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Bane Dead Terror

On the trail to the cave, a little girl will appear to the PC’s at the edge of their vision. She
will lead them 300 feet off the trail and will sink down behind some bushes. If the PC’s
dig in that spot, they will find the skeleton of a draconic humanoid (Knowledge-Nature
DC 20 will reveal it as a Kir-Lanan). All the gear has long rotted away except for a size
large heavy mace+1 (2d6+1 damage) and an adamantine arm band inlaid with magical
iron runes (read magic will reveal what the arm band does) that will allow the wearer to
grow to the next size category as the Enlarge Person spell for 1 minute, once per day.
(Faint Transmutation) Enlarge Person: +2 STR / -2 DEX / -1 Attack / -1 AC / Reach:

The cave can be found by PC’s hearing an ethereal child cry for help. The entrance is
concealed by brush (DC 16 search check to find), but a large flock of ravens roosts
around it.

Entering the cave, flame-based light sources flicker and dim even though there is no

The cave will branch. One PC will hear a child giggle down the correct passage.

A quasit (MM pg.46) is coaching the bane dead on the mock ceremony to restore his

Upon completion, each PC will hear a nursery rhyme from their childhood on the wind.
One point of dexterity damage will be healed or 5 hp if no dexterity damage was taken.

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