Grow Taller Bonus Report 12

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Grow Taller Bonus Report 12



As I mentioned before, your body needs energy to grow. In this, and in the following Bonus Report, I will go
over some energy cultivation practices.

The qi gong (chi kung / energy cultivation) exercises provided here are from Falun Gong. I have chosen them
because they are very simple and very effective. Even within the very few days of performing these
exercises you will feel the difference (increased energy) in your body and may experience it as a sensation
of heat.

The Falun of Falun Gong is an intelligent, spinning body of high-energy substances. It rotates according to the
order of the entire grand movements of the cosmos. In a sense, the Falun is a miniature of the universe.

People who practice Falun Gong are able to not only rapidly develop the power and supernormal abilities, but
also to procure a Falun through cultivation. Once developed, one’s Falun exists as an intelligent entity. It
automatically spins ceaselessly in the practitioner’s lower abdominal area, constantly absorbing and
transforming energy from the universe and ultimately converting the energy in the practitioner’s body.

When rotating clockwise, it vigorously absorbs energy from the universe and that energy is very strong. Its
rotational power becomes stronger as a person’s potency increases. When rotating counterclockwise, it
releases energy and provides healing to all beings, rectifying abnormal states, so the people around the
practitioner benefit.

A human body is composed of flesh, blood, and bones, with different molecular structures and components.
The molecular composition of the human body is transformed into high-energy matter through cultivation.
The human body then undergoes a change in its fundamental properties as it changes the vibration.

The most noticeable feature of cultivation methods that cultivate both mind and body is that they prolong a
person’s life and deter aging. Falun Gong also has this noticeable feature. Falun Gong works this way: It
fundamentally changes the molecular composition of the human body, storing the gathered high-energy
matter in each cell and ultimately allowing this high-energy matter to replace the cellular components.
Ultimately the person can preserve youth.

According to records, there was a person in Britain named Femcath who lived for 207 years. A person in
Japan named Mitsu Taira lived to be 242 years old. During the Tang Dynasty in our country, there was a monk
called Hui Zhao who lived to be 290 years old. According to the county annals of Yong Tai in Fujian Province,
Chen Jun was born in the first year of Zhong He time (881 AD) under the reign of Emperor Xi Zong during the
Tang Dynasty. He died in the Tai Ding time of the Yuan Dynasty (1324 AD), after living for 443 years. These are
all backed up by records and can be investigated—they aren’t fairy tales.

Falun Gong practitioners have come to have noticeably fewer wrinkles on their faces, which have a rosy,
healthy glow, thanks to cultivation. Their bodies feel really light, and they are not a bit tired when walking or
working. This is a common phenomenon.

Human body is a small universe. The energy of the human body circles around the body, and this is called the
circulation of the small universe, or the heavenly circulation. The Small Heavenly Circuit, in its true sense,
circulates inside the body. Through this internal circulation, all of a person’s meridians are opened up and
expanded from the inside of the body to its outside. Falun Gong calls for all meridians to be open at the

The Great Heavenly Circuit is the movement of the eight Extra Meridians, and it goes around the entire body
to complete one cycle. If the Great Heavenly Circuit is opened, it will bring about a state in which a person can
levitate off the ground. This is what is meant by "ascending in broad daylight".

The heavenly circuit in Falun Gong is much greater than the movement of the eight Extra Meridians that are
discussed in regular cultivation methods. It is the movement of all the crisscrossing meridians located
throughout the entire body. All meridians of the entire body need to be thoroughly opened at once, and they
all have to move together. These things are already embedded in Falun Gong, so you don’t need to
deliberately do them or guide them with your thoughts.

The objective of opening the meridians is to allow energy to circulate and to change the molecular
composition of cells, transforming them into high-energy matter. The meridians of non-practitioners are

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Grow Taller Bonus Report 12

congested and narrow. The meridians of practitioners gradually brighten and have their congested areas
cleared. The meridians of veteran practitioners widen, and they will widen even further during cultivation at
higher levels.

Falun Gong consists of five sets of movements, which are Buddha Showing A Thousand Hands Exercise,
Falun Standing Stance Exercise, Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremes Exercise, Falun Heavenly Circulation
Exercise and Way of Strengthening Divine Powers Exercise.

The Buddha Showing A Thousand Hands Exercise is centered around stretching to open up all energy
channels. After practicing this exercise, beginners will be able to acquire energy in a short period of time and
experienced practitioners can quickly improve. This exercise requires all energy channels to be opened up at
the outset, enabling practitioners to immediately practice at a very high level.

The movements of this exercise are quite simple and easy to learn. Though the movements are simple, on
the macro-level they control many things evolved by the entire cultivation system. When practicing this
exercise, your body will feel warm and you'll experience a unique sensation of there being a very strong
energy held. This is caused by stretching and opening all the energy channels in the entire This is caused by
stretching and opening all the energy channels in the entire body. Its purpose is to break through areas where
the energy is blocked, to enable energy to circulate freely and smoothly, to mobilize the energy within the
body and under the skin, circulating it vigorously, and to absorb a great amount of energy from the universe.
At the same time, it enables the practitioner to quickly enter the state of having a Qigong energy field. This
exercise is practiced as the basic exercise of Falun Gong and is usually done first. It is one of the methods to
strengthen cultivation.

The Falun Standing Stance Exercise is a tranquil standing exercise composed of four wheel-embracing
movements. The movements are monotonous, and each posture is required to be held for quite a long time.
Beginners may feel their arms heavy and sore initially. After the practice, however, their entire body will feel
relaxed without any feeling of tiredness. As the frequency and length of practice increases, practitioners can
feel a Falun rotating between the two arms. Frequent practice of the Falun Standing Stance will enable the
entire body to completely open up and enhance the energy potency. Falun Standing Stance is a
comprehensive cultivation method to increase wisdom, upgrade levels, and strengthen divine powers.

Penetrating the Two Cosmic Extremes Exercise is intended to penetrate the cosmic energy and mix it with
the energy inside of one’s body. A great amount of energy is expelled and taken in. In a very short time, the
practitioner can expel the pathogenic and black Qi from his body and take in a great deal of energy from the
cosmos so that his body can be purified, reaching the state of "a Pure-White Body" quickly. In addition, while
doing the hand movements, this exercise facilitates the "opening of the top of the head" and unblocks the
passages under the feet.

Falun Heavenly Circulation Exercise enables energy of the human body to circulate over large areas. Rather
than going through only one or several channels, the energy circulates from the whole Yin side of the body to
the Yang side over and over again. This exercise is much superior to the average methods of opening up the
energy channels, or, the great and small heavenly circulation. It is an intermediate-level exercise of Falun
Gong. On the basis of the previous three sets of exercises, this one is intended to open up all the energy
passages throughout the body (including the great heavenly circuit), so that energy channels will be gradually
connected throughout the whole body from the top to the bottom.

The most outstanding feature of this exercise is to use the rotation of Falun to rectify all the abnormal
conditions of the human body, so that the human body, the small cosmos, returns to its original state and the
energy of the whole body can circulate freely and smoothly. When reaching this state, the practitioner will
have achieved a very high level of cultivation.

The Strengthening Divine Powers Exercise is a tranquil cultivation exercise in Falun Gong. It is a multi-
purpose practice intended to strengthen one’s divine powers (including supernormal capabilities) and energy
potency by turning Falun with the Buddha’s hand gestures. This is an above intermediate-level exercise and
was originally kept as a secretive practice.

I recommend that you do these exercises before you listen to the growing taller recordings, because the
exercises will also bring about a state of inner calmness.

To watch the videos, you will need to have "Real Player" installed on your computer. If you don't have it, you
can download it by clicking here.

You can save these videos on your computer by right-clicking the following links and selecting "save target
as" from the pull-down menu.

Instructional Video - Exercise 1

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Grow Taller Bonus Report 12

Instructional Video - Exercise 2

Instructional Video - Exercise 3

Instructional Video - Exercise 4

Instructional Video - Exercise 5

Alternatively you can download the e-book with detailed information about the exercises with illustrations by
right-clicking here.

© 2002 - 2005, Dr. Laura De Giorgio,

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