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Lifestyle Protection

Protects you and your Benefits at a glance

active lifestyle
The essential coverage for the lifestyle you care about • Accidental Death
To attain an active lifestyle is not as easy as one may think • Permanent Disablement
with the exposure of unexpected events around. Do not let • Medical Expenses
uncertainties stop you from your goals - that’s why we need • Double Indemnity for Accidental Death on Public Conveyance
or at a Public Sports Event
to have a suitable insurance plan not only to protect us, but
• Triple Indemnity for Total Permanent Disablement on Public
to protect our lifestyles too. Conveyance or at a Public Sports Event
• Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement due to Terrorism
GreatShield Active is a personal accident plan designed to • Renewal Bonus
help keep you on track towards your active lifestyle with • Death Due to Mosquito Bite
peace of mind while providing the essential coverage you • ATM Withdrawal Protection
need every day. It offers a wide range of protection and • Ambulance Fees
benefits including Double Indemnity for Accidental Death • Hospital Income
• Post Hospitalisation Supplement Allowance
and Triple Indemnity for Total Permanent Disablement on
• Inconvenience Allowance
Public Conveyance or at a Public Sports Event, so you can • Loss of Personal Effects
achieve the lifestyle you want with more certainty. • Prostheses or Wheelchair
• Bereavement Allowance
• Personal Liability
• Weekly Benefit (Optional Benefit)
• Motorcycling Extension (Optional Benefit)
Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Accidental Death
In the event of Accidental Death, We will pay the Capital Sum Insured
(inclusive of Renewal Bonus, if any) in accordance with the Insured
Person’s age at the time of the Accident.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Permanent Disablement
In the event of Permanent Disablement as a result of Accident,
We will pay the Capital Sum Insured (inclusive of Renewal Bonus,
if any) in accordance with the Insured Person’s age at the time of
the Accident and percentage as specified in the Table of Benefits
Payable in Percentage.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.
Medical Expenses Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement due to
In the event of injury caused by an Accident which requires Terrorism
medical treatment, We will reimburse up to RM5,000 for the actual, This plan is extended to cover Accidental Death or Permanent
necessary and reasonable cost of the Insured Person’s medical, Disablement arising from Terrorism which is confirmed by the
hospital and surgical treatment (including subsequent expenses for relevant government as an act of terrorism but shall not include
sinseh or traditional treatment but limited to RM100 per visit and a any act of Nuclear, chemical or biological terrorism regardless of
maximum of RM1,000 per Accident). any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other
This benefit also includes Dengue Fever, Malaria, Zika Virus, sequence to the Accidental Death or Permanent Disablement.
Japanese Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, Scarlet Fever or Coxsackie. This extension is only valid and We will pay the prevailing Capital
Note: Terms and conditions apply. Sum Insured (excluding Renewal Bonus) if the Insured Person did
not take part in the act of Terrorism or make an agreement with
other people to carry out the said act.
Double Indemnity for Accidental Death on Public
Conveyance or at Public Sports Event Note: Terms and conditions apply.
We will pay double the prevailing Capital Sum Insured (excluding
Renewal Bonus) upon Accidental Death whilst or arising from Renewal Bonus
the Insured Person travelling on Public Conveyance or actively You will be entitled to a Renewal Bonus in the form of an increase of
participating in a Public Sports Event. 5% of the Capital Sum Insured per year up to 100% or age seventy
(70) years (whichever is earlier) provided, among others, there is no
This benefit does not apply if the Accidental Death is due to claim under the Permanent Disablement and/or Medical Expenses
Terrorism. benefits during each preceding year of insurance.
Note: Terms and conditions apply. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Triple Indemnity for Total Permanent Disablement on Death Due to Mosquito Bite
Public Conveyance or at Public Sports Event In the event of Death resulting from Dengue Fever, Malaria or Zika
We will pay triple the prevailing Capital Sum Insured (excluding Virus caused by mosquito bite, We will pay the amount stated in the
Renewal Bonus) upon Total Permanent Disablement whilst or Schedule of Benefits according to the selected plan.
arising from the Insured Person travelling on Public Conveyance or
actively participating in a Public Sports Event. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

This benefit does not apply if the Total Permanent Disablement is ATM Withdrawal Protection
due to Terrorism. In the event of snatch theft or robbery within twenty-four (24) hours
Note: Terms and conditions apply. of the Insured Person’s withdrawal from any ATM (Automated Teller
Machine), We will pay up to the withdrawal amount or RM1,000,
whichever is lower.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Ambulance Fees
We will reimburse the actual expenses incurred for ambulance
services up to RM500 per Accident.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.
Hospital Income Personal Liability
A daily cash allowance of RM100 will be payable for the period of We will pay all sums of which the Insured Person is legally liable
hospitalisation up to a maximum of thirty (30) days per Accident. to third parties in respect of Accidental bodily injury or death of
any person and/or loss of or damage to property belonging to any
Note: Terms and conditions apply. person.

Post Hospitalisation Supplement Allowance We will only pay compensation in respect of judgments delivered
We will reimburse up to RM500 per Accident for the purchase of by or obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction in Malaysia
vitamins and supplements within thirty (30) days of the Insured and/or costs and expenses of litigation recovered from the Insured
Person’s post-hospitalisation due to an Accident. Person which are incurred in and recoverable in Malaysia.

Note: Terms and conditions apply. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Inconvenience Allowance Weekly Benefits (Optional Benefit)

In the event of hospitalisation for more than twenty-four (24) hours We will pay the amount stated in the Schedule of Benefits in the
due to an Accident, We will pay a lump sum of RM500 per Accident event the Insured Person is temporarily unable to engage in or
as an inconvenience allowance. attend to his/her profession or occupation due to injury caused by
an Accident.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.
Loss of Personal Effects
In the event of snatch theft or robbery, We will compensate up to Motorcycling Extension (Optional Benefit)
RM1,000 per Accident for the Insured Person’s loss of or damage This plan is extended to cover Accidents due to motorcycling
to the Personal Effects. (whether as a rider or a pillion rider).

Note: Terms and conditions apply. Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Prostheses or Wheelchair
In the event the Insured Person suffers from Permanent Disablement
due to an Accident, We will reimburse up to RM1,000 per Accident
for the purchase of wheelchair, artificial arms or legs, and crutches
as recommended by a Medical Practitioner.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Bereavement Allowance
We will pay a lump sum of RM5,000 in the event of Accidental
Death or Death resulting from Dengue Fever, Malaria, Zika Virus,
Japanese Encephalitis, Yellow Fever, Scarlet Fever or Coxsackie.
Note: Terms and conditions apply.
Schedule of Benefits

Capital Sum Insured / Amount Payable (RM)

No. Benefit
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7

1 Accidental Death 80,000 180,000 280,000 380,000 680,000 880,000 1,380,000

2 Permanent Disablement 80,000 180,000 280,000 380,000 680,000 880,000 1,380,000
3 Medical Expenses Up to 5,000
4 Double Indemnity for Accidental Death on Double the payout as per the prevailing Capital Sum Insured
Public Conveyance or at Public Sports Event
(except for any act of Terrorism where the payout will be the Capital Sum
Insured only)
5 Triple Indemnity for Total Permanent Triple the payout as per the prevailing Capital Sum Insured
Disablement on Public Conveyance or at
Public Sports Event (except for any act of Terrorism where the payout will be the Capital Sum
Insured only)
6 Accidental Death or Permanent
Disablement due to Terrorism
80,000 180,000 280,000 380,000 680,000 880,000 1,380,000
(excludes Nuclear, chemical or
biological terrorism)
7 Renewal Bonus Increase of 5% per year up to 100% of Capital Sum Insured
8 Death Due to Mosquito Bite 40,000 90,000 140,000 190,000 340,000 440,000 690,000
ATM Withdrawal Protection
9 Up to 1,000
(maximum 4 incidents per policy year)
10 Ambulance Fees
Up to 500
(per Accident)
11 Hospital Income
(per day / maximum up to 30 days per 100
12 Post Hospitalisation Supplement
Allowance Up to 500
(per Accident)
13 Inconvenience Allowance
(per Accident)
14 Loss of Personal Effects
(due to snatch theft/robbery Up to 1,000
per Accident)
15 Prostheses or Wheelchair
Up to 1,000
(per Accident)
16 Bereavement Allowance 5,000
17 Personal Liability
Limit of liability up to 1,000,000
(per claim)
No. Optional Benefit Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7
1 Weekly Benefit
(per week / maximum up to 100 100 200 200 300 300 500
52 weeks per Accident)
2 Motorcycling Extension 80,000 180,000 280,000 380,000 680,000 880,000 1,380,000

1. For Benefits 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and Optional Benefit 2, the payout for an 3. The maximum Capital Sum Insured allowable for entry age
Insured Person aged between 71 years old to 100 years old will between 30 days to 15 years old is RM280,000.
be 50% of the Capital Sum Insured (inclusive of Renewal Bonus, if 4. The maximum Capital Sum Insured allowable for entry age
any) payable according to the selected plan. For the avoidance of between 61 years old to 70 years old is RM380,000.
doubt, Renewal Bonus is not applicable for Benefits 4, 5 and 6. 5. The maximum Capital Sum Insured allowable for class 3
2. For Benefit 2, please refer to the Table of Benefits Payable in occupation is RM280,000.
Percentage in the Policy Contract to determine the Capital Sum
Insured payable.
Premium Table
Annual Premium without Weekly Benefit
Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7
(RM80,000) (RM180,000) (RM280,000) (RM380,000) (RM680,000) (RM880,000) (RM1,380,000)
Class 1 & 2 RM168 RM268 RM388 RM508 RM808 RM968 RM1,488
Class 3 RM308 RM528 RM768 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Note: The premium above is inclusive of the Government Tax and

RM10 Stamp Duty.

Optional Benefit 1: Annual Premium with Weekly Benefit

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7

(RM80,000) (RM180,000) (RM280,000) (RM380,000) (RM680,000) (RM880,000) (RM1,380,000)
Class 1 & 2 RM208 RM308 RM468 RM588 RM928 RM1,088 RM1,688
Class 3 RM388 RM608 RM928 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Note: The premium above is inclusive of the Government Tax and

RM10 Stamp Duty.

Optional Benefit 2: Motorcycling Extension

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5 Plan 6 Plan 7

(RM80,000) (RM180,000) (RM280,000) (RM380,000) (RM680,000) (RM880,000) (RM1,380,000)
Class 1 & 2 RM24 RM40 RM58 RM75 RM120 RM145 RM225
Class 3 RM45 RM80 RM115 N/A N/A N/A N/A

Note: The premium above is inclusive of the Government Tax.

General Exclusions Occupation Classification

1. War, radiation or contamination by radioactivity, or nuclear Class 1 & 2

weapons material.
2. Suicide or insanity. Persons whose occupation is generally sedentary in nature, that
3. HIV and/or HIV related illness including AIDS. is, persons engaged in professional, managerial, administrative,
4. Childbirth, pregnancy, miscarriage or any complications thereof. clerical positions or persons engaged in wholesale or retail trade,
5. Pre-existing physical or medical conditions, physical or mental sales, marketing or work of a supervisory nature and whose duties
defects or infirmity. involve travelling in connection with his or her profession or business
6. Self-inflicted injury and provoked murder or assault. purposes but not involving manual labour or the use of tools and
7. Engaging in dangerous activities. machinery or exposure to any special hazard.
8. Criminal or illegal activities.
9. Nuclear, chemical or biological terrorism. Class 3
10. Motorcycling, if Benefit 19 (Motorcycling Extension) is not Persons either occasionally or generally engaged in manual work not
included in your policy. of a particularly hazardous nature but involving the use of tools and
Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract
for the full list of exclusions.

Excluded Occupations
• Air Crew
• Professional Sportsperson
• Professional Diver
• Jockey
• Professional Entertainer
• Social Escort
• Explosive Handler/Maker
• Military & Law Enforcement Officer
• Fire Fighter
• Sailor
• Acrobat
• Bodyguard
• Debt Collector
• Demolition Worker
• Quarry Worker
• Steeplejack
• Sawyer
• Security Guard
• Woodworking Machinist
• Heavy Commercial Vehicle Driver
• Oil Rig Worker
• Underground/Mining Worker
• Timber Logger/Worker
• Plantation/Estate Worker (other than owner)
• Construction Worker

Note: This list is non-exhaustive. Please refer to the Policy Contract

for the full list of exclusions.
Important Notice

The Insured Person must be aged not less than thirty (30) days up
to the age of seventy (70) years. Renewal is available up to hundred
(100) years old, subject to GEGM’s satisfaction of the Insured
Person’s state of health.

This material is for general information only. It is not a contract of

insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Disclosure Sheet
for detailed important features and benefits of the plan before
purchasing the plan. For further information, reference shall be made
to the terms and conditions specified in the Policy Contract issued
by GEGM.

Kindly contact any GEGM branch, agent or GEGM Customer Service

Careline at 1300–1300 88 for more details.

The terms “We” and “GEGM” shall refer to Great Eastern General
Insurance (Malaysia) Berhad.

In the event of any ambiguity, discrepancy or omission between the

English text and other translated text, the English text shall prevail.

Kuala Lumpur Seremban Sandakan Batu Pahat

Level 18, Menara Great Eastern, 103-2, Jalan Yam Tuan, 1st Floor, Lot 5 & 6, Block 40, 4th Floor, 109, Jalan Rahmat,
303 Jalan Ampang, 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Lorong Indah 15, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor
50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel: +606 764 9082 Bandar Indah, Phase 7, Tel: +607 432 2357
Tel: +603 4259 8888 Fax: +606 761 6178 Mile 4, North Road, Fax: +607 432 2359
Fax: +603 4813 0088 90000 Sandakan, Sabah
Kuching Tel: +6089 228 769 Mentakab
Alor Setar No. 51, Level 3, Fax: +6089 228 372 No. 60, 1st Floor, Jalan Okid,
69 & 70, 1st Floor, Wisma Great Eastern, 28400 Mentakab, Pahang
Jalan Teluk Wanjah, Lot 435, Section 54 KTLD, Tawau Tel: +609 270 9358
05200 Alor Setar, Kedah Travilion Commercial Centre, 3rd Floor, Wisma Great Eastern, Fax: +609 270 9359
Tel: +604 734 6515 Jalan Padungan, Jalan Billian,
Fax: +604 734 6516 93100 Kuching, Sarawak 91008 Tawau, Sabah
Tel: +6082 420 197 Tel: +6089 755 882
Kuantan Fax: +6082 248 072 Fax: +6089 767 013
1st Floor, No. A25,
Jalan Dato’ Lim Hoe Lek, Ipoh Miri
25200 Kuantan, Pahang 2nd Floor, Wisma Great Eastern, 3rd Floor, Lots 1260 & 1261,
Tel: +609 516 2849 No. 16 Persiaran Tugu, Block 10 M.C.L.D. Jalan Melayu,
Fax: +609 516 2848 Greentown Avenue, 98000 Miri, Sarawak
30450 Ipoh, Perak Tel: +6085 421 299
Kota Bharu Tel: +605 253 6649 Fax: +6085 433 276
No. S25/5252-S, Tingkat 1, Fax: +605 255 3066
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra,
15200 Kota Bharu, Kelantan Melaka
Tel: +609 748 2698 2-23, Jalan PM15,
Fax: +609 744 8533 Plaza Mahkota,
75000 Melaka
Sibu Tel: +606 284 3297
2nd Floor, No. 10 A-F, Fax: +606 283 5478
Wisma Great Eastern,
Persiaran Brooke, Johor Bahru
96000 Sibu, Sarawak Wisma Great Eastern, 03-01, Blok A,
Tel: +6084 328 392 Komersil Southkey Mozek, Persiaran
Fax: +6084 326 392 Southkey 1, Kota Southkey, 80150
Johor Bahru, Johor
Penang Tel: +607 336 9899
Suite 2-3, Level 2, Fax: +607 336 9869
No. 25, Lebuh Light,
10200 Pulau Pinang
Tel: +604 261 9361 Kota Kinabalu
Fax: +604 261 9058 Suite 6.3, Level 6,
Wisma Great Eastern,
Klang No. 65, Jalan Gaya,
3rd Floor, No. 10, 88000 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Jalan Tiara 2A, Tel: +6088 235 636
Bandar Baru Klang, Fax: +6088 248 879
41150 Klang, Selangor
Tel: +603 3345 1027
Fax: +603 3345 1029

31st August 2018

Lifestyle Protection

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