Activity-08-Group-7 - Original

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Name Contribution Signature

Leader: Salvador, ● Prepared the slides
Armin Ryg B. ● Summarize all pictures of Specimens
● Encodes info given information by the members of
the Group.
● Provided needed information for specimen
● Proofread the answers for this activity.
● Focused Specimens
● Assisted in performing laboratory exercises.
● Provided some of the resources needed to answer
the activity.

● focused and provided info about the non

medullated nerve fibers and focused the specimens.

● Answered Enrichment activity

1. Soriano, ● Provided needed information for specimen
● Focused Specimens.
Lawrence ● Assisted in performing laboratory exercises.

● provided info about Cardiac muscle and smooth

muscle. Focused the specimens

2. Teneza, Irize ● Summarize the whole activity ‘

● Removed the background of specimens
A. ● Focused Specimens
● Provided information for Specimens
● Assisted in performing laboratory exercises

● provided info about striated muscle, revised the

form . Focused the specimens

3. Timbol, Mela ● Provided needed information for specimens.

● Took micrographs of the specimens.
Chrizelle ● Provided the digital equipment to take micrographs.
● Assisted in performing laboratory exercises.

● provided information about myelinated nerve

fibers. Took pictures of the specimen

4. Valdez, Erica ● Provided needed information for

● Prepared the equipment (compound microscope)
needed for the activity.
● Provided the digital equipment to take micrographs

● provided info about the frog spinal cord. Focused

the specimen

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Prepared slide: Striated/ Skeletal Muscle

Objective used: High Power Objective

Total magnification: 400x

Type of Muscular Tissue:

Striated/ Skeletal Muscle is a type of Muscular Tissue that is composed of long cells called
muscle fibers. These muscle fibers are organized into bundles supplied by blood vessels
innervated by motor neurons. They are also cylindrical, multinucleated, striated, and under
voluntary control.

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Location in the Body:

Striated/ Skeletal Muscles are attached to the skeleton or the bones by the tendon. Their
primary function is to contract and relax the bones in response to voluntary messages from the
nervous system.

Prepared slide: Cardiac Muscle

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Objective used: High Power Objective

Total magnification: 400x

Type of Muscular Tissue:

Fibrous tissue called muscle contracts to cause movement. Numerous different cell types,
including fibroblasts, smooth muscle cells, and cardiomyocytes, can be found in the highly
organized cardiac muscle.

There is only cardiac muscle in the heart. It has cardiac muscle cells, which carry out carefully
orchestrated activities to maintain the heart pumping and the blood flowing throughout the
body. The movements that cardiac muscle tissue creates are unconscious, in contrast to skeletal
muscle tissue, such as that found in the arms and legs. This indicates that they are automatic
and are not within the control of the individual.

Location in the Body:

Cardiac muscles are typically located in the walls of the heart

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Prepared slide: Smooth Muscle

Objective used: High Power Objective

Total magnification: 400x

Type of Muscular Tissue:

The three different forms of muscle tissue are skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. Cardiac muscle
cells are found in the heart's walls, where they can be seen as being striped (or striated) and
controlled by an involuntary process. Except for the heart, smooth muscle fibers are found in the
walls of hollow visceral organs (such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines), are spindle-shaped,
and are similarly controlled involuntarily. Muscles that are connected to the bone contain skeletal
muscle fibers. They appear striated and are controlled voluntarily.

Location in the Body:

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Except for the heart, smooth muscle fibers are found in the walls of hollow visceral organs
(such as the liver, pancreas, and intestines), are spindle-shaped, and are similarly controlled


Prepared slide: Myelinated (medullated) nerve fibers

Objective used: High Power Objective

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Total magnification: 400x

Type of Nervous Tissue (as to myelination):

Myelinated nerve fibers are neurons whose axons are unsheathed by myelin formed by
oligodendrocytes. Myelin internodal lengths are produced at the ends of oligodendrocyte processes
during development. An internode is formed by the spiral wrapping of oligodendrocytes plasma
membranes. Myelin, which consists of lipoproteins, gives the sheaths of the myelin sheath their white
color in unfixed brains. Thus, white matter refers to tracts of the central nervous system that contain
mostly myelinated fibers and few neurons.

Location in the Body:

Myelinated fibers make up the white matter in the CNS, in contrast to normal retinal nerve fibers,
myelinated retinal nerve fiber layers (MRNF) have a myelin sheath. They appear as gray-white
patches with frayed borders anterior to the neurosensory retina. Visual acuity is typically poor to
begin with, and the improvement of visual function in patients undergoing occlusion therapy

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Prepared slide: Non-myelinated (unmedullated) nerve fibers

Objective used: High Power Objective

Total magnification: 400x

Type of Nervous Tissue (as to myelination):

Location in the Body:

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Prepared slide: Frog’s Spinal Cord

Objective used: Scanning Objective

Total magnification: 10x

Description of the Spinal Cord:

This image is a magnified version of the area inside the frame in the preceding diagram. Near
the bottom of the photograph, the central canal (see arrow) is still visible. The distinction
between gray (gm) and white matter (wm) is more pronounced here. The majority of the black
specks are gray matter neuron nuclei and supporting cells in both gray and white matter.


1. Differentiate the three types of muscular tissues (skeletal/striated, smooth and cardiac
muscular tissues) in terms of the following:

Skeletal Smooth Cardiac

Muscle Tissue Muscle Tissue Muscle Tissue

Specific cell form Long, Spindle Spindle, Short,

cylindrical, and narrow, and
striated fairly
rectangular in

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Diameter of the 100 µm 200μm 10–20 μm
muscle fiber (muscle

Location of the Found at the Centralize Centralize

nucleus/nucle periphery of the
myofiber, just
below the

Number of Multinucleated Uninucleated Sometimes

nucleus/nuclei per uninucleated,
muscle cell sometimes

Presence of Striations are No striations. Striations are

striations present. Do not have present.
Has the the presence of Has the
presence of striations since presence of
striations since they contain striations like
the filaments of thick and thin Skeletal
actin and filaments that Muscular Tissue
myosin that do not arrange since the
power their into filaments of
contraction are sarcomeres. actin and
organized into myosin that
repeating power their
arrays called contraction are
sarcomeres, organized into
which give a repeating
striated arrays called
microscopic sarcomeres,
appearance. that give a

Presence of No intercalated Intercalated Intercalated

intercalated disc disc. discs are discs are
present. present.

Nervous control Somatic Autonomic Autonomic

Nervous Nervous Nervous
System System System

Organ where each is Tendons, Liver, pancreas, Heart

located biceps, triceps small intestines

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2. State the functions of the nervous tissue.

Neurons and neuroglia are the two main classifications of nervous tissue.Nervous Tissues are
found in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves and it is responsible for coordinating and
controlling many body activities. Specifically, the following are the functions of the nervous

● It stimulates muscle contraction

● It creates the awareness of an organism of its environment
● It plays a major role in emotions, memory, and reasoning
● Neurons generate and carry out nerve impulses. They produce electrical signals that are
transmitted across distances, they do so by secreting chemical neurotransmitters.
● Responds to stimuli
● Carries out communication and integration
● Provides electrical insulations to nerve cells and removes debris
● Carries messages from other neurons to the cell body
● Neuroglia serve a variety of purposes, including nourishing and safeguarding neurons
● whereas neurons, or nerves, conduct electrical signals.
● The activity of the nervous system thus regulates the ability to move, breathe, see, think,
and do other things.
● A nerve cell, often known as a neuron, is the basic unit of the neurological system.


Visible Body (2022). 3 Types of Muscle Tissue: The Function of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth
Muscle. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

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Horowitz, D. (2021). Type of muscle tissue. Medline Plus. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Eske, J. (2019, June 21). What to know about cardiac muscle tissue. Medical News Today.
Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Baxter, R. (2022, June 30). Types of muscle cells. Ken Hub. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Lee Sweeney, H. & Hammers, D. (2018, February 10). Muscle contraction. Cold Spring Harbor
Perspectives in Biology.

Akinrodye, M. & Lui F. (2021, November 14). Neuroanatomy, somatic nervous system. National
Library of Medicine. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Imoto, A. (n.d). The control of smooth muscle tissues by nonadrenergic noncholinergic (NANC)
nerve fibres in the autonomic nervous system. National Library of Medicine.

The Austin Community College District (n.d). Spinal Cord 40x. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from

Mary Elizabeth Hartnett, MD. (2022, August 2) Myelinated Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer

Alan Peters. The effects of normal aging on myelinated nerve fibers in monkey central nervous

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