Campaign Journal

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What came before:

Hellgate Keep in autumn

Day 19 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous:
Was hired by Skulnir Wainwright to kill a marauding wolf. Found that
wolf was actually Worg. Fought it off and decided to track it the next day.
Day 20 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous:
Tracked worg to Dessarin hills. Took most of the day. Encountered 3
goblin patrols. Killed one, attempted to question another, and then killed that one.
Knocked out the third, then Thazar-De coup de grace’d it and left it for dead at -
Ambushed by 2 hobgoblins and killed them. Thazar-De becomes fatigued
from casting Color Spray. Rested for 1 hour, then tracked the hobgoblin trail back
to lair
Day 20 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous
Arrived at lair with about an hour of sunlight left – drew goblins and
hobgoblins out and defeated them, 2 hobgoblins retreated into lair.
Day 20 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous
Entered lair and trapped in a bottle neck. Hrothgar reduced to 0 then -1
after failing a combat casting check. Thazar-De put Ugred the hobgoblin
barbarian to sleep and Hrothgar went unconscious hitting the worg as it tried to
wake up Ugred. Jaya hit worg at same time and it collapsed before it could wake
Ugred. Jaya coup-de-grace’d Ugred, the worg and the hobgoblins. Found battle
plans on animal skin that were against Tri-boar.
Rested for the night and traveled back to Triboar (Day21) and saw Skulner
about getting paid and sold beaver pelts to him. Saw Aid to the Lord Protector
about hobgoblins and goblins and gave him battle map.
Day 22 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous
Sold old breastplate and gave silver wash to breastplate+1 for Hrothgar.
Found out that masterwork great axe was made at Uldinath’s Arms.

Day 23 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Full: weather is cold/ starts cloudy and rainy with
strong wind, but turns to snow in afternoon. Night will be cold and wet with
moderate wind:
Get job with The Triboar travelers for passage to Longsaddle then hang
around town and buy gear.

Day 24 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Full: weather is cold. Gray sky and light wind, but
no snow.
Left with caravan for Longsaddle. Camped over night and got to know

Day 25 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Full: weather is cold. Gray sky and light wind, with
light snow.
Broke camp and traveled for second day north on the Long Road.
Camped. Night was uneventful.
Day 26 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon:Gibbous waning: weather is cool. Clear sky and light
Broke camp and traveled for third day north on the Long Road.

Day 27 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous waning: weather is moderate. Strong wind

and rain.
Traveled north on the Long Road. Set up camp. Encountered bats and
tressym. Stedd was killed by bats. Completed night’s rest and left for Longsaddle in late

Day 27 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous waning: weather is warm. Strong wind and
Attacked by bandits shortly after noon with Longsaddle almost within
sight. Met Argo and his dog during fight. Cleric of Cyric was the leader and he escaped
with 3 bandits being captured. 100 dwarf paces north to bury treasure -400gp.

GS-7 (same day):

Day 27 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous waning: weather is warm. Strong wind and
100 dwarf paces north to bury treasure -400gp (search DC14). Arrive in
Longsaddle. Find out about ward tokens. Stayed night at The Gilded Horseshoe (rooms
separated by heavy canvas and cost 8sp each. The 10 real rooms were taken). Dinner was
2sp, pitcher of beer was 4sp, breakfast was 8cp.

Day 28 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous waning: weather is moderate (41 – 60

degrees)/ fog until late morning then fair wind
Thazar-De leveled up. Hrothgar rented small cart for 8gp (get 5 back on
return) to retrieve bandit loot. Found magic bedroll and one of the rogue’s boxes with a
magic bandage. Other box is still not found and has no magic. Returned to Longsaddle at
dusk and rented an actual room for the 3 of them.

Day 29 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous waning: weather is cold. Light wind and
Sold jewelry and chalcedony. Made decision on destination.

Day 30 of Tarsakh 1369-Moon: Gibbous waning: weather is cold (0 – 40 degrees).

Strong wind and clear
Left for Nesme. Traveled 16 miles (dwarf speed).

Greengrass 1369-Moon: Half waxing: weather is moderate. Storm with hail

Break camp. Head out for Nesme. Move 10 miles because of storm.
Hrothgar struck by lightning. (total 26)
Day 1 of Mirtul 1369-Moon: Half waxing: weather is moderate. Light wind and
Break camp. Hills in sight. Attacked by griffons toward end of day. Killed
one and drove away the other. Make camp. (total 32)

Day 2 of Mirtul 1369-Moon: Half waxing: weather is warm with thunderstorms

Stayed at camp and waited out the storm.

Day 3 of Mirtul 1369-Moon: Half: weather is moderate with a storm force wind
Unable to progress.

Day 4 of Mirtul 1369-Moon: Half: Cold, fair, fog

Break camp and head for hills. Arrive at Grevick’s Pass just after dusk.
Eat and go to sleep. (2 copper for bowl of beef stew / 3 coppers for mug of beer / 5
coppers for night in common room)

Day 5 of Mirtul 1369-Moon: Half: weather is moderate and clear. Light breeze.
Woke and ate breakfast. Met with mayor Gorstag Grevick about missing
children. Questioned family of latest missing child and followed tracks. Ghost of little
girl led group to Kir-lanan cairn with magic armband and size large heavy mace.
At night - Found cave, found 8 kids and killed Bane Dead. Found main
lair and found quasit, dead girl and paralyzed boy. Killed quasit and traveled back to
town that night. Arrived back in town at 11pm.

Day 6 – 11 of Mirtul 1369- Stayed in Grevick’s pass to rest and heal.

Day 11 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon ; warm clear light breeze:

Sir Reginald and group arrived in Grevick’s Pass and met Jaya and Thzar-
De at noon. Thazar-De wasn’t interested in hunting the priestess of Shar, so he stayed
behind while Jaya accompanied the rest of the group to the mine. (east along the road
toward Nesme. Side trail north after 2 miles. Mine is in the side of tall sharp rocky hill ½
mile down trail.) Tethered horses in sight of the mine, then approached on foot. Fought
Tanarukk and killed it. Took platform down 200 feet into mine, setting of acid trap.
Fought and killed 2 ogre zombies that were drawn by the sound of the trap. Thazar-De
and Earl’s character were lowered down to group right after the fight. A minute after that,
a priestess of Shar and 2 monks came to investigate the sound and fought group. Monks
were killed, but priestess escaped to sound the alarm. Party went back up the shaft to rest.
After 2 hours, the lift went down and picked up 2 ogre zombies and a priest. The
party stopped the lift 15 feet from the top of the shaft. In the fight, <Earl’s character> was
killed, Dorn was beaten to within an inch of his life, Bael was blinded by the priest
(Spell: Blindness) and Thazar-De ran from Fear spell.

Day 12 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon ; Woke and traveled back to Grevick’s Pass. Got back
around noon. Ate at tavern… several characters were poisoned with oil of tagit. The
group fought and killed the priestess of Shar that was spying on the town as the tavern
owner. Illanna, the actual tavern owner, was found in a room diseased. Bael left with
Dorn to head back to Waterdeep.

Day 13 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon ; Group wakes. Barely edible food stores are found in
the tavern. Jaya and Arden went hunting and met Hauk. Went back to cave. Explored and
fought Aballin. Finished exploring cave and found it empty. Sir Reginald deduced that
the cult must have fled east to Nesme. Camped.

Day 14 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon: crescent / waxing – Cold with evening storms: Woke
and went to Grevick’s pass to gather supplies and head to Nesme. Thazar-De and
Hrothgar travel to Mithril Hall and Ergo character stays to help the people of Grevick’s
Pass rebuild.
All help the Thorpe by hunting and cooking.

Day 15 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon crescent / waxing – Cool and clear: Woke and helped
hunt and Reggie met with Mayor.

Day 16 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon half – Cool with light breeze: Held town meeting in
afternoon to boost morale of Grevick’s Pass before heading east to Nesme.
Crossed first old stone bridge and encountered gnolls a couple of hours before
sunset. Rescued 6 humans and 2 elves from gnolls. Camped that night… no event.

Day 17 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon half – Cool with light breeze: Woke and headed out for
Nesme. Arrived at end of day. Sir Reginald spoke to First Speaker Tessarin. She agreed
to help find Priestess of Shar and hired group to go to Morach Tor to find Chaver.

Day 17 of Mirtul 1369 – Moon half – Cool with light breeze: Woke and left for
Morach Tor. Took long way (same as Chaver) and encountered a ruined hamlet around
noon. Priestess of Shar was there with troll. Killed troll and subdued (through Keevan’s
god’s grace) the priestess. Sir Reginald and Kevin took priestess back to Nesme while the
others kept going. Sir Reginald caught up to the others and continued to Morach Tor
where they arrived at sundown. Met Uhndek and was offered a place to stay for the night.
Found bloody initials from Chaver. Spoke with Grimham as he was cooking. That
got the attention of a lizard folk and wolf smelled it outside door. Lizard folk over heard
them talk of concern about scratches. Slept for the night.

Day 18 of Mirtul 1369 – Full Moon – Warm with light breeze: Woke

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