Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles On Surfaces

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Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles on


M. B. Ranade

To cite this article: M. B. Ranade (1987) Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles on Surfaces,
Aerosol Science and Technology, 7:2, 161-176, DOI: 10.1080/02786828708959155

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Adhesion an
M. B. Ranade
Research Triangle Institute, PO Box 13851, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

Particles on surfaces containing microelectronic circuits and the composition. The magnitude of adhesive forces
interfere with the circuit operation thus reducing product relative to the particle mass increases significantly for
yield. Adhesion of particles to such surface as well as to micrometer- and submicrometer-sized particles, and their
other surfaces in production environments needs to be removal is therefore difficult. Experimental techniques
understood so that effective ways for preventing deposi- for adhesion measurement are marginal, and new devel-
tion and cleaning contaminated surfaces may be devised. opments are urgently needed. Considerable new research
Adhesive forces result from molecular and electrostatic is needed to develop new cleaning media and techniques.
interaction and are influenced by the surrounding medium

INTRODUCTION probability of adhesion or the "sticlung

Forces between solids are predominantly coefficient" is subsequent to deposition and
of attractive nature and cause adhesion of is the resultant of the adhesive forces and
particles to each other and to surfaces. forces acting for their removal. The follow-
These forces become increasingly significant ing discussion assumes that particles are al-
for fine particles because the particle mass ready in contact with the surface.
varies to the third power of the particle size. The most significant surface from the
An analysis of the adhesive interactions was contamination viewpoint in the microelec-
recently presented by Bowling (1985), and a tronics industry is the silicon wafer. The
very lucid discussion of the intermolecular wafer undergoes several changes as it pro-
and surface interactions is presented by ceeds through several manufacturing steps.
Israelachvili (1985). As a result, the surface composition may
Particle adhesion phenomenon is im- vary from pure silicon to oxide, and various
portant in a variety of scientific and en- chemical and polymeric coatings may also
gineering applications. Agglomeration result- be applied.
ing from particle adhesion to each other Other environmental surfaces such as
affects the particle-size distribution and processing components, fluid filters, en-
physical properties of particulate systems. closures, and pipes may also come in contact
Effective particle removal by filtration and with the particles and may act as a source of
precipitation depends upon the ability of contaminants if these particles are released
particles to remain on the collector surface. in processing operations. Adhesion and reen-
Contamination of electronic components trainment of particles from these surfaces
by submicrometer particles is becoming a must also be included in the overall rnicro-
growing concern as the industry strives to contamination control problem.
reduce size and to increase capacities. Par- Particles in the microelectronics pro-
ticles are deposited on these surfaces by the cessing environment are deposited on
combined action of diffusion, sedimentation, surfaces from air and liquids and from hu-
inertia, and other factors, such as electrical man sources (e.g., skin flakes and hair). They
charges and local electrostatic fields. The range from about 0.1 ym to several mi-

Aerosol Science and Technology 7:161-176 (1987)

0 1987 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.
ependent on liquid surface ten- (a)
sion, and water creates significant surface

e theories for ~nolecularinteractions are


a d s molecular interac-
tions: (a) sphere-planar surface, FA, = -
12z; '
(b) cylinder-planar
surface, --FA^
-- - -
the Harnaker con- length - 16z,5I2
(Langbein, 1972); (c) two planar surfaces,
& - A132
area 6772;'
Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles 163

is given by: and 2, separated by a medium 3 (Krupp,

1967). The resulting expression is:
Visser (1981) points out that it is possible
to choose a medium "3" such that the net
value of A,,, is negative, resulting in repul-
sion! Examples of such combinations of the
materials and media are rather rare and am-
biguous. where cl(it) is the dielectric constant of
There are two major theories leading to material, i , along the imaginary frequency
the formulation of the Hamaker constant. In axis, it. For vacuum, e 3 is equal to 1. The
the London-van der Waals theory, also Hamaker constant is given by:
known as the "microscopic theory," the total 3
energy of interaction between atoms is given A132 = . hW132.
An example of the range of Hamaker
r - distance of separation, constants of various solids is presented in
Table 1. A word of caution, however, is
where the constant pll is given by:
TABLE 1. Values of Lifshitz-van der Waals
Constants hTj,,, for Some Common Materials
(Visser, 1976)
where a, is the static polarizability of the Homogeneous combinations
atom, h is the Plank's constant, and v, is the h%,, (eV)
frequency of the electrons in the ground Combination Vacuum Water
state. Various approximations are available Au- Au 14.3 9.85
for computation of pll and are summarized Ag-Ag 11.7 7.76
by Visser (1972). The principal approxima- Cu-Cu 8.03 4.68
Diamond-diamond 8.60 3.95
tion often used is based on the optical-dis- Si-Si 6.76 3.49
persion data; i.e., refraction index versus Ge-Ge 8.36 4.66
wavelength. MgO-MgO 3.03 0.47
The London theory is based on painvise KCl-KC1 1.75 0.12
addition of interactions between atoms of KBr-KBr 1.87 0.18
KI-KI 1.76 0.20
neighboring bodies leading to the relation- A1203-A1201 4.68 1.16
ship : CdS-CdS 4.38 1.37
H,O-H20 1.43 -
All = m24,2P11, Polystyrene-polystyrene 1.91 0.11
where q is the number of atoms "1" per unit
volume, and: Heterogeneous combinations
h'132 (cV
A12 = ~2qlq2P12, Combination Water Polystyrene
provided: Au- Ag
P12 = KEG. Au-Diamond
Au- Si
The London formulation is strictly cor- Au-Ge
rect only for distances of separation less AU-M~O
than 100 A. The additivity of the interac- Au-KBr
- 2.60
tions is also questioned. AU-M,O,
Au-CdS - 2.65
Lifshitz developed the "macroscopic the- Au~polystyrene 0.72 -
ory" based on interactions for two bodies 1
164 M. B. Ranade

needed, because computations are subject to Effects of microsurface roughness and de-
several different assumptions. Experimental formation at the point of contact also make
determination is not conclusive, because the the calculation of "A" from experimental
distance of separation, Z,, is not measurable measurement ambiguous. In Table 4 the
and assumptions range from 4 to 10 units. A effect of hardness (or deformation) on the
It should be noted that the van der Waals adhesive force was presented by Krupp
attraction depends on the first power of the (1967), and orders of magnitude variations
particle diameter. Mechanical removal forces, can be attributed to deformation resulting in
on the other hand, are represented by "mass increased area of contact. Presence of films
x acceleration," and thus they depend on and trace impurities also affect the interac-
the third power of particle diameter. For thls tions.
reason, very high accelerations are required The effect of roughness on van der Waals
to remove small particles, as shown in Table force is highly dependent on the nature of
2. The effect of medium is shown in Table 3. the roughness. The molecular interactions
are usually active over distances several
nanometers deep in the particle and the sub-
TABLE 2. Effect of Particle Size on Force strate from the interface. If surface asperities
of Adhesionu are much smaller than particles, as shown in
Acceleration Figure 2a, less mass is present in the im-
Particle size FAd Particle mass for removal
mediate vicinity of the contact plane result-
(pm) (dyn) (9) (8)
ing in reduced adhesion force. Czarnecki and
10 9 x 10-2 2 x 10-2 4.5 x 104
Dabros (1980) proposed a correction factor
1 9 x 10-~ 2 x lo-l2 4.5 x l o 6
0.1 9x 2 x lo-l5 4.5 x l o X dependent on the mass distribution in the
particle or substrate surface layers.
'Materials: A1203on A120, in air (hS - 4.68 eV).
On the other hand, the situation shown in
Figure 2b, the effective contact area is in-
TABLE 3. Effect of Medium on Adhesionu creased and may result in increased ad-
Material Substrate Medium (dyn)
A1203 A1203 Air 9 x lo-3
32' Water 2x Electrostatic Interaction
A120, Polystyrene Air 5 x lo-) Two types of electrostatic interactions may
Polystyrene Polystyrene h r 3x
Polystyrene Polystyrene Water 2x
cause increased particle adhesion. The first
type arises from the difference in the work
"Particle size: - 1 pm.
functions of two different materials resulting
in a contact potential Gc. The contact poten-
TABLE 4. Effect of Hardness on van der Waals tial has a maximum value of 0.5 V. Charges
Adhesive Force Between a 5-pm-Diameter are produced in the surface layers of the
Sphere and a Flat Surface at a Separation particle and the surface. The force due to the
of 0.4 nmu electrostatic double layer is given by Krupp
Hamaker constant (1967) as:
A x 1012 (ergs)
Hardness H
(d-/cm2 0.29 0.96 4.31
lo6 (Plastics) FAd -* 3600 4 x lo4 - at a maximum contact potenti~l0.5V and a
10' (Metals) (mdyn) 42 400 8 x lo3 distance of separation Z, = 4 A, the value of
10" (Abrasives) 6 24 170 the force is about 1 mdyn for a 1-ym par-
OFrom Krupp (1967) ticle. This value may become comparable to
hesion and Removal of Fine

. Electrostatic interaction between a

charged particle and its "image."

. Effect of surface roughness: (a)

asperities smaller than particle size; (b) asperities
larger than particle size.

on particle or the

igure 3, resulting in
magnitude of zeta potential.
. Capillary force. energy between two particles is given by
ogg et al., 1966):

For water, yLV= 72 dyn-cm; and for a

F z 4.2 X lop2dyn,
h is significant in comparison with the

particle-surface inter-
by condensation of
ids such as water and
ation occurs even if where
s undersaturated, be- dp,, dp, = diameters of particles;
e exists in the particle E = dielectric constant;
surface contact area. The Kelvin equation 2-' = thickness of the double layer and
states that the vapor pressure in equilibrium is inversely proportional to the
square root of the ionic strength
of the solution;
qn= surface potential = (, "zeta

qR= reference potential;

z , = volume of i th species;
n , = number of molecules of the i"h
species adsorbed on particle;

on force is gwen by:
Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles

[( jj-,.++
+++ -

-- ++ - +

-- ++
- ++ --

Nernst Potential ,
the Particle

Zeta Potential

Layer of Plane of
Adsorbed Shear
-- -- Bulk of

Extent of
Diffuse Laver
of Counterions
of Negative lons

of Positive lons

FIGURE 5. Electrostatic double layer around a

M. B. Ranade

The net interaction energy is schemati- 4-10 A, whereas the secondary minimum
cally shown in Figure 6 as a sum of the usually occurs at 30-50 A, away from the
attractive and repulsive energy. A secondary particle surface.
minimum and a barrier 'J, in energy is
caused and prevents close approach of par- Acid-Base Interactions
ticles to the surface. This effect leads to very
weak adhesion. The primary minimum from In addition to the van der Waals dispersion
van der Waals interaction occurs at about forces, acid-base interactions also play a
significant role in adhesion of solid surfaces.
Fowkes (1982) and Fowkes et al. (1982) show
FIGURE 6. Interaction energies between particle that adhesion of polymers is significantly
and surface. controlled by the acidic or basic nature of

\ 2 - distance

\ l- j V T Secondary Minimum
I Primarv Minimum
Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles

the surfaces. If S is the number of acid-base 4. centrifuge method;

sites per unit area and -AHu-' is the en- 5. aerodynamic and hydrodynamic method;
thalpy of acid-base interactions, the work of and
adhesion Wp_;b attributable to the interac- 6. vibration method.
tions is given by:
WE; = SA N U- ' / N Of these, only the latter three are useful
for micrometer-sized particles. A summary
where N is the Avogadro's number. The of the range of applicability is shown in
interaction enthalpy is obtained from Table 5.
-AHu-'= GACB+ EAEB Very limited data on the adhesion force
between micrometer-sized particles are avail-
where C and E constants are determined by
able due to the experimental difficulties. Due
measuring the work of adhesion with simple
to the high surface area in relation to the
organic acids of known C and E values.
mass of submicrometer particles, the re-
moval force cannot be applied without push-
MEASUREMENT OF ADHESION ing experimental techniques to the limit. In
addition, examination of the fine particles on
If several identical particles are dispersed
the substrates is difficult without electron
separately upon a substrate, the force re-
quired to remove each one will not be the
The centrifugal, hydrodynamic, and vi-
same. It is very common to relate adhesion
brational techniques are most promising for
force using the ratio of the number of par-
adhesion measurement. Kordecki et al.
ticles detached under the influence of a
(1959) used a centrifuge in studies of the
specific force to the initial number on a
adhesion of particles to a flat surface. Size
substrate. A value termed the "adhesion
distribution of the particles initially sprinkled
number" is expressed as the ratio of the
on a slide and the size distribution of those
number of particles remaining on a surface
remaining after subjection in discrete steps
after the application of force to the number
to successively higher fields of force were
initially there. In estimating the force, we
measured. The maximum acceleration ap-
realize the existence of a force under which
plied was in excess of 2000g. At maximum
the majority is removed. Kordeclu and Orr
acceleration, nearly all of the large particles
(1960) and Zimon (1969) show that it is
and a significant fraction of the small par-
better to estimate the force as being that
ticles were removed.
value at which 50% by number are removed
Bohme et al. (1962, 1964a,b, 1965) used
under the specific conditions and measuring
method used in the experiment. This is now an ultracentrifuge capable of producing
forces in excess of l o 6 g. They compared the
accepted as being the better method of relat-
ing adhesion measurements. "percentage of particles adhering" versus
"applied force (dynes)" and found that the
Several methods that have been used to
measure particles were devised for particles variation of force with particle size was small.
larger than 1.0 pm. Zimon (19679) and Corn The larger acceleration required for the small
(1966) have reviewed these extensively. particles is a consequence of their small mass.
The following experimental methods have Also, these authors have gathered some data
been used to measure the adhesion force of on the influence of surface composition and
single particles on surfaces: texture on the adhesion of particles to the
1. varying the slope of a surface; Visser (1970) used a hydrodynamic
2. microbalance technique; method to measure the force of adhesion
3. pendulum method; between submicron carbon black (0.2-pm di-
M. B. Ranade

TABLE 5. Summary of Techniques for Adhesion Measurement of Micrometer-SizeParticles, F = m . a

- - --

Maximum F
acceleration (1 pm, 1.0 s . g.)
Technique Principle Parameters (g 's) (dP)
Centrifuge 75,000 rpm 5x lo5 3x

30,000 rpm lo6 6x


Vibration kHz lo5 6X

MHz lo6 6x


1,000 rpm - 9 x lor6"

8,000 rpm - 2.26 x

(concentric cylinders)

" Visser (1970).

ameter) and cellophane substrates in rotat- applications as indicated by Davies et al.

ing concentric cylinders. The hydrodynamic (1977).
force, F,,, is gven by:
F,, = 0 . 0 1 1 5 N ~ ' ~dyn,
where N = rprn and r = particle radius (cm). RANGE OF ADHESION FORCES AND
Speeds up to 8000 rprn were achieved. REMOVAL MECHANISMS
Deryagin and Zimon (1961) used a vibra- Adhesion of micrometer-sized and smaller
tional method to produce accelerations of particles to surfaces in air vacuum is very
the order of l o 4 g. With the availability of strong, and cleaning of surfaces is difficult.
up to several megahertz frequencies, acceler- Environmental factors such as relative hu-
ations of the order of l o 6 g are possible. midity also have an effect on particle
Mullins and Ranade (1985) used an ultra- adhesion.
sonic horn to study adhesion of microm- Kordecki and Orr (1960) presented data
eter-sized metal flakes. on particle adhesion as a function of relative
With the availability of high-frequency humidity. Force of adhesion generally in-
transducers, vibrational technique indicates creased with increasing humidity. Capillary
promise for adhesion measurement of sub- condensation at the particle-surface contact
micrometer sizes. However, violent cavita- region can occur at relative humidities of
tion in liquid media at high frequencies may about 60-70%. Corn (1966) summarized his
cause problems due to material erosion. Use and other workers' results to emphasize the
of high pressures may extend the range of effect of humidity on adhesion. Two exam-
Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles

ples are shown in Figure 7. Whitfield (1979) tween the particles and surface was very
showed that at relative humidities above 50%, strong. The capillary force persisted, even
adhesion of ambient particles to surfaces after baking for up to 24 hr. Thls study
drastically increases, as summarized in Fig- indicates that the capillary force is of great
ure 8. The plot shows the percentage of importance, even at relative humidities less
retention after being subjected to a nitrogen than 50% if a liquid film is caused by excur-
stream blowoff for periods of up to 100 hr.
Bhattacharya and Mittal (1978) studied FIGURE 7. Effect of relative humidity on par-
adhesion and removal of glass microbeads ticle adhesion (Corn, 1966): (a) adhesion of quartz
smaller than 5 pm on a silicon wafer. The particles to Pyrex; (b) adhesion of glass particles
capillary force resulting from a liquid be- to quartz.

Saturation ( G I G I

water vapor
adsorption curve
for q u a r t z

7 4 l m m Hq s P b 7 5 6 m m Hq
24'C 5TZ 27.C
0 - 2 1 p particle
0 - 5 1 p particle
A - 9 0 p particle


I I I I I I I I 1 1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
FU:I adhesion (%I

Relative h u m i d i t y o f a i r (%I
M. B. Ranade

I 10

FIGURE 8. Effect of relative humidity on par- pulsion caused by the presence of the
ticle retention (Whitfield, 1979). surfactant would not completely explain the
removal behavior. Steric repulsion must be
responsible for holding the particles at or
sion through high-humidity atmospheres or near the secondary minimum for the polar
prior immersion in a liquid. carbons. Surfactants are effectively adsorbed
Use of a liquid, rather than air or vacuum on such particles. The graphitized carbons,
as the surrounding medium, facilitates par- on the other hand, are probably close to the
ticle removal. Two features involving liquid primary minimum, and the surfactant is not
media may be exploited. First, the van der effectively adsorbed.
Waals interactions are one to two orders of Kuo and MatijeviC (1980) and Kallay and
magnitude smaller. In addition, surface- MatijeviC (1981) studied removal of 0.17-pm
active agents may be employed to take ad- hematite particles from stainless steel and
vantage of the double-layer repulsion forces, show that the ionic strength of pH of the
as shown in Figure 9 taken from Clayfield aqueous solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate
and Lumb (1970). and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid were
Jn Figure 9, removal of several different important variables. The removal was highest
carbon blacks on stainless-steel powder at around a pH of 11.5. Increasing tempera-
grains is shown against the surfactant con- ture of the solution also increased removal
centration. The three top curves represent over the 25 to 80°C range studied. A similar
polar carbon blacks, and the lower curve effect of temperature was reported by Ranade
represents graphitized blacks with nonpolar et al. (1986).
surfaces. The adhesion for the polar particles Brandreth and Johnson (1979) describe
was lower than for the nonpolar black, and particle removal from surfaces by several
the effect of surfactant concentration on re- common solvents, such as alcohol mixtures
moval was evident only for the polar carbons. with fluorocarbons. The action was not by
These results suggest that double-layer re- dissolution by solvents but by reduced
Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles

Sterling R
A 0

Vulcan XXX


0 1 I
5.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Surfactant Concentration, Wt. %

molecular interaction as well as adsorption FIGURE 9. Effect of surfactants on particle re-

on the particle and substrate, changing the moval (Clayfield and Lumb, 1970).
original molecular interactions. Several types
of Freons were shown to be very effective in
particle removal at relatively low accekra- the substrate, the "Stokes' Law'' gives:
The processes available for particle re- 3.rrquod;
moval incorporate the same mechanical ac- F=
tions indicated for adhesion-measurement
techniques. The acceleration may be pro- where 6 is the boundary-layer thickness, and
u, is the average fluid velocity. The bound-
vided by agitation, centrifugation, vibration,
or by aerodynamic or hydrodynamic drag. ary-layer thickness is usually sufficiently
Zimon (1969) discussed the role of drag larger than the particles.
on particle removal by air as well as water Air or nitrogen blowoff guns are usu-
flow. The force that is required for detach- ally effective in removing large particles
(> 10 pm) from the surface but ineffective in
ment of small particles is expressed by:
removing smaller particles. Liquid jets are
also employed in cleaning surfaces. Stowers
(1978) applied a high-pressure 6.9-MPa
where p is the friction coefficient. The drag liquid spraying technique using Freon TF
force, F, is given by: solvent to remove A1,0, particles larger than
5 pm in size from glass and a metallic surface.
Comparison was also made with other re-
moval methods such as compressed gas jets
where Cd is the drag coefficient, u is fluid and ultrasonic cleaning also using Freon TF
velocity, and pp and p, are densities of par- as the medium. Close to 99% removal by the
ticle and fluid, respectively. For linear distri- high-pressure spray was reported, compared
bution of velocity in the boundary layer on -
to 60% for compressed gas and 90% for -
M. B. Ranade

ultrasonic cleaning. The removal values were under atmospheric pressure. At a pressure of
based on the initial particles number on the 24 atm, the particle size further decreased to
surface, which was degreased and irradiated. 0.08-0.1 pm. Holl(1973) also noted that the
The degreasing and irradiation removed dispersion of submicrometer particles was
about 33% of the particles before the ultra- promoted at high pressures.
sonic or the hgh-pressure jet treatments. Satoh and Yamane (1972) fractionated a
The true removal efficiency numbers may be volcanic ash with the use of ultrasound. Most
significantly lower than reported. The paper of the inorganic and organic complexes were
also contains removal efficiency values for successfully separated from the aggregates
2 1-pm-sized particles. However, no discus- easily. The clay minerals were less than 2 pm
sion of how these values were obtained is in diameter, and other minerals containing
given in the paper. As expected, larger par- Fe oxides and sand were less than 0.5 pm in
ticles are removed better, indicating that the diameter.
technique may be effective for larger par- Kaiser (1973) found that ultrasonics were
ticles only without the use of elevated tem- useful in the separation of submicron carbon,
perature or use of surfactants. calcium fluoride, and other compounds and
Ultrasonic devices operating at around 20 found that separation in fluorinated hydro-
kHz have been used for effective cleaning of carbons of low surface tension was very effi-
surfaces in liquids. The mechanism of the cient.
action of ultrasound on a particle or ag- Reports of other uses of ultrasound for
glomerate is not fully understood. In all dispersion were given by Agabalyants et al.
types of particle processing systems, it has (1970) and by Lowe and Parasher (1971),
been reported that some form of cavitation who studied the dispersion of clay and soils,
is desirable to attain dispersion by ultrasonic respectively.
means. Particle dispersion is thought to oc- Various types of ultrasonic devices were
cur by the action of a collapsing cavitation devised for the separation of subrnicrometer
bubble at the agglomerate interface. The particles. Hislop (1970) reported on two de-
mechanical disturbances that are caused by vices that utilized the ultrasonic energy most
high-intensity sound waves produce pressure efficiently.
fluctuations, above and below their ambient Davies et al. (1977) designed and con-
pressure. In the reduced-pressure cycle, bub- structed a batch device for the separation of
bles tend to form and grow; whereas in inorganic metal oxides and atmospheric
the increased-pressure cycle, bubble growth aerosols from filters. This device was capable
stops, and bubbles either oscillate or col- of operating at various power, pressure, tem-
lapse. At the collapsing bubble interface, perature, and time conditions. Operation in
high enough energy is released in a highly aqueous sodium pyrophosphate solutions
localized region to overcome interparticle was limited to low power and pressure due
forces in agglomerate structures. These con- to erosion difficulties, but operation in
ditions involving bubble collapse or bubble fluorocarbons (e.g., 1%Krytox 157 in Freon
oscillation have been termed transient and E-3 at 100 psi and 100 W) was most effective
stable cavitation. In a normal cavitating in separating submicron particulates under
liquid, both are present; and for dispersion conditions of negligible erosion.
effects to be the strongest, transient cavita- Schwartzman et al. (1985) described a
tion has to be optimized. "megasonic" cleaning system operating at
Brodov et al. (1970) reported that during frequencies in 850 to 900 kHz. It was claimed
precipitation of a particulate solid, the par- that in contrast to ultrasonics, the higher
ticle size decreased from > 1 pm without frequencies produce a cleaning action greater
ultrasound to < 0.3 pm in an ultrasonic field than the cavitation encountered in ultrasonic
Adhesion and Removal of Fine Particles

devices. A high-pressure wave is suggested as Bohme, G., Krupp, H., Habenhorst, H., and Sandstede,
the mechanism for particle removal. The de- G. (1962). Trans. Inst. Chem. Eng. Lond. 40:252.
vice was shown to be effective in removing Bohme, G., Kling, W., Krupp, H., Lange, H., Sandstede,
G., and Walter, G. (1964a). Preprint, 4th Int. Cong.
0.3-pm particles using a hydrogen peroxide Surface Activity, Brussels, N/III.16.
solution. Water alone did not work as well. Bohme, G., Kling, W., Krupp, H., Lange, H., and
Although a surfactant solution (Triton-X) Sandstede, G., (1964b). 2. Angew Phys. 16:486.
worked better, it did not work as well as did Bohme, G., Kling, W., Krupp, H., Lange, H., Sandstede,
the peroxide solution. G., and Walter, G., (1965). 2. Angew Phys. 19:265.
The qualitative hypothesis for the clean- Bowling, R. Allen (1985). J. Electrochem. Soc. Solid-
Stat8 Sci. Technol. 132(9):2208.
ing action does not explain the results re-
Brandreth, D. A., and Johnson, R. E. (1979). In Surface
ported by Shwartzman et al. (1985), who Contamination (K. L. Mittal, ed.). Plenum Press,
used different cleaning fluids. Further work New York, NY, Vol. 1, p. 83.
is necessary to determine best conditions for Brodov et a]. (1970). Poluch Svoistra Primen Tonkikh.
particle removal. Metal. Porosch Dokl., Vses Sonf. 113, Chem. Abstr.
76:116809, 1972.
A proper choice of the cleaning system,
Clayfield, E. J., and Lumb, E. C. (1970). J. Colloid
the cleaning fluid, and the potential use of Interface Sci. 36:286.
surfactants is not available at this stage, and Corn, M . (1966). In Aerosol Science (C. N. Davies, ed.).
the need for a systematic study of a cleaning Academic Press, London, Chap. XI.
mechanism is urgently needed. Czamecki, J., and Dabros, T. (1980). J. Colloid Inter-
face Sci., 78:No. 1, 25.
Davies, R., Ranade, M. B., Puretz, J., and Freshwater,
SUMMARY D. C. (1977). Proceedings of Particle Technologie,
Although significant theoretical develop- Deryagn, B. V., and Zimon, A. D. (1961). KoNoid. Z.
ments have been made in understanding par- 23:5, 544.
ticle adhesion, quantitative estimation is still Fisher, L. R., and Israelachvili, J. N. (1981). Colloids
elusive. Uncertainties are encountered in de- Surfaces 3:303.
fining the true contact area, distance of sep- Fowkes, F. M. (1982). In Physics Chemical Aspects of
Po/vmer Surfaces (K. L. Mittal, ed.). Plenum Press,
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