(AC-S05) Week 05 - Task Assignment - Who Knows More About Peruvian History

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Course: Ingles III

Teacher: Melina Barrantes Morales / Rocío Munaico Antonio

Exercise: (AC-S05) Week 05 - Task: Assignment - Who knows more about Peruvian History?

Student: Manuel Alberto Jaulis Ortiz

Eslin Cesar López Villanueva

Breydi Jeremías Beramendi


Breydi Jeremías Beramendi Manuel Alberto Jaulis Ortiz Eslin Cesar López

Who knows more about Peruvian History?


A: Good morning Teacher my name is Breydi Jeremías Beramendi.

B: Hi my name is Manuel Alberto Jaulis Ortiz.

C: Hello my name is Eslin Cesar López Villanueva and this is task 5: Who knows more
about Peruvian History?

BREYDI: When was the discovery of America?

MANUEL: The discovery of America was on October 12, 1492.

BREYDI: Did Jose de la Torre Ugarte compose Contigo Perú in 1821?

CESAR: No, He didn't. He composed the national anthem of Peru.

BREYDI: Where was Augusto Polo Campos born?

MANUEL: He was born in March 1936 in Arequipa.

BREYDI: Was Augusto Polo Campos born in Arequipa?

CESAR: No, He wasn't. He was born in Puquio, Ayacucho.

BREYDI: Was Augusto Polo Campos an actor?

MANUEL: No, He wasn't. He was a musician and composer.

MANUEL: When was the end of the Inca empire?

BREYDI: The Inca empire was discovered in 1532.

CESAR: When lima was founded?

BREYDI: The city Lima was founded in 1535 for Francisco Pizarro

MANUEL: What was the first free city in Peru?

BREYDI: The first free city was Trujillo in dicember 1820

MANUEL: When was discovered Machu Pichu?

CESAR: Machu Pichu was dicovered 24 July 1911

MANUEL: When was the Pacific War between Peru and Chile?
BREYDI: The Pacific War occurred between 1879-1883

CESAR: Who was known as the knights of the seas?

MANUEL: It was Miguel Grau

CESAR: Who was known as the sorcerer of the Andes?

BREYDI: It was Andrés Avelino Cáceres

CESAR: Guys, what culture does the cover of the Sun belong to?

MANUEL: To the Tiahuanaco culture

CESAR: Who discovered the Chavin culture?

MANUEL: It was Julio Cesar Tello

BREYDI: In what year did the battle of Junín and Ayacucho take place?

CESAR: In the year 1824.

MANUEL:When was the independence of Peru?

BREIDY: The independence of Peru was on July 28, 1821.

CESAR: I knew the answer, but it was faster

MANUEL: that's a point for Breidy.

CESAR: Well, it's my turn, who was the first president of Peru?

BREIDY: The first president of Peru was José de la Riva Agüero.

MANUEL: I didn't remember it, well it's a point for Breidy.

CESAR: Well Breidy it's your turn to ask the third question.

BREIDY: Well there I go. Who created the National Coat of Arms of Peru?

MANUEL: I don’t know

CESAR: The creators of the current National Coat of Arms of Peru are José Paredes
and Francisco Cortés.

BREIDY: That's right , Well guys there are 2 questions left and each one has a point,
the one who answers the 2 questions wins the game.

MANUEL: Ok, I continue with the fourth question, what was the first coup in Republican
CESAR: I don't know when it was.

BREIDY: I don't remember.

MANUEL: The first coup of Republican Peru was that of balconcillo on February 27,

MANUEL: no points, whoever answers the next question wins the game.

CESAR: Well, I will ask the last question, who was the first Marshal of Peru?

BREIDY: The first Marshal of Peru was don Toribio de Luzuriaga.

BREIDY: Well guys i won the game.

MANUEL: That was close.

CESAR: I wanted to win, but well, guys, I have to go, it was fun.

BREIDY: Yes me too, I have classes in a few minute, Good bye guys.

MANUEL: Bye Breidy and Cesar.

CESAR: Bye Manuel and Breydi.

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