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Who Is Telling the Tale?

1.Choose a name and describe what you look like!

2.What was the equipment you carry with you?
Be specific:

A battleaxe?
A bandolier of deadly poisons?
A set of Lockpicks?
50 m of rope?
3.What is/was your adventurer class?
4.What are some things you are good at? Write
down the two things you are best at.
5.That's it!
How Stories are Made
Whenever you recall something that
could end poorly:
1.Tell everyone what happened,and how you did
2.Roll two six-sided dice
+1 for each advantage/ -1 for each disadvantage
you had. Like:
You have the element of surprise!
Advance scouting gave good intel
Your weapon was damaged!
3.If the value is 8 or higher, the event unfolds
exactly as you described it.
4.If the value obtained is lower, something else
actually happened! You may choose the GM or
another player to continue the story and explain
what happened.
No Two Tales are Quite
the Same
Something is always happening!
Give the players a problem and ask, “What
do you do?”
Nothing never happens!
If a player fails a roll, make something bad
happen instead! If you’re having trouble coming
up with something good, just ask the players for
an idea.
These aren’t all the rules!
It’s just a place to start. As your group comes up
with new rules to handle specific situations, make
sure to write them down! If there’s a rule you
don’t like, scratch it out with a permanent
Be excellent to each other!
These are your friends we’re talking about. Treat
them with kindness and empathy.
Tales of Yore
1. The Lost Treasure of Elduune is hidden within a
labyrinth full of traps and guarded by an Ancient
Golem. How did you retrieve it?
2. The Kingdom of Crourith has been under siege by a
undead horde for several days. How did you stop the
undead invasion?
3. There's a tradition in the Village of Refra where
they send groups of young men on a trip to the
Cavern Above the Hill when they reach adulthood.
Recently, the young men haven't been coming back.
What did you find within the Cavern?
4. The Norneau Wilds has been slowly encroaching on
its neighboring town of Wastow - its flora taking
over parts of the town and its fauna posing a threat to
Wastow's populace.
5. Once thought to be only a legend, the Temple of
Krakaum suddenly appeared in the middle of the
Dry Expanse, bringing with it untold secrets and

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