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Webinar 1

I’m just gonna show you the basic functionality from this website so you can understand what
are you doing here or what you need to do in order just to follow all the indications from me.
The first thing is that this is the face of the website, I’m gonna explain you later on what this is
about the mentorship.
So this is the first phrase so what you need to do first is that if you are going to choose to follow
my signals you go here where it says Marcel’s life signals and in case that you want to follow
Christian’s life signals – it’s here, right next to my live signals.
I’m gonna start with my signals, so you click in there it says, right now, you can see there is a
menu here in the left and the first thing that you need to do when you are starting here is that
you need to read the banner rules.

The banner rules are going to show you the schedules or the weekly schedules that we are
going to start our sessions on daily basis. So in this case we are going to start from January 2 to
January 6th, this is only an example because this is always been changing and actually it
changed every Sunday. So you will find here, the schedule from Monday to Friday and the
schedules are in GMT plus zero so it will be really good that you can make the conversion to
your local country so you can know at what time you need to be on my sessions.
Another thing is that ai the beginning of of my sessions I always write the indications ( chỉ dẫn)
so you know what are we going to deal with on the current session. And this is the rules from

this date and you can see that I always write what time of the candles what expiration time are
we going to use the markets that we are going to trade with, the setup of the indicators in this
case we are using the RSI and the stochastic oscillator.
Some small recommendations for everyone so they can take it in consideration (sự cân nhắc)
before they’re going to start trading with me.
Let’s start with the candle. The candle time so far- we started on 2022, the candle time are
changing a lot of times during my session so it’s really important for me to let you know before
we’re gonna start that I’m going to provide the signal with the time of the candle that you need
to enter.
So that’s why it says will be announced on into recommendation the expiration time will
between 30 seconds and 1 minute, in order just get more informations about how to use the 30
seconds for one minute that will be in the next webinar.
I’m not gonna go too much detail on this it’s just for you to know where are all the important
informations that you need to catch before you’re going to start trading here.
So this is the market that I’m going to provide signals most of the time I can say like 99% that
thesr are not going to be the only market that we’re going to trade. These are the markets that
we are going to start trading because probably that some point those markets are gonna be low
profit percentage so I’m gonna switch into another pairs that are not going to be listed here. So
that is something that you need to take care in consideration. The setup for the indicators,
remember that for this room we are using 2 indicators which is the RSI and the stochastic
oscillators. In order for you to know the configurations from this setup will be in the next
webinar, as I already mentioned this is only small description of how the chat room is working
and to win this message I just write some small recommendations for everyone so they can
take even consideration before they’re going to start trading.
So the way that I just provide a signal would be that I always write the pair that we are going to
trade and the time of the candle that we are going to trade on that pair.
Next to that we’ll find the small recommendation that I always provide to everyone so they can
take into consideration (xem xét), in this case I was writing a Euro USD preparing for a call for 3

minutes candle. This case the irreside waiting so stay alert for breaking the resistance and we
need the Blue Line crossing up or following the other side after I just wrote the
recommendation I always write next to the signal. After the signal I always write the entry
point, the time of the expiration time and what time I just entered; this is the time from pocket

options I always try to use pocket options because codex has some tentacles to find nice profit
percentage markets so a pocket options is more open today, so this is a pocket options time. If
the result from my entry point it’s good or gets in the money I just write it in the money and I
just wrote how many times I just entered here by how many Pips I just want that operation.
( hoạt động)

Most of the time I just take my time just to find another nice pair so everyone can just enter in
This is current recommendation, and another recommendation before you’re just gonna enter

And then I just I put here the time that I just enter it for how long and at what time i just
entered here.
So my recommendation before you are just going to start trading here and this is the next step
that you need to follow is that you just go here where it says Marcel’s webinar, this is
something that you really need to go before you are just going to start trading on real account.
Phải coi các webinar thì mới hiểu được nội dung phần chat của tôi.
The next thing that in case that you are not interested in following my signals you can always
download the Master App which is a really awesome app I usually use it because sometimes
when I’m just training on my own I’m just operating with the applications.
Let’s just go for the courses. The courses are the master classes that we include in any
subscription that you are going to get. I would suggest that if you are a beginner on this binary
board, it’s only 10 courses, this is something pretty simple you just need to watch the videos
and just to to make notes about anything that you just find, you have any doubts you can
always ask me or bạn có thể viết những câu hỏi thắc mắc tại phần “My Notes”, nếu tôi có thời
gian tôi có thể giúp. Tại phần “Dashboard” bạn sẽ thấy được quá trình của mình. Tại phần
‘Mentorship” , Mentorship are that extra help that anyone can request be a customer service
and they can provide you with further information about how to schedule mentorship with me,
so you can schedule your mentorship here. Nếu bạn click vào ngày đó và có màu trắng này thì
có nghĩa ngày hôm đó hợp lệ, và mỗi ngày thì chỉ có 5 chỗ trống, nên sẽ dựa vào sự may mắn.

Và luôn nhớ phải đọc recommendations.

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