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3/24/23, 4:55 PM Solutions for New Mulberry English Coursebook 6 The Cherry Tree

 New Mulberry English Coursebook 6

 The Cherry Tree (Ruskin Bond)

Printed from on 24 Mar 2023 04:03:55 pm

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Q1. Can you identify these trees? Choose from the list given to you.
s l a te.c
a. Gulmohar .bi g
b. Banyan
c. Laburnum
d. Coconut
e. Deodar

a. Banyan

b. Gulmohar

c. Coconut

d. Deodar

e. Laburnum

Q2. Where did Rakesh live?

Rakesh lived in the Himalayan foothills. . bigs

Q3. What did Grandfather tell Rakesh to do with the cherry seed?
As Rakesh asked whether the cherry seeds were lucky or .not, s l a te.c
grandfather replied that of course they were and continued by saying 1/7
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that nothing is lucky when put away and if Rakesh wants luck he must
make it of some use. Rakesh asked what he could do of a seed, to
which his grandfather said to plant the seed.

Q4. How did Rakesh and Grandfather know that it was spring time?
Rakesh and his Grandfather knew it was spring time as the i g s l a t e flew
away to north Siberia. www

Q5. Where did the wild duck fly in spring?

w . bigs
Usually in the spring time the wild duck fly to the north Siberia.

Q6. Where did Rakesh go during the monsoons? What did he do there?
Rakesh went to his village during the monsoons. s l a te.c
He helped his father and mother there, with the planting, ploughing
and sowing.

Q7. What does the word intention mean?

The word intention means aim or plan. sla te.c

Q8. Which two visitors did Rakesh find on the cherry tree?
One fine day Rakesh had found a bright green praying mantis s l a te.c
.bi g
w w wconsidered to
on a branch, peering at him with bulging eyes. That was
be the cherry tree's first visitor.

The second visitor of the cherry tree was a hairy caterpillar who had
started making a meal of the leaves.

Q9. What did he do with them?

To the first visitor that is the praying mantis, Rakesh let itb iremain
s a t e . con
w wcaterpillar
the cherry tree and to the second visitor was the hairy
whom Rakesh removed quickly as he was feeding on the fresh leaves of
the cherry tree.

Q10. What made Grandfather unhappy in winter?

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.b g
Due to snow most of the roads in the valley were blocked and for
several days no newspapers arrived, this made grandfather unhappy in

Q11. What effect did this have on his stones?

l a
As the winter came, the roads in the valleys got blocked due
big sto
w w . to the
huge amount of snow. Grandfather loved to read andwlisten
newspaper but due to the snow he could not. So, he was extremely
unhappy in winters. This unhappiness effected the stories he told, the
endings of the stories were also unhappy.

Q12. What does the word nectar mean?

Nectar is a sugary fluid within flowers to encourage pollination s l a te.c
.bi g
insects and other animals. www

Q13. What does the word blossoms mean?

The word blossoms means flowers or a mass of flower, especially
i g l a t e on a
tree or bush. www

Q14. Write the names of the insects, birds and animals which came to
the cherry tree .com
i g s late
_______________ _______________ _______________
They came to the cherry
_______________ _______________
tree to _______________

praying mantis caterpillar bees

bulbul and They came to the cherry tree to feed

scarlet minivets themselves with its leaves, necter and fruits .

Q15. 'Nothing is lucky if you put it away. If you want luck, you
must put it to some use'.
s l a te.c
a. Who said this and to whom?
b. What was the speaker referring to?
c. How did the person being spoken to put it to some use? 3/7
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a. This words were spoken by Grandfather to Rakesh.

b. The speaker was referring to the cherry seeds.

c. The person being spoken to that is Rakesh had put the cherry
seeds in some use by planting them.

Q16. 'Come back when you're a butterfly', he said.

a. Who said this and to whom? . bigs
b. Why did the speaker not want the creature to stay?
c. What does this line tell you about the speaker?

a. This words were spoken by Rakesh to the caterpillar.

b. The speaker did not want the caterpillar to stay as it was feeding
on the fresh leaves of the cherry trees.

c. The above line gives a good impression of the speaker as to he is

not cruel to the caterpillar rather tells it to be back when it is a
butterfly as then it would not harm the cherry tree.It also shows
that the speaker loves his own planted cherry tree a lot.

Q17. ..... he could see the mountain striding away into the clouds.
s l a te.c
a. Who is referred to as 'he' in this line? .bi g
b. From where could 'he' see the mountain? 
c. What does the expression striding away into the
clouds' mean?

a. The protagonist of the story ,'The Cherry Tree' by Ruskin Bond,

Rakesh is referred to as 'he' in this line.

b. Rakesh could see the mountain from where he lay under the cherry
tree in the garden.

c. The expression 'striding away into the clouds' means that the
mountain has extended a great distance up to the horizon and
there it was covered by the clouds. It appeared as if the mountain 4/7
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has ended in the clouds or it has silently disappeared into the


Q18. How did Rakesh and his grandfather spend the winter evenings?
s late
In the winter evenings, Grandfather and Rakesh used to siti gtogether in
w w .b
front of the charcoal fire. Grandfather would tell Rakesh stories about
the people who turned into animals, and in turn Rakesh would read to
him from the newspapers. Rakesh did not like to read the newspaper
after two stories but grandfather loved to hear them as his eyesight
was getting poor.

Q19. Rakesh thought that the cherry tree had died on two occasions.
Narrate the incidents briefly. om
s l a te.c
In the story 'The Cherry Tree' by Ruskin Bond, there w w w . two
occasions when Rakesh thought that the cherry tree had died.

When the tree was about two feet high, a goat entered the garden and
ate all its leaves. Only the main stem and two little branches remained.
Rakesh was upset but his grandfather assured him that cherry trees
were tough and it would grow again. Then again, a woman cutting
grass, cut the cherry tree into two. Seeing it, grandfather scolded her.
It seemed that the damage was fatal to the tree.

Q20. What question does Rakesh ask at the end of the story? What do
you think he means by the question? om
s l a te.c
At the end of the story Rakesh asked the question 'I w w w.
wondered, is this
what it feels to be God?'. This statement contains a deep meaning and
is also relevant to the story. Rakesh loved eating cherries very much
and he planted the seed iwhich has grown to be a big cherry tree. It
was Rakesh and his Grandfather's idea to put the seed into the soil so
that one day it could form into a big tree of cherries. Rakesh watched
the tree, took care of it by giving it water and also looked out for the
tree. It was the feeling of creation that took place in the heart of
Rakesh. Rakesh saw the tree to tackle many obstacles and grow into a
big cherry tree. Rakesh nurtured the tree with all his love and when the
tree grew big, Rakesh and Grandfather would sit in its shadows. It is
said that God made all of us, and in this story Rakesh gave that cherry
seed a life. Rakesh loves the cherry tree as much God loves his

Q21. Would you consider Rakesh and his grandfather to be nature

lovers? Why do you think it is important to plant trees? om
s l a te.c
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.b g
Yes, I would consider Rakesh and his grandfather to be nature lovers.
It is extremely important to plant trees.

We often get to hear 'Plant trees and save the Earth'. This clearly
indicates the importance of trees to the well-being of our planet and is
directly linked to our survival.

Any food chain begins from plants as they are the primary producers
and in turn directly or indirectly provides food for all other living

Also it maintains the balance of important gases, mainly oxygen and

carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as it takes in carbon dioxide and
gives out oxygen and also contributes to climate regulation.
Deforestation leads to depletion of top soil and thereby increases the
rate soil erosion. Planting trees can only save us from such disastrous

Q22. 'Nothing is lucky if you put it away. If you want luck, you must put
it to some use'. Give an example of your own to illustrate this .com
quote. i g s late
I think grandfather wanted Rakesh to realize that we should all make
use of the opportunity that has come to us. Those opportunities can be
used to achieve something important in life. If those opportunities are
not used and are stored somewhere, it will not be productive in our
lives. 6/7
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