / season 3.

Quit (KUIT)-quit (KUIT) = renunciar

After = después de...
Then = luego
After that = después de eso

4. The baby on the cover of the album Nevermind by Nirvana, sued the
band for child pornography. However, he had recently participated in
promotional evénts for the album; for example, a recreation of the
image of the cover. He said that he had been thinking about it, and
now, he doesn’t feel comfortable with the image, and he wants

Sue (SU)-sued (SUD) = demandar a

5. On Friday after work, I will go to a café with a friend from college. We

want to go to “Brussels (BRÁSELS), Heart (HART) of Chocolate”, in
Providencia. The menu of this coffee shop focuses (FÓUKOSES) on
all kinds of chocolate products including hot chocolate, chocolate
pies, and chocolate cakes.

6. Ana Vergara, a candidate for senator, was thrown out from her
political party because of her outrageous (AUTRÉILLOS) statements.
In an interview she said that Chile should become a monarchy to
recover our identity (AIDÉNTITI). Because of this, her cándidacy
lasted only 24 hours.

Cándidacy = candidatura
Become-became = convertirse en
Outrageous (AUTRÉILLOS)= atroz

Throw out = botar (algo) a la basura / echar a alguien

Throw-threw (ZRU)-thrown (ZROUN)
Tomorrow, I’m going to a café with a friend from college that I haven’t seen
in two months (MONS).

A month (MONZ)
Two months (MONS)

Go deaf (DEF) = quedarse sordo

I will close the door or you’ll go deaf with all the barking.

Bark = ladrar
Barking = ladridos

Maybe I will just stay home and watch a TV show or read (RID) a book.

I haven’t seen the weather (WEDER) forecast for this weekend.

I want to go to the gym on Sunday morning.

Make an appointment = pedir una hora

Because of COVID everybody has to make an appointment before going to

the gym.

You need to make the appointment at least one day in advance.

In advance = por adelantado

Tomorrow I have to go to the warehouse to teach a training course about

good storage practices. I have to teach about 25 people.

Train (v) = entrenar

A training / a training course = capacitación
I have to be at the warehouse at 8:00 am, and I will leave at 1:00 pm, so I
should get home at about 1:30 pm.

The story is very addictive and has lots of (LOTSOF) plot twists.

Because of / due to = debido a

All over (OLOUVER)

All over the world
All over the city
All over the country

Repórtedly = supuestamente

A routine (RUTÍN) = rutina

Heights (HÁITS) = alturas

Tuesday, August 31st (thirty-first)


1. On Friday I went to a café with three friends from college. We went to

Brussels, a coffee shop that focuses on chocolate. When we arrived,
we thought about leaving because there was a big line outsíde.
Fórtunately, we decided to stay in line because it moved very quickly.
The food was good but too sweet for me.

2. When I went to meet my friend at the café, I received a text message

from her that said she had been robbed (ROBT). Her wallet was
stolen with her ID, her driver’s license, and credit cards, but
fortunately, they didn’t steal her cell phone, so she was able to block
her credit cards quickly. On the next day she reported the robbery to
the police, and they gave her a temporary driver’s license (LÁISENS).

So = así que

Meet-met = juntarse con

Text message = mensaje de texto de WHATSAPP, FB, etc.

ID = carné

Rob-robbed-robbed = asaltar a alguien o asaltar un lugar

Steal-stole-stolen = robar algo

Robbery = asalto

3. When one of my friends arrived at the café, she realized that she had
forgotten her credit card at work, so I paid for her food, and then she
made a wire-transfer. Her work is near the café, so when we left, we
accompanied (ACÓMPANIT) her to pick up her card at work.

Near = cerca de

Make a wire-transfer = hacer una transferencia bancaria

Arrive at + buildings
She arrived at the mall at 2:00 pm.

Arrive in + regions
I arrived in Santiago last night.

Arrive to
I arrived to the mall
She arrived to Santiago

Get to + buildings and regions

She got to the mall at 2:00 pm.
I got to Santiago last night.

4. Today I went to the gym for the first time since the beginning of the
pandemic. Because of COVID, you have to make an appointment for
one hour. When you arrive, you must show proof of vaccination, and
every time you use a machine or dumbbell, you must clean it after
using it.

5. On Sunday I went to the mall very early (ÉRLI), which was a good
idea because I was able to enter four sneaker stores, and I didn’t
have to wait in line. Then I met my parents, and we went to eat at a
restaurant. After that, we came back to the mall to continue
(CONTÍNIU) shopping, but now it was very crowded (CRAUDED).
I was able = Pude
I wasn’t able to call you because I was in a meeting all morning.

6. I’m going on vacation from September 20th to the 25th. My parents

and I are going to Torres del Paine, so I’m very excited. To travel by
plane, you have to take a PCR test, and it will be the first time that I
take one. I hope that it doesn’t feel as uncomfortable as people say.

As_______as = tan_________como
My book is as boring as your book.

7. Tomorrow I’m going to Rucabar with a friend. Both the food and
drinks look very tasty (TÉISTI) on their website. I already made a
reservation, and I hope that we can get a table inside. On
Wednesday, it will be the first day with the curfew starting at midnight,
and the Metro will probably close after 11:00 pm, so we will be able to
stay out longer.

Make a reservation

8. She cared for nothing but her pretty red flowers, like the sun,
excepting a beautiful marble statue (STÁTIU) = No le importaba nada
más que sus bonitas flores rojas, como el sol, a excepción de una
hermosa estatua de mármol

Except / But = excepto (modern English)

Excepting = a excepción de (old English)

I hate all your friends but one / I hate all your friends except one.
He invited everybody but me / He invited everybody except me.
We have more freedom now.
We have fewer restrictions, at least for now, so I have been trying to go out
more and enjoy life while we still can.

While = mientras

Less + uncountable (ANCÁUNTABOL) nouns

Less money, less time, less water, less love, less energy.

Fewer (FIÚER) + plural nouns

Fewer restrictions, fewer books, fewer opportunities, fewer friends.

weather (WEDER) = clima

The weather has been cold and dry lately.

Lately / recently = últimamente

On the next day she reported the robbery to the police

Thursday, September 2nd
Maybe I will go to the mall to shop for clothes.
I like to shop at Adidas Originals, but I usually look at clothes, but I rarely
buy anything.

Look at

The clothes at that store are too big for me, even the small sizes.

Size = talla
Sizes = tallas

How tall (TOL) are you?

-I’m 1 meter (MITER) 75.

The clothes = They

The clothes are too big for me.

I need to go shopping for clothes because I need to buy winter clothes to

travel to Torres del Paine.

I need a warm parka.

We are going to travel to Torres del Paine from September 20th to the

For sure = seguro, de seguro

Wind = viento
Wine = vino

Recommend + ING verb:

My friend recommended buying a windbreaker.

These clothes are very expensive.

Borrow (BÁROU) = pedir prestado

Maybe I should borrow a windbreaker or a parka from someone.

I thought about that, but I don’t like borrowing things from friends because
I would worry about damaging them.

Make a decision = tomar una decision.

I have to make a decision about that.

An audit (ODIT) = una auditoría

I have to go to the warehouse for an audit tomorrow. I think it will take only
one and a half hours (AUERS), so I should finish work at about 12:00 pm.


continue (CONTÍNIU)

Call (COL)-called (COLT) = llamar

A table (TÉIBOL)
Wednesday (WÉNSDEI)

statue (STÁTIU) = estátua

Sleepy (adj) = con sueño

I feel sleepy / I’m sleepy.

Handsome (adj) = buen mozo

Brad Pitt is handsome / good looking.

Scarlett Johanson is good looking / pretty / beautiful.

The hairdresser
The barber

In the 60s / In the 1960s

In the 80s / In the 1980s

Quite (KUÁIT) = bastante

This computer is quite expensive.

Quiet (KUÁIET) = tranquilo, callado

You live on a quiet street.

Kind of / sort of = tipo de

You always watch the same kind of movies / You always watch the same
sort of movies

That’s why = por eso

At all (ARÓL)

That = It
That explains (DAREXPLEINS) everything.

Kind of (KAINDOF) = un poco, más o menos

I’m kind of (KÁIN-DOF) sleepy.

I’m kind of tired.
I’m kind of happy.
I’m kind of angry with you!

Kind of (KÁINDOF) = un poco, más o menos

That’s why = por eso

I have been kind of sedentary, and that’s why I’m going to the gym next

Quite (KUÁIT) = bastante (This computer is quite expensive)

That’s why = por eso
statue (STÁTIU) = estatua

She bought a quite expensive statue, and that’s why she doesn’t have
money now.
Tuesday, September 7th

Heist (HAIST) / robbery = asalto

1. The 5th and last season of “Money Heist” was released on Netflix,
and it has been a trending topic on all webpages. Apparently, one of
the main characters dies, which has generated a big impact on the
audience. The second part of this season will be released a few
months later, so I will wait to watch the 4th and 5th seasons together.

After = después de...

After the party, after September, after the end of the year

Later = más tarde

2. On the weekend, I downloaded and watched the new version of

Cinderella with Camila Cabello as the main character. The movie is
terrible, but it’s OK to watch at home on the weekend. For me, the
main issue is that the film tries to be very feminist, but it doesn’t
develop the plot well. The movie is a musical, and this is the only
aspect of the film that works well because almost all the songs are

3. The case of Rodrigo Rojas, the constituent who lied about his illness,
has made headlines around the world. The case has impacted local
pólitics, and it has created divided opinions. Some people think that in
spite of his mistake, he shouldn't be removed, while others think that
he should be removed immediately. This case has had repercussions
(RIPERKÁSHONS) for the Lista del Pueblo, which attempted to
change pólitics, but failed.

Attémpt-attémpted = intentar

4. On Sunday, the clocks changed from winter to summer time.

Specialists always say that this change is very harmful to your mental
health, but I’m very happy when the clocks change. Some articles
and research (RISERCH) say that this period increases suicides. I
don’t know why, but if an article says (SES) this, there is probably
some truth (TRUZ) about it.

5. On the weekend, I watched the Netflix film “He’s All That”. I

understand it's a remake of an old movie, but the main difference is
that now the gender of the characters has been changed. The film is
pretty bad, but it is (IRÍS) entertaining to watch on a weekend when
there is not much to do.

6. I started reading a new book by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I had already

read one book by her and really liked it, and I'm enjoying this one too.
The plot is about 4 siblings with very different personalities and lives
(LAIVS), but who love each other very much and whose parents are
dysfunctional (DISFÓNKSHONAL). The mother dies at an early age
due to alcoholism (ÁL-CO-HO-LI-SEM), and the father constantly
abandons them for other women.
My family and I are going to my uncle’s house on the 18th for a family


I didn’t go out at all this weekend.

I studied (STADIT) English on Saturday and Sunday.

I went to the gym at 5:00 pm on Friday, and it wasn’t too crowded.

I watched the new Cinderella movie by Amazon. However, I didn’t like the
new version because the plot isn’t well developed (DIVÉLOPT).

I started reading a new book this weeknd. I started reading a book by

Taylor Jenkins. I like it a lot, so far.

Sprinkle = garugar
It’s starting to sprinkle here, but it isn’t raining a lot yet.

How tall (TOL) are you?

-I’m one meter (MITER) 75.

one and a half hours (AUERS) = una hora y media

In the 60s / In the 1960s

In the 80s / In the 1980s
Thursday (ZÉRSDEI), September 9th

1. A Brazilian influencer named Bianca Andrade has generated

cóntroversy in her country by announcing that she will not assign
gender to her newborn baby because she prefers to wait until he or
she matures (MACHÉRS) enough to define it. Although (ÓLDOU) the
situation generated criticism (CRÍTISISEM), most of the couple's fans
celebrated the decision they made.


2. Britney Spears' (SPÍERSES) father has asked for his daughter's

court-imposed guardianship to end, according to several U.S. media
reports. The request comes weeks after Jamie Spears, the singer's
father, said he was willing to step down as her guardian after several
requests from the pop star to be removed from what she considers a
cruel (KRÚEL) and abusive (ABÍUSIV) arrangement

Step down = dar un paso al costado / renunciar

arrangement (ARÉNCHMENT) = arreglo / acuerdo
Request / ask for = pedir
According = de acuerdo a
Willing = dispuesto

I have had = He tenido

I have had a lot of work lately.

I’m going to my cousin’s house on Friday for a high school get-together. He
lives in an apartment in San Miguel.

My cousin and I went to school together.

We were in the same class / We were classmates.

Maybe I will go trekking with my friend Jocelyn from college.

a)Maybe we will go to Manquehuito hill.

b)We might (MAIT) go to Manquehuito hill
c)We may (MEI) go to Manquehuito hill.

I need to go to the mall to buy some warm clothes for my trip.

My trip is on September 20th /

My trip is from September 20th to the 25th.

I went to the gym on Monday and yesterday, so my body hurts.

I want to go to the gym at 5:00 pm tomorrow.

You have to make an appointment before going, so the gym is never too
crowded because they can contról how many people they receive at the
same time.
research (RISERCH)

Sprinkle = garugar
It’s starting to sprinkle here, but it isn’t raining a lot yet.

It’s loading (LÓUDING) = Está cargando (el programa)

It’s charging = Está cargando (la batería)

A housewarming party = fiesta de inauguración de casa nueva

Delicious (DELÍSHOS)

Refreshments (RIFRÉSHMENTS)

Go on = ir de
Go on a trip = ir de viaje

Go to = ir a
Go to China

Help yourself = Sírvete tu mismo

Beauty (n) = belleza

Beautiful (adj) = hermoso

By the way = a todo esto

Drum (DRAM) = tambor en general

The drums (DRAMS) = la batería

The Guitár
The violín (VAIOLÍN)

Choir (KUÁIER) = coro

Listen to

All over (OLÓUVER) = por todo

All over the world
All over the city
All over the country
All over Santiago

The violín (VAIOLÍN)

People who can read (RID) music can understand (ANDERSTÉND)

musical notes.

People have liked it for hundreds of years.

Own (OUN) = propio

Write down = anotar

He writes the music down on paper.

An órchestra
Tuesday, September 14th

1. The movie Dune was released this month. It is an adaptation of the

book with the same name. I have read (RED) reviews about the novel
and everyone says that it is a másterpiece, so I bought it. Then, I will
watch the movie because the reviews say that it is very good too.

2. My friends from highschool and I went to my cousin’s house on

Friday. This get-together has become a tradition to celebrate
September although this time was a little different because my
cousin’s baby is due on September 25th, and my cousin needs to be
ready to act quickly if his girlfriend starts having contractions.

3. Last week, I ordered clothes for my trip next week, but I’m not sure if
they will arrive on time. If they arrive late, I will have to return them
when I come back.

4. I just finished reading “Malibu Rising” by Taylor Jenkins Reid (RID) ,

and I liked it a lot. I have read two of her books, and both have been
very good. I know that she has a third book called Daisy Jones
(LLOUNS) & The Six, and although I really want to read it, I will wait
untíl I finish other books like Don Quixote, Le Miserables (LE
MISERÁB) , Dune, The Evening and the Morning, and Beloved.

two of her books / two books by her

Just = acabo de

5. This weekend, I watched a movie called Escape Room 2, which is

evidently a sequel to the first movie. This film (FELM) is similar to
Saw, but it contains fewer explicit deaths and gore. The plot twist at
the end of the movie was excellent, and I want to watch the 3rd part
although It has not been announced yet.
6. I’m very happy because I received an email on Friday saying that we
will leave work early on September 16th. I thought they were going to
give us the day off, but it’s better than nothing.

I went to my cousin’s house on Friday evening. Our friends from high

school were there. We usually get together to celebrate the national

I met my friends / I got together with my friends

My cousin Roberto will become a father around September 25th, and that’s
why we celebrated the national holidays one week early.

It’s going to be his first child, and it’s going to be a girl.

I finished reading Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins, and I liked it a lot.

This is the second Taylor Jenkins book that I have read (RED), and I
want to read (RID) more books by her.

I started reading Dune by Frank Herbert.

There is a new movie coming out based on this book, and that’s why I
wanted to read it.

I have read about 70 pages so far, and it’s good so far.

Genre (YENRA) = género de libros y películas

It’s supposed to be a masterpiece of the science fiction genre (YENRA).

It’s supposed to be = Se supone que es
I watched Escape Room 2. It’s a horror movie and very similar to Saw.

Saw = serrucho

I liked it.
I liked the plot twist in the end. / at the end of the film.

Today I had an online meeting in English.

I could understand (ANDERSTÉND) them, and they understood me, so I’m
very happy.


My cousin and I

in an apartment

Tell us

Write (RAIT)-wrote (ROUT)-written (RITEN)

An exám
An essay (ANÉSEI)

Homework (HÓUMWORK)

Ms. = Miss
Mrs. (MÍSIS)
Miss Jones (LLÓUNS)

Notebook (NÓUTBUK) = cuaderno / libreta

What am I (AMÁI) going to do?

Hand ín = entregar la tarea

We need to hand ín this homework by tomorrow.

By = a más tardar

About / on = sobre

I’m not letting you copy my homework /
I’m not going to let you copy my homework
Thursday, September 16th

1. The clothes that I ordered last week arrived yesterday, and

fortunately, they fit me well, so now I’m ready for my trip.

Clothes (plural) = They

Trip = viaje
Travel-traveled = viajar

2. I have been reading Dune lately, and it has been very good so far. I
like books with plots about pólitics and betrayal (BITRÉIL).

3. Minalima is a publisher (PABLISHER) that publishes (PÁBLISHES)

books with designs and illustrations that are very different and
beautiful. They published a beautiful version of Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s Stone a while ago, and now they have a version of
Harry Potter and The Chamber (CHÉIMBER) of Secrets available for
pre-order, and I want it.

Sausages (SÓSALLES) = embutidos en generales

4. My sister and I were looking for vegan sausages to make choripan

tomorrow. Jumbo sells a brand that is delicious (DELÍSHOS) but very
expensive, so we bought (BOT) a different brand that had good
reviews and was cheaper. The issue was that we found this brand at
a store that was far away from home, but since my sister loves food,
she offered to go get them.

5. I remember that a while ago, almost everyone talked very badly about
trashy TV shows like Primer Plano, SQP, and Morande con
Compañia, and they said that they didn't watch these kinds of
programs, but I never believed them. And if we look at the most
popular accounts on Instagram and Youtube, most of them have
content considered to be trashy.

Trashy (adj) = malo, de bajo calidad, vulgar, basura

Midgets (MÍLLETS) / dwarfs (DUÓRFS) = enanos

Celebrity shows = programas de farándula

6. I started playing a video game this week, and I like it a lot so far. I
hadn’t liked a game so much in a long time = No me había
gustado tanto un juego desde hace mucho tiempo.

7. Kim Kardashian was a trending topic because of her dress at the

MET GALA. Her clothing was very ridiculous but it met the objective
of generating comments. I like it when celebrities wear extravagant
clothes at the MET GALA, and generally women are the most daring

1) Who
2) When

Clothing (CLOUDING) = vestuario

Clothes (CLOUTS) = ropas en plural

I’m on vacation until Friday, the 24th.

Friday, the 24th / Friday, September 24th

I’m going to travel to Torres del Paine with my family.

We are leaving on Monday, the 21st, and we are coming back on the

My winter coat and my winter pants arrived yesterday.

I also bought a special T-shirt that is very warm and is perfect for very cold

My family and I are going to have a barbecue.

Have + events (IVÉNTS)

Have a barbecue
Have a party
Have a concert
Have a get-together

Make = cook food:

Make lasagna
Make empanadas
Make a barbecue
Make pasta
Make a sandwich

A másterpiece

Daisy Jones (LLOUNS) & The Six


This film (FELM)

I could understand (ANDERSTÉND) them.

Take = tomar / llevar

Take up = tomar un hobby nuevo:

I want to take up yoga this year.
I want to take up cooking lessons.

I study (STADI) every weekend.

She exámines children because she’s a doctor.

Do they design offices?

Janitors = conserjes / personal de aseo

Construction (CONSTRÓKSHON)

A hotél

A musician (MIUSÍSHAN) = músico

See you on Tuesday, the 28th

Tuesday, September 28th

1. My parents and I went to Torres del Paine on vacation last week, and
we had a great time. We flew to Puerto Varas on Monday, the 20th,
and it took us (ITÚKAS) approximately four hours to get there. Then
we took a van to the hotél, and we arrived at 5:30 pm.

get there = llegar allá

2. We left our luggage (LÁGACH) in our rooms, and then we planned

our excursions (EXKÉRSHONS) with our guide. Although the guide
recommended (RICOMÉNDET) that we start with an easy trek, we
decided to start with the most extreme one.

3. After we decided what trek to do first, we had dinner at the restaurant

of the hotel. In my opinion, the food was very fancy and delicious, and
fórtunately, they had vegetarian (VELLETÉRIAN) dishes. However,
my dad said that the food was too fancy for him, and the servings
were too small, so he ate very little.

Very little = muy pequeño / muy poco

Servings = porciones

4. On Tuesday, we got up very early to go trekking to Torres del Paine. I

wore a lot of warm (WORM) clothes because the weather was very
cold. Fortunately, the clothes that I had bought the previous
(PRÍVIOS) week arrived on time because they were very useful.

Warm (WORM) clothes = ropa abrigadora

5. The trek was very extreme, and at the beginning, I thought that I
wouldn’t be able to finish it because I got a cramp. But in the end, I
was able to do it. However, I was afraid (AFREIT) for my dad, but he
was able to finish too. The view of Torres del Paine was wonderful,
and we were lucky (LAKI) that the sky was clear.

6. We visited the cave of the Milodón, and Grey glacier (GLÉISHER).

The first one, the cave of an animal that became extínct millions of
years ago, was not so amazing, but the second one was very
beautiful. During the tour (TOR) at Grey glacier we met a very
likeable couple who had an interesting story about how (HAU) they
met. They met in Australia during a working holiday. She’s
Argentinian, and he’s Chilean. In the beginning, she didn’t like him
because of his nationality, but later, she fell in love with him and
forgot that he was Chilean.

Meet-met = conocer a personas

Glacier (GLÉISHER) = glaciar

Envious (ÉNVIOS) = envidioso

Jealous (LLÉLOS) = celoso

I’m envious of you because of your trip to Torres del Paine.

We came back on Saturday night at about 8:00 pm.

I went back to work yesterday, and I have a lot of work now.

I went to the warehouse very early this morning, and I came home at 1:00
pm, but after that, I had to work from home and finished work at 5:30 pm.
Have to-had to = tener que

Publish-published (PABLISHT) = publicar

Trashy (adj) = malo, de bajo calidad, vulgar, basura

Midgets (MÉDLLETS) / dwarfs (DUÓRFS) = enanos

Clothing (CLOUDING) = vestuario

Her clothing was

Clothes (CLOUTS) = ropas

A pediatrician (PEDIATRÍSHAN) = un pediatra

A musician (MIUSÍSHAN) = un músico

HW: Listening and reading

Thursday, September 30th (ZÉRTIEZ)

1. I watched the TV Show Squid Game on Netflix because it was a

trending topic on all social (SOUSHAL) media platforms. I liked it, but
it had errors that made the plot too unbelievable, so I don’t think that
it’s as good as people say.

Squid = calamar

2. I ordered the new Minalima edition of Harry Potter as a pre-order. It

will be released in October (OKTOUBER) of this year, and I hope
(HOUP) the shipment doesn’t take too long.

How much was it?

-It was 20,000 pesos / It was twenty thousand (ZAUSEND) pesos.

3. My family and I went to Jardin Mallinckrodt in Providencia to

celebrate my sister's new job, and it was very good since my sister
and I didn’t have any problems finding vegetarian and vegan dishes.
Although the menu had meat, my father only ate French fries.

4. Sebastian Sichel acknowledged that he withdrew his 10% from his

AFP. I think that this will afféct his cándidacy because it seems
contradíctory with his opinion about the 4th withdrawal (WIDRÓL)

Acknowledge (AKNÓLECH) - Acknowledged (AKNÓLECHT) =



5. I watched the 3rd (ZERD) season of Sex Education (EDIUKEISHON)

on Netflix. I liked it a lot because the characters have developed well.
I like the TV Show because it talks about sex in an educational
manner and without censorship.

Cénsorship = censura

6. I started watching the 7th season of Brooklyn Nine Nine. This is the
second to last season of the show.

Second to last = penúltima/o

7. Ricky Martin was a trending topic because of his new look. People
believe he had plastic surgery on his face, and they don't like the way
he looks.

Finish work

Every Friday

At work

I’m happy because at work they told us (TOULDAS) that starting today we
will finish work every Friday at 2:00 pm.

They told us (TOULDAS) = nos dijeron

I used to (AIÚSTU) leave the warehouse early on Fridays, but then I had to
continue working from home.

Now, I will finish work at 2:00 pm every Friday.

My sister got a new job in the human resources department at Universidad
Las Américas.

What does she do?

-She’s a businesswoman

She studied (STADIT) business at U. de Chile.

Unemployed (ANEMPLÓIT) = desempleado/a

She left her last job about a month ago, so she was never really
unemployed (ANEMPLÓIT).

She used to work at Isadora, a company that sells jewelry and accésories.

She left that job because she wasn’t happy since she did very little during
the day, and she was bored.

We went out to dinner on Tuesday evening to celebrate her new job.

We went to Jardín Mallinckrodt in Bellavista. They have a big variety

(VARÁIETI) of food. I had a vegetarian burger (BERGER) with regular
cheese, but she had a vegan (VIGAN) burger with vegan cheese.

Regular = normal

My mother had tacos, and my dad only had French fries.

My family is very close = unida

We took a van to the hotél.

I wore a lot of warm (WORM) clothes in Torres del Paine.

We took a tour (TOR) = un tur

“Look down on (someone)” = mirar en menos

Argentinians look down on Chileans, the same way we look down on
certain (SERTEN) nationalities.

Publish-published (PABLISHT) = publicar

Midgets (MÉDLLETS) / dwarfs (DUÓRFS) = enanos

Where does Gino live?

-He lives in Maipú.

What does Thomas do?

-He’s a pediatrician.

Where does Thomas work?

-He works at Clínica Las Condes.

How many children do they have?

-They don’t have any children.

What do they like to play?

-They like to play video games.

Where does Helen usually go on vacation?

-She usually goes to the south of Chile on vacation.

What do you need?

-I need a vacation in Japán.
Tuesday, October (OKTÓUBER) 5th

1. J. Balvin called to boycott the Grammy Awards because he wasn’t

nominated, and in response, Calle 13's Residente, the lead singer,
attacked him saying that if he wasn’t nominated, it was because his
music is trash. Now they are in a war on social media, with Calle 13
saying that J. Balvin only has one talent, which is the fact that he has
no talent whatsoever. The fight is very entertaining to follow (FALOU).

At all / whatsoever = en absoluto

2. According to news on the Bio-Bio website, a customer went to a car

dealership two years ago, asked to test drive a car, but never came
back. The company has sued the driver because he has been driving
the car and charging the tag to the car dealership.

3. A new poll indicates that Kast is in second place among the

presidential candidates. I think Sichel's recents news related to the
withdrawal of his 10% from the AFP and his father's interview,
affected his popularity négatively. Despite this, I am aware that polls
are made by powerful people and are not 100% reliable

4. I’m taking a course to be certified as a Lead Auditor. Today was the

second day of the course, which ends tomorrow. As the course is
during working hours, I have accumulated (AKIÚ-MIU-LEI-RET) a lot
of emails and other activities that I will finish by the end of the week.
This course will help me to improve my CV a lot.

By = a más tardar
Longer = more time
5. One of my friends was fired after 5 years of working at her company.
She was very sad and angry (ENGRI) at first because she had
worked there for many years and had sometimes worked longer than
necessary because of her commitment to her job. However, now she
is much calmer (COMER), and she will take this time to travel and

Calm (COM)
Calmer (COMER)

6. I have been shopping during this Cyber Monday, but as every year, I
haven't found anything interesting, and the offers are usually

Misleading = engañoso/s

I’m taking a course to get an auditor leader certification.

It’s a very intensive three-day-course.

My weekend was very quiet. I stayed at home most of the time, but I went
to the gym on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. The gym was kind
of empty because you still have to make an appointment before going.

Kind of = un poco

I watched some episodes of Brooklyn 99 on Netflix. I’m watching the 7th

season, and there are eight seasons altogether.

Altogether / in total (TOURAL) = en total

I'm still reading Dune, and I read two chapters of Meet me in Istanbul.
It will be released in October (OKTÓUBER) of this year, and I hope
(HOUP) the shipment doesn’t take too long.

30th (ZÉRTIEZ)

withdrawal (WIDRÓL) = retiro

I liked it a lot because the characters have developed well.

I used to (AIÚSTU) leave the warehouse early on Fridays.

She used to work at Isadora.

Work from home (HOUM) = hacer teletrabajo

He’s a pediatrician.

Vídeo games

They like to play video games in their free time.

South (SAUZ)

Sofa (SÓUFA)

What does he teach?

-He teaches biology and chemistry

Where does he teach chemistry?

HW: Pages 45 and 46.

Tuesday, October 12th

1.1 Tom’s fiance’s name was Angela.

She was working in Istanbul.
They had arranged (ARÉINSHT) to meet at the Park Hotel at Takim
Square at 5 o’clock on Monday, April 14th.

Arrange (ARÉINSH)-arranged (ARÉINSHT) = coordinar, programar

1.2 Kemal’s parents sold all kinds of things in their shop. For example,
brass ornaments, coffee-pots, leather trays, and onyx articles.

Pot = olla
A coffee pot = cafetera
A coffee cup = taza de café
A coffee mug = tazón de café

Tray (TREI) = bandeja

1.3 Before they said goodbye, Kemal gave Tom his telephone number.

2.1 When the bus stopped at some traffic lights, he saw a car that stopped
beside the bus, and Angela got out (GARÁUT) with two men.
2.2 The man was watching Tom.

Watch = ver tele / vigilar

2.3 Tom was going to go to Angela’s house to look for her.

The man in the grey raincoat followed (FALOUT) Tom.

3.1 He decided to go to Angela’s office to look for her.

3.2 He called someone to tell them what Tom was doing.

Telephone booth (BUZ) = caseta telefónica

3.3 The bad news was that Angela had died.

4.1 He said that it was impossible that Angela had died because he had
seen her the day before.

4.2 One of them was Mr David Pennington’s phone number, the man at the
Consulate (CÓNSULET), and the other number was Dunya’s office.

4.3 Tom finally phoned (FOUNT) Kemal.

Phone (FOUN)-phoned (FOUNT) = telefonear a

1. I got the third dose of the Coronavirus vaccine on Thursday. I didn’t

have any side effects with the first and second dose (DOUS), but
with this one, I had a headache and muscle (MASEL) pain.
Fortunately, I felt better on Friday. When my dad and my friend got
their third (ZERT) dose, they felt bad too, even worse than me.

2. I went to a wedding on Saturday, and although I only knew my friend,

it was very fun. First we went to the church ceremony, and then we
went to an evénts place for the party. The food and music were good,
and the party started at 2:00 pm and ended at 9:00 pm.

Finish = for people

End = for things

Jorge finished his homework at 5:00 pm = Jorge is a person

The movie ended at 9:00 pm = The movie is a thing

3. My parents, my sister, my dog, and I went to Metropolitan Park on

Sunday morning. We trekked to Pablo Neruda’s amphitheater
(ÁMFIZIARER) because my parents like to visit new places, and
they didn’t know this one. There was good weather, so the walk
(WOK) was very good.

Visit / get to know = acción de conocer

Last-lasted = durar
Side effects (SÁIDEFEX) = efectos secundarios adversos

I had some side effects (SÁIDEFEX) from the Pfizer vaccine, but they
lasted only for one day.

For + periods of time:

For three years, for five hours, for five days, for seven minutes, etc.

I did my English homework yesterday evening.

I went to a wedding on Saturday afternoon. It started at noon (NUN)

Noon = 12:00 pm
I didn’t know the bride or the groom.

Bride (BRAID) = novia

Groom (GRUM) = novio

Or = ni

I was invited by my friend Jocelyn, who is the bride’s coworker.

The wedding

The church céremony was in Recoleta and the wedding party was in La
Reina. It was a small wedding with about fifty guests (GES-TS).

They served lunch, and fortunately, they told them that I was vegetarian, so
I ate quinoa with vegetables as a starter, and for main course, I had risotto.
It was delicious.

Starter = entrada
Main course = plato principal

Non-vegetarian people had a Peruvian dish as a starter, and they had meat
and lasagna for main course.

For dessert, I had manjar mousse, which was very tasty (TEISTI), too.

We left the party at 9:00 pm.

Accumulate (AKIÚ-MIU-LEIT)-accumulated (AKIÚ-MIU-LEI-RET)

Quiet (KUÁIET) = tranquilo

My weekend was kind of quiet.
Quite (KUÁIT) = bastante
I’m quite interested in your offer.

He teaches biology and chemistry (KÉMESTRI)

Thursday, October 14th

I’m going to buy a gift for my dad because it’s his birthday on November
3rd. I think that I’m going to buy him a pair of tracksuit pants or a fanny

Fanny pack = banano

Tracksuit = buzo deportivo

I misunderstood what you said = Entendí mal lo que dijiste

Understand (ANDERSTÉND)-understood = entender

So I’m going to the mall tomorrow after work to get his present.

Get = receive / obtain / buy

It rained (REINT) here a little this morning.

There are floods (FLODS) when it rains too much in a short period of time.

Fragile (FRÁLLAIL) = frágil

This country is very fragile.

Maybe I will go to a bar with a friend on Friday night.

I like going out early because I like to go to bed early since I live far away,
and Ubers (UBERS) are very expensive late at night.

I would need to take two buses to get home.

I have been reading Dune. I have read more than half of the book. I have
read about three quarters (KUÓRTERS) of the book.

I like it a lot.

Accumulate (AKIÚ-MIU-LEIT)-accumulated (AKIÚ-MIU-LEI-RET)

Crafts = oficios
Arts and crafts = artes y oficios

Necklace (NÉKLES) = collar de cuaquier material

Beads (BIDS) = perlitas para hacer collares

Transpárent (adj) = transparente

Transpárency (n) = transparencia

Wire = cable
She strings the beads on plastic wire.

String (v) = encordar

Needle = aguja
Thread (ZRED) = hilo / enhebrar

Thread the needle = enhebrar la aguja

Look at what I’m wearing.

A T-shirt (TÍSHERT)

Sort / kind / type = tipo

Throw (ZROU) out / throw (ZROU) away = botar a la basura

I will throw away your present. If I don't like it.

The maid = la nana

Wrap (RAP) = envolver

Tie (TAI)-tied (TAID) = atar, amarrar

Turn off / switch off = apagar

Turn on / switch on = encender

High (HAI) = alto

Higher (HÁIER) = más alto
The highest = el más alto (de todos)

Suggést (SALLÉST) = sugerir

Score = puntaje
I got the highest score in my class!

I haven’t seen = No he visto

Tuesday, October 19th

1) Since my sister and I both finish work at 2:00 pm on Fridays, we went

to the mall to buy my father’s birthday gift. The good thing is that the
mall was almost empty, so it was very easy to find the gift quickly. We
bought some tracksuit pants, a cap, and a fanny pack. Since we
bought (BOT) the presents very fast, we were also able to buy a gift
for my mother because it’s her birthday in November too. We bought
her a black backpack. When we finished shopping, we had lunch, but
the weird thing was that to eat at the food court, you had to show
your mobility pass, but not to enter the mall.

Finish work = terminar el trabajo

Buy-bought + lo que se compra.

We bought many things.

Shop-shopped = comprar.
I don’t like shopping.
2) After the mall, I met a friend from work at a bar in Maipu. I didn’t know
the bar, but it was good. She told me about her life and the problems
that she has since her parents are getting divorced, and she hadn't
expected it (EXPÉKTETIT). She was living alone before her
mother's divorce, but now, her mother is living with her.

Get divorced (DIVÓRST) = divorciarse

3) I finished reading Dune, and I liked it a lot. I didn’t want to read other
books of this saga because they are a lot, but now I want to know
about one specific character who appears very little in the first book,
but she became my favorite character. I think that I will read the
second volume, and if I like it, I will continue reading more books of
this saga.

4) The day after I finished reading Dune, I dównloaded the film, but I
haven't watched it yet. I have high expectations for this film because
the book is excellent, and the locations that I imagined when I was
reading it were beautiful. I also like the cast a lot.

5) To practice my reading in English, I bought three graphic novels and

one manga comic in English, too. I have already read (RED) the three
graphic novels, and I’m happy because it was very easy for me to
understand them. The graphic novel is called Heartstopper
(HARTSTOPER) by Alice Oseman, which has been a bestseller for a
long time, so I decided to read (RID) it. The plot is about two boys
who go to the same school. One of them is openly gay, and the other
is straight until he meets the other and falls in love with him. The
story is very youthful (IÚZFOL) and innocent, and the author tells it
very well. Three books with the same characters have been
published so far, and I have read all three because I’m the biggest
fan of this series.
6) Now that the theaters are starting to reopen, I saw that at Nescafe de
las Artes, they are playing Rómeo and Juliet, so I think that I will buy
a ticket to see this play.

I got a haircut.

I’m hot in here. I need a fan

I’m horny = Tengo ganas de portarme mal.

My sister and I went to the mall to buy a birthday gift for my father on
Friday afternoon.

We bought (BOT) him some tracksuit pants at Adidas. His birthday is on

November 3rd.

We also bought him a red cap and a fanny pack.

Jockey = jinete de carrera

A cap = un jockey (sombrero)

Whose = cuyo

My mother’s birthday is in November, too, so we also bought her a birthday

present. We bought her a black backpack from Doite.

Her birthday is on November 28th, and my father’s birthday is on

November 3rd.
After buying the presents, we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant at the
mall. I had a burrito, and my sister had a salad because she is trying to lose

Hummus (HÁMAS) is an Árabic dish made from chickpeas (CHÍKPIS) =


On Friday evening, after the mall, I met my friend Blanca, and we went to a
bar in Maipú. It was kind of empty, but then it got crowded (KRAUDET) =
se puso lleno.

I had a michelada, which is beer with salt (SOLT) around the edge (ECH)
of the glass, and a little lemon.

edge (ECH) = borde

A little = un poco de

Cup = taza

Glass = vaso de vidrio

Then, I had a mojito, but it wasn’t very strong. It was kind of weak.

Blanca had draft beer, and then a mojito.

Draft beer = cerveza de barril

Bottled beer = cerveza embotellada

I finished reading Dune on Sunday, and I resumed reading Le Miserables

Understand (ANDERSTÉND)-understood = entender

Throw (ZROU) out / throw (ZROU) away = botar a la basura

I will throw away your present if I don't like it /
I will throw out your present if I don't like it.
Thursday, October 21st
Mean(MIN)-meant (MENT) = significar

1. “That’s it” meant (MENT) the place where Tom believed that he saw
Angela entering with two men.

2. Lawyers, dentists, and doctors had offices in that building.

3. She was killed in a road accident. The police identified

(AIDÉNTIFAID) her body because they found her passport and
papers in her handbag lying near the car.

Identify (AIDÉNTIFAI)-identified (AIDÉNTIFAID) = indentificar

4. He told him to think carefully about what he had said to him.

That's good = Qué bueno.

Congratulations on = Felicitaciones por

Congratulations on your certification.

Congratulations on your promotion = ascenso
Congratulations on your birthday

Congratulations on finishing your certification.

Congratulations on your new house.

I’m going to a bar with my friends from college on Friday night because a
friend who lives in the South is visiting Stgo.
We are meeting at a bar on Los Leones Ave (ÁVENIU) in Providencia. It’s
called On Tap.
Streets / Avenues + ON

About ten people are coming.

My parents are visiting my uncle at the beach this weekend.

They are leaving on Saturday morning, and they are coming back on
Sunday evening.

My uncle lives in Cartagena. He’s my mother’s brother and his name is


But my sister and I are not going. We’re staying here taking care of the dog
and watching the house.

Watch = vigilar, cuidar.

Based on = basada en

Since my sister and I are going to be alone at home, we are watching a

horror movie together on Saturday night and eating chorrillana.

My sister and I are very close, and we get along very well.

Get along (GERALÓNG) = llevarse

buy-bought (BOT)

Weird (WÍERT) = raro, extraño

She hadn't expected it (EXPÉKTETIT) = Ella no lo había esperado.

Self-contained (SELFCONTÉINT) = autoconclusivo.

The locations that I imagined when I was reading it were beautiful.

A gift / a present.

It wasn’t very strong. It was kind of weak.

Bottled (BÓRELT) water = agua embotellada

Bottled (BÓRELT) beer = cerveza embotellada

Tap water = agua de la llave

Tap = llave del agua

A class = clase con varios alumnos

A lesson = clase particular

Younger (IÁNG) = jóven

Younger (IÁNGER) = más jóven

My baby brother = my hermano chico.

A swing = un columpio

Might (MAIT) = puede que

May (MEI) = puede que

The sticks are used as tools to teach a lesson.

Stick (STEK) = palo

Tool = herramienta
As = como

Break-broke = romper

Son (SAN) = hijo

Break you (BRÉIKIU)

Siblings = brothers and sisters

How many brothers and sisters do you have? /

How many siblings do you have?

Fabiana and I are siblings /

Fabiana and I are sister and brother.
Tuesday, October 26th

7.1 Kemál noticed that someone was following them when they were
walking in the gardens of Topkapi Palace.

7.2 They didn't leave the palace together so that the man who was
following (FALOUING) them wouldn’t be able to follow (FALOU) both of

Because = porque
So that = para que

wouldn’t be able = no pudiera

8.1 She thought that Angela was afraid (AFRÉID) of Dunya because when
she saw him in a restaurant, she became nervous.

8.2 She thought there was something strange about the accident because
Angela was worried about something (SÁMZING), and suddenly she had
an accident.

8.3 She thought Angela was going to see a doctor because she had a virus
two weeks before the accident.

8.4 She advised him to be careful because it could be dangerous.

1. My sister and I watched a horror movie on Saturday night. We

watched Malígnant. When I watched the trailer (TRÉILER), it looked
very good, but the film was actually very bad. I wasn’t afraid
(AFRÉID) at any time, and it even seemed a little ridiculous

Afraid = asustado
Fear = miedo

I’m going back to work next month.

I have been working from home for two years, but now I will have to start
going to work, which I don’t like.

Work from home = trabajar desde casa, hacer teletrabajo.

That’s life = Así es la vida

On Friday night I went to On Tap, a bar on Los Leones Ave with about
eight friends, and I had a good time. I had three beers, and my friends, too.

The bar specializes in beer, and they have a wide variety (VARÁIETI) of

Specialize (SPÉSHALAIS) in = especializarse en

I didn’t do anything on Saturday during the day.

On Saturday night, my sister and I watched Malignant, a horror movie that I

downloaded from the internet, but It was bad.

Get scared = asustarse

I went to the mall on Sunday morning to pick up a headset that I bought

from Z-mart. I use it for video games and other things, too.
Get / but = comprar

I have another pair of bluetooth headphones that are obviously wireless,

but the problem is that I have to remember to recharge the battery.

A headset = headphones with a microphone (un manos libres)

I also bought a gift for my father, whose birthday is in November.

It is actually a gift from my mother. She was at the beach, so she couldn’t
go and asked me to buy the gift, so I bought my father a pair of sandals.

I bought him a pair of red tracksuit pants from Adidas.

I also bought some sneakers for myself at Nike.

Identify (AIDÉNTIFAI)-identified (AIDÉNTIFAID) = indentificar

Arrive at + buildings
Arrive in + cities/ boroughs

Carefully = cuidadosamente
Careful = cuidadoso

You must be careful.

Whole (HOUL) = entero

A virus can make your whole computer crash.

I might (MAIT) have lost some of my work = Puede que haya perdido algo
de mi trabajo.

Might / may = puede que

Don’t worry = No te preocupes
Don’t worry, be happy!

I can help you (HÉLPIU).

In case it happens again.

Exám / Examination

Subject = materia, ramo

Join = unirse a

Mathemátics (MAZEMÁTIX) / Math (MAZ)

Thursday, October 28th
I have állergies = Tengo alergias

I’m allérgic to animals.

Take + medicines
I don’t take cetirizine (SÉTRISIN) for my állergies.

I use a nasal (NÉISAL) spray for my nose congestion.

I got a graphics card today that I bought two weeks ago on Amazon.
It was about $300,000 pesos.

300,000 = three hundred thousand

I alréady installed it (INSTÓLDET), but I still haven't used it (IÚSTET).

I’m going to try it after this class.

Try = probar.

My friend Ana and I went to a bar in Providencia yesterday evening.

It was very good. I had pizza (PITSA), French fries, and a cocktail.

A cocktail = un trago preparado

Ana had the same as me.

Maybe I will play video games all weekend.

Maybe I will go to a party.
Maybe I will go to the mall.
Maybe I will do exercise at the gym.
Maybe I will study English.
Maybe I will finally watch Dune this weekend.

afraid (AFRÉID) = asustado

The bar specializes (SPÉSHALAISES) in beer, and they have a wide

variety (VARÁIETI) of beer.

I can help you (HÉLPIU).

She studies a lot.

This soup tastes wonderful.

They are at school today.

What time is dinner?

-At 8:00 pm.

What does Jane have in the fridge?

-She has a pizza in the fridge.

Recipes (RÉSIPIS) = recetas de cocina

Pots = ollas

The stove (STOUV) = la cocina a gas

A cook = un cocinero

My sister likes to make lasagna and pastries (PÉISTRIS).

pastries (PÉISTRIS) = pasteles en general

Does Alex speak Russian (RÁSHAN)?

Russia (RÁSHA) = ruso

Anita is unemployed at the moment (MÓUMENT)

A lot of / many = muchos

Several = varios

A few = unos pocos


Write (RAIT)
Writing (RAITING)

Bite (BAIT)
Biting (BAITING)

Keep = mantener / continuar

I always keep my beer in the fridge = mantener
Please keep explaining your situation to me = continuar
girl (GERL) = niña

Repair (RIPÉR)
Repairing (RIPÉRING)

Beside / next to = al lado de

Laugh (LAF) = reir

Laughing (LAFING)

Tuesday, November 2nd

9.1 Tom was planning (PLANING) to make Dunya believe that he would
leave London.

9.2 When Flight TK979 left for London, he called a number and notified
them about this.

9.3 Tom and Kemal were going to start looking for Angela at Dunya’s

10.1 Tom disguised himself so that Dunya wouldn’t récognize


Disguise (DISGÁIS) = caracterizarse para no ser reconocido

A wig (WEG) = peluca

Moustache (MÁSTASH)

10.2 Tom and Kemal found out where Dunya lived because they followed
(FALOUT) him. Dunya lived in a large house with beautiful gardens around

10.3 Kemal’s idea was to go to Dunya's office and pretend to be interested

in selling Dunya some ornaments.

Pretend = fingir

Idea (AIDÍA)
I have an idea

11.1 When Kemal and Dunya were in the workshop, the phone rang.

11.2 Kemal noticed a wall, which wasn’t too high, at one end of the
courtyard (CÓRTIART)

Courtyard = patio interior de mansión

12.1 The men were putting opium into the onyx and brass ornaments.

12.2 When Tom slipped and knocked over the piece of wood, it fell on the
ground with a loud crash.

Slip-slipped = resbalar
Knock over = botar

13.1 Angela was at Dunya’s house.

13.2 Angela was involved (INVÓLVT) with this because one day she saw
what they were doing.

13.3 The police were waiting for Dunya.

13.4 Angela got out of a car and said hello to Tom.

14.1 Pennington became convinced that Tom’s story was true because
Julie told him about her conversation with Tom.

14.2 Angela was worried because she had told Dunya that Tom would

14.3 Tom wanted a really dull, unínteresting holiday in Ístanbul.

Dull = boring
1. Although I had promised (PRÓMEST) not to buy more books
because I don’t have more space in my room, I didn’t resist the
temptation, and I bought a book with about one thousand pages. It’s
called “Ciudad de Medialuna” by Sarah J. Mass. The book is very
good so far because the genre (LLÉNRA) is fantasy but with adult
(ÁDOLT) characters. I have read appróximately 200 pages until now.

Gender = género de persona (male, female, transgender, etc)

Genre (YENRA) = género de libros y películas (fantasy, horror, action,

thriller, drama, etc)

2. I finished the book “Meet Me In Istanbul”, and I’m very happy

because I feel that it was very easy to understand. Now, I started
reading “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” in English to continue
practicing my reading.

3. I finished the first part of the book “Les Miserables”. I liked it, but it’s
so sad that I prefered changing books and started reading “Ciudad

4. My family and I said goodbye to my cousin yesterday, who will travel

to Peulla today to start a new job at a hotel.

Go to-went to

Want to-wanted to
5. I finished playing a video game whose name I can’t remember, but it
was amazing. Its design and story are beautiful, and the great thing is
that it isn’t so long. I started playing a new video game called “Watch
Dogs”. It’s about a society where technology is very advanced, and
all the information about people is controlled by an evil (ÍVOL)
corporation, and you have to fight against them.

whose = cuyo (para cosas y personas)

6. I started watching “The Office” because someone recommended it to

me. I like it a lot so far.

A holiday weekend = fin de semana largo

My holiday weekend was good. I read a lot and played video games.
I also said goodbye to my cousin who is going to Peulla, a small town in the
South (SAUZ) of Chile, to work at the only hotél in Peulla. She is going to
be on trial (ON TRÁIAL) for three months (MONS), and then she might

Get lost-got lost = pederse

On trial (ON TRÁIAL) = a prueba

A month (MONZ)
Two months (MONS)

I finished the first volume of Le Miserables, but I’m not going to read the
second one yet.
The second / the second one = el segundo

Few = pocos (plural)

There are few characters in that book, so it’s easy to remember who is

Little = poco/a (singular)

I have little money in my AFP account.

I started reading “House of Earth (ERZ) and Blood (BLOD)” by Sarah J.

Maas. The plot is a fantasy with characters who are adults, so the story
isn’t childish (CHÁILDESH).

childish (CHÁILDESH) = infantil

Blood (BLOD) = sangre

The main character is half elf and half human, and all her friends are killed
but no one knows who is the murderer.

No one / nobody = nadie

Join = unirse a
Archangel (ARKÉNYEL) = arcángel

Two years later, her new friends are also killed the same way. So now she
wants to find out who the murderer is, and she joins an archangel who
wants to recover his freedom from other angels (ÉNYELS) who made him a
I like this book a lot so far.

I also started reading Percy Jackson, and it’s good so far, but I have read
only 5 pages.

Niece (NIS) = sobrina

Nephew (NÉFIU) = sobrino

I started watching The Office on HBO. It’s a comedy show.

I wanted to watch it (WÁTCHET) in English with English subtitles (SÁB-


I don’t take cetirizine (SÉTRISIN) for my állergies.

I alréady installed it (INSTÓLDET), but I still haven't used it (IÚSTET).

The bar specializes (SPÉSHALAISES) in beer.

The stove (STOUV) = la cocina a gas

Anita is unemployed at the moment (MÓUMENT)

Thursday, November 4th

1. My family and I celebrated my father's birthday yesterday. My uncles,

cousins, and my grandmother came over (KEIMÓUVER). My little
nephew (NÉFIU) had to leave early because he was sick and vómited

Come over (KOMÓUVER)-came over (KEIMÓUVER) = visitar a alguien en

su casa.

nephew (NÉFIU) = sobrino

2. I picked up my passport and my national ID today. I had to renew

(RINIÚ) them because they had expired = habían expirado

3. I got an email notification that my pre-order of the book Harry Potter

and the Chamber (CHEIMBER) of Secrets by Minallima is about to be
shipped, so I’m very excited about that.

I gave my father a fanny pack and a pair of tracksuit pants for his birthday

He liked them a lot.

He got a pérfume and a pair of sandals from my mother.

Get-got = recibir / obtener

My sister and I bought him a fanny pack and some tracksuit pants together.
/ The fanny pack and the tracksuit pants are from the two of us.

I picked up my passport and my national ID at the civil registry this morning


ID = carnet en general
National ID = carné de identidad

Withdraw (WIDRÓ=-withdrew (WIDRÚ) = retirar dinero

Pick up-picked up (PIK-TÁP) = pasar a buscar / recoger

We are going to travel as a family…

for Christmas = para navidad / at Christmas = en navidad

We are going to travel to New York.

It was my sister’s dream.

And now her dream will come true = hacerse realidad

Get along = llevarse bien

I got an email from The Book Depository (DIPÓSITORI) saying that my

book will be shipped now / that my book is about to be shipped.

About to = a punto de

I should get it soon.

planning (PLÁNING)

récognize (RÉCOGNAIS)

Wig = peluca

courtyard (CÓRTIART) = jardín interior, patio interior

involved (INVÓLVT) = involucrado

adult (ÁDOLT)

It’s called House of Earth (ERZ) and Blood (BLOD).

I wanted to watch it (WÁCHET) in English with English subtitles (SÁB-TAI-


Mountains (MÁUNTENS)

Hiking (HÁIKING) = trekking.

Bedroom (BETRUM)

Bathroom (BAZRUM)

Small (SMOL)

Ball (BOL) = pelota

Shore = orilla
Dock = muelle

Teenage (adj)(TÍNEICH) = adolescente

I have a teenage brother.

In the winter (UÍNTER)

Tuesday, November 9th

1. A dog groomer is going to come to my house on Tuesday because

my dog has very long and dirty (DERTI) hair. I hope that this will
improve my allergies.

2. At work, they sometimes give us “recognition points” when we do a

good job. This platform is associated (ASÓUSIEITET) with Linio, so
we can redeem (RIDÍM) these points for good things. I had
accúmulated (AKIÚ-MIU-LEI-RET) several (SÉVERAL) points, and I
got a gift card for Falabella.

Get-got = recibir, obtener

redeem (RIDÍM) = canjear

3. I had to go to work yesterday, but I couldn’t because there weren’t

any Ubers (UBERS) available. I waited for about 30 minutes, and I
finally decided to go back home.

Wait for = esperar

No one / nobody = nadie

4. My family and I went to Barrio Italia yesterday to celebrate my father's

birthday because we hadn’t been able to go out as a family. We went
to a bar called “Bar y Vuelvo”, and It was good although (ÓLDOU) we
had some problems with our order. Fortunately, the problems were
solved, and they gave us a good díscount.

5. I have training at work all this week. I had a lot of expectations about
this training, but yesterday was the first day, and it’s not so good
because the teacher is kind of boring, the platform has some
problems, and I already know everything that they are teaching,
so I feel that I'm wasting (WEISTING) my time.
Waste = derrochar, malgastar, perder (tiempo)

6. Every day I am surprised by pólitics. The last thing was the large
speech by Jaime Naranjo so that Jackson could vote. Fortunately,
this worked, and the constitutional accusation against Piñera was
approved by the representatives.

Representatives = diputados
Sénators = senadores

The house of representatives = la cámara de diputados

The sénate (SÉNET) = el senado

So that = para que

So = asi que

7. Chris Evans, Captain (CAPTEN) America, was chosen as this year’s

sexiest man by “People'' magazine. I thought that the chosen guy
simply appeared in the magazine, but I read that they must accept
this award (AWÓRD). He had been chosen last year, but his
manager had decided to reject this nomination because Evans was
involved in a sexual (SÉKSHUAL) cóntroversy, and he thought that it
wasn’t a good time.

A good time = un buen momento

award (AWÓRD) = premio

8. The diréctor of Squid Game, the popular series on Netflix, confirmed

that they are going to make a second season. I hope that some
characters that supposedly (SUPÓUSEDLI) died in the first season
(SÍSON) return one way or another = de alguna forma u otra.
9. I have mixed feelings about something. Last week two pigs escaped
from a truck that was going to the slaughterhouse (SLÓRERHAUS),
and now they are living happily in an animal sanctuary. The sad thing
is that the other pigs didn’t escape and are now dead.

supposedly (SUPÓUSEDLI)

My weekend was quiet. I stayed at home all weekend. I relaxed a lot

reading House of Earth and Blood and watching The Office on HBO.
I also played video games.

I went to the gym on Saturday morning, and it was kind of empty.

My sister and I were home alone again all weekend, since my parents went
to Rosa Agustinas, a resórt near Pomaire until Sunday.
We made lasagna and at night, we ordered sushi, which was great!

My family and I went to a bar to celebrate my father’s birthday on Sunday.

He turned (TERNT) 58. We went to Bar y Vuelvo in Barrio Italia.
The food and drinks were good, but we had some problems with our order.
My sister ordered a sandwich on marraqueta bread, but after a while, they
told us they didn’t have marraqueta, so she ended up changing her order =
terminó cambiando su pedido.

I ordered an eggplant sandwich, but after a while, they told me that they
didn’t have eggplant, so I ended up ordering the sandwich without eggplant
because they didn’t have any more vegan dishes.

Eggplant = berenjena

I drank a kind of michelada with strawberries and lemon juice (YUS). It was
The edge of the glass had salt (SOLT) that tasted (TÉISTET) like

Then, I had another michelada, which had candy on the edge of the glass.

I’m very excited about thát.


I wanted to watch it (WÁCHET).

My little nephew (NÉFIU) had to leave early because he was sick and
vómited (VÓMITET).

Withdraw (WIDRÓ) - withdrew (WIDRÚ) = retirar dinero

I want to clean my dog’s bed by hand = a mano.

several (SÉVERAL) = varios

Thursday, November 11th

1. Do you remember that I said that Evans would be the sexiest man
this year according to People magazine? Well, I was mistaken, and
they finally chose (CHOUS) Paul Rudd (RAD).

Choose (CHUS) - chose (CHOUS) = elegir

2. I’m angry (ENGRI) because we went back to the office, but there are
some things that they didn’t take into account. For example, we don’t
have an optimal space for lunch, the internet is slower than at home,
and we don’t have taxis hired by the company. Before the pandemic,
they gave us a van, but now I must take an Uber and wait for one
hour before it accepts my ride.

Hire-hired = contratar

Ride = trayecto
Trip = viaje

Travel-traveled = viajar

3. I finished the training that I told you about on Monday. I finally liked it,
not so much, but it was OK. I have some tasks to do now to get the

4. I bought a light novel on/from The Book Depository last month, and it
arrived yesterday. It's called Sword Art Online, and I’m excited
because it’s the novel that inspired one of my favourite animes. There
are 14 volumes so far, and reading it will be a challenge because
they are all in English.

excited = entusiasmado

Maybe I will go to a bar this weekend

Maybe I will meet my niece (NIS), Ema on Sunday

niece (NIS) = sobrina

Nephew (NÉFIU) = sobrino

Maybe I will work out at the gym

Work out = entrenar

Maybe I will go to the mall to buy some books at Antarctica Bookstore or

some shampoo at Lush, and maybe I will get a suitcase for my trip to New
York, the city that never sleeps.

I like Contrapunto bookstore better than Antartica bookstore.

I like the comic books that they have
I like their photo books and their art books.

Suitcase (SÚTKEIS) = maleta

I’m happy because I read the news that the band Gorillaz is playing a new
concert in Chile next year.
They came to Chile in 2018, but I didn’t go because I didn’t want to spend
money, and the tickets were kind of expensive.

Spend money = gastar plata

Waste money = malgastar plata

The concert will be at Movistar Arena (ARINA).

They are one of my favorite bands. I like their music and their graphic style
a lot.

Lead (LID) singer = vocalista

The lead singer of Blur is in the band Gorillaz, too.

I bought a new book from The Book Depository, and it arrived yesterday.
It’s called Sword (SORD) Art Online by Reki Kawahara. It’s a light novel
about people who play a virtual reality game online, and when the game
starts, they notice they can’t leave the game, and if they die in the game,
they die in real life.

Sword (SORD) = espada

I’m wasting (WEISTING) my time.

several (SÉVERAL) = varios

We must do / we have to do

Non-action verbs (senses / mental things) never use present

continuous; only present simple!

Right now, I see a bird outside my window

Honey (HANI) = miel

I think that this bread has honey in it.

Leather boots (BUTS) = botas de cuero

A siren (SÁIREN) = sirena

Tuesday, November 16th

1. I wanted to go to the gym on Friday after work, but I was so tired that
I decided not to go. I felt guilty, but since I missed my appointment, I
decided to jump rope instead. I jumped rope for about an hour.

An hour = 60 minutes
An appointment = hora con el doctor, dentista, gimnasio, etc.

2. I finished reading House of Earth and Blood, and I liked it but not so
much. I thought that I was going to like it a lot because the characters
are adults (ÁDOLTS), but although they are adults, they start a very
corny relationship, and the sex (SEX) scenes are very weird. The
thing that I liked was the plot twist of the story, so I want to continue
reading the rest of the books of this series. The problem is that I have
to wait for the second and third books to come out, and I still don’t
know when they will be published (PÁBLISHT) in Spanish because
the second book is going to come out just this year.

Just = recién
Come out = salir (a la venta)
Still = todavía, aún

3. I resumed reading Percy Jackson and The Olympians. I finished the

first chapter, and I feel that it has been easy to understand so far.
There are some verbs or words that I don’t know, so I’m highlighting
these verbs, nouns, ádjectives, and prepositions with different colors.
It’s weird to mark a book, and it’s the first time that I do it, so I hope
that this works to help me learn English.

Highlight = destacar (con un destacador)

Underline = subrayar

4. I found out that Justin Bieber is going to have a new concert in Chile
next year, and tomorrow is presale, so I’m going to try to buy them
with my sister. I remember that at the beginning of his career, I didn’t
like his music, but his 5th album was amazing to me, and I have been
following him since then. So, I already have two concerts that I want
to go to next year: Gorillaz and Justin Bieber.
My sister is very happy too, because she has been a Justin Biber fan
from the beginning. In fact, this would be the 3rd time that she would
see him live (LAIV).

live (adj)(LAIV) = en vivo

A live concert.

5. I read about a new exhibition at Movistar Arena, and I want to go. It’s
called Beyond Van Gogh, and it’s going to begin on December 8th.
According to its website, it’s a multisénsory (MOLTISÉNSORI) digital
experience, so I’m very excited because art and technology are two
things that I like a lot. The tickets aren’t very cheap, so I hope it’s
worth it = vale la pena

6. I watched Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings. It’s a new
Marvel superhero movie, and I kind of liked it. It’s very predictable but
has good fights. What distínguishes it from other Marvel movies, is
the culture where it is set since the characters are mostly Chinese.

Distinguish (DISTÍNGUISH) = distinguir

Mostly (MOUSTLI) = principalmente, en su mayoría

angry (ÉNGRI) = enojado

Novel (NÓVEL)

Work out (WORKÁUT)


Lead (LID) singer = vocalista

Leather pants
A leather jacket
A leather backpack
Leather shoes
Lather boots

Ride = andar
I’m not riding on a bus right now

Noise (NOIS) = ruido

Near (NIER) = cerca de

Laugh (LAF) = reir

Laughing (LAFING) = riendo

The stereo (STEREO) = el equipo de música

Clothes (CLÓUTS)
Tuesday, November 23rd

1. I’m very disappointed with the results of the presidential election. I

thought that Kast would advance to the second round, but I never
thought that he would get the first majority. I’m also very unhappy
because the Right has a parliamentary (PARLAMÉNTARI) majority.

2. My family and I went to meet my niece on Sunday. Although I’m not

a big fan of babies, I felt very cómfortable with her. She is my
cousin’s first child, and I’m very happy for him because being a father
had always been a dream for him. He wants more children, but his
girlfriend doesn't, so he accepts her decision.

3. My sister and I went to the mall to buy a gift for my mom’s birthday.
We bought a pair of sandals and a backpack to travel. My sister took
advantage of this visit to the mall to change two pairs of shoes that
she had bought online, but they were too small. We also went to
Antartica bookstore, and we bought a calendar for my mother and a
book for my friend whose birthday was last week. My sister bought a
book because the cover (COVER) was fuchsia, and the story was
kind of feminist.

Whose = cuyo

4. I’m very happy because Dexter, which is one of my favourite shows,

came back. I watched two episodes on the weekend. The story is
good so far, and I liked it because two of the characters from the
original series are in this season.

5. I was shopping, and I found a good deal on the six Dune books, so I
bought (BOT) them. I’m waiting for The Book Depository to ship
them. I have a lot of unread (ANRÉD) books, but I didn’t want to miss
this opportunity.

Deal = oferta de un producto

Sale = liquidación de tienda

6. I got together with my friends from college on Saturday because it

was Maxi’s birthday. It was fun to remember the old days and realize
the different lives (LAIVS) that we chose (CHOUS). Two of them have
children, another wants to live in Chiloé, and another wants to
continue studying science. Despite our differences, we are very

Funny = chistoso, gracioso

Fun = entrete

A life
Two lives

Another person, another car, another student, another life

Other people, other cars, other students, other lives

7. I got a new version of Harry Potter and the Chamber (CHEIMBER) of

Secrets by Minalima. It’s a beautiful edition. I don’t know if they are
going to publish the third book, but I hope so.

My department is being audited (ÓDITED) = Mi área está siendo auditada.

It’s very tiring / It’s very exhausting = es muy cansador.

It’s going to end on Friday / We are going to be done on Friday.

That’s why = Por eso

That’s why I couldn’t attend our last class.

Attend = asistir a
I attended a meeting
I attended a concert
I attended an interview
I attended a class
I attended a party
I attended a conference
I attended Universidad de Chile.

I went to the gym on Friday evening, and then I went to the dentist.

On Saturday morning, I went to the gym and then to the mall with my sister
to buy birthday presents for my mother and my friend Maxi.

My mother's birthday is on November 28th, and Maxi’s birthday was on

November 18th, but I haven’t seen him.

I got my mother a pair of sandals and a backpack.

I got Maxi a book. I saw him on Saturday and gave him his present.

I got together with my friends on Saturday evening at Maxi’s house, who

lives in Maipú very close to me.

On Sunday morning, I voted at a school here in Maipú.

Polling (PÓULING) = votación

The polling place was very empty at that time = a esa hora.
So it took me only one minute to vote.

I knew (NIÚ) where my candidates were on each of the votes.

None (NON) of my candidates were elected (ILÉKTET) unfórtunately.

The second round will be on December 19th.

On Sunday evening, I met my niece, Ema, for the first time.

She was born in October. She’s my 2nd degree niece; my cousin’s
daughter. He lives in San Miguel with his girlfriend and their daughter, Ema.

Meet-met = conocer por primera vez / juntarse con

I had given her a present before, so I didn’t give her a present this time.

She wasn’t born yet.

I gave her a present before she was born.

Novel (NÓVEL)
Thursday (ZERSDEI), November 25th

I had to go to work today.

I finished work later than I expected.

But now I’m home.

I hate going to work / I hate it.

Finish (for people)

I finished reading my book last night.
We finished work early today.

End (for things)

The audit ended today.
The movie ended at 9:00 pm.

Tomorrow, I’m going to get together with my voluntéer

(VOLUNTÍER) team since some members don’t know each other in
person yet.
This is a team of volunteers that we have at work.
We help four organizations like Fundación Nuestros Hijos and
Paternitas. We colléct money (MANI) for them, and we organize
activities to help the members of these organizations directly.

For example, Paternitas is an organization that helps ex-convicts who

are trying to reinsert (RI-INSÉRT) themselves into (INTU) society.

Fundación Nuestros Hijos helps children with cancer.

We are going to meet at the team leader’s house in Las Condes.

She lives two hours from me!

I finish work at 2:00 pm on Fridays, and the meeting is at 6:00 pm.

I want to go to the mall to get some jeans.

Retail = al por menor

Wholesale = al por mayor

Department stores = multitiendas (Falabella, Paris, Ripley)

It’s my mom’s birthday on Sunday, and we’re going to celebrate it wth

her side of the family.
My aunts, my grandmother, and my cousins are coming on Sunday
afternoon, and they are staying all day.


I knew (NIÚ) where my candidates were on each of the votes.

None (NON) of my candidates were elected (ILÉKTET) unfórtunately.

Afraid (AFRÉID)
I’m afraid of snakes.

Can I help you (HÉLPIU)?

Thirty (ZERTI)
At 10:35 pm
Tuesday, November 30th (ZÉRTIEZ)

1. The audit ended on Friday with good results. Last week was very
intense, and I ended up very tired. The auditors found some non
conformities, but none for Chile.

2. I went to the mall on Friday after work. I was killing time because
I had to meet my voluntéer team in the evening. I bought a gift
for a girl who I sponsor at Fundación Nuestros Hijos. It was
difficult to choose a present for her because I only knew her
name and age. Also, because she has cancer, there are some
things that I couldn’t buy her, like certain foods or stuffed
animals. I finally got (GAT) her a book called “50 Stories From
Children And Youngsters Who Changed The World”. I hope she
likes it.

Stuffed (STAFT) = relleno/s

Stuffed tomatoes
Stuffed potatoes
Stuffed animals = peluches

3. After the mall, I met (MET) my volunteer team at my team

leader’s house. She lives in Lo Barnechea, in a neighborhood
(NÉIBORHUD) without public transport, but fortunately a friend
picked me up and I rode with him. We had a good time, and I
met (MET) some volunteers who I had only seen on cam. At the
end of the get-together, a friend took me to the subway.
neighborhood (NÉIBORHUD) = barrio

Ride-rode = ander de copiloto

Meeting = reunión de trabajo

Reunion = after many years of separation, like a high school reunion,

or a family reunion.

Get-together = junta

4. I went to the mall on Saturday morning because my father had to

buy a gift for my mom, so I voluntéered to help him. We went to
Costanera Center, but he couldn’t find what he wanted. So, after
that, we went to Plaza Oeste, and we fortunately found the jacket
that he wanted to get her. I took advantage of the fact that we
were at the mall and bought a Christmas gift for my sister and
one for my English teacher.

5. My family and I went to a bar on Manuel Montt called Pepperland

to celebrate my mother’s birthday on Saturday evening because
my mom wanted to have pizza. We also chose (CHOUS) this bar
because they offered vegan dishes for my sister. However, we
had to leave early because the bathroom flooded (FLODET), and
they had to close the place.

Exploit-exploited = explotar a (alguien)

Some bosses exploit their employées and make them work too much.

Flood (FLOD)-flooded (FLODET) = inundarse, rebalsarse

6. My aunts, uncles, cousins, and great-great grándmother came
over to celebrate my mother’s birthday on Sunday. It was a bit
stressful because I have a little cousin who is very active, so you
have to watch him all the time. My cousin Roberto came too,
and brought his daughter Emma, so that my grándmother could
meet her. My grándmother has a lot of grándchildren, and she is
even a great-great-grándmother! But in spite of that, she is
always happy to meet her new grándchildren.

even though (IVEN DOU) / although (ÓLDOU) = aunque

So that = para que

Bring - brought = traer

Bring up - brought up = criar a (alguien)

Watch = vigilar

Mute (MIUT) - muted (MIÚTET) = mutear

I can’t (KÉNT) hear (HÍER) you. Your microphone is muted.

My weekend was very busy since I went to the mall on Friday

afternoon to get a gift for the girl that I sponsor at Fundación Nuestros

Sponsor-sponsored = patrocinar, apadrinar

Suppórt-suppórted = mantener, apoyar

She’s 16, so I got her a book.

I also bought some shampóo at Lush and a bath bomb (BOM) to have
bubble baths, which is a present for my cousin, who is going to take
cáre of my dog when I travel to New York in December. She will
house sit for us for a week.

house sit = quedarse a cuidarle la casa a alguien

Take care of = cuidar a

bubble baths = baños de burbujas

After the mall, I met my volunteer team at the team leader’s house.
The meeting was very good, and I was able to meet some volunteers
in person for the first time.

I went to the mall again with my father on Saturday because he

wanted to buy a gift for my mom’s birthday. So, we went to Costanera
Center, but we didn’t find a good jacket for her.

Move = mudarse a

Then we went to Plaza Oeste Mall where we found a good jacket at

Lipi, a clothes store that has men and women’s (WIMENS) outdoor

On Saturday evening, my family and I went to a bar on Manuel Montt

to celebrate my mom’s birthday.
It was called Pepperland, a pizza (PITSA) place that has vegan pizza,
too, which was great for me and my sister.

I have never liked pork.

My aunts and uncles = Mis tías y tíos

voluntéer (VOLUNTÍER)

We colléct money (MÁNI) = Recaudamos fondos.

Mother (MADER)
Grándmother (GRÁNDMADER)

Children = niños

Youngsters (n)(IÁNGSTERS) = jóvenes

Thursday, December 2nd

I had never bought anything on Black Friday, but last week, I was
shopping at Feria Chilena del Libro because I wanted to buy a book
for a girl from Fundación Nuestros Hijos who I sponsor, and I realized
that there was a big sale. I finally bought four books, and now I have a
lot of books to read. I also got an email today saying that my book set
of six Dune books is ready to be shipped.

I have a backache (BAKEIK) because I haven’t worked out lately. My

chronic backache gets better when I exercise, and it gets worse when
I don’t exercise.

I have been very busy at work, and that’s why I haven’t been able to
go to the gym.

Resume = retomar

I want to resume working out this Saturday.

At least, the audit is over, but I still have things left to do.

The audit took a long time, so I didn’t have time to do my typical work,
and now I’m behind schedule.

Behind schedule = atrasado o con pega atrasada

That’s life = así es la vida

But I don’t want my life to be like this.

I’m going to my friend’s house tomorrow afternoon. He is a friend from

work. We are going to have lunch together at his place.

Have lunch = almorzar

Have breakfast = desayunar
Have dinner = cenar

I believe that his boyfriend won’t be there because he finishes work

later than us on Fridays.

His name is Hector (for people)

It’s called = se llama (para cosas)

I want to go to the gym on Saturday morning and maybe to the mall to

buy Christmas presents for my family and my English teacher.

Secret Santa = Amigo Secreto

I want to watch a new Disney movie called “Charm”, which is available

only at cinemas.

Charming = encantador

Take care of (TEI-KÉROF) = cuidar

I need to take care of (TEI-KÉROF) myself because I don’t want to

A friend took me to the subway.

Mute (MIUT)-muted (MIÚTET) = mutear

I can’t (KÉNT) hear (HÍER) you. Your microphone is muted.

mb (M):
bomb (BOM) = bomba
Climb (CLAIM) = escalar
Climbing (CLÁIMING)
Thumb (ZAM) = pulgar
Dumb (DAM) = tonto
Plumber (PLÁMER) = plomero, gasfiter

What’s today’s date? / What is the date today? = ¿Cuál es la fecha de


On Wednesday = El miércoles

At 1:00 pm / at 1:00 in the afternoon.

At 7:00 pm / at 7:00 in the evening.

At 9:00 AM (EIÉM) / at 9:00 in the morning

Moscow (MÓSCAU)

Seoul (SOUL)

Degrées = grados

Cloudy (CLAUDI) = nublado

Partly cloudy = parcialmente nublado

Clear = despejado

Dry = seco
Wet = húmedo
Tuesday, December 7th

1. I met my friend from work at his house in San Miguel on Friday.

We wanted to have lunch, but we had some trouble with this
because he ordered food on PedidosYa, but the order didn’t
change its status on the app, and the restaurant didn’t have a
phone number listed on the app, so we decided to place a new
order from another restaurant, which arrived without problems.
We finally ate at 4:00 pm. When we finished eating, the first
order arrived. Then, my friend’s boyfriend arrived, and we talked
about his problems at work.

Listed = publicado

Place an order = hacer un pedido

Local (LOUCAL)(adj) = local, del sector

The local pharmacy
The local people
I know a very good local restaurant around here.

Trouble = problema
Problems = problemas

2. My family and I went to the beach on Sunday because my

cousin's birthday is on November 28, the same day as my
mother’s, so we weren't able to visit my cousin on her birthday.
She was very happy when we arrived. My cousin Cristian, who I
hadn't seen for a long time, was there. He is very mystic and
spiritual, so it was fun talking with him. We got home very late,
so the drive was kind of dangerous.

The ride = el trayecto (en general).

The drive = el trayecto en auto.

Get home-got home = llegar a casa

3. We were without electricity at home all day yesterday. My sister

had trouble because she works from home, but fortunately, my
cousin lives very close to us, so she went there to work. I didn't
have any problems because I had to go to the office.

At home = en casa

4. My volunteer team and I are collecting gifts for Fundación

Nuestros Hijos. We have to collect them all by Tuesday, but
there are some people who haven't sent (SENT) their presents
yet. I emailed (ÍMEILT) a reminder, so I hope everyone complies.
If some people fail to bring the gifts, we have back up gifts (GEF-

By = a más tardar

Email-emaled (V) = mandar por email

5. I read two books this week. One of them is called “And Then
There Were None” by Agatha (ÁGAZA) Christie. It’s a thriller
whose plot is about ten people who don't know each other, and
are invited to an island by a mysterious (MISTÍRIOS) host
(HOUST). When they arrive on the island, they begin to die one
by one.

The other book is called “Almond” (AMOND) by Won-Pyung

Sohn. The plot is about a boy who can’t feel anything because
his brain is wired dífferently (DÍFRENTLI), and the author writes
about how this boy interacts with people in society. I liked it a lot
and even shed a few tears (TÍERS) because I’m very sensitive to
sad stories.

Wired (WÁIERT)= conectado

6. I started to read (RID) Gideon by Tamsyn Mur, a fantasy novel,

but according to the reviews, it also has plenty of action, but it
isn’t corny. I bought it because I liked the plot summary on the
back cover, the cover art was beautiful, and it was on sale at the
bookstore. I hope l like it.

On sale = Con descuento, en liquidación, en oferta.

That book was on sale so I bought it right away.

For sale = en venta.

My car is for sale. Do you want to buy it?
Plenty of / a lot of = mucho/a

Corny (adj) = cursi

I met my friend from work at his house on Friday afternoon. It was

just the two of us = Eramos solo nosotros dos.

But then his boyfriend arrived, and the three of us decided to have
lunch together at my friend’s house.

However, we had a problem with the food. We ordered Thai food at

about 1:30 pm, but the food arrived at about 5:00 pm. We tried to
cancel the order, and complain about the situation, but the restaurant
didn’t have a number, so we couldn’t communicate with them to

When we realized that the food wasn’t coming, we ordered

hamburgers from a vegan place, which arrived in about an hour.

When our first order finally arrived at about 5:00 pm, my friends
received it (RISÍVDET) and saved it (SÉIVDET) for the next day.

I just relaxed at home on Saturday because my sister went out

(WENÁUT), and my parents went away for the weekend

Go out-went out = salir dentro de la ciudad

Go away / go out of town = salir de Stgo

Leave-left = dejar
I didn’t want to leave my dog alone at home either (IDER).
Either = tampoco
Also / too = también

Visit-visited = visitar a

I visited my cousin at the beach on Sunday. She lives in Quintero.

I went there by bus and came back with my parents who were there
visiting my family.

Take care of (TEI-KÉROF)-took care of = cuidar a

I need to take care of (TEI-KÉROF) myself because I don’t want to


Catch-caught (COT) = pegarse una enfermedad contagiosa

Catch a cold
Catch the flu
Catch influenza
Catch malaria
Catch an STD

Catch cancer
Get cancer (Cancer is not a contagious illness)
I was in a meeting.
I’m preparing (PRIPERING) everything for my vacation, which starts
on December 20th and ends on Dec. 27th.
Thursday, December 9th
gifts (GÉF-TS)

whose = cuyo/s (para personas y cosas)

The man whose car is parked outside is my friend
The computer whose screen is broken is mine.

Cover (COVER) = portada

Yesterday, I did the process to get the Visa waiver to The U.S.

It took me about one hour to enter our information, upload the

documents, and pay. It was very fast.

It was just $14.00 per person.

I have only been to Orlando.

I have never been to New York.

Been to = estado en

Spend (money) on (things) = gastar plata en cosas

We’re going to spend a lot of money on this trip, but it will be worth it
(WORZET) = valdrá la pena

Tomorrow, we’re going to take the Christmas Presents to Fundación

Nuestros Hijos. My coworker is going to drive, and she will pick us up
(PIKASÁP) at work at 12:00 pm.
Bring = traer
Take = llevar / tomar

Then, I’m going to try to pick up the presents that I bought my father at
Sodimac. I got him a car polishing machine and an automatic
screwdriver (SKRÚDRAIVER) = destornillador

Polish = pulir.

Run errands = hacer diligencias, hacer trámites.

All day, all my things, all the people, all my books = todo + algo

Everything = todo.

Spend = pasar tiempo

We are going to spend Christmas in New York as a family.

Catch-caught (COT) = pegarse una enfermedad contagiosa

Catch a cold
Catch the flu
Catch influenza
Catch malaria (MALÉRIA)
Catch an STD

Catch cancer
Get cancer (Cancer is not a contagious illness)
I was in a meeting.

I’m preparing (PRIPÉRING) everything for my vacation, which starts

on December 20th and ends on Dec. 27th.

Tuesday, December 14th

1. I’m very excited about next year because there are three
concerts that I bought tickets to: Justin Bieber, Gorillaz, and
Lollapalooza. I also wanted to buy a ticket to see Dua Lipa, but
the problem is that she is going to give the concert at a very
small place, so it will be very hard to get tickets.

: cólon
; sémicolon

2. My cousin is going to house sit and take care of my dog while my

family and I are on vacation. To thank her, I bought her a
massage machine because she had an accident two years ago
where she almost died. Fortunately, she recovered, but not
completely and lives with chronic muscular (MÁSKIULAR) pain.
I bought her a good machine because due to her constant pain,
it has been very hard for her to find a job, and the machine that
she had wasn’t so good. I hope this machine can ease (IS) her

Ease (IS) = alivar

Due to / because of = debido a

3. I’m very angry (ENGRI) with myself because I haven’t worked

out in the last two weeks, and I have eaten very badly. My plan
was to resume my healthy lifestyle this week, but I failed
because I got a box of candy from work, and I also ate a whole
bag of chips alone. I’m going to start my new life today.

4. I went to Homecenter to pick up the Christmas present that my

sister and I had bought for my father online. We bought him an
automatic screwdriver and a car polishing machine. Our idea
was to bring one of these two presents with us to New York and
open it on Christmas Eve., but they are big and heavy, so I think
that I’m going to make a note that says that it is redeemable
(RIDÍMABL) for a gift when we come back to Chile.

I went to + place + activity

I went to the mall to buy a present
I went to the pharmacy to get some medications.

5. I bought the New York Pass, which gives you access to

museums and tours because a friend recommended it to me. I
hope it is useful. We still haven’t made an itinerary to define what
places we are going to visit, and I don’t know If we have to make
reservations to visit certain places, so I have to find out about

Make reservations = hacer reservaciones

Find out-found out = averiguar

6. I’m going to work until very late this week because I want to
finish all my work before my trip.

7. Last weekend, there were two illustration fairs. I wanted to go to

both of them, but finally I didn’t. I believe it was the best decision
because If I had gone, I would have spent money that I don't
really want to spend, especially before my trip to NY.
Fortunately, I’m very good at saving money.

Good at = bueno para

8. My sister and I went to the Christmas fair near my house. We go

every year, but the only thing that we always buy is Christmas
wrapping (RAPING) paper and scotch tape. We always get
French fries too.

9. My sister went to a big outdoor comedy show at Plaza de Maipu,

but she didn’t wear sunscreen, so she got sunburned. Her face,
arms, and head got sunburned.

Get sunburned = ser quemado por el sol

I got a haircut on Saturday at a hairdresser close to here / near here.

I paid 5.000 pesos / it was 5.000 pesos
I didn’t do so much on the weekend.

On Friday, the campaign to collect Christmas presents for the kids at

Fundacion Nuestros Hijos ended succéssfully. We collected 50
presents for 50 kids, so we reached our goal / objéctive.

On Friday afternoon, I went to the mall to buy a Christmas present for

my mother. I got her a pair of earrings.

I’m done with all my Christmas shopping.

I’m done / I’m finished

End + things
Finish / done + people

On Saturday, I just relaxed. I watched TV shows, I read, and I played

video games.

On Sunday, I had to work since I’m trying to finish all my work before
my trip to New York.

We are flying to New York on December 19th (ninetéenth) at 11:00

pm, and we are coming back to Chile on December 26th.

We are going to be in NY only for one week because my sister doesn't

have any more vacation days since she started a new job recently.

Cover (COVER) = portada

a car polishing machine

screwdriver (SKRÚDRAIVER) = destornillador

Catch-caught (COT) malaria (MALÉRIA) = contagiarse de malaria

Thursday, December 16th

Get distracted-got distracted = distraerse

Shake-shook = agitar

Get dirty (DERTI) = ensuciar/se

1. My sister gets distracted sometimes. When she was younger,

she once shook some open yogurt, and she got her classroom
dirty (DERTI). She did the same thing today, but fortunately, she
didn’t make a big mess this time

2. My cousin flew from Peulla to Santiago yesterday to house sit for

us. However, she lost some things because she tried to bring
some metal tools on the plane, and she had to leave them
Bring = traer

Bring up = poner sobre la mesa un tema

3. My sister was working on Excél all day yesterday, but the

automatic save function (FONKSHON) wasn’t activated, and
she lost her work. She was very frustrated (FRÁSTREIRET), so I
bought her some French fries to cheer (CHÍER) her up

Cheer up = subir/le el ánimo

4. I tried to buy tickets for Dua Lipa yesterday, but they sold out
very quickly. I hope they schedule a second date at a bigger

Schedule-scheduled = programar, agendar

Sell out-sold out = vender todo el stock

Excél-excélled = sobresalir, destacarse

Meeting = reunión de trabajo

I’m going to finish some things for my trip like defining (DIFÁINING)
an itinerary (ITÍNERARI).
I don’t think that I’m going to do anything on Saturday night because I
want to vote at about 11:00 in the morning.

I’m going to get a PCR test on Sunday morning because they require
a recent PCR test to travel to the U.S., and then I’m going to vote.

Get / have + services that you pay for

Get a PCR test
Get an X-ray (ÉXREI)
Get a blood test
Get a drug test
Get a haircut
Get a massage

Take an academic test = dar una prueba

Studen-ts take tes-ts at school
I want to take the Toefl to study abroad (ABRÓD) = en el extranjero
I need to take an important exam tomorrow.

Who do you think will win this election?

-I think that Boric will win this election


I bought a book at the mall on Sunday.

My friend got a photógrapher (FOTÓGRAFER) for his wedding.

Hire-hired = contratar
He hired a photographer.

Christmas wrapping (RÁPING) paper

I had my homework done by my sister.

My sister did my homework.

I paid (PEID) 5.000 pesos / it was 5.000 pesos.

What is the weather like today?

-It’s nice and warm.

How is the weather today?

-It’s nice and warm.

What month is it?

-It’s December.

What is the date today?

It’s December 16th.

What day is it?

-It’s Thursday.

What time is it?

-It’s 6:20 pm.
What year is it?
-It’s 2021.

Pillows (PÍLOUS) = cojines / almohadas.

Bedroom (BÉTRUM) = dormitorio

Sheets = sábanas

Vain (VEIN) = vanidoso

How many? = Cuántos/as?

How much? = Cuánto/a?

Thursday, December 30th (ZERTIEZ)


1. As you know, my family and I traveled to New York last week.

Although we had some problems coming back to Chile, the trip
was amazing. We visited a lot of interesting places like The
Statue (STÁTIU) of Liberty, The Rockefeller Center, The Empire
State Building, The Top of the Rock, The MOMA, The MET, and
The Museum of Natural History. My favourite places were the
bookstores because they are very big and even have coffee
shops inside. However, there were things that were very ugly like
the subway, which is disgusting and doesn’t have good signs for
touris-ts, but fortunately, we didn’t have problems riding it.

A sign (SAIN) = un cartel

Signs (SAINS) = carteles, señalizaciones

A marker = marcador permanente o de pizarra

Meet-met = conocer personas

Visit-visited = conocer o visitar lugares

2. My mother had problems with the food because all the food that
she ordered was too spicy even when the menu didn’t say so.

Too spicy = demasiado aliñada o picante

3. The weather was very cold, but fortunately, it didn't rain or snow
because it would have been uncomfortable to go out in the rain
or snow.

4. We had some problems returning because in order to check-in at

the airport, they asked us for a COVID Test. We had gotten
(GATEN) two different COVID tests on the street, but the results
didn’t arrive on time, so we had to get a test at the airport. The
problem was that since it was Christmas Day, there was only
one person working, so it took us 5 hours to get the test results,
and we missed our flight. There were a lot of Chileans with the
same problem. Then, in order to change the flight, the airline
wanted to charge (CHARCH) us almost 800.000 pesos per
person!, but finally, after fighting for a long time, it was free.

In order to / to = para + verb

Get-got (GAT)-gotten (GATEN)

5. I feel very happy because I was able to understand and

communicate with people in NY thanks to my dear teacher, JP.

6. I received 19 books today, and 13 of them are in English. I have

more and more books to read, but they were on sale, so I took
the chance (CHANS) to buy them. I also got 5 books at
Christmas. I’m very happy, but at the same time stressed
because I don’t have enough time to read them all.

Stressful = estresante
Stressed = estresado
7. I watched “Encanto”, the new Disney movie yesterday. I watched
it with subtitles (SÁBTAITOLS) in English, and I didn’t have
problems understanding the story. I liked it a lot because the plot
focuses (FÓUCOSES) on family love. The characters also have
superpowers, and I always love stories about that. The
soundtrack is very Latin and happy. I want to watch the new
Spiderman movie, but I don’t want to go to the cinema, so I'm
waiting for it to be available on Yifi.

I went back to the gym on Monday, and now my body is sore.

I also have a sore throat (ZROUT) from the AC at the gym, but it’s not

My family and I are still jet lagged (YETLAGT). We arrived in Stgo on

Sunday, and we got tested for COVID when we arrived at the airport,
so it’s definitely (DÉFINITLI) not that.

My body is sore = me duele el cuerpo por ejercicio.

My family and I are going to spend New Year’s Eve with my aunts and
uncles at my aunt Viviana’s house, who lives in Maipú close to us /
near us.

I don’t like going out with my friends on New Year’s. I prefer to spend
the holidays with my family.

Some people don’t like to go to clubs or big parties on New Year’s

because they are expensive and crowded.

Smoking is not allowed (ALAUD) at clubs anymore, but I still don’t

like them. I prefer to attend house parties.
Attend = asistir a

allowed (ALÁUD) = permitido.

On New Year’s Day (January 1st) I’m going to relax at home, and on
Sunday, January 2nd, I want to go to the cinema to see the new
Spiderman movie.

The new J.K. Rowling book is very good /

J.K. Rowling’s new book is very good.

Get along = llevarse bien

It was a good trip.

Stand (somebody) up - stood (sb) up = plantar a

You stood me up on Tuesday.

I’m sorry for standing you up = Perdón por dejarte plantado.

We missed the flight from NY to Stgo because the PCR results didn’t
arrive in time. We had to change our flight and wait for four hours at
the airport in NY, and then four more hours in Lima.

Get distracted-got distracted = distraerse

Shake-shook = agitar

Get dirty (DERTI) = ensuciar/se

function (FÓNKSHON) = función

Studen-ts take tes-ts at school.

a photographer (FOTÓGRAFER)

I paid (PEID) 5.000 pesos / it was 5.000 pesos.

Bedroom (BÉTRUM) = dormitorio

Tuesday, January 4th

1. I had to go to work on Friday, but the company taxi didn’t arrive,

so I didn’t go to work, and I worked from home instead. After
work, my family and I went to my aunt Viviana’s house in Maipú,
to spend New Year’s Eve. Four of my nine uncles, my
grandmother, and many cousins were there. My cousin Carolina,
who is a vegetarian, made some vegan dishes for us. The party
was a lot of fun, and we danced until 4:00 am. My legs hurt a lot
the next day from dancing and going to the gym.

2. I woke up at 1:00 pm on Saturday because I was very tired. I

watched the documentary Harry Potter 20th Annivérsary: Retúrn
to Hogwarts (HÁGWORTS). It didn’t show anything so different
from others, but it was nostalgic. I was surprised that JK Rowling
didn't participate, and then I read that it was because of some
comments she made about trans people, which were very
criticized, and that’s why she probably decided to disappear for a

Criticize (CRÍTISAIS) -criticized (CRÍTISAIST) = criticar

Starring = protagonizada por

See a movie at the cinema

Watch a movie at home

3. I watched the second Spiderman movie starring Tom Holland on

Saturday because my sister invited (INVÁIRET) us to see the
new Spiderman film on Sunday, and I hadn’t seen the second
one yet. I liked both movies because they both had a lot of
action, and the new one has a big surprise! The only thing that I
didn’t like about it was that there is a plot hole that is not
explained. I searched for an answer on the internet, but there
isn’t an official solution to this dilemma.

Search for / look for = buscar

4. I read Gideon, The Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. I bought this book

because its cover (COVER) was amazing, and then, when I read
the back cover (COVER), it seemed very interesting. The plot is
about a universe where necromancers (NÍCROMANSERS) live
on nine different planets. The émperor of this universe has nine
immortal necromancers called Lyctors, but because of the war,
he needs to get more Lyctors, so he órganizes a competition for
the nine planets in order to get the Lyctors that he needs. The
problem is that in this competition, the competitors begin to die,
and nobody knows why.

The book is called Gideon because she is the main character. I

liked the book in general, but at the beginning it was very slow
and confusing, however, I decided to finish it because of the
good reviews. I also have the second book of this series, but I’m
going to read it later since I have other books I want to read first.
5. I’m reading The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. I have read three
quarters of the book, and it is very good so far. The plot is about
two black twins who live in a town where everybody is black, but
generation after generation they have tried whitening their skin
tone in order to avoid racism (RÉISISEM), so now they look like
white people, but they are not accepted by real white people in
other towns. The two twins leave this town, and one of them
disappears to impersonate a white person in order to have better

6. I want to make a list of New Year’s resolutions for 2022, and

challenge myself to read two books a month, and at least 4
books a year in English. I don’t know if it is a very challenging
goal, but I have nothing to lose.

b)I have a lot of muscular (MÁSKIULAR) pain from working out. /

a)My body is very sore from working out.

Sore (adj) = adolorido

I went to the gym yesterday so my arms are sore, and I can’t extend

Over (ÓUVER)

Maybe I’m overéxercising. /

Maybe I’m exercising too much.
I have a nose congestion / I have a runny nose.

Cough (COF) = toser

Today I started coughing in the middle of a presentation that I was giving.

Give a presentation = dar una presentación

I have a cold = Tengo un resfrío.

I’m cold = Tengo frío.

Charge (CHARCH) = cobrar

The airline wanted to charge (CHARCH) us 800.000 pesos to change

(CHÉINSH) the tickets.

Communicate (COMIÚNIKEIT)

I’m sorry for standing you up = Perdón por dejarte plantado.

Four more hours

Three more days
Five more weeks
One more year
Seven more minutes
A tourist (singular)
Many touris-ts (plural)

Take a chance (CHANS) = arriesgarse

Hurt-hurt = doler

Fun = entretenido
A lot of fun

Funny = chistoso
Very funny

Some = unos
She made some vegan dishes.

I’m a vegan
She’s a vegetarian

I watched the documentary Harry Potter 20th Annivérsary: Retúrn to

Thursday, January 6th

1. I read some news about the situation in New York this week. A
journalist who was on vacation in NY with his wife missed some
tours because of the freezing cold. Another journalist in Chile
said that she was going to travel to New York, but the airline
cancelled her flight because of the rising COVID cases. I think
that I was very lucky because although we had some problems
in New York on our way back, it was a good trip overall.

Rising (RAISING) = ascendente, en aumento, creciente

2. I got together with my friends from college yesterday at a bar

called Good Drinks in Barrio Brasil. We went there to celebrate
my friend Maxi who is leaving home for the first time. He is going
to live with two vegan girls, so I hope they get along well. It's
always fun to get together with my friends from college, and
yesterday was no exception.

get along / get along well = llevarse bien

3. Yesterday, my volunteer team and I went to Paternitas, which is

a foundation (FAUNDEISHON) that works in reinserting (RI-
INSÉRTING) ex-cónvicts and also with communities at risk. It is
hard for me to work with them because the two people who lead
this foundation are rich, so it’s weird to hear (HIER) them speak
about poverty.

4. I don’t know why, but I’m very sluggish and tired since returning
from holiday. I hope to get back to normal soon because I am
being unproductive at work, and I’m falling behind.

5. I got an email from work saying that they want us to work from
home five days a week again because of the rise (RAIS) in
COVID cases.

Rise = aumento

6. I read The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett, and I liked it a lot. I’m
now reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan in English and
Dune Messiah in Spanish.

7. Today is my aunt Viviana’s birthday, but I’m not going to attend

her birthday party at her house since I have English class. I also
want to walk my dog since I haven’t walked him this week
because I have felt very tired.

8. I felt sick this week, and now my sister and dad are sick too. My
father has the same symptoms as me, but my sister has a fever
and a runny nose.

I feel tired and without energy so I just want to stay home and relax
this weekend. I need it.

All my family feels the same (all my family = it)

They feel the same.

Strange (STREINSH) / weird (WÍERD) = extraño, raro

Rare (RER) = difícil de hallar en el mundo

Diamonds are very rare
Honest politicians are very rare

I finished reading The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennet, and I liked it a


I’m reading Dune Messiah (MESAIA) from the Dune series in Spanish,
and I resumed reading Percy Jackson, The Lightning Thief, in English.

I feel unproductive (ANPRODÁKTIV) at work because I’m very tired,

and I’m doing the easy things, but not the difficult ones that require
(RIKUÁIER) more thinking.

Fall behind-fell behind = atrasarse

I will probably fall behind with work if I don’t catch up (CACHÁP)

Catch up (CACHÁP) = ponerse al día

I don’t like to feel this way / I don’t like feeling this way.
The podcast that I used to listen to ended today, so I need to find
another one.

I like listening to podcasts in the background while I work.

I can walk (WOK) and chew gum at the same time, but my teacher

Search (SERCH) for / look for = buscar

The émperor

….in order to avoid racism (RÉISISEM).

Tuesday, December 11th

1. I gave a bath to my dog / I gave my dog a bath on Saturday

morning because he was very dirty (DERTI) and smelly. He
hates baths, and I hate bathing (BEIDING) him. When I take out
the towel (TÁUEL) he always knows that I'm going to give him a
bath, and he runs and hides from me.

A bath (BAZ) = un baño

Bathe (BEID)-bathed (BEIDT) = bañar

Bathing (BEIDING)

2. I went to a drawing fair on Saturday morning after I bathed

(BEIDT) my dog. I bought some beautiful drawings from artists
that I follow (FALOU) on Instagram. I admire people who have
some artistic talent.

3. My sister and I are playing a video game that needs two players.
We are playing it on my PC. She isn’t so good, but it’s fun to play

4. Dexter is one of my favorite TV shows ever (EVER), and it ended

in 2013, but it came back this year. It was the final season, and I
liked the ending even though (IVEN DOU) he dies.

even though (IVENDOU) = aun cuando

The ending = el final

The final = la final

Finish (for people)

End (for things

5. A coworker is very angry and tired because he was going to go

on vacation last week with his girlfriend, but at the last minute,
his boss told him that he had to stay because one of his
coworkers was on medical leave, and he needed my coworker to
cover for him. The problem was that he had paid for his vacation
already, but he complained a lot, and his boss finally agreed to
return all that money to him.

Complain-complained = reclamar

Be on medical leave = estar con licencia médica

Go on vacation = irse de vacaciones, tomar vacaciones

6. The last season of Shingeki no Kiojin is out, but I don’t know if I

will watch it or not since I know the ending because I read the
manga comic. However, I will probably end up watching it
because there will probably be a lot of inténse fights that will be
amazing to watch.

7. My sister’s graduation ceremony is this week; however, she had

a big problem because due to the current COVID restrictions,
the university gave her only one invitation, so she couldn’t decide
between taking my father or my mother. They finally decided that
my mother is going to go with her.
due to / because of = debido a

8. I bought an expansion set for the Dixit game. I discovered the

game this year, and I liked it a lot. I also liked the illustrations of
the cards, and that’s why I bought this expansion set which
includes more cards.

Knew = conocía
I knew the game = Yo conocía el juego

I’m opening it.

Last week, I was very tired, but this week I feel fine.

I relaxed a lot this weekend. I watched the last season of Dexter,

which was excellent, in my opinion.

I also read a lot. I’m reading The Dune Messiah

How do you like it? = ¿Qué te parece?

How do you like this city? -I think it’s great.

How do you like it so far?

-It’s great so far because one of the characters who I really liked from
the first book is back and appears a lot in this book. I like the main
character a lot too, and the plot continues (CONTÍNIUS) to be political.

How many pages do you have left to read?

- I have about 150 pages left to read.

I also went to a drawing fair downtown (DAUNTÁUN) on Saturday

morning. It was excellent, and I bought some drawings from some
artis-ts who I follow (FALOU) on IG.

Downtown (DAUNTÁUN) = en el centro

I got about five drawings.

I also continued reading The Lightning Thief, which is also good, but
not amazing.

I want to take a test to find out what English level I have.

hear (HÍER)-heard (HERD) = escuchar

I can walk (WOK) and chew gum at the same time.

Search (SERCH) for / look for = buscar

Strange (STRÉINCH) / weird (WÍERT) = extraño, raro

Thursday, January 13th
Frustrating (FRÁSTREIRING) = frustrante
Frustrated (FRÁSTREIRET) = frustrado

Juan Pablo is very frustrated.

His problem with Movistar is frustrating.

Feelings are with “ing”. I feel tired because my job is very tiring.

I’m very tempted to kill the woman that is talking to me on the phone.
Killing that woman is very tempting.

I’m going to go to a bar with one of my friends from high school, Camilla,
who is one of my closest friends.

We have no specific bar in mind, yet.

Around the Brazil Square.

I’m going to go to a nutritionist on Saturday morning.

I want to check my level of vitamin D.

I take 2,000 IU.

I always have my level of vitamin D low.

I don't like diréct (DIRÉCT) sunlight because I tend to get moles.

It’s not oily.

One bottle lasts a long time.

Delicate (DÉLIKET) = delicado

I’m going to go to my nephew’s (NÉFIU) birthday party on Saturday. He

lives in Maipu very close to me / near me. The party is in the afternoon. He
is 5 years old / he is 5. He likes Metallica so the birthday party will have a
Metallica theme.

A sale (n) = una liquidación (an event)

I bought many things at a sale last weekend

On sale (adj) = en liquidación

These glasses were on sale. They were 70% off.
I bought this jacket on sale. It was 40% off.

Thin (ZEN) = delgado

A díscount (n) = un descuento


They cost $15 last year / They were $15 last year.

How much was your facial sunblock?

-It was about 15.000 pesos

How much is that computer?

-It is about one million pesos.

I need some new glasses = Necesito nuevos lentes.

I dó need some new glasses = Yo sí que necesito nuevos anteojos.
An advertisement (n)(ADVERTÁISMENT) / an ad = un aviso publicitario

Ádvertise-ádvertised = hacer publicidad

That company ádvertises a lot on TV and in the newspaper.

help you (HÉLPIU)

Can I help you?


Postings (POUSTINGS) / posts (POUS-TS)

Frustrating (FRÁSTREIRING) = frustrante

Frustrated (FRÁSTREIRET) = frustrado

Tuesday, January 18th

Mute-muted (v)(MIÚTET) = mutear

You are muted (MIÚTET) = Estás muteado

1. I went to my cousin’s birthday party on Saturday afternoon. The party

had a Metallica theme with red and black balloons. The cake had
crosses (KROSES) and lightning. Several uncles, aunts, and cousins
were there. One of my uncles gave clothes to my cousin as a birthday
present, but he said to him that he didn’t like the present because it
wasn’t toys. It was a very honest (ÓNEST) answer, and it was funny
because he is only 5 years old.

He is only five years old / He is only 5 / He is only 5 years

2. I went to the nutritionist on Saturday morning on Pedro de Valdivia

Ave in Providencia. I’m healthy, but I need to cut down the
percéntage of body fat. She changed my meal plan, reducing carbs
and increasing protein. She told me to eat more fruits and vegetables
too. I also have to get a blood test to determine (DETÉRMIN) my
vitamin B12 and D levels.

3. I got together with my friend Camila from high school. We went to a

bar at Metro Cumming called Bohemia. It was fun. We wanted to go
to St. Patrick's, but when we arrived there, there was a big waiting
line. Then, we went to St. George, but it was closed due to vacations.
Then, I remembered one time that my family and I went to Bohemia
bar, so Camila and I decided to go there. We had French fries,
quesadillas and Chelada to begin. We continued with Mojitos, which I
liked a lot because they had green apple (ÁPOL) flavor, which is one
of my favorites.

4. I finished reading The Dune Messiah, and I liked it a lot. I liked it

because the author tells the story very directly, and although
(ÓLDOU) the book is old, the male and female characters are well
developed. I’m going to read another book before beginning with the
third of the Dune series.

5. I’m reading “La Hermandad de la Casa Grande” by Eduardo Perez

Arroyo. It’s a Chilean crime novel, and it’s interesting so far. I don’t
remember the last time that I read a Chilean novel, so I’m very happy
because I feel that I need to discover (DISKÓVER) Chilean authors.

Nephew = sobrino

It was a children’s party.

His father is a big fan of Metallica / He's a big Metallica fan.

His uncle used to play in a rock band, but not anymore.

The party theme was Metallica and it was weird because the birthday cake
had lightning and crosses.

A cross = una cruz

Crosses = cruces

Different from
It was very different from other children’s parties.

I went to the nutritionist on Saturday morning, and she told me that I’m fine,
but I need to reduce body fat.

She advised me to cut down (CAT DAUN) carbs and eat more protein
(PRÓUTIN) like soy, legúmes (LEGIÚMS) for example chickpeas, beans,
and lentils (LÉNTELS).

Picky = mañoso

Soy (SOI) = soja

I eat hummus (HÁMAS) every week.

Cut down = reduce

Fork = tenedor

Evaluate (EVÁLIUEIT)-(EVÁLIUEIRET) = evaluar

She eváluated (EVÁLIUEIRET) the number of calories and the amount of
protein (PROUTIN) that I need and she designed a meal plan especially
(ESPÉSHALI) for me.

She measured (MÉLLERT) my waist (WEIST) = Ella midió mi cintura

I’m going to the gym three times a week.

She told me to cut down carbs.

She recommended that I cut down carbs.
I finished reading The Dune Messiah, and I loved the ending, but the plot
doesn’t end there since there are four more books in that series (SÍRIES).

I’m reading La Hermandad de La Casa Grande by Eduardo Pérez Arroyo,

a Chilean author. I bought it because I liked what I read on the back cover.

The plot is about a crime that happens in Chiloé, and there are traditional
sorcerers and characters from the local mythology (MIZÓLOLLI) involved.

Wizard = brujo bueno

Sórcerer = brujo malo

I always wanted to read more Chilean authors, so now I’m finally doing it.

Crap = caca, basura

I don't like diréct (DIRÉCT) sunlight because I tend to get moles.

Frustrating (FRÁSTREIRING) = frustrante

Frustrated (FRÁSTREIRET) = frustrado

Tuesday, January 25th

1. I finished reading the first volume of a manga comic book in English

on Saturday. I read it fast since manga comics have more images
(ÍMAYES) than text. The manga comic is called Witch Hat Atelier
(ATELÍER), and it’s written (RÍTEN) and illustrated by Kamome
Shirahama. The plot is very simple. It’s about a girl who dreams of
becoming a witch, and one day, her dream comes true. The first
volume is very introductory (INTRODÁKTORI), so I’m not very sure
yet what the problem or conflict is. I bought it because the story
seemed simple, and I wanted to practice my English with it. In
addition, the drawings are beautiful. I have 7 out of 8 volumes, and
I’m waiting for The Book Depósitory to send me the second one, so
that I can have the whole collection.

Wait for = esperar

So = así que

So that = para que

So that I can = para que yo pueda

2. I began watching two movies on the weekend, but I didn’t finish them.
The first was “The House”, which is about three families who live at a
house in different years, but the house is haunted (HONTET). It is
classified as a horror film, but I think it is more like a thriller. It’s a stop
motion movie, and it’s beautiful, so I’m going to try to finish watching
it next weekend. The other one is Tick Tick Boom, a musical starring
(STARING) Andrew Garfield. The plot is about a Broadway show
composer and his journey to reach fame and glory in New York. It
was very good when I began watching it, but I was sleepy, and that's
why I didn’t finish it. Maybe I will finish it this week.

3. God (GOD) of War (WOR) is a videogame that was launched

(LONCHT) on Playstation 2, and I remember that it was one of my
favorite video games years ago. Parts 2 and 3 of the story were
launched (LONCHT) only on Playstation 3, and I couldn’t play it
because I didn’t have this console. Part 4 was launched for
Playstation 4, and I couldn’t play it either for the same reason.
However, in January 2022, this part was launched for PC, so I finally
bought it and played it (PLÉIDET) a lot this weekend. The game has
a lot of action and beautiful images (ÍMALLES).

Launch (LONCH) -launched (LONCHT) = lanzar

4. I went to a clinic to get a blood test yesterday, and I already have the
results. I’m well, but like always, I have low levels of vitamin D. I know
that I never sunbathe (SANBEID), but I have been taking
supplements. I sent the results to my nutritionist, and I’m waiting for
her comments and recommendations.

5. I want to change my gym routíne. I usually go every Monday and

Wednesday after work, but I want to begin to go on Tuesdays and
Thursdays in the morning. I want to change it (CHÉINYET) because
I’m very tired after work, and I don’t have too much energy. Also, the
gym is more crowded after work than in the morning. I don’t know If
I’m going to be able to, but I’m going to try to stick to this new routine.

Stick to = apegarse a / cumplir

6. The author of SAO, one of my favorite animes ever, said that he

thinks that the story could continue even for ten more years, which is
good because I always suffer (SAFER) when a good story ends.
However, there are 23 published books in this series, and I might not
find the time to read them all.

7. I registered for a literary review course although it isn't useful for my

job. I want to learn how to write book reviews and have other points
of view to speak and review a book. It’s an online course that will
begin in February.

My boss is out of town (AUROFTAUN) on vacation this week, so I can relax

a little. He’s coming back next Monday.

I went to the gym this morning since I want to start going in the morning
instead of (INSTÉDOF) in the evening.

I prefer going to the gym in the morning because after work, I’m too tired to
work out, and in the morning, there are fewer people, so it’s better.

I got a blood test yesterday, and I got the results already.

Well = bien
Good = bueno

The results show I’m well, but I have a vitamin D deficiency (DEFÍSHENSI)
as usual (YÚSHUAL)

A prescription = receta médica

My doctor recommended that I take 50,000 Ul per week for 8 weeks.

Certain (SERTEN) online sources (SORSES) are not reliable (RILÁIABOL)

= confiables
Unreliable (ANRILÁIABOL) = no confiable

My friend’s roommate tested positive for Covid.

A cross (KROS) = una cruz

Many crosses (KROSES) = Muchas cruces

discover (DISKÓVER)

Nephew (NÉFIU) = sobrino

Niece (NIS) = sobrina

protein (PROUTIN)

Thursday, January 27th

1. My mother went to the dentist to check if she could get brackets, and
the answer was yes. I’m happy for her because she had never
wanted to do it since she felt that she was too old for it. She got X-
rays, and when she gets the results she will be ready to start her
treatment. Because the pharmacy is close to the dentist, she also
bought anti-flea pills and pills for ticks and internal parasites
(PÁRASAITS) for my dog. After that, she was going to go to the
doctor, but he canceled all his morning appointments because a
family member just died.

Just = recién

2. I finally got volume 2 of the manga comic Witch Hat Atelíer today, so
now I have the 8 volumes that the author has released so far. I have
already read the first one, so I can continue reading the story now.

3. I’m testing the Audible app, which is an app to listen to audiobooks

(ODIOBUKS). I bought it because when I take the bus I usually read
books on my Kindle, but I’m afraid (AFREID) that it could be stolen.
So, now I’m listening to Sapiens (Seipeins): A Brief (BRIF) History Of
Humankind (HIUMANKAIND) by Yuval Noah Harari on my phone.

I’m going to be home alone this weekend because my parents and my

sister are going to the beach.

They don’t get along = No se llevan bien.

Maybe I will go to my friend Hector’s house on Friday evening. He’s my
friend from work and lives in San Miguel.

Hang out (HENGÁUT) = juntarse a echar la talla

We are going to hang out (HENGÁUT) at his place. We are probably not
going to go out.

I’m probably going to relax at home, read, and watch shows on TV.

Achieve (ACHÍV) = lograr

I’m achieving my goal of going to the gym in the morning /
I’m going to the gym in the morning, so I’m proud (PRAUD) of myself.

proud (PRAUD) of = orgulloso de

I like it a lot because the gym isn’t crowded, and I have more energy than in
the evening.

I’m working out three times a week /

I’m going to the gym three times a week.

Rehearse (RIHÉRS)-rehearsed (RIHÉRST) = ensayar

Live (LAIV) = en vivo

Singing live is very exciting.

The lyrics = letras de canciones

The bass (BEIS) = el bajo

Are there any musicians in your family?

Listen to = escuchar
I don’t listen to jazz, but I recognise that it’s good.

A Live stream = un “en vivo” por internet

Dry = seco

Consulting (CONSÓLTING) = consultoría

Seating capacity = aforo

The Book Depósitory

Tuesday, February 1st

1. I’m going to be home alone this weekend because my sister is going
to go to the beach, and my parents are going to go to my uncle’s
house in Cartagena. I’m going to stay at home because we don’t like
to leave our dog alone all weekend.

2. I made a complaint on The Book Depository because one of the

books that I bought in November hasn’t arrived yet. The customer
service was amazing, and they gave me a solution very quickly. They
gave me two options; one of them was a refund (RÍFAND), and the
other one was shipping a replacement of the book. I chose (CHOUS)
the second, so now I’m waiting for them to send the book.

Choose (CHUS)-chose (CHOUS) = elegir

3. I finished reading La Hermandad de la Casa Grande by Eduardo

Perez Arroyo. I’m happy because it is the first Chilean novel that I
read (RID) after a long time without reading a Chilean author, and it
was excellent. I have a lot of books that I want to read, but when I
finish them, I’m going to look for more Chilean authors.

4. I started to read Three Sisters (SESTERS) by Heather Morris. It’s a

historical novel about World War (WOR) II. The story follows three
Jewish sisters who make a promise to their father when they are
young, then their father dies. They grow up, and the War begins, so
they are sent to a concentration camp, and they fight to keep their
promise and continue to live. I have read three quarters of the book
so far, and I don't like it so much because I have read several books
about World War II, and the plots are very similar. Another problem
that I have with this book is that although the characters live a
traumatic (TROMÁRIC) experience, they are lucky and find “good”
nazis (NATSIS) that help them survive and stay together, which
seemed very unrealistic.
A tank top = polera musculosa

I’m not at home right now. I’m at my uncle's house because there is no
internet at home.

VTR has been down since this morning. I cóntacted them, and they said
that the service was going to be fixed by 9:00 am, but it hasn’t been fixed
(FEXT) yet.

By = a más tardar, para

My uncle has Movistar, and it’s working fine.

I live very close to him / I live near him.

I was home alone (ALOUN) all weekend because my family went out of
town, and I stayed to take care of my dog.
I relaxed a lot on the weekend.
I read a lot and started watching a new TV show.
I also continued watching The Office, and I finished playing a video game.

I had thought about going to the mall on Saturday, but I didn’t go because I
realized that I didn’t really need to buy anything important.

Think about - thought about = pensar en

I didn’t see any friends this weekend. I was a hermit this weekend.

Juan Pablo is going to house sit for his sister again (AGÉN) this weekend.

He is very happy about it.

Starve = morir de hambre

I will keep my sister’s dog company while they are away.

Away = lejos
Far = lejos
Far away = lejos

Keep (someone) company = acompañar a…

I really wanted to go to your mega concert, but I won’t be able to go.

Won’t = will not

I won’t be able to go / I will not be able to go / I’m not going to be able to go

I live very far from Bellavista.

Left wing = de izquierda

Right wing = de derecha

Boric is a left wing politícian.

The student council = centro alumnos

Engineering (ENYINÍERING) = ingeniero

Does he have children?

-Yes, he does.

I usually read books on my Kindle = Usualmente leo…

Steal-stole (STOUL)-stole (STOULEN) = robar

Rehearse (RIHÉRS)-rehearsed (RIHÉRST) = ensayar

Tuesday, February 8th

1. The Percy Jackson series was confirmed by Disney. I’m not a big fan
of these books, but I’m reading them in English to improve the
language. It has been fun so far, so I want to finish this book before
the TV Show is launched (LONCHT). I hope to finish all the books of
the series before the launch (LONCH) of the TV show.

Lunch = almuerzo

Launch = lanzamiento, lanzar

2. I'm a bit annoyed because I went to the warehouse on Monday, and

one of my cóworkers told me that he had a fever all weekend, and
continued to have a fever and a headache even on Monday, but he
couldn't get a PCR test because he is external personnél, so If he
had gotten a PCR, his boss would have deducted the day from his
salary. I’m írritated because my job has a supposedly very strict
COVID policy, but only applies to direct employees, which is unjust
and discríminatory.

Personnél / employées / staff

3. I am turning (TERNING) 31 this Saturday. The sad thing is that we

have a benefit at work where we get a day off on our birthdays, but as
my birthday falls on a Saturday, I will lose this benefit. My mother
always cooks our favorite food for us on our birthday, so she is going
to make lasagna this year. My family and I are going to have tea on
Saturday evening, and some of my uncles and aunts will pay me a
visit at my house on Sunday.

Pay (someone) a visit = hacer una vista a alguien


4. I always buy a piece of art from the country that I visit. I had several
paintings that I hadn’t hung because I hadn’t purchased frames, but I
bought them on Sunday, and now I have my collection visible.

Purchase (PÉRCHES)-purchased (PÉRCHEST) = adquirir

I’m reading “Harrow, the Ninth” by Tamsyn Muir. This book is the
second part of the “The Locked Tomb (TUM)” trilogy. I have had
trouble following the story so far because the main character is telling
things that happened in a different way in the first book, so I thought
that it was my problem, but then I read some reviews, and I realized
that this is normal and that everything will be explained in the end.

I have had… far = He tenido…hasta ahora

Tomb (TUM) = tumba

5. I got together with my friend Hector from work on Friday after work.
We ate humitas at his house, which he bought at a vegan store. They
were very tasty (TEISTI). His son (SAN), who is studying to become
a bartender, then made some drinks for us. After that, I went to a bar
with my friends Nicole and Sebastián from college. It was a good get-
together because my friend Sebastian let us know / told us that he is
going to be a father and shared some problems that he is facing, so
getting together was good because he was able to get it (GERET) off
his chest.

Get (something) off your chest = desahogarse

Let me know = dejame saber, hazme saber

Please let me know if you need help with the project.

Face (v) = enfrentar

Meeting = reunión de trabajo

A get-together = junta con amigos a familia.

My weekend was quiet. I stayed at home.

I got a haircut yesterday at a hairdresser near here. I always go to the

same hairdresser who is also my neighbor. She’s cheap and good.

Hairdresser = peluquería, peluquero/a

On Friday, I went to my friend Hector’s house, who lives in San Miguel, a

little far from here. We had humitas for lunch.

Then, I got together with my friends Nicole and Sebastián from college at a
bar in Ñuñoa called HBH. It’s a beer place. I had a beer and a (ANA)
mojito. The mojito had a different flavor. It was a pineapple mojito, and I
liked it a lot.
They have ártisan beer at that place and they make their own beer too.

I had a good time with my friends. Sebastián is going to be a father in three

more months (MONS), so we celebrated that.

My friend Nicole is fine. She doesn’t have big problems and she’s happy at
work. She works at a hospital, and Sebastián works at a clinic.

On Saturday, I worked out at home. I didn’t go to the gym because I

overslépt, and I missed my appointment at the gym, but I made it up
(MEIDERÁP) on Sunday = la recuperé el domino

Oversléep (OUVERSLÍP)-overslépt (OUVERSLÉPT) = pasar de largo


Make up-made up = recuperar una clase, una hora perdida

Make an appointment = pedir o tomar una hora

I made an appointment for Saturday, but I missed it since I overslépt.
However, I was able to make it up (MEIKERÁP) the next day.

I have an elliptical at home.

I used my elliptical on Saturday. I did only cardio that day. I did 30 minutes
of cardio on my mother’s elliptical.

My mother uses it more than me. She uses it every day.

I watched the first episode of Euforia (YUFÓRIA) on HBO, but I didn’t like it,
so I’m not going to continue watching it.
a refund (RÍFAND) = un reembolso

World War (WOR) II

Young (IANG) = jóven

Promise (PRÓMES)

Go window-shopping = ir a vitrinear

Rehearse (RIHÉRS)-rehearsed (RIHÉRST) = ensayar

Lunch = almuerzo

Launch = lanzamiento, lanzar

I am turning (TERNING) 31 this Saturday.

Thursday, February 10th

I had a headache this morning, but it went away = se fué, se me fué.
My family and I went to my cousin’s house yesterday because it was her
birthday = era su cumpleaños.

My cousin’s name is Catina / Her name is Catina (for people)

The name of my company is Medtronic (for things)

Her birthday party was kind of quiet. She is very careful about COVID, so
she invited only a few people.

There were about ten people in total / altogether = en total

My mother gave her a present from all of us. She gave her a bag.

Catina moved to a new house about three months ago. She’s living with
her husband now, but they don’t have kids (KETS) yet.

Meet-met = conocer personas

Get to know = acción de conocer algo o a alguien por primera vez

It was a good opportunity to get to know her new house.

I got to know Catina’s house a few days ago.

Now, I finally know (NOU) her new home.

Now (NAU) = ahora

Know (NOU) = estado de conocer o no conocer algo.

My birthday is on Saturday, so I’m going to go out with my family on

Saturday evening. We want to get to know a new vegan café located in
Providencia called Viveg (VÍVEC)
a Café / a coffee shop

And on Sunday, my extended family are going to come over (COMÓUVER)

at abou 1:00 pm and we’re going to spend the day together.

I hope I get some good presents from all of them.

They know that I love presents.

I have been going to the gym steadily (adv)(STÉDILI) = de forma

constante, regularmente.

Steady (adj) = constante, regular, contínuo

I have been steady about going to the gym in the morning.

I’m used to + ing verb = estar acostumbrado a

I’m used to waking up early to go to the gym.

I used to + inf = yo solía

I used to play a lot of sports before the pandemic.

I’m írritated.

Can I help you (HÉLPIU)?

Would you like me to help you? = Te gustaría que te ayudara?

Might (MAIT) = puede que

Look for / search for = buscar
I’m searching for a new job / I’m looking for a new job.

A search (n) = una búsqueda

Job advertisements = anuncios de empleo

Postings (PÓUSTINGS) / posts (PÓUSTS) = publicaciones en internet

Tuesday, February 15th

My family and I went to a cafe called Viveg on Saturday to celebrate my

birthday. It was good for me and my sister, but my mother didn’t enjoy it
because she doesn’t like vegan food. My father couldn’t go because he
was working, but he picked us up (PIKTASÁP) to go home. Then, we
went to a bar called Latte in Maipu, but it was the first time that the service
was terrible. The food took a long time to arrive, and we decided to cancel
the order.

I’m going to get together with my friend Ana from college tomorrow. We are
going to go to a lesbian bar on Santa Isabel Ave. called Chueca Bar. The
workers are only women, and the bar has a lot of vegan options and some
regular food, too.

My cousins, uncles, and aunts came to my house to celebrate my birthday

on Sunday. I got a lot of gifts, and I liked all of them. My birthday cake was
a vegan cake and it was very delicious. My extended family tried it
(TRAIDET), and they liked it.

Try-tried = probar / tratar

My sister gave me a box of flavored coffee. The box has 9 different coffee
flavors, I have tried 3 so far, and they are delicious.

Happy belated (BILÉIRET) birthday! = Feliz cumpleaños atrasado.

My birthday was on Saturday.

My mother cooked on my birthday. She made lasagna, my favorite dish.

My mother, my sister, and I went to a vegan café on Santa Isabel Ave in

Providencia called Viveg (VÍVEC). My father couldn’t come with us
because he was working that day. He’s a truck driver, so he has to work on
weekends sometimes.
We enjoyed (ENLLÓIT) the café a lot, but our mother didn’t because she
doesn’t like vegan food.

I had three different pieces of cake: red velvet, peanut, and mango. My
favorite was peanut cake since I love peanut butter.

I had an iced (AIST) coffee with vegan cream and vegan ice cream.

My sister had a vegan hot dog and strawberry juice.

I shared my pieces of cake with my mother since it was too much food for

bio-wholemeal bread = pan de masa madre

I also had an avocado and cherry-tomato sandwich on bio-wholemeal


Bread and cheese = pan con queso

And = junto pero no revuelto

Stepsister (STÉPSESTER) = hermanastra

I got a metallic shaver from my parents for my birthday.

I wanted to stop using disposable (DISPÓUSABOL) shavers because they
pollute the environment since they are made of plastic.

Pollúting (adj) = contaminante

Plastic is a very polluting material that pollutes our oceans (ÓUSHENS)
Disposable (DISPÓUSABOL) = desechable/s

I also got two T-shirts (TÍSHERTS) and some pants = unos pantalones

Some pants
Some shorts
Some glasses
Some socks
Some shoes

A pair of pants
A pair of shorts
A pair of glasses
Five pairs of socks

I also got two creams from my aunt. A body cream and a face cream.

In addition, I got a bookmark and a stuffed Harry Potter = peluche de Harry


After the café, my family including my father went to a bar in Maipú, but the
service was bad. The food took a long time to arrive, and we decided to
cancel part of our order. Maybe it was just bad luck because we had been
there before, and the service had been good.

Have been / has been = han sido, ha sido, he sido

Had been = había sido / habían sido

come over (COMÓUVER)

Chores (CHORS) = quehaceres domésticos

Household / home = hogar

Household chores = quehaceres del hogar

What household chore (CHOR) is not mentioned (MÉNSHONT) in the


When it comes to household chores, we all (OL) work together to get

them done as a team.

College / university

Achieve (ACHÍV) = lograr

We all (OL) have busy lives.

Do the laundry = lavar ropa

Sweep-swept = barrer

My mother doesn’t like to be helped with the chores /

My mother doesn’t like us to help her with the chores.

Household chores:
Do the laundry
Do the dishes
Sweep the floor
Make the bed
Vacuum (VÁKIUM) the carpet
Do the bathroom

HW: Invent sentences with class vocabulary.

Thursday, February 17th

I have a lot of work, but it’s OK.

Probably = probablemente

It’s probable (PRÓBABOL) = Es probable

Another = otro / otra

The other = el otro / la otra

I wanted to get to know that bar because it looked interesting on


I liked the drinks and the food, but the service was too slow.

Bring-brought (BROT) = traer

They brought us (BRORAS) the wrong (RONG) order.

I ordered a vegetarian sandwich with mushrooms (MÁSHRUMS) and my

friend ordered one without onions or pickles. However, I got a hamburger
instead of the sandwich, and my friend got her sandwich with onions and

Maybe the waitress made these mistakes because she didn’t write down
the order.

Write (RAIT) down = anotar

Waitress = mesera
Waiter = mesero

Actress = actriz
Actor = actor

I liked the atmosphere (ÁTMOSFIER) of the place = la atmósfera del


The ceiling (SILING) = cielo raso

Heels = tacones

We sat inside because it was hot (HOT) outside.

He picked us up (PIKTASÁP) = Nos pasó a buscar

Flavored (FLÉIVORT) coffee = café saborizado

Iced (ÁIST) coffee = café helado

Bio (BAIO)-wholemeal (HÓULMIEL) bread = pan de masa madre

Pollúte (POLÚT)-pollúted (POLÚTET) = contaminar

Body (BADI) = cuerpo

Stuffed (STAFT) = relleno

Stuffed tomatoes
Stuffed avocados

Sweep-swept = barrer

It’s loading (LOUDING) = Está cargando

Mathemátics / math (MAZ)

Was (WOS)
Wasn’t (WÓSENT)

Were (WOR)
Weren’t (WÓRENT)

By the way = A todo esto.

How did you do on the test? = ¿Cómo te fue en la prueba?

Quite (KUÁIT) well = bastante bien

Pretty (PRIRI) well = bastante bien

A diamond (DÁIMOND)
Leather (LEDER) = cuero, de cuero
Leather boots

A sports car = auto deportivo

Water (WORER)

Project (PRÓCHEKT)
Projects (PRÓCHEKTS)

I want you to do your homework = Quiero que tu hagas tu tarea

Their teacher wants them to work hard.

Apples (ÁPOLS)
Oranges (ÓRANLLES)

Would like = gustaría

Mrs. (MÉSES) = señora

Tuesday, February 22nd

Lixie wrote down all the things that she saw during her life in high school.
She had a lot of stories about her family, friends, and neighbors
(NÉIBORS). With this information she wrote a play that was shown at her
school. She had a casting and chose (CHOUS) the actors and actresses
that looked similar to the characters in her head. The theater was
crowded, the play was successful, and it was liked by almost everybody
except Lixie’s sister because she exposed a lot of intimate (ÍNTIMET)
secrets about her.

Choose (CHUS)-chose (CHOUS) = elegir

Kat has been an omnivore all her life, but this year she wants to make a
change. She wants to take care of her body and soul. She wants to get rid
of (GETRÍDOF) all her leather clothing (CLOUDING) items, and she would
like to learn to make vegan dishes like stuffed tomatoes and bio-wholemeal
bread. She wants to do this because she loves animals, and she is worried
about pollution around the world. In addition, she watched a documentary
where she learned that the meat industry (ÍNDOSTRI) is one of the major
polluters in the world.

get rid of (GETRÍDOF) = deshacerse de

Clothes (CLOUTS) = ropa

Clothing (CLOUDING) = vestuario

Bad Bunny is going to perform a concert this year at the National Stadium.
He was going to perform only one date, but the tickets sold out in only two
hours, and a lot of people couldn’t buy them, so now he announced a
second date, and the tickets sold out very quickly again. My sister wanted
to buy them in a special location, but tickets were only available for the
court and grandstand, so she bought extra tickets for her friends in those
locations. On the contrary, my friend Alejandra, is very lucky because she
was able to get tickets for Dua Lipa and Bad Bunny where she wanted.

On the other hand (para dar el lado B de algo)

My job is very interesting and pays a lot of money. On the other hand, it’s
very tiring.
On the contrary = por el contrario (para hablar de otra cosa o persona)
I like jazz, but Pato, on the contrary, likes reggaeton.

Grandstand = galería de un estadio

Sell out-sold out = agotarse

Good for them! = ¡Qué bueno por ellos!

It’s set in Europe in present time

Set in = ambientado en (tal época y tal lugar)

I started reading Never by Ken Follet.

It’s set in the Sahara Desert (SAHARA DÉSERT), in China, and in The

I went to Estación Central to buy stationary (STÉISHONERI) like pens,

notebooks (NÓUTBUKS), and a backpack on Friday after work.

stationary (STÉISHONERI) = artículos de oficina, papelería

notebooks (NÓUTBUKS) = cuadernos

I finished watching the TV show Euphoria (IUFÓRIA). I liked it a lot

because of the beautiful photography, the excellent cast, and the inténse

Cast = elenco is a website where you can download TV shows

illegally (ILÍGALI) via (VÍA) torrent.
: colon
; semicolon
. dot
/ slash

No se deletrea:

Sí se deletrea:

Amazing = increíblemente bueno

Shocking = increíblemente malo

Compared to = comparado con

I finished watching another anime show called Kimetsu No YAIBA, which

was amazing. The animation was of very high quality compared to other
similar shows.

Bring-brought (BROT) = traer

They brought us (BRÓ-RAS) the wrong (RONG) order.

Bio (BAIO)-wholemeal (HÓULMIEL) bread = pan de masa madre

Quite (KUÁIT) well = bastante bien

Pretty (PRIRI) well = bastante bien

R = R gringa
R = R chilena
Thursday, February 24th

I finished reading a book that I liked a lot this weekend. It’s called Out of
Nowhere by Julia Navarro. It has a very uníque plot, so it was very
interesting to read. The story is about a fanatical muslim (MÁSLEM) and
the soldier who kills his family when he is a child. Their lives (LAIVS) cross
again as adults, and the soldier starts to chase the muslim to avoid new
terrorist bombings (BOMINGS).

Become-became = convertirse en, hacerse, transformarse en

He was bad, but then he became good.

Bombings = bombardeos, poner bombas

A fanátical muslim (MÁSLEM) was responsible for the 2001 bombings.

I have been listening to the Encanto soundtrack, there are some excellent
songs, and one is even a candidate for the Oscars. The song Don’t talk
about Bruno is the most popular song on Billboard and has surpassed
(SERPÁST) the song “Let it go” from Frozen. I like listening to movie
soundtracks. Two of my favorite soundtracks (SAUNDTRAKS) are The
Greatest Showman and The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

There are a lot of youtubers who make video unboxing of stationary.

Interesting (ÍN-TRES-TING) = interesante

That job is very interesting.

Interested (IN-TRES-TET) = interesado

I’m very interested in that job.

It’s at a pharmaceutical (FARMASIÚTIKAL) company called ABBVIE.



They manufacture (MANIUFÁKCHER) drugs for compléx íllnesses.

manufacture (MANIUFÁKCHER) = producir

How did the interview go?

-It went very well, I think, but I can’t be sure. I need to wait for them to call
me = Necesito esperar a que ellos me llamen.

I want you to help me = Quiero que me ayudes

I need her to call me

I need him to pay me back

: colon
; semicolon
. dot
/ slash

No se deletrea:

Sí se deletrea:

Decaffeinated (DICÁFINEITET) coffee / decaf (DÍCAF) coffee

What day is it?

What day is it today?

A minute (MÉNAT)

Finish (FÉNESH)-finished (FÉNESHT)

Tokyo is in Japán

Y (I)
Young (IÁNG) = jóven
Yes (IES)
Yesterday (IÉSTERDAI)

Fun = entretenido
Funny = chistoso

Tall = alto de altura

Short = bajo de altura

Nationalities - Countries (CANTRIS):

Austrailian (OSTRÉILIAN) - Australia (OSTRÉILIA)

Canadian (KANÉIDIAN) - Cánada

Egyptian (ILLÉPSHAN) - Egypt (ÍLLEPT)

Indonesian (INDONÍSHAN) - Indonesia (INDONÍSHA)

Italian (ITÁLIAN) - Italy (ÍTALI)

Malaysian - Malaysia

Russian (RÁSHAN) - Russia (RÁSHA)

Saudi Arabian (SAUDIARÉIBIAN) - Saudi Arabia (SAUDI AREÍBIA)

Tuesday, March 1st

China is a large and important weapon (WEPON) manufacturer, as well as

a participant in the illicit trade. Tina and Tom are CIA agents responsible for
investigating. They have been working together recently and they are
quickly falling (FOLING) in love. They frequently talk about their lives and
have a lot of interesting stories.
My cousin and his wife are going to live in Australia this year where she is
going to study English, and he will accompany her with their daughter. He
is a tattoo artist who wants to take a baking course to make cakes and sell
them in Australia, as well as continue tattooing. She is going to look for
work when they arrive. They have a dog and told us that it is very difficult to
travel with pets because Australia is strict about health documentation,
which takes about 6 months to prócess. His brother is going to take care of
the dog here in Chile while they get the certificate (SERTÍFIKET), and he
is going to send him to Australia when they have earned some money
since sending a dog to another country isn’t cheap.

Prócess-prócessed = procesar

certificate (SERTÍFIKET)

My cousin Roberto moved to a new apartment on a different floor of the

same building. He moved from the 7th to the 17th floor because this
apartment is larger, and with the birth of his child, the old apartment doesn’t
have the space that they need. He is terrified of earthquakes, so he doesn’t
know how (HAU) he is going to behave when there is one.

Earthquakes (ÉRZKUEIKS) = sismo, terremoto

How do you like it? = ¿Qué te parece?

-I like it a lot so far

My sister and I made chorrillana on Friday because we were home alone.

Scallions (SCÁLIONS) = cebollines

I bought pre-made French fries that you don’t need to fry. You can make
them in the oven, and that’s what we did.

They come already pre-fried.

We watched the new Scream movie, and it’s a fun horror movie, but not a

Nothing else = nada más

A fanátical muslim (MÁSLEM) was responsible for the 2001 bombings.

Egyptian (ILLÉPSHAN) - Egypt (ÍLLEPT)

Ripe (RAIP) = madura (para fruta)

This banana is too ripe for me.

Juicy (YUS) = jugosa

Interested in = interesado en

Tuesday, March 8th

Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive is a saga I'd like to read. I've read
four of his other books, and they're all fantastic. He is one of the most well-
known (NOUN) fantasy authors on the planet. The good thing about him is
that he writes quickly, so readers don't have to wait long for the story to
continue. On the other hand, George R Martin and Patrick Rothfuss' sagas
are still unfinished. The Stormlight Archive (ARKAIV) has released four
books so far, but the author hopes to release ten in total.

Archive (ÁRKAIV) = archivo

My sister went to the stadium on Sunday to watch Colo Colo and

Universidad de Chile. She got home very happy because Colo Colo won.
My parents and I were concerned because of the violence we usually see
on TV, but fortunately, there were mostly Colo Colo fans at the stadium, so
there weren’t any fights between fans of different teams.

Match / game = partido

Pam quit her job to follow (FALOU) her passion. She used to work as a
receptionist, but now she is studying Graphic Design. The problem is that
her boyfriend lives in a different city, and she misses him a lot. Long-
distance relationships used to be difficult in the past, but now that
everyone has a smartphone and access to the internet, keeping in touch
is much easier (ÍSIER)

Keep in touch = mantenerse conectado o comunicado

Esteban is in love with his coworker, and they used to have a secret
relationship, but she broke up with him because he killed her cat. She is
now engaged to another coworker, but I believe she still has feelings for
her ex boyfriend because they continue to have occassional sex. He gave
her an ultimatum (OLTIMÉITOM) to choose between him and the other

Break up with = terminar con

This is the final week of Sebastian Piñera’s présidency in Chile. It's a good
thing, but unfortunately he left power without any consequences after all of
(ÓLOF) his crimes. I have high expectations for Boric, and I hope he can
govern efféctively, although it looks difficult with everything that is

I don’t understand why I can watch a complete season of a TV Show

without stopping, but it’s very hard for me to watch an entire (ENTÁIER)
movie. There are several movies that I want to watch, but when I start
watching them, I lose (LUS) focos (FÓUCOS).

This week was my nephew (NEFIU) Esteban’s first week of school, and he
is very happy. His parents were kind of worried because he is very active,
and they didn’t know if he would be able to stay quiet in class. Also, he
doesn’t socialize (SÓUSHALAIS) much with children of his age because
there aren’t any kids living on his street. Fórtunately, he is adapting very
well, and he is enjoying going to school.

I went to an illustration fair in Providencia on Saturday morning, but it was

really crowded. I went by myself, but I thought it was going to be less
crowded. However, I enjoyed it (ENYOIDET) because I brought my kindle
so I read a lot while I was waiting in line.

It looked safe
Safe = seguro

Alone / by myself = solo

When I finally got in (GARÍN), I only had 50 minutes to look at all the stands
since they were trying to avoid big crowds, but it was enough time for me.

Crowds = tumultos, gentíos

I bought some drawings from some artists.

I keep all the drawings that I buy in a special folder (FOULDER)

Folder = carpet

Since I was in Providencia, I also bought a facial tonic at Lush on

Providencia Ave.

Soaps = jabones

Environmentally (ENVAIRONMÉNTALI) friendly = amigable con el medio


I watched about 3 episodes of The Office on Amazon Prime.

I started watching a movie, but I didn’t finish it.

It’s hard for me to finish watching movies, so I prefer TV shows.

In a row = seguidos
I like musicals a lot.

I’m still reading Never. It’s a long one.

A fanátical muslim (MÁSLEM) was responsible for the 2001 bombings.

Thursday, March 10th

1. I’m going to get the bracelets (BREISLETS) for Lollapalooza

tomorrow. I’m very excited because this will be my first time attending
this festival. I hope it will be an amazing experience. I would like to
listen to a few artists, and fortunately, they are going to be performing
at different times, so I won’t miss any of my favorites.
2. Pauline discovered that her husband was having an affair with her
daughter’s teacher. Their relationship was bad for a long time, but it
was painful for her to find out about it. She believes it occurred
(OKIÉRT) because she works long hours every day, but at the same
time, she feels that she didn’t deserve it.

Deserve (DISÉRV)-deserved (DISERVT) = merecer

Find out = averiguar

3. Tom and Tina finally got married (MERIT) after all the difficulties that
they suffered. They worked together, and their company didn’t allow
(ALAU) relationships between coworkers, so Tom resigned because
his family owned a business where he could work. They are currently
living in France, and they want to have a big family.

I’m going to go to the mall to get the Lollapalooza bracelets and then go
window shopping tomorrow.

go window shopping = ir a vitrinear

I hope not = Espero que no.

Maybe something will come up.

Come up = salir, surgir

focos (FÓUCOS) on = concentrarse en

I finally got in (GARÍN) = finalmente entré.

Environmentally (ENVAIRONMÉNTALI) friendly = amigable con el medio

falling (FOLING) in love = enamorarse

focos (FÓUCOS) on = concentrarse en

2000 = two thousand

2001 = two thousand one
2009 = two thousand nine
2010 = two thousand ten / twenty ten

Neighbors (NÉIBORS) = vecinos

Son (SAN) = hijo

Sun (SAN) = sol

Nathan (NEIZAN)

Fur = pelaje de animal

Seat (SIT) = asiento

Seats (SITS) = asientos

Kathy (KAZI)
Bones (BOUNS) = huesos

A surgeon (SÉRYEN) = cirujana

Tray (TREI) = bandeja

Lives = vidas

Bush (BUSH) = arbusto


Leaf (LIF) = hoja de planta

Leaves = hojas


Tuesday, March 15th

The new Pixar movie / Pixar’s new movie

I like ánimated movies a lot.

I finished reading Finale (FINÁLI), a fantasy novel by Stephanie Garber
about two sisters (SÉSTERS) who enter a game and discover that the
game is magical and dangerous.

Enter = entrar a

I read it (REDET) on my kindle.

I’m watching the 5th season of The Office.

Loud (LAUT) = fuerte de volúmen

Kitchen (KÉTCHEN)

Cut (CAT) = cortar

Cut off (CARÓF) = cortar

The wind = el viento

Wine = vino

One fish (FESH) = pez

Two fish (FESH) = peces

Mouse = ratón
Mice (MÁIS) = ratones

Tooth = diente, muela

Teeth = dientes

Sheep = oveja
Sheep = ovejas

Lamb (LAM) = cordero (a baby sheep)

There are many different kinds of (KÁINSOF) fish (FESH) in the sea.

Culture (CÓLCHER) = cultura

Children (CHELDREN)

My father works at the library.

Professor = profesor de universidad

Teacher = profesor de colegio o particular (profesor rasca como mi profe
JP y no como su papá que enseña en U de Concepción.)

Thursday, March 17th

An audit (ODIT) = una auditoría

Turn out - turned out = resultar

My audit turned out (TERNDÁUT) very well.

Saint (SEINT)

Saint Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Ireland (AIRLAND).

Irish people love beer.

The cost of living is very high everywhere right now.

I’m expecting an important phone call.

I can’t wait = Estoy ansioso, expectante

I can’t wait to attend Lollapalooza this weekend /

I’m looking forward to attending Lollapalooza this weekend.

I’m looking forward to + ING VERB

I’m looking forward to working with you.
I’m looking forward to meeting with your father.
I’m looking forward to traveling to NY.

I’m looking forward to seeing my favorite band, Gorillaz, at Lollapalooza

this weekend.

You can’t bring water into Lollapalooza. They will be selling it, and it will
probably be expensive.

I like ánimated movies a lot.

Neighbor (NÉIBOR) = vecino/a

Should I continue with exercise 7?

A bear (BER) = un oso

Bears (BERS) = osos

Tuesday, March 22nd

1. In the new book (that) I’m reading, the sun’s temperature (CHER)
drops because of a new kind of life that is discovered. This is a major
problem and could mean the end of humanity. As a result, all
countries cooperate (COÁPEREIT) to try to avoid this. They build a
spacecraft and launch (LONCH) three astronauts into space. Only
one of them survives, but he is not alone because he discovers
extraterrestrial life, but they cooperate with each other because both
their planets face the same challenge.

Challenge = desafío

2. I attended Lollapalooza over (ÓUVER) the weekend, which was an

exhausting but very entertaining experience. I thought that the
organization was excellent and the punctuality of the concerts was
also a plus. Although the food and beverages (BÉVERALLES) were
kind of expensive, there were “hydration (HAIDRÉISHON) points”
where you could refill (RÍFEL) your water bottle. Another plus was
that this year the evént was held in Cerrillos, and a bus dropped me
off at the entrance in less than 30 minutes.

Kind of = un poco / más o menos

3. I'm happy because I'm collecting the books from a long saga. I had
been missing volume 4 and got it yesterday, so I now (NAU) have all
23 volumes that have been released so far. I haven't read (RED) any
of them yet because I have other books to read first, and these are in
English. I'd also like to finish Percy Jackson in English first because I
believe it has a simpler vocabulary.

4. My cousins are worried because my nephew started kindergarten,

and the teacher told them that he is a smart kid with a lot of
knowledge (NÓLECH), but he doesn't know how to follow rules,
which could make it difficult for him to succeed. For example, children
are required to wear a smock, which he doesn’t, and they are
required to do homework, which he doesn’t do because he doesn’t
want to. The main issue is that he was never taught rules at home
and he was always spoiled, so his parents are now attempting to
teach him how to behave (BIHEIV).

Teach-taught (TOT)
Buy-bought (BOT)
Think-thought (ZOT)
Bring-brought (BROT)
Catch-taught (COT)

spoil-spoiled = consentir, malcriar

knowledge (NÓLECH) = conocimiento

The meeting went well = La reunión salió bien, anduvo bien.

Go well-went well = salir bien

Project Hail Mary is a book by Andy Weir.

There were containers with water where you could refill (RIFEL) your
water bottle.

refill (RIFEL) = rellenar

Stands = puestos

There were a lot of food stands and several vegan options although they
were expensive.

arrived to
We arrived at Lollapalooza after lunchtime, so we didn’t have to buy lunch

The restrooms were very dirty (DERTI).

Bathrooms = baños de casa particular.

Restrooms / Toilets = baños de lugar público (at the airport / at the mall / at
a restaurant, etc).

Erase (IRÉIS)-erased (IRÉIST)

Shoulder (SHOULDER) = hombro

A cook = un cocinero

The ground = el suelo (afuera de la casa)

The floor = el piso (dentro de una casa)

September 3rd

In ink = con lápiz pasta

In pencil = con lápiz mina

Pleased (adj)(PLIST) = satisfecho, contento

Sneeze (SNIS)-sneezed (SNIST) = estornudar

She killed it (KELDET)

Fold (FOULD) - foulded (FOULDET) = doblar (ropa o una carta)

Shout (SHAUT) - shouted (SHÁURET) = gritar


Thursday, March 24th

1. My mother always reminds us (RIMÁINSAS) to wipe our shoes

before entering the house because the ground on the street is filthy
(FELZI), and she doesn't want the floor to get dirty (DERTI).
Filthy (FELZI) = asqueroso

slippers (SLEPERS) = pantuflas

Sneakers = zapatillas deportivas

2. Kylie Jenner gave birth to her second child, Wolf. Social networks
were filled (FELT) with memes and mockery about the name,
although it is not a very strange name compared to the rest of the
family. She posted (POUSTET) a statement on social media (MÍDIA)
today saying that now that she has seen more of her son (SAN), she
doesn't think the name Wolf fits him, and she will look for a new one.
This is clearly (CLÍERLI) an effective marketing strategy since she will
soon begin a new season of her reality (RIÁLITI) show.

Mockery = burlas, mofas

look for = buscar
compared to = comparado con

3. Documents and forms should always be filled out (FEL-DÁUT) in ink

to avoid loss (LOS) and adulteration of information. It has happened
in the past that some people at work do this in pencil and then switch
to ink, but this is a practice that should be avoided.

Fill out = llenar (documents or forms)

Forms = formularios

4. I finished reading The Hail Mary Project, and I loved it (LÓVDET). I

can't remember another book that has made me laugh, has made me
happy, and has also made me sad. I've started reading Kim Jiyoung,
Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo, now. The plot is about a young woman
who is born at the end of the twentieth century, and her story facing
misogyny and oppression.

Face-faced = enfrentar

5. Daddy Yankee has announced that he will embark (EMBÁRK) on a

final world tour before retiring from the music industry. Social
networks are full of news and jokes asking the new generations not to
buy tickets and to leave them available to people from my generation
who grew up with him. I hope to be able to get tickets and go to the
concert with my sister and father who also like him.

I have a birthday party at my cousin’s house in Maipú on Saturday night.

It’s a ten-minute walk from here.

A pair of jeans /
Some jeans

I always find what I’m looking for at the Arauco Maipú Mall.

What = lo que

I like Costanera Center a lot, but it’s too far for me.

It’s too far from here.

I have gained weight = He subido de peso.

I have gained weight, so I’m happy because it’s muscle mass and not fat.
I have been going to the gym three times a week for two or three months.

They gave me a routine that I paid for (PÉIDFOR) with exercises for the
month. I have to get a new one every month, so I have to pay $15.000
pesos extra each month. The gym is $18.000 a month, so I spend $33.000
pesos a month on gym stuff in total.

Spend money on things

Stuff = things

I’m making progress at the gym!

My initial goal was to get to 65 kgs, but now that I have reached this goal, I
want to go for more!!!

Reach goals = alcanzar metas

Get to = llegar a

I have a meal plan too, and I follow it 90% of the time.

It’s hard for me to follow it because I don’t like eating too much, so I
sometimes have to eat when I’m not hungry!

Éxperts say that food is essential if you are trying to change (CHEINSH)
your body.
“Ture” (CHER):
Temperature (TÉMPERCHER)

Container (CONTÉINER) = recipiente

Toilet (TÓILET) / restroom = baño en lugar público

I have allergies all year, but only sneezing.

I’m allérgic to my dog, but I’m mostly allérgic to cats.

Tuesday, March 29th

1. I finished reading Kim Jiyoung (LLI-IÁNG) Born 1982 by Cho (CHOU)

Nam-Joo (LLÚ). I had high expectations about it because of the
reviews, and I liked it, but I don't think it’s a masterpiece. The book
has a thought-provoking plot about feminism (FÉMENESM) although
it’s not so different from other books that I have read. I believe that
the success (SAXÉS) of this book is because the book is written
(RÍTEN) by a female Korean author who comes from a very sexist
society where women are still oppressed.

different from = distinto a

Due to / because of + noun or noun phrase

The success of the book is due to its female Korean author /

The success of the book is because the book is written by a female Korean

Thought-provoking (adj)(PROVÓUKING) = que hace pensar

2. My cousin graduated (GRÁLLUEIRET) from college yesterday, and

we went to her house to celebrate it. Her family and my family were
very happy and proud of her because we are very close.

3. Will Smith is a trending topic on the Internet because of the fight he

had at the Oscars. The fight started when the host made a joke about
Will's wife, which wasn’t well received by him. There are two opinions
about it. Some people think that it was an inappropriate
(INAPRÓPRIET) and even sexist reaction by Will, and others think
that the hit was well deserved because the joke was impróper.
Séxism (n) = machismo
Séxist (adj) = machista

well deserved (DISÉRVT) = bien merecido

which = lo cual

4. My family and I went to a barbecue at my cousin Luis’s (LUISES)

house on Saturday night to celebrate his birthday. His plan was to
invite some people to have tea at about 5:00 pm and others to have a
barbecue at night. The problem was that everyone arrived late at the
tea and ended up staying for the barbecue. Fortunately, he had
bought more meat than necessary because it was on sale, so the
food wasn't a problem.

End up + ing verb = terminar haciendo algo

5. My mom had a dentist appointment today in the center of Santiago at

3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. We were worried that something would
happen to her or that her appointment would be cánceled because of
the protests (PRÓUTESTS), but fortunately, she was able to get
there without any problems.

A club (CLAB) = una disco

“Go clubbing” = ir a discos

I like dancing, but I don’t go clubbing too much.

I have eight aunts and uncles.

I have a lot of nephews and nieces.

I played a lot of video games this weekend.

I went to my cousin’s house to celebrate her college graduation.

College / university = universidad.

She studied sociology at U. de Chile /

She majored in sociology at U. de Chile.

Major ín - majored ín = estudiar una carrera

What did you major ín?

I majored in pharmaceutical chemistry at U. de Chile

I’m a pharmaceutical chemist.


Pharmaceutical chemists are basically (BÉISIKLI) chemists in the

pharmaceutical industry (ÍNDOSTRI). They conduct (CONDÁCT) résearch
(RÍSERCH) on drugs, formulate (FÓRMIULEIT) new drugs, and monitor
the quality contról (CONTRÓL) of the drug-making process.

Wolf (WOLF) = lobo

Son (SAN) = hijo

Young (adj)(IANG) = jóven

Éxperts say that food is essential if you are trying to change (CHÉINSH)
your body.

Taste (TÉIST) - tasted (TÉISTET) = probar con el gusto

The play = la obra de teatro

The audience = el público

She carried (KERIT) her suitcases (SUTKEISES) to the bus.

The baby rubbed (RABT) her eyes because she was sleepy.

% percént

Thursday, March 31st (ZERTI-FERST)

I’m going to go out with my friends from college tomorrow evening, but we
don’t know where we are going yet.

We are probably going to go to a bar.

I’m going to see my nutritionist on Saturday morning. She’s a workahólic

who works on Saturdays!
See + doctors in general
I’m going to see my dentist tomorrow.
I’m going to see my doctor next week.
I need to see a dermatologist.

I’m going to see my friends from high school on Saturday night. We’re
going to go to my cousin’s house since we were all classmates.

I think we are going to stay there. We aren’t going to go out.

Energy drinks.

I only like Monster.

I like its green apple (APOL) flavor.

I’m very picky (PÉKI) = mañoso

Liquor (LÍKOR) / alcohol (ÁLKOHOL) = copete en general.

I prefer to drink beer and not liquor, but when I drink alcohol, I usually drink
pisco or vodka with energy drinks.

I resumed (RISIÚMT) looking for English Institutes abroad (ABRÓD).

Quotations (KUOTÉISHONS) = cotizaciones

Ask for = pedir

I’m asking for quotations to compare different options.

I’m looking in Ireland (AIRLAND) and England.

Impróper / inapprópriate = inapropriado

Séxism (n) = machismo

Séxist (adj) = machista

Taste (TEIST) - tasted (TEISTET) = probar con el gusto

Last night
Yesterday afternoon
Last Wednesday
Last week
Last summer
Last month
Yesterday evening
Three months ago
Two weeks ago
One year ago
Yesterday morning
Last weekend

Sam gráduated (GRÁLLUEIRET) from high school last year.

Put on (PURÓN) - put on (PURÓN) = ponerse una prenda

I put ón my jacket last night because it was cold (COULT).

Outside (AUTSÁID) = afuera

Stand (STEND)-stood (STUD) = estar parado

I stood outside in the rain last night waiting for you!
Sit-sat = sentarse / estar sentado

Fishing pole (POUL) = caña de pescar

Over (ÓUVER)

Woods = bosque
Wood = madera

Sleep late = dormir hasta tarde

Go to bed late = acostarse tarde

I slept late this morning because I went to bed late last night.

Fishing pole (POUL) = caña de pescar

The woods = el bosque
Catch-caught (COT) = pescar

I went to Peulla on vacation when I was 19 years old. That place was
beautiful and there were big woods. There was also a big lake where my
cousins and I used my uncle’s fishing pole and caught (COT) some fish for

Use = usar
used to = solía
Tuesday, April (ÉIPREL) 5th

At work = en el trabajo

1. I was reading a procedure at work, and I found that it had a

watermark from an online tránslator. This is very embarrassing
because we have an official translator at work. This is also bad
because the translation has a bad quality, and it’s necessary that the
document be legible and understandable to everyone.
2. Will Smith resigned from the acádemy after his fight at the Oscars,
and two of his next films were cánceled. I think that it’s a little too
much. I disagree with the aggression, but the other person was not
punished (PANISHT) for mocking someone's physical appearance.
Besides, he took this opportunity to increase the price of the tickets to
his shows by almost ten times.

3. The government has proposed a new policy that will not require the
use of face mas-ks in outdoor places as long as appropriate distance
is maintained. I'm happy about that because I believe it is time to start
eliminating certain (SERTEN) restrictions. However, there are people
who don't like this idea, but I feel that at this time it should be
vóluntary. I feel that it doesn’t make sense to have to wear a mask
outdóors anymore since the risk of getting infected is minimal
compared to indóors.

Require = requerir
Ban = prohibir

4. The new daylight-saving schedule began on Saturday, and as it does

every year, my agony began. I dislike this schedule since it gets dark
at 7:00 p.m., and I feel obligated to go to bed. Because there are so
many different scientific viewpoints on / about which daylight-saving
schedule is ideal, I've never been sure what ours should be.
Throughout (ZRUÁUT) the fall and winter I suffer with the weather
and the schedule.

Throughout (ZRUÁUT) = por todo

Daylight-saving schedule = horario de ahorro de luz de día

5. The current minister of education stated (STÉITET) that closing the

schools for so long was a mistake. Although I am a supporter of this
government, it is between funny and sad to see that the opposition is
always there to annoy, since in Piñera's government, they strongly
criticized the education minister for wanting to return to in-person
classes. Another example is that now the right wing supports the fifth
withdrawal after previously (PRÍVIOSLI) opposing it.

Let me turn on (TERNÓN) the light.

We went to Ciudad Vieja. It’s close to Baquedano station.

I ordered a veggie (VELLI) burger (BERGER) with French fries, which was
delicious. I also had two drinks. One of them had coconut (CÓUCONAT)
rum and coconut cream.

coconut (CÓUCONAT) = coco

rum (RAM) = ron

The other one was a sweet drink, but I can’t remember what it was.

I liked the atmosphere of the place. It was big and crowded, and the service
was good. The bar was beautiful.

On Saturday, I had my appointment with my nutritionist, which went well.

She congrátulated me on my progress.

Congrátulate on - congrátulated on = felicitar por

We had burgers, vodka, and rum.

It’s always fun to get together with my friends from high school.

There were six people including me.

Choose (CHUS) - chose (CHOUS)

My family and I went to an Italian restaurant at Costanera Center for lunch
on Sunday. We chose this restaurant because they had vegan options. I
ordered a salad and French fries, and my sister ordered pasta stuffed
with almond (ÁMOND) cheese and Fries. It was delicious.

Stuffed (STÁFT) with = relleno con

Stuffed tomatoes, stuffed potatoes, stuffed avocados, etc.

almond (ÁMOND) = almendra

My parents had fettuccine with bolognese sauce and pesto sauce.

For dessért, I had a cáramelized condénsed milk volcano (VOLKÉINO) and

ice cream.

Cáramelized condénsed milk = manjar / dulce de leche

My mother had a pancake stuffed with nutella, fruit, and ice cream.
My dad had a big piece of cáramelized condénsed milk and lucuma cake.

I’m very picky (PÉKI) = mañoso

Thursday, April 7th

1. I broke one of my cousin's glasses on Saturday. I felt bad because it

was a new glass, and it was beautiful. Taking advantage of the fact
that his birthday was on March 25th, I decided to get him a similar set
of glasses, and he loved them.

Cups = tazas
A cup of tea / a cup of coffee
Glasses = vasos y copas de vidrio
A wine glass
A margarita glass
A whiskey glass
A pisco sour glass
A juice glass

2. Michael (MÁIKOL) tried everything to win over Mariela, and he

succeeded at it (ARÉT). Their relationship was great until he
discovered (DISCÓVERT) a phótograph (FÓROGRAF) of her kissing
another man. He asked her about it, and she confirmed that she had
another man, but the surprise was that she was married to this man.
Now, he isn't sure what will happen to their relationship.

3. I resumed jumping rope at home this week because my nutritionist

told me I needed to add cardio to my workouts if I wanted to see
better results. I had been going to the gym, but I hadn’t been doing
cardio, so I started doing it. When I jump rope, I always watch an
episode of a show to feel the time pass faster.

4. Andy and Helena were coworkers, and they were in a relationship,

but she ended it when she discovered (DISCÓVERT) that he had
been engaged to another coworker in the past, and hadn’t told her.
She suffered a lot because she really liked Andy, but she lost
confidence in him for hiding this information from her.

Hide (HAID)-hid (HED) = esconder

I’m sure I’m going to go to the gym, but I don’t know when yet.

Maybe I will go to the mall.
Maybe I will go to the cinema. There are two movies that I want to see.
One is Batman, and the other is an ánimated movie from Japán.

I want to start watching the Studio Ghibli movies because people and critics
say that they are masterpieces.

These movies are ánimated films made in Japan. People say that the plots
are thought-provoking (PROVÓUKENG), and the drawings are beautiful.

Drawings = dibujos

There are over ten movies by this studio, and I have only watched one so
far, and I loved it.

Over = sobre, más de

They are = están

There are = hay

Some of them are on Netflix, and the rest should be online.

Should = debería
Could = podría

I wrote (ROUT) about my life in the sentences for homework


previously (PRÍVIOSLI)

I ordered a veggie (VELLI) burger (BERGER) with fries.

Go off = activarse, sonar (para alarmas)
My alarm went off at 7:00 am = Mi alarma sonó a las 7:00.

He got out (GARÁUT) of bed quickly because he was late for work.

In a hurry = apurado
I’m in a hurry, so let’s talk later please. I can’t talk right now.

Dr. Jones (LLÓUNS)

A month (MONZ) = un mes

A few months (MONS) = algunos meses

Sights = atracciones turísticas

Thursday, April 14th

1. My sister, my mother, and I went to get our COVID vaccines
yesterday, so we now have our fourth dose. My mother and I didn’t
get any side effects, but my sister is suffering from arm pain and a
slight fever. The process was very quick this time. We arrived at 8:30
am, and we were done at 9:10 am because we had to wait 30
minutes after getting vaccinated.

Ready = listo para empezar

Done / finished = listo terminado

2. I’m sad because I watched an episode of The Office yesterday and I

found out that it is the last episode for one of the main actors. I
searched online, and the opinions are that the last two seasons aren’t
so good. I’ll still finish watching this show because I’m curious
(KIÉRIEOS) about what happens to the other characters in the end.

Episodes of a TV show
Chapters of a book

3. I had my monthly dentist appointment yesterday, and he gave me the

date when he is finally going to remove my brackets. I’m happy
because I have only two months (MONS) left, so I can start getting
quotations from Institutes to study English abroad (ABRÓD) with a
specific date now.

4. Michael (MÁIKOL) quit his job to move ín with his girlfriend, and his
replacement has already arrived. Everyone is attempting to like
Archie, the new boss, who is very different from Michael, but
everybody hopes that this difference will be benefícial. They will have
to wait and see what happens.
Everyone / everybody / all of them

I have the day off today.

I’m going to my niece’s birthday party tomorrow. She is 8 years old.

My mother bought her a present from all the family. She got her clothes.

The birthday party is in the evening.

I want to go to the movies to see the new Harry Potter movie. It’s called
Fantastic Beasts and where to find them.

I like going to the movies by myself.

By myself / alone = solo

I don’t have a problem with doing things by myself.

We went to Prima Bar near Manuel Montt St. in Providencia.

It was our first time there. I chose (CHOUS) this bar because of the
pictures on IG. The place was nice and clean, and the restroom smelled
like flowers in the spring. The drinks were excellent. I had two cocktails that
were originally created by them. We ordered a vegetarian chorrillana, which
was only OK because the fries were too oily (ÓILI) for me. We also
ordered Provoleta, which is bread and melted cheese, and finally roasted
mushrooms (MASHRUMS), which were good.

OK = decente
The atmosphere was kind of crowded but relaxed. The service was quick,
and our waiter and waitress were very friendly and polite.

Polite = cortés
Impolite / rude = maleducado

Discover - discovered (DISCÓVERT)

Is it cold today?
-No, it isn’t.

Run (RAN) - ran (RAN) = correro

Bring (BRING) - brought (BROT) = traer

Drive - drove (DROUV) = conducir, manejar auto

Thursday, April 21st

1. I finished watching The Office, and while the last two seasons were
not particularly (PARTÍKIULARLI) good in general, the final episodes
were fantastic, and I enjoyed each character's conclusion. One of the
main characters who had left the show in the seventh season
reappeared in the final two episodes, evoking nostalgia. I need to find
a new TV Show to watch while I jump rope now.

2. I was going to download (DÁUNLOUD) Batman from YIFY on Sunday

night, but I became ill with a fever, a cold, and a stomach ache, so I
preferred to go to bed and sleep. I woke up feeling slightly (SLÁITLI)
better on Monday but not completely recovered, so I chose to go to
bed early once more.

3. My friend is worried because she is undergoing a cosmetic procedure

to reduce fat armpit (ÁRMPET), but she is feeling pain and
discómfort, and that’s why she looked up the product that was used
on her. Fortunately, it’s FDA approved, but only for double chin fat,
not for armpits!! She has a doctor's appointment today, and she is
planning to ask him about thát.

Shady = chanta, turbio

Look up = buscar en internet

Look up information, look up a definition, look up a name.

Look for = buscar en general

Look for a new job, look for your keys when you can't find them.

4. Pam and Jim were the perfect couple of The Office for seven
seasons, but then they started fighting because they had different
goals and communication issues. They broke úp when there were
only a few episodes left, and I was worried that their relationship
would end, and that they would each pursue (PERSÚ) their own
dreams, but fortunately, they were able to solve their problems, and
they got back together.

Pursue (PERSÚ) = perseguir un objetivo

Break úp (BREIKÁP) - broke úp (BROUKÁP) = terminar con la pareja

Get back together = volver con la pareja

5. My family and I went to my niece’s house to celebrate her birthday on

Friday. One of them is eight years old, and the other is five. The
older one was a little disappointed because her gifts were mostly
clothes, whereas her younger (ÍANGER) sister got more toys. Her
parents scolded (SCÓULDET) her, but she later apologized for her
attitude and thanked everybody for the gifts.

Scold-scolded (SCÓULDET) = retar, regañar

Whereas = mientras que

6. Rihanna and ASAP Rocky are expecting a baby. They were dating,
but according to the latest rumors, ASAP Rocky cheated (CHÍRET)
on Rihanna. People on the internet have criticized ASAP Rocky for
his behavior and some of them have said that if Rhianna can be
cheated, anyone can.

Cheat on someone = ser infiel a, engañar a alguien

Cheat = hacer trampa (en el juego, con plata, etc).

I had a fever and a stomach ache on Sunday and on Monday, but I’m
feeling well now.
Turn = cumplir años

My niece Martina turned 8 last week, and her sister Amanada turned 4, so
they celebrated their birthdays together on Friday evening.

They didn’t celebrate their birthdays last year or the year before because of
the COVID pandemic, so this was a very special birthday.

My mother got them presents from all of us (ÓLOFAS), so I didn’t have to

worry about buying presents.

From = de, de parte de

The party was OK. It was a family birthday party.

I finally finished watching The Office, and I liked the ending a lot because
one of the characters who left the TV show in season 7 reappeared for the
ending, and that was very cool.

I haven’t started to watch a new show yet.

I’m still reading the Dune saga, and I’m currently reading the 3rd book.

There are 6 books in total, but I’m not going to read them all in a row
because they are deep.

In a row = seguidos
My mother is reading the whole saga, and she wants to read all the books
in a row, but only because she likes to finish what she starts, not because
she thinks that these books are so good.

curious (KIÉRIEOS)

A month (MONZ)
Five months (MONS)

oily (ÓILI) = aceitoso/a, grasiento

I have oily skin (SKEN), but my teacher has dry skin.

Melt - melted = derretir

Discover (DISCÓVER) - discovered

Particular (PARTÍKIULAR)
particularly (PARTÍKULARLI)

download (DÁUNLOUD) = descargar de internet

upload (ÁPLOUD) = subir a internet

Load (LÓUD) = cargar un programa

Charge your cell phone = cargar la batería de…
Charge my computer

7. Khloe Kardashian posted some pictures of her daughter on Instagram

and received a lot of criticism (KRÉTESESEM) because they
appeared to be photoshopped (FÓUROSHOPT). The comments
were mainly negative because her daughter is only 4 years old! Last
week, she admitted (ADMÍTET) retouching (RITÁCHING) the
photographs but didn’t explain the reasons.
People always say that the children in that family will have a lot of
problems in the future since they are always going to be subjécted to
public (PÁBLIC) scrutiny (SCRÚTINI).

criticism (KRÉTESESEM)

Main = principal
Mainly = principalemte

Celebrities = farándula.

Ride-rode = andar en


Hear (HÍER) - heard (HERD) = escuchar

Bedroom (BETRUM) = dormitorio

Bathroom (BAZRUM) = baño

Veterinarian (VETERINÉRIAN)

Vegetarian (VELLETÉRIAN)

Friday, April (ÉIPREL) 22nd

I didn’t have much work today.

I must = Tengo que

I had to = Tuve que

a) Maybe I will go to the gym
b) I may go to the gym
c) I might (MAIT) go to the gym

…is to go…
…is going…

My only plan for today is to go to the gym /

My only plan for today is going to the gym.

Watch a movie at home

See a movie at the cinema

I’m going to see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow.

It’s playing at a cinema downtówn.

Downtówn = in the center.

I’m going with my sister since she likes it too.

My family and I are going to my cousin’s house tomorrow night because

she is celebrating her next trip abroad. She is traveling to Italy (ÍTALI).

abroad = al extranjero
She wants to find out if there are work opportunities for immigrants
because she would like to move there.

Find out = descubrir

Scold-scolded (SCÓULDET) = retar, regañar

oily (ÓILI) = aceitoso/a, grasiento

I have oily skin (SKEN), but my teacher has dry skin.

download (DÁUNLOUD) = descargar de internet

upload (ÁPLOUD) = subir a internet

Load (LOUD) = cargar un programa

Charge your cell phone = cargar tu celular

Charge my computer

Thursday, April 28th

1. My sister and I went to see the new Harry Potter movie on Saturday
morning. The film was enjoyable (ENLLÓIABOL), but not the best in
the series. I felt that the removal of Johnny Depp (DEP) as the main
villain (VÉLAN) due to his legal battle with his ex-wife was one of the
factors that impácted the film négatively. The actor who replaced
Johnny Depp did well, but Johnny used to give a particular style to
the character. Another thing I didn't like was how the villains were let
off the hook, or at least how little was explained about what happened
to them. What I did like about this movie is that it’s visually gorgeous

let off the hook = dejar libre

2. I watched Heartstopper, a new TV Show on Netflix based on Alice

Hooseman's (HUSMANS) graphic novel of the same name. It’s a TV
show about young LGBTQ+ love, which I liked a lot because unlike
other shows such as Elite or Euphoria, it’s closer to reality. The actors
look like regular young people experiencing the typical issues of
adoléscence (ADOLÉSENS).

3. I watched the new Batman film on Friday. I had high hopes after
reading some positive reviews, and it exceeded my expectations. The
film differs (DÍFERS) from other superhero movies in that it is more
of a thriller (ZRELER), with a good balance of action and drama.

4. 2NE1 was one of the most (MOUST) famous and popular KPOP
groups, but they broke úp (BROUKÁP) in 2016, and their members
didn’t go on to have successful solo careers. However, their fans are
happy and hopeful now because at the last Coachella Festival, they
reunited (RIYUNÁITET) and sang one of their hits, so some people
think they might officially get back together.

go on = continue

Break up - broke up = terminar con la pareja o con tu banda

get back together = volver con la pareja o con la banda

Let off - let off = absolver

I’m sleepy because I went to the gym at 7:00 am.

I have been going three times a week.

Today, I worked out my legs, and that’s why I’m exhausted (EXÓSTED).

I got my influenza shot yesterday, and I feel fine. I didn’t experience any
side effects from the vaccine.

I’m going to buy a present for Mother’s Day this weekend.

We may get her some clothes.

We may get her a perfume.
We may get her some shoes.
We might buy her some jewelry.
We might buy her some books.

My friend invited me to his birthday party tomorrow night, but I’m not going
because he lives (LEVS) too far from me, so it would be hard to get home
after the party. He lives in Las Condes.

I told him that I wasn’t going, and he understood.

I don’t have any more plans.

I’m going to see the new Harry Potter movie tomorrow.

It’s playing at a cinema downtówn.
Hang (HENG) - hung (HANG) = colgar
I hung my clothes in the closet last night.

Tear (TER) - tore (TOR) = rasgar un papel o un género

I tore my jacket on the metro this morning.

Bills = cuentas
Taxes = impuestos

Begin (BIGÉN) - began (BIGÁN)

A hanger (HENGER) = un colgador

She hung it on a hanger in the closet /

She hung it up (HANGÉRÁP) on a hanger in the closet.

Wonder-wondered = preguntarse
I wonder what time it is.

Join-joined = unirse a

Drop (DROP) - dropped (DROPT)


Pat - patted = dar palmaditas de felicitaciones

The teacher patted my shoulder when she returned my test paper.
Shout (SHAUT) - shouted (SHAUTED) = gritar mensajes
I shouted, “Pato, come here!”

Reply (RIPLÁI) - replied (RIPLÁIT) = contestar

Paperbacks = libros de tapa blanda

Hardcovers (HÁRDCOVERS) = libros de tapa dura

I bought two paperbacks and a hardcover.

Ride - rode (ROUD) = andar

I took the bus and rode to Grand Ave.

I didn’t eat anything last night.

A soft drink / a soda (SÓUDA) = una bebida gaseosa.

Moscow (MÓSCOU)

She failed the test /

She failed it (FÉILDET)

Camp-camped = acampar /
Go camping-went camping = ir a acampar

He is walking to work right now.

HW: Listening
Tuesday, May 3rd

1. I’m excited because I’m going to go to the Gorillaz concert, which is

one of my favorite bands. They performed in Chile in 2019, but I
didn’t buy a ticket and later regretted it (RI- GRÉ-RE-RET). This time,
I was going to go with a friend, but she won’t be able to attend, so I’m
going alone.

Gangs = pandillas de criminales

Bands = bandas musicales

2. Today, I reunited with Javiera, my friend from college, after almost

four years of not seeing each other. She is a vegetarian too, so we
went to Vegan (VÍGAN) Dealer, a vegan restaurant close to Brazíl
square. She lives in La Serena and has traveled to Santiago to attend
the Gorillaz concert.

A vegetarian
A vegan

3. My mother gave us several gift suggestions (SALLESTIONS) for

mother's day, and my sister and I decided to buy her makeup,
specifically a color-infused cream serum. It was cómplicated because
we didn’t know if the tone that we chose (CHOUS) was the right one
for my mother's skin tone, and makeup is impossible to return or
exchange, but we did it. We also wanted to buy her a jewelry box, but
when I went to the store, they sold only wholesale quantities, so my
sister bought it online at another store.

wholesale quantities = cantidades al por mayor

retail (RÍTEIL) quantities = cantidades al por menor / al detalle

4. While my sister was waiting for me in the food court, an old lady. sat
beside her and started talking to her about her life. She talked about
her husband who died three years ago, her children, and her new
partner who is a womanizer. She was talking and crying, and since
my sister is wary (WÉRI) of strangers, she felt very uncomfortable in
that situation.

Wary (WÉRI) = desconfiado

Mrs. Galaz
Mrs. Rivera
Mr. González
Ms. Smith

A lady = una señora

A woman = una mujer

A couple (CÁPOL) = un par, una pareja (dos personas)

Partner = pareja (una persona)

Jose and Mario are a couple. Jose is Mario’s partner.

5. My sister and I watched a movie called Forgotten on Netflix on

Saturday night because we were home alone. It’s an amazing
psychological (SAIKOLÓLLICAL) thriller. We didn’t understand
(ANDERSTÉND) anything until the plot twist at the end of the movie.
The plot is about a family who moves into a new home, and one of
the brothers is thrown into a van by a group of men. He returns home
after 19 days, but he doesn't remember anything about his
disappearance (DISAPÍRANS). His brother notices (NÓURISES)
changes in his brother's personality, and he begins to suspect that
the person who has returned isn’t his brother.

Forgotten (FORGÁTEN) = olvidado/s

I bought my mother a facial (FEISHAL) cream /

I got my mother a facial (FEISHAL) cream

I got a facial cream for my mother /

I bought a facial cream for my mother.

My mother gave us a list with suggestions for presents.

The intention is what counts.

What = lo que

Reunite (RIYUNÁIT) - reunited (RIYUNÁITET) = reunirse después de

mucho tiempo

A reunion (RIYÚNION) = una reunión después de mucho tiempo

She lives in La Serena and we couldn’t meet in four years /

She lives in La Serena and we couldn’t get together in four years

We went to a vegan restaurant called Vegan Dealer, which is at Brazíl


I knew that place because I had been there with my family before.

I had a tofu and noodle (NÚDOL) stir-fry (STÉRFRAI)

A stir-fry (STÉRFRAI) = un salteado

My friend had Mongólian tofu and Seitán, which is a dish made from gluten,
the main protein (PRÓUTIN) of wheat (WIT).

wheat (WIT) = trigo

We both had Coke Zero to drink.

Burnout (BÉRNAUT) = agotamiento

Burn out - burned out = agotado

I’m burned out (BERNTÁUT) / I’m exhausted (EXÓSTET).

West = oeste
East = este

The far west = el lejano oeste

Cowboys (CAUBOIS)

I’m playing a new video game based on cowboys in the far west.

gorgeous (GÓRYES).


She hung it (HANGET) on a hanger (HENGER) in the closet /

She hung it up (HANGERÁP) on a hanger in the closet.

Paperbacks = libros de tapa blanda

Hardcovers (HÁRDCOVERS) = libros de tapa dura

I bought two paperbacks and a hardcover yesterday.

A dorm = a student residence

There is a big demánd for pharmacists here in Chile, so I shouldn’t have

any problems finding a job when I get back from Europe.
Thursday, May 5th
Have a birthday party.

Celebrate a birthday.

We are going to celebrate Mother’s Day at a restaurant called Los

Buenos Muchachos on Sunday afternoon.

Branch = sucursal

I want to travel to England without brackets.

My dentist will remove my brackets the first week of June.

I’m planning to travel in July, so I should be fine by then.

by then = para entonces.

We usually start celebrating Mother’s day the night before

because we are a very anxious (ÁNKSHES) family.

We do that on all holidays and birthdays. It’s a family tradition.

Holidays = festivos

I regretted it (RI-GRÉ-RE-RET) = Me arrepentí.

retail (RÍTEIL) quantities = cantidades al por menor

Reunite (RIYUNÁIT) - reunited (RIYUNÁITET) = reunirse después de

mucho tiempo.

I had a tofu and noodle (NÚDOL) stir-fry (STÉRFRAI).

Noodles (NÚDOLS) = fideos

Get back - got back / come back - came back = return

A couple (CÁPOL) = un par, una pareja (dos personas)

Cheese (CHIS) = queso

Chess (CHES) = ajedrez

A bookmark = marcador de libro

Court (CORT) = cancha de tenis

Quite (KUÁIT) = bastante

This is quite a new sport / This sport is quite new.
All over (OLÓUVER)
This sport is played all over the world.

Open (ÓUPEN) - opened (ÓUPENT)

Opening (OÚPENING)

Stay up late - stayed up late (STÉIDAP LÉIT)

What have you been doing?

-I stayed up late last night to watch the olympics on TV.

Medal (MÉDAL) = medalla

The gold medal
The silver medal
The bronze (BRONS) medal

The men’s team = el equipo de hombres

The women’s team = el equipo de mujeres

When do you usually play?

Why don’t you come? = ¿Por qué no vienes?

Jásmin isn’t standing right now = Jasmin no está parada.

Jámin is sitting right now = Jasmin está sentada.

Stand - stood = estar parado

Sit - sat = estar sentado

Stand úp - stood úp = pararse

Sit dówn - sat dówn = sentarse
I stood for one hour waiting for the bus.

Please sit down if you are tired.

A store = una tienda

A department store = una multitienda

Get óut of - got óut of (GARÁUROF) = salir de

When she got out of the taxi, she tore her blouse (BLAUS).

Tear (TER) - tore (TOR) = rasgar

Blouse (BLAUS) = blusa

Shirt (SHERT) = camisa

Borrow-borrowed = pedir prestado

Can I borrow ten dollars from you?

Here (HÍER) | it is (ERÉS) = Aquí está.

I need to find
I want to buy
Tuesday, May 10th

My family and I celebrated Mother's Day on Saturday night and

all day on Sunday. We had a cocktail party at home on Saturday night, and
we gave her gifts. My sister and I gave her makeup and a jewelry box. My
dad gave her a pair of slippers that looked like boots, a sweater, and some
face creams. To my sister, on behalf of my dog, who is like her son (SAN),
we gave (GEIV) her chocolates.
We had lunch at Los Buenos Muchachos at Patio Bellavista on
Sunday. This branch is new, and we wanted to try it because when we saw
it on TV, they said they had vegan dishes, but when we arrived, they told
us that they were still in the process of implementing them. My sister had
rice with salad, I had fettuccini with salad, my dad had a dish of steak
(STEIK), French fries, fried eggs, and onions called “Bistec a lo pobre,”
which is very popular in Chile. My mom had corn pie. However, my dish
wasn’t very tasty (TEISTI), and the noodles looked and tasted (TÉISTET)
stale (STEIL). But, the only important thing was that my mom liked her dish
since it was her day.
Then we went to the mall to pick up some headphones that my
sister had bought online and buy other things. We had dinner at Tavelli to
continue celebrating Mother's Day because they had some vegan options
for my sister. My mom had apple pie, my dad had churros, my sister had a
sandwich (SÁNDWECH), and I had waffles (WÁFOLS). The food was quite

Indentation (INDENTÉISHON) = sangría

I went shopping for a babyshower gift for a college friend's son

(SAN). I wanted to buy him some polar fleece pajamas that I saw at the
mall, but I wasn't sure (SHOR) whether to buy them because I didn’t know
if he would be born during a cold or hot season. I asked my friend, and he
confirmed that his son would be born next month, so I bought him the
pajamas. The babyshower is this Friday afternoon, and despite the long
distance, I will go because it is early, and I will have no trouble getting
home afterwards.

Get home = llegar a casa

Some pajamas (PAYÁMAS)

stale (STEIL) = rancio, añejo

I have to work until the end of the month.

I’m very relaxed (RILÁXT) these days because I don’t have a lot of work.

This sport is quite new.

Here (HÍER) it is (ERÉS) = Aquí está.

Muscles (MÁSOLS) = múscles

A bodybuilder (BÁRIBILDER) = un fisicoculturista

Throat (ZROUT) = garganta

Sore = adolorida/o

A sore throat = un dolor de garganta

My arms and legs are sore because I went to the gym this morning.

Hear (HÍER) - heard (HERD) = escuchar

She has been skating for three years

Each time / every time = cada vez

Go skating - went skating = ir a patinar

Go ínline skating - went ínline skating

Skate (SKÉIT)-skated (SKÉITET) = patinar

I skated twenty kilometers yesterday.

You just need more practice.

We usually skate about 20 kilometers each time.

Build úp (BILDÁP) your muscles = Desarrollar tus músculos

Venus (VÍNAS) is a planet.

Venus Williams is a professional tennis player

Do karáte (KARÁTE)
I want to start doing karate.

Sportsmen / athletes (ÁZLITS) = deportistas

Athletes are usually in very good shape.
Take part in / partícipate in
He is taking part in football.

Include (INCLÚD) - included (INCLÚDET)

That sport is not included in the olympic games.

Those (DOUS ) = aquellos/as

Those people are not my friends.

Fit (adj) / in shape = en forma

He’s in very good shape.

Get in shape - got in shape = ponerse en forma

I’m not in shape, but I’m (BÁRAIM) getting in shape right now.
I went to the gym today, and I’m going tomorrow, too.

I’m going three times a week.

My sister had a sandwich (SÁNDWECH), and I had waffles (WÁFOLS).

Tuesday, May 17th

I’m working until May 31st. My trip to England is in July.

I went to my friend Sebastian’s house, who lives in Las Condes for a baby
shower. His baby will be born in July. I gave him some pajamas that he
loved. They got a lot of clothes for the baby, diapers (DÁIPORS), a baby
bottle, and a crib (CREB).

Be born = nacer
He was born
They were born
She will be born

Pijamas (PALLÁMAS)

diapers (DÁIPORS) = pañales

crib (CREB) = cuna

One of my friends gave the mother a gift card for a massage (MASÁSH).

I relaxed the rest of the weekend. I watched the new season of Rupaul.
The new season has ten episodes, and it was different from the previous
season because this was the Spanish version (VERSHON) shot (SHOT) in

Shoot - shot = filmar

Shoot a movie
Shoot a commercial
Shoot a TV show

Different from = diferente de

sure (SHOR) = seguro

This sport is quite new.

Go ínline skating - went ínline skating

My sister had a sandwich (SÁNDWECH), and I had waffles (WÁFOLS).

Equipment (IKUÉPMENT) = equipo, equipamiento

Help you (HÉLPIU)

Can I help you?

Go on = ir de:
Go on a trip (TREP) = ir de viaje
Go on vacation
Go on business

I went to New York on business

Go on a cruise = ir de crucero
I want to go on a cruise to The Bahamas

Go on safari
I want to go on safari in Africa.
Alone (ALÓUN)

South is the ópposite direction of North.

freeway / highway = carretera

Nuts (NATS) = frutos secos en general

Pecans (PÍCANS) = nueces

Isn’t it? (ÉSENET?) = No es cierto?

Isn’t it great that we don’t have classes tomorrow?

-Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.

There are so many things to see.

Landmark = monumento famoso

Go sightseeing (SÁIT-SI-ENG) = salir a turistear

China (CHAINA)

Take you (TEI-KIU)

Help you (HEL-PIU)

What kind? / What sort? = Qué tipo?

Woman (WUÓMAN)

Book-booked = reservar
Book a hotél room
Book a flight (FLAIT) = reservar un vuelo
Book a table at a restaurant
Book a tour

Forgotten = olvidado

Forbidden = prohibido

Fare = tarifa de transporte

The bus fare
The train fare
The subway fare
The taxi fare
The Uber fare

Marian (MÉRIAN)

I hate to fly /
I hate flying

I haven’t bought the ticket yet.

Thursday, May 19th

1. My sister is happy because she got tickets for her and my dad for the
Daddy Yankee concert. The process of getting the tickets was
stressful because it was impossible to buy them for the first concert
because the system collapsed. The production company then fixed
the problem, but she couldn’t buy them either because they sold out
very quickly. However, as soon as the tickets sold out, they
announced that they would have a second concert date, and this time
she was able to get them. The madness to buy tickets was so big that
they announced a third concert, and the tickets sold out in one hour.

High = alto

Tickets = they

Since = ya que

Either = tampoco

2. My cousin, Paola, came back from Italy saying she had a great time
and visited a lot of sights. We were concerned about her safety
because she stayed at the home of a friend she met on the internet,
but fortunately, her friend had no bad intentions. She now (NAU)
wants to go back next year to look for work. We all (OL) hope it
works out for her because she is a little lost in life and hasn't been
making the best decisions since an accident she had before the


Make decisions = tomar decisiones

Come back = volver para acá

Go back = volver para allá

I’m going to meet my friends from college at a bar called The Virgin on
Manuel Montt St. in Providencia. My friend suggested it.

I would like to prepare the list of things that I need for my trip (TREP).

Package = encomienda

Suitcase = maleta

I want to find out if I will need one or two súitcases.

I should take a suitcase and a handbag according to my English teacher.

Bring = traer
Take = llevar

I always try to travel light.

I will arrive in England in the middle of the summer until autumn (ÓTOM) or
winter, so I might need Winter clothes.

Summer clothes
Winter clothes

I would like to watch a movie that I downloaded (DÁUNLOUDET)

Store-stored = almacenar

External hard drive = disco duro externo

a massage (MASÁSH).
The Spanish version (VERSHON) was shot (SHOT) in Spain.

Shoot-shot = filmar / disparar

My sister had a sandwich (SÁNDWECH)

Equipment (IKUÉPMENT)

Isn’t it? (ÉSENET?) = No es cierto?

Isn’t it great that we don’t have classes tomorrow?

-Yes, it is / No, it isn’t.


Book a hotél room = reservar un cuarto de hotél.

A cómpass = una brújula

Cloth (CLOZ) = tela

Clothes (CLOUTS) = ropas

My clothes are dirty.

East (IST) = este / oriente

West (WEST) = oeste / occidente / poniente
North (NORZ)
South (SAUZ)

Northeast (NORZÍST) = Noreste

Southeast (SAUZIST) = Sureste
Northwest = Noroeste
Southwest = Suroeste

Cruise (KRUS) = crucero

Late in the year = a fin de año

Autumn leaves = hojas otoñales.

A leaf (LIF) = una hoja

Leaves = hojas

Wonders = maravillas

Man-made wonders = maravillas hechas por el hombre

The US / The United States.

Seals = focas
Whales = ballenas

Sick of = hasta la coronilla de

I’m sick of working at this company!

A cruise = un crucero (el viaje, el itinerario)

Go on a cruise = ir de crucero
I want to go on a cruise to the Mediterranan (MEDITERÉINEAN).

The ship = el barco

Cruise ship (CRÚSHEP)

The biggest cruise ship in (CRÚSHEP) the world is the Allure Of The Seas.

Allure (ALÓR) = seducción

Profesor más que recomendado.

Mi nombre es Patricio Galaz, 31 año, Quimico Farmaceutico.

Inicié las clases en Marzo del 2021 para mejorar mi desempeño en el

trabajo, aventurarme a leer libros y ver series/películas en inglés.

Sumado al conocimiento, paciencia y empatía de Juan Pablo, mediante

ejercicios de listening, speaking, reading and writing, he podido mejorar mi
confianza al comunicarme en las reuniones laborales con personas de
habla inglesa y me ha permitido también enfrentar entrevistas laborales.
Respecto a la lectura de libros, también me ha dado las herramientas y
confianza para atreverme y he podido terminar algunos completamente en
Las clases con Juan Pablo también me entregaron las herramientas para
mis vacaciones en Nueva York donde pude moverme sin problemas y
conversar con personas de la ciudad.

Ahora que siento tener un mejor nivel, me iré a estudiar inglés a Inglaterra
para seguir perfeccionándome.

En resumen, si buscas un profesor de inglés, recomiendo 100% a Juan

Tuesday, May 24th

My name is Patricio Galaz, I’m 31 years old, and I’m a

pharmaceutical chemist. I started lessons with JP in March of 2021 in order
to improve my performance at work, venture into reading books and
watching movies and TV shows in English.

In addition to Juan Pablo's knowledge (NÓLECH) of the language,

his patience (PÉISHENS), empathy (ÉMPAZI), and punctuality, he has
helped me to improve my confidence when communicating during work
meetings with English speakers. Through listening, speaking, reading and
writing exercises, I have also been able to face job interviews in this
language. In terms of reading books, this experience has given me the
tools and confidence necessary to take risks, and I have read (RED) some
novels entirely (ENTÁIERLI) in English.

The lessons with Juan Pablo have also given me the skills I needed
during my vacation in New York last year, where I was able to move around
without problems and talk to people in the city. Now that I believe I have
improved enough, I plan to continue studying English in England. In
summary, if you are looking for an English teacher, I recommend Juan
Pablo 100%.

Call (COL) = llamar

I call my mother once a week.

Apples (ÁPOLS) are very healthy.

Nathan (NÉIZAN)
Nathan is my friend.

Skin = piel, cáscara de fruta o verdura

The skin of an apple has most of its vitamins.

A match = un fósforo
Matches = fósforos

Do you have matches?

Do you have a lighter? (LAITER) = un encendedor

Cut (CAT) = cortar

Cut off (CARÓF) = cortar

Sandwiches (SÁNDUECHES)

Cats like to catch mice (MAIS) = ratones.

Sheep = ovejas
Lambs = corderos
Lambs (LAMS) are baby sheep.

Fish = pez, peces

One fish
Two fish
Three fish

Culture (CÓLCHER)

Neighbor (NÉIBOR) = vecina / vecino

Neighborhood (NÉIBORHUD) = barrio, vecindario

A parrot = un loro
My parrot knows ten words!

Complete = completo
My project is complete.

I’m going to eat hot dogs tonight with no mayo (MEIO) and no sausage
(SOSACH) since I’m a vegetarian.

My weekend was quiet. I got together with my friends at a bar called La

Virgen on Friday evening. They had good food and drinks, and the
átmosphere was nice. We arrived early, so it was kind of empty, but then it
got crowded and there was a big line to get in.

It got… = se puso..

I had two vegetarian empanadas and two different cocktails.

Cocktails = tragos preparado

I got home at about 11:30 pm.

I went to the gym on Saturday morning and realized that I’m old because I
had a little hangover from the two drinks of the previous night.

I like starting my day very early in the morning.

Years ago, I didn’t have a hangover with only two drinks, but now I do.
After the gym, I continued watching the second season of Rupaul Spain,
and I finished watching all the episodes that are available, although
(ÓLDOU) the season is not over yet.

Over / finished

although (ÓLDOU) = aunque

I watched a high school comedy on Netflix, which was OK.

I also finished playing a video game.

I would like to watch a movie that I dównloaded (DÁUNLOUDET).

autumn (ÓTOM) = otoño

A sandwich

A cómpass = una brújula

The Mediterranan (MEDITERÉINEAN)

Thursday, May 26th

We are going to share an Uber (UBER) on the way back.

On the way back = a la vuelta

I want to watch the new Marvel movie, but I’m not sure if it's out yet.

It's out = está en cartelera

A fine = una multa

Dównloading illegal (ILÍGAL) content from the internet is a very serious

offénse in England, so I should remember not to do it since I could get a

She’s going to attend the Karol G concert /

She’s going to attend Karol G’s concert.

It’s at Movistar Arena (ARÍNA)

An arena has a roof (techo), but a stadium doesn’t.

I prefer buying original video games to downloading them from the internet
because when I do it, they usually don’t work well.

I bought a new video game, which was 7,000 pesos, but I didn’t like it
because it was boring. It was about a vámpire (VÁMPAIER) who is reborn
and needs to recover his powers by sucking blood from other monsters.
The plot sounds good, the graphics were acceptable, but the mechanics
were not so good, so I stopped playing it.

Less than

If you play less than ten hours, you can return the game, so that's what I

mayo (MÉIO) = mayonesa

Get = ir a buscar
I will get my coffee. One second please.

Get married (MERIT) - got married = casarse

Get changed (CHÉIN-SH-T) = cambiarse de ropa

Get ríd of = deshacerse de

Pretty (PRITI) well = bastante bien

An umbrella (AMBRELA) = un paraguas

Get angry (ENGRI) = enojarse

At 9:00 am

Get óut of = salir de

Have to = tener que
I have to get rid of my roommate because is very dirty.

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