13 Bahtiar+Arbi (81-85)

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Proceeding ISET (2021) Universitas Negeri Semarang ISSN 2964-4291

International Conference on Science, Education and Technology 7 (1) https://proceeding.unnes.ac.id/index.php/iset

Festival Lima Gunung Magelang Performances in the

Covid-19 Pandemic Era
Bahtiar Arbi1*, Muhammad Jazuli2, Wadiyo Wadiyo2, Agus Cahyono2
UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author: bahtiar.arbi@uin-suka.ac.id

Abstract. Lima Gunung Community is a forum for traditional artists in the five mountains of Magelang, Central Java,
Indonesia. The five mountains are Mount Merapi, Merbabu, Andong, Sumbing, and Menoreh. Sutanto Mendut founded the
Lima Gunung Community to preserve traditional arts, especially those in the Lima Gunung area. Almost all of the arts in the
villages are an integral part of the implementation of local rituals. Traditional arts that are ritualistic are preserved in their
original form, while other arts that are entertainment are modified in such a way as to be contemporary. This contemporary
art tradition is expected to exist and not become extinct like other traditional arts that do not adapt to the present. Lima
Gunung Festival is a place for artistic expression for village artists and suggests contemporary traditional arts. Lima Gunung
Festival 2020 and 2021 will be held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Lima Gunung Festival is broadcast through the
youtube channel where the event is held suddenly to avoid crowds. The research method used is qualitative with an
interdisciplinary approach using ethnomusicology, sociology, education, and philosophy. The results of this study are
expected to provide local wisdom values, educational values, and cultural values during the COVID-19 pandemic situation
in Indonesia.
Keywords: performance arts; lima gunung festival; arts education.

How to Cite: Arbi, B., Jazuli, M., Wadiyo, W., Cahyono, A. (2021). Festival Lima Gunung Magelang Performances in the
Covid-19 Pandemic Era. ISET: International Conference on Science, Education and Technology, 7(1), 81-85.

INTRODUCTION ideologies, certain cultural hegemony, and

Magelang Regency is the only city in the colonialism. This becomes interesting because
world that is surrounded by several mountains the artists of the Lima Gunung Community take a
and a series of stretches of mountains. The postmodernist approach to break the
mountains are Merapi, Merbabu, Sumbing, establishment and deconstruct various
Andong, Telomoyo, Menoreh, and Mount Tidar, structuralist thought patterns and behaviours that
which is located in the centre of the city. On the are considered as a general truth.
slopes of the mountain, various folk arts develop. This research departs from previous relevant
Even in a hamlet, there are various kinds of art studies related to the formal object to be studied,
groups. In the beginning, folk art often functioned namely the art form, ideology, and values of art
as part of rituals, as well as having a function as education with its supporting concepts and
profane art. There are several large communities material objects related to art in the Lima Gunung
that house village and mountain artists, one of Community. Research related to the Lima
which is the Lima Gunung Community. This Gunung Community has been previously studied
community consists of artists, the majority of by Aswoyo et al. (2018), which examines the
whom work as farmers from the slopes of Mount philosophical meaning of the Lima Gunung
Andong, Merapi, Merbabu, Sumbing, and the Festival art, which represents the existence and
Menoreh mountains. This mountainside artist pride of the artists. A similar study related to
community makes art an integral part of their ideology has been studied by Jazuli (2011), who
daily life. examines the ideology of the puppeteer. This
The Lima Gunung community was originally research becomes the basis for researchers in
united by culturalist Sutanto Mendut who saw the examining problems related to the ideology of
great potential of village artists in Magelang. The artists. Relevant research related to inheritance,
potential of arts in texts and noble culture of the one of which departs from Triyanto's research
society in a wider context. A great civilization (2015) which discusses the inheritance of
that has unlimited culture and high value. Village ceramics, the process of inheritance of art
civilization or mountain civilization, Sutanto becomes the basis for researchers related to issues
called it, has local wisdom of art and civilization related to inheritance. The relevant previous
that takes the attitude not to submit to various studies became the basis of this research which

Bahtiar Arbi, et. al. / International Conference on Science, Education and Technology 7 (1) (2021): 81-85

was then studied using theories and concepts with Mount Andong; and (5) Merti Dusun with
a sociological and cultural approach which is Lengger art in Krandegan hamlet, Sukomakmur
expected to be able to produce new propositions village, Kajoran sub-district, on the slopes of
related to art forms, ideology, and art education Mount Sumbing. Art performances at the hamlet
related to the arts in the Lima Gunung rituals are held based on the Javanese calendar,
Community. which is jointly determined by the local hamlet
The Lima Gunung Community, with its community. Usually, the performances of the
complexity, exudes its own charm, ideas that village ritual arts are in the months of Suro, Sapar,
break the monotony and conservative thinking Mulud. For other months there are also different
reflected in their artistic process. This is a big rituals and sometimes also include art at the
concern for humanists, academics, public figures, celebration of Aum Tandur, Aum Panen, or
and other figures. Aswoyo (2013) revealed that Nyadran Makam.
the Five Mountain Festival is increasingly being The Lima Gunung Community usually holds
recognized by the wider community, including annual celebrations to celebrate the harvest, the
various artists and cultural circles from within relationship between the Lima Gunung artists,
and outside the country. Several names who have and as a form of the existence of the community's
been involved in observing the Five Mountain artistic expression. The artistic performances in
Festival include W.S. Rendra, Sal Murgiyanto, the Five Gunung Festival are inspired by artistic
Gunawan Mohamad, Emha Ainun Nadjib, Yenny activities in the community, both traditional ritual
Wahid, Gus Yusuf Chudlori, Sohn Jin Chaek arts and profane arts. The Five Mountains
(Artistic Director Michoo Theater Company) Festival, which is celebrated once a year, is a
Korea, Manuel Lutgenhorst (Production Director celebration of contemporary, traditional arts that
Film Maker) New York, Narumol have been created in such a way as an effort to
Thammapruksa (Theater lecturer from preserve traditional arts against the threat of
Chiangmai) Thailand. The Five Mountain extinction. However, in 2020 and 2021, due to the
Festival from year to year is increasingly impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Five
recognized by the wider community. In fact, one Mountain Festival celebrations were not shown
of Jathilan Turonggo Yakso's arts from the hamlet publicly and were carried out online. The Five
of Mantran Wetan was invited by the artistic Mountain Festival performance was carried out
director of WOMAD 2013 to join the Taranaki suddenly and secretly so that there were no
Art Festival Trust in New Zealand on 13-15 crowds of people in order to maintain health
March 2013. protocols. The Five Mountains Festival is
Five Mountain artists make art an inseparable broadcast live via Youtube and Facebook.
part of their lives. After carrying out the daily METHOD
routine of working in the fields and fields, then at
night, it is continued with artistic activities that The research method used is qualitative with
are passed down from generation to generation. an interdisciplinary approach using
This art is what they will display in the annual ethnomusicology, sociology, education, and
Five Mountain Festival in the form of performing philosophy. Sources of data in this study are
arts which includes music, dance, fine arts, and artists, books, articles, journals, other relevant.
literature. Aswoyo (2013), in his research article, Data collection techniques were carried out by
stated that the arts displayed at the Five observation, interview and document study. Data
Mountains Festival were inspired by art analysis is accessing data, organizing, sorting,
performances for ritual purposes held by the categorizing and classifying the collected data.
hamlet communities in the five mountains. The Data analysis aims to reduce data collection into
hamlet rituals are (1) Suran with Wayang Wong an understandable embodiment through logical
and Kembar Mayang dance in Tutup Ngisor and systematic analysis.
hamlet, Sumber village, Dukun sub-district; (2) RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Sungkem Tlompak, with the Mixed Art of Bawur
in Gejayan hamlet, Banyusidi village, Pakis sub- Sutanto, the founder of the Lima Gunung
district; (3) Nyadran Kali with Soreng art in Community, expressed his idea that one way to
Warangan hamlet, Muneng Warangan village, maintain tradition is to 'destroy' traditions.
Pakis sub-district; (4) Tumpeng Jongko with Destroying in quotation marks here is interpreted
Jaran Papat art in Mantran Wetan hamlet, Girirejo as an adaptation of art to the times. An example
village, Ngablak sub-district, on the slopes of is when the Soreng art with the accompaniment

Bahtiar Arbi, et. al. / International Conference on Science, Education and Technology 7 (1) (2021): 81-85

of the Trunthung musical instrument which is has been going on for twenty years and is funded
shaped like a tambourine but how to play it is independently by the artists who are members of
beaten using a bamboo blade, which was initially the Five Mountains Community. If it is like using
played by only one person, then by Sutanto the services of a professional event organizer, this
'destroyed' then made colossal played in groups. kind of festival is estimated to have a budget of
Trunthung's music, which used to be only an billions of rupiah. This festival is non-profit and
accompaniment to the Soreng dance, evolved into is not related to official government programs or
a separate musical performance with the original tourism agendas. This ideological attitude was
'nggandul' or syncopated rhythm like jazz in the taken because of the rise of politically charged
language of Western music. interests when investors wanted to donate their
The destruction of traditional art does not funds. These kinds of things were avoided by the
mean eliminating the element of authenticity. Five Mountains Community. Art must be
Sacred arts related to ritual activities are still independent and without being infiltrated by
carried out according to their original forms of politically charged illegal riders or other things
performance, such as Wayang Wong in Tutup that are colonialism trying to dominate.
Ngisor hamlet and Jaran Papat in Mantran Implicitly, Sutanto and his fellow artists from the
Wetan hamlet. The form of change in the context Lima Gunung Community are criticizing various
of art adaptation here is profane arts or things that are considered general truths.
entertainment, while sacred or ritual arts remain Breaking down something that is considered right
in accordance with local customs. Each village and established, such as the hegemony of the
has a variety of rituals that involve artistic aristocratic bourgeois aristocratic art hegemony,
activities within a certain period of time, and which is considered to have a higher position than
these activities take place from generation to proletarian folk art. Criticism of the import of
generation, including artistic activities. The ritual foreign ideologies that are swallowed raw and
activities are based on local community traditions interpreted is only interpreted denotatively in
such as tandhur, panen, bersih desa, suran, and order to get a contemporary predicate even
others. This routine ritual activity involving art in though it is westernized and even now Arab. The
the procession is what inspired the formation of city, which is considered a symbol of civilization,
an art festival, the Five Mountains Festival. actually represents the opposite. Village
The Five Mountains Festival agenda, which is civilization distorts this general truth, as
held once a year in the range of June-August, is a evidenced by various studies that reveal the noble
kind of culmination of offerings from a series of civilization of rural communities.
routine arts events held in villages, both ritual arts The Lima Gunung Community started from
and profane arts. This annual celebration is a form discussions with artists initiated by Cultural
of representation of gratitude for the harvests of Sutanto, the owner of the Mendut Gallery,
community members, the majority of whom work Magelang. Although it is not written, there is a
as farmers, and also as a forum for artistic very clear vision offered by Sutanto Mendut,
expression for farmers. The contemporary namely "the freedom of art to be enjoyed". The
language is “part-time farmer, full-time artist”, Lima Gunung artists have almost the same
which illustrates that art is more than just mindset, paradigm, ideology, and there are
entertainment. Art is an integral part of village similarities in vision and mission between the
society. This artistic process generally occurs artists and their supporting actors, which have an
continuously and is passed down from generation impact on the solid foundation of the Lima
to generation. Villages that have routine artistic Gunung Community. Any art can be performed at
activities indirectly provide an aesthetic the Five Mountains Festival, from the elite
experience to the surrounding community, bourgeois art of 'ngeratoni' to traditional populist
including children, youth, and the younger proletarian art, all of which are well
generation. The process of inheritance of this art accommodated. Likewise, colossal art requires
runs naturally and is non-formal. In addition to good skills and organization as well as virtuoso
the process of inheriting art itself, there are certain art to simply seek self-existence. Sutanto's actions
values that are implicitly also passed down to the in revitalizing the artistic passion of the village
next generation. The values of education and even community made him indirectly appointed as the
the intrinsic values of culture enter into the eternal 'President of the Five Mountains'. Sutanto
process of inheritance. is the main driving force behind the Lima Gunung
The celebration of the Five Mountains Festival Community, which brings long carriages of

Bahtiar Arbi, et. al. / International Conference on Science, Education and Technology 7 (1) (2021): 81-85

village and mountain artists to fight the occasions expressed his anxiety. So far, the
mainstream, are anti-establishment, and people have no sovereignty. Sovereignty belongs
deconstruct modernist ideas instead of seeking only to the government, rulers, and political
self-existence and public recognition. parties. The government enforces various policies
Art is related to ideology, art that makes that undermine local culture. These various
people see, perceive and feel, is actually the policies cannot be separated from the top officials
ideology from which art was born, to which art of this country who do not master the socio-
wallows, to which art refers. Art enables people cultural background of the community. As a
to witness the ideology from which it was born. result, anything must be imported from abroad,
Not only that, ideology sneaks into all human including technology and ideology. Cultural
activities and is identical to the life experience of subversion is needed here, and of course, the
human existence itself (Althusser, 2006). meaning of cultural subversion is different from
Ideology refers to the imaginary (or imagined) political subversion, which tends to be negative,
relationship of the individual to the real traumatic, radical. Cultural subversion
conditions of his existence (Burke, 2003). emphasizes the need for an alternative culture or
Jazuli (2012) cites the notion of ideology counter-culture to the official and dominant
according to Ramlan Surbakti and based on the culture that is reproduced and constructed by the
opinion of Peter L. Berger, Thomas Luckmann, state. Here, official culture is understood as a
George Larrain and Karl Mannheim, defines mainstream culture that manifests in the state's
ideology as a system of thinking that includes a way of thinking and acting towards a culture
set of ideas and knowledge, which forms a certain based on one-sided interests. The state is
definition of reality both cognitively and positioned above culture in order to control and
normatively. It is not neutral because it favours regulate culture. As the 'employer' of culture, the
certain values and interests and relates to the state tends to be the centre so that cultural values
power to maintain power relations or domination. can be determined based on the size it uses.
Furthermore, Jazuli argues that ideology serves to Furthermore, Tranggono (2007) explained
justify actions and solutions for those who are that the state carries out the legitimacyKasiyan
restless, hide contradictions leading to error, (2003) mengungkapkan bahwa untuk sekadar
provide a frame of reference for a loyal menunjuk satu hal yang sangat jelas dapat
community, organize and motivate action, and dijadikan contoh dalam bidang seni misalnya
become a criterion in evaluating policies and (baik seni rupa maupun seni pertunjukan),
actions. Ideology is usually formulated in the bukankah kesadaran berkesenian kita selama ini,
form of goals to be achieved and the methods baik dalam tataran disiplin keilmuan, sampai
used to achieve these goals. pada modus kreatif praksis dalam olah estetiknya,
Supeno (2007) argues that when the city hampir semua arus utamanya (mainstreams)
became a symbol of modernization, economic beraromakan Barat yang begitu menyengat? Juga,
progress and the peaks of civilization in the bukankah buku-buku pelajaran seni untuk
history of humanity, the Lima Gunung mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi misalnya, lebih
Community under the control of cultural activist akrab dengan tokoh-tokoh seperti Plato,
Sutanto Mendut saw the opposite. For them, the Aristoteles, Emanuel Kant, Baumgarten, Jean-
centres of change and progress of society are not paul Sartre, Hegel, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer,
in cities or palaces or metropolitan clusters but in Martin Heidegger, Michel Foucault, Claire Holt,
the mountains. The idiom of the mountain is very Lyotard, Baudrillard, dan Derrida, ketimbang
strong for the artists of the Lima Gunung nama-nama lokal atau nasional kita, misalnya
Community, not just continuing to use it as a para empu di masa riwayat kejayaan kerajaan-
designation and name but making it an ideology. kerajaan Nusantara, seperti Empu Kanwa, Empu
Mountains are the true source of life, which is full Panuluh, Empu Prapanca, Ronggowarsito,
of dynamics of creation from the earliest to the Purbacaraka, atau tokoh-tokoh lokal kita lainnya,
most contemporary, not in market transactions, yang notabene merupakan realitas terdekat di
but in the synergy of natural humanity. Taking sekitar tempat kita menghirup udara ini.
care of the mountains means taking care of Furthermore, Kasiyan (2003) explains that the
civilization. history of the existence of great artists almost
Tranggono (2007) quotes a cultural saying certainly tells about the history of Beethoven,
from W.S. Rendra, a great Indonesian poet who is Mozart, Pablo Picasso, David, Rembrandt, Van
also close to the artist Lima Gunung on several Gogh, Leonardo Davinci, Michelangelo, and

Bahtiar Arbi, et. al. / International Conference on Science, Education and Technology 7 (1) (2021): 81-85

several names of other Western artists, and not and coexist with art, be it from children to adults.
Sunan. Kalijaga, Sunan Bonang, Raden Saleh, Redana (2007) states that the inheritance of arts
Sudjojono, Nashar, Rusli, and a number of names in the Lima Gunung Community takes place
of our local artists, which we hardly notice. It also naturally, from generation to generation, without
means that there is a fatal and misleading coercion. Pure consciousness, soul calling, or
awareness that has been firmly entrenched in our whatever the term is. Children will be happy to
"academic tradition" so far, namely that it is as if come to the studio. If there will be art practice, the
Western art and culture are the reality of a children are free to do whatever they like, to
sparkling Ferris wheel, the source of all express themselves in such away. This activity is
enlightenment, and therefore deserves to be intended to strengthen children's artistic culture,
studied. -loved and idealized. On the other hand, to provide space for children to socialize
art and culture themselves are actually considered regardless of their origins, said Father Kirjito.
as realities that are at the opposite end of the The results of the show don't really need to be
negative pole, namely gloomy, a source of true. This is not a results-oriented show. Sitras
backwardness, and therefore very worthy of Anjilin also revealed, "Kids, you can do anything,
being eliminated and negated, in our own culture the important thing is to be happy." Children need
and consciousness, together. everything that is able to grow all their
This is what Sutanto and his friends who are tendencies, respond to life as flexible as the
members of the Lima Gunung Community are flexibility of art. Accept differences with an open
trying to deconstruct. Forming an anti- attitude, not fixated on something that is textually
establishment cultural subversion movement to formal. Explicitly there are values of non-formal
criticize western and national hegemony and arts education to hone creative capacity and
colonialism. Rohman (2007) revealed that the cultural awareness. Art in the Lima Gunung
Lima Gunung Community might be an ideal community tries to be like the peak of the
community as a means of learning together to Borobudur Temple, Arupadhatu, which is not
understand the relationship between religions and concerned with appearance.
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