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Full name: Nguyễn Trọng Gia Bảo

Class code: 22E19

Student ID: 22040046




Look for common ground— beliefs, values, and experiences that you share with your

During our studies and activities, we sometimes stay up late so that we can complete
tasks. However, staying up late is not really good physically or mentally. And if we
can adjust our daily routine properly, we can get the desired amount of time to sleep.


(The extent to which they have already heard your message)

The degree of this prior exposure should guide you either to include particular points
in your speech or to craft something entirely new

· Has My Audience Heard This Message Before?

For this topic, my audiences are my classmates so in terms of sleeping habits, they
have heard this message before.

· Has My Audience Responded Positively to the Message?

They replied quite well.

· Why Did the Previous Message Fail?

My message has backfired before because of lack of interaction with the audience,
one-sided eye contact ( by looking only at the left side of the stage without
watching the other side ), and I have missed one of my key points.

· How can I improve/adjust my speech?

Practicing my eye contact, adjusting the movement of the eyes, bringing more
atmosphere to my audiences, and improving the content of the speech.


· Sympathetic audience: Yes

· Hostile audience: No

· Neutral audience: Yes


· Surveying Your Audience: No

· Interviewing Your Audience: Yes ( I asked the audience what time they go to
sleep and their activities if they stayed up late )

· Considering and Observing Your Audience: Yes ( Throughout conservations )


1. TOPIC : Why should we go to sleep early ?

1.1. Thesis statement

Sleep is a dynamic tool to make us more productive and more energy efficient to do
tasks or assignments in our life.

1.2. Your rhetorical purpose : Informative

2. Detailed outline

2.1. Main idea 1 : Definition of “early bird’’ and “night owl”

A. Subpoint 1 : “Early bird”

The term “ the early bird gets the worm ” is quite familiar as it indicates the
significance of beginning a day early to boost productivity ( Definition )
( Cabrera, 2020 )

According to Steph Coelho, “early birds” do everything early and their

work efficiency reaches its peak when the day is started but their energy
drains out over time and they find it pretty hard to do something outside of
fixed hours. ( Coelho, 2021 ) ( Definition )

B. Subpoint 2 “ Night owl ”

On the other hand, “night owls” are usually waking up later than everyone
as they also stay up late. If they wake up early, they will feel drowsy and
sleepy. However, “night owls” feel the energy at the end of the day and
maximum productivity in the evening. ( Coelho, 2021 ) ( Definition )

2.2. Main idea 2 : Sleeping Early Improves Memory

A. Subpoint 1 : My own story

When I learn something new and to be able to acquire it, I don't just do
it over and over again, I also “sleep on it”. I think that is the most
helpful way to remember because at bedtime, all knowledge I have
collected and gathered, have been built up and reinforced together.
( Narrative )

B. Subpoint 2 :

When we first get memories, they are really not being polished and they are
also easily broken. And when we lay down at night, this is called
“golden time” for memories as the brain has gone over them and this
period makes all the memories stabilized. ( Testimony ) ( U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, 2017 )

2.3. Main idea 3 : Sleeping Early Makes Us Happier

A. Subpoint 1 : My own story

I used to be a night owl, being depressed and not sure what I'm going to do
every day. So I tried to relocate and adjust my body clock by sleeping at
10pm, the result was unbelievable. I woke up at 6am so I got the time to
arrange my schedule and identify my daily work, and also my general
appearance changed too. ( Narrative )

B. Subpoint 2 : Good habits

If we are early birds, we can receive all the good points of daily routine as
we become more energetic, reduce the risk of stress and depression, and
be healthier. We can obtain work efficiency and feel better ( Sen, 2023 )

Notes: remember to make a clear note about the types of supporting materials in your
detailed outline (examples, definitions, testimony, statistics, narratives, analogies)

3. Which pattern do you follow? : Categorical

4. List of references

Cabrera, J. (2020, September 29). Learn English idioms: The early bird gets the Worm.
International Bears.

Coelho, S. (2021, October 15). Is it better to be a night owl or early bird?. Healthline.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2017, July 13). Sleep On It. National
Institutes of Health.
Sen, S. (2023, May 26). How to wake up early: Benefits to getting up early. Amerisleep.

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