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“Let (X, τ) be a topological space and E ⸦ X. A collection of { A⅄ }I of subsets of X

is called covering of A if

E ⸦ X⅄A⅄


Let E = { 1,2,3} ⸦ X

Subsets of X:

A1 = {1} A2 = {2,3} A3 = {2} A4 = }3,4,5}

Taking union

A1 U A 2 U A 3 U A 4

{1,2,3} ⸦ {1,2,3,4,5}

E ⸦ X⅄A⅄ (Cover of A)

Open Cover

“Let (X, τ) be a topological space, and let u ⸦ τ be a collection of open subsets of X.

Then we say u is open cover of X if X = Uu.”


“If u is an open cover of X and v ⸦ u is a sub-collection of u that is also an open

cover of X. We say v is a sub-cover of u.”

Q.No: 01 Define Compact Space with two examples.

Ans: Definition:

“A space X is said to be compact space if every open covering A of X contains a finite

sub-collection that also covers X.”

Example: 01

The following sub-space of R is compact:

X = {0} U { | n ϵ Z+}

o Which is an open covering A of X. There is an element U of A containing 0.

Set U contain all but finitely many of the points .

o Chose for each point of X not in U. an element of A containing it The
collection consisting of these elements of A along with the element U, is a
finite sub-collection of A that covers X.

Example: 02

The interval (0,1] is not compact. The open covering:

A = {( , 1] | n ϵ Z+ }

 Contain no finite sub-collection covering (0,1]. Nor is the interval (0,1)

 On the other hand the interval (0,1] is compact.

Q.No: 02 Define Compactness with examples.

Ans: Definition:

“Let that (X, τ) be a topological space and let A ⸦ X. An open cover of A is a

collection of open sets whose union contains A. An open sub-cover is a sub-
collection which still forms an open cover. We say that A is compact if every open
cover of A has a finite sub-cover.”

Example: 01

Suppose that {Xn} is a sequence that converges to the point x. Then the set, A = {x, x 1,
x2, x3, ….} is easily seen to be compact.

Example: 01

The interval (-n, n), n ϵ N form an open cover of R, but this cover has no finite sub-
covers. So R is not compact.

Q.No: 03 Theorem: “The continuous image of compact space is compact”.

Proof: Let us consider that K is compact and {U ả , ả ϵ I } be an open cover for f(k). Since, f is

{ f-1(Uả1), f-1(Uả2), f-1(Uả3), f-1(Uả4),……., f-1(Uản) }

Uả1, Uả2, Uả3,…… Uản

is a finite sub-cover of f(k).

Hence proved that f(k) is compact.

Q.No: 04 Theorem: “Any closed sub-space of a compact space is compact”.

Proof: Let us consider that Y be a closed sub-space of a compact space X.

Let that A be a covering of Y by open sets in X.

As Y is closed. Yc = X-Y is open then, B = AUYc is an open cover of X.

Since X is compact. So B has a finite sub-covers D that will cover X.

Now we have two cases to discuss:

 If D contains Yc , then D- Yc is a finite sub-cover that covers Y.

 If D does not contain Yc, then D itself is a finite sub-cover of Y.

So proved that Y is compact.

Q.No: 05 Define finite intersection property with examples.

Ans: Definition:

“A family of sets is said to be a finite intersection property if every finite sub-family

has a non-empty intersection.”

Example: 01

−1 1
Let that F = {( , ), n ϵ I}
n n

Put n = 2, 10, 50, we get

−1 1
F1 = { , }
2 2

−1 1
F2 = { , }
10 10

−1 1
F3 = { , }
50 50

−1 1
So by F1 Ո F2 Ո F3 = { , } which is non- empty set.
50 50

Q.No: 06 State and prove Hiene Borel Theorem.

Ans: Statement:

“Every closed and bounded sub-space of real line R is compact.”

Proof: Let us consider that [a,b] as a closed and bounded sub-space of R. To prove it is
compact if a = b then [a,b] = {a} then it is compact.

If a and b are not equal then a < b

Now class of all intervals [a,c], [d,b] is a closed sub-base for [a,b].

Let that S = { [a,c], [d,b] } be the class of all these sub-basic closed sets which satisfies
finite intersection property.

To prove that [a,b] is a compact. We will prove ՈS is non-empty.

Now therer are three cases:

o If S contains only intervals of the form [a,c] then a ϵ S which means that ՈS
is non-empty.
o If S contains only intrevals of the form [d i, b] then b ϵ S which means that ՈS
is non-empty.
o If S contains intervals of both form then put d = Sup{ d ἱ }. Now we will prove
d ≤ Cἱ for all ἱ.

Suppose that d > Cἱ0 for some ἱ0. Then there exist some dj0 such that Cἱ0 < dj0

[a, Cἱ0] Ո [dj0, b] = φ

So S does not satisfies finite interection property which is contradiction.

Hense d > Cἱ0 for all ἱ

ՈS is non-empty.

[a,b] is compact. Hence Proved.

Q.No: 06 Theorem: Let X is a topological space, then the following are equivalent:

i. X is compact
ii. Every class of closed sets of X having empty intersection has a finite sub-
class with empty intersection.

Proof: Let us consider that X is compact. Suppose further that family {F i} be a class of closed
sets with empty intersection , i.e: ՈFἱ = φ

We prove that there exist a finite sub-class

Fἱ1, Fἱ2, Fἱ3, Fἱ4,…., Fἱn of the class Fἱ

∏ .F ij =φ

Since ՈFἱ = φ

(ՈFἱ)c = (φ)c

UFἱc = X

X = UFἱc

Since Fἱ is closed, so Fἱc is open. UFἱc is open cover for X.

Since X is compact, this open cover has a finite sub-cover.

Let {Fἱ1c, Fἱ2c, Fἱ3, ….., Fἱnc} be a finite sub-cover for X.

X = ¿ j=1¿ n . UFcἱj

(X)c = ( ¿ j=1¿ n . UFcἱj )C

Φ= ∏ .F

A finite sub-class Fἱ1, Fἱ2, Fἱ3, Fἱ4,…., Fἱn of the class Fi = ∏ . Fij = Φ for all j = n.

Hence the class of closed sets with empty intersection has a finite sub-class with
empty intersection.

Conversely: Suppose that every class of closed sets with empty intersection has a fininte sub-
class with empty intersection.

We’ll prove that X is compact.

For this we prove that every open cover of X has a finite sub-cover.

Let that a family {Gi, i ϵ ▲} be an open cover for X.

i.e each G2 is open | X = UGi. Since each Gi is open.

GiC is closed.

Now X = UGi

(X)C = (UGi)C

Φ = ՈG2C

Family of GiC is a class of closed sets with empty intersection.

But our supposition there exist a finite sub-class of closed sets with empty
Let Gi1C Gi2C Gi3C ,…. ,GinC be a finite sub-class of GiC = and also ∏ .G


( ∏ . GijC )C = Φ

( ¿ j=1¿ n . Gἱj ) = X

Family Gi1C Gi2C Gi3C ,…. ,GinC be a finite sub-class of Gic for X.

 Hence proved that X is compact.


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