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1. All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contract discuss.

2. Explain essential elements to invitation to a offer.

3. Define proposal (Offer)? Explain the circumstance under which it lapses?

4. Essential of valid acceptance and revocation of acceptance.

5. Explain void and voidable contracts.

6. Define consideration.

7. Agreement without consideration is void explain with exception.

8. Explain unlawful consideration and its effects?

9. Past consideration is no consideration explain?

10. Explain offer and acceptance can they be revoked?

11. Define consideration? Explain its exceptions.

12. Define offer? Explain the rule relating to valid offer with the help of decided cases.

13. Discuss the legal effects of minor agreement.

14. Person of unsound mind, persons disqualified by law explain?

15. Write a note on free consent.

16. Write a note on void agreements.

17. Define wagering agreements and sate its exceptions.

18. Write a note on contingent contracts.

19. What is difference between wagering contract and contingent contracts.

20. Explain in brief the various modes of discharge of contracts.

21. Write a note on anticipatory breach of contract.

22. Write a note on doctrine of frustration.

23. What are the remedies are available for a breach of contracts?

24. Explain general and special damages with the help of decided cases.

25. Explain Suit for damages or rule in Haley Vs Baxendale.

26. Write a note on remoteness of damage.

27. Explain quasi contracts.

28. Explain penalty and liquidated damages.

29. What is quasi contract? Explain the different types of quasi contracts under the Indian contract.

30. Explain perpetual and temporary injunctions.

31. Define fraud? And distinguish it from misrepresentation.

32. Write a note on agreement in restraint of trade.

33. Explain the provisions relating to cancellation of instruments.

34. Write a note on ratification of instruments.

Family Law/Hindu law – I

Who are Hindus? Persons to whom Hindu law does not apply?
2. Explain the features of a coparcenary and bring out the rights of a
3. Distinguish between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga schools of Hindu law.
4. Write a note on modern and ancient sources of Hindu law.
5. Briefly explain the sources of sources of Hindu law with special reference to
the customs.
6. Explain the salient features of Mitakshara school of Hindu law.
7. Explain the importance of customs.
8. Distinguish between smrutis and shruthis.
9. Hindu marriage is a sacrament and also a contract discuss.
10. Explain the constitutionality of restitution of conjugal rights with the help
of leading cases.
11. Write a note on void and voidable marriages.
12. Customary practices and legislative provisions relating to dowry prohibition
13. Explain the grounds on which a Hindu marriage can be dissolved by
14. Define and distinguish between judicial separation and divorce.
15. Write a note on divorce by mutual consent.
16. What is divorce? On what ground divorce can be obtained?
17. What is partition? Under what circumstances partition can be reopened?
18. Write a note on reunion?
19. Who is Karta? Discuss his positions, duties and powers.
20. Explain partition? Explain the various modes of partition?
21. Discuss the changes brought out before and after passing the Hindu
succession act 1956 in respect of the property rights of the female heirs.
22. Explain the requirements of valid adoption under the Hindu adoption and
maintenance act.
23. Who is a guardian? Explain the powers of natural guardian?
24. What do you mean by adoption? Discuss the changes brought about by
legislation relating to adoption.
25. Enumerate the important changes brought by Hindus succession act.
26. Write a note on testamentary guardian.
27. Write a note on will and Gift.
28. Essential of endowments.
29. Discuss the types of property owned by a Hindu woman state the changes
brought to women’s estate.
30. State the dependents under Hindu adoption and maintenance act 1956.
31. Distinguish between obstructed and unobstructed heritage.


1. What is crime? Explain the difference between crime and tort?
2. Explain types of punishments to which offences are liable under IPC with
special reference to death sentence?
3. What is mens era? state its significance in statutory offences.
4. Write a note on public servant.
5. Explain the nature and extent of unsoundness of mind required to exempt a
person from criminal liability with reference to leading cases.
6. Define crime? Distinguish with morality? Explain the role of mensrea in
statutory offences.
7. Write a note on concept of crime.
8. Discuss the right of private defense? When does it extends to causing death
while defending the body?
9. Explain giving false evidence and fabrication of false evidence.
10. Explain the circumstances under which culpable homicide amount to
11. What is kidnapping? Distinguish from abduction.
12. What is criminal misappropriation of property? How does it differ from
criminal breach of trust?
13. Explain the ingredients of the offense of cheating with illustration?
14. Explain the brief the offences relating to marriage?
15. Write a note on accident.
16. Write a note on dowry death.
17. Write a note on criminal trespass.
18. Who are the possible parties to a crime? Discuss.
19. What is giving false evidence? Distinguish from fabricating false evidence.
20. Explain the distinguish between culpable homicide and murder.
21. In all robbery there is either theft or extortion? Explain?
22. Define and distinguish criminal misappropriation of property and breach of
23. Write a note on offences relating to public tranquility.
24. Write a note on unlawful assembly.
25. Offences relating to public servants.
26. Offences relating to election.
27. Explain the essentials of criminal trespass, house trespass and house
28. Define forgery and false documents under Indian penal code.
29. Write a note on common intension a common object.
30. Write a note on attempt and abetment.
31. Write a note on Concept of lawful authority.
32. What is force? When does it becomes criminal force?
33. What is robbery? When does it become dacoity?
34. Discuss the offence of adultery with recent developments.
35. Discuss the term of defamation with exceptions.
36. Write a note on sedition.
37. Write a note on rape.

Law of Torts

1. Define tort and explain the essential elements of torts?

2. Explain the liability of state for the torts committed by its servants.
3. What nuisance? Explain the different kinds of nuisance?
4. What is negligence? Discuss the important features of negligence with
suitable cases.
5. What is malicious prosecution? Explain its ingredients.
6. What are the general defenses available in case of tortious liability? Explain.
7. Explain the maxim damnum sine injuria and damnum with the help of
leading cases?
8. What are the exceptions to non voluntinonfit injuria explain with cases?
9. Discuss the rule laid down in Rylands vs. Fletcher case with exceptions.
10. Explain the difference between Libel and slender.
11. Define Assault and distinguish between from battery?
12. Write a note on remoteness of damage.
13. Define defamation? And Explain with appropriate cases the essential
features of defamation?
14. Explain the term of complaint and complainant under the consumer
protection act 1986.
15. What is strict liability? Discuss the Exceptions to strict liability with
appropriate cases.
16. Discuss the concept of strict liability and absolute liability.
17. Explain the forums created under consumer protection act 1986.
18. Trace the development of law of torts in England and India.
19. Distinguish between Damnum sine injuria and injuria sine damnum?
20. Explain the plaintiff fault and act of God as general defenses with decided
21. What is vicarious liability? Explain with decided cases.
22. Difference between servant and a independent contractor.
23. Write a note on false imprisonment.
24. Write a note on restrictive trade practice.
25. Who is consumer? Explain the objectives of consumer protection act.
26. Explain the composition, appointment and jurisdiction of national
27. For the purpose of promoting the sale, the tradesman adopts unfair trade
practices? What are those trade practices?
28. Write a note on Res Ipsa loquitur.

Constitution Law-I

1. Define constitution? Explain the kinds of constitution.

2. Preamble meaning, importance, objectives and values enriched the
3. Is the preamble is a part of the constitution explain?
4. Write a note on constitutionalism.
5. Explain Salient features of Indian constitution?
6. Explain the modes acquisition of citizenship.
7. Define state under article 12.
8. Explain pre constitution and post constitution laws.
9. Explain doctrine of severability and doctrine of eclipse.
10. Explain judicial review under article 13.
11. Explain general equality clause under article 14.
12. Explain judicial interpretation on equality.
13. Explain equal opportunity reservation under article 16.
14. Explain constitutional provisions on untouchability under article 17.
15. Write a note on freedom of speech and expression.
16. Write a note on freedom of assembly.
17. Explain freedom of association, freedom of movement and freedom of
18. Explain freedom of trade or business on reasonable restrictions.
19. Explain Expost facto law – double jeopardy.
20. Write a note on self-incrimination under article 20.
21. Explain the rights of arrested person.
22. Explain preventive detection laws under article 22.
23. Explain freedom of religion enriched Indian constitution.
24. Write a note on judicial interpretation.
25. Explain restrictions on freedom of religion.
26. Explain constitutional and educational rights of minorities.
27. Explain various kinds of writs?
28. Explain directive principles of state policy and fundamental duties.
29. Explain inter relation between fundamental rights and directive principles
30. Explain Fundamental Rights enriched in the Indian Constitution.

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