Minutes Assemblies Showing Announcements of DEPed Orders, Etc.

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@UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. BULLETIN BOARD This is the school Bulletin Board that can be seen in our Elementary, Junior High School and in Senior High School Deparment. This is our avenue to disseminate Memorandums, Orders and circulars from DepEd, PRC, and other government agencies that are needed and useful to Faculty, Students, Parents... We also use Bulletin Board to post official announcements to inform the school community. rece rey nr ae @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc November 7, 2022 MEMORANDUM 06-2022 TO: All Faculty & Staff In light of the President’s issuance of Executive Order (EO) No.07, 8.2022 re: Allowing the voluntary Wearing of Face Masks in Indoor and Outdoor settings, school is not included in the places that require people to wear mask. INSPITE OF THIS EO, UVCA_ WILL STILL IMPLEMENT THE USE OF FACE MASK WHILE INSIDE THE SCHOOL FACILITY TO ALL STUDENTS, TEACHING, NON TEACHING STAFF_AND ANYONE ENTERING THE SCHOOL PREMISES. Deped reiterates the continued implementation of Minimum Public Health Standards in DepEd order 048, s.2022 that amends and updates Deped Order 39, 8.2022 about Health and Safety Protocols in Light of Covid-19 Pandemic to guide and update leamers, stakeholders, teaching and non-teaching personnel. With this, all faculty and staff including students are required to wear mask while inside the school premises. For your guidance. ANIO MARCELO Principal © cr9sne201 | css9e89m jcor76065 A prascon 02 OY 2022 DepEd ORDER No. 948-5 To: 1 1022 IMPLEMENTING EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 07, 8. 2022, AND AMENDING DEPED ORDER NO. 039, S. 2022 (Health and Safety Protocols in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic} Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned With the Office of the President's recent issuance of Executive Order (EO) No. 07, s. 2022, re: Allowing the Voluntary Wearing of Face Masks in Indoor and Outdoor settings, Reiterating the Continued Implementation of Minimum Public Health Standards (MPHS) during the State of Public Health Emergency Relative to the Covid-19 Pandemic, there is a need for the Department of Education (Dep! ed) to amend and update its policies on the health and safety protocols in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic to guide issued to amend DepEd Order No. 39, and the t ching and non-teaching personnel. Accordingly, this Order is 2022, re: Health and Safety Protocols in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and implement EO No. 07, s. 2022 in the Department 2 Section 18 of DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2022, re: Health and Safety Protocols in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic is hereby amended to conform to the provisions of EO No. 07, s. 2022, as follows: “18, Voluntary Wearing of Face Masks In Indoor and Outdoor Spaces The wearing of face masks in indoor and outdoor settings shall be voluntary except in the following settings: @. Healthcare facilities, including, but not limited to, clinics, hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes and dialysis clinics; b. Medical transport vehicles, such as ambulance and paramedic rescue vehicles; and ¢. Public transportation by land, air or sea. Mask wearing is still encouraged for the: a. Elderly; b. Individuals with comorbidities; ¢. Immunocompromised individuals; d. Pregnant women; e. Unvaccinated individuals; and f. Symptomatic individuals.” a rarapae21361 EM aoa. ¥70 [9037-0209 Bow depedgoe ph : 3. The provisions of all other departmental issuances that are inconsistent with this Order are hereby repealed, modified, or amended accordingly. 4. For more information, please contact the following office: a. On the MPHS and other related health protocols, guidance on COVID-19 vaccination and testing, as well as efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination: Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division, through email at t ) or at telephone number (02) 8632-9935. b. On handling the attendance records of personnel affected by matters related to COVID-19: Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development, through email at _») orat telephone number (02) 8633-7237. ‘This Order shall take effect immediately upon its issuance and publication on the DepEd website and its registration with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines Law Center (UP LC), UP Diliman, Quezon City. 6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. Jor, mina Ge Si Z. DUTERTE Vice President and Secretary Reference: Executive Order No. 07, s. 2022 DepEd Order No. (039, s. 2022) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: BUREAUS AND OFFICES CLASSES, EMPLOYEES LEARNERS POLICY RULES AND REGULATIONS SCHOOLS TEACH ep Compe, Memes Avent, rag cay 1600 Ml 20-720e0033-7225/m:7-1361 Mba sare sa0n Awe cpt go @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. October 20, 2022 MEMORANDUM 005-2022 TO: All Faculty and Staff SUBJECT: DepEd Order 044, s. 2022 The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Amendment to DepEd Order 034, s. 2022 titled School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-2023. Please find time to read the memo, post in the Bulletin ani le your faculty room and make sure to discussed an adjustment of your calendar based on the content of this memo. For your perusal. Principal te ae eee @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc Minutes of the Meeting ‘Area: School Direciress, School Principal, Asst. Principal, Academic Coordinators Meeting DepEd Order No. 044, s. 2022 Purposes School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2022-2023 ‘Meeting Date | October 19, 2022 ‘Meeting Time | 1:00 pm- 3:10 pm ‘Meeting Principal's Office Conference Room Location ‘Meeting ‘Anjo G. Marcelo — School Principal Facilitator “Attendees Dr. Carina Z. Dela Cruz Mr. Robin Angelo DS. Angeles Ms. Naomi Keith Zapata Ms. Elvira H. Saquital Mrs. Jael M. Manuel Mrs. Mafel Raro Ms. Princess Mhia Cerujano Mr. Joseph Ramilo Topic Implementation of In-Person Classes, Blended Learning and Full Discussed: __ | Distance Learning for SY 2022-2023 Resolution: | Ms. Jael Manuel led the group in prayer to open the meeting, ‘The school's principal, Sir Anjo Marcelo, spoke candidly about the revised class timetable for SY 2022-2023 in this statement. Each section was split into two at the beginning of the school year, thus students in Batch 1 will attend class every Monday and Tuesday while students in Batch 2 will attend class every Thursday and Friday. Every Wednesday, synchronized classes will be held for all of the students in each section, The institution made the decision to resume offering classes in each part in its entirety. It implies that there won't be a Batch 1 or Batch 2. Four times a week, students will attend class, and every Wednesday, they will attend an asynchronous class. During their asynchronous class, the school will implement full disinfection of the classroom. ‘The meeting ended at exactly 3:00 in the afternoon. Renn) 2802 | 0176904556 IF] veascoa @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. Prepared by: J English/Filipino Coordinator Approved by: aoe Principal Noted by: Oe ecules US 17 OCT 2022 DepEd ORDER No. Q 44> 5: 2022 AMENDMENT TO DEPED ORDER NO. 034, 8. 2022 (School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-2023) To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau Directors Directors of Services, Centers, and Heads of Units Regional Directors Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM School Division Superintendents Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads, ALS Community Learning Centers State /Head of Local Universities and Colleges All Others Concerned 1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Amendment to DepEd Order (DO) 034, s. 2022, titled School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022- 2023. 2. Item Nos. 16 and 17 of DO 034, s. 2022 are amended as follows: 16. Private schools may options: continue to implement any of the following 5 days of in-person clas b. Blended learning modality: b.1_ three days of in-person classes and two days of distance learning (modular, online, or television /radio-based instruction); and thereafter, four days of in-person classes and one day of distance learning (modular, online, or television/radio-based {in-person classes) and Thursdays to Fridays (distance learning). c.g., Mondays to Thursdays (in-person classes) and Fridays {distance learning} ©, Full Distance Learning 17. Starting November 2, 2022, all public schools shalll have transitioned to 5-days in-person classes. After the said date, no public school shall be allowed to implement purely distance learning or blended learning, except for those that are expressly provided an exemption by the Regional Director, those whose classes are automatically cancelled due to disaster and calamities, and those implementing Alternative Delivery Modes, as provided for in DO 021, s. 2019, titled Policy Guidelines on the K to 12 Basic Education Program and DO 001, s. 2022 titled Revised Policy Guidelines on Homeschooling Program. A separate department memorandum shall be issued relative to the exemption that will be provided by the Regional Director. 3. All other provisions stated in DO 034, s. 2022 shall remain effective unles: otherwise amended by other DepEd issuances. 4. This DepEd Order is approved and shall take effect upon its publication in DepEd website: www.deped.gov.ph. 5. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. ee ranean OAL 1 taka’ ponerse Vice President and Secretary References: DepEd Order (Nos. 034 and 001, s. 202: and 021, s. 2019) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CALENDAR, SCHOOL — POLICY CLASSES SCHOOLS LEARNERS TEACHERS ian Academy, Inc Upper Villages Christ @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. September 30, 2022 MEMORANDUM 004-2022 DepEd releases DEPED MEMO 85, s. 2022 regarding Teachers’ Month Celebration declaring the period from September 5 to October 5, 2022 as National Teachers’ Month. In consideration to the content of this DepEd Memo, UVCA will have our own way of celebrating Teachers” Day. In order to honor your dedication to education, to educate our young generations, the management hhas decided to treat all the faculty and staff at STAR CITY on October 1, 2022 to make you feel that all of you are important to us and we value your services. Alll expenses like transportation. Entrance free and foods are provided by the school. Please write your name and affix your signature on the attached paper to ensure your attendance for preparation purposes. Enjoy and keep safe, ANIGMARCELO Principal efile Petre = Republic of the Philippines Department of Education 3.0 SEP 2022 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. QQ5H » s 2022 2022 NATIONAL TEACHERS’ MONTH AND NATIONAL TEACHERS’ DAY/ WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY CELEBRATIONS To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1, The Department of Education (DepEd), in coordination with the National Teachers’ Day Coordinating Council (NTDCC) and the National Teachers’ Month Coordinating Council (NTMCC), will celebrate the National Teachers’ Month (NTM) from September 5 to October 5, 2022, with the theme, Gurong Pilipino: Dangal ng Sambayanang Pilipino. In line with this, the National Teachers’ Day (NTD} and World Teachers’ Day (WTD) shall also be observed on October 5, 2022. 2. The celebrations are pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 242, s. 2011 titled Declaring the Period from September 5 to October 5 of Every Year as National Teachers’ Month, Republic Act No. 10743 titled An Act Declaring the Fifth Day of October of Every Year as the National Teachers’ Day and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), and the designation of the World Teachers’ Day every 5th of October by the United Nations Education and Cultural Organizations (UNESCO). 3. The culminating activity and NTD/WTD celebration shall be on October 5, 2022. The events shall be hosted by DepEd Cordillera Administrative Region. 4. The celebrations aim to a. honor those who are in the teaching profession; b. acknowledge and give emphasis on the crucial role, loyal service and dedicated commitment of teachers in developing giobally-minded citizens, nurturing families, strengthening communities, and building the nation; c. revitalize the image of and respect for teaching as a vocation by increasing public awareness on the value of teachers in the Philippine society; d. take the occasion as an opportunity in building the image of teaching as an attractive and fulfilling profession; generate widespread support and assistance for teachers; and express gratitude for the positive influences of teachers on Filipino learners. Dept Complex, Mercco Avene, Psi cy 1600 ses, 7208/8033-7228/86321261 YO 9630-4876/0657-6208 swedeped gor 5. _ All public and private elementary and secondary schools, including regional offices (ROs), school division offices (SDOs}, and schoois district offices are enjoined to follow the synchronized programs, projects, and activities (SPPAs). A recitation of ‘A Prayer for Teachers or Panalanagin para sa mga Guro shall be observed during the NTM Kick-Off and NTD/WTD program at exactly 10:05 a.m. 6. All regional directors (RDs), schools division superintendents (SDSs}, district supervisors, and school heads are enjoined to actively lead all activities for the NTM and NTD/WTD celebrations. Also, the activity shall be done in accordance with DepEd Order No. 9, 8. 2005 titled Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time- on-Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith. 7. The Central Office (CO), ROs, SDOs, school district offices, and schools are required to post streamers with the official logo to ensure that the public is aware of the NTM and NTD/WTD celebrations. The digital files of the collaterals may be downloaded from this link (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ HbsIAYn8P04cCiu_wsSOCgigFqbxz10Y). 8. In accordance with the SPPAs, all SDSs, through the RDs, are required to submit the following: Deadline _ la. Respective plans on NTD/WTD celebrations, | 1 foremost of which is the conduct of their | | |__ respective culminatingactivity; _| September 10, | ’. Names and contact numbers of their respective 2022 | | schools division and regional coordinators for the NTM and NTD/WTD celebrations; and_ | &. Report/ comprehensive documentation of the | activities conducted by the schools, schools October 29, | districts offices, SDOs, and ROs, which may 2022 include photos of the various activities 9. For monitoring purposes, the Regional Partnerships Focal Persons (RPFPs} shall consolidate abovementioned requirements and submit to the External Partnerships Service-Special Events Unit (EPS-SEU), DepEd CO through this link tps: / | drive. google.com /drive/u/0/folders/1h_LaFH_6DvOsTle2¥YH6soBKKHsG 10, All expenses relative to NTM and NTD/WTD celebrations shall be charged to local funds, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 11. _ Compliance with the abovementioned requirements and the SPPAs for NTM and NTD/WTD shall be strictly monitored by the EPS-SEU. 12. Enclosed for ready reference are the following: a. Enclosure No. 1 - Presidential Proclamation No. 242, s. 2011; b. Enclosure No. 2 - Republic Act No. 10743; c. Enclosure No. 3 - Synchronized Programs, Projects, and Activities; and d. Enclosure No. 4 - A Prayer for Teachers (English and Tagalog version). 13. For more information about the 2022 NTM and NTD/WTD celebrations, please contact Mr. Romeo B. Parayno, Office of the Undersecretary for Legislative Affairs and Partnerships, Ground Floor, Rizal Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at romeo.parayno@deped.gov.ph or externalpartnerships@deped.gov.ph or at mobile number 0922-463-6626 or telephone number (02) 8633-7252 14, Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. By Authority of the Secretary: EPIMACO V. DENSING ‘Undersecretary and Chief of Sfaff_+7 Encls. As stated, References: DepEd Memorandum No. 063, s. 2020 DepEd Order (No. 9, s. 2005) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CAMPAIGN CELEBRATIONS AND FESTIVALS OFFICIALS PROGRAMS PROJECTS SCHOOLS, TEACHERS \WNBOYRMES/SMMMA/APA/ MPC, 2082 Nati nal-Teachers Month an National Teschers Da, Werd-Teaches! Da Celebrations oz 2 a 0251 "Septerber 12,2002 (Enclosure No. 1 to DepEd Memorandum No. (195, s. 2022) BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES PROCLAMATION NO. 242 DECLARING THE PERIOD FROM 05 SEPTEMBER TO 05 OCTOBER OF EVERY YEAR AS “NATIONAL TEACHERS’ MONTH” WHEREAS, the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) designated 05 October of every year as "World Teachers’ Day,” which is a day to celebrate the central role that teachers play in guiding the children, youth and adults through the life-long learning process; WHEREAS, there is a need to generate widespread awareness and support for World Teachers’ Day here in the Philippines; WHEREAS, it is essential to revitalize the image of teaching as a vocation by increasing public awareness on the value of teachers in Philippine society and national development; WHEREAS, the occasion can be used to celebrate the unique role and service that teachers play in guiding families, strengthening communities, and building the nation; WHEREAS, to contribute to the growth and development of the teaching profession in the country as well as to publicly express appreciation to teachers. both active and retired, a Teachers’ Month Campaign (TMC) was conceived in July 2008 by the Metrobank Foundation, Inc. (MBF), De fa Salle Philippines (DSLP), Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), and Campaigns Social Response (CSR), with the special participation of the Department of Education (DepEd) and the support of key business institutions; WHEREAS, owing to its success, the Campaign has generated more support from government, private companies, and major organizations in 2009 and 2010; and WHEREAS, Presidential Proclamation No. 41 (s. 2010) declared the first Friday of September to 05 October 2010 as National Teachers’ Month. NOW, THEREFORE, |. BENIGNO S. AQUINO III, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law. do hereby declare the period from 05 September to 05 October of every year as “National Teachers’ Month.” a aan ov 'PNOYOD278 In this regard, and as recommended by the TMC Steering Committee, | also endorse the recitation of the National Prayer for Teachers (Annex A) during the same period. Accordingly. all concerned departments, agencies and instrumentaitties of the national government, the various local government units. the private sector and the public at large are hereby enjoined to actively participate and support activities and programs for the celebration thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. | have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed DONE, in the City of Manila, this 24th day of of our Lord, Two Thousand and Eleven. By the President: PAQUITO N. OPHOA, JR. Executive Scretary sii August , in the year (Enclosure No. 2 to DepEd Memorandum No. Q95, s. 2022) = ow Republic of the fi Se amon Gongress of the Philippines Astro fe Sixteenth Gaugress Sessinn Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twanty-sever th day of Juty, two thousand fifteen. { Repusni AN ACT DECLARING THE FIFT! EVERY YSAR AS THE NATION DAY OF OCTOBER OY 1 TEACHERS’ DAS Be it enacte he Senate and House of Representati af the Philippin hers’ Day - The ed as the fifth day of onal Teachers’ Day To ensure a meaningful observance of this working holiday, all heads of government agencies instrumentalitics, including government-owned and -control corporation lly y dealing wit teachers, including Iucal government. units, and employers the private fford sufficient tine and oppoxtun ¢ and participa te 2 of their off (AEE ? or establishments in cciebration of the “National Teachers Day”. 2. Lead Agency. — Pursuant to the observance of the National ‘Teachers’ Day, the annual program of activities shall be prepared and implemented with the Department of Jucation as the lead agency. SEC. 3. Effectivity. ~ This Act shall take effect fifteen days after its complete publication in the Official Gazette in at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation. whichever comes earlier. oved, App Fite F a FELICIANO BELMONTE Speaker of the House “of Representatives Senate Bill No. 510, which was approved by the Sena 016, was ado te by the Hous eon , Maret 6% MARILYN B."BARUA Secretary General House of Representatives Approved: NN 29 VN Ss RNG ii Presidend of tp Philippines irae 2560 NOY @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Ine. an Pedro, Laguna 4023, 1s 125 Bray Riverside NAME AND SIGNATURE FOR TEACHERS WHO ARE JOING THE, eu eenn TEACHERS’ DAY CELEBRATION PName /Signature Department | _ Name /Signature Department 1 fag ye Reto | (lore Sat al (cor -|94 8a wf ~ Merichal_m- Valores Boeneremn &. Gohou te Set tents PUNCELS mHIA cet lq. JOAN Lago Jagd 42. DOLORES D- ALMONTE ae Sip rash a Oe ats IE wamas wmoewodovel [et Iq. HLVIRA A+ Crsgimnt fem fale, & Sage VP Ham i Rin 6-becauer FAG RJeley ft. Gamo £ [3 Fount toon uns 4 Morel Rare, oF was IS PRRCAR NCAR 6. MAK] Py Amn rT Ney HOLY bLomyuraet [18 SteAtAL C cs ly rurmeny Hf B00 Og.) bored Nite po a on i Ele 4 No. wmelfn, Abraten nace 22 Lane ly Yalow | Feriey ® ln Dev] it H Sessa C- Prcametytlementory 5 Yvahleanpal ?- Pepa JH Shee gu 26 Folan Firgely Inge! Je | EBM ara in inaic FF Maria Tica _D. Adorn @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. September 23, 2022 MEMORANDUM 003-2022 TO: All Employees SUBJECT: DepEd Memo on the Cancellation and Suspension of Classes due to Typhoon In order to increase the safety and security of our students, faculty and staff against natural disaster, we would like to let you know that DepEd Order 37, s. 2022 is already in effect. Please take time to ready this memo posted in the Bulletin and in your faculty room. For your perusal. Principal ce: Bulletin file Dep Compten 01 SEP 2022 DepEd ORDER No. 037 , s. 2022 GUIDELINES ON THE CANCELLATION OR SUSPENSION OF CLASSES AND WORK IN SCHOOLS IN THE EVENT OF NATURAL DISASTERS, POWER OUTAGES/POWER INTERRUPTIONS, AND OTHER CALAMITIES To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1. This policy promotes the safety and protection of learners and personnel from unnecessary physical dangers that they may be exposed to during natural disasters and calamities. This is to ensure that their constitutional rights to life, health, safety, and property are always protected. 2. To minimize the health and safety risks brought about by disasters and other natural calamities, the Department recognizes that the suspension of classes and work during emergencies remain to be necessary in upholding the physical and mental well-being of learners and school personnel. 3. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues these Guidelines on the Cancellation or Suspension of Classes and Work in Schools in the Event of Natural Disasters, Power Outages/Power Interruptions, and Other Calamities, to further guide schools, its personnel, and learners, both within the public and private institutions. 4. This Order shalll take effect immediately after its publication on the DepEd website as well as its filing with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines (UP) Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City. 5. For more information, please contact the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Service, 2nd Floor, Mabini Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at drrmotadeped.gov.ph or telefax number (02) 8637-4933. 6. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. Poss pave, OP SARA Z. DUTERTE Vice President and Secretary Merale Avenue, Pasig cits 160 oar 7208/8692-7228/8632- 1301 lls 48576780:17-6209 Bow doped so Enel: As stated Reference: DepEd Order No. 014, s. 2021 To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: CALAMITY CLASSES, EMPLOYEES LEARNERS POLICY SCHOOLS TEACHERS, @©UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. £925 Bray Riverside, San Pedro, Laguea 4023, (02 1851 (02) 788-9775 wvcoschod April 25, 2022 MEMORANDUM 002-2022 To: Vice Principal, Department Heads, Department Coordinators, Subject Coordinators, Finance Subject: Deped Order No. 30, . 2022 Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion to Face-to-Face Classes. This is in reference to the above DepEd order regarding the Guidelines on the Progressive Expansion to Face to Face Classes. Please find below: WHAT: Planning Meeting WHEN : April 25, 2022 WHERE : Principal's Office Your attendance isa MUST. DR. CARINA Z. DELA CRUZ Principal @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc. 4e, San Pedro, Laguna 402 Minutes of the Meeting ‘Admin, Coordinators, Finance Ie n Na ‘ace to a ‘School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) 2022 for the Pe Expansion of the Fé Purposes Face Learning Modality ~ DepED Memo. No. 030, s. Meeting Date__| April 25, 2022 ‘Meeting Time | 4:00-6:15 pm Meeting Principal’s Conference Room Location - ‘Meeting Mrs. Carina Z. Dela Gruz- School Principal Facilitator ee ‘Attendees Mrs. Welinda Grace Indemne Mr. Manolito Dela Cruz ‘Mr. Rolly Indemne Pastor Roldan Soncuan Tr. Anjo Marcelo Tr. Robin Angelo Angeles Tr. Patricia Micah Maniego Tr. Naomie Keith Zapata Tr. Elvira Saquital Tr. Jael M. Manuel Tr. Nol Daryl Dela Cruz Topic Discussed: | Assessing the readiness of the school in the progressive expansion of the limited face-to- face learning modality Requirements for Face to Face Classes ‘Resolution: The School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT), which is required for the this school year, was discussed by Dr. Carina Z. Dela Cruz. Before applying for school graduation for this academic year, the school must submit the SSAT. Based on a DepEd Memo. No. 030, 8. SSAT is used to evaluate a school's readiness to take 1g in 2022. The information acquired will be utilized as information in the planning for the safe reopening of classes. part in the gradual expansion of face-to-face leat SSAT, however, does not represent the sole factor in a school’s decision to take part in the gradual expansion of face-to-face instruction. Its sole purpose is o inform schools about the requirements and indications they must satisfy to guarantee the safety of the students and to | get them ready for their eventual reopening. When providing support and technical all necessary indicators must be met. SSAT focuses on four main areas: Managing Operations oe Focusing on Teaching and Learning Well-being and protection = ‘School- Community Coordination Once all of the signs have been met, the school must confirm that the students who will attend face-to-face classes have parental approval. Dr. Carina, the Coordinators, and the administration of the school. allocated key personnel for the following indicators after validating the SSAT: SSAT Indicators Key Personnel Remarks AREA. TI. Work Arrangement The number of teachers who will physically report All teachers are meets the availability of vaccinated teachers who vaccinated. handle face to face classes in a safe learning environment to learners. TIL. Classroom Layout and Structure “Proposal — no aircon = No. of seats to be occupied — 12-15 | Sir Manolito Dela | -There will be an energy students/chairs in a room Cruz fee in each enrollees - 1 meter-1.5 meters apart — seats to be -Have a survey to ‘occupied parents about fan, - In airconditioned spaces -install exhaust fan HEPA and others and HEPA filters all classroom must have working electric fans IV. School Traffic Management Sir Rolly Indemne | Entrance will be the ~ Established safe entrance and exit main gate -going to the - Availabilty of temperature scanner, hand cashier sanitizers or alcohol dispenser, surgical Exit. - Elementary masks at the school entrance reserved for building symptomatic individuals, Managing School Operations The school has set up clear and easy-to-understand signages (local language) and mechanisms to| Sir Nol Daryl Dela Cruz jealth protocols and splay the school map at the entrance point indicating the location of classrooms School traffic management plan and strategies = Hallway ground markings ~ designation places in high traffic areas like restrooms, handwashing areas, etc. = Installation of signages in high traffic areas = Visually impaired learners and personnel, signages must be in Braille Filipino ages crasan Academy, Inc, lesie 9991 | 02) 8788 9775 com/School 10:424564 V. Protective measures, Hygiene Practices and Safety Procedures 1. The school established contact tracing procedures for all those who enter the schoo! premises 2. The school has mobilized the School Covid -19 DRRM team to ensure effective implementation of school’s health and safety protocols... 3. Designation of a Safety Officer who serves as the focal persons for the health and safty protocols of the school. = The school has ensured the availability of the PPE and hygiene and sanitation items for learners and school personnel 4, The school has set up and ensure availability of proper sanitation and hygiene facilities -Handwashing station - clean and safe toilet facililty -Placement of trashbins in strategic locations Display of visual signages on proper waste ‘management and proper handwashing 5. Ensured reguar sanitation and disinfection of school facilities, furniture and equipment 6. Ensured a proper disposal system of infectious wastes #2 Ms. Patricia ‘Micah Maniego #3 Madam Grace Indemne #4 Sir Rolly Indemne & Sir Nol Dela Cruz (signages) #5 & 6 Sir Rolly Indemne Done DRRM = teams — Coordinators and Admin Facemasks, First Aid Kits and _ individual alcohol Done for handwashing stations and toilets Follow up for signages and 4 colors of trash bins There must be a/ scheduled sanitation and disinfection VI. Communication Strategy 1. The school developed a communication plan = Communicatio for coordition purposes among learners, teachers and guardians = Database of contact numbr and address of parens/guardians - Posting of child-friendy Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on hygiene practices and Sir Anjo Marcelo Sir Nol Dela Cruz Teachers must be well informed including the contingency plan, clinic, and phone numbers of parents/guardians (in case their chil shoews flu-like symptoms) Posters feluding hand hygiene | @UVCA 2. The school has prepared an orientation Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc session for leamers, parents, guardians, | Sir Anjo Maicéle 4 teaching and non teaching personnel, et.al on the eligibility criteria for participation and existing protocols and procedures needed in the conduct of the face-to-face classes. Madam — Grace 3. The school has a proactive COVID-19 local | Indemne hotline/help desk Vil. Contingency Plan Sir Anjo Marcelo The school has prepared contingency plan for suspension and resumption of classes in case of COVID-19 resurgence. = Decision points for school suspension = Plans for continuous implementation of distance learning modalities during suspension - Strategies for the resumption of f2f classes after suspension 2. The school has developed strategies for the continuity of the learning in the event of f2f classes suspension due to Covid-19 until local authorities | Sir Anjo Marcelo hhave determined the safe resumption of f2f classes T. Learning Resources eo ‘The school has secured sufficient supply of learning a resources needed fot f2f classes & Availability of the ff a = Self-learning Modules in the event of acalss Self-Learning Modules- Q 0 suspension For minor subjects only Ss ¢ Elem & JHS (Mapeh, B E Values, TLE Alll subjects for SHS < = Textbooks ou = Weekly Learning Plan Ask about if the teachers bo in JHS can still use sv Quarterly Learning Plan a as required by PEAC 8 ** Class Programs 5 Elem- Tr. Elvie ion 7-8 Tr. Jacl 9-10 — Sir Robin SHS-Tr. Keith as designed class programs that ‘eater both learners of the 2f arrangement and distance education 2. Maximum contact time for teaching and learning 7-8 Tr. Jael 9-10 - Sir RUGBY" SHS-Tr. Keith’roy 02 teachers. lages Christian Academy, Inc| erside, San Pedro, |-Maxiinn (02 ) sContact'| 1g) Bite /School 10:424569 NKP-Grade | ~ 4 hours Gr. 2- Gr.12 5 hours 3. The school has ensured learning intervention is a part of regular class schedyle and daily teaching time ... Ms. Maniego Patricia 4. The school ensured that the class size is in accordance with the ff. standards: -maximum 12 leamers in Kinder - for Grades 1 to Grade 12 the number of earners shall take into consideration depending on the classroom sizes, -maximum of 12 leamers at a time activities requiring workships and laboratories '5.The school profiles learners who participate in the progressive expansion of f2f classes Teachers enrolment in the Enrollment Il. Teacher Support The school has provided an appropriate learning and development support in the delivery of better quality basic education services - LAC sessions, coaching, mentoring and training 2. The school has orientated teachers on their budget of work and ensured that the school requirement for the learners is in observance of academic ease. - Implementation of MELCs included in the budget of work Sir Anjo Marcelo Budget of Lesson per Quarter Well-Being and Protection T. __ School Disinfection and Sanitation Madam Grace and 1. The school has ensured that the available | Sir Rolly sanitation and disinfection materials are approved by FDA 2. ensured availability of sanitation and disinfection materials are placed in strategic locations 3. Availability of hand sanitizers and other | disenfectants in entrances and exit points. TI. COVID-19 Case Management 1. The school has developed strategies to prevent COVID-19 which covers the ff: - Strategy to ensure all school-goers are | Ms. Patricia subjected to hand hygiene Maniego Additional rules for ~ temperature checks student handbook - Non-face-to-face communications and coordination through other available platforms ation is necessary for nt scheduling ily rapid health checks in the classroom developed a meachanism to disinfect areas of the school frequented by personell or earners who test positive for COVID-19 -Setting up of a school clinic to provide basic health services to all school goers = health assessment and physical examination, appropriate intervention, first aid or treatment, referral and follow up leamers, teachers, and personnel ~ designation of private screening area at the entrance separate space where sick school goers have been ‘managed in the clinic, temporary stay Records of students health status and development including immunization checks Subject and Upper Vi #25 Bray A teachers ‘Madam, Grace- Clinic Madam Grace - Clinic QUVCA ages Christian Academy, Inc] 2. The school has identified strategies to detect COVID-19 - consistent with DOH guidelines and coordination with local health authorities in the tracing and quarantine -Presence of School DRRM team to ensure that contact tracing activities as required by local health authorities = Close coordination with the Epidemiology Surveillance Unit officers per setting Development of a reporting system requiring parents to report to school if their children are experiencing flu-like symptoms -Provision of health form to parents at the beginning of each school term confirming their chil or family members do not have COVID -19 before permitted to go to segool to be submitted 24-72 hours prior to the start if school opening. Madam Indemne Grace 3. The school has developed strategies to isolate and manage COVID-19 which include the ff: ~ Designation of rooms for isolation of students and personnel -Availabilty of transport vehichles from school TIMF -Database of contact details of the family members of the learners and personnel for notificatiob in case of symptoms -QR Codes Sir Manolito Dela Cruz Pastor Soncuan Orlan Create a database of contact details of students 4, The school has ensured availability and maintained the provision of basic mental health and psychological support, as well as guidance and counselling services to Ms. Maniego Patricia personnel for the }00l has developed a plan for coordination ‘with the Barangay Local Government Unit or BHERT in ensuring that protocils are observed properly. In collaboration with their health officess, the school has developed intensive health promotion campaign activities to maintain optimal health seeking behaviors of learners and other community members E It is intended that everyone will take part and contribute suggestions to the planning of in-person classes.veryone is expected to participate and to share ideas about the preparation of face-to-face classes. Other agenda: Outing ‘The meeting ended around 6:10 pm. Minutes Taken Jael M. Manuel Subject Coordinator Verified and Noted By: @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, In. Minutes of the Meeting Area: ‘School Directress, School Principal, Asst. Principal, All Department Coordinators Meeting DepEd Order No. 039, s. 2022 Purposes Health and Safety Protocols in Light of Covid-19 Pandemic Meeting Date | September 28, 2022 ‘Meeting Time _| 9:00 am to 11:45 am Meeting Principal’s Office Conference Room Location Meeting Welinda Gracia Indemne ~ School Nurse kK k Facilitator | Attendees Dr. Carina Z. Dela Cry Mr. Anjo G. Marcel Mr. Robin Angelo DS. Ai cs Ms. Naomi Keith Zapata Ms. Elvira H. Saquital Mrs. Jael M. Manuel Mrs. Mafel Raro y~ . Ms. Princess Mhia Cerujan Mr. Joseph Ramilo : Topic Prevention of Covid-19 and other Infectious Diseases Discussed: pag. ‘Resolution: ‘The meeting started at 9:00 am. An openit ig Was led by Ms. Naomi Keith Zapata, Mrs. Welinda Grace Indemne - School Nurse, reminded everyone that there will be a “no discrimination” policy in terms of managing its personnel and leamers, regardless of their vaccination status. According to DepEd Memo, while all personnel and learners will now freely interact with each other in shared spaces in the school setting regardless of their vaccination status, all concerned shall ensure observance of the Minimum Public Health Standards. ‘There are available handwashing stations with soap and the school followed the latest guidelines on cleaning and disinfection as issued by the DOH. Wearing face masks shall be mandatory for all personnel, learners, and visitors inside the school. The school ensures the availability of face gpecially for learners who may ‘wearing one. . Upper Vilags Chistian Academy in. Regarding ventilation, the school ensures to achieve adequate ventilation as prescribed by the DOH. The school also observed proper physical distancing whenever possible for students, parents, and other visitors. The canteen can operate at full operational capacity and eating should be done following physical distancing. Mrs. Indemne requested the assistance of all the staff members concerned as well as the ambulant guards to watch out for those who disobey the rules. ‘The meeting ended at 11:45 am. Prepared by: English/Filipino Coordinator Approved by: Principal Noted by: =e rato BY wewncachoncom —@ oosssoaso | osssoe30 | 917650556 IF] pessoa Republic of the Pbilippines BPepartment of Cducation 19 SEP 2022 DepEd ORDER No. 939, 5. 2022 HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS IN LIGHT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM Bureau and Service Directors. Directors of Services, Centers, and Heads of Units Regional Directors ‘Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads Heads, ALS Community Learning Centers Heads, State/Local Universities and Colleges. All Others Concerned 1. The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Health and Safety Protocols in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, including: pro a. an updated guidance for teaching and nonteaching personnel and learners regarding COVID- 19 vaccination and testing in the Department, b. minimum public health standards (MPHS), and other related health protocols relative to their reporting for work or school beginning School Year (SY) 2022-2023; ¢. efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination; and d. handling attendance records of personnel affected by matters related to COVID-19. 2. Regional Directors may strategize for the implementation and operationalization of these guidelines in their respective regions or the schools division offices (SDOs) in their jurisdictions, provided that such is within the provisions of this DepEd Order (DO) 3. _ In the interest of public health, all public and private basic education schools and learning centers are duty-bound to exercise due diligence and take precautionary measures to minimize exposure to risks associated with COVID-19 and support government efforts to contain the spread of the virus. State/Local Universities and Colleges (SUCs/LUCs) offering basic education and private schools are highly encouraged to adopt the health protocols in this DO. 4. __The provisions of the OSEC Memorandum dated June 28, 2022, titled Concerns on COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing of Personnel of the Department of Education, and Office Order No, OO-OSEC-2022-003 titled Interim Guidelines on the Expansion of Limited Face to Face Classes are repealed, while Item No. 52 of DO 034, s. 2022 titled School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-2023 is amended. All other Dept Comptes, Meme Asem, Hae cy 1600 MPa. zzompnes-r2znymeae. tae Alse-anre rear 209 Aawe deptipmgh DepEd Orders, Memoranda, and other related issuances, rules, regulations, and provisions that are inconsistent with these guidelines are repealed, rescinded, or modified accordingly 5, This Order shall take effect immediately upon its issuance and publication on the DepEd website and shall be registered with the University of the Philippines Law Center Office of the National Administrative Register (UP LC-ONAR). 6. For more information, please contact the following offices: a. On the MPHS and other related health protocols, guidance on COVID-19 vaccination and testing, and efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division, through email at biss.shdaeped.gov.ph or at telephone number (02) 8632-9935, b. On handling the attendance records of personnel affected by matters related to COVID-19: Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development, through email at bhrod.odadeped.gov.ph or at telephone number (02) 8633-7237. 7. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed, forainsgaan, O® Vice President and Secretary Encl: As stated Reference DepEd Order No. (034, s. 2022) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index SS “ under the following subjects: BUREAUS AND OFFICE CLASSES PLOYEES, ARNERS POLICY RULES AND REGULATIONS HOOLS @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc Minutes of the Meeting ‘Area: ‘School Directress, School Principal, Asst. Principal, Academic Coordinators i DepEd Order No. 044, s. 2022 Pee School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2022-2023 Meeting Date __| October 19, 2022 ‘Meeting Time _| 1:00 pm- 3:10 pm Meeting Principal’s Office Conference Room Location ‘Meeting ‘Anjo G. Marcelo ~ School Principal C2 Facilitator - ‘Attendees Dr. Carina Z. Dela Cruz = Mr. Robin Angelo DS. Ans Ms. Naomi Keith Zapata; Ms, Elvira H. Saquital Mrs. Jael M. Manuel Mrs. Mafel Raro. Zy~ Ms, Princess Mhia Cerujano Mr. Joseph Ramilo ot Implementation of In-Person Classes, Blended Learning, and Full Distance Learning for SY 2022-2023 ‘Resolution: The Department of Education maintains its belief in the benefits of attending in-person sessions to support academic progress and the general mental health and well-being of our learners. Last October 17, 2022, DepEd issued a memorandum allowing private schools to offer blended learning modality and full distance leaning options to their students. Ms. Jael Manuel led the group in prayer to start the meeting before the discussion of the memo, The school's principal, Sir Anjo Marcelo, spoke candidly about the revised class timetable for SY 2022-2023 in this statement. Each section was split into two at the beginning of the school year, thus students in Batch 1 will attend a class every Monday and Tuesday while students in Batch 2 will attend a class every Thursday and Friday. Every Wednesday, synchronized classes will be held for all of Pee ao jn each section. “The institution made the decision to resume, OPENS © the institutio c oitering Ss The meeting ended at exactly 3:00 in the afternoon. fasses in vist part in its entirety. It implies that there won't be a Batch 1 or Batch 2,, Four times a week, students will attend class, and every Wednesday, they will attend an asynchronous class. During their asynchronous class, the school will implement full disinfection of the classroom. fan Academy Prepared by: English/Filipino Coordinator Approved by: De Principal Noted by: Dr. Caria Z. Dela Cruz irectress ee ool Creme reer d tT nt @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy, Inc Minutes of the Meeting ‘Area: Faculty Meeting | DO 031 s. 2020 Interim Guidelines for Assessing and Grading in Purposes Light of Basic Education Conti juity Plan “Meeting Meet JULY 19-20, 2022 Meeting) 08:00am Time Meeting Location _| AVR 2D ‘Meeting | Mr. Anjo G. Marcelo ~ School Principal >> Facilitator _| Mr. Robin Angelo DS. Angeles — Asst. Principal Mrs. Jael M. Manuel ~ Eng/Fil Coord Ms. Naomi Keith L Zapata — SHS Coord “py Attendees | Elementary Department v JHS Department SHS Department Topics ‘+ Interim Guidelines for Assessing and Grading in Light of Basie Discussed: Education Continuity Plan Resolution: On the first day, Mr. Marcelo discussed about introduction to classroom assessment. The continuing process of classroom assessment which aims to (1) interpret and evaluate each learner's performance against the curriculum standards and competencies; (2) recognize each leamer’s strengths and areas of improvement; (3) give immediate and constructive feedback to learners about what they have done well, areas, need to be improved and how to improve it, (4) Consider how well you are teaching and make adjustments to enhance the leaming of every student in your charge. (5) Compile evidence throughout time of the student's development in relation to the curricular standards and competences for the interview. Mr. Marcelo differentiated the formative from summative assessment. He emphasized the importance of giving formative assessment for the leamers to develop an understanding of what is involved in their learning and how to take responsibility for improving it ‘There is also assessment method to be considered in gathering students learning progress over time. Observation, Talking to leamers, Analyses of learners’ products and Test. Mr. Marcelo addressed the fundamentals of efficient evaluation in his conclusion, ¢ Assessment must align with the curriculum, ¢ Assessment must be valid © Assessment must be reliable and consistent. ee ee highli 1 Mr. leamni ‘* Assessment must be fair and inclusive. Mr. Angeles emphasized the significance of using rubries to evaluate students’ development. He underlined that using a rubric is a crucial and practical tool for making consistent, fair assessments of the caliber of students’ work. Mr. Angeles talked about the benefits of using rul 2. Clearly show leamers how their work will be evaluated and what product into components and scores it accordingly, a holistic rubric stresses the relationship between parts and wholes. Mr. Angeles discussed about the rubrie’s construction in step-by-step ‘manner and as follows: 2. 3. 4, St The process of teaching, learning, and assessment was also covered by Beer AV aeN ~ QUVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy Inc. Assessment must be manageable for both learners and teachers. Allow assessment to be more objective and consistent because the criteria are in specific terms; they can expect from this; Promote learners’ awareness of the criteria to use in assessing their peers’ performance; Provide useful feedback regarding the effectiveness of instruction; and Provide benchmarks against which to measure and document progress, ‘The two different rubric types—analytical and holistic—were also lighted. While an analytical rubric divides or separates the entire Determine the learning outcomes. Decide the structure of the rubric. Identify the level of performance or aspects of the product that reflect the learning outcomes. Weigh the dimensions in proportion to their importance. Determine the range of points to be allocated to each level of performance. Angeles. He emphasized the crucial elements of the teaching, ing, and evaluation processes. Identify the curriculum standards and competencies to be learned and assessed. Develop the assessment criteria. Identify the assessment method/s. Design the assessment activities. Develop and undertake the teaching and assessment activities Undertake the assessment activities. Record evidence of learning. Make consistent judgements about learning. . Give immediate feedback. (0. Use assessment information to review your teaching. Pee cece eu a ~QUVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy in In addition to outlining specific guidelines for setting up teaching, eaming, and assessment activities, Mrs. Manuel included examples of formative assessment activities. Minutes taken by: 1. Concept maps — are graphics for organizing and representing knowledge. It enriches understanding of how ideas connect and Approved by: interrelate with one another. 2. Essays - are extended pieces of writing designed to either tell a Noted by: story, present information, or give an opinion on a particular topic or issue. 3. Interviews — are one-on-one conversation asking questions to another person. 4, Investigation - refers to the sustained exploration of an unfamiliar situation and is open ended. 5. Journals ~ are diaries where learners keep a record of important, daily events. Jael Pamiy Subject Coordinator Anjo G. Marcelo, MAEd Photo Op Mr. Angeles talks about how learning progresses and the significance of standard alignment. aoc en eel t= ead @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Academy} Inc. | The various formative exercises that can be used in an online class are discussed by Mrs. Manuel, ATTENDANCE SHEET. SIGNATURE, @QUVCA Upper vilages Cristian Academy, In NAME Anjo 6, Marlo Nicouh TWeha C- Santos Jewa C- faane [Mole Ge Ae Chris o Meweryee foun _Oteiinan’_ at. Tatneft! Neln G: Vnideramna | fusePa t- Panne JEANPRIL f REPOD posta HKA oD. cancntt Naomi Xt, I tapata Jack YN. Marmmt Clanisse ®. Komeo kaye _8- Gabangon PUNGEE mttig — Lemwutrp Gh KSA ree Poride Willan & Gare Mafel 0. Rave A Maria Tissa fiolorn [yt Fam then V Dim BROCE ©. me pid ee @ veensneaschootcom — @ 05355028301 | 0930002832 | 05176304556 CO Republic of the Philippines Department of Coucation 02 OCT 2020 DepEd ORDER No. Q31 s. 2020 INTERIM GUIDELINES FOR ASSESSMENT AND GRADING IN LIGHT OF THE BASIC EDUCATION LEARNING CONTINUITY PLAN To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private School Heads All Others Concerned 1. In its commitment to ensure teaching and learning continuity while looking after the health, safety, and wellbeing of its learners, teachers, and personnel, the Department of Education (DepEd) issued DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2020 titled Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) for School Year (SY) 2020- 2021 in light of the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2. To supplement the said DO, the DepEd issues the Interim Policy Guidelines for Assessment and Grading in Light of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (Enclosure No. 1) to provide guidance on the assessment of student learning and on the grading scheme to be adopted this school year. 3. As DepEd pursues learning continuity, it is imperative for schools to take stock of assessment and grading practices that will most meaningfully support learner development and respond to varied contexts at this time. 4. The policy is grounded on the following principles: a. Assessment should be holistic and authentic in capturing the attainment of the most essential learning competencies; b. Assessment is integral for understanding student learning and development; c. A variety of assessment strategies is necessary, with formative assessment taking priority to inform teaching and promote growth and mastery; d. Assessment and feedback should be a shared responsibility among teachers, learners, and their families; and ¢. Assessment and grading should have a positive impact on learning. 5. This policy shall be implemented in all public elementary and secondary schools nationwide for SY 2020-2021. While DO No. 8, s. 2015 titled Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program is still in effect, provisions inconsistent with these new guidelines are suspended for this school year. Dep Compe, Mera Avenue, Pasig Cy 1600, gp0-7208/0699-7278/8692-196) ga-4876/8697-6209 gw. deped.gor ph 6. Private schools, technical and vocational institutions, and higher education institutions, including state and local universities and colleges offering the K to 12 Basic Education Program are encouraged to implement these interim policy guidelines as well. Private schools and institutions are permitted to modify these policy guidelines according to their philosophy, vision, and mission, with the approval of their respective DepEd regional office 7. Additional information to help implement effective assessment practices that are in line with the principles of this policy can be found in the Classroom Assessment Resource Book (Enclosure No. 2). 8. __ For inquiries, please contact the Bureau of Learning Delivery, 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, Department of Education Central Office, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City through email at bld.od@deped.gov.ph or at telephone numbers (02) 8637-4346 and (02) 8637-4347. 9. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. ete es Lt OR: BRIONES ere Encls.: References: DepEd Order (Nos. 8, s. 2015 and 012, s. 2020) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: ASSESSMENT BASIC EDUCATION CLASSES CURRICULUM LEARNERS OFFICIALS POLICY SCHOOLS TEACHERS Jp/SMMA/AP/MPC, OO Interim Gustelines on for Assessment and Grading BE LCP 0224" September 21,2020 @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Avaderny, Inc. 125 Bray Riverside, San Pedro, Lequna 4023 (02 } 8519-8991 | (02) 8788-9775 MEMORANDUM 002-2022 July 13,2022 To: Vice Principal, Department Heads, Department Coordinators, Subject Coordinators, Faculty & Staff. Subject: Planning for School Year 2022-2023, Reference:DO 034, s.2022-School Calendar and Activities SY 2022-2023 ‘This isin reference to the above DepEd order regarding Calendar of activities for this current school year. Please find below: WHAT : Planning Meeting WHEN : July 15, 2022, 03:00 PM WHERE: AVR Room Your attendange is a MUST. @UVCA Upper Villages Christian Acaderny, In. 1925 Brgy Riverside, San Pedro, Laguna 4023 (02 } 8519-8991 | (02) 87889775 Minutes of the Meeting Area: Meeting Purposes _| Planning for SY 2022-2023 in reference to DO 34, S.2022 Meeting Date July 15, 2022 Meeting Time 03:00pm. ‘Meeting Location _| AVR Room Meeting Dr. Carina Z. Dela Cruz Facilitator Principal Dr. Carina Dela Cruz (Principal)- Sir Anjo Marcelo (Asst. Principal)-P~ Sir Robin Angelo Angeles re eel Attendees Mam Jael Manuel (Eng/Fil Coord)- Mam Elvira Saquital (Elem/AP Coord)S-efP ‘Mam Mam Erica Bezales (TLE/Mapeh Coord)- Mam Kieth Zapata (SHS coordinator)- ‘Agenda: is 2._Presentation of summarized activities of UVCA by the Vice Principal The meeting started at 03:15, An opening prayer was led by Mam Jael Manuel. At the onset of the meeting, Dr. Carina Dela Cruz informed the group regarding the newly released DO 34, s.2022 particularly its implementation of the delivery of classes. She stresses that we have to carefully plan the classes to maintain the protocol in order to ensure the protection of everyone. She said that the opening of classes of UVCA will follow the schedule of opening of public schools for our guidance so that we can perform other activities in lined with the activities of deped. For the information of Matters that were | everyone, she said to go over the memo in order to be aware on the important discussed: contents. She said to the coordinators to take note of Curricular and Co-Corricular Activities, The Conduct of Learning Action Cell. Lastly, she gives the task to Vice Principal for the proper planning on the conduct of General Assembly to orient stakeholders what are to be presented to them same goes with students. 1. Presentation of Activity by Department: Mam Jael Manuel said that as Filipino/English Coordinator she planned not'brepare any activities in celebration of Buwan ng Wika, she further explained that due to time constraints she will only require students to wear Traditional Filipino costumes in ‘coming to school to attend their classes as a simple celebration of Buwan ng Wika. However, during English Month, she said that they will have a report after they have a deliberation with other English teachers. @Quv Upper Villages Chistian ALade 115 Brgy Rivers, San Pedro, Lagun (02 )8519-8991 | (02) 8788 1.1 Sir Angelo had his chance in informing everyone in the group that as Science coordinator, he will be having a science quiz bee and photography contest as an initial plan of science department. Details will come out after their collaboration with other science teachers. 1.2 For AP department, no activity was presented by the coordinator, Mam Elvira. However, she expresses her support to Filipino department in encouraging elementary pupils to wear Filipino costumes in celebrating Buwan ng Wika. 1.3 Mam Erica as teacher in charge of TLE and MAPEH she has not presented any activity of her department. She will be having a meeting with other teachers before she can present their plans. 1.3 Mam Kieth from Senior High School Department said that she is willing to support Filipino coord in informing SHS students to wear traditional filipino costumes. With regards to other culminating activities, a report will be presented after her collaboration with other teachers. 2. Summarized activity of UVCA 2.1 There is a recommendation from the Vice principal, Sir Anjo, regarding the implementation of hybrid class. He said that a class will be grouped into two. The first half of the class will go to school for face to face classes and the other half will do the online class or Vice versa to avoid congestion of classes. Every Wednesday, all are in online classes so that the school can do the disinfections and maintenance of rooms and surroundings. By October, the school will slowly change to another schedule of classes for a testing of full face to face of three days and 2 days online in order to observe if there are adjustments or changes to be done on part of the school and teachers until we fully implement a full face to face on November 2 as mandated by Secretary/Vice President Sarah Duterte. 2.2 A School activity for SY 2022-2023 was presented to the group for approval by the principal before it will be distributed to all concerns. 2.3 He also asked the coordinators to help him in the preparation of General Assembly of parents. No more matters to be discussed, the meeting ended at 05:30 Minutes taken by Diath English and Fi Republic of the Philippines Department of Education 24 NOV 2022 DepEd MEMORANDUM No. 443 + 8. 2022 DISSEMINATION OF PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION NO. 90 (Amending Proclamation No. 42, s. 2022, Declaring the Regular Holidays and Special (Non-Working) Days for the Year 2023) To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries . a Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors W WA Schools Division Superintendents, Chiefs of Divisions. we All Others Concerned 1, For the information and guidance of all concerned, enclosed is a copy of Presidential Proclamation No. 90 dated November 11, 2022, Amending Proclamation No. 42, s. 2022, Declaring the Regular Holidays and Special (Non-Working) Days for the Year 2023. 2. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. By Authority of the Secretary: y EPIMACO V. DENSING III; Undersecretary and Chief of Staff Encl. & aN ages Be G Reference: = poecus out None To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: BUREAUS AND OFFICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT SCHOOLS MCDJ.APA.MPC, DM Proclamation No. 20 0373 November 22, 2002 & a 12636-487678037-6200 4 wwe. deped gor ph omplex, Meralco avenue, Pasig City 1600 MWY 8633.7208/8533.7228/8632-1361 (Enclosure to DepEd Memorandum No. } j J, s. 2022) MALACANAN PALACE MANILA BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES. PROCLAMATION NO. 90 AMENDING PROCLAMATION NO. 42, S. 2022, DECLARING THE REGULAR HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL (NON-WORKING) DAYS FOR THE YEAR 2023 WHEREAS, Republic Act (RA) No. 9492 dated 24 July 2007, entitled “An Act Rationalizing the Celebration of National Holidays Amending for the Purpose Section 26, Chapter 7, Book 1 of Executive Order No. 292, as amended, otherwise known as The Administrative Code of 1987,” lists the regular holidays and special days to be observed in the country unless otherwise modified by law, order or proclamation; WHEREAS, Proclamation No. 42, s. 2022, declared the Regular Holidays, Special (Non-Working) Days, and additional Special (Non-Working) Days to be observed for the year 2023; WHEREAS, there is a need to adjust these holidays pursuant to the principle of holiday economics wherein a longer weekend will help encourage domestic travel and increase tourism expenditures in the country: WHEREAS, for the year 2023, New Year's Day falls on a Sunday. In consideration of the Filipino tradition of visiting relatives and spending time with their families for this occasion, it is but fitting to declare January 2 (Monday) as an additional special (non-working) day throughout the country; WHEREAS, the commemoration of Araw ng Kagitingan (April 9), which is a regular holiday, falls on a Sunday for the year 2023. To enable our countrymen to avail of the benefits of a longer weekend, Monday, 10 April 2023, in lieu of Sunday, 9 April 2023 may be declared as a non-working holiday, provided that the historical significance of Araw ng Kagitingan is maintained, WHEREAS, Bonifacio Day, which is observed as a regular holiday on November 30 of each year, falls on a Thursday for the year 2023. Pursuant to RA No. 9492, 27 November 2023 (Monday nearest November 30) may be declared as a non-working holiday while 30 November 2023 (Thursday) may be declared as a working day; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND R. MARCOS, JR., by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution as President of the Philippines, do hereby declare: SECTION 1. Section 1 of Proclamation No. 42, s. 2022 is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. The following regular holidays and special days for the year 2023 shall be observed in the country: ‘THE PRESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES, A. Regular Holidays New Year's Day Araw ng Kagitingan Maundy Thursday Good Friday Labor Day Independence Day National Heroes Day Bonifacio Day Christmas Day Rizal Day B. Special (Non-Working) Days EDSA People Power Revolution Anniversary Black Saturday Ninoy Aquino Day All Saints’ Day Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary Last Day of the Year Additional Special (Non-Working) Days January (Sunday) April (Monday nearest April 9) April April May (Monday) June (Monday) August (Last Monday of August) November (Monday nearest November 30) December (Monday) December (Saturday) February (Saturday) April ‘August (Monday) November (Wednesday) December (Friday) December (Sunday) January (Monday) November (Thursday) SECTION 2. All other provisions of Proclamation No. 42, s. 2022, shall remain unchanged, valid, and existing. SECTION 3. This Proclamation shall take effect immediately. SECTION 4. This Proclamation shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of November, in the year of Our Lord, ‘Two Thousand and Twenty Two. By the President: Ore oA ROPREBGet| MOLACARANG RECORDS OFFICE je ERTIELRD COPY ‘Republic of the Philippines Department of Education 29 NOY 2022 DepEd MEMORANDUM. No. 445 » s-2022 RECONSTITUTION OF THE PALARONG PAMBANSA BOARD AND THE PALARONG PAMBANSA SECRETARIAT To: Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Minister, Basic, Higher and Technical Education, BARMM Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1, Republic Act (RA) No. 10588, otherwise known as the Palarong Pambansa Act of 2013, and its Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) provided for the following composition of the Palarong Pambansa Board: a. Secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd) as Chairperson b, Four Undersecretaries of DepEd to be identified by the Secretary, c. Three Assistant Secretaries of DepEd to be identified by the Secretary, d. Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), and ¢. Chairman of the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) 2. With the new DepEd administration at the helm and the recent appointments of new undersecretaries and assistant secretaries, the members of the Palarong Pambansa Board is reconstituted, 3, __ To conform with the provisions of RA 10588 and its IRR, the representation of DepEd to the Palarong Pambansa Board is changed as follows: Chairperson : Honorable Vice President and DepEd Secretary Members: Undersecretary /Chief of Staff Undersecretary for Governance and Field Operations Undersecretary for Administration Undersecretary for Finance Assistant Secretary for Governance and Field Operations Assistant Secretary for Legal Affairs Assistant Secretary for Curriculum and Instruction Dept Cogn, sen trans, Pale cay 1 esas connec rcnnsae136: Ml sexs aprepetetaa Ml entepetigni 4. Assistant Secretary Francis Cesar B, Bringas is designated as Palarong Pambansa Secretary-General pursuant to Office Order No. OO-OSEC-2022-060 titled Designation of DepEd Representatives to Inter-Agency Bodies, Boards, Councils, and Committees. 5. Further, to ensure that the support services to the Palarong Pambansa Board for the implementation of its functions are provided and activities leading to the conduct of the Palarong Pambansa as may be assigned by the Board through the Secretary-General are performed effectively, as stipulated in Section 10, Rule Il of the IRR of RA 10588, the Palarong Pambansa Secretariat is reconstituted as follows: a. Existing personnel from the Palarong Pambansa Secretariat, b. Four personnel from the Bureau of Learner Support Services: School Sports Division (BLSS-SSD), One personnel from the Finance Service-Accounting Division, One personnel from the Finance Service-Budget Division, ‘One personnel from the Administrative Service-Cash Division, One personnel from DILG, and ‘One personnel from PSC. mopas 6. Ms. Marivic B. Tolitol, Supervising Education Program Specialist of BLSS~ SSD, is designated to oversee the Palarong Pambansa Secretariat, pursuant to Office Order No. OO-OSEC-2022-075 titled Designation of Ms. Marivic B. Tolitol as Officer-in-Charge of the Palarong Pambansa Secretariat under the Office of the Undersecretary for Governance and Field Operations. 7. All provisions in DepEd Memoranda (DM), particularly DM 007, s. 2020 titled Change in the Representation of the Department of Education Palarong Pambansa Board, and other related issuances inconsistent with this Memorandum are repealed, rescinded, and modified accordingly. 8. Immediate dissemination of this Memorandum is desired. By Authority of the Secretary: EPIMACO V! DE! Underscree and Chief References: DepEd Memorandum (No. 007, s. 2020) Office Orders (OO-OSEC-2022-060 and 00-OSEC-2022-075) To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: ATHLETICS, OFFICIALS CHANGE, RULES AND REGULATIONS COMMITTEES SPORTS 08" Noverbir 21, 2022 — 22 nov 2072 DepEd ORDER No. 951.8. 2022 AN ORDER TO SUPPORT THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH BAKUNAHANG BAYAN FROM DECEMBER 5 TO 7, 2022 Undersecretaries Assistant Secretaries Minister, Basic, Higher, and Technical Education, BARMM Bureau and Service Directors Regional Directors Schools Division Superintendents Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Heads All Others Concerned 1. Pursuant to Section 15 Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, the State shall protect and promote the right to health of the people and instill health consciousness among them. The Department of Education (DepEd) seeks to further protect its high-risk teaching and non-teaching personnel from COVID- 19 death with booster vaccinations and provide opportunities for its learners to make informed decisions on COVID-19 and vaccinations. DepEd is in full support of the COVID-19 vaccination of the Department of Health (DOH), specifically the Bakunahang Bayan from December 5 to 7, 2022. 2. _ Nonetheless, the COVID-19 vaccination program is not mandatory and will remain to be voluntary for all school personnel and learners. There shall be no discrimination of individuals who choose not to get vaccinated or who refuse a booster. Continued counselling and education should be provided by health personnel to allow everyone the right to an informed decision. All minors who volunteer to be vaccinated should have the consent of their parent or legal guardian. All minors who want to be vaccinated but cannot secure the consent of their parents or legal guardian should seek the assistance of social workers from the Department of Social Welfare and Development. 3. Consistent with the DepEd policy of swict adherence to the school calendar, and all school efforts to be poured into recovery from learning losses and to unloading non-teaching work of teachers, this Order is hereby issued for the guidance of learners, personnel, parents, guardians and other stakeholders. 4. To effectively implement the Bakunahang Bayan and maximize the resources, time, and effort of health workers, the following are hereby ordered: 4.1 All DepEd teaching and non-teaching personnel, including officials, employees, job order personnel, contracts of service personnel, and support staff, who will volunteer to be vaccinated or take booster Dept Comples, Memo Avene, Pasig Cy 1600 M3. 7206/8639-7228/8082-1561 nse 1576/0597-6209 Ame dep gmp shots during the period of Bakunahang Bayan on December 5 to 7, 2022, shall automatically be excused from absence on the day of their vaccination or booster, provided that: they should present to their respective head /s of office /s a copy of their COVID-19 vaccination record card or any acceptable proof of vaccination (which shall clearly indicate the date of vaccination, the name and signature of the administering doctor or health official, and the details of the latest vaccine availed) ‘This will be properly coordinated with the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development within Schools Division Offices, Regional Offices, and the Central Office. Likewise, all learners who volunteer to be vaccinated during the aforesaid period shall be considered excused from attending their classes ‘on the day of their vaccination, provided that: they should present to their respective class adviser or school teacher a copy of their COVID: 19 vaccination record card or any acceptable proof of vaccination {which shall clearly indicate the date of vaccination, the name and signature of the administering doctor or health official, and the details of the latest vaccine availed). 4.2 Schools shall be encouraged to use the Bakunahang Bayan campaign and information materials, which may be accessed through bit.ly/BakunahangBayanToolkit2. 4.3 The DepEd, through the Bureau of Learner Support Services- School Health Division (BLSS-SHD), shall conduct information sessions to provide relevant information on COVID-19 vaccines and the process of vaccination. The BLSS-SHD shall coordinate with their counterparts from the DOH to provide the necessary support and assistance for the effective implementation of the abovementioned vaccination efforts. Sessions can be integrated in Science and Health classes. No cancellation or postponement of classes are allowed during these sessions. 4.4 For purposes of monitoring the vaccination efforts within the DepEd Central Office (CO}, the Regional Offices, Schools Division Offices, Schools (only for teaching and non-teaching personnel}, as well as DepEd’s attached agencies, regular reporting of the vaccination status should be done by the Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development through bit.ly/NGAAnnexes. Meanwhile, reports on the inventory within and among learners should be done by the personnel of the DOH or through the Municipal or City Health Officers in every municipality or city and should be recorded through bit.ly/DepEdVaxTemplate in order to identify the remaining unvaccinated or unboosted eligible learners. No teaching or non-teaching personnel shall be required to collect, collate, encode or keep records of vaccinated and unvaccinated learners within their respective schools. 4.5 _ The DepEd Central Office Manager, in coordination with the CO. Clinic personnel, shall facilitate the scheduling of vaccination and boosters among the CO employees from December 5 to 7, 2022. The Regional Directors, Schools Division Superintendents and DepRd attached agencies should coordinate with their DOH counterparts in the scheduling of their personnel for the Bakunahang Bayan. Vaccinations can be conducted in the Central Office, in Regional Offices, Schools Division Offices, and DepEd attached agencies’ offices. Vaccinations in all the aforementioned offices should be open to the general public who volunteer to be vaccinated or to get their boosters. The CO, ROs, SDOs, and the attached agencies should promote the vaccination in their venues. 5. __ All DepEd schools cannot be used as vaccination centers or hubs. There will also be no cancellation or suspension of classes in schools during the Bakunahang Bayan from December 5 to 7, 2022. 6. The DepEd shall promote the DOH KIRA chatbot to provide real-time and vetted information about COVID-19 through the link bit-ly/KIRAPromos. 7. Private schools and community learning centers, as well as state/local universities and colleges (SUCs/LUCS), have the option to abide by the provisions of this DO, 8. For more information on the DepEd’s Minimum Public Health Standards, other related health protocols, guidance on COVID-19 vaccination and testing, as well as efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination, please contact the Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division through their email at blss.shd@eped.gov.ph or at telephone number (02) 8632-9935. 9. _ This order shall take effect immediately after its publication on the DepEd website as well as its filing with the Office of the National Administrative Registrar (ONAR) at the University of the Philippines (UP) Law Center, UP Diliman, Quezon City 10. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed. Encl: None Reference: None ‘To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: OFFICIALS POLICY SCHOOLS MCL, BO Hakone Han 0870 November 11 902 Ah my sad hea z. purses e . fice President of the Philippines i i s tary of the Department of Education

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