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Q.1. Pure and dry nitrogen gas is slowly bubbled through a solution of 2.25 gm of a non-volatile
organic compound dissolved in 150g of benzene and then bubbled through pure benzene. The
solution is found to be 2.1540g lighter, while pure benzene suffered a loss in weight of
0.0160 gm. Calculate the molecular weight of non-volatile organic compound.

Q.2. A solution of non- volatile solute in water freezes at -0.30C. The vapour pressure of pure water
at 293 K is 23.51 mm of Hg and Kf for water is 1.86 degree/molal. Calculate the vapour
pressure of this solution at 298K.

Q.3. A solution containing 28 gm phosphorus in 315 g of CS2 (b.t 46.3C) boils at 47.98C Kb for CS2
is 2.34 Kmol-1Kg. Calculate the molecular wt of phosphorus and deduce its molecular formula.
Assume its complete association. (Atomic wt of P = 31)

Q.4. When a substance AB2 is dissolved in water it dissociate into A 4 and B4 and the following
equilibrium is established. 4AB2 A4 + 2B4
AB2, A4 and B4 all three are soluble in water and are non-volatile. When 0.5 molar solution of
AB2 was taken the boiling point is found to be 100.234. Calculate the equilibrium constant for
the above reaction. (Kb = 0.52)

Q.5. 4  10–3 m3 H2O(l) is placed in a closed cubic vessel of edge-length of 1 m at 400K temperature.
If the vapour pressure of water is 0.0842 atmosphere with density 0.89 g cm–3 at the same
temperature, how much water is left behind in liquid state?

Q.6. A storage battery contains a solution of H2SO4 38% by weight. At this concentration, Van’t Hoff
factor is 2.50. At what temperature will the battery contents freeze? (Kf = 1.86° mol–1 kg)

Q.7. A solution containing 0.52 g of C10H8 in CCl4 produced an elevation in boiling point by 0.402C.
On the other hand a solution of 0.62 g of an unknown solute dissolved in the same amount of
CCl4 produced an elevation by 0.65C. Calculate the molecular weight of solute.

Q.8. A metal M of molar mass 96 reacts with fluorine to form a salt that can be represented as MFx.
In order to determine x, a 9.18 g sample of the salt is dissolved in 100 g of water and its boiling
point was determined to be 375.45 K. What is the chemical formula of the salt? Given Kb
(water) = 0.512 K kg/mol. Assuming complete dissociation of salt.

Q.9. The vapour pressure of pure benzene at a certain temperature is 640 mm Hg. A non-volatile
non-electrolyte solid weighing 2.175 g is added to 39 g of benzene. The vapour pressure of the
solution is 600 mm Hg. What is the molecular weight of the solid substance?

Q.10. Calculate vapour pressure of a 5% (by weight) solution of water in glycerol (molecular weight
92.1) at 100oC, assuming Raoult’s law to be valid and neglecting the vapour pressure of

Q.11. Two liquids A and B form ideal solutions. At 300 K, the vapour pressure of a solution
containing 1 mole of A and 3 moles of B is 550 mm of Hg. At the same temperature, if one more
mole of B is added to this solution, the vapour pressure of the solution increases by 10 mm of
Hg. Determine the vapour pressure of A and B in their pure states.

Q.12. The degree of dissociation of Ca(NO3)2 in a dilute aqueous solution containing 7 g of the salt per
100 gm of water at 100°C is 70%. If the vapour pressure of water at 100°C is 760 mm, calculate
the vapour pressure of the solution.

Q.13. An aqueous solution of 2 per cent (wt./wt.) non–volatile solute exerts a pressure of 1.004 bar at
the boiling point of the solvent. What is the molecular mass of the solute?

Q.14. An aqueous solution containing 5% by weight of urea and 10% by weight of glucose. What will
be its freezing point? K f for H2O is 1.86o mol-1 kg.

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.
Q.15. Freezing point of 0.2 M KCN solution is –0.7°C. On adding 0.1 mole of Hg(CN)2 to one litre of
the 0.2 M KCN solution, the freezing point of the solution becomes –0.53°C

due to the reaction Hg(CN) 2 + mCN–  Hg (CN ) mm  2 . What is the value of m assuming
molality = molarity?

Q.16. When a liquid that is immiscible with water was steam distilled at 95.2°C at a total pressure of
747.3 Torr, the distillate contained 1.27 g of the liquid per gram of water. Calculate the molar
mass of the liquid. The vapour pressure of water is 638.6 Torr at 95.2°C.

Q.17. 1000 gm of sucrose solution in water is cooled to –0.5°C. How much of ice would be separated
out at this temperature, if the solution started to freeze at –0.38°C. Express your answer is
gram. (Kf H2O = 1.86 K mol–1 kg ).

Q.18. What weight of solute (molecular weight 60) is required to dissolve in 180 g of water to reduce
the vapour pressure to 4/5th pure water?

Q.19. The freezing point of 0.08m NaHSO4 is –0.345°C. Calculate the percentage of HSO 4 that
transfer a proton to water to form SO 4 ion.
Kf of H2O = 1.86 mol–1 kg.

Q.20. The immiscible liquid system benzene-water boils at 150°C under a pressure of 960 mm of Hg.
At this temperature the vapour pressure of water is 780 mm of Hg. If the mixture is distilled,
what is the percentage of total weight of the distillate will be benzene?


1. mB = 158.68 2. Ps = 23.44 mm Hg

3. mexp = 123.80; Molecular formula = P4

4. Kc = 0.0617 5. 3.948 lit

6. – 29.08°C 7. M = 101.4

8. x=4 9. 65.25

10. 161.2 mm 11. p oA  400 mm, pBo  600 mm

12. 746.10 mm 13. 40.97 g mol–1

14. –3.04oC 15. m=2

16. 134 g mol1 17. 223 gm

18. 150 g 19. 66 %

20. 50%

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.
1. We know,
P nB n
 XB  = B (for dilute solution)
p n A  nB n A
p WB / mB WB  mA
  (i)
p0 WA / mA WA  mB
Given WB = 2.25 gm
WA = 150 gm
mA = 78; mB=?
p  0.016
 p 1  2.17 g
Hence, from equation (i), we have
0.016 2.25  78
277 150  mB
mB = 158.68

2. Tf= Kfm
m =
P Ps Tf
 
m2 m2  molecular wt of solvent
Ps K f 1000

 23.51  Ps  0.3  18 Ps = 23.44 mm Hg

Ps 1.86 1000

3.  K  w1 
 Tb  b 
 m1  w 2 
Tb = 1000  2.234  28
m  315
 mexp = 123.80
mN 
 1  
m ex n
mN 1
  (   1, mN  31)
mexp n
31 1
 
123.80 n
Molecular formula = P4

4. Tb = iKbm
0.234 = i0.520.5, i= 0.9
4AB2 A4+2B4
C C
4 2
C C
i= 1- + +
4 2

0.9 = 1 

 0.1 ,  = 0.4

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.
C C 2  2
 3
Kc = 4 4 = putting  = 0.4
C 4 (1   ) 4 16.(1   ) 4
0.43  0.0617
16  0.5  (0.6) 4

5.  n H2O ( g ) 
0.0842  1000
= = 2.5639
0.0821 400
 Volume of water converted into gaseous state
2.5639  18
= ml = 51.85 ml
Water left in liquid state
= 4 – 0.052 lit = 3.948 lit

1000K f  w 1000  1.86  38

6. Tf =  = 11.633
mW 98  62
Tf exp t.
Tf normal
 Tf exp t . = 2.50  11.633
= 29.05
Thus F.P. = 273 – 29.08 = 243.92° K = – 29.08°C

7. Tb = Kb m
0.52 K b 0.402  128  10 3
0.402 = Kb   
128  w  10 3 w 0.52
For second solution
Tb = Kb  m
0.65 = Kb 
w  10 3  M
0.62 0.402  128  10 3
0.605 = 3

M  10 0.52
M = 101.4

8. MFx M+x + xF

C(1-) C xC
i = 1 + x
i = 1 + x (   = 1)
Tb = i  Kb  m
2.45 = (1 + x)  0.512   10 3  x = 4
96  100

9. 65.25

10. 161.2 mm

11. p oA  400 mm, pBo  600 mm

12. 746.10 mm

13. 40.97 g mol–1

14. –3.04oC

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.
0 .7 7
15. 0.7 = 2  Kf  0.2  Kf 
0.4 4
Hg(CN)2 + mCN–  Hg ( CN ) m  2
0.1 0.2 0
0 (0.2 – 0.1m) 0.1
Now, Molarity of K+ = 0.2 M
Molarity of CN– = (0.2 – 0.1m) M
Molarity of complex = 0.1 M
0.53 = Kf (0.2 + 0.2 – 0.1m + 0.1) = Kf (0.5 – 0.1m)
 0.53 = (0.5 – 0.1m)  2.1 = 3.5 – 0.7m
 0.7m = 1.4  m = 2.

16. For a mixture of two immiscible liquids, the total pressure is given by
o o
PTotal  Pliquid  Pwater
747.3 = Pliquid  638.6
 Pliquid  108.7 Torr
Pliquid  X liquid( V )  PTotal …(i)
and P water  X water ( V )  PTotal …(ii)
Dividing equation (i) by (ii) gives,
X liquid ( V ) Pliquid
 o
X water ( V ) Pwater
P liquid n  nw
or o
 l
Pwater nw
nl  n w
where nl and nw represents the number of moles of liquid and water in vapour phase,
P liquid n Ml
 o
 l 
Pwater nw w H 2O

Pliquid w l  M H 2O
 o

P water w H 2O  M l
where Ml and MH2O represents molar mass of liquid and water respectively and wl and
w H2O denotes weight of liquid and water in vapour phase, respectively.
Pwater  w l  M H 2O
 Ml  o
Pliquid  w H 2O
638.6  1.27  18
 Ml  = 134.3 g mol1 ~ 
 134 g mol 1.
108.7  1
17. wA + wB = 1000 …(i)
K f  w B  1000
Tf =
MB  wA

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.
1.86  1000  w B
or 0.38 
342  w A
 0.07 …(ii)
By (i) and (ii),
wB = 65.42 gm and wA = 934.58 gm
At –0.5°C, some water separated out as ice and solute exist as 65.42 gm
1.86  65.42  1000
0.5 =
342  w A
wA = 711.58 gm
 separated ice = 934.58 gm – 711.58 gm = 0223 gm.

P o  Ps wM
18.  =
Ps mW
4P o
Ps = , m = 60, w = ?, W = 180 g, M = 18
4P o
Po 

5 = w  18 ; w = 60  180 = 150 g.
4P 60  180 18  4

19. NaHSO4 + H2O(aq)  Na + + H3O+ + SO4–2

t=0 1 0 0 0
at eq. 1–
1  2
Tf = i × Kf × m
) × 0.345 = (1 + 2 1.86 × 0.08
= 0.6592 So,
% dissociation = 65.92% ~  66 %.

20. Pt = 960 mm of Hg
PH 2 O  780 mm of Hg
Pbenzene  (960  780)  180 mm of Hg
PH 2O 780 78
 
Pbenzene 180 18
x H 2O 78

x benzene 18
n H 2O 78

n benzene 18
WH 2O 78 78
 
18 Wbenzene 18
Mass % of benzene =  100 = 50%

ICES House, 29 – A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax:011-26513942.

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