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I should like to have my hair cut the day after tomorrow please.

That dark blue dress suits her better than the green one.

I do not believe that she has fully recovered from her illness.

If I had wanted to pay in cash, I would not have brought my credit card.

Among domestic animals, cats are the least obedient.

Kindly help me to inflate this tyre.

I have an appointment at the dentist's in the early evening.

Unfortunately, she broke her arm the day before eysterday.

Have you read the complete works of Cicero? They are very edry.

That's ridiculous! I ahve never done anything of the kind.

The circus would visit the city each year in the spring.

Do you not think that the priest is wrong? - Yes, of course I do.

How many pages are missing from the book? - About eighty.

She ought to have managed to complete the sentence.

What a pity that the old castle has been demolished.

In some ways, she regretted the decision she had taken to marry Pierre.

Pierre, on the other hand, did not hate his mother-in-law.

According to the head of state, the country is bankrupt.

How many times do I have to tell you not to forget your pen?

The prize-giving will take place on Tuesday.

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