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Grow Taller Bonus Report 3



At this point I would like you to get a binder or a note-book and to start recording your experiences with
self-hypnosis, exercises - particularly mind-training exercises that will begin with this report.

This will be your own personal journal and the purpose of it is to allow you to track your progress.

On some of the program tapes/CDs you are instructed to go to a place of power. Even though the place of
power is sometimes symbolically represented as a place - either as an imaginary sanctuary or laboratory, or a
physical space is designated for this purpose - a place of power is really a state of mind, a state of
consciousness of oneness - where past, present and future meet, meet as one, there is only NOW (eternal

Here your taller body already exists. It is real as soon as you imagine it. The moment you expressed desire
for a taller body, you created it - it exists now even as you read these words - only in a higher dimension, on a
higher vibratory level and all it needs is just extra energy (more energy than you can get from devitalized
food or even supplements)to be brought into your visible and tangible experience. You will learn different
ways for generating this extra amount of energy.

For now, while listening to the tapes/CDs, all you need to do to get closer to this state/place of power is
RELAX as deeply as you can. The more often you listen to the tapes/CDs, the more you practice becoming
totally relaxed, the deeper state of relaxation will you be able to experience.

If you are new to hypnosis, please check out this FREE DEMO which will help you to greatly accelerate your
progress and experience deeper levels of mind and deeper levels of hypnosis instantly.


You will write this exercise in your journal. It is a very simple exercise and the purpose of it is to establish
stronger connection between your conscious intent and your subconscious mind. You want your
subconscious mind to take your desire and intent to have a taller body seriously, don't you?

Take your journal and write down seven things that are easy for you to do, but which you have been
postponing to do, because they are not so interesting, or you were just simply lazy. For example: write a
letter to Sarah, make a phone call to uncle Jim, clean your desk, call that long-lost friend you were meaning
to, clean the room, wash those windows, scrub the bathtub, read 20 pages from self-hypnosis book, have the
oil changed in the car, sort out your financial records, etc. You get the idea.

During the next seven days, assign one of those things to one of the days of the week. For example: Day 1:
Write a letter to Aunt Sadie Day 2: Wash the laundry Day 3: Write a new resume Day 4: Sort out monthly
receipts Day 5: Clean the mess on the desk at the office Day 6: Clean the room Day 7: Wash the dishes

It may just happen that even though these are really easy things to do, you find yourself preoccupied with
other things and you find excuses not to do some of those things. Not this week! Even if you end up partying
all night, even if emergency occurs, go ahead and do the things you planned to do - even if you have to stay
up all night to complete the task. Say to yourself that no matter what happens, you are going to do the
planned tasks and then go ahead and do them!


Here are two parts of the exercise that will open and program your subconscious mind to come up with
creative solutions. Write them both in your journal.

During the first week of this exercise, each day pick a different object and write down in your journal 50 - 100
different ways to use that object. An object can be a pencil, a spoon, a glass, a book, a shoe, a coat-hanger,

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etc. You can take a spoon in your hand or just look at it, or pretend that you have become a spoon, and
consider 50 - 100 different ways in which you could use that spoon. At first you may come up with more or
less obvious uses, but when you run out of those, you'll begin to consider some unusual ways of using the
spoon. So under the uses for a spoon you may write: to eat, to open a can, to prop a window, to stir food, as a
page-holder in a book, as a measuring device, as an antenna, to break an egg, for catapulting food at your
favorite joker, as a back-scratcher, etc.

During the second week of this exercise, each day pick one activity that you do regularly, as a routine, in the
same way, and during this week do in in some way differently. For example, if you are always taking the
same route to go to school or to work, pick another route. If you have a morning routine, change it in some
way. If you always behave in the same way in some situations, change your behavior.

Affirmations are positive statements you choose to impress upon your subconscious mind in order to create
a desired change.

The best affirmations are stated in the positive (what you want to experience, not what you don't want to
experience) and are stated as if you already "are" or "have" the desired experience.

You can also add your name to the affirmation.

Examples of good affirmations: I, [name], am 185 cm tall now. I, [name], am growing taller now and I will keep
on growing until I am 185 cm tall.

You can also add 2nd and 3rd person affirmations (as if someone else was making the statement to you, or
about you to another person.

Examples: You, [name], are 185 cm tall. (2nd person - someone talking to you) [name] is 185 cm tall. (3rd
person - someone talking about you)

Mechanical repetition of an affirmation just won't do. To have greatest success with affirmation, you need to
get into a state of power. You can get into this state by PRETENDING and IMAGINING yourself as a being of
power (if it helps you, you can imagine yourself as a wizard, or a magician). Imagine that EVERY WORD you
say is a COMMAND, backed with power. Speak your words with CONVICTION and EXPECTATION that every
word of your affirmation will come back to you FULFILLED.

There are many different ways in which you can use affirmations, and I'll mention some other ways later. You
will greatly increase the effectiveness of your affirmations and the power of your word, if you practice saying
what you really mean, if you keep your promises, and if you speak only when you really have something
meaningful to say instead of engaging in mindless chatter.

To build confidence using affirmations, you can first experiment with issues that are not life-and-death
situations, situations that you'd enjoy if they happened, but if they don't it's not big deal. This will allow you to
"let go" and "let it happen" without feeling tense about the situation.

For example, you can state an affirmation in the morning that you are going to experience some wonderful
surprise this week (or today) and watch for wonderful surprises coming your way with a sense of joyful

Or, you can think of some dear friend you haven't heard from some time and you'd enjoy meeting with this
friend or talking with this friend and you can create an affirmation stating that a friend is going to call you now
or that you're going to meet with him (or her).

In the beginning, you may meet with more success if you create affirmations for general situations, rather
than specifics that are tied to specific people or events. As you meet with success and build confidence you
can move on to more specific people or events.

I'll go over more nutrients later on, now I'd like to mention fasting. When you abstain from food, your body has
an opportunity to rest, to cleanse, and your body releases more growth hormones.

You can fast one day per week. If you are used to eating heavy food you may find it more challenging, and

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easier if you just switch to eating lighter food once a week. Instead of eating steaks, you can eat only raw food
- fruits, nuts, salads. Then you can progress to one day a week on fruit juices, and then on a day (24 hours)
drinking only water.


In a glass of water, squeeze the juice of one fresh lemon, add maple syrup and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

You can drink as many of these "lemonades" as you like throughout the day, while you are fasting.

You may also find it easier to fast if you first prepare yourself mentally, as well as if while abstaining from
food, you do energizing exercises - absorbing the pure energy - light into your body - through breathing.

The best day to pick up for fasting is when you can have enough time to just rest and relax. It's a very good
time to listen more often to growing taller tapes/Cds as your subconscious mind will be more open to


Lie down with your face down on the floor. Start as if you were going to do push-ups. Both the arms and legs
are held straight supporting you and are spread out about the width of your shoulders and hips. Toes are in
the flexed position.

With your arms stretched, perpendicular to the floor, extend the head back and arch the back so that the body
is in a sagging position. Gently move your head backward as far as possible.

Now breathe in and bend at the hips, bringing the body up into an inverted "V". At the same time, tuck your
chin to chest. Exhale as you lower your body down.

Repeat all the movements gently. You can begin with 3 repetitions (or more, if you feel comfortable), and add
1 extra repetition daily, until you are performing 21 repetitions.

This exercise further opens the energy centers in your body and stimulates the movement of energy
throughout your body.

© 2002 - 2005, Dr. Laura De Giorgio,

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