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It was one good Saturday night. My classmate and our teacher were at the shopping
complex. We were looking for some material for our presentation program. The teacher
that was with us was Sir Fahmi. He teaches us add-math. He is very popular because of his
kind heart. He was a very good teacher.

We were searching for hours and didn’t even find one thing. We decided to get some
food and call it a day. Everyone was going home but the bus to my house were nowhere in
sight. My mind drifts. It was raining heavily and there was thunder rumbling. Sir Fahmi had
tried to call my parent but there was no connection. The mall was already closing. Sir Fahmi
ask me if I have any money because there was a cab coming and Sir Fahmi only bring some
money and has used half of it.

“Oh no! My wallet’s gone”, I said. Sir Fahmi ask me about that wallet that I just used
and ask me if I had leave it somewhere. We were asking the security guard to come in the
mall and check for it, but it was already 10:32 p.m. Sir Fahmi gave me his money for the cab
to my house. I was very thankful. My phone works again and tried to call Sir Fahmi but he
didn’t answer.

It was Sunday. I told the story to everyone. We were surprised because when we
enter the class, Sir Fahmi was standing there waiting for us. We were so grateful and ask
him what he did that night. He told us that the security guard found the wallet and he gave
me the wallet. He said that he called his friend, Sir Helmi, our English teacher to take him
home. Then we continue the class.

Looking back at what happen, I started to admire Sir Fahmi more and more because
of his responsible action. He really inspires me to take my responsibility more seriously. He
also inspires me to become an honest and kind-hearted people.

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