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My name is Raphaela and I agree with the statement The civil War
disproportionately affected whites and blacks in the United States. Now let's come back in time,
on a continent, in countries separated by conflict, by color, by themselves. The United States in
1861 until 1865 passed for a lot of things. Deaths, fights, and a liter of blood in their faces and
streets. They passed for the Civil War.
According to the site they say “ The central cause of the war was the
status of slavery, especially the expansion of slavery into territories acquired as a result of the
Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican–American War.[14] On the eve of the Civil War in 1860,
four million of the 32 million Americans (~13%) were enslaved black people, almost all in the
South.” With this part (trecho) we already can talk about the principal topic of my speech, which
is that the Civil War affected disproportionately whites and blacks in the United States. In the
USA at that time, we had the principal cause of this anger and conflicts, the fact that not
everyone was white.
According to the site, they talk about how this affected the african
americans. They say "The service of African-Americans in the military had dramatic implications
for African-Americans. Black soldiers faced systemic racial discrimination in the army and
endured virulent hostility upon returning to their homes at the end of the war.
Like Chad Willians, who is the chair of the department of African and African American
Studies, said "Though often overshadowed by World War II, the African-American experience in
World War I was a transformative moment in black history".
It was time to change, to be a new United States, with the war. the black Americans passed
through a lot of things, so much pain, but at least one thing they winned. their freedom.
According to the site thay say, "On the positive side, African Americans
experienced rights and freedoms they had never possessed before. They could vote, own
property, receive an education, legally marry and sign contracts, file lawsuits, and even hold
political office".
Now let's talk about the white americans, they winned a lot of things, of course, they had
the power, but somehow they passed into fights too. According to the site they say,
"Some negative outcomes from the Civil War were the South's loss of land and crop from the
devastated land left behind and the South's hold on to racism. After the Civil War ended and the
devastation, the country experienced. Many Americans lost their lives during the Civil War;
however, there was some positive outcome"
One statistics that I found in the site they wrote how many white
Americans died in the Civil War, they say "2,100,000 white mens of Northerners mobilized to
fight for the Union army. eight hundred eighty thousand
whithe mens of Southern mobilized to fight for the Confederacy and more than 40 white mens
who died were never identified."
Of course I have the bad things that I already said, but the white Americans whined
about a lot of things, more than the african- americans unfortunately. for example for the
womens, in the site, they say, "During the Civil War, however, American women
turned their attention to the world outside the home. Thousands of women in the North and
South joined volunteer brigades and signed up to work as nurses. It was the first time in
American history that women played a significant role in a war effort."
So in the Civil War, which was a really difficult time for the black Americans, as we can
see, they never stopped fighted for what they thought was the best. Both races winner, but
unfortunately, the africans america didn't win much as the withe americans like always right?
With this war, which have a lot of blood involved, like the site named say
"One reason why the Civil War was so lethal was the introduction of improved weaponry. Cone-
shaped bullets replaced musket balls, and beginning in 1862, smooth-bore muskets were
replaced with rifles with grooved barrels, which imparted spin on a bullet and allowed a soldier
to hit a target a quarter of a mile away."
So this War was something revolutionary, something to change, to make in some ways a
better nation, with a little more respect, with a more racional continent, a new United States,
when womens, mens, blacks or whites, making a new United States.


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