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Poplarville School District Dropout Prevention Plan 2021-2022 HOMEJENGAGEMENT#RESPECTSEXCED! eee POPLAR SCR, The mission of the Poplarville School District is to serve all students by providing a high-quality education ina safe learning environment Parameters Align all programs to the state and district strategic plan Identify and utilize every available resource Make data-driven decisions 1. Everyone (students, staff, families, community) plays a vital role in the growth and development of students. All learning is engaging, meaningful, and challenging to everyone. ‘The district serves as a model of integrity and ethical behavior. High expectations yield higher achievement. Everyone has equal value. Patriotism to America is our duty as citizens. Table of Contents Table of Contents Board Summary Local Dropout Prevention Team Members. Poplarville School District District Assurances Proposed District Objectives Current Strategies Description of Specific Required Strategies Within the Plan Evaluating Effectiveness Summary Data Used ow kon 15 18 Board Summary Dropout prevention is a major concem for the Poplarville School District, the State of Mississippi, and the Nation. In response to this concem, the Poplarville School District implemented its Dropout Prevention Plan called HERE! The latest published results for the current plan as implemented cite a graduation rate for Poplarville School District in SY 2021 of 96.07% and a dropout rate of 1.3%. Recent legislation requires a Mississippi school district with a graduation rate of 85% or below to develop a dropout prevention/graduation completion plan each year for submission to MDE for approval. Since Poplarville has a higher graduation rate, it is not required to submit a new plan to MDE; however, we are asking for your approval to implement HERE in SY 2021-22 for this plan of record which addresses identified dropout indicators of concern for our district. HERE addresses dropout indicators of concern for our district. HERE will promote the following initiatives: HERE! Where Commitments Matter! Home— Motivates parents, home community, and schools to support the efforts of our students; Engagement-Ensures a highly qualified staff that understands and addresses the diverse needs of our students to make learning engaging for all; Respect-Provide a safe and healthy school climate with a supportive respectful atmosphere that encourages students to stay in school; Excellence-Promotes academic success of all students; The first step is to be HERE!- Encourages attendance in school as a critical dropout prevention strategy. #PSDHereWeGoAgain #PSDisHere #PSDFromHereToThere #PSDFinishLineBeginsHere Students, parents, staff, and community are invited to actively participate in our HERE initiative as we strive to decrease the number of students who dropout and increase the number of students who graduate Local Dropout Prevention Team Members School District: Poplarville School District Mailing Address: 302 South Julia Email address for SuperintendentTeam Leader: Telephone #: 601-795-8477 Fax: 601-795-0712 Jonathan Jon will ‘Superintendent Team Leader Jenny Story Federal Programs Director Team Leader Jonathan Ray Principal Poplarville High School Keri Smith CTE Director Poplanvile High Schoo! Heidi Dillon Principal Middle Schoo! of Poplarville. Loletha Needham Principal Poplarville Usper Elementary Sonya Garrett Principal Poplarville Lower Elementary Chris Teal Dropout Team Member Poplarville High Schoo! Emily Smith Counselor Poplarville High School ‘Judson Necaise ‘Assistant Principal Poplarville Upper Elementary Nicole McCardle ‘Assistant Principal Poplarville Lower Elementary Jay Beech Athletic Director Poplarvle High School Damon Caer SRO Psp Matt Wit ‘Student Poplarvile High Schoo! ‘Anna Kate Peterson Student Poplarvle High School Russell Miler Community Leader City Of Poplarvile Rossio Creel Community Leader City of Poplarvite Jit Melton Parent Psp Cherie Barber Parent Psp ‘Angie Malley Parent PSD Poplarville School District District Assurances ‘This Dropout Prevention Plan provides goals, activities and services necessary to meet the three overarching goals. ‘of the state dropout prevention plan: 1) Increasing the state graduation rate; 2) reduce the state dropout rate: and 3) increasing attendance rate (reducing the truancy rate) | hereby certify that the information contained in this plan isin compliance with the appropriate federal and state laws and regulations, | hereby ceriy that our school district will cooperate in carrying out any evaluation conducted by or forthe Mississippi Department of Education, | hereby certify that our schoo! district will submit reports as requested by the Mississippi Department of Education. | hereby certy that our school district has consulted with parents, community partners, business partners, teachers, ‘schoo! staff, building administrators, and others in the development of this local dropout pravention plan, | hereby certify that our schoo! district has taken into account relevant, scientifically based research, strategies and best practices indicating services most effective in preventing dropouts if we focused on students in the earliest ‘grades. | hereby certify that our school istrict will prepare and submit an annual progress reper on increasing the graduation rate, reducing the dropout rate and reducing the truancy rate, | hereby certify that our school district will endorse and implement the Fifteen (15) Effective Strategies to promote a reduction in the dropout rate. | hereby certify that our schoo! district has based the dropout prevention plan on scientifically based research, best practices and all laws in determining strategies to reduce the dropout rate for students with disables under IDEA. | hereby certify that our school district will address how students will ransition to the home school istrict from the juvenile detention centers, | hereby certify that our schoo! district will evaluate our district dropout prevention plan on an annual basis to determine appropriate changes needed for future school years. | hereby certify that our District Schoo! Board has reviewed and approved this plan for submission to the Mississippi Department of Education, Director of Curriculum and Instruction Date Superintendent Date Board President Date Proposed District Objectives Purpose or | Whois | Proposed | Timeline | Dropout | ‘Expected Outcomes Goal tnvowed | "Gost Prevention | for Students Strategy ‘Addressed The rs stopis | Ditict wide | Comparing Ongeing | Continve tobe HERE! monty 90° Team Implomentaton | systemic | student atendance Encourages attendance Leader Renewal rates will increase; attendance in tts the therfore. ter opavile Instructional me wil school as 8 School District | Schoo! Schoo! increase thus provicing ‘efical dropout will increase Attendance | ‘Community ‘opportunity for greater prevention the monthly | Offcer Collaboration | SPBOrunly for great Frtoay senda Graduaton rates wil tateateatr | seroa Fail Increase and eropout sehoa stots |S + | fea wit decir, sons ipa Engagement | tates wil doc maaning a mata Schoo! sinctwide | Aterdance Stendance | Glens inate. PSD will Star contin decrease he inncy rato by contning 2 trier dant wide stendance intatve, Proposed | Grade avet | Purpose or | Whois | Proposed | Timeline | Dropout | Expected Outcomes Objective Boat tnvowed | Cost Prevention | "for Students ‘Strategy Addressed Home Distict wae | in orderto Ongsing | Ongoing Motivates prowce® | paren systemic | students wit receive parents, home positive school | coordinator Renewal intrinsic and extrinsic fommniy, and climate at mation ard support schoo fareniand | Schoo! Home Schoo! from parents and supper the Sommumty | Liaison Cammunty | fmet PRIDE an to efforts of our involvement, Collaboration | achieve and stay in students the PSD wil | Parent Contr shoo! sponsor Coorinator Sate Learin ‘month parent ee mmeatings each meets 2208 | school DOP finmumat | Teom Leaders Fail two postive Engagement parent canta | otic OOP Ber pup wile | Coader cary feauted 2s oY oo baseline data Eaueoton is established, | School two Aemiistators community Ean Literacy meetings wit | oistit Development also be held | Teachers and ‘th ntereted sat Career ana Siakenoter. Saroer a 30° Team Eaton Parents and creat ommunty Fete Reps 7-21) Proposed | Grade evel | Purpose or | whois | Proposed | Timeline | Dropout | Expected Outcomes Objective | Addresced. | oa tnvetwed | Gout prevention | for Students ‘Satay aasressed Ewagenent | Datiet wide | The PSO wi ongong | Onsoing Ensures. incoato the | Presson systemic | Stunts wt highly qualified retention rate | development Renewal ‘experience learning stat bat afta toh | Ocrcnatoe corn odton a understands ve Profesional | Mae suated pevaien professional fessional teachers who deliver tee erecees ovsopront | Soot Development| 2gchers wo cel thedverse Seren | Aamstatrs srpronior the needs of cur dovetopes cre tail nelgerees of Stents to pemotnat | pandemic Sureerce esas make leaning ‘natives. Coaches Individuatzed | Instructional eros tr esa Mavuion | sxerenes at meat participate in at | PSD Faculty provide more feast SBE. | and Sta sate Leaning | Sppotanios or Sed urersty Emuorment” | stan susan a -yoar. ‘and their Virtual veer Poo sa wil bevaned in te [nttaton of ohrsk Stuns, aca ators dender Nery ana ‘inorentatod inaction Proposed | Grade evel | Purpose or | Whois | Proposed | Timeline | Dropout | Expected Outcomes Objective | Aaaressea | Gea awveteea | doot prevention | for Studante ‘Satay Aasrossed Respect | oir wie | PSO wi onng | Oneoing Provide a safe ‘continue to ‘School ‘Systemic ‘Student Discipline ‘and healthy decrease the Resource Renewal. Referrals will decrease. schootenate duress | pce with a referral rate in ‘School ‘Students will be active ‘supportive: the district ‘School Community. participants in ensuring rere trough tre | Nursosschoot Cotaboraton | Sate ana heathy PSB stmesphere rowsin ofthe | Pancple Schost inate tht encoureges Seer sate earing students to stay. district-wide Health Environment students Ssepine pan | schoo Sraromy | Teer implemented Mentors imtatres | ote Faculty nd Stat senive “he PSO wi en continue | grants and “mee implement ‘arents an imelement |Community Professional ‘Stucaten evelopment sans, cive balyg an “ie safe and Keaming Sruptoe dius Invuatcod Fancton in Petveton ratty curses soe forechoayeer svete ys Transition from. Deanton Heath classes cava Grade vel | Purpose or | Whole Tinetne | Dropout | Expected Outcomes ‘adosted | "Goal | vowed | "oat Prevention | for student ‘Suaeay nadiareea as The P8O wi none | Ongoing Promotes. reavee the | Graduation systemic ‘Students wil succeed scare Sonteton | Coocn Renewal | acatercaty with over eseco : ierentonis Setind i he itn etn cary Lieracy_ | aeaderte progres festman 2° sinc Development of these MentorsTutors Retention eens | Projed PRIDE Meigs ‘Coord rutoring needa sutgoup bated BSD wl develop a plan ‘Schooling Hove implementation Development med Ave caer tearing Paty Diploma will be Individualize rere Instn tearing Current Strategies 15 Dropout Schoo! / Grade Level Prevention Strategies Districtwide | Prex Elementary Middle High ‘Systemic Strategic | Early Prevention Early Provention PBIS Program | AP Courses Renewal Planning Sereening Screening = Renaissance Dual Enrollment College and Benchmark Testing | Benchmark | Courses Career Testing Readiness sit sacs Standards In-schoo! accreditation Plcs tutoring Pals Leadership Team PLcs PLcs Retention Rate sit bir Reduction for K-2 Teacher Federal Advisory Programs Counei New Teacher Induction Program Interactive Leaming Three Tier Mode! Professional Development Balanced Curriculum Celebration Activities Dyslexia Program District Calendar ‘School- Parent Preschool Referrall Excel by 5 Veteran's Day | Advisory ‘Community Community | Screening Program Program Committees for Collaboration | Connections ‘School Performances all CTE Programs Special Neods Pre-K Federal Work-Based Programs | Excel by 5 Learning connections with Three Tier local Model businessyindusty Celebration Business Activities partnerships for CTE Student PTO Organizations Awards Programs Safe Leaming | Crisis. Poplarvile Fite Dept. | Behavioral —_| MDE directed Environments | Management Specialist Safety Tests for Plan Behavioral Specialist all CTE students School Nurse | prior to lab-based District ‘School Nurse Projects Discipline Advisory Plan Classes Monthly Safety Walk throughs School SRO Discipline Juvenile Plan Detention Entry PBIS Plan Social Worker ‘Schoo! Resource Officer Family Homeless | Individual Education —_| Family Nights Family Nights | Freshmen Engagement Liaison Program Meetings Orientation Foster Care Coffee Talks Coffee Talks Liaison Family Nights CTE Student Title 1-Open House | Title 1 Annual | Organization PTO Coffee Talks Meeting - Officer induction Get Acquainted Day —_| formerly ceremonies District Tile 1 - Open House known as Website Parent's Night Out Open House | CTE Newsletters ~ Quarterly ‘Social Media Parent's Day Out Get Acquainted SchoolStatus Lunch witha Loved | Day One Active Parent Awards Day ‘Awards Day 6th Grade Grade Level ‘Academy Productions Parent/TeanvS Book Fairs tudent Conference Nights Extracurricular productions Book Fairs Early Childhood | Parent and | Excel by S Excel by 5 Education Community Connections | Preschool Referral and | Speech Services for Screening Program | Children 3.5 Special Needs Pre-K | Kindergarten Jumpstart Program (Summer Camp) Early Literacy | Three Tier | Centers MKAS Development | Model IRPs Balanced Curriculum Centers Dyslexia Program Mentor Tutoring | Three Tier At Risk Tutoring In school Service Leaming Model tutoring {or Seniors Now Teacher ‘Afier School | Crodit Recovery Mentoring Tutoring (17-21) Program Advisory Class Service-Learning | Backpack Christmas Assistance | Veterans Day _| Service Learning Buddies Program for Seniors ‘Alternative Schoo! | Homebound Alternative | Altematve Program School School po Dual Enrollment ‘Agreement Opportunities Pals Crecit Recovery Social Worker ‘Afier- School Parent and Family Nights Family Nights | AMter school Opportunities| Community Connection Extracurricular | Credit Recovery activites Clubs (Art ‘lub, Student Coun Strategy Club, Book Club, atc.) Professional New Teacher Instructional Coaches | Instructional | MS-ACTE Development | Induction Coaches Summer Tech Dept Conference Professional Development SRO Plan Ready Training College and Career Readiness ‘Standards Active Leaming | Three Tier | Centers Computer Labs Computer Lab Based Model Labs Classes Kinesthetic Learning | Centers Balances Performance | ACT Prep Curriculum Kinesthetic Leaming | based activities Celebration Activities Kinesthetic Leaming PLcs Educational Interactive coc-ict | coc Technology Learning Ready Dual Enrolment iReady Oniine Google Google Classroom Classroom Virtual Leaming Individuaized | Three Tier | Centers Centers, Stations ‘AP Courses. Instruction Mode! Ready Dual Enrollment ‘Subgroup Support cre Balanced Curriculum Ready Career and cpcclasses | Career Technical Development Education Center MS Works Description of Specific Required Strategies Within the Plan Strategy: Reduce retention rates in kindergarten, first, and second. Under the district's initiative for dropout prevention, Excellence-Promotes academic success of all students, MTSS is used to provide targeted support for all students in the area of behavior and academics. The district's MTSS interventionist implements a systematic approach to identifying students and making sure systems are in place to support students. Student data is used to identify students, monitor progress, and to determine appropriate interventions, Strategy: Target subgroups that need additional assistance to meet graduation requirements. At risk students are identified and provided additional support at all grade levels. Under the district's initiative for dropout prevention, Excellence-Promotes academic success of all students, Poplarville Schoo! District utilized a system of support through the MTSS, Benchmark assessments are given to all students in core subject areas. Analyzation of these assessments helps to identify subgroups and individual students. A team approach is used to identify students, plan for interventions, and ensure that instruction is delivered in a consistent manner. Individual data, class data, grade-level data, and school data is used to make further informed decisions regarding instruction. Strategy: Develop dropout recovery initiatives that focus on students age seventeen through twenty-one, who have dropped out of school. The initiative, Home- Motivates parents, home community, and schools to support the efforts of our students, focuses on students who are identified as potential dropouts. An analysis of student data such as attendance, behavior, age and grade-placement and test scores are used to identify these students. This initiative focuses on providing the student with a support team who can help identify the resources they need in order to obtain a high school diploma. Strategy: Address how students will transition to home school district from the juvenile detention centers. The district's initiative, Respect-Provide a safe and healthy school climate with a supportive respectful atmosphere that encourages students to stay in school, has a goal of making sure all students have the opportunity to succeed academically in a safe environment. The Poplarville Schoo! District will follow state policy for transitioning students from detention centers to their home school. Counselors are available at each school to devise plans for the student with the support of the parent, student, MTSS interventionist, administration, and teachers. Under this initiative many resources, opportunities, and systems of support are utilized. These required strategies are part of the district's below. tates, ted and described HERE addresses dropout indicators of concern for our district. HERE will promote the following initiatives: HERE! Where Commitments Matter! Home- Motivates parents, home community, and schools to support the efforts of our students; Engagement-Ensures a highly qualified staff that understands and addresses the diverse needs of our students to make learning engaging for all Respect-Provide a safe and healthy school climate with a supportive respectful atmosphere that encourages students to stay in school; Excellence-Promotes academic success of all students; The first step is to be HERE!- Encourages attendance in school as a critical dropout prevention strategy. Evaluating Effectiveness Curent’ | Porrmance | Sourcoot | Baseino Data | Dropout Proventon | Goal Mot? Proposed | Indicators Data for Statogy Adsressed | Yes orNo iitatve Evalaton The ist step Monthy school and istobe | increased Monthy | dtrettendanee” | systemic Renewal HERE!- attendance rates | school and rate increase oy encourages district MSIS | comparec school Communit encoureas 20019-20 Schoo} Community attendance in | Decreased vuancy | stendance collaboration ‘school as a rate reports ciel Family Engagement Seat School and prevention Gist SIS sttendance strategy ater Inv student attendance reports Antendance Giere Documenta School Atendance Oftcors Records Cotobration Recorés Respondent Sunoys Home Matvaies | ParentMectings | Agondas ang | Minimum tof | Systomic Renewal parents, | Held Signin sheets | Moniy Parent fore Meetings School Community Community, | Postve Parent | Records of Colaboraton Sraccnens | Contacts mage for | Armounceme | Minimum of2 sere [eachstudent |nterMedia” | Postve Parent | Safe Learning tore of our Releases, | Contacts per Environment See | community Newsletters, | student Meetings held Invitations, Family Engagement Minimum of 2 Credit recovery ‘Community Early Childhood ate foratnse Meetings Easier students (17-21) Early Literacy Development cre Engagement Documeriaton Emurosa | Retonion fa | Professional | Revew systome Reno pony | Stat Development tual stat fgordae od Professional tat Partcipatonin3 | Sunn Development Undorstands | ota each year | Sheets ond cre Miresses | 100% Fst | Teaser the diverse trained in Evaluation Individualized iaontteaion | Ret Inston nods of out needs four | Tak ters studenisio | Soatowersty, | Review o safe Leong moe | Sender cert, | Eroymont exe eamns ‘9 te and differentiated | Data each es (or | instruction. year too%otstat | teave ftctvay | Yovcor er implementing Job Fairs iat natetin Serene te 60 | stat su aforementioned Staff Surveys iano reas of ier sudan, paren Sorently cen RespoctProv Hos aate | Docase saws? and | Resucton of | Systemic Renova taneatty | Dcplne Mets Data | Decne Aeforals wen | Reterle safe tearing Sinato wth Review t | inplemertationof | Envonnent Sipporie | impementaion ot | Leseon las | chrecte weet | Serle saueatonin | School and atmosphere | Education Program | Respondent | “lasses Community Sam ateboratons that Juvenile detention ys encourages | Somer antin sncouoes MentoxngTtoxing Stay ehoo ¥ ‘Service Learning Professional Dovlopmont Ave Leaing Indvatized Excelence Pr mos | Redutonin | Te frre ot mates | Systemic Renewal tcadomc | Nonteaton roto | Dosumenat | wilbeeeuced Seaeresran [fmaesto [on Eary Cihood Statens" | respons 0 100% otentring | Edwaton inoventons | sals7.end_| estore oe 2ormore years Early Literacy Entering 9° ‘graders will be ‘served through Project PRIDE ‘An aligned balanced ‘curriculum is implemented Reduced retention Rates for K-2 Students Monitoring ofall ‘subgroups in meeting graduation requirements MSIS Data ‘Curriculum Documents Lesson Plans Surveys Staff and Principal Evaluation Results ‘Anecdotal Records behing will be identiieg and served through Project Excellence, 100% of classroom teachers will implement a balanced curriculum. Development Mentoring/Tutoring Alternative Schooling ‘After School Opportunities Professional Development Active Learning Individualized Instruction Service Leaming cre Summary Data Used

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