Speaking 4 Thi

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Speaking 4

1. You and your friend just came back from a trip together. Talk
about your experiences, what made you feel good about the trip
and what you should avoid next time.
A: How do you feel about that trip at Hoi An ?
B: Yeah! As far as I see it is very happy, I really enjoy my vacation.
A: Me too, There scene is very ancient. But there's something I really
don't like.
B: Could we talk about this?
A: Yeah! I think they sold souvenirs too expensive for their real
B: Well, I’m not sure.
A: Why? Is there something wrong with what I said?
B: Perhaps you should look at things more positively than, the
craftsmen have had to put in the effort and time to make those
wonderful gifts. We spend money to buy them, also to support their
work and recognize their artistic talents.
A: I see what you mean.
B: I hope so. Always look at the positive side of things
2. Explain why you are thankful for the people in your life
(friends or family members). Share your personal experiences.
<Giải thích lý do tại sao bạn biết ơn những người trong cuộc sống của
bạn (bạn bè hoặc thành viên gia đình). Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm cá nhân
của bạn>
A: Is there anything in your life that you are thankful for?
B: I think that is my family
A: That sounds good. Why you’re grateful for them?
B: Because my family has always been my strong support when I got
into trouble. They always encourage and help me come over it.
Furthermore, we also have a strong connection. To be honest, to say
thank you is not enough for them. And you? Is there anything you
want to say thank you to your family?
A: I don't know what to say. I feel very lucky and I am always
grateful to my parents, who gave birth to me and gave me life, raised
me until now, willing to forgive all my mistakes. And my parents are
always supportive of all my choices. I owe them a lot.
B: That’s amazing! Do you spend most of your time with your
A: As best as possible. Because my house is far away from our school
so I just can come home with my family at the weekend.
B: Very well. You’re really such a good daughter.
3. You just watched a movie with your best friend. One of you
liked the movie, and one of you didn’t. Make an argument for
why you liked or didn’t like the movie. (Bạn vừa xem một bộ phim
với người bạn thân nhất của bạn. một trong số các bạn thích bộ phim
và một trong số các bạn thì không. lập luận về lý do tại sao bạn thích
hoặc không thích bộ phim)
A: How do you like The Little Mermaid?
B: No way!
A: Why? Why don't you like that movie? I think it's pretty good. The
heroine sings so well.
B: Well, to be honest, since the Disney producer released the trailer
for that movie. I thought Ariel had to be white and red hair, but look
what they showed us! It's not exactly the same animation I saw when I
was a kid!
A: I know what you mean, but she has a great voice. And most
importantly, I think the beauty of the character is not only the
appearance but also the inner soul. Personally, I don't think there's
anything to criticize about this movie.
B: OK! Whatever you say, I totally disagree.
4. Your daughter/son is moving to a new country where they
don’t speak the local language. Express your concern and why
you don’t think it’s a good idea. In response, the daughter/son
should explain why it will be okay. (Con gái/con trai của bạn sắp
chuyển đến một đất nước mới, nơi chúng không nói được ngôn ngữ
địa phương. Bày tỏ mối quan tâm của bạn và lý do tại sao bạn không
nghĩ rằng đó là một ý kiến hay. Đáp lại, con gái/con trai nên giải thích
lý do tại sao điều đó sẽ ổn.)
Mom: I have something to tell you, okay? You told me you wanted to
study abroad in Australia before, right?
Son: Actually, Yes, I found a place to apply for a study abroad visa! I
also found a school in Australia that I like!
Mom: I suppose so, but if you can't communicate well in English,
how can you study abroad? I don't even have an Ielts license!
Son: Not necessarily, Mom. You can study English after you go to
Mom: I don't think so. If you go to Australia to start learning
English, it will take a lot of time and sometimes not keep up with the
lessons in class.
Son: Can you trust me this time, mom? I promise I will study hard!
Mom: Okay, I believe you this time. If you don't study well, I will
take you home.
5. You want to have a gap year to explore and get more
experience but your parents think it’s just like a time for holiday.
Make an argument why you should or shouldn’t have a gap year.
(Bạn muốn có một năm nghỉ học để khám phá và tích lũy thêm kinh
nghiệm nhưng bố mẹ bạn lại nghĩ rằng đó chỉ là khoảng thời gian cho
kỳ nghỉ. Lập luận tại sao bạn nên hoặc không nên có một năm nghỉ
A: I intend to spend more time with myself in the near future.
Mom: I seem to remember that vacation is just around the corner,
don't you? Where are you planning to travel? It's gonna be the best
time for yourself.
A: Oh Mom. I mean, not just during the vacation, I want to spend a
year resting to stabilize myself.
Mom: Really? Do you think so?
A: Yes! Over the past year I've found myself spending too much time
at work, and sometimes I feel a lot of pressure.
Mom: I can’t believe you think so, I disagree with you!
A: Why, mom? I thought it was normal.
Mom: Having such a good job, just because of a little pressure, you
have to take a year off from work to relieve yourself?
A: I can see your point, but I want to experience everything out
Mom: Just do what you want.
6. Both of you are at an environmental protest to reduce the use
of plastic packages. What are some arguments you can make for
the reduction of plastic? Discuss this together. (Cả hai bạn đang
tham gia một cuộc biểu tình vì môi trường để giảm việc sử dụng bao
bì nhựa. một số lập luận bạn có thể làm cho việc giảm nhựa là gì?
cùng nhau thảo luận về điều này.)
A: The quantity of using plastic packages is increasing in many ways.
But in my point of view it comes from people doesn't know the
consequences of abusing plastic bags.
B: Can I just say that? Because the price of plastic bags is cheaper
than any bags outside. So they don’t care about the problem behind
using it.
A: I get your point, but if the buyer knows it, they can carry a bag to
store the products they bought.

B: I can see your point. Brands and supermarkets or food stores are
prioritizing paper bags and paper straws. This is a good start and will
become a trend for all brands, and stores around the world.
A: Back in my hometown, I've started propaganda using cloth bags to
protect the environment..
B: Wow, really? Let's spread the message of environmental protection
using cloth bags, I hope this will be known to many people.
A: I will do it to my ability
7. You are at an art critique and your friend’s artwork is being
critiqued. Tell them if you like it and why or why not. Discuss
how he/she could improve it next time. (Bạn đang ở một buổi phê bình
nghệ thuật và tác phẩm nghệ thuật của bạn bạn đang được phê bình. nói với họ
nếu bạn thích nó và tại sao hoặc tại sao không. thảo luận về cách anh ấy/cô ấy
có thể cải thiện nó vào lần tới.)
V: Hi …. How are you today?
Q: I”m ok. How are you too?
V: Yes, I’m very fine. Did you see my painting post?
Q: Yes, I saw a picture.
V: I worked very hard to finish it. How do you feel about that
Q: Well, I’m not sure.
V: Oh! Then can you tell me what's wrong with the painting?.
Q: If I were you, I would choose the dark tone for the picture.
Because choosing the dark tone of the picture clearly illustrates the
subject you're drawing.
V: Oh! I've been so focused on drawing that I don't care about
choosing colors for the painting. Next time I'll focus more on the
color of the painting.
Q: I hope so. Please continue to make beautiful paintings.

8. You feel indecisive about your future career after graduation.

Give opinions about possible ways for your future career. (Bạn
cảm thấy do dự về nghề nghiệp tương lai của mình sau khi tốt nghiệp. đưa ra ý
kiến về những cách có thể cho sự nghiệp tương lai của bạn.)
A: Hi B! Can I have a quick word?
B: Ok! We haven’t been talking for a long time? What’s wrong?
A: The problem here is that I have not yet determined what my future
job is.
B: I understand. Could it be a lack of confidence or motivation?
A: I don’t know. Kinda like, I’m not interested in anything and it’s
hard to make choices.
B: I wonder if you could do your own research on what kind of work
you like? After finding out what job you are really interested in, find
out if there are any companies that hire people for that job. And just
A: I never thought about it. I think I'm pretty lazy in figuring out what
I like. I tend to follow nature more often.
B: Perhaps you should get used to getting to know yourself. Don't
depend on others, master your own life.
A: I see what you mean! I'll try harder.

9. Your mutual friend just graduated from university and you are
planning a graduation party for him/her. Discuss how you are
going to do this together. (Người bạn chung của bạn vừa tốt nghiệp đại học
và bạn đang lên kế hoạch tổ chức tiệc tốt nghiệp cho anh ấy/cô ấy. thảo luận về
cách bạn sẽ làm điều này với nhau)
A: Congratulation to be graduated from UEF University!
B: Thanks so much ….! I can’t imagine that I have just graduated.
A: You deserve it. You studied very hard. Why don’t we celebrate a
party for you?
B: That’s great! I have planned for it already. Do you want to join
A: I’m so excited! It will be a special day. You can invite your close
friend and your family. We’ll have a intimate dinner.
B: What do you think about 4P’s restaurant?
A: I think it is suitable to be going to have a party there. The place is
formal the food is also very delicious.
B: Yes. That’s nice
A: We should book that restaurant 1 week before the party because I
know it is very crowded at weekend.
B: Oh my god! I cannot be waiting for that day. I’m so happy.

10. Your friend is going to meet an online friend. Express your

concern and why you think your friend should be more careful.
In response, your friend should tell you why he/she thinks making
online friends is a positive trend.
(Bạn của bạn sẽ gặp một người bạn trực tuyến. bày tỏ mối quan tâm của bạn và
tại sao bạn nghĩ rằng bạn của bạn nên cẩn thận hơn. để đáp lại, bạn của bạn nên
cho bạn biết lý do tại sao anh ấy/cô ấy nghĩ kết bạn trực tuyến là một xu hướng
tích cực.)
A: I Just make friends with a guy on Tinder. Today, we gonna have a
first-time meeting.
B: Excuse me? I don't mean to be bad, but I'm quite worried about
making friends online. Are you sure him actually kind?
A: I think he is very cute. So we decided to get acquainted. He will
grab me at home, we will go to the cinema then have dinner at a
Korean restaurant.
B: Can I just say that? You just chat with him on Tinder and you
don’t know about him, it is very dangerous for you. Who knows if he
will do bad things with you today?
A: I get your point, but I and he chatted 3 days ago. And I trust him,
he won’t do anything bad things with me.
B: That’s ridiculous! You trust him too much! He will cheat on you.
A: I guess you have your opinion and I have mine. I know you
worry about me, but I want to have the first day to meet him, I
promise you I will watchful.
B: Okay! Remember, if he does bad things to you, you must call me!
A: Okay! I got it.

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