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All : Good morning everyone

123 : First let me introduce myself. my name is ……. , ……. and……..
1 : First, i will talk about application Lord of News it app genre News.
1 : It helps to solve problems for people don’t have time to watch TV.
1 : The objective of the app is give you real-time news.
report on current social and economic situations.
would like everyone to share news in area.
2 :Let’s now move on this app it allows you to news reports on selected to
This app it can present news freely.
This app it help you follow the news that intersts
2: The app has features Push notification , Security , Geolocation , Feedbac
k system , Social media integration.
2: such as Security Have password to enter the app.
3: This app will be in Android.
3: This app is better than competitors this app can let everyone write a news
blog on a topics of intersts.
3: Let me and by saying application Lord of News.
3: If there are any questions, I will do my best to answer them.
123 : Thank you for your attention

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